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Lindsay Post (1907), 20 Dec 1907, p. 7

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to h old. farm 'iS $00 ”among 4“ of g: hides having some “ folks; you. hJJ'E too much help, and comes to your mind- hnre.’ Your neigh'u Rh ,n‘xccd. unless yc fires: of your lite Bayou (mainly hm i600 to rent. a ne ad give the own: ‘30!!! 1.1 nor in ren DIS. then: Business he there,-why not (some land in the in only furnish 3 350 increase in van in: you know ya SM: a nice little ha TO-DAY LAND WWW may Lindsay Boy's Advice to the-Enterprising Youth of Victoria County- Land is Still Cheap, But the‘Opportunity to Secure it is Passing. Notice is hereby given, pursuant, to 18.9.1397, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, that all ”filters and persons having ebims inns: the astute of the said Clam Bir- elm3,"!10 died on or about the 232d day Spepber, A.D. 1907, are requested on ma wk 1 October "before t] Twenty-first Day of December, A. D. 1907, “send by post prepaid or deliver to the “enigma Solicitors for the Executogs “the ebtate of the said deceasefi, the): M98. addresaes and description. full p"Milan-s of their claims and sceannts, 393m: patnre of the securities, it any, Medan of their “‘1 the nature of Mid by them. And funher, t3}: ‘1 2131'. day of e hunks will prc "M- of the said M entitled t] My ‘0 the claim: 3“! notified, and u” "id assets or a "”3. 0? person, m!” have be? ‘TGo West, Young Man,” ° There is Still Time NOTICE TO CREDITORS. “"‘id assc-fs or any part thereot to any in! M“ person, of whose chi-n notice fine not have been received by them st. tin“ 0f such distribution. Wed eds: Livdsay this27th day of Nov- % Lb.1907. F1“ Started in Stinson's Tinwore Shop and Spread to Adjoining Premisesâ€"- L063 about $10,000â€"Eifective Work of Local Fire Brigade and Citizens Prevented a Conflumiommade Not Needed. “3 Davidson Grist Ill] 11v. “Whthe public. ingdone "981113 a bagp, for cl . mm“: mus swm EARLY LAST FRIDAY ,Post stands indeoted .to Mr. M. ough. of Brandon. Man, son '01 M. H. McGeough, 0‘ this town. hefolloxving interesting and} un- ging letter relatiVe to Weatgtn 3cm \\ urged certaimthaitbt rwill mg: many the young men. .91 mg who may 08; in dou'Jt 85 b adviSuoL‘Lizy of leaving Onitar °f $18 Town of Lindsay, in the Com W0! Victoria, Solicitors for Richard N-Dl ‘0, Alexander McKay and John bud“, Executor: of said Esm further, take notice that after the 3!: day of December, 1907, the said :ors will proceed to distribute the of the said deceased among the I entit‘md thereto, having regard othe (-l-sims of which they have notified, and will not be liable for hem Our Own Correspondent.) BE Dec.13th.â€".'1‘he citizens ,6 are in gloom. over the than me which visited thaivillmge ning. The last contlagra- {red about ten years ajzo. e originated in the rear of 11‘s tin warehouse. anddookj- .t might kbayo mntud tron! at those .who were (there at: night left no 'trmoe of. fire; ; being; one cent of insurance it looks .as it it ma. rock. bunk“. mm mama directed to sav- inlz the Mechanics’ Institute bui-ldh in; nhijoining John Mch‘s beauti- ful P'mbk minimum. must both ”of these More awed tenants :groat credit! to ma fine fighters. Prhe Peterfooro bnyxde were telephoned. tor, but the request was nanoelled when it was San tho local brigade .had‘ pthe £42 mes under nontrol. U l fl'lie' oases are as follows; D. Staini- sons stock. total 1039; Mrs. Norris, $1060 on brick house 0113:]. no insur anre on-oontsnts; Geo. Griffin, 1083 part-1y covered by, insurance; A. Laid- uung manâ€"In a. few years , longer be a. young mm- rm “is too small; to dzvide .111 of grown ~up boys.: A1113 something for the you. 124% also. perhaps, help. and the questnon 'uur mindâ€"what about the Juf neighbor‘s farm is too 1. unkss you wish to spend 1 your life paying: for it.’ ruinly have too much am- NOTICE [Monâ€"Having been re. several of your Lindsay give my opinion upon the m1 advantages of a. Wes- -. I take this