Final Business Meeting Held Saturday Evening-Md. Rea, Chairman of Board of Board of Works Tandem! a Cordial Vote of Thanks for ‘l'hc closing meeting or the lawn Concil was held Saturday evening in the Clerk‘s of[l\-¢=A!d. Devitt being the only absentee: During the year he has been most faithful, in his at- temhnce, but was called out of town during the week. . Xayor Yrooxnan on entering the winner handed around a box of choice Imwrial cigars. and soon ererybody was blowing smoke kings, “mile â€.6 fragrant aroma. from choice Havana. leaf filled the cham- She regal-Jr business remaining to be dealt with comprised a number 0‘ was and a; few, other matters; among which was an affidavit re- spectmg the return of the 1906 roll by the collector. Mr. McWastters; . Mayor \‘roomanâ€""In what shape is the roll, Mr. Knowlson? Is evetyâ€" w â€"w'â€"- V, 1 On motion of A111 McLean. second- ed by Ald. Rea, the roll was accepteJ. ; On motioa 02 Ald. Rea. Seconded by D-zp-reeve Jordan, Mr. Kylie’s re- signation as COuncil’s representative on the Public Library Board was ac- thing completed. T‘r Hr Know Lsonâ€"“The showing is an exceedingly creditable one} Mr Mayor. .20: during my long experi- ence in office have we haias good. :1 settlgment. The tax abatements a. settlement. The tax am usually amount to about $ Mr- HcWatc-zrs kept the tel to about $30)." -. L Mr. Knowlson;\â€" "We'lln1ve In: of about $200., I think.†~ A murmur of satisfaction passe]. around the table. . 0n the solicitor’s bill for the year beint: referred to. Mayor Vrooman remarked. "We have had. a Very; sa- tisfactory experience with our new aosmtors.'1'h2y have shown a. Shire io keep expenses down.†To this th-s other members gave‘ cordial assent cepted. Kayo: Yroomanâ€""How will the town stand at the end OR the year; Mr. Treasurer 2". . x on motion were adopted; thV-cnes Lt! ... ... ...; ..a Flav‘zlks Ltd“. .. . 4 ...._ Wilson Sq Wilson ..... 4 ...; I}; W. Mills. .. ..- ..4 .. ...; ..‘ J. mew ... ... ... ...‘ J. 1.". Williamson .. ..f ...C ... .1. Berry ... ... ...‘ ..4 ...‘ .._, Amounts were read ’as follows by iii. hires. chairman of Finance, um! A letter from Ops Council with re- texenoe to a: complaint that water 1m the township was damaging lots ii the east ward was reati and. pro- nounced satisfactory. The township «mu eXpresaodtheir willingness to send a. Commissioner. to View, the ground "when spring sets imâ€"Roferr- ed in _m council. _ , acre was heard with nabihty, to: as car- New Term Begins Thursday, Jan Druggist, Optician and Stationery. RIGGS’ OLD STAND .sovsaasa wage?) woaa mutant»). 3 We wish you all g L‘ NEWEST AND BEST REU B. L. MORGAN, losing meeting or the Town was held Saturday evening in rh‘s o.’[1c:,A!d. Devitt being y absentee: During the year been most [aiming in. his at.- 9. but was called out of town VERY MERRY XMAs, His Good Work During the Past Two Years. 52 Spadina I8 pnovmeo “We'll have a bout $900, but the tocal down -'I'HE- lug 11.18 521.40l 17.95 â€"and-â€" --INâ€"' 9. Avenue, Toronto. WRIGHT, Principal. ter‘s license. The matter was left Lhc hands cf Aid. McGiough. chain: of Police and. Lighting committee. GIVEN GOLD-BEADED CANE . Routine business being concluded, cigars were again get alight..- and- his ,Wcrslupsvitled luck for a few. min- utcs’socul chat with his colleagues before adjournment. But unknown to him a little program had been mapp- ed out by his Iel ,ow,‘ workers in which be was included. as the principal actor. The secret wasfont when bop.- reevc Jordan rose to read the follow.