put y 91:. a c jurt sec: ('02 im‘, riei be‘r sir £96 eesaseemnasss ‘9’38?‘ 9, gs 2. Week’s Doings from Woodville . ‘ouo eff-ed won; penunuog fr ends here before leaving in the near future for her home in Islay, Alberta. A very quiet wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Richard Walters, on Wednesday, Nov. 23, when his youngest daughter, Emily Gertrude, was united in marriage to Mr. Wesley Law. of Derryville. Mr. Whattam performing the ceremony in the pres- ence of the immediate friends of both parties. The gappy couple left on the evening train for Toronto and other cities. The bride’s suit was of green broadcloth with hat to match. Their friends in this community join in wishing them a long and happy and very prosperous life. Mr. A. McMillan, of Hartley, and Mr. J. McEachren. of Manse Grove, moved into our village last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hancock visited at Rev. J. Woodger's, Dunsford, last week. Mr. A. Burton entertained a num- ber of young people last Friday even- ing in honor of.hi‘s cousin of Toron- to. Our enterprising band ‘has been very busy this fall making more im- provements on the skating rink, There has been a large addition ad- d‘ed and when completed will be one of the best for some miles. They have started to prepare for ice, and if the weather keeps favorable be in first-class condition for Xmas. A number from here took advant- age of the fat stock show- at Guelph, the ï¬rst of the week. Mr. Weeks is busily engaged trainâ€" ing the children of the Methodist Sunday school for the Xmas cantata entitled Santa Claus’ Mix-up. Will anncunce date later. The citizens of Woodville and sur- ounding country were sorry to learn; of the removal of Mr. George Storey? frcm the Standard Bank here. Mr. Storey has been here for about two“ years and ahalf and was well liked in the bank, and will be greatly mis- sed from the baseball and . hockey teams. As soon as the boys found out that he was leaving they club- bed together and presented him with a handsome locket and chain. The presentation .took place at Dr. Byer’s ofï¬ce and an enjoyable evening was spent by all. Messrs. ’J. Carmichael, of Berlin, Ed, of Rochester and Donald and N.- of TorOnto were home attending the foneral of their brother Malcolm, which took place on Tuesday last to the Smith cemetery. Quite a humber of our citizens are sxffering from 13. grippe. Misses Margaret Ferguson, Alma, and Annie Smith visited at Mr. A. McCrimmon’s, The Glen on Sunday last. Mrs. D. Sinclair and her son, Wil- liam Poulter, spent last week at Baltimore. Miss Ida Walters spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Low- es, of Derryville. Mr. and Mrs. McKee,. and Mr. and Mrs. Coleidge were in Sunderland at tending the funeral of their.brother, Mr. Farrow. Mr. W. J. Moore is very.ill with an attack of inflamation of the kid- neys is plighly better at time of writing. ' : Minden Doings Duly Describe (' Special to the Post.) Mr. Alfred Stephens. of Gelert, was in town on Wednesday Mr. Walter Welch had the misforâ€" tune to sprain his wrist on Thurs- day last. The fire hall has been moved from the river side to the other end of the main street. The young people of St. Paul's church are preparing for the enter- tainment on the 15th. Mr. Jas. Welch, of Halls Lake was a visitor in town on Friday. ‘ Mr. Wm. Leary, of Moore’s Falls, was in town on Friday with his young team. Messrs. J. A. Lucas and Jas. Ersâ€" kine, of Haliburton, were in town one day last week. Mr. Geo. Howse, of South Lake is under the doctor’s care. -' Mr. H. C. Kirkwood, Inspector of the Sterl ng Bank, visited the .Min- den branch one day last week. Rev. ’1'. A Nind has been appoin- ted by the Bishop of Toronto to the rectory of St. John’s church, Bowâ€" .. WINTER ..‘ HILLLIIEBY will ; manville, and will be haying for his new appointment after Christ- mas. We have not yet learned who is successor will be. , While skidding logs, Mr. J. 