4‘. b a. .. nâ€"nul PAGE 8. Just received a fine selection (‘hina suitable for Christmas Presents. Also Stationary Toys, and Fancy ' Goods and other articles too numerous \Vatches my specialty. (‘all early. no trouble to Show goods. to mention. All repairs receive best attention. I. WHITESMITH \Vntchmuker and Jeweler Manilla - l" MONI‘HS CREDIT SALE \VITH N0 INTEREST 4.3 Ayrshire and Holstein cows. 3 New milch cows and calves. 1 Pure bred Holstein, Zpast, caif by side. and Cow, 7 years old, 1200 lb, Registered Holstein bull calves. calf; a beauty. Large, new milch row and calf. Fancy breed, Ayrshire Dpringer. lo I4 I" High bred heifers, holsteins. O) H 0) 0| [DH H drivers. Four-yearâ€"old driver, by Pointer. Black gelding, 6 years old, good driver. Heavy work team, sound. Bay family pony. 7 years old. Horse blankets, all kinds. Robes. Monaech and Standard. Bishop robes, all sizes. Dozen girts; 2 dozen whips. New Armstrong cuttert and Best. Parlor cook stove, any price. Double-seated pleasure sleigh. Pigs, weight 80 lbs. each. Thousand shingles, must be sold, any price. All cows will be stabled until Mon- day, free of charge, and feed, hay and J immy ’2‘. i . >5er Iâ€" ‘1 5’) H nAHI-Jlom ‘J' 6: water. Everybody come to the big cow sale. HOLSTEINS AND AYRE‘SHIRES. Ten months' credit. no interest. Rate 6 per cent discount allowed for cash. Termsâ€"Ten months‘ credit on ap- proved notes. W. A. FANNING w__r\ 'CREDIT SALE OF FARM STOCK ~ AND CHATTELS OF THOMAS FAIRBAIRN, of the Township of Verulam. by Elias Bowes, auctioneer, There will be oflered for sale by pub- lic auction on Thursday, Decembzr 22 1910. at the hour of one o‘clock in the afternoon, on the premises of Thomas Fairbairn, namely, the East Half of Lot No. 13, in the 9th Concession of Verulam, by El ae Bowen, auctioneer, the following farm stock and chattels ~8 horses, 3 colts and oneyearolrl, 13 mil’ch cows. good Ini‘kfl‘s, Durham and Herefords, 3 two-year-old heifers and 9 calves, 36 Leicester eweanu 12 lambs, all thoroughbreds. 7 brood sows. Berkshire, and are registered, 10 pigs, three months old, 100 hens, and some ducks, and a complete set wag- of farm implements, cutters. gons, sleighs, harness, a meter, sett of scales, which weigh up 230 2000 lbs, and a large quanti‘tynf‘hay :and seed oats, and many dimer art- icles too numerous to mention. TERMS of sale, sums upto f9~10a¢gd sinner to be paid in cash. Smaller 310, sfxmonths' credit on approved joint notes and 5 per cent discount of CHRISTMASI’RESENISLindsag Market ‘ ‘ Ontario Registered yearling bull, Holstein. and Cows. No interest, 10 mths. credit Horses. all classes, worpers and ‘â€"â€"‘â€" â€ï¬‚uâ€"nu“ Weekly Quotations Rolled Oats $2.45. ’ Flour, best Manitoba $2.95. Shorts, retail, $1.15. I Calvesâ€"Receipts: 100 head; mar- ket: active and steady. Cull to choice, $5.75 to $10.50. Sheep and lambsâ€"Receipts: 11,000 head; market: slow and stead . Bran, $.1-15- CWt- ~ ‘ I - Choice lambs, $6.35 to $6.40; Cull {0 Fall wheat, 80c. . ', fair, $5.25 to $6; Yearlings, $4.50 to Spring wheat 75c ’F v . $5; Sheep, $3 to 54'25‘ i I I Hogsâ€"Receipts: 2,550 head; mar- 30036 wheat. 73c. - ket, active and lower. Yorkers, $7.90; Pigs, $8.15 to $8.25; Mixed, $7.90; Buchwheat, .420- bus‘ Heavy, $7.90 to $8.10; Roughs. $7 to Barley, 48c. to 500. $7.15; Stags, $6 to $6.75. Rya, 56C. O'ate. 310- Large peas, 80cf S'fnall peas, ‘75c bus.- New hay, $8 to $12. Pea straw. $1.50 per load. Eggs, 30c. doz. " , Dairy butter, 25 and 26c. 1b. Creamery butter, 28c lb. Cream, per qt. 30c. Lard, 20c. 1b. Honey, 125c. Turnips, 20c, bus. Cheese, 15c pound. Chickens, 60c to $1.20. Hens, 10 to 12$c. Geese 12c to 14c lb. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET Union Stock Yards, lll., Dec. 13.