- inzz addr: 33: E0 H3 Worship. A. I; Vrooman. esq, M. D., Mayor . \ 0n the termination 0! your office as mayor of Lindsay. we, Ithe mem- gas of your Coumzil, twiah: :to exam- ilify our appreciation of the impar tial and aIJfle manner with which you discharged your duties as chiel magistrate of the town, .while you presided over our deliaerations. Not for its intrinsic avonth. :mt as a token of our estaem. we mean; you with this came. and in so doing £521 that the cast (wishes .and kind feeling-s of. the people are manifes. , J. B. BEGG. -. . (Evening Post; G. MACDONALD. ; Watchman Warden { ‘ ‘F. KNOWLSON. " ‘1 "Clark and {new ‘ [The stink is. of ebony“ (wood. the mamive gold rtop bearing the mama“? ing imvoriaption; "Mayor Dr. ,Vroot man, Lindsay, 1906.97.†. . \, The presentation was made by 'Reeve Begg, who in a. few brief sen- etnces referred to the pleasure it gave him to officiate on. such tum: Occasion '\ nu mufliii‘lifl ‘ Thét the attairwns tomlly unex- pected by [us Worship was obvious. He replied as follows; ‘ ., “Fellow members, I assure you this is a tremendous surpriseâ€"wprds hit me in. the effort to express my thanks. I shall always treasure your giftâ€"not merely for its intrinsic value. but rather» for the kindness. sympathy and valued associations it ,will recall to. mind. I have formed some warm attachments during. my imumbency of the Mayor’s chair; there bu been some warm. cross-fir- ing. 'too, at times. butâ€; don't think any of us ever: kfh'the. chambar. 811-, termining harsh thought; 0! uneth- .e.r:» (Applamsyz -- ' -{ ~n M. H. McGEOUGn. .w. w. JORDAN. B. ‘L. McLEAN. JOHN DEVIrrT. I. E. ‘WELDON. _ g r- ‘ Amen. ‘J. .V. MbNAULIY. G. A. JORDAN. ‘1’ Deputy Reeve. J06. G .EYRES. GEORGE E. REA. matter was left in McGiough. chairman . 2nd . "The‘ï¬positidndof Mayer obLinW is an onerous one. as my. successo will speedily realise. yet I have re- grets at leaving. Especially will I ne- gret the social. part of our meetings and the pleasant chats with colleag- ues on the street or when attend- ing to some outside duty. It is also a pleasure to know. that. on nomina- tion night we twill be able to meet the ratepayers with ho shametacczl- ness. Let me again thank you tor ‘your handsome gift. and wish each one of you a Merry Christmas an! a. happy New_..Year." ALD. REA THANKED Ald. Eyresâ€""This is 'the third year All Rea has administered the in» portant duties of chairman of the Board of Works. I am; sure I voice the Opinion of every member when I say that he is deserving of‘ a hearty: vote of thanks for the able manner in 'which he has performed his duties. He has done well." Mayor Yrooman added a few words of warm commemhtion. He regrett- cd Ald. ‘Reu’s determination to re- tire from the Council. but. looked to. the Al'lerman's many [ï¬ends to in- flue‘nce him otherwise, Aid. Rea had. as stated. administered his position well. and ‘it it had been possible to vote mm a sum or money in ac- knowledgement he (the Mayor) would l-m’c been delighted to do so. He did not believe jhe Act. contemplated; that. any man. should have to per- form'such labors without remunera- tion. v adopted. "That this Council. on behalf of the citizens 0! Lindsay express its gratitude to Alderman Geo. Rea for the thorough and painstaking ate... "'-a 11-: has devoted to the onerous doâ€; pertaining to the chairmanship o: :32 Board of Works." All-:rman McLean and Weldon and hop .-" me Jordan 'also spoke in sup- pO‘t oi the motion, which was on- ricd by a standing vote. Aid. Rn-a cxprused the pleasure it gave him to know that his efforts to do his best were appreciated. He had had little money [or improve- ments, am!- had tried to spend it Evening Post of Dec. 20 G. 'T. R. Driver Nut-say and a nar- row escape the other day. .’ While at work with the shuntaa‘ in the east .wa:d‘ one of the .chn :arch tubes cf the ‘boil -.r blew out. ‘ Ehe force of the. uplosion fldw the fireman out of *Lc window, that happily 'he was uninjured. Mr. Nursey got a blast of steam in the face. but it was not not enough to cause any. . serious hurt. ' Tube in Boiler Gave Way and Caused an Explosion of Stain. Driver and Stoker Had Narrow Escape where most needed. It devolved upon every citizen when called to not re the people to do his dutï¬ in a. (air -...