'A. Taylor, of Twelve-Mile Creek Lake, was the subject of a very painful accident on Wednesday by which he suffered the dislocatiou of his shoul- der. Mr. W. J. Hartle, of town was a visitor in Lindsay last weekf Mr. Robert Casey, of Emily town- ship is visiting his father and bro. ther. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. D. Stumps baby is seriously ill. Mr. lJas. Norrie arrived in town on Friday night after spending. the summer away. He will take charge of the skating rink for the winter. Mr. E. Fitzgerald, of Fenelon Falls spent the week's end with his friends in Minds-n. Shooting match and ball will be held at Mr. Wm. Corbetts, lot 25, con. 1 Minden, on Dec. 21, all day. EVerybody come. Minden can boast of a mutual im- provement society. Haliburton of a blind pig. Dutch Line of a heartless pig, so every town around here has something to boast of. ‘ I A letter from E. B. Munn who left iMinden a short time ago for Prince lAlbert, Sask., says that he likes the I lwestern country but he doesn’t like gto think that he is so far away from ; Minden. ,3 1 Mr. James Duggan, tax collector, , on Monday last. Q Mr. Geo. Hewitt, reeve of Stan- hope township. was in town on Sat- :urday. i We are sorry to report that Miss Edith Jones of the Minden hotel very ill. .Fleecy Facts ' From Fleetwood [Speciai to The Post) l l l r patrons of Fleetwood Cheese Factory was held in the Temperance Hotel, Liï¬ord, on Friday, Dec. 2nd. minutes of last meeting were and adopted. read The secretary gave his report for tors of Jurors of the last season, which is as follows : To- tal No. the of milk, 1,687,953; ,Total No pound cheese made 159,513. Av- erage price per cwt, 79.90c. No. lbs. milk per pound of cheese, 19.58. Total value received for cheese 317412.45c. An election of ofllcers taking place resulted in the retiring officers be re-elected. President, Sales- man and Treasurer, Mr. W. Hannah, Secretary, Mr. Jas. Shea; Directors, Messrs. W. Coulter, A. Noble, Jos. Hart, J. H. Lee, G. Sisson. Auditor, Mr. W. J. Grandy. son, of the 14th, are spending a few days with Ms. and Mrs. Vic Grandy. Mr. and Mrs. L. Werry visited with friends’ at Mount‘ Horeb. Mr. Alban Sisson, of the 8th‘ line, attended divine service at Fleetwood on Sunday evening. ’ Mr. Rowan, of Brunswick, honored our burg with ‘his presence on Sun- day. the west and is looking hale hearty after‘his trip. Mr. Vic Grandy was in Bethany on Monday ' . % Lumhering operations are going on ii“ Mr. Vic Grandy's bush onan ex- Itensive scale. , l, Mr. w. Robinson visited friends at Janetville on Sunday. and â€â€" for Snowdon township was in town . is i } â€That The annual general meeting of the. The' Mr. Jos. Coulter has returned from ' Proceedings of Eldon Council Council met, pursuant to adjourn- ment, in Plank’s Hall, Lorneville, on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd. at the hour of eleven o’clock a.m. Members all pre- ,sent with the reeve in the chair. The minutes of the former meeting of Oct. 29, were read and onlmotlon of ,Councillor Spence, sedonded by Councillor McFadyen were adopted. Andrew Annis waited on the coun- ’ cil re hisabeing charged $3.50 in his taxes for: statute labor which had been returned by the pathmaster as being- uncompleted. He stated that he had performed same, but the path ,master had returned it undone. l i SPENCEâ€"W. F. MCEACHEBN 4 That Commissioners McFadyen and i A. D. ‘McEachern be instructed to in vestigate the trouble between Annis and Smith re dispute re statute lab- or and to report at next meetingâ€" ; Carried. 