Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Lindsay Post (1907), 18 Dec 1908, p. 8

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' :Correslmdents Newsyf'Letters mmrafcwdaya. hinF. J'.Kcrrspent from Friday mlwmymmm Not- Mr. Geo. E. Wiggins has flwvered his connection with the local Amber firm known as Moore, smell and Wiggins, with which he hill been .as- eociated for a numbet of years. fie left Penelon Falls last week for To- ronto, where he has accepted a. pack tion on the eta! of a W bur inees college. Ht. WW I!!! _be much missed by a large circle 01 large number of lawful angl Janey art, idea will be owed 101' Ida; also home made baking. Rebuhments will be served in the tea roam from five o’clock. Mr. W. Curtis, .99 .Colbqqno-st. ; A bazaar anger the juspim at the ladies of the fiaptiet church will be held in the afternoon and evening of Friday and Saturday. Dec. 18th ”d 19th, in the vamt star; owned yy The satin; rink} pened on Satur- day evening lnst,_ qr! is norm: full swing, with e. gqqd,attendme. A telephone has been installed is the curling rink, which .wll no fioubt prove a great eonvqnimce. to be xiygn by‘ at. Jami Sunday school omflednesdsy evening, Dec. 80th. 1:: 41319390111 ball. A pro- xrsmme is being propel-ed by the children sad yoga: people-g4 the S. 8. A Christmas tree will duo be a. feature oh the «unmet and their Manda are hazing forum to a. happy tigne 93 this occasion All 1.11112“an point ‘1‘, it being a meat 434nm to be. q. good one. phmtnna. cad tho u:- in redolent :olomtmtmmlmmnn :0! which no to Inflated and dc- \omt¢din mun-hm to: the ydolmtioa 0! tin m of tha Moran: and” «hash. On Monday ”at last. the 8.1mm My will hold a Christmas owe“ it: mm'gfighm which a full proâ€" dc..ete.. will be given. lbs Violet Rude-Ion, 0! London. Mud, and Mn Peacock, o! defle ex- ”904.150 be .pwent. 8t...Amlnv'a1S. 8. Want “(hm-tee in Mm army. flee; 22nd. We to be Causal s‘tnat. A good upro- nesdppovuflng. m inst... the flap- tlst 898. will 1301‘ an eaten-haunt malacqung a erstmu tree am he one nf-the attmtlons. The Md- ren ample Sundaggchool are he“; 0n Mm: ma tho MW 8. 8. Went find Christmas tree , yin-Jpn) helm. u the chattel, inst. _, A mumba' dram the *drovmnb to the wool house, . RENEW FALLS. ‘ (Speéial ii) The Post) "limit twenty young people 0! town pleasantly snrpr’noid Miss Ethel Long nth-tn rHotel:K.wartha on Friday m last. Secral hours were spent '31: games, wards and music before‘the merry prty broke up in the wee. sma’. hours, having spent a m anhyable tine. 1'th social was held at Fall's schbdlnhoase on ”day evening, 11th wire numerous and ,pretty, ditto, and the drunken and was? simply «glorim rummage Onlyonoihortmtromnowtm MMQ§ Kflu eldest: son of C w W Query puma] cut ”was: afternoon. trying to «lodge ' m being thrown nxi'mufifl other boys. Buy You Christmas and you can rely on what you get. Also ISSIIER or um“: ucmas. Msm‘aw Watchmakers coma Watehmalvars Go We are Always Home . Our Guarantee Is Worth Something. The nany friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Grills joinrin expressing their sympathy for them in their recent bereavement, having lost their only child from a very brie! illness. ' A very interesfihg m 9: feat- A Mr, and Mrs. Money. of town, spent Sunday with her amt, Mrs. VALENTIA. (Special to The Post) , firs. Joseph Mark is spending a few weeks with her daughter, , Mu. WM Mitchell, of 0”. school on December 22nd. Come on. and all and «day thevtreat of the Please 601m: forget the Ohfletmu tree and entertainment held under the auspices of «the Methodist Sunday The max school house is M: last‘ comylatet}. and was opsned a Dec. 7th. It ism fine improvement lie the; village. and is certainly beautifully' finished both inside and which. Hinds. Day, who‘fiu been ‘very ill, ismlously improving. Mr. Thomas Raven.