imusx\\\\k\\ir\h\iÂ¥\\.\\\h\h\\\®\sÂ¥sawsemissswsxwour.t»: , . ."_ t:.'ri,'..,n~.:;.,4;- .... :~:‘. 7:, , 2‘ . .‘r .x a»- - .\ .\r. ‘37 n... ‘/ The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of . . and has been made under his per- : W sonal supervision since its infancy. R _ , . , Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ J ust-aS-good†are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA . Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .ubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. csuums CASTGRIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of .. The Kind You Have nous Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUI COMPANY. 77 HU'RAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. whenâ€: {ï¬esta-iv? '- 5J3: 2'L‘3'3â€â€˜=*r":£'.‘¢~*1«'.L::‘.;x-a.r..s;x" cast; ;- Sm. (â€FER During the next week Warren will sell your choice of three E'hwr grade, most modern, handsome and durable Sewing iciiizies made in Canada and United States at ten per cent less 11:1“. usual price. . We have sold a lot of those machines during our twelve years encrimce in the business and our pleased cus omers are best p oof ,; :33. ir excellence. Our last shipment of Whites include very ~~: Si}i:.S in rotary and Vibrator movements with latest devices. Come in and see our No 30 Mission Rotary White, highest 2i: limos and Organs. We guarantee satisfaction. sis ,' ‘ "F Opposite St. Andrews 2;? a ' E Church, William - st 3 E I 3 Phone I3I-L. Box 217 . eemsemm t i » \‘\\ ix: ‘ â€$.05; timothy .10 “men“ Q~W.“m-e““ eases“ >M“““W†’2‘ I 5 t ! . ....... v I“ ’."lf:*“." 3 Make your work lighter- and more proï¬table by instal- . i".:I:-':z.::i'.;s .‘viorse Gasoline Engine. sizes 1 to (10 h. p. I have ‘ L' :x U l: p. and 10 h. p. second hand engines in first-class con- Corne and talk it over. LINDSAY GARAGE. East 11nd \Vcllingzon-st Bridge. . {n-izuine lint-gains. : w. HaLL, it; 3.3-. in ill branches. Phone 317K. Gasoline Engine Supplies W9“?k§-?a‘f?><t>®®®©©®©©0â€Â®â‚¬Â©Â® . 00°00 ' 0000000000000 .. _ v ,-“ ’.~ _ TO {BUR HQMEMADE BUGGlES Sl‘RONG AND STYLISH Several Second-hand Buggies For Sale Cheap ..'.; _. Gasoline Engines it coeeoooooooooooo ? i i ! incur; on the charge of trespassing G.T.R. Men MR8.CURRlâ€"E Under Arrest SUBS CITY (Special to The Post) Orillia, Dec. 1.â€"Several G. T. R. employees here were arrested this on property belonging to the town while warrants were issued for Mr. P. J. Lynch, Supt. at Allandale, and two others in the same connection. The railway, for the past three years, has endeavoured to get control of a strip of land owned by the old North- ern Railway and the main line, and three times recently, it is alleged the lines were torn down and moved in on’s property. The authori- ties pxbmptly moved it out to the original lines. This morning the fence was moved again, with the result that arrests were made and warrants issued as stated above. Dairy Meeting in North has The annual General Meeting of the North Ops Cheese.and Butter Associ- ation was held in the factory on Monday, Nov. 28, 1910. ' present were, President, Officers Mr. T. Flynn, Directors Messrs. J.‘ Hutchison, Wilson Hamilton, and G. Endicott; Secretary, Mr. James Ag- new. The meeting opened the minutes of the last annual meeting were read and adopted. The secretary then gave'hls report for the season of 1910 which was as follows: ' Total lbs. of milk received 883,657, Total ,lbs. of cheese made, 82,821, average number lbs. milk per lb. cheese 10.66, average price per 1b. of cheese 103e, average price per 100 lbs. _mi1k, 79.40c., total amount of money received 8,898. It was moved and seconded that a hearty vote of thanks be éccorded Mr. John Carew for the use of tim- . her and ties used in moving the fac- toryâ€"Carried. An election of officers resulted in all the retiring officers being re- elected. The season of 1910 was the best in the history of the factory, an in« crease of 12,820 lbs. of cheese from the season of 1909. The factory has ....:;;.:4-..