â€" Hogsâ€"Recelpts: 30,000 head; market: 100 to 15c lower. Mixed and butchers, $7.40 to $7.80; Good heavy, $7.60 to $7.75: Rough heavy, $7.35 to $7.55; Light, $7.40 to $7.75; Pigs, $6.75 to $7.65; Bulk, $7.50 to $7.75. Cattleâ€"Receipts: 14.000 head; mar- ket: 10c lower. Beeves, $4.25 to $7.16; Cows and heifers, $2.25 to $5.90; Stock- ers and feeders, $3.25 to $5.50; Texans, $4.25 to $5.40; Calves, $6.75 to $9. Sheepâ€"Receipts: 30,000 head; mar- ket: 10c lower. Native and western, $2.25 to $4.25; Lambs, $4.50 to $6.60. ' GIFTS TO THE VICTORY _ An interesting ceremony took place ~ Ducks, 31-20 pair. in Portsmouth Harbor on board Nel- Live hogs. 36-50 Per cwt- son’s old flagship Victory, at number Little hOSSv $4 to 5 per pair.- of contributions for the vessel's mu-i Pork, 15¢. per lb. Beef cattle, $3 to $6 per cwt. Sirloin steak, 18¢. per lb. Rib roast. 12c. to 15¢. perm. Spare ribs 10c. 31b. Hides, $6 to$$8 per cwt. Head cneese, 10 to 15c. lb. Potatoes. 60c. bag. ~THE ILAIE'SI MARKETS EAssheton Cunon Howe by a deputa~ Ition from the British and Foreign ISailors' Society. The gifts included Ithe sea chest which belonged to Nel- Ison's secretary, Mr. John Scott, who ‘ was killed at Trafalgar shortly before ; the great admiral was fatally wound- ‘ed; the ship's lodgers, giving the names of all officers and men who Ifought on board at the battle; and a Inumber 'of Fleet orders issued during Ithe campaign which terminated in 1805. The topsoil hoisted at Trafalgar and riddled with ninety shot-holes was specially on view. ; FARMERS' MARKET ‘ T0 ILAND OF HUSBANDS Toronto, Dec. 13.â€"Farm produce at the Toronto market brings the follow- A Hundred English Girls Who Are Ofl ing prices: ‘ 6"!" and Hayâ€" I to Australia I: Wheat, cereal ........... $ .85 to $ .87 ' d0" milling ----------- «88 ~89 . A third of the girls will be married do" goose ........... . .80 .83 land happy in homes of their own he- Oats ................... . .37 .38 I fore many months are passed. So that Barley .................. .58 .62 West Australia, whither a hundred and Peas .................... .75 .76 ten young English girls have sailed. Rye .................... 7.66 .67 may fairly be called “the land of bus- Buckwheat ............. .48 .50 bands." The girls sailed recently from Hay, timothy. ton ....... 16.00 18.00 England, and are going out under the do., mixed ............ 13.60 15.00 auspices of the Government of Wes- Straw, loose ............ 7.50 9.00 tern Australia. The girls came from Alsike Cloverâ€" all parts of the United Kingdom, but No. 1, bushel .......... 7.00 7.50 I chiefly from Scotland. They have had do., No. 2 ............. 6.00 6.50 no definite positions offered them, :but Red Clover, No. 1 ....... 7.00 7.25. most of them will accept places as do., No. 2 ............. 6.00 6.25 domestic servants immediately upon I do., No. v ............. 5.50 6.00 their arrival. “Scores of mistresses Butter and Eggsâ€" will be awaiting the ship at Fre- ' Eggs, new laid, dozen ,... ..50 .58 mantle," said the West Australian Butter, dairy. choice, 1b... .27 .30 Government Agent, who was looking Poultryâ€" after the comforts of the emigrants, Chickens, alive ......... .11 .12 "and any girl who wishes to become a (10,, dressed ,,,,,,,,,,, .15 .16 domestic servant will receive «excel- Ducks, alive ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,12 .13 lent wages, at least double the amount do., dressed ,,,,,,,,,,, _14 _17 she could earn here. In West Aus- Turkeys, dressed .20 .25 tralia the male population greatly =ex- do., alive , , , , , , ,..,, ..15 .13 ceeds the female, and in a prosperous Geese, dressed .......... .14 .16 young country such as it is there :are do., alive . _ _ . . . . . - ‘ . .11 .13 hundreds of young settlers who, mak- Vegetablesâ€" ing good money, are anxiously .-seek~ Dry onions, basket . _ _ .... 35 .40 log wives. Six months after this party Cabbages, dozen . . . ...