~ 4m..~|r1inl war- and this had been the people to do his duty. in a. um- and impartial way. and this had been his constant aim. He could retire from oitice secure in the conviction that he had done his duty. applause.) Counul then dissolvetL. dSctL men are lucky not to nave been Killed or 0wa injurad. as-this tom: 01 accident is generally‘traug'ht with the most serious consaquences.‘ Waylaid Him After Marriage and Kept Him in Locked Chest all Night. Got Square With Practical Joker k He knew that when he married Miss Julia Dickerson all the victims of ms jokes would be prepared to: him. So he sent out word that the ceremony would be performed at five oc’lock in the afternoon. Instead he aleuiss Dickerson quietly slipped to St. Mary’s church half an. hour. car- licr, and the ceremony was perfonn- v 2 As the couple walked down the steps of the church. John's trio-x1: met him. He was 'torcibly taken away from his bride. who was sent! home Cd. McGraw is extremely indignant. Be consulted an attorney and; declares that he will prosecute every one who had. anything to do. with the kid- mppins- I . l in: a carriage. The foliowing resolution CASE? {Then the box was lock- an abandoned buildiua. n was allowed to remain o’clock the next morni-xxo 5M] knv “'LQ 18!†on the I‘m Kid You “3:9?“me W lucky not to have was then i Evening Post at Dec. 20 like complimentary banquet tender- ed bv the. has res. men 0' Lmusay last evening to M1- 8. J. Lyue‘ the lretiring manger of the Bank of Montreal. was undoubtedly the most successful aiiair ot the kind yet held 2 in our town. It was given at the Ben- Ison house. where no many pleasant 'tcnctions of the kind have taken [place 1:: the past. and. 111 is not too chch to any that the completeness ;of the arrangements made [or th-1 ‘ comfort of the guests. as well u the linearly greeting extended by the courteous hotel manager. Major Eli Hodgina. combined with the enzllc m; menu and perfect service in inducing that ieelmg oi satisiaction and con- tent. the absence of which causes such affairs to seem stale and unpro- iï¬tablc Banquet to 1L]. Lytle, Esq. Late Manager Montreal Bk. Remunmivc (muting of Citizen: at Benson flow Lu: Timur-Guest of Honor Presented With Clbim of Sterling Silm Outlay; Queen Olims . \, Conmmla Sea Salmon. Tartar Sauce Pommes Pariaienm L Claret Punch. Sgring {rm-Loy. Cranmer: Asgaragus H4 Sweet Bread Salad 3. 13- 1 Deer. ADM? Pie. Dec Vanilla Ice Cream 01d Canadian Calf-3 Sol: ‘_ " (luau 1h: plenum of the diners was ad- ded to by the prea'enca of the Landâ€" say orchestra. led by Bandmaste': Bocnigk. which rendered a numbn- of dugmlul deiections during the re- â€"- .1.“ . Sccond on the toast. list came ‘ thh which "Our Glorious Dominién,’ were coupled the names of Col. Hughes. )1. 13., and Mr. J. H. Ca:- nche. M. P. P. I‘m: former referred to the tenvleucy Lon-1rd centra‘uca- tion. which had resultcdin the pro;- perous union of (he Canadmn provin- ccsâ€"a union which preligurcd the still grander centralization to vome. when the colonies of the Empire will all be banded together (or me- tual protection and trade advantage. Lil LL- gun- past. Jud at intervals .during after proceedings. . mg to‘ honor»: 'lhe epicurean feast at 11 o‘clock. and the been ï¬ned “1th 012: Chairman flopkms pro u uvâ€" -_- all be bonded together for mu- tual protection and trade advantage. Even our banks had adopted the cen- tralization policy. am} to it was due Mr. Lytlc’s rnanagership or the Bank of Montreal. Mr Lytle had nal u long and distinguished career in this countyâ€"he had migrated from Cam- bray to Fenelon Falls. then to Lind.