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Lindsay Post (1907), 18 Dec 1908, p. 11

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added to the list when district repre- sentatives were appointed in some counties. Their duties are to teach agriculture in the collegiate or his}! school in the town where they are stationed and to form a. link con- necting the banners 01 their county, more closely with the Department at Toronto, thus mm; the agricul- tural departmmt to render greater and more useful service by being at all timw in close tonch with local conditions. Every farmer in the county should tent this last method 0! increasing his store of knowledge. The local representative will be glad to have farmers call at the omce any time and his services are free to all who may wish to consult him. During the coming winter two excellent tree courses, 3, three months in the col- The Local Merchants Report Favor able Conditions Prevailing The Christmas shopping is begin- ningtobebrisk, andtzadelsreport- ed good. The stores are {an album:- tifnl holiday suggestions, and the varietyisjustasgreatasln past 'l'he merchants are looking to r- md to a busy day next Saturday. and if the weather conditions are fa.- Yorable, the town will be visited by a large umber of Christmas shop- Briskness in Christmas Trade lock and seed judging will be con- ducted. Many young men are mat.- ing enquiries concerning the three months’ conrsennd 813130 claaswill be in attendance in mm!- Christmas shoppers made their 31)â€" Nuance on Saturday and the mer- chants report a. busy day. Most of the local stores have received their “may goods in plenty of time, and eign countries. Another force mk account. The at stock show is largely supported by governmept aid! but not all can take advantage of the opportunity abred to increase their store or knowledge. Farmere' institutes are doing a laudablework, but unlike the fair, lack the (one of which accompanies object I.“ The agricultural college is a grand institution, and the pity is that the number of farmers’ sons in ettend- ance is so small. With 175,800 farm- ers in Ontario, we should fill ’ the Ontario agricultural college to over- flowing, and leave no room for stu- dents from othér provinces and for- Our governments are doing much to enable the farmer to increase his ing and have discovered principles which they are applying with good enact. Wben attending the prom ht WK Show, held at Gulph, on 13 mpressed by the diflemenee between the class of stock. there exhibited and the class of stock custodial-sale by the average farmer, and theqm fion naturally follows, why such "a finance? While it h true that those fine specimens which won hone org for their owners and feeders could not be profitably sold for om prices this should not hinder every farmer putting forth an eflort to im- prove not only his stoct but $130189 methods of feeding. Thom men who year after year win prizes with their gtc k at the various rotatockshows. have studied the probluns of flood- (amt Bmmn hind: Exhibitd and Average Animal Soil ” fl may P0“. mg. mY‘ ”m u . Fat Stock Show 2 at Royal City peopie are buying eagly. It is and all Kinds of Christmas Presents NOW ON EN T STREET 1 Few women appreciate the value of a bran bath, which soothes the nervâ€" es and softens the skin. Take it just before retiring and you will sleep like a child. The bran, which may be bought at any feed store. should be put into a. bag a foot and a. half long and filled to the thickness of a. high pillow. The bag should be allowed to remain in the water un- til thoroughly soaked and the water pressed out, so the bran can per- meate all parts of the tub. Do not remain in the water longer than five minutes, and massage the skin thor- oughly after. less real poverty. The people are prosperous, industrious and provi- dent, which is a great compliment to our town. He however. remarked that charity persofiany administered, mellowed and broadened the sympa- thies and tended to make the giver a At Sunday morning's service in the Cambridge-st. Methodist 'chnrch, the Rev. Mr. Wilson said that at the many towns in Ontario in which he had resided in the course of his The committee has‘ secured the Lindsay skating rink for'the exclus- ive use of the Club for every Thurs- day evening, when the Sylvester band will be in attendance. The member- ship'dhas been limited to one hund- red