‘~,y‘,~;:\.}. .oooooooo oo . oo’o oo .0 00 oo ooooooo ibeen moved to an ideal site and a handsome brick structure takes the place of an old frame building, var- ious other improvements both inside and out tend to show that the pat- rons of the {North Ops Cheese Fac- tory are. awakening to the fact that a good building and equipment-are one of the factors of successful dairyâ€" ing. ' Mr. J. C. Curmniskey, of Fleet- wood factory‘was present at the meeting. They Operated in This County Advocateâ€"Of late a number of far- ? mers have lost their fowls by thieves CHRIS. McILHARGEY “as. ~‘ «new 5"“? Await-A" f: .t‘v'it'r..'.'-:s’n:v>.- 1" â€˜ï¬ 6 . 0 Drs. K. 8.7. K. Esta lished .49 Y ars ° sown h . ~ ., E‘NO NAMES USED “WITH. ~ ~ . ad .4“; our WRITTEN CONSENT w“, r 3 (’2' 4' "z , . J _ ‘7??? He was surprised at how the [(7 A? . ‘ ,(2 E . sores healedâ€" "1. took your haw , 9/ . in L1: Blurb )D 'l‘nnnrzgnsr for a serious blood EJ J 9K \ disease With which I had been indicted ' -’ v i A, ".g . I for twelveyears. I hall consulted ascore .3, . .. , . 9 of physicians. taken all kinds of blood . , . I f. ‘ methane, visited Hot Springs and other . a? 1. ,‘ ‘5 .7, '. .Q mineral water resorts, but only got tern- . .6 ,, \ a .z a5 ‘qurary rehef. They would help me for a ‘ I" :4 257.190 1.311“, but after discontinuing the meii- v). , . rigid“! e» i‘ï¬'xn'is me 31;. mpt'xns would break out, (ga- , ._ c; 2;. _ n g . "laxjamfrunmng scrss blotches, rhmim- , . . _ _ i .2 ‘ acre pains, looseness oi the hair. swrllings ,u of giro :lanilsilpalms of the hands scaling, to BEFORZTREAvucnv i-c ncss or t. '3 skin, dyspeptic stomach, . . . A . . .. mom, advised m0 t 6th ‘I had given up in despazr when 8. "En 13“?â€th . . â€a, I hj‘x‘. no'hoy. bit 3 caught FOP. as you had curml him of a similar disease 8 years ago- at: 11 becaine‘eniqu’omteds z‘~"~'~’ice.. In three weelzs‘ time the sorr-Ltccmmcnccd to heal up " . and a: the cnd of tin? a"); 9i fofltfnued the anï¬frrrnon Tnnuzrmzr for four months a; and? signs of any disease skid? Si mptom had disappeared. I was. cured 7 years ago My boy. three years old. is und and healthy. I cer- . can recommend your Ls. [avatelyx but you .. treatment with all my heart. You n refer any orson to can use tms testimonial as you wish. WPH, S, 's‘fe treat NERVOUS DEBILITY V ,. 5m; ~ dSECRET : - Amcosnvnms, VITAL mmmssswo â€d ngn. Dames URINARY. BLADDER and runner complaints of MEn' e. p A . ‘. 9 , {2' ABE 3£rygiog.efi§é‘£'aigi;§ TVocnlkllost hope? Are you intending to marrv" Pas Wm. M m... .. - . . o» «u. owe you an weai‘ncvv on" “--~~ 5' 7- ...sngrm Willcvre . i n ' Y . ‘ ““ “"" “‘3?†a; , .- . . Jiou. i’hatithas . -’ , , -» "" 7‘ r?ee. .No matter who has treatnd . donefor Othemltm‘l "1†3â€." 9““ C°n5u1t35¢m i.‘"’“"'esr , 2 nable 80 c you write for an honest. opinion Free of Ch «w: - €350 . oks Freeâ€"(Illustrated) on diseases of Men. “‘3' â€": NO NAM USED WRIT)†. . Question Bandeau of fliï¬eg-{ment F EN COmeT' Everything cmfldenï¬ï¬‚b ° MENNEDRKENNE ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. mi.†KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. .fif'I'V"=.'-‘£-l~;-i.’.‘l ' ‘1: l' - 2.1..