Opportunity ng my views. Although. bjccn already widely c.113- ru is always much left un- ~rchance them: few wows an limited expexience and may tend to enlighten 1‘an a. neighboring tam: the owner the fruits ,or in rent. Go into busi- ‘ Bucdness is already over- â€"why not. then. get. hold mi in the West. and let ‘ furnish you a. home. but sc in value. till the first know you. find yourself -: little bank account! AY LAND IS CHEAP lste your time in those L196 countries looking (or {0 “turn up.” GeL in he- 00 late. Get the virgin. use fertile. gently rolling rin‘; flames spread to the Jildings â€" Mm Norris’ 3;: and Geo. Griffin’s tai- 1‘1 all the efforts of the :- {tu fire engine ~ and: “005's" who have the Juragc to pack up and. wit fortune 1n this glor- ndJnt land we ca.“ "the McDIARMID WEEKS», GEORGE DAVIDSON. Limo 'f the Estate of CLAIM? ),1aIe of the Towns/zip of z :12: County of Victoria, eased. POST. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. BBC» 20th} '07 ‘Die great wealth of lignite coal which is found so abundantly. in Al- berta tells of bygone centuries when those how fiat prairies were oovucd with dense forest. The rocky ledges. and the hills form a chapter. in pro- file. telling of aglacial period. whi;h accounts for the deep. rich. black. loam, formed of several layers of debris. worn and washed down. from the mountain side. These provincns, have passed their glacial period. their buffalo periods. their Indian periods, their cold and dry periods. and Na- ture can no longer afford to have these great. energies wasted, the flow- (the losses are as follows; 3. S‘tinia son's stock, total 1033; Mrs. ”Norris, $1000 on brine-k house only. no insur- anre all-contents; Geo. Griffin, 10$ part-1y covered bx insurance ; A. Laid- vlev. loss partly covered; Masonic b.1111. 3:58 partly covered. ‘\ ' prairies nave been 'iying here for countless ages, Judging from the geological composition of .the soil. Much regret and sorrow isflelt for the Norris family. who were ,unsucv- cesstul in saving even their. fivcarhg these great energies wanted, the flow- ers unesen and unplucked by little fair hands, and the fragrance of these millions and milliona of flow- ers nourished early by, the lowly warm Chinook. The country is now ripe for the actual settler, who can engoy the domestic product: of the soil. There has never been a time in the history of the Canadian North- west when a man who hopes to own a farm must act sapromptly, as_ now. Only a few short years and. it Will be too late. The tide of immigration \\'€St_'-\a1'd was never exceeded before. 'Ihe Americans of the Dakotas and Central States are selling their farms and rushing to the Canadian West. Take. for instance. a man who comes here and buys a. farm. say for ten or fifteen dollars per acre, breaks it and seeds, and the same season. pay: for his {arm out of that crap. Rail- “ays are branching out everywhere. and most of the pioneer homestead’u ness men and women, more. especial- ly to land investors. Land :5, cheap at ten dollars per acreâ€"this makes it possmie [or the poor mam to be- come rich, the rich man more; pros- perous. while at the same tima this daes not. as some people might sup- pme. breed 'indolencc, but. on the contrary, stimulates action to such k Passing from "the actual farmer. this country affords excellent oppor- tvnmcs Ior the professional and busi- ness men and women, more. especial- ly to land investors. Land :5, cheap a degree that. some have to restrain themselves lest they forget the plea- sures and recreations_ in life, which are so plentiful here, and when _y_o.1 can well afford to enjoy, .V The wmter is said. to ha a drawa. back, but no-lc is really, an. advan- tage. People have a. chance to cul- tivate themselves socially and intel- lectually, and gather around their cheerful ‘flresldés in .the goal old way. Others permanently: settled: have the Opportunity in winter to re- visit 0111 scenes in the eas'q or else- where. The unequal distribution of sex has been a serious drawback in former years. but during the lash two years the number of women has doubled, homes are being established on little knolls, where the lone coy- ote used to stand. and howl 1n (1‘:- spniri, and howl again to hear his own echo. Towns are springing up where bands of scouts had their camp LI es, their buffalo hunts and pow. -.vc‘.'