5 w. w. De Guerre addressed the council, asking for rebate of statute l labor taxed against him on the Col- lector's roll, for work which, he said he was willing to do, if the path- master had permitted him, but ow- ing to the fact that they had the stone crusher on their beat, and it did ,not remain with them until he had his work all done, the pathmas- ter would not assign any other work to him. He claimed that, in the win- ter time he and Annis kept the road 'open and were never allowed any- ‘thing for same. This matter was al- so left over until.the next meeting, rst that McFadyen and AD. McEac- hern could investigate. SPENCE-l-McFADYEN the reeve be instructed to isign “Agreement by Owners†on the lJames McAlpine drain under the iDitches and Watercourses Act said agreemnent hearing date of Oct. lst. 1910.-Carried. , , Communications were read as fol- Elows from:â€" Provlncial Treasurer, enclosing a cheque for $750 advance on account of grant to municipal drain n01, 7 also cheque for $1000 for purchase of the Tile Drainage Debentures re mon ey loaned to F. McEachern. A.P Devlin stating that the selecâ€" township of Eldon for 1910 had duly performed their duty. 3 A. G, Cavana. enclosing certificate Ithat Jno. Suiter had performed the work of expending the 5,300 on the outlet of drain no 1 as per the rulâ€" ing of therDrainage referee. Jno. McArthur, Clerk of Thorah, that Mr. Jno. Morrison had been ap pointed to meet a representative from Eldon to adjust the expendi- ture on boundary between Eldon and , Thorah. l A. G. Cav na enclos'n cert‘ficat Misses Gladys and Josephine Stin- 9 . a ' 1 g 1 e that the Geo. McFarlane award drain had been completed in a satisfactory manner. A.D. McEACHERNâ€"McFADYEN 1 That Councillor W.M. McEachern be appointed to meet Mr. Morrison to adjust expenditure on boundary between ‘Eldon and Thorahâ€"Car- ried. ‘ A. D. McEACHERNâ€"MOFADYEN That the reeve be authorized to sign “Agreement by Owners'- on Eli .Bud‘d, drain under the Ditches and _Watercourses Act, the proceedings of iwhich were commenced by said Budd 'on Nov. 5th. providing said agree. iment binds the corporation of Eldon ‘to pay not more than twenty dollars as its share of the -cost of construc- tion and that said drain be made of Mr. Vic Grandy has purchased an- : one foot tile properly covered for 200 other Holstein cow, which makes 5 ,Or more feet. '1 in all. l Will you take me to Bethany ball, ? 'is the question heard on all sides leVen in Sunday school. Mr. Bilkey \ ‘ Rev. Hos Accepted Rev. C. L. Bilkey, the popular curate cf St. Paul's Anglican church, ,has decided to accept a unanimous; McFADYENâ€"‘AD. McEACHE-RN That this council refund Joseph Black lot 17, con. 14, the sum of $6 ifor statute labor performed in 1910, Ifor which he was charged in his tax- lesSon collector’s roll of 1910 â€" Car- Iried. . D | Gravel accounts to the amount of .38420 were passed. 1 Wire fence bonus accounts to the amount of $244.86-were passed. Accounts to the amount $749.49 l were passedZ. . A letter irom Hopkins, Weeks and 4 lcall to the rectorship of St. Andrew’s iHopkins on ’behalf 0‘ Geo. 'Kiughom new duties on January lst. church, Alliston, and will enter on his ' owner 0‘ E- 3 10“ 1- COIL 3 threaten- ,ing to sue the council_for damages The decision of Rev. Mr. Bilkey will ifor fl°°ding his land were read. he received with mingled feelings of iA-D- McEACHERNâ€"W-F. McEACH- regret and pleasum-éregret that the: town will lose the beneï¬t of his influ- ERN That reeve {Steele and Councillor ence and work, and pleasure,that his : Spence be authorized to look after splendid abilities have been so sig- nally recognized. . Since his appointment to the curacy :the matter of flooding complained by G. Kinghornâ€"Carried. , SPENCEâ€"W. F. McEACHERN of St. Paul's church, Rev. Mr. Bilkey ' That the reeve with one solicitor Xmas presents, useful and suitable, at CINNAMON' S.â€"w1d1T. Opening of New Goods for WIntor and Christmas Now Is On Sale! Bride’s Hats :1 Specialty. be instructed . to examine. plans and profiles of the Georgian Bay and Sea board Railway to see that their cros rings in. Eldon will be placed‘so as This 18 not to be dangerous to persons trav- elling on public highways and tocom municate with company , re same- Carried. , . THE LINDSAY POST I I ' other‘churches went to the Queen-st. ! Next Saturday, December 10th, our . 