- say. and if his health had. held out. he would have gone higher still. {Ap- plause.) . . ‘r- _-..- â€Iran a I’ - A’ CABINET 0F. SILVER- 5_ Chairman Hopkins, in introducing the toast. “Our Guest." referred to the representative character or the gathering. and thought Mr. Lytle might hold himself to be very highl)’. honored. He (Mr. H.) had known Mr. Lytle for many years. Some ten years ago he had been consulted as w m. Lytle's fitness for the position of mnager ot‘ the Ontario Bank. whé'n his reply had beenâ€"“He will make good." Gentlemen, he did make good. (applause) In due time he was placed in ‘Bharge of the Bank at Momma?! Much in Lindaâ€; which stands third in the .province in volume of 7.-..LI... buéiness. He was in all ways of the gonï¬denoe. tensed in l 1 {died “1th clear. co‘; irman nopkms pmposcd lost, “'llxe King." whxch 1m: SPEECHES Cranberry Jelly 1/ Magus Hollandaisa :a ‘: Samtoga Chi‘Pï¬ a. la 141.!)de ie. Deconshire Craam' m Assorted Eakes . he did make KOO-‘1- time he was gamed Bank 01 Mammal? M. which “and“ Vince in volume or in all way; worthy "nosed in him. in“ Braise finan- Cheese was yoncluded giasscs havmg -. c034 want. .0394 the cg-cn- 'hxch was duly “'6 n Waters Cal“?! ciere he if his health had remeined nnlmpaic‘ ed he might undoubtedly have looked forward to still further advancement. (Applause) \ If. G. E. M. Baker then: tone and read the following address. the word- ing of which prove: that 'he can thapc nicely constructed sentences as well :3 plans for the successful car- rying on at I large lumbering unsi- neee. The address was en (allows; fro Mr. H. J. Lyfle;. z You: numerous (ï¬ends. whose Ems- im xcltticm with you have glwaya â€:2- m pleasant. feel that we should. not let the occasion of your retir- in; from the managed-ship of .the Jun: 0! Montml pass without1 show- in; you noun mark 01 mar apprecit- Qty your integrity 'and' cloao atten- tion to ‘ominos you have reachqd the top at the ladder on mucous. an'd’.nov- or at any time losing sight or pour «enemas duties, (or notwithstanding tlu very grant «pressure of business as manager of the Bank 0! Montreal. the greatest bulking institution in too Dominion. you made time to 305 as minundcnt of the 811an school and as a tnmtce. maid“ al- ways taking a very motive part in tho Y. M‘ZA. in the town , 4’, Y)!“ .A. in the town. ‘0 A‘ tho Baud at My» men; al- ways an native member. giving your time personally to locating o! pew. influx-id in our mid“. 1nd- to you 1': dub much at the audit, for the new irdjhtxies which hen been locabed bore in rant yearn. ‘_\ We are indeed pleased to know that you are going to continue 39 be a. citzzcn. nnd now that you. 'wiu luv. more time to de‘vde to. the ominous enuzpriads 01 the town. we 5mg}. tau you will continue to†encourage 4rd promote other indnstrien, 1nd; may you In. tomcat {air town 04:- com a flourishing city. I We: trust tint ooth you pad Mrs. Ly- -. my in: spa-ad tor mug â€an. and we a]: you “accept this cabin- et at silver as a gmaJJ token of thq amen in which you are held by your maay hunkâ€"Sign†on «hall at "he committee. . ‘ l I. E. W'ELDON. Secretary. \ Tne reading or the address was a signal [or a pronounced mandesc-b tion of good will. The gilt. ya: a handsome cabinet consuming .8 1-2 doses: of sterling aunt. cutlery. sniubly engraved. ’ ' Mr. .Lrtlo. on rising to refly, was 9de with Iprolonged Applause. He Said he was at 3.1055 how to than]: bu! friendu (or their splendid conn- quet and magniï¬cent gift .â€" .ho would not be human if he did not ice! .1ch in his henrt the great kindness done 3.3.1. On one other oecuion â€" '11. 