-'s,,. the ranching districts resolving in- to school districts. etc. For example: take the town of Lanigan, Sash, uro hundred miles northwest. of here. IVherc 18 months agowas bare pm. rie now stands a town, containing its storesâ€"furniture, groceries, any goods and hardware. 'its good hotel accommodation, its school and Board of Trade, and roundhouse. This is an example of western push and energy. =Be{ore_mnnx years have passes! all the opportunities will be over and those ~that accepted them will be en- ‘joying the fruits 01: their youthful ‘labors in comfort and contentment. My advice coincides with “Gmeley's"._ “Go most. young man, and grow: up with’ the country.” Mâ€" MnGEOUG-H, if. Brandon. Mia-11.. Dec. 11th1 ’07, , (Io the Editor of The Post.) Sinâ€"(rho local option byylaw was cumier in the township 0! ,analom in sunny. 1905, and cam in force | the foullorvninr,r January. s'rhe law has much Iairiy we‘ll «enfomed, andfihe ro- emulrts have been very satistaotory‘ Nine out 01 ten of the reaidentu of the village of Cameray am prepared! to .{t-Stlfy to the whmrkaable improve: mat in the order oi our wifllaze. .Wmie. under license it m1uently VM'Ip-enad that the peaneazole residents would be diqtumad' in their .homal and kept awake through tha night by dzstunbanm on the must: now‘ our villaga is as quiet and oqlarly nanny. in the bountry. . - i .l‘ho client 01 ducal option on W 11:95:. is all that could. £03 desired. The only business that has been curtail.- ed Lb the ibusineiss oi sellin: intoxicati- iua,‘ drink; all others have baenbemh clitwd. 'Wc have one of «the best; â€"â€"â€"â€".â€" m During the summer marries inten- ea‘wu on the diquor trams circulated I metition for ;xepeal, and . amen. months of canvassing, have succeeded m muting the requisite 23 4:01: cent. Our Council "has gassed the repeal byt. kw, and it will be voted on the first: Monday in January. We believe that our citizens .will rise in ythe might of their manhood and sustain --.--.- «.mnrt freedom from the liquor might of their manhood and sustain our present freedom from the liquor txafiin by'a flmrger majority than loo-F lore. Some 013 our most choughdufl ouizem. who could not augport lo- an onion three y¢ars ago. _are so convxnced of its value than: they. will hartiiy sugport it now. -‘_ M’o bwll upon all our electors who 1075 order and sobriety. and 5who valué our (present business prosper- i-tV. Lo rally to the polls on January 6th and bury this repeal oy-lnw un- der such a shower of (pure and.. honest votes that it shall not (be. heard of gum tor many years to come. â€" Yuma. can. A BATEPAYER. Fcnqlon. Dec. 11th. ‘ . Moy has, not toeen a new u. .. -.--_ Goth want of what was mud during; a. similar period under license. lA drunken man is never seen in our “Hue. and if any are ever mad“ daunk they are carefully stawei aWay and cured [or that they am. an an” noyuwe to no one. L . , During the summer wartice inten- (m. the Editor of The Post.) Sunâ€"I just want to say a, tow. tow words regarding a flutter I Haw in H1» Post concerning local option in Radon township. I do not think the person knew what he“ was tadkimz about when he says the village in ban-fitted. by it: anyway, he'_-Was ashamed to sign his or. he: name to “OHM . {-1 nished and wheat managed game! atoms in many miles around. and the business is growing rapidly. In the do! yes of beetles, men have been known to enter our ioarroom with $50 on $60 in their «pocket, and“ come out; with .1098 than $10. Ihis money. now new: in other channels. In. those days men were known to spend a We do not pretend thmh no l‘guor has bum sold in our township" for 1.31 Lines