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Lindsay Post (1907), 18 Dec 1908, p. 6

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8. Each question mustbe answ‘er- germane ox we negrw u. we... V...‘ ed separately. and the never written cation, as 'the papers are not valued on one side only. No answer must iron: and educational or literary exceed 200 words in length. and not, standpoint. byt from the point of 'be lees. It will be geonvenience ii viewol'the cogency of their reasoned mdente will writeitheir» answer on ideas. time during in 7°”- but man gm ior the prizes. It in however Mable that the 1M0” 1” ana- wered as the lessons are studied. madnbhforthePWOU’O' mating in n unfettered n! among “vv the new-Tint it is not 00de air to have then compete for the prime. Sunday school teachers. Bible elm scholars, and church goers gen- mnm belonging to the Newspaper unity. ftueompoeodotan those who join a. local club, and take up this month's course herein outlined. barring only ordained clergyman. We have the systematic (ac-operation of Club; also non-church 8001‘s 0‘ shades of opinion. All such who have Biblo and mind truths of Christ- _ .- AL __A gating, and the answers mud: afl .ummpowopogtmpaperb! Semestive Questioos on the Sunday School Lessson by Rev. Dr. Linseott for the International Newspaper Bible Study Club "Registered in accordance with the 00th A " giving "him wisdom and riches and DEC' 20' 1908' vast influence ? Soloinon’s Downfallâ€"I Kings 31'4‘ vM 1143â€"01. what conditions .worneh and really loves and meets her, delighting in her company, is it -posdb1etorh1mtobeaholynm? nag. _ :notxone in God? [nus gum must be mwered'in writing by mem- bers. of the club.) Suppose Solomon had selected“- 1y Hebrew women (or his wives. M would have been the result upon U3 the true God, is suchaiactor inhis happiness and to the continuity of his worldly suwess ? Hundreds of strong brainy men are .oerving long terms in penitentinries ; what proporflon of them would be there it they had been true to the Christian’s God ? The chief sin with which Solomon is tanned here is not so much his . L.â€" myzamy. as that he allowed his heathen wives to turn his heart from the true God; no! 1911: true, that disloyalty to God a the very worst of non! crimes, as at u the founda- npolnamy spandex-um be- on“ th- Biblo uyl IO, or does the Ethic“! amine-mu “.10”;th u,uttgammtbnatm of My? _ . other gods before me.-â€"Ex. 11:3. Verses 4-5.â€"Should a Christian man ever marry a. worldly woman 7 Aswamttaofmctisitpodme fortwotobeunitedintoono. as mun-daze contemplates. 11 they are Io, ind to compete for commons OF THE Did Solomon sin in marryinzm that-one wife? Why is one man for one wife, God's ideal for the marriage relation ? Verses 6-8.â€"Apart irom his poly- --.“ a. what other respects did In what sense did David’s heart m- main true to God, seeing that be too. hadannmber olwives? ' If astrongman ean‘heep from un- due love of women, to what extent is that a guarantee of the favor of God with halth, long life, and prosperity 1. Each contestant, ' '2: my «god'- 9-mi- Textâ€"Thou shalt have no. llamas: 19 the 52 questions for 52 ?he letter paper. size about 8) inches by 14 inches. - A..- nuns and address of the writer t?- thebottom cinnamon-03m be identified. mint 8 'nm‘m- resin- ured,andthenthemmocnt0£ '0 ,, LL- number onu- ' 5. Students should be careful understand the Question 71530“ Qwermg. To dothiltholeuon text mustboreadandespedaflythfim 6. The question from 4110 Local Club must be delivered to this once. and they will be collated at the end of tho contest and tomarded to the hagdauarters of the International headquarters of the Intemuouu Newspaper Bible Stqgiy Club for in- dependent examination ‘by competent 1â€"1:;ng of this iced club will given out. Iron this oflce- o! the first five com. Second seriesâ€"A silver medal to each of the next the contestants. Third series-g teacher’s Lible, price 85.50. to each 0‘! the next five expended