13:2) of October. NOS-he had empor- icncod a. similar tooling when. at the time of the Ontario Bank trouble. the J'um'uttfl- men 0: the town had stood lays: :oihim. and a few of their num- t»: he". olierod him $26,090 whet. st see-net! that the institution of which he was the servant had apparently lost the conï¬dence 0! the people. Al- though with the Bank of Montreal cnly a litde over 1 3m. in boom heated more generously than he pad ever dreamed of. His position «was rm same .as it Mr. ‘Flavuile had been told '05“ his phyuleian. â€Mr. 1‘1. you will have to give up ending!" Hal ¢.dn"c think thorn was a town inCnn- and possessing 'ar honorable a lot of merchants as Lindsayâ€"they never re- sorted to the trickery so common elsewhere. Their ‘woré was thel: bondâ€"lie had taken the word of most of tne business men of the town. and had never found «use to regrot it. (applause) He 'would nlways con- tinue to do what he. could for Lind- sayâ€"he would always love it despite the mud and taxes. (laughter); and was firmly of the Opinion that in .111 Canada there was not a better Lawn than ours. nor :1. more prosp2r- ous county thnn Yiotorin. In conclud- ing Mr. Lytle returned thanks, on ,behalf of Mrs. Lytle. for the hind references to her. and Said their unit» ed wish would be that all might spend as happy '3 Christmas as had been prepared for them. (applause) .; The toast. "The Learned Protes- aions,†come next on the list. Whh it. were coupled the names of Rev. Dr. Bishop. Mr. R. 'J. McLaughlin. Dr. Herriman, and Mr. I. E. Weldon. Dr. Bishop's reply was a gem. and Mr. McLaughlin's’was pleasantly 1-:- minisccnt. Dr. 'Bertiman stoutzy maintained the heroism inherent in members of his profession. and the last speaker's witty references pro- voked much laughter. Mr. Black. (the Bank of Mohtrcal's new manager), Mr. Jas. Boxall. Mr. B. J. Cough and Mr. A. 0. Hogg. Both Mr. Flavelle and Mt. 'Bozg related at Iome length to Mr. Lyllc's success- ful career and his sterling :ecli- tude. The former also bore wane“ to Mr. Lyue'a splendid work in de- ve10ping the local industries. say- ing that he had any: been ready totid any 91' [tion likely. to nelp the npbnildinc the town. and be trusted that to emit! I). able «1* Wm: 3nd. gel-Mp.- tumult his l “Our Business Enterprises" was re- plied to by Messrs. J. D. Fjavellm (avalamw a‘. 3k. .Wcldon. in 1 law, appropxiate sentences. called attention ;to the high quality of the menu. the gener- ni excellence of the banquet. the beauty of the decorations and the splendid music rendered by the or- ohatn. Nothing beta: had ever been given in Lindsay. God Save the or “Aul-l Luz fair to a close Imufactum of Dorian Was Condemn- ed to Pay fine of $200. Mcntrefl Herald; Jean Keiskider. manufacturer of fluorine, was to-day prevented beloreJudge Fiche for in- fringing the law regarding butterin so far that he manutactured them-co ynruuon barium which can“ 'ae mis- taken for butter and wand: (nutter. Government Impactor McPherson lacuna! that he cant two samples-of borino procured Iron a grocery Jinn !akon [or butter and was nut mutter. Government Inspector McPherson testiï¬ed that he not .two samples-of borino procured from a grocery Jinn In the city of 061nm. when the Gov- onunent :nalyst. Mr. Vglen. analyzed tlem and found them to consiat or cotton soul oil. has! (at. ,nnd a mu quantity of 11111:. with coloring add- Kciskidcr ku ooadanned to par '3 {we of 3200. x, (The Weekly Sun.) Ontario tuners have been viewing this frozen wheat problem from their own standpoint. What they have been considering is simply whe- ther. at. the cost laid. down here. it. will pay them to buy, the wheat. for feeding purposes. \ I But what of the position of the W cstern farmerâ€"the man who sel's the productâ€! A. Simoc county hr- m-zr nought a. car of the grain a few days ago in Saskatchewan. at “3.9 cents per bushel on board can. \\ hat will the seller get: out of it! If his crop averages :30 bushels to the acre 1115 cash return will be less than $16 per acre. A. n matter of fact it is probable the returns on- tained will be less than $5. The re- sult of the year’s Operations on the (arm from which the wheat cameg' eflcr cost of seed. sowing. harvesting, an! threshing are accounted (or, may be easily figured out. Theren ' still another point :0 be taken into considerationâ€"what rhe railway gets out of it. For. hauling the wheat from flukatchcwun to On- tario 26 cents perjushel is charged. One train will mini It. least. 