50th Anniversary Celebration ends. We intend making it a memorable day, . ONE GRAND FINALE Bigger, brighter, better program than ever is being Special. ly arranged for this day, The savmgopportumties we «:xmn‘oxsmaowww es («asses «\0“@ @4er ~®©®¢®N©§e®©W\\:\o\o\e\ 1%? a “ .' ’ offer you at this Anniversary Sale, you cannot afford to miss. g COME CELEBRATE WITH [1 S. Remem. ,, ’ . . . 4) ber, few of us Will be here at our next Filtleth Anniversary, so 2: (on 4) Put on that old grey bonnet £2 With thablue Ribbons on it, ~. L, That you bought here fifty years ago. 3 9 Tell your husband to get ready, 2 And to drive you very steady, 26: To this ï¬ftieth Anniversary you must go. (0 Ԥ' ~6« ~© C ‘10 '6 9‘9 5) g. (i go WW oooooocccoooc . . ’3 ooooooccoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Wesson/MW 063 '-. . \ imut‘d i‘ proper 1'8 the Wm. F. McEachern o . 0° . 00000 0000 . 00000 .WWQK‘.3V mite‘}',:. drain at meeting to be held on Thurs 0 $333993 _’ 31$ 10.. ; . day. Nov. 24, 1910, and to sign an “Agreement by Owners†re same -â€" Carried. . A. D. McEACHERNâ€"McFADYEN ' That we adjourn to meet ht Planks Hall, Lorneville, on Dec, 15, as per statuteâ€"Carried. THE BUS WIN FOOD CUTTER Is the best by test and would make an excellent Christmas Gift for wife, mother or sister. B.STACEY[ Mortgage Burned ‘ at Queen st. An event which was a very joyous ; one for the It stands higher from the table than any other so that any dish will ï¬t under it- ries all drip or juice to the dish. It is also hinged- in centre and is easily cleaned. It does not mash or tear, it cuts and cuts fast. 3 pounds to the minute The gutter carâ€" ... .â€"â€".-...-â€".â€"_â€"...._.-_-- Queen-st. Methodist A church, was the celebration of the ; burning of the mortgage on the par-5 sonage. , I Last evening the congregation and? a number of interested persons from ; If you are not using a Russwell buy one now and save time and labor. See Our Other Xmas Gifts. Boxall Mvatth church. An excellent programme had l been arranged for the evening, an im- portant feature of which was an ad- dress on “A Love Story," -by Rev. Mr. Dewey, who was the ï¬rst pastor. of the Queen-st. church, about 20] years ago. Mr. J. D. Flavelle acted in the ca- pacity of Chairman, and after a few opening remarks the following pro~ gramme was proceeded with: Hymn by the choir. ' Soloâ€"Mr. Dewey. Duetâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Ford Moynes. ' Soloâ€"Mr. Dewey. Soloâ€"Mrs. Dr. Nesbitt. ie- , 1', s 1 A A -_ . . . 0 \‘JS‘: 3'3. .3, if): 1 3. 5 S'S‘DG‘Sxo-a‘l 0 Po-ogoooo-ooooooo-co on motion: SELL town†A special session of the police so that Ce :2 cansit caurt was held on Tuesday evening, 0 ‘1 .â€" UNHT FOR HUMAN mu an ’30“ out. They are usually pnttaw‘ Gifts I , Ribbons, iefs, Fain: in"! and f vamp/swarm 'efs and Cushio ‘ ods. Fan: as. \‘eilin ' l .teer Q 'Ladies' Bl ' ice ........n Black Sate .25 sale lJl 'i‘afi‘eteen 3 ice .......... , “'hitt- L's oidery 7.3;. l Black P03 ' 5 for 3}. :i 36 inc}; T -. 'ice ....... Q“ ' ' 9“'°‘°"‘-“News“:«éuvsvsï¬mawimm'. Yw‘xgvsKoXCau “ ‘r l x' cl Brown. :1; imming s ill 1 Mr. Dewey then delivered an ex- , . . r2» cellent address on “A Love Story.“ at 5 o clock when Prof. West faced rel in front of the IP03“? w" and referred it to every day life. In the following chargmâ€" meat. This barrel :5 on us a his lecture he went on to say that he That John L. West, of the town.of pany's grounds. but outsidetllebml thogghltlfLove was the greatest factor Lindsay on Dec. 3rd., 1910, did sell ing. I gaVe seen the birds PWmi in e ' e of man and gave a number bef b tithe!" » ' ' . e. I saw tnern at my _ , of illustrations to show this. He also certain poultry to mt three turkeys in: were guns that had snothem f the went on to say thatLove‘is asacred and four chickens, unwholesome and ior died for they hadnt bet! bu e" impoj thing and should be considered as “at,“ for food,, of man. t° Frederick 2The comps": 61-95. 