skating members. One of the club rooms will be converted into a tea room for the pleasure of those not wishing to join in the skating. The opening meeting has been ar- ranged for New Year’s eve. Mrs. Bloxnfleld, M183 Rosa. Koyl, B. Min-die, A. G. Simpson, A meeting of the' Century skating club was held last Thursday, when the following oficers were elected : liatsay Skating Rink Secured for Every Thmday Evening Century Skating Club Organized mas. and the merchants say there are many more of them. “I haven't noticed a‘ very great. shortage of money, among the 8'; ap- ping public so far,” said a promin- ent merchant today. “0! course there is not the same indiscriminate buyingwehadinpastyearsat this time, when people usually walked in and looked over the stock, picked out what, suited them best, had it wrap- pednpandthenasked,asan after thought, how much it cost. They are a little more careful now about the price," _The people are buying early, but it must not be understood that there is a rush at the diflerent stores. The real, old fashioned rush is.deierred, but a decided tendency is noticed ‘to begin Christmas shopping two weeks and more in advance. This tendency is naturally a source of delight to both merchants and clerks, and it also gives the wise early birds 3. distinct advantage over the sluggards in point of variety of goods to select from. Tnere are just as good bargains oflering 10w as there will be the day before .thist- Vice-pres.â€"Mrs. Fred Knowlson. Putnamâ€"Mrs. R. Ross, Mrs. H. have found out that once in a while the worm gets. the early bird. noflcetble that the early floppies mlargclywomun. Thomdonot mtotakemuchstockintho old adage about the early bird getting lndusttim Lindsay A Beauty Tip 1n the evening Rev. Mg. 'W‘ilso‘n- took his text from Deuteronom, 82 chapter, llflh verae, "As an eagle flatten-cub over 'her young, spread-t Rev. Father Collins delivered the sermon at both services in St. Mary's church on Sunday, pretacing his re- marksbytherecitaloithestoryg! the edict issued by King Pharaoh of Egypt against the male children of the Hebrews and the prominent part Moses played in this historic inci- dent. The reverend gentleman minted out to parents the duty that was requir- ed oi them in connection with their children, and emphasised the neces- sity of good example being set for their guidance in the practice of re- ligious duties. The authority that should be exercised over them was also referred to as well as the other duties that devolved upon parents, and which were too often neglected. Rev. Thos. Snowden, of Janetville, occupied the pulpit in Queen-st. He- thodist church on Sunday. In the morning Mr. Snowden took his text from St. John 8, 29, ”And He that sent Me is with Me. The Father hath not leit me alone, for I 'do always those things that please him." Mr. Snowden delivered a very able sermon from this text, showing that those who did what was right and followed in the paths of righteousness they would receive God's. help and can live alone and have nothing to do with God shall fall into that dark pit, said the speaker. but the right- eous man, he shall be exalted. {circulation and the matter has been BAPTIST W reportedtotheDommIonpoliee st mmr.fievnmoc- Ottawa. ‘oupied the pulpit at both thermoe- Jammy. the subject at the mom- I In: sermon was "Religions Conquest" The Churches :32 53.33:?“ m I MdeWd Jexiohbtodowithmh modern Services field in the Vain: Ton times I mu m we principles in- volved here (3;: ere eternal. We " . have here the eternal Jericho or the â€" topical Cleric!» at Bul. much we QUEEN-ST. METHODIST. I‘ve to {mt W. m an takes mun: dithered: forms. {When me eâ€" _. III ,‘A, ,- 'A__L_:‘I‘ The counterfeit bills are skilfully engraved, and the public would have diflculty in detecting them except that the numbering is in black, whereasall genuine bills otthe’ is- sue, namely January 2. 1904. are numbered in red. The alignment of the numbering on the counterieit bills is also irregular. The figures showing the denomination of the counterfeits appear rather bulky. while the vignettes of Sir Edward Clouston and Sir George Drumm md are somewhat oil. The crudest part of the bill is the back, where the coloring is defective. no. quality of the paper is also inferior to that oi the genuine bill, but, on the whole” the detects are not likely to_ be de- tected by the casual observer. It is believed that there arealarge number of the counterfeit issue in circulation and the matter has been reported to the Dominion police at Ottawa. 