have been fined for 50410133. but Me do 'not claim that. what may h-Iw been sold in a 315'. sncéking mm has not (been a 3(1th or a tweak When there .was a licensed thouse in Cambray there were two {general etcns -â€" one hardware. one ' shoe 3x101, one Ibanoer shop and ‘a 53108 staple , now there is only. gone igenero a! store, and one hardware store. and the two blacksmith shaps do not ge‘t 1t. hard tithes; they sent outfitheir ac- (cunts months earlier this {all than \ uJu ___, gxcat dead 02 cash over .the 'bar, while they (ware owing our business .men astounts that could not be ,colleodâ€" arr othcx previous year. 11 you call {hut "oenefifltrad. I {all rto 59° it The writ” spoke about drinking men not liming seen in the .vulage any more! if there are any such, they: are Infid- deny anvay. I defy any): pqrson to point out one instance where :I ew- er bid a drunk \awa‘yq “As 101‘ drunks, I have seen lots. of them cune right from Lindsay. and other waxes and six out on gny plattomm and pass the bobble from one to the other. {trey have the privileges \ot, warming themselves at :my fire and 1mm; my yams and shed“. and go out on the stxeelt and drink Atheir hquot. If you call rt-hat honest. fair play for me, I faifi to See it, A13 for nanvas- sing to: months to gen my platitnon. 3.3 much work now msone did. when thnre was nlicense in theaillage. Thc SLclokeelperS are grumhling (no-1t EEMMUNIcmoNS I was only out xtVVO days, and Iwcould‘ have got *as many more if I drove half as much as the tempename'peo- (p56 am doing. - NOW, afil I ask is a good, [airsho- tionâ€"it I min I will ‘lmve up to the‘ Jaw, ankl it every hotel would do that there would {be no usq tar local op- tion. 011 the sixth of. January, if even! :man votes the way, ,he feeds. I .wih get more than. 1 90": at 10 in the village 0! Cambrianâ€"41mm you, Mr, Editor, I mania. yours, chm. f (To the Editor of The Post.) Sinâ€"It is high time the working men should 'Jo'm hands and agree that they will vote 10:: the candidates for Council ,who are property, owners. 1'00 many. Bast (humus ham had. SELECT REPRESENTATIVE HEN. .Camébmy. Dachfih. LOCAL OPTION IN FENLON. LOCAL 0PT10N IN FENELON. B... GBIF F18. points 0! flow. The ngenblemnn xin- taunted «mm deserve the thank! ot the ratepayers of this. municipag- ity for the axle manner‘ in which the}, planned this question adore the meet- ing. From Mr. James Graham. d course, a great deal mm .ex‘pccted on account or his dong smerieznee on ecunty matters, and he oemtainiy con- vinced all who had the glcasuro oi iistening to him. than he had a com- iyiete grasp of municipal affairs. :Mr. lJ. I). ib‘iuelle likewise held his own. |and his side 01 the sane was most admirably placed fixture the audience. I do not think there is another man in this county. either in the Council 0': out of it, that couthavo done it so max. Personally. I am not in two: of separation. nor. do J. think it nmyâ€"pmvidinz, or sour-nu. that some means can Ind qdopted to ogcn the eyes at the people or this town to their own interestu. and to convince than that it they 510 nonq want to be imposed upon and want to waive lair .treatmem- ‘ at the buds of "the County Council. it- is absolutely wary, to new first- olaso trained men to represent them. At the last eleptfion Mr. Graham; after ten yem' serVioe. was defeated by Mr. Begs. A large majority: at xaterayers planed Mr. Boss in the may honorable position 01 mm of the most important municipality d the Mholo county. One would. nat- uraUy suppose that Mr. Begs would at onne imply himself ta County; Ccuneil ‘work with a detn'minastion to ...:... um nmla some valuable lap»:- lowing a nurse-although she may have had smaflpox. and. perohanod may have been vaccinated a. year or two ago-Lo enter a smallpox. home without an attempt at vaccination. where is no wriggling out at the! matter by saying the numnretused; were are other nurses. There .ia one win; evident. and that 35, um town is muictcd tom cox-01 an ad;- diticnai sma‘llpox case