-.. .40 .50 has landed in the State at least alhi‘r’d Potatoes, bag ........... .80 1.00 q of them will have found hishands." do., car lots ......... .60 .63 The number of workers and settlers Cauliflower, each ...... .. _ .05 .15 in the agricultural, mining, and Llum- Celery, dozen ......... 3,0 .50 her districts of the colony who are Apples, barrel ........... 2.50 â€5.00 able to maintain a wife and home is constantly increasing, but there «are very few women for them to marry. Similar parties of girls will be sentlout every fortnight until the end of Novem- her. The arrangements, which :are made by the Government of Western Australia, are particularly aduantag- eous to the girls. All that an zappli- cant has to do is to deposit £2.†a guarantee of good faith, and thisrsum is returned on reaching Australia. The; Government pays the girls’ mags, and they are taken care of at the Gov- . ernment Emigration Home at .Perthf while positions are being found for; them. "we can always dispose (of one - TORONTO GRAIN MARKET Toronto, Dec. 13.â€"Loeal wholesale grain dealers quoted like ffoilowing wholesale prices at noon today: Manitoba Wheatâ€"No. 1 Non, new, 98%c; No. 2 Non. new, 37c; No. 3 Non, new, 9355c, track, maygports, for immediate shipment. Ontario Wheatâ€"No. 2 sad or mixed. 96c, f.o.b., at shipping points; No. 3 white, 85c, f.o.b., at shippingmolnts. Ontario Oatsâ€"No. 2 white, new, 3255c to 33c, on low heights. , THE LINDSAY POST â€"â€"â€""vâ€"~-â€"a ' VARIOUS WAYS TO MAKE YOUR†OWN CANDY" The different degrees of heat when boiling sugar are “the thread,†“soft ball," “hard ball,†“the crack.†A thermometer is very useful where the degrees of heat are given in re- cipes, but after a little experience the following directions will prove suffi- cient. Use a perfectly clean copper, tin, or porcelain~lined pan. ‘ Melt the sugar slowly, keeping lid on pan. Bring slowly to boiling point, and boil quickly. Brush the sides of the pan occasionally with a wet pastry brush or a cotton cloth dipped in te- pid water. This prevents the sugar “graining.†To test the syrup dip a spoon into the syrup, and throw a little of it up- wards over the pan. When it spins threads the first de- gree, “the thread," is reached. The thermometer would mark 220 degrees. The next degree, “soft ball,†or 240 degrees, is reached when a spoon is dipped into a basin of cold water, then into the boiling syrup, back into the water. If the syrup 0n the spoon can be rolled into a soft ball with the finger and thumb, the second degree is reached. “Hard ball,†or 252 degrees, is tested the same way, a hard ball forming. For "the crack," or 260 degrees, test as before, and If when pressed be- tween the thumb and finger it cracks, but returns to a hard ball after a min- ute. it is ready. “Hard crack,†or 290 degrees, should be very brittle and crisp, and should _ not be sticky. .seum being handed to Admiral 811:3; , FruIt Pastilles I a One and a half ounces gelatine, one pound apricot pulp, three-quarters of a pound of sugar. . Dissolve the gelatine in half of the 'pulp, add the sugar and the remainder of the pulp; bring slowly to boiling point, stirring all the time. Continue ,to stir until quite thick. ,I Sprinkle some casfor sugar thickly on 0. large piece of white paper. Drop the mixture in small teaspoonfuls on fig sugar. Dust over with sugar. \ en unite firm loosen and pack light- ly into boxes. e To Test the Mixtureâ€"if a drop is put in the sugared pan and firms at once it is ready. Remove saucepan immediately from the fire. I Black Currant Pastllles 'Two ounces gelatine, one-half pound loaf sugar, one-half pint cold water, three-quarters pint black currant jam or jelly, juice of Ioneâ€"half lemon. Put the gelatine, sugar, water, and black currant jam or jelly into a saucepan, stir till it boils, and boil for ten minutes. Add the juice of the half lemon, boil up. Remove from the fire, skim it, and pour into wet tins. When cold draw out of tin and cut into fancy shapes or squares. Peppermint Creams Six ounces icing sugar, white of