Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Lindsay Post (1907), 18 Dec 1908, p. 9

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Wood and Iron For any Dep'th of Well. Having secured a first-class experienced Pump Maker5 we are prepared to supply first-class pumps promptly. sv LVESTBR M’F’G Pumps! Pumps ! , Pumps ! éThe Kind You Have Always Bought 3TANLEY L. GILSON GENUINE 1'7"” â€" ' becov . natural am} manly. xquxcc- ’vuxacu. a m... _.... ._-.. 7,, $1333“; a. :33”. We invzmallthe sflhcted to ccilnsult us confidentially“ and igebfcharge. Don‘t. let quarks and (akin: rob you c you: ha. I'd-earned “3:3,. 3. NO NAME USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ,__,__-- _‘-_--It‘lfi UUK nrâ€"w I'm-anv- -.._._‘-__fi, _ you. Under its influence the brain neeomes acnve. the blood punnea so man. an pimples. blotches and ulcers heal up: the genes become sum as steel. so that nervousness. bashfulneas md despOndency axsappear; the eye gecom face f 1111 and clear, energy returns In the body. and the.moral. physical and mental systems are invigorated; all drains ceaseâ€"no xpore Vital waste from the . The "anions organs become natural and manly. ‘xqu feel yourself 3 mm know mar- maze cannb: be a failure. We invite all the amxcted to consult us confidentially and Repairs will receive careful attention. 3-0“ _ \Y" m ' ’lem u--- we Elma months. went. to Mt. Clemens tor am" "“""" baths. but receifed little benefit. While “7" "““""" mfi-Clemenslmipducedweonsulcmx though Ihadlost Lmth m doctors Lake a drowningman I fimmeagicâ€"mfhe 153v; Xlettgodfigo'rmtmenw t e con ee 9 r 3 $30“ saved my life. The impmvement m Ugh the nerves. Iwas cured madly and physically. I have sent than my Wells and will continue to do so.“ CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ~ WE- NERVOUS DEMâ€"WY. BLOOD ‘Ng’GWuflcâ€"nvm . URINARY mam AND monumentâ€"sum hummus“... tr mm lusflouunmaesorum The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been mnseforoverSOymhasbox-netheslgnatm-e of and has beenmadeunder his pen- m sonal supervision since itsinflmey. Allownoonetodeeeiveyouinthk. All Counterfeits, 1mm and “Just-u-good”are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of InfantsandChfldrenâ€"Expeflenoeagalnstmpeflment. NERVOU aflégfilmt A___- .. -ntâ€" . s~ won and makes man M. J. CARTER, 40 Kent 5:. inary Surgeon and Dentist. JANE’I VILLE. Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Pam-ne'uother’s Friend. Look for this label YW‘" â€"â€"the distinguishing “' sign of " Progress Brand” ‘ - - - V v v w ___ '7 r t ' M}: REATMENT wil cure on and makes man 0 0L3??? «-ngotgnfimin beoom activle. the {load purines! go $1333.31} What is CASTORIA Suits and Even-coats THREATEftED In Use For Over 30 Years. ": G!"lul count“. 77 .m' m! I" m cm. Sold and Guaranteed by CASTORIA IMAY wan-z PABALYSIS. If you are losing. businezs a small “Display .Advt.” in‘ tiles: columns willr he_I-p voufind it. _ ADVERTI S E I um: YRU'I’IIU‘I' ALWAYS Cylinder, know mar; ed at the termination of each year after the formation of this associa- tion, as annual subscription, and such other sums as may be neces- sary for the exigencies of the asso- ciation. The association does not take cognizance of any felonious act that may be committed on the prop- erty of persons not members at the time such felony was committed. A member who fails to pay his assessâ€" -ment shall not receive any benefit girom the society, and any person 'in- tentionally misrepresenting the own- ership of property stolen shall be ex- i pelled. .. , Any member divulging matters that should necessarily lbe kept secret is expelled from the committee, and no information is given of the proceed- ings of any meeting to an absent member. Such information must be obtained from the metary. When property is stolen from any member of the association a. reward of $25 is offered on such sums as the committee deems necessary, to any person giving information leading to the detectiOn and conviction of the mitted among the farmers oi this district of horses. cattle, poultry. grain, etc.. emphasised the necessity of a vigilance association being tom ed for the pm oi apprehending and prosecuting relens who commit these depredations. When a farmer suflers the loss ci some of his property, he, as a rule, notifies the chief of police, and fur- nishes