that: could have “been avoided. \Not only than but ,ue my an otiioen [or our pro-1 ‘ tocuon mom the ravazck o! inteofimxs 'disea‘n. and also as a. emanating Eagainst Iinanciwl 1053 mm at)» .vtown ‘snffom thereby. This M'e have not acceived in a: groper» manner. We are iudd'owd to Manna]: McLean [or ogcn the eyes town to tl-cir convince then: want to be i! to waive the lands or ABOUT THE lAYGRAL‘l‘Y CANDIDATES. (To the Edi-tar. o! :The Post.) Mr. Editionâ€"I attended the mouth in; of the Board of made. on. Friday evening. and although the “tandem was not large, all classes were 135;- ly :well 'lepxmented‘. I .wan pleased itdeal :witu the very able manner in wbuh this most imgqxtanzh :5th was damned from the dirtercnh Ccunpu ‘work with a. detrmnnmuon (o gin: the people some Valuable apt;- vice to: the honor conter‘red upon him. but. he evidently, dpeIt not appre- ciate those honom. or he: places a vexy high estimate. on his services (or the short term of QM you: in the County Council. (or we find: him now L Lindsay. Dec. 10th. ti; and nomination and give the in- telligent. people 0! this municipality, a thanoe to say (who- they. want to m p11: (mt ‘ttem for the next year“â€" ch3, etc, RATEPAYEB. Lmdsay. ch. 14th. .1 snembc; iwho don't own onq foot" of property in the towng‘tnd we need not think they care how they, spend our Lard earned dollars. \ “my on earth ,don't. more business men run for the Council? It is us- tonlshing that heavy ratepayers should be willing to allow, the town be run t0‘ the dogs by men who are here to-day and some place else to- morrow. .Why can’t we get merchants and mechanics and property owners to rm the Councils-Yours. etc., LABOR UNIONlSI‘. (To the Editor of The Post.) Dear Mr. Editor.â€"-In :Wednasday'a issue of The Post your, head. lino: read. “Stranga Action at Nurseâ€"Ro- (used to be Vaccinatedâ€"Contracted the Disease â€" Was Permitted‘ ‘ Ito Sex-mu”: . ‘ ‘ ' Now, Mr. Edi-tar, there is oncthing agparcm to my mind. and. that 6: mass stupidity on the part. lot the Health Officer. Dr. McAlpine. for lul- bliugmg this matter to the attention of the Council. It is ,all very «mm In tho Health Officer. in his report, to draw 'a barring: across .Lhe scent by ndorrin‘z to bits idea's-mt anti- tcxin. x .that we really want from the Health Otfioelr is an Emelltgonk. interest in the intedtioua cases aunt come under his jurisdiction. L Dr. McALp'mo can (all m that 42 ages 01. typhoid tievur were treated: u the Boss Memorial Howital, but; any 20 sands were reported thy the medical m of. the town. thus an. vol-m out 133* mo mnfinda.hu THE M. H. 0'8 REPORT. Mr. Chas. Bott made a business trip to Toronto on Saturday last; . We are pleased to note that our teacher, Mina McKinnon. has banter- eugnsed tor the coming yum; M1. William-t Davidson spent Sun- dny :with friends at Salem. 11. Chas. (theme. grain Myanm- poxtsnk‘nnynum .AJI - Don't forget when in the village ‘wcdlonch. C. Butt. merchant. His stock or Christmas good: is W The Comervstives at this commun- ity has appointed {our delegates who .will “and the convention on (rhurr day in Lindsay. v (From Our Own Correspondent.»- On mum-ado, o! in»: week. while! cramping wood. Mr. Simon Soblo ,had tho misfortune to have one of, his! eyes injured. A chip. flew from tho axe. striking the eyeball, inflicting a nasty (wound. We hope the injury, may not ho cerium» . L What. about our municipal clection' Axe .wo to lave the . name came! azsiu. or not! Many are sorry no hear that Mr. Lewis in. drop-ping out o: u.» :rosveship for {he oominzyeu. onI: other mommbndation I have to make is to dab: men like Alderman McLean. who can one mutan- iqtheir two light. and till (110on Md- dioal Health Oltioer for this fiawn by 1: (>0th man. -â€"Youm. qto , 1 PRO. BONO PUBLIOO. 1 Correspondents’ Newsy Letters Our old batmapondent has not. been hcprdlrom innilouztimc. still marcplunedtoknowgeia yak! and with the huntitul ngun. :and to bar the merry jingle o! the bells. .Thcy 'seem to say, that lChristan“ in Mr. John McMullen has about [in- isbud 113 new house. and when com- pitted it. will b6 8 credit .to him-\ 99:: and commit). 