one egg, essence of peppermint. Ilub the'icing sugar through a hair- sieve. Whip the white of an egg slightly, add enough icing sugar to mix into a very firm paste. Add a few drops of essence of peppermint to fla- vor nicely. Work smoothly, sprinkle some icing sugar on a board, and roll out about three-quarters of an inch thick. Cut into fancy shapes. The paste can be divided and colored if liked. Leave them on the board or a dish for a day to dry, then pack away in boxes. I Turkish Delight One ounce gelatine, one-half pint water, one pound sugar, rind and juice of one lemon, rind and juice of one orange. few drops carmine. Put the gelatine, sugar, water, rind of orange and lemon into a saucepan, pare the orange and lemon very thin- ly; bring to boiling point, and boil gently for ten minutes, stirring fre- quently; Add the orange and lemon juice. Watch it re-boil, and boil five minutes longer. Rinse two deep plates or sandwich tins with cold water. Skim the mixture, and strain half into the tin. Add a few drops of carmine to theremainder. and strain into the second'tin. »..o»~. c.-. . . uLATING IRELAND RITES 0F V0000“, His Head Swelled and the Hole Got. Hum S .\ I: Smaller an “mm“ to a Snake. __ Ccmmcn m Ha,._- 00c 0‘ * , Once. when working on the Midland I Semm '- I" I Railway, I had to go from Birmingham I a god grimy“ 2.3:: Fr<('_ .3.“ .. I to Wolverhampton, says a correspon- 3 God. “(14%,†8.â€. Thor, ,4 5:“ i dent. I was in a compartment alone, I flees. is agdil‘ do.,“; ‘11“: ‘L 5:“ I when I soon discovered that my mate, my in Ha: L liy . c a. _ Iliad failed to put the lamp in at the = brought to 2.1.9 1,05.“ ,."". .4. .3. top. Thinking he had just put it _out- authorities b1: 12.... ;;_E,):;,,V'f'~‘ 32:5,: I side the aperture and forgotten II. I who had made a ‘:of«{..." p: 3,“: ' placed my box end-up on the seat, and, tion. ‘ we. - Igtanding on it, squeezed my head The f0II’)'-‘-‘i!,;: Sum-a... 5 5‘ through the hole to seek the lamp. 'port is put-Zis‘hcd fr, 1'; 5,517 ,1 Immediately my eyes were filled With zeiie, and 1mm ,ms I' 002:5 ;; ’ smuts from the engine, and I tried to that a \‘I'On‘yp‘L‘ 1..) (0:4 '41,: 'get my head back. Alas! my head ‘in ihe rain-a; ndf :1 12:3. I seemed to have swollen. and the hole I directly re:<.‘,»oz..~.ib;h ;,,.',‘,"*5,Ԥ'.a. . I to have shrunk! In making desperate , eating of f1“: ,LMW‘ «t “5:. ; efforts to liberate myself. I succeeded g In her hon... ; ' _. I in kicking my box over, and there I ltaming mph“, I‘Jvz‘g-f‘ :5 «1:37; I was, hanging from the roof, With my I mains of a 'r. .. “3:: ,‘;.,‘f- ' 2 feet a good yard from the floor. In is. u,‘.f,l....,,.a,‘ â€ofâ€? I I kicked, yelled. groaned, and 1hr,- Yoodm 3;..2, *‘ ,- . :‘ screamed for what seemed hours, and hegenis. " M; i I at last succeeded in attracting the ar- I The bib-«g ,,. _ tention of passengers in the next com- . crful. am: .~:.- If, a 1;. _ 7 partment, when the train was stopped allilliair‘ (“0-1-2 5 qf‘: ._ I and I was extricated. just as I thought was“. ff.â€"‘.’;', ‘ a. ' all was up. imn'l’r'ia"~i- . _- I L' Although I nearly met mydcalh 1h;- forrh ,.. r. p I from hanging. the company reprimand- mm... .- Z, ; .. ; ‘ . , led me, and suspended me from Work a 1~.."1i->“w;_\_ ’ " i=2».- __ :foraweek. Ensues ' ' g . ,COIiv mm. rj _;_ - ‘ .. .f ‘ ~â€" 3:. 73" 'Z.‘: 7.1.7.} ., . 6‘ :1 IJUGGLING WITH HER LIFE . ,. . ' Isi'r.( . “ IA Woman’s Desperate Method 0132*“? 52‘ '3" .:~. ; _ _, 5. T 1. ' . . f nail}: 73/,‘1‘ ; . . ' . H; Frightening Husband 1W“ :3": _ ,‘ 3593‘s 3.1 , ‘-.,"7: .T' "1.; Desperate measures were taken by 3 mm. :01.) f. â€â€˜5' l 7-: Kate Hall, Halifax, England, to fright I mooring, ._ i ‘1; r‘: g, en her husband. Seeing a candle ltéi 334;- - 3.7,; an burning in a cellar window. P. C. Ste: I I:fl;;_-e(-;lwfv).;: .. . :. 