that 0mm with all the in- formation available concerning the theft. As the chief has not a reserve fund at his disposal for the expenses incurred in connection with the for- warding oi telegraphic messages and Any person may become a member by paying the sum of one dollar at entrance, and the like sum 1! requir- gun to earth. Branches of these muons hive been organized in dinerent put: of the province. and have proved‘ W The organization consists of a. 11" sident, vice president, secretary-m- surer, and a committee 011:1” 0th“ members. The afloat: and committee shallbeaboardolmmgunent, hav- ing full control 01 the 3.831110! the By organizing a “81183“ “50“" tion among the farm"- this mm‘l‘ ity is done away With. and 33 m asatheftiscommitgodthemachin- eryottheasaodationissatin Ino- tion. with the result that in amt mioritv of cases the 011834033 are the @g of firmed descriptions of the articles stolen, the farmer is obliged to make a. deposit to cover Useiul Hint: To: the Indian and Government of a Vigilance '__.___...‘ {Association ' Association to Protect Property Four pistols and four sets of hand- 3 cnfls and other necessaries required for' the minute men to defend ‘ themâ€" selves with when 'in search ’08 stolen property are finished by the mo- ‘ci‘atitm, which does not pay any pn- necessary expensee for new. etc., to persone employed as mm men. .The mes cent ontdn with of. felons or stolen pm do 2th on the met mac um Inc all; nipped in its incipiency. Had'the blue occurred at 'n‘ the curlers of Lindsay would be day mourning the loss of _not its way under the floor and up the wall to the roof, burning a. hole up through. Had it been five. minutes Later the structure would have been The are attracted a large number of the local curlers to the rink, and they were congratulating each other stairs he was startled to find the room filled with quote, and flames shooting up from the floor. A! fl- arm was at once sent in. and the fire brigade responded- with charity. The flames werénulclny subdued and it was found that the fire had‘orlzln- ated from the stove vim. worm Lindsay curling rink was ed with Madam by fire day shortly after 11 o'clock. in the act of locking up the building More going to dinner, and hearing a crackling sound he at ones pro- ceeded to investigate: On going upâ€" hildmg was Ignited from the Sim Fire Threatened the Curling Rink A few weeks ago The Post in relat- n: to the many thefts being 0013‘ and the recovery of the prop- ‘ ~ View county as was man. of the county for t! ' henox fire Wedneg- has proved a p . lock. l ' \ Wt parts of t mums W has almolt entirely '7 LI. potty thieving in the district-111m ‘1‘“! the ”any in in operation. An or- ! {sanitation at this utm u in exu- pro- tunes in Ontario can}! with a m‘ ney Pius from R. F. {Willis drug! store and {Wivefl immediate per- manent benefit (tom the using. I 'lnve nowr liter never-l months_ no breathing I. jugular, it reaches more prompt!“ than any other rem- edy flhe teh-ibly inflamed membrane of thc windpipe. Ito soothing bal- eams 3011 imam, the influnm- duoeid. : 1 George H. King, of 22 Wellington street, South Woodstock, me; "We would not think of keeping the house thhout Hyomei. It has worded of! acids. ‘ croup. 001191;: and sore t’hxoa'm‘for all of our -three chil- dxen mmmdmmutimeuwm a child. breathes mm; and through the mouth and the that around the eyes end nose commute to well. then is the time this we had two Esomei quickly relieves the trouble and gets the brownie} tubes, lung. and tbroot oleu'dl up.” Byomei, the miraculous, untieeptio dry air treetment, will cure cronp in either the first or second sages. Don’t leukemic! Mctobatl While Waiting forthcboctor Hyomei (pronounced fiigh-o-me) is guaranteed by Jury Gregory to cute oa'tu'rh, (sonata. colds. asthma b1 onohitn and bran-p. or money back. A compbte outfit. including a. neat was sanctum: toattendto my We work. Sweeping. song up or 'need for inane ulll can hue‘ nd nuitanoy in testifying to their vane Bold 1p at! Micro. '13:! Ram Booth 09., 14b1, Eon-t Brie. (ht. sole Dan- sent a mods old Newfoundland dog to fetch the hm. The dog brought the dead animal in its mouth to the well. over which he attempted to jump, but after eeveral attempts found that his load beat him. There foreheldddownthehlre hy the hole. through which he pushed it