5 Counterfeit notes of the Bank of Montreal 0! the five dollar denomina tion are in circulation at Montreal. One of the hills was first detected at the Banque Profinciale, where it was presented by a butcher who was un- able to trace its source. On Monday another bill was spotted in the Bank of Ottawa, in the afternoon. It was immediately detected by the teller, and a notification was sent'to the Bank of Montreal. Another bill turn- ed up Thursday at the Montreal clearing house. Counterfeit Five Dollar: Bill: murin‘ Circulafionâ€"lmfld‘to CAMBRIDGE-ST. METHODIST Bank Bills That; I“ "III“ ‘ l... “(3. [19“ J m m m m Amre was no dance God With him." are Not Genuine m um mm m m, W ST. MARY’S. Dominion Police get!) ambervym,uemmu. Minteb’s cummin’ good an strong 1 Wad £03 in: en snow, ‘ Gooeebome 31-: ct will be 'lontâ€" ; ' we Me outcome it. it spring: up mmntol the ”head its former minus and no we have 6vil torevei' W on. (b every hand we (re beset in great difficulties and we cumin overcome the» in our own strength, but when rumou- nee: lead: our (once, then victory in ours. I e the-text at the evening sermon was taken from. Mu M. 80-31. "Sin. what mud: Ith'tb 5e avail!" "Be- gieve 'n the Lord Jesus Christ nu! thou shalt be and, am any house!" In asking this question, mm: must I do to-be and!" 'we doom 3 confession tint wq ue lot. It in an awinl fling to be lost Madly nil much more so Quito-My. But wd um: hm: hope. it we believe‘ in Christ We.wha-vcd. . 1!: 01. nah mm rip en blow; Lis'en wh'u blizzard sons- Dimih. cloud fie flo'. Linoupitookhputintohhen- Inger-dot More it In. cooled it willhemretoo‘poflinlun w twenty-tour Marni \ In the evening Rev. Mr. Dollie: oc- cupied the pulpit and preached u my large chttion. L 1 a Rev. Mr. Mam occupied the pul- pit in at. war. church on Sunday morning" and preedhed a. very imprec- sive sermon to n hrgge contention. Mr. Lin-rd: pointed out an if the sinner would only come and ask for- givenees he mil-be taken h to the told. an trouble in unfit! the maker tvhntnnnn orwomflhhkbhqyno so thug inIb'heirown m “when the end is‘dazazwing net: then the; will have lots at time to a! lo:- givmeee. 'nse ending come :1: any time. acid the speaker, and then id will be can h‘te- . i to We world not! support OUIH n1‘“;4\ I\'I .\!‘x. mfimmmwutm Wmmwmflhmvd Elbe discipline of Gov! may some- timu seem «were, .w it 1'- bed that on: nest be stirred up ufi' mt masonic-1km whey likely new!” more in one hour in Glory mu dam-inc ‘hhrlfle on 9:01. Man in abutment-July went. :He in my glancing new den tad invention: to IBM In Iii 510'! work. M in no mean) daem- nature might be drama! £0 must extent. 1“ ll tile tenoha be 011118 ‘0 fl! '0 they may c drawer and 52%? inab, close dc lb; err. PAUL'S December Jinan Wood’s 2' mmm‘m JcHJMWMIMth thumunhoomedbyv “writing": ' h HALLOWELL NASH 819 Tribune Building, New York City Let us show you how $50, invested in a legitimate and safe business ml! am $4 for you evety month. Other amounts am in proportion. For punch and patients write to DOUBLE YOU! I0!" IN A YEAR LINDSAY? as it is expected that this stock will be over subscribed, and I reserve applications and cheques after the allotment is made. . We are tellinz at prospect prices. and our prospectus and up-to-date Pocket Map will vmce you that you want some of this :tock at 25° PER SHARE. This pro rty contains 40 nae: in Southern Coleman. It. is Temiskaming. vet. Gifiord and Gifi'ord Extension and contains surface veins of calcite have been uncovered. 200,000 SHARES IN uyhtnampvufiom Innâ€" thfinmbW‘m nmmtdmouyâ€"WWIW Mflmum - , _.__ A-) Maple Leaf Mines, Limited Itilnothudto ”loot. nit- shlohrgm asking at. “'1. nhsnmhshmgmtd MES 11! SMOKE A "PE/‘- CARROLL’S 'Watches, IGAR STORE GAPITAI. $150,000 Big 355W 35 IN THE TREASURY FOR DEVELOPMENT. J.aummmr.¢.,0rnus.w OFFICERS: FWWN'MM m Mesa make exquisite Chribtmu remembranoes, and we have them in beautilul designs. Hey we suggest a suitable Chxistmu gift for a relative or friend ? MAI-AMI.“ “3””th M. E. TANGNEY IN AT ONCE 000,000 SHARES PAR VALUE 250 Chri atmas Furniture Jncm,loq., M has. Tanisha-ling dummylininsw situated just south of the the same formation. Six the right to return all All kinds of FURNITURE PM.”

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