9 .fl, ‘2; venson stopped on his beat shortly I pray: “I“ f. T c ,7 {J :4" after midnight, and peered down mic :1’u1;23;‘;“r’,“‘ 5.. :42; in; Ithe basement. In the dim light he, Tifw 3’: ,1, could see a woman in the cellar with I the "(.'-f'.;,f:Â¥7 L f ‘T 7‘ "“3â€â€œ 5931?; -- a cord round her neck. suspended 'ghjdm‘é: 3 “Hf-â€.5 r. on: _. from a washing machine. She was I iousf '8, 1’, If? e . riffs 2; 7,, i shouting, “John." and her husband , {WO'IU‘MIth .. i shed 2;“; then appeared at the bottom of the , g;0£“‘m . -_~-- ...'r ».~.: 335‘... ,N cellar steps, and with a knife cut her , fallen ,, , “storm-,3 :a: ‘ down. The constable knocked at the 3 to â€:P 5...? t , a. :2. â€1f; . ". eff; door, and asked what the woman had I 15'} Q-( . . ,. been trying to do. She told him that I that E: :33; .‘_ egg was: ‘ her husband had threatened to leave ; riff g; f TWf‘LF TC 2:, ,;.,, ,, ~ her and that she had pretended to hang I (-gff-‘ew-f-‘zd :~ Eli __ ,1 DEBUTANTE DANCING FROCK herself to frighten him. At the police : decided fr)“ . . 7. (92,: court, Mrs. Wade was charged wrtl: . For-2r -., aâ€.-. r.. One of the prettiest dancing frecks , attempting to commit suicide. and she «(In );.. , "a seen at a recent dance for debutantes ' was discharged on promising not to be 3 f c J diff: ., . was patterned after model shown to- so foolish again. i or'm‘f. . day. The foundation is white chiffon I ,-,....._.__,____.__.__ f 1:32:19 cloth and has a kneeodepth plaited ', ‘~-“‘»"- ib'n' flounce. The top part in tunic fashion ‘ STRUCK A LION I cerorzung :1. :;:::.~‘1=-»;:.- is also plaited and takes up with the . -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" I â€\I If}. 11 v at»: «a r '. plaited front of bodice. Allover lace Fulton Entered a Cage Where There _ Ines runs from shoulder 10 bottom of tunic Were Five Cubs ; bafffzmjflf' ' . on each side. and our sketch shows ; .â€˜ï¬ .- the allover arrangement of same on , a,“ f‘." g' bodice and skirt. The girdle is pink, Some little excitement was created memo; ~ .. satin messaline ribbon and pink rose- among visitors to Bostock and \\ omb bow. ‘ A. ' ' buds in garland fashion trim front of well's menagerie. located in Alloa Pub cookafz :z‘ . skirt and hold down plaits on sleeves lic Park. by a local publican, named 01 .3912; ' - . -. .. , ,, and across bust line. IIVilliam Fulton. entering alone a cage; Cili’ï¬iihf‘} :»_ ,r earn}; “â€"- Icontaining five large‘sized lion cubs. if†'».rt~ :4; .~,~c_4â€";;,:L._..‘ THE OTHER GIRL’S FIANCE IOne of the animals came forward and “’0an ' i _‘ > T» "in" i3 .;rei~ . IFulton smacked it on the nose with 318‘": 831"?» L‘ . - ‘ a '1 2‘: It is ever an unhappy state of things his hand. and it retreated. He remain were 'I‘.“T. :;,‘ 2 r:7‘. : for all concerned-21 three-cornered ed inside about five minutes and was {19373-6 f'i' â€"' i . ~:~; :5; game 0f love. let time after time it loudlv cheered when he stepped from It“ 2:21}: .12‘21. happens during a long engagement the cage. I , that the admiration and attention of ~_ _ V___,.,_‘______. ; DADDYQ C .I. the fiance become diverted to some A DARING EXPLOIT I . o ALLIIIJ new and pretty face that is frequently , before his eyes. I , H Perhaps he scarcely realizes his own A Skllful Manoeuvre by Sir Archl- ' D82“: - "â€"‘ ‘3 '4 " =::. Re danger, Maybe his fiancee remains allé ' bald Hunter . L‘h- -- ~ t T1 111 - , chasm unsuspicious-â€"but the girl who has in- I 7â€" N“ , <unda spired the new feeling knows all about ARTW'Z" ' : -â€" 5ch = “ itâ€"women always do. The fact that Sir Archibald Hunter is L . {141- - It nests with her to prevent a catas- with one exception the youngest offi~ : C5153 r‘ 'N‘ La“ Ta: ’3’â€: ‘TM trggtlfigfteve’r may be her own secret cer of his rank in the Army, is sflfflf I f f I : feelirgs, it is her positive duty to find clent proof of his soldierly qualities Yes. i' ;5 L; 4.3;;- 23 see: 5; gr; . . isome means of absenting herself from and his fighting skill, and he has well ‘ n: . . a. -- °.