as Both in Pain and elsewhere a. good deal of banter has been expanded up- mhwmmmnwmaonm arm-when on (litmlotlnt that" An English gentleman who wu out shooting one day killed o hare, which hadrnnthroughaholeuttho bot- In as he could with his nose, and then leaping over the wall dragged it brought it to his master. sadly indndfiod. Ind my miter! mostnsétul. Somdmmhsn madcremnrhbloprotfll'm‘m" Mrs. N. flier. of Dominion-01.; Uxbridce. Ontmnn; “I have used Booth’e Kidney Pills all! h'e rev oeived'benetit tram same. I In very gladtobe-bleto :eoommendml annex-ed for some you: Iron lack- aohe and 12wa Ind at times down stairs. or stooping worm ill «use these umptom to be greatly Increased all I tried numerous rem- edies for me without benefit to an extent. JIM obtained Booth's Ki!- «hard Eubber pocket inhaler costs on}; an, An‘enm battle oi aya- mei, itfittgrwnrd: needed, cost but nrinary {1-06th ( ' You are plain]: told t‘bu‘t the kH- 7A lazy man 'u on marten; side of ‘hnmanigy’s ‘pront Hind loss” ac- m nan than.» manta” ham and $1.00 901‘ 43! for man. or dudve‘b! mm m. Humbert who Iona 91'0th M m Mdthuithubeeustolm. 30-1 'tfly any other or member of commitd There are W3 01 05831398. mm of drowsiness. hellish. aideuhe. backaoh'n. nte men are. immediately ”pointed. There in no rec-on why such on association could not be (armed in Victoria county or In dlflerefl pct. of the county for that matted; u it has proved a phenomenal success in Mount parts of th- province. and Teaching Language: to Policemen Come to [any llxbridge Panic Days of GROUP QUICKLY gum Ahowingbog fluenmatio pain utter sud the swellioc l'c‘o Dizziness wiped out the “fun Walloon and BW dung-one- I rezdented in that congregation which M worshipped for so many le centuries in w Crypt. . , The speaker went on to anode no 3. the m of religion prior to the ! m Frencflchnroh in the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral. which was landed in. the tune of Queen Eist- beth by Hegunot refugees from the Netherlands, held their ennui oom- nonnative service of the 'gloriou reformation of the uixteenth oeutm’ in their usual place of worm. on the nftemoon o! Bland-:1, Nov. 8. ~ lud. 't‘he mailer-tor aid that the Scottish church, was-wry clonal! in- fierwoven in mm m m troubles And difficulties 1nd victorie- h doo- Wm M. at me ”W"- Motive “I. “I been Mind I! a. ml of . 08111615 charge- “‘39“ patronize an Hydro-Elect!“ 009' gluon, an: M 3.4:. 0.. 9"”. mud to ‘Bnnttonf. Vi“ h‘ » n' pay 31.600 W to In Benn- tortbdetthothim.whoilrou bto a crack at: an wands! road dozing the sprint treach- Join Dow-1nd his wife at West Flunhoro’ were. Med in Hamilton police court with detaining an 8- yetr-old lull to: m bond they claimed $12. and were ordered to The preadhu' was the Right Rev. Theodore Max-alum D. D.. modera- ot of the General Assembly”! the Chanda of Wind. honour} 'ohap- lain to ,‘His Majesty’s forces, etc. .50 to go we. ‘ ‘ a The Municipw Electric Light Com- mntee o! W hu- will reduce the price at power from .22 per horse-power to 320. l !ect at IIIâ€"“‘â€" m electric nil flu Q 3 E i «build them- no tuna-uh ot the hte Empre- ot Ohms can! the bu lapel-or out “My“ f 1 ‘ Mn. W F. Jam‘ot “axiom. Alan ctw birth to Mamet. tour (11qu t' ‘ .Wentworm mat: council refined to provida inch {or the [and jury to inspect the inane asylum. Mn. June- I. Barley. of . John. m 3., nu “ to can: by her lunp‘ 2:th: uni getting (in to hr hone. _ _ ‘I 'c.'1~u marina“ goat niacin offered the Libertl nomination for .â€" A The oervicg. Which 1n; in French. “'51) condnotdl by the Rev. J. (B. Barnabas, pastor at (the French church mdt ormerl: 01 Manual; bin drive“ Kingston School of [but want. the (ht-no sacrament to erect a new hum. ‘ ‘ . Mr. and 11'. Robert Boy... of Btrstlord, hm jut celeb“ their ln (fire m-n his!" Knuth, ‘in um 03W a! plended their David W kahuna. In cune- He said he thought it very up. now preside!!! at the Bank on Oil Mair-Ne to interfere in my wny turn. I - VIN! the Trend: Church in Gunter- ml ”mm dw’bnuflnflledrnl.â€"tiheniineworfiot . I mm.tnoonolndonthenpeakk : Deacon, Word. in “5"- “4 e.