‘5-3'5: r 91.4% 3;. ,_ 4-1.1 PI one: strainoshsssssesns On Tuesday night last the hen house of Arthur Garruthers, 6th. con. was raided and sixteen of his hens stolen Don. Smith, townline, Eldon, on the same night had a 'quantity of grain stolen out of his granary. Next morn ing a track of a. one home waggon was traced to the premises of Roy Holden, 7th. con. Thorah. Constables A. W. Scott and D. McMillan, along with Mr. Carruthers went to Hol- den’s on Wednesday, the 24th. inst., with a search warrant issued by Major Patterson, J .P., where they found the stolen fowl. Rey Holden and Gabe French were arrested. They were brought before Major Patter- son, J.P. and pleaded guilty and committed for trial. Constable Scott took the prisoners down to Whitby €801 on Monday morning. Constable Dumond from Woodville, who held a warrant for the arrest of the same Parties for stealing grain from Don. Smith, of Eldon, found the grain in Holdeo’s stable and now these parties have to face tWO . ChargeS, one in Victoria and another in Ontario county. MARRIED CALDERâ€"MINORE.â€"At the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. W. H. A. French, on Wednesday, Nov. 30th, 1910, Geo. A. Calder. ~_ A recent issue of a Montreal paper statcsj “An action for $75,000 was yesterday against the city ,by Dame l Elizabeth Johnson Currie, widow of the late Robert Bruce Currie, who, on Nov. 13th. was killed by the fal- ling of a telephone pole at the cor. her of Dorchezter and St. Dominique streets. Plaintiff alleges that the city was responsible, inasmuch as the pole in quest on was proven to be unsound." Painful Accident? To Local Lady Last evening Mrs. Wm. Ware, a resident of the east ward, was un- fortunate enough to break her arm by a bad iall on the slippery street. She was returning from the song service at the Academy and had just walked a few steps in front of Mr. Calvert’s butcher shop when she slipped on some ice and fell on her arm, breaking it badly at the wrist. A number of spectators picked her up and hurried her to alocal physician, where her injuries were attended to. lies Plenty of Undeveloped Power In an article which appeared in The Post Saturday evening referring to the power proposition to be submit- ted to the Council to-night, the stateâ€" ment was made that the Light, Heat Power Co. have marketed practic- ally all its power. Mr. W. E. Reesor, the manager, informs us that such is not the case: The company has still plenty of undeveloped power which will be marketed at Lindsay at any time when required. We gladly make this correction. Marinasa Loses Important Case In the arbitration proceedings of Samuel Broad, of Chesterton, ag- ainst the Township of Mariposa, His Honor Judge Harding has made his award, giving the Plaintiï¬ $400 for one-half acre of land expropriated for a gravel pit and ordered the Town- ship to pay all the costs of the pro- ceedings including the solicitor’s cost and arbitrator’s fees. The action arâ€" ose out of the Township of Mariposa expropriating one.ha]f acre of land and aright of way into it, for the purposes of a gravel pit and they oï¬ered Mr. Broad $225, which he re- fused to accept and there was an ar- bitration then, which awarded him $225, and which award was set aside by McLaughlin, Peel, Fulton 8.: Stan- son, , who acted for ' Mr. Broad, and a new arbitra- tion proceedings was taken, which was held before His Honor Judge Harding as a sole arbitrator, with the result that Mr. Broad now gets $400 and his costs. McLaughlin, Peel, Fulton 8: Stinson acted ,for Mr. Broad throughout and Stewart O'Connor for the Town- ship. T. Brady _â€" is needed with ' , inprise Soap 3 Don't boil or scald the clothes. It h'! necessary. The clothes come out of the ‘ \ wash clear white, perfectly washed. no. . dirt drops out, is not rubbcdin. Child's