imagination, a richer exper- ience and a profounder knowledge 0! the Bible, find of life, to all who take this course, whether winninng a grim. giving th9 989° of “1° " is-) . not, 820. for what it is awardod and in like manner each bible and book will bonsaibed. All who can write and have 16088 mmwmenpthcirstudiesn- gardless of the degree of their Odn‘. Q_Aj One less my class rdoth number now, He'll dwell with us no more, Lines written on the death of Harold Watson, who departed from this life on June lat, 1908, aged 8 years, 7 months, son of Peter Watson, of Kinmonnt. My dear pnpil.is from me gone, I miss Mmjrom 111831300, 1 do not hear his harmless chat, Nor see his smiling face. The play hodr comes, I‘miss him then When once so Happy, 110 Would join the merriest in :the band 0‘ my pupils young and tree. Many happy days he might have'been All in his‘yonhhiul :bloom, WIMBICK.â€"In Lindsay, on Sun- ny, Dumber 18th, to Mr. Ind nu. Thou. Winn-16h. I. m. MIME”: - 0- M. Doc. am. to Mr. and Mrs. M: “Mahdi. sons prosperity, and the establish- ment ot‘his throne forever 7 111 ‘how many respects did Solomon bmk'hisswt in the‘eovenant? What is the only condition of ev- ery man’s continuous prosperity 7 Lesson'lor Sdnday, Dec. 27, 1908 â€" Lesson for Sunday, Dec. 271 908 â€" MofMUBIJANEâ€"In OP" Verses 11-13â€"On what condition did God promise Solomon and his It’s beauties to the eyes ; Untouched by nature’s .blighting blast W111 wither, droop and die. His patients they (19 7 Ana sadly mourn' his loss, Yet hope in heaven to met him. When death’s dark stream is crou- mmâ€"Agoldwmmh' Tight} his body turns to but. _Wfltten by m 1m W. l . A. a. 0mm. at with the saints and angels roam 0n the heavenly. happy shore. ‘es, dear Harold has gone home, In fervent nape we trait. r1. mnl now but. ’mldlt 110370317 'ad not that scarlet fever come, And marked him for his own. 6mm". Thepriaes'wnlthen Bl I‘m developed mind, an it by tho ’, mu a mummy. rm E Invasive WJIm-rwimm ~ our Readers Should Note “at Cue: taking-s; “‘I’su‘ttered mm blind, itch- Ifl-Zl'ihg and. pr‘dtxudiqz pile. [or "In. KtSomefimu-m .w'ere I0 bud tub I rse‘ could hardly bear to move about. The 1: inflammatiqm- the m 0mm pain, the mobbing. the um, thé , __.J {aim-fink in {uncured with com- plete cure. not mere relief a '3 tan pain, the throbbing, the tom. thé owl-powering teem o! distre‘as 11‘ dark despair/ which m. went mil-188. (the dhoétin'c span: of agonyâ€"all were ly sufferers train an urnu um mentoanmderattdl’ Badaathisouewflpmmt‘i‘ umphed, and. Mn. Hughes cutters no longer. .v-_-- ‘ w .‘ I tried norm which I though would give me case, but in the end, diapiriwd and still annex-ins, I gave in." _ n x - '- n‘_I_ the end. it email, Mum E. Boxall, of Scott street, St. Thomas, says; "For months without cessation I endured crest pain tron blaedim “Duel- For as may months {5'4 “ahe‘idquumhongh‘I ” feared Zamâ€"Buk would be like the ordintr: tealedies - useless -. I. m 3101! it was not. It soon proved itselt to be very ailment. It really gave me re- lief, and enter n time cured me com- pletely, I would. like to let all aut- terem Iron piles know mt I. 'em-ea that Zen-But has earned. (or itself. its green: reputation. + Now. ityou nutter hoax this tern-1 bl] painful ailment just be guided by the foregoing Gases: For internal pile melt 3 little Zaquuk and through]! Mk 5 wad. lay Run for 'layonlty It is understoodi mt Mr 1.9. Mnllon is being creed by come of his friends to run tor the worn}- ..ty Wu spoken to about it by a. Post repox‘ter (this morning, Mr. Mellon aid the mnfld wait until $091. Huzhu returned mom, mm! In woulfl'be nailed by what he and. WreVer there r utter!“ m Zam-Buk is a. cure 'tor cold sores, and chapped cracked hands, ulcers, festering sores, blood-poisoning, ec- zema, 'bad leg, ringworm,.scalp sores, and injuries. All vdrug'gists and stores sell Zam- Bukat 50°.u'box, orwbe obtained phat free tram Zam-‘Bnk ~Co.,'1‘oronto, for price. 