4 Many 01 our young people expect to “Lend the concert and. Christmas hoe at Dumtond next Monday night. Mr. David Simon. the tinsmikh. 01 0mm who in well known here. nustaind a great loss on indqy last in nu; fine at Omanee. Man: or his (fiends in this locality will nym- pathize with him. ( (LITTLE BRITAIN. C‘ - (From Our Own Correspondent.) Our village is all and: mmparing for the Christmas and New Year's! entertainments. twenty-two can mud. hue been ttcm out-id. point: Here again Dr. EaicAinno has not done what he ispaidbor. Homednotbo lndouat about an twenty-otwo canes. and shcwd not ha in doubt. ( ‘A 136.3le at ease of typhqid thqunll (tom a unitary point of View. may, lead to n. hotoud ol intaction in tho same 10- min next w. frhate was never. in my recollection. more typhoidcanâ€" as in town than in the year. 1907. Mr. Editor. I hava tram“ on your space to aborw how impermis- ty m we send in thin meter. {the "Mr. John Ashmoro attended an annual Board 01 Health mocha; in 0mm on Saturday lug, ,- On Monday evening. Dec. 3nd. the Junior Epwarth League will have a free concert and Christmas treeg'n the lecture room 0! the Methodisq church. 'A splendid programme is being prepared my the little peopng. and and intend: 1::on no: strong drink." Next Sandova- enirz the 3mm will be rendered 0'1 a charm ot tomato ryoioen Dr. H. E. Moore and G. mhomps‘om banker, more in Toronto marge]: on madam . 9'; mm .will be a (fig! Christmas mar- ket this meek. . » (L Last Sunday evening the singing in the Methodist church was gspeohiln fine. A chorus of mafia ygicea de- l:;hwd the large audience. and the gastor. Rev. J. E. Moore. P1158}. (:wa a strong man on."‘Madly. Guam". tram the words, "He she“ be final in the fight or that Lou! and shall drink neither npjnd (rho morning sorv'noe at Little Bri- tain Methodist church has been charged from 10 o'clock Ito 10.30. The celebrated New Year's tea-in the Liwle Britain Methodist church :wiil he held in thaioamment an usual. All the neighboring ministers have been invitwd to give «Mama!- ‘ Mm. (Ben) Methane“ has been ill tor some time. but in wont-tux. Miss Merritt. our mind teacher 120a to hat henna at Mifilbrook tort J. Hughes, an Engiiah shoe mak- er. in doincaolno goodufi'ark. Seem bud-undo sheen. . .‘ w); Rev. J. E. Moore in nominating r0 ‘vivak meetings at Vele‘nh'nu ;: Mr. Mitchell's little boy ixokehéq um um «week. Dr. Hell 304(1):. Moon waduoqd the [rectum ‘ ( (the fun new Western bank is now mummwmg t Mr. J. Sundae. of Wmuhurn us- Iqu. have attuned to the yiuage. and have m the Bderwatt grep any. ‘ On Christmas night tbs Gem Ep- mozth W will hold that mnugl mm in the Ito-.03; ML Minn 0’ MILLEIL, hSMI’IHâ€"NORTH EMILY. Lindsay. Dan. 13th. CRESSW ELL. 99099994 Mantles Greatly Reduced O O O O O O O 9 Q 9 § 9 0 9 § 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O U. "I "ant“, One Door Best of Dominion Bank. ll. Half Price. 6 Q 6 $1339.91 37111:. or .Whiuoy Ladies’ Collage. uel- I 5;; ocuuonist, has been engaged, and. g. to line crozromme in in reading- ( mi Mm. (Rem) Moore will apend ‘ t cmsaunaa at a may, gathering at ‘ go Sandtord. . I ‘3: . s '*L 1 (From Our Own Correspondent). \ Miss Flora Morrison left on Fri- day for Hamilton. Flora is quite a. Invorite. and will be greatly, missed here. _ x Mr. Alex McEachex-n. who has bean visiting his aunt. Hrs. McKenzie. of Orilhn, returned on Saturday. 1 We are pleased to see that ms. tcr Alf. Maybee. who has been very sick. in now repidly recovering un- der the artful treatment of Dr. Gal- lony. of .Woodville. .7â€"fi’re are sorry to loss from our neighborhood and church Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonsld. 