Play of Wash Day. Use Surprise the ordinary way if you wish but we .recom- l mend a trial th e : Surprise way. ' Read the directions on 7.1" iiiiiiiiiiiï¬iim 0N CARP is A MUCH MALIGNED nsn To the Editor: came from China, andwas introduced Sinâ€"In your issue of Nov. 28 is an 2 into Germany, where they were Very article taken from the Peterborough; Examiner written by a party signed , himself “Deckhand,†In it he says that carp are killing the lunge and bass in the Trent waters. He also 1 says the frogs are disappearing from , the same cause. It is very evident Mr: Deckhand does not know what he is talking about. The carp, or German successfully propogated, hence their name, German carp. They have been known to grow, under favorable con- ditions, to weigh seventy (70) pounds or over. The ï¬rst time they were in- troduced into Canada, so far as the writer knows, was some thirty years “ago, when ten only small fry were isecured from the late Seth Green, l carp, as they are usually called, are, ‘New York. These ï¬sh IWere kept in a not a flesh eating ï¬sh, and do not live on either ï¬sh or frogs. They are strictly vegetariansâ€"the shape ï¬shery commissioner for the State of small tank all winter; in the spring of Eseven ï¬sh were placed in a private their mouth easily demonstrates this. frond. three having died dur as tho No doubt the rice beds might suffer ' winter. From these seven $911 no if the carp became very numerous; so 5 doubt Lake Simcoe has been checked also would the rice beds suffer if the ducks became very plentiful. I am rather inclined to think that l l I As to the carp being termed crafty, the writer is more inclined to believe the fit is their unwillingness to take the lunge and bass are their own worstiusual bait, minnow 01' worms, that enemies, with Mr. Man a close second The writer was pleased to see in your issue of the 30th ult. another article, also taken from the Examin- er, in defence of the carp. This dis- ciple of Izaak Walton is evidently bet- ter informed as to the habits of this perhaps undeservedly maligned ï¬sh. The Scientiï¬c American is authority for saying “that the carp is of the gold fish species," and originally Lindiay’s New Grocery FirmI On Wednesday the old established grocery store on Kent-st. which has been carried on for some time by Mr. will be taken over by Lindsay, was presented with the banâ€" M-essrs. Michael Fox and Frederick daging prize of the class of 1910. The Nugent, who have purchased the bus« iness The members of the new ï¬rm are experienced men, Mr. Fox having been in the employ of Spratt 8: Kil- len for seven years, while Mr. Nugent has been connected with the same ï¬rm for four years. They are both well and fav0rab1y known throughout the district, and no doubt will receive a general share of public patronage. Mr. Fox is ason of Mr. M. Fox, of Ops township, while Mr. Nugent is an Omemee boy. The new ï¬rm will open up for busi- ness on Wednesday, with a complete stock of groceries, flour and feed, and the Post trusts that they will be t makes them hard to catch. A crust of bread is more likely to tempt him. After the American ï¬sh companies have depleted our Canadian waters of trout and white ï¬sh, we Canadians may possibly be glad to gave even German carp to fall back upon for our table supply of ï¬sh. Respectfully yours. “Another Disciple of Izaak Walton."- Lindsay, Dec. 3rd,1910. lLocal Lady Won the Prize At the graduation exercises at the Nicholle Hospital, Peterboro on Fri- day evening Miss Della 1. McGill, of Review says : “Miss Della I. McGill was presented with the bandaging prize of the class of 1910, the presentating being made by Dr. Frederick with a few suitable remarks. Miss McGill seemed to be a. favorite with the audience and she re- ceived hearty applause.