3 boxes for $1.25. You are warned, however, assimt cheap and dangerous imitations, «Mines of- fexed. as being "just I: god.” eflect an entrance, .and your stables will he purer ad more healthy. My»: the potato cropo! the United States is abort. There has not ban a bit crop for several years. The deficiency has been made up by importation for Germany and Bel- The cherry, the peach, and plum were first grown in Persia. «Cavalry cover four miles an who galloping. Gm good ventilation, lot the sun- shine-and the air have a. chance to in: 0.4va 061W] when trotting. fifteen miles an to destroy the beauty of the whole orchard. It 183180 much more dim- cnlt to zuitiva‘be around a leaning tree. This tro la my My be remeiied when the m are young by My digging up and replantinz them. The giant strides the dairying 1n- dnstry is mking in Queensland may be guaged by the value 01 butter exâ€" ports during the past five years. In 1903 the item was Worth £49,804 ; are 13,291 establishments in the colony engaged in the industry. ’ 01 these 1,329 handle milk only, 3,190 are cream extractors, and 8,772 make Obie! 0! Police ”hunt lh'u u- oelvod menu: .m “it of "mm recently ntdln in Toronto, comm- lnc or! many :0}! (link hunky. Thu when m moan!“ W‘mhotd 1904. £344,943; 1905. £45,863; 1906. £582,326; and 1907. £503,582. There butter. [simian fly lane is 71mm ' FARIANDGARDEN Im Thom Immd was she heard. of Zun-. andallskindiaeam so terrible tint on- a little months without great min tram a W NOW rhioh I thought but in the end, sufferins. I of std we find one over no tax as Montreal. hour hour Nervous Gentlema- â€" “Now ”be cuetu how you drive, cabby. mil go clowb we: flu Itasca, tor I late to be Men. And mini you pull up at flux-ism home. and look: out for those drenMQl_eleotrio trams.” in! A- l v OOOOOOOD‘ my best. And which 'orspiu you widg: to be taken to. air. of an accident?" inbo-tfiam's drug stormâ€"'8. Try prim chocolates and box: bout. all used boxes. at Batman'- B SALEâ€"320 m raw that had. Moon an district. Salk. Twelve hundred dollars can. 01w. Isaac C. Hawkins died at 111050” at Athens 0! smallpox. The civic overdraft o! Hunilton may reach $100.000 this yen. to.â€"ld§w. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- aoconnts with Dr. John Gust. who will continue the ,mflce. JOHN HACKAY, 11.1). FNTERTAINMENTS.” I am not J connected wm any sun-0mm enterprise at present. I m tt “b" my to furnish first ch- anus-tun- ment' for societies. 1048“. 0M1“ Seven‘horaes were lost In the nu which destroyed. W. A. Stevens' stable dn Hamilton. “TEACHER WANTED.eeFor 8. B. No. 5. To’wnnhlp 0! Opt. Duties to commence .Jan. 4th, 1909. Normal certificate preferred. State experience. Apply Mel Funny. Hadley 9.0. Jinan-ed. John well. Irondde, Outâ€"Wm. patios, etc., 311 reasonable term. 1". O. Edmonds. Ir, Bu: 258. W. C. Sutherland is the new speak- er of the Saskatchewan Legislature. Brockville has decided to edheu to a non-political civic edminietrttion. CHER WANTED for Union school 8. 8., avenge ottoman EnTERfAINIENTS SALE REGISTER. Foreman” W16"!!! 8"" Netl'IOO 81"“ Fur- Collars For Shams m Shunt-It... Tom- WANTED. â€"-â€" vvv Ralncbajl: ' Salt. ’orspitnl CARTER Lindsay of. useful articles sbould be If it’s a present for . 0......OOOOOOOQOQOOOOOOOOOOOO000096.09. mt (AHADA urt'AssunAmr (0. u mu. m m Wu. x h. “a" and at a.“ “M M I nix-ll» um yto h m In! of not. 8. Concu- J. G. EDWARDSMO. ? I-l NDuY. mun. up - - - flaunt. If there is anything nbont the house that needs painting or vanishing, come in wd get the finish made par Ecuhrly {or that putpose. . MAI-811. 0909094 Agent Canada. Life Assurance Go. For Lindsay tad Vlotorl: County. ‘ 000939990oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo O O O 6 O Firm for Sale Brighten Up " i pooeoooooeo deflat- III In. Doomâ€"The Canada Litehasa record of sixty years of honorable dealing, during which per- iod-no claim has been contested on account of a technicality. Intact. no record of any each action appears in the entire history of the Company. 