° ,the social circle of the betrothed pair. deserved the Governorship of Gibral- . Boys. on... .0 answer 225-: pins ‘ In her absence the old love will quickly resume its old sway. o SO BRIEF THE TIME 50 brief the time to smile 'Why darken we the air, With frowns and tears the while We nurse despair? Stand in ~the sunshine sweet And treasure every ray. Nor-seek with stubborn feet The darksome way. :Celia Thane!†. .w-.-.--aâ€" - _ ._. -- COMPANIONS IN DEATH I I I I I ~> I fulLfledged major-general. ‘ spear.†_ the General, with a little band of vol- i ‘ rounding hills and blew the head off a ' I , tar which has been conferred upon’ him. He joined the King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment thirty-six years ago, at eighteen. At twenty-nine he was a brevet~major, and at forty a. “Hunter'sI . 1'88" it was that waved in the fore Why cor." I go when he 503." "ii front of every battle during the last “Freccyt†, ~ “'IT‘I‘. 51.2". I But I'd 311'; :. ra'Ler that son-30:9 ï¬l.‘ fillin: Daddy's ‘.~'..':.IE Thoughts a: 1:5 2: men: but me. I I I I I | arduous campaign on the Nile, while ‘ \‘i'aifim.’ to rate me. 3 k3“ 333" the man whom it represented was? knee-7 _ . .. known as “the point of the Sirdar's ; Well. rs just 'hisâ€"with is 35:33: ‘ . V . ,lv a.1 reacg. , "In ~ - Lladdv :s a:.x;ousl}' “31.331637? One of Sir Archibald’s most daring exploits was performed one, dark night while at Ladysmith, when .‘ 3 CAPTAIN'S DEATH VIGII unteers. crept over one of the sur- mischievous Long Tom. He led all the I ‘5 way on the dangerous task. surprised Pathetic Regard for the L181 “I“ and overcam - | the gun. C the Boers, and crippled of ch th DICG a: $92 Sir Archibald is one of the f party of girls before the arrival of {the 2 .- . ' ' Striokc - . . . allowed for cash on all same over 3K; Canadian Western 0“:va 2, next," said the agent. Girls and no.1,†Iiurnbcr of Those Leavmg Erin "1?! Illness, Girl Friends Die, few British military officers to enjoy. 4 .. ’ , _ .. . -.38‘;$c; No. 3. 37¢, track. hazymorts, for men up to forty-five are aligihle .for Bill! Exceeding the Births as hey Wished, Together I the personal friendship of the German ; A lï¬di‘hi - my. arnctes :_: ThiSis asplendiu opportunity afar immediate shipment. this class of emigration. The girls - ~ , Emperor, Whom he once saved from I strange f3". 3 a: ranout’: 5932:... purchasing some real good stock as Cornâ€"No. 2 yellow, 016. .60c,':Toron- faced the future cheerfully. “The-reds The report 0‘ the Registrar-General Twazc03flns, covered with rich floral a serious accident. During a Visa 0‘ 7 T‘lt‘ “ ‘C‘ " M" Dark? was ff" ailv~;he stock is in good condition. . to freights; No. 3 yellow. ~91d..59‘;éc; no-room for us in England,†was the on the population of Ireland in 1909 emblems, were lowered into one v the Kaiser to Lord Rosebery 8‘ Dal- since u «- r5: mung .9423, No. 3 yellow, new, 56c, for immediate general cry. “There is no chance of shows that durin the ear a d Iin the presence of a great In gra e meny a few years ago, General Hun- â€If..‘ f L -,.3<"";Zlg nearlf 705 further particulars and candi- delivery; 53c for delivery nextmonth. marriage for us, because our sweet- , g y ecrease [congregation near Carrlck on?“ ter was in command of the troops in {0.771, “f“ â€I17w ' """ ’3 .tions of sale. apply to Thomas Fak- .Peasâ€"No. 2, 84c to 85¢. hearts cannot earn enough to keep us." 'tOOk place in the 001111th or 890 per~ 5 non, Leitrim. The scene c1351; 113:1- Scotland, and was present in that act-ft: 1. f3: bairn Bobcay eon Elias Bowes am». tBuckWheatâ€"No. 2, 45¢ to 48¢, out- Miss Alice Norrie, from Aberdeen, was :sons. There was a natural increase Ipathetic life~story of two inse ble Capacity 0n the station platform to -‘ .. t‘ .g . g . . .. .side, nominal. 7 typical .0: her companions. “I have 0 fpopulation of 27,786, but 28,676 per- {girl companions, Bridget Rem?