“ Headleke, gave Norlend mes-a flying visit one day last wank. Mr. and Mn. .J'olbua IBaflcy, of Head Lake, wem h-tommme day last week on Weds. Min Gordon. of Beech Lake, vult- d her friend. lies Myrtle Wakenn, “an one day last week’. an. and Mrs. Joana. \Bailei', of :hut week on basins-I. rm Gordon, of Beach lath. visit- admr triend,M1u Mantle wanna, Iron {Friday to Monday. mas Lulu Add: hu mtmod'home diorgpending a low not. “flanker “upturn. .Arthur 8'“. .01 Valu- dsys visiting Int triad, Mrs. Arthur Swain. of Vlhntia: £8900“! .to The Poet) Mr. E. u” o! Powlos’ Genera. was in 1:0an dAyJut not on Tho Harmer: in tum vicinity no mung annulus: of the mod sleigh- IMJT we having a int of their «:0qu testing done. Hr. Alex. Murchiaon. ot'Woadvillo. spent Smitty Int at C.’ Helium's. The menu-y services and enter- Warm «film on' Sunday and IOBGW‘ last were wellgattnndod by the micro! this vicinity. . r31:- m‘i-mixm band whichxnfl Mart- :‘a m 1.1; ""baul Bum. an! no by the Ru. Hr. Forgulonr o! menu-n. is progressing (wot-our. and new mm or. being odd-d ,mkly. Mr. ad Mn. Wm. Mann, who "turn-d from Guantanamo o couple 9! mounts 339.13" gone to Long Bunch to mm. Mr. '1'. 0mm in omflnpo new when!!! on M: horn. Mr. Minimum» bu «ma 3: uptodubypoutry home. in town on Wednesday. Mr. "Phos. Torrance of Neepawa, tohisparents, Mr. and‘st. A. Tor- rance. we .went to Linda” on Tues- day tompand a few days with is sistzr Mrs "cu Carew day in Lindsay. Mrs) Dr.‘ Gould and Mia Nie re- turned on Monday from Guelph, whet-either attended the-.W. 1. conâ€" nation .as delegate from the ~ local llr. J.=R. Hand, of Stuiloaephls- land; came to the Falls on Tuesday. 'Bev. "'-.W. H. A. henchraichanged pnlptts on Sunday last with Rev. Gunner; of Kinnount. Dr. Jason-W‘s in: Lindsay ion Eon- manteenin Acheson, of Graham-is visiting her £1131 «Special to The Post) . were 1: flown one day Tully, or Petetboro, was PALESTINE countytohavethejbmto tax Boo mung. mortmont of lc- ' I3; values, Books, Stationery, Balan- darb and Cards. loll: and Toys. W. at polling chap. ltoro upon ovary night. II» 1 Tanzania, 2 claim lost of Y.I.c.A. . div «Bert Nayloh Barbary ton: chairs. no waiting. Shanghai: in emanation. East 0! Simpson Home, opposite Benson House. most; np-toalato' than. Ottawa council will submit a b!- 13w» to raise 860.000 to: civic my HUMIan-Q - ’ Dressed bogs. .. .. . Boga, live selects Hogs, tut. .. ... ‘ :Bo‘wa. -ww ....... Small pigs. pair ..J Wool. run’vifubed Wool. waihe‘d Potatoes, new ,bus Apples, per bag I Watermelon: 6am .. .... ... w‘ .. Veninn cer lb w :8tnw, pen ton .... Butchen' com .... a. ... Butchen' meadow mo 8896:: cutie" .. . Beet cattle per lb 8.00kers’ attle (cod... Milo!) cows ...... WIN “Jo-4.34:»! mood .ww. oats a. .. m ... Wheat, (fall .4 .......... .’ Sprung why-t ............... 60m Wt )4 u. no u. Turkeyu. per 1b,............ Geese per lb ........, But Munitdn Pat- . Gut 110" no «an». uno- ltrdnt mud noun-.1. Pea. Imll. bu. .. ... Butier; cer lb Duh here on Monday to spend the win- ‘ter with relatives in this part. Mrs. C. McFadfien, with Mia. B. Hunter, nude 3 bbndnees trip to Kinmount on Monday. Mr; Fred Ruby is able to qe about once more. He has been under the weather lately. Mr. Edward Reil. of Lakefleld. call- ed on friends lure recently. The“ date of the Christmas tree in the Methodist church is set for Wed- church Friday evening- Mr. E. Hare left ‘on ‘n- o 00‘ loobm James Shea, of Wilverforee. at- L the man‘s meeting in the \‘N N succulfioo uo no oom- h. .0000. Ro‘ot. Beech and mm- 013 010 015 to on to to to to 010 080 015 015 (fluâ€"U" 'â€" 'â€"â€"â€"â€"_ , 33 Corner Kent and William Streets Lindsay 2) RW%%%%%%%%%$E%%%%$%%%%%2Y %5 Fund." Apply Unclear-1'- g2” OvercoatsforEveryMan .93 $8, $10, $12 and $15 ‘ WM 1! 