30.000 bushels. the trip should be made in eight days, and yet the freight charge on a train load will. amo m: to about $8.000. It should be pos- aiblc to cut this toll very. nearly in half and still hove a fair profit on stat! they spell blood money. JEWELLERY STORE Christmas Pments A ï¬ne selection of Rings. A \ choice selection of ï¬ :1 e China, Silverware, Opal a n d Souvenir Goods and other articles too numerals to mention. Call early. no trouble to show Goodx-Wz We would call attention to our special ï¬ne of Watches, Watch and Locket chains, Lockets, etc, made to lut. moderate in price and fully guaranteed. Also Children's Toys. The Watm Farmer's Side of It. Whitesmith’s Jewellery, C l o c K 5. Watches, Fine Gold Wedding 3. n d G e m work (or is the place to buy man .wxsxnt POPP- ernsu, FRIDAY. 11 King and the. singing Sync" brought the hf- at 1 I» In. tn. gen-n; woliare The present Mrs. twang-ï¬ve} yws m: her sex; she and advised thous Vanen. who toâ€"day bedth but even life I: Mia Annie E. din: Ava, Tor-on Deu' Mrs. Pinkha “I hu'e found Lydia T. (able Compound 3 s wrin- sea wit? 133d}: 11 Lara r years. 1 m m'vm periods which aï¬ectcd yr until In spring. I “as my former self. In my 3? vised to use your Cumpn that I did so. I {91’ out months there was 2-. when. my smqgth gr. IUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ELDON. The tatimoniala whir‘h may bushing from gm beyond a. doubt t Lydis E. Pinkham's Veg mud to 0011ng female dis A By-Law to Prohibit the Sam at Liquor Dy Reuil in the Township of Eldon. and in a very short u and! s perfectly well w due my good health. and “I a most grateful to u and: a wonderful ten Ion-n." _ _ _ .. BY-LAW No. 311 -‘ lo-Ih‘t the 531' spirituous. fermented facturcd hquors in or other house or p1 tenaznmem. and 1m wholetale of the sax place: other than 1 entenaimncnt “‘1me it of the Township < the same is hereby 3. 12118 bylaw Sm the ï¬rst. day of 31 3. Ike ‘otes of 1m: Towvehxp o! Eldon ah the following tunes HONDA}, tale :lx'fii EKRY. A. D. 19nd. ‘ lhr hour 01’ mm: o'cloc noon and continual; u -.n the afternoon oi by we following UL. ofJanuary. A. D. 1908. the said Township of E tend at the office of the Township in the Lorncville in the mid ten o‘clock in the (arena $815015 to attend at cm Eng places aforesaid. am summmg up of the \ou: on behalf of the perao in and cromotin; at o universz . Polling sub. 11‘ Hall. Lorneville. Deputy Remynin} Polling sub. a of D. Hulcmnso Mc'élrr. DCpY-U 3 Pollux; sub Saxon “aâ€! Campbell. in. ticer. â€5mg of £1115 5. The Clerk said Townsnip at his ofï¬ce in ville in the sail clock in the for the eighth day ‘ to sum up the and against :21 That the above 15 u . DIOPOSeJ by-law whichl en. into consideration a: he ï¬nally paSSCd by t! tan Municipality (in (the assent of me electors 1 ed thereto in nocordanc yard “11. Chap. 47. Sec after onelmomh from ! liation in the Lin 1 of which {:1le fl sixth day of Deacmhdï¬ and that the votes or . . - hty‘ ofl the 681‘ M. «I thereon on the rig! hour and plus! the"; Polling sub. dn Hall. Klrkheld. 1‘ Returning ofï¬ce! _ Dated at L0 ship of Eldon U November. A- I Read a W51 l 1).. 190.7 0n THU :smn' u.‘lO “¢...»;- 1. in. Deptâ€: 1““ ; sub. du’. 50- 3' rkheld. F- J- 3105 .g Otticer. ‘ sub, div. N0. 4 Lutcnmson. 50150“ Deputy neurons 'nnmsnAY. the Ha: t. DECEHB 4uue5 t urnwd I. A S! ce tc E185: _ on 90099 $Wha â€09¢ (rail year