- pntlortb 0. plan tor unit: mono - thc reformed obnrohu and aid NV. ”Minn“ WV ‘3 3' um. should Rome ever succeed in election d- II-vor 0‘ WW flaws-mu kernel! in mud. it 1,53. U f g - ‘ would be because at the uni-union Kingston School at Kin- ‘Mfll i mung aw rdonned dhmhen. ‘ the fire which dun-aye!!! All“ Bron. hungry at Kerstin duo borne «minimum; 1 St I “ford 333,000 for ,, mnwmhvopued tummfifitwm Atthdtmmolmkum Bayes-ermine“ were burn-d. Ooh“! M031 ton. of on Int Week. LIVE BITS 0! NEWS ot police- Boa-db (We L’ Roundup must lotthelontred tor ‘ Young's Poutmeo. 9. â€" “nut (the and W M can: to his death by necklace! Ming," wee the verdict new by the coroner'e Jury yesterday in the tuned into the deed: at little Rollie ”one, who was billed in Hervq town-Np on November 42th. Considerable evidence wee been! during the do, but there we: m of e. mention-l nature brought out. the evidence pointing strongly td the not the young Aye ptte but been nhot team. a!- that“ how, itm hnrdtou- ecrhin tron! the m. There .vu m to m till: flange was my font ploy in connection with the boy'e death, null it only took (h Surya. (ow minute to brim in their verdict ntter “la a: retired to consider the evidence. undatpo'blookintheu-exot the moview house. with Dr. Guy pmidinc‘nRLWodnpruenb filth-Crown, “new. atlas:- lq.ochkefield.wupreoentiuthe Matron” Gamma!!- seu-old boy. who was With Ayott when the utter was shot. Gordon'- eudenoe was the most important htfldfiringthedtmnndthem- nerb'wuohhetoldthectoryot the accident evilentb favorably im- prudfiem- 1h Pretending. Mr. “I! referred attested acme. model-d to that, dutch by Archbishop Archan‘ld Campbell Mt. who stood up in the Bonn: of Load- nlt‘n “mam it was thouchfltht there was no need (or than to continue their services Young's Point Jury liars Evidence and Dccila a: ban Fln. Boa-Bro. 8. Corbett (re-doct- When a antennas makes a state- ment cad it starts n little tight 111:. can duke results in claim that he wasn’t quoted- fish‘- Yet. be late): “a from under though there be the den“ 9° it. (tip at w an W4 mu. Invent. m not allowed to. the mainland. all was Juter cub- Accidental Death of Roland Ayotte The and election 0! ofllceu o! L.O.L. No. 996 was held 1t the ‘ re- “mamtlodge.beldon resulted 0 (allows : Thursday dta‘noon Broderick was made the ndpicnt of I precaution and address at the hands of the students. an. Ad: leCu‘die read the ad- dress, which Mex-red in compliment- u'yurmtothemm whichMr. ma was held “'7 the pup-4's. kout! to tau-tn! pemonflon, but. uh tut-inc M n {.123 not con- But we phin Ir. W. H. Kalle! made the me- dication. which consisted of a hand- Iono gold bended unbnlh. The Cabinet 1:.- related to com- mute the sentence of Int Hons. 8 m sentenced to he; at Hac- ply to tho kind sun-assigns 01 re- and tad m with which I!!! at dull wu punctuated. fig ‘33:; 05 shop .833 39 £3 508189903333 «Ed 053333.530hdfi. tho mmmmmw Onnte Officm at Paulo: Falls nut be careful rut we say. â€"Philadelpfhh Bulletin. 0.3.. mar mm in “1° m'lo a saint)» rc- people Cal-inc: lost: with In! Ratify- iu 80cm and Winter kit will be Id! What Should be Done with Kent-st. lt'ull wmwm «Wit Didn't [lave the Walkman! kitten! to 00 «ha Business lea a Unit on the Fair caption towards tho prise Hot 4' the proposed winter (air to he laid Female Pedlar Must Leave Town Themblcmutowhstnhouldbe done with Kamehtogutriddbe mumvmwms b mdtwmmuoaolour' qcn held in Port Perry, “thy, Oshawa um! Bowmanvino. The splen- Dmnztlnwttwoorthreedan glands peddhr‘hu 1:066,an inton, nfllngwhdoweurtumud embroidered Vonkwithontthenocea- uddeuodfieeomktuto m PMMIW‘WW men of the tan subscribed My, uudtheyuemédtobeuuuitoutho Proposfltohddthem." Itiseertumlygntflying to be ubletouuuounoethutuuchuuunnnity annual-mutter. Tho gauntle- mbehlndtheschemevmbegnut oneetogetmiureudlueu for themr,uudthoreuuomuouvhy it should not prove a. pronounced uno- cuuu. It 1- not an experimtbyay mm, “Mu! rummaging" outnnm,chemtodunt the peddling in the municipality, the at oncedecidodtogetontofton. She cmmodto bennuiveofOttun. What Police Wt: Judson mentioned the license he MW '0!” flammwuchtholoaleonm meadokinxtoroompeuflon win certdnlybethemotnnmcflng urgenumbenolcmbfiton. the :nthorities to tell w vâ€"â€" w., mambominiondm flow but!” it my be 000°- and the conclusion was that. unawâ€" mg for a. “indent oddition to the sidewflks to make a sixty-d: foot roadwny. it would cost about thity thousand dollars. Gilt - 'v CA” t-v;.JN.-II‘ 3 age yigterl were unanimously m {or lab- fits“. PAC. m its

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