10.00 15.00 12.00 Model: It 10.00 All» “Where the Good Clothes Come From J. 6006" Full weight and extra weight ell-wool worsted frieze end molten costs in black and oxford, wor- sted cheviots in hrswn end grey shades, shadow stripes, fancy and plain wele weaves, the models include semi and Cull-box coats, :11 length, every garment is full ate-dud vdue up to $15 and we guarantee full 815 eervice. The fabrics and 'triminge .in these costs are full stsndwd vslues up to 812. Included ere all-wool full might meltons in blacks, blues and OxfordsJ smart worsted Cheviots sud velours, vsn'ous shadow stripes, herringbone end wsle weaves in stone oxford and greys. models include semi sud full-box in fashionable lengths. You must see these suits to properly appreciate them. Your tailor could not make you a suit of their equal for less than .28 or 880. Pure wool fabrics in light and dark extreme novelties and conservative efl‘ects, tailored in the most careful manner by aha finest clothes makers 111 America. These gel-manta represent the very some of the teilore enfbmenehip, beautifully lined. feultleeely trimmed, end cut in leteet style and pattern. A: fine a you cen find anywhere. Eng new shale is re seated i‘n this (ii-pity, mafia-”in ainglo and dou’ o-brentcd models, in .11 the u: rior style: Ind finish. The fine“ onmplos o! y-to-m suit-.ovor shown st this price. The quality excellence of teiloring in conspicuous in than etynieh gut-meats. All the Intent innov- ovetione in e lendld ell wool mteriele are in the collection. gen need to see them to reelize whet greet values they ere. It will not cost you anything for your education, as we sell 'the highest grade Clothing at lower prices than you have been accustomed to pay for the ordinary kind. Our immense buying leverage enables us to sell you the best grade clothing at the same price ’as ordinary clothes would cost you elsewhere. Gough Clothes have that ex- cellenCe of fabric, quality of workmanship, and embody distinctive features of design. which are laid down by fashion. Gough Clothe: carry that dignity of style which appeals .to all men. Smm.-From William-ct Ionth "' s two-yar-old rod and. bull. lad Pm pom; my intonation on W its vhauboub kindly at!- m 30! 551. uni-u. Ontâ€"in." :O-n n 9, can. 11, Bunny. Owner can Inn an) 5! Prom MM! and 98m TRAYED.â€"One ed! cane ontotbo premises of the naduflznod, lot aIBAYED. thh'n,‘ nutty opposite pout once.â€" Karl's-I and. to under. A choice . Boys’ ‘ Clothing ImWMIa-oddld 11.95 4.95 12.00 15.00 ~95 BOYS' NORFOLK SUITSâ€"made uf «1 tweed: in nobby putterns, well lined, worth 44 YOUTHS' OVERCOATSâ€"in the new guys and bitch, also some deep blues, in bun-01's and meltons, sud hoary tweeds, with self :m-i siik velvet chill", cut in the new loose swaggv!‘ at)“. mmwfimeguluprieefl and $8. Regulu price 36. BOY’S THREE-PIECE SUITSâ€"Worsteds and tweed, single and double breasted, sxzes 28 to 32 BOYS, OVEBCOATSâ€"in black and greys in the new moltons sud tweeds, with self or silk wi- vetcolhti loose back styles, sizes 28 to 32. Handsome ox‘erconto pmeenting «lifiercnt ftbfiu, dude. and decimal, including all- wool melton I of bud and 00ft finish, in black, «abridge grey- nnd olive mixtures in huuvy and medium weights. The models includu all h-ngnh h! M GONE-b0! m, plain llpels, peaked Input. phid sleeves and cut! doevea. u my toe! WAY. FRIDAY, Overeoete with fabrics, trimming: and tailoring of the beet possible, the model: are correct. mem ere extreme and some we conservative; fabrics in- clude meltoue, fine keneye, velours and smart tweede. in ell the very Intact colors. All coats are made with heir-cloth, cold voter shrunk fronts. “Where the Good Clothes Come From” (REG ISTERED) mama-I'm OAVANA WATSON H‘K

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