†Her many friends will congratulate her on her success. __________..___â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" BORN â€"â€"‘ STODDART.â€"At Fenelon Falls, on Friday, November 25th, 1910, the wife of Mr. Chas. Stoddart, of a. daughter, ( stillborn.) most successful in their business can BROWNâ€"At Powles' Corners, Mono 881' . In the retirement or Mr. Brady, 3 Kent-st. loses one of its best known merchants. He was formerly a memâ€" ' ber of the ï¬rm of Brady and Hurley, ' but during the past twelve years has conducted the business himself. Stop Children Attending Shows Mail: It is probable that the Pro- vincial Government will pass a law to prohibit children under sixteen , Peterboro. years of age from attending moving President,â€"Rev. James Wallace, M. picture theatres. In view of the fact A. 3-D. Lindsay. that several cases have come to the attention of the authorities of young 3, A., boys attending these shows and then B. going out to imitate the deeds done by the ï¬gures shown on the canvas, it has been thought advisable not to Queen’s University Alumni Banquet At abrilliant dinner given at the Hotel National, Peterbore, on Friday by the Queen's University Alumni Principal Gordon, of Queen's Univerâ€" sity, delivered an inspiring address. The ofï¬cers of the Alumni for 1911, were elected as follows : 5 Hon. Presâ€"Hugh Waddel, Esq., Peterborough; Mr. George Brown, A., Campbellford; Dr'. Haig, Camp- bellford. Secretaryâ€"L J. Pettit B.A., Petâ€" allow young children ‘to attend the erborouoh . ’ shows whatever. A circular is now - bein sent out by the Government to Mandate smitfyâ€"T' A‘ Kuk' all cghimren's aidsocieties in the “mum B‘A" 1““ â€y' Province, asking if they think it ad- COmmittekR' G' Lawlor, 13' A" visable that young children be not NOI'WOOdi Rev. G' W. Best, B'A" of allowed to attend the moving picture Beaverton; Dr. C‘ H‘ Anya, Peterâ€" shows. Mr. J. J. Kelso, superintend- borouzh: “153 Ethel m M' A" ent of Neglected Children, is gatherâ€" t‘o Sarah Minors, second daughter ‘ Petefboroughi Miss Teakey, B.A., of in: the information and will make a of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Minors, all Pemborough: D. 5A. McKay. B. A., re endation to‘the Government. of Fenelon Falls. m TRO’I‘TERâ€"SMITH â€" On November 29th. at the Methodist W; 33 St. Paul-st. by the Rev. Mr. Balfour. Mary Trotter, to Mr. 'J. Smith. both of Lindsay. ‘ Lindsay; ‘J. E. L. Goodwill, Pgter. M We are all anxious to have better ren Or hilt... news V c , GASTORIA verb I civic conditions and also willing that the other fellow should win day, Nov. 28th, 1910, the wife of: Mr. John Brown, a daughter. ï¬r Dropsyâ€"â€"- Given up by Doctor “I had dropsy, and was told by my family physician that there was no chance for me. My, family also gave me up. My: limbs and body were swollen one-third larger than natural, water collected around my heart and I had to be propped up in bed to “keep from smothering. I took Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy; until I was entirely cured. This was in 1902, and I am now able .~to do any kind of work on my; farm. My cure was certainly; marvelous.†L. TURLEY CURD' , Wilmore, Ky. Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy has been wonderfully successful in relieving heart trouble. Its tonic eï¬ect upon the heart nerves and muscles is a great factor .in. assisting nature to overcome heart weakness. l" mJuMnym-mu a.“ 2 , Warm "manna-ninth. Laurels bydoing tamarind uneven-mm DR Ill-I. um 00- 1'“ mp- b 9-“ '-Ԥ-ll_‘ ., ..