†3 Welcome the Emperor_ Lord Rosoâ€" gfffhi‘ O. H I. when, Lindsay, and McLaughlin, Rye-No. 2, 58¢ to 60¢, outside, nomâ€" workedahard in Scotland as a domestic _.-sd’iis emigrated during the period. 2 Mary Doherty. The girls when fin berys carriage was waiting. and the if. f Peez. Fulton Stinson, of Lindsay,. Jinn)- servant ,and as a factory girl, just -._ Births numbered 102,759, deaths ’Roman Catholics had ro'w were Emperor had just taken his seat ‘n if f “f If a Ban-15w S_ Barbiâ€"No. 3. 530 to 560: N0. 3X. keeping'lifc going," she said. “All the .“4’9‘3’ and marriages 22,650. Of the Imate friends and ’neighbirs {30:11) dill? when one of the horses commenced {o A? ‘ . :54c'to, 50c; No. 2, 57c to 58s, all out- time I was looking forward to the my last, 16,051 were between Roman Cath- hood, and both were exceeding] c ‘ plupge violently. and in another 1110. h.“ ‘f‘ -â€"--â€"-â€"“" aldse. gorgnial._48 IWhIn ishonld ble nlniarried and have a . 011123131- , f b h , ular in their district But 80mg 3:“: meet the pair would have n at...) x 1,. {4'5 ‘ ' ee rey c. itte ome -to 00 after. B I 8 marriages 0 ac lo " a o t . ' - - .. â€1‘ ' 1‘1“. -~â€~ ~ ~ . I WANTED Young men --say that they hay:t 32:? .spinsters .eonstituted 895 p; 2211?"? 13%. :8} Dom deveIOped consumption. 8,11%!" h°“e‘e-:‘ Ceneral {idlm‘x if. . z.: ' I ~' _-â€"___ what lï¬ï¬le-M’Ol‘k they had and cannot the total, those Of Widopvers and shiï¬- I “'ere boélemiirkable COiDCidence they TwaChhe-d th? annual and dealt ff 8. Ii'.‘ ~ ~ 1122. l: 1‘34 CHER WANTEDâ€"Application «TORONTO CATTLE MARKET Ipossibly gsee :their way to marriage. , :terls 1were 6.6 1291' cent., marriages of ease about ï¬jéagfgi ggethsnéaftal dés- gm 31,353? “ Xioifliirniifirtfdartligfx-fffk: ma». 7 hi; I ‘4 “ Will be received by the under- “Toronto, Dec. 13.â€"â€"Receipts at :the So now I ;am going away, though 1 ac eors .-and widows were 2-4 per jequal progress With each, I ma s were soon .. cur d a d S f :‘C'b â€'22†' if Th‘ _ - . a: . , ‘ . I . 53 U3 , : at x; ‘1'. ‘ ,,, Slgfled up ‘5“) DEC. 23th, ’10, for PI‘O- 10031 IIVBSIOCK markets this 1110an should haste loved to eta) m Scotland. i.§’eilég;v.sa.nf%r.gle0:elgf pevzliiglgfl‘s f aid ‘ 22°18‘01“] incurable turn in bzfthtge$0ntlg bald received his heart: [Ilalliris 0T2“; h ‘ r, w the g . fl , -â€"â€"-â€"-â€"~ , . - . o _ ’ r. ' ' . , , . - . testant teacher for s. s, no. 1, Verâ€" were 2,000 cattle, 850 sheep and lambs, “NE IR]? [-OR NURSES Itotal. marriages. Thus of the 11:63 I REngiiizhig that th 3:30:45? like smart \\ 333.11“ crep- W, 92.. - o co ulam. for atâ€"érm of six months, du- 500 11085, and 77 calves. Representa- Imadrrlid '18'1 _per cent. were Widowers, ,for death, the cOn’l‘fpaffflyioIizilsustvrllireplare lill‘e he ‘Iiatsfwb :liiuiuiosnfn face :2fo ""f‘f ’ . - ‘ if ‘f if, HiSI . 7‘ A _ ’ ' _ , g . , , , P . e 6'" ,0 our 1P; “‘ “ ‘ ‘ . ‘3 .9 :1. ,. ‘ tics commencing Jan. 3, 11. .3rd-It1‘l'.e prices “616' One Hundred and TWeMY-Five of 'fzvlildogvstslgtd‘igfnf:t?w91pelz cent. “ere Ijust turned twenty )ears of ï¬g: :1: llze I'tt7‘~llflâ€~'<l'.. o'l‘o mater tczfgcm a s 2“" . ‘ 1141-3: f»? 7‘5". TII class certiï¬cate will be accepted_ Export cattle, choice ... $5.75 to $6.25 Them Will Tour Europe ‘over 100 marriages o :evgrirgzttingifast 111m gigseldmthhe wish that it might (fiver. Vice. and he Share-‘3 vrizh Loy-.1 “(4,3,5 i.'.._..~ . ' - '1: £20.: , .1, the 1 State salary expected. R B MITCH- 33., afflisum .. ....... .. $.23 2.32 - contracting parties had been in thee communicatgnd 3:11 Slime day. They Elle. distinction 0f being the only no; 52.: f.“ v, ;- eairï¬ ;; ..: -- Jo ELL, Secy., Dunsford, Ont.â€"w3dls. But ., ........ .. . . Winnipeg, Bee. -6.â€"~Fall arrangec lmarried state before. or the 22,650 to the end, cach other daily ‘9’???“ seidlï¬l‘. who has a stanmn: fa“ H: :..: 5:125:11.» : cher cattle choice .. 5.75 6.50 and believed 1 \li . . nu - W! Fm (10.. medium'f ........ . 