3130 Mrs. Btiley. who. hnving 301:1 their (am: here. hue retired to Woodrillc. - '3“- u’e aorry to long ol; the i1:- nas of Mrs. R. Grant. but; hogs 'to he“ of her recovery. ' ‘ It. TWnlter Miller. of Bdsover. called on trim}! here 99 Susi”: . It’s not a task, but a pleasure, to choose gifts in'al“ Quality Shop ” like this. Just spend half an hour here and the problem will be solved. BUT CHRISTMAS IS NEAR. So don’t pro- crastinate, make your selecrion now and we Will keep it for you. Ilmfidr, Militsry, upgr- sto and in can; Cloth. Ha, Bon- net, Had, etc" in genuine Ebony, Foxwood. etc., all prices. DISPLAY sm-Iu Brush. Comb end Mum, eleo Brush end Comb Conbinetions, fitted by ourselves from choice stock in my kind of goods, 82.00 to 20.00. LU‘I’IIEI GOODSâ€"In Collu- end M. Sharing Bette. Purses, W31- 1m, Coin Purses, etc. For christmas Buyers. ALLIGATOR 60008â€"111 Hsndker chinf, Glove or T10 Cues, Music Konnggs, Pnrses,etc., 32.0010 $6..00 DENIESâ€"We lave established 3 re ntstion for ourselves for high 0 Perfume. in greet vuiety. These we have fro n the world’s best union, in bulk end in dsinty pgehgea for Xmas trade, 250 to Dunoon’s Drug Store. Fur Collars, Buffs, Stoles, Muffs, Caps, Fur Coats, Fur lined Coatsâ€"Greatly Reduced. You on lnvitod to mako this otoro your hoodquartoro whilo in town. 8oo tho prepar- ations wo have mado for you and don’t got your paroolo loot, havo thorn “chookod' horo froo of char‘o. Mirrors Neck Laces Beauty Pins - Cushion Tops. LINEN SECTION Centre {Pieces Tray Cloths Doylies Napkins, Dresser Seal-1’s Perfumes Beaded Bags. Purses, Work Baskets Photo Holders Santa Claus HBfldflUflflBIS ‘ne “ml“; bleaunw» V5 us- sun-.7 ay. of .Woodvillc. A stranger approached a little girl -We nre sorry to loss from our ! who .was somewhat accustom: I to zhborhood and church Kr. and . _ L Charles WQ‘ “,0 x“. Salter-news. vuth the usual question. "What's your me, attic girl)? ley. who. homing sold their {arm _ . e. in" retired to Woodviuc. “‘6 Mtlc 8'1". {without looking '1; 5';- ue sorry to long 0|: the m- from h" Bud-Pue- ”P1194; “IL? is of Mrs. R. Grunt. but.” hope 1,0 nan}: is Edith. and I'm (our. She's an: a at her recover - | Mine sister; her name‘s nildrczl, um! . y. ‘the's two. 1 don‘t want. ta so was ‘1'- {Walter Euler. 0t Bauover. you “1 be your little Bill. '01 I ledontrient hereon Sunday. know you can't cued my. littx: an. In. among ”a he: fighter, ten“ . . 1 ,,_._‘_. V 4 . . w .2 (darper’s Weekly.) NOVELTIES ELDON STATION Pretty Dolls, Shams fable Cloths Towels Quilts. CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES GALORE. MEET COME WITH THE CROWD 'IO J. W. Wakely FUR DEPARTMENT go. 61- I kiss Jessie. dresmaker. have moved gulp. to Knrkticld. Both ‘will be greats); '- ( Imissed by all here. : Go to McLean‘s for your Christmas goods. All :1: right prbos. L It 13 with deep regret. that we have to chronicle the that}: of Mr:- F. McEachern. who died on Dec. 5th. after a. very short illness. Mrs. Mc- Eathern was one of the early ecu.- lers of this place. She was :. mem- bet or the Presbyterian church hero for scars. was: kind neighbor. friend and mother. and was well liked by; all who knew her. She leaves five sons and two daughter-too mourn hen lea-s. Heprevmains were internal in the Argyte oemetry. . WAKEI-Y’S. LEITIEI BAGS-A superior lino in Red 80-1, Walrus, etc, suitable for the girl. mother or grandmother 31.00150 85 00. IAIN BACK WINâ€"The lug- en variety of hign gndo Combo ever shown inpown, those m ex- clusivein deagn and can not be duplimd, $1.00 to $5.00. LOUIE" clownsâ€"Ana- en’s famous confection, in beautiful holidayaoxea, 35c to 85 00. moi: rule I. hind-one and usefulzitt to (fiber, brother or smtheut. We lave the heft Em}? Cubo mgnouc, Gmam suety’, Auto Strap suety. $2 00 to 35. oo. ”Illaâ€"As and: superb u- mortment, nimble for shaving and the toilet. with hesvy glut, in Ebony, Foxwoods, etc., 500 to LADIES’ DEPARTMENT Fancy Collars Belts Parasols Gloves Golf Coats Silk Waists Eancy Aprons Handkerchiefs Holly Ribbons Motor Scarts Clouds Toques MEN’S DEPT. N eckwear sUmbrella Hats and Caps. Gloves Neckscarfs Suspenders Handkerchiefs She [new tie Formula.

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