110t “new?†1 1. be held such. He should neVer turn sour or Taylor, of the-said town of Lindsay have not big-en bled. They stem“ , '. dsa - bitter towards those he should love I .~ , do: we ~ ï¬n 5'. 01 - contrary to Public Health Act and. Iaway as we to no. coast but should always through life be i i . . "ed 5mm» ,t 10 (Deck! true to 10'“ by laws of said town made in- that it0 eat- Wm" C" them a; m up, The excel behalf. or games and some from ‘ ‘ The great event of the evening was Fr i ck T 1 h f‘ _ Thev are 191; were to be “mall! ting ii that of the bu ! g of the mortgage, Oder ay or was t e irst wit- v n rs or any paged! | diti on t - . by the sea e ge q and took place next. Rev. Mr. Dewey ness. He saidhe had busmess affairs im’ ht wan' «hem ~ , , . ass , setting tire to it. With the accused on two occasions 3 lg \ V L we, 1mg: so" ‘ aion will. On motion of Rev. Mr. Balfour, some time last week. I bought one ,1).ng fr; ,1: :10, “av whet!!! m J- 1 take the seconded by‘Mr. Geo. Adams, a vote .turkey from him. It was all right. :11 gmmm any diseaï¬f â€â€6? mesh‘ng.‘ of thanks was extenhed to Mr. Dewey {The second. occasion was on last Sat ,h I I: 7‘ they had not been by; L . taming: and 'all'those who took part in the iurday evening. I bought three tur- lbut nil: {gt-em or sixteen F‘s ’ '13 d evening 8 Programme. The gathering ,keys and tom chickens (mm: mm . I have L‘éï¬MM will“ 3 ' ' 9’3“ 21851111310; as well attended as ; it IThe turkeys and chickens produced lexpenenw “ “I â€and? 1art in m, v . its: in 8‘13- 7 ‘ ~ e been. lure those. then purchased by,-mefrom {7 D1†I: w: 6451:“ U the am- . â€"â€"â€"â€"~_ ltne accused. The accused brought “:3. â€a“ ."“d We brds W ; How To KEEP CUT FLOWERs them, into-me and I said to.him that haâ€. dam?1;9;enz thus“ a: v mgyhoosi flowers that are not quite , they m' very dark, and that I had and?“ my 4:11 defense me! if: £11 0mg; $11311 Orgighienrghegtréggn t3? inever. seen them so dark as that. He 2:: 31::113196- I, would ï¬ï¬‚'ï¬ Cent: range them not too close t Ogether‘ i; l explained to me that they had been .,- -.... W head; gone or fig“! Stratho: third†deep enough to immerse two frozen}. which would make them dark 81"†“:‘l‘ mmligating “1,.“ 1 Morden 3 3 0 â€19 Stems- By previously I know fowl are sometimes dark 8' “ï¬tnrw’m. - - 1116*“ . ‘ putting some piece f . , 1 L1 â€" on; aim 0‘ ‘ z. a 3 0 Charcoal in the h - - to [5.1 tut} m to town-. use the water can be Chanved ev ' W em frooen and I did not pay much ‘ MW mg g - , ï¬ve 01' Six days. Keep t1): vase 8:3). attmtion to them. .Whea my tWO 5de \\ mum buv T a? is no @1751“ \ , the abov. in" fun °‘ 'mer- Keep the newer; bow came home on lained to To Mr. Wm 3 emf“ ' 3036 as“ .n a. cool but not draughty piace Ce 8! exp . MM on as they a! , , ._ _ tam flowers (b much better-if Q‘Bmalri no where they were got and that atlon _« .uâ€" d “a; re ’ . ing yous; Portion of the stem is cut of: es they “3" not fit (by use. I said 1 The caSC «as a 19m†'1: school is oially if they have been oat-M ' De Would ‘ tard-sts way, and 8 n number a» long get Mr. West to take them d3Y- / Well “ for slicing the stems up, 3:: ï¬nial. back. I did not see Mr. West again the yfl of 4mm them anlthe water hora oasis;k until after I had seen the chief. his For over Wen" “occupied an " “Tor-on so ~ v are apt u go on “$an M then came and mu, me. by Sun. Toronto. has tly “l. .. e er! {11mm _ I!“ “mg M 3.0m hat I paid, for viable Posnio’. It medial-ll?“ 1* "L ' x . than. “ Ontario farm†NQTH‘lNG “TIER 0 . . boneâ€, an a†’4 v I NW N hobo 3381.51 I" ‘M’w '1 “mph" pair made damn: 9 Id I “u m.‘ ’t h, N by “033’s 3; the ponl- m" M mat! , :. My . . "lbw ' to makeit even has.