8115 For EM 810. m hu-The Canada Life since its inception has paid or credited to its policy-holders $115.00 for every $100.06 paid bv them. This is conclusive evidence of successful ma nagement- “The PeOpe's W H caesswm , - - P . cand'date.” [ Formerly Creifl'ell hfiufiop IMPORTANT FACTS unon Handk‘ffl Exoolda Hand It". lut‘tlal Handk'fb Bucpendero Armlets Gloves Opposite St. Andmw’dChurch. P. 0. BOX 217 R. WIDDESS, Hosiery Umbrellas CONCERNING- Pianos, Organs and Swing Machines OlleohonnOtoi:..n. 2.04 p n , 7‘loOv.n..ormyu-n by uppointmont H. G. HAMILTON Plano and”. Organ CTUDIO, I0 CAHBBIDGE-St Inch! ammo: m to bouncy-u. II. hr W W Dedmintllkhhdl'crdgnwd Do "do Ruble no 6mm Monumentc «0., of the hunt Jain» at but. wot! nan-Hp. A can awaited. - Jug-9b; nah-n 0!- mm Inc-om: mm «a Wot-view _W._W._Jotduwhutpd will in It“ be bud-Incl. DR. G. W. HALL LITTLE BRITAIN - ONTARIO. W of Tomato sad Trinity Uni ”um“. Spoon! “moon to d! 'oum of mature sud unkind neck: (Gator). ma camnm's AID SOCIETY Ontarlo Marble and Granlto Works, m,u.w.muuum ABBEN mamas-m until of Toques Cuff Links Tie Pins Leather Collar Bags skating Gauntlets to you. Fur Caps pull Dress Shirts Full Dress Vest Pea Jacket Linen Collars I-lnen Cuffs FAR! FOR SALEâ€"100 acre- Mt! of my. load buildings. [out day In“. Terms to suit pay-cm Inquire a; John Anni; or at; n. NB SALE â€" Lot 16, con. 3. 0;. g.. Main: 99 ccres more or (es. a. p y .1 Williun a. Shine.“ ‘ on the little Britain rd. Tbm mile: from the town at but. 1.3. All cleared. Good [rune In. .33; first-clam cellar all v.1- .had. Good 103 barn and tabla. Good (“be driving shed and h Land n clny loam. well read, fit! well. mhtrd. For tux-m ”wank:- apply to .1511" Bali. ml m :3an UnduL-Vfl.‘ ARK FOB SALEâ€"Tu acre hm: 3""le the village of Cameron; lance putt!" owed. 50 acre» tillahle, bu. "Ina house and kitchen frame ban 30850. Iith s 12-foot Ivan: good W "thing (all size of ham : bu bwringfl'lla mu. apploo, pears and plum: two 500‘ black!!!“ W'b 805001. church, stl'rrfi. M! pelt 0600, min market, chop?!“ In!!! ad mum cation, n11 within 3 M radio! hm Eight miles from mm and the .9“. from Fenelon F5113- Bl" chute. to purchnse : well sitmwdEhflre 0 Form 'nhnnnlt W pr I sons. pea W Agent, - FOR SALE .â€" 9‘ can mm turd; at Inlay. in the towmhlp of For than. good log home» partly pla- tfl'ed an! M1! boarded fl Newtrmohm50165.vithh ‘ all FOB SALEâ€"In Mnriposs, 109 m. 75 clan-ed, 70 tillal-‘e, 15 so!“ . Nhnoe second growth mixed Prune nnd log barn with tumbling; franc house; small orchu’d: W“ and "tend by two good wells. mile from school and r-burch, thmf from Little Bri'ain, five from Mm- Shb'on. Essy terms of plymfllty th_ inbred st 4 per cent For further flan ’pply_to ELIAS BOWES, Rea} Hagar; May 2. II“ Far augvâ€"v- --'-â€"' Kant, 5m. Pat once, Chunk“. “v lOnfluh-onljxduy. Soldstlbfl‘s‘i,’ u the r nuts it old below” m to ' Soil ch! 10‘“ I". my. For further particulars 1'wa " ms 80m, r031 estate WWW FARM FOR SALE -â€" 100 acres m or less. lot 12, con. 4, Mar”. 90 acres ole-Jed. 86 acres plow U blame pasture and second M Good brick house and first-*- fume burn, 60x65. hip root. wall In! good cabling; wind ; driving died; hog pen; hen bu; iwelh; well fenced end in goods:- pou'. 1 1â€"4 miles from Little ki- tuill; 3 1-2 miles from W new: good owhtrd. The pm 1:: of W Western. For [tn-M putbuhrl apply to Elm Ban-I. cede ante agent. Lindsaya-thc I FOR SALEâ€"Beincoonwdd “multofloufisndfi. ell- LWMutheXinthm: 10 ACE! FARM run. mumâ€"w" con. 10, Township of 0P! b M at Alex. Nugent. All and. Whomeoh-une buns, 1".” hell .6th 3 nilu‘from Ronbom a” m #__Lu A” Hats .11. Close to school and buck-fin shop. 6 miles from Gaming“ tion. Canaan und Grass an. 4 In“. from Cambray. 3 mil. 1:. Gm. Will! be soid cheap and. (and can. Wm: to Be“ «an. ml: to Bliss Bowen. Red hit “at. Lindsay.â€"-wt£. inn and some. extra won his MISCELL.4.\'EOUS Jan-1'1. m FARM m3 SAI_.E:? POST M It w gaunt ville : awn. :

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