5.00 5.50 ments have now been completed for Imen Who married, the number under WiSh not to be 391381316111 that their Iibt‘ddfgn t0 “5.! in; 30):! passe a: f I A , do., common ..... . 4.50 4.85 “‘9 ‘°“r t0 Europe of the graduate I If: $231393 £33 1'67 Per cent., and at be answered, 11 life Would . - I _ â€7m ‘ f « THE NEW srAMp ISSUE Butcher cows, choice 3.60 4.75 â€mes °f the we“ A°°°mm°dati°n ‘th 3" '5Ԡ0’ 6'84 per cem- 0‘ I And the most remarkabl .- A COW As A suspecr . . “-b M“ ‘ ‘ _--;s J< . ’_ do com to med 3 00 4 00 has been made 9,, 125 nurses, who! 6 102,459 births, 52,726 were boys , history followed- bo e fact in the The p - ,. I'. . . ...-n« leavel‘ï¬? â€3.. W; ‘ " . ' ..... - - Will leave on r . ,and 50,033 iris, Four e - th the girls as . , aris Journal DUbIIShCS an . .‘~ . g- '- w... ;:f£.‘»~~'†d July 5. I‘hey Will att d .8 teen hundred d calm] 1’ 3 . ~ w. , «~--~ The One Ready for Issue When Ed. Feedinbugtseeuunnnn :25 503(5) the Festival of Empire ceremonieselin ' and four of the former were illegiti y away at the same hour :imusmg story of an incident 0cm? â€1â€,“? “MG “(I 57:; I» ' Bf :. . g .rs ....... ,.» . . ~ , » .. ’ \ , ' n8 Ontside M . 2') 5. .1... 3p; l-cjv i2 .. " ma 1;"- ~. 3 ward 0,...d Will be Destroyed Short-keep (feeders) 0‘ 5.00 5.25 {1142;3‘133 £1156 xiii-lap; tlhe Units: Ixfmg- 32:2.511195955?gltlfltlsvnllatï¬ahsfrhem CARRIED 40,000,000 BRICKS a Trente, Austria 3:127; stt‘raffdd 32:: “L apuc:;,~ Was ghe «53‘ VI, 0 e v D ' I f O and / ‘ . 2 .1 ‘ ~ . . ‘ It will interest the Postage stamp $331!?th holce ' """ “ 33(5) 3%: week Of September for 3311151139.} e lrst Seventeen cases of triplets. ngggd Ashbee, an employs of the tilt: tgzslégggeTahnd (2?“ “mm reach “flux :11 collectors to Learn that the twopenn’ C '! onlpptrï¬ooos‘ o o . . room BriCk CO ' e o icer in command I . . anners on .uopuo-ope-oo 1-00 2.50 ‘T Mbï¬d 8 many. near suspecwd the res - I f‘ :27." 1:15:62: ffz’ii‘mlh‘ï¬i‘ I.“ Milkers, no... 35.00 75.00 mm OUR NAVY 0031 " DEPL°RABLE TH'NG Mn: EarrIZ°“‘eoi‘$§“ “1° "W or a. photographic ai‘iiemiffli‘lmhif f s. can T‘ death of King Edward 711. but no: do., com. and med..... 20.00 40.00 ‘ , Everybody who has thought about 000’000 bricks a $7?ny Over 40? the beastseized and closely’examined. n‘a ".9 . . z. F' placed on sale, is not to ’be circulated Calves ............. .... 3.00 8.00 Canada Did Not PI k th . the matter must have deplored What Itho lpain: a, y . Tielbarrow in. and when he found nothing to Jusmy‘ :1! 3;: f“. 5,. . -;.. J< a, use. The Post Office authorities ï¬ling. evges ll†... $.33 ggg From the gerapfhgnbï¬w uP mg}; £616 Sizing t1on throughout Europe 003 mï¬gkzn‘g Estimated at: Wei’ghltsgg 11:: suspicions he turned the animal I '“nltl ’â€" . in†' "‘ W Ye decided, 3 mg . uc an on s ooo-oso.‘ a o _ eyl e anSfel' of the p0 1118- ' e 9.. so again under the 0 ill ll. ‘ ‘1. f. 'A“ 1.: E formed, to destroy the 2:33:13): 1:: lambs ............... . . 535 5.50 __ tion from the country districts t op the he has walked @13035rm1 his work two of his men charged 353$?qu ' f" Ii-k‘.‘ 3" ’ . ‘ the new stamps. of which large num- Hogs, fed and watered ..~ 6.70 6.75 b Ottawa, Dec. 6.â€"The cruiser Rain- b18$9lvn8.eâ€"Thg_s_pgail§.e£ . ‘ N; . of following the suspect home to as. If,l§;j};;.; . " ",g. e here have been Printed. Perhaps a do., f.o.b. ........... . 6.40 .00 0Ԡ0°“ the Canadian Government , “mm†CLOVER 18' 'Km ' ' certain Whether her owner was an I iM‘lW“3i>.“ .- ,th .. M K gm some; may be retained in the $313,333fs “Sig: isdto be paid in in. I A Luch FISHERMAN Napoleon -b 3 ‘Ittlian spy. 'Io;â€l"E“?‘I’z.‘â€"?£i‘nml‘;’,â€.‘;"§r,:f£? in oat lice Museum or nt ' ~ 5 men - , ha not been “scra - ‘ Barron rough to "T "‘ n, - ‘“ â€â€˜T'l?.‘..-‘.’3‘ilf..r'u r: nine 1,“ British Museum. but in a; on: {22 Eâ€,,‘i‘;§,ï¬o°g:'~fs "Aï¬im ped†by the Imperial comm}; 503,213}, {31213118, $61101: $01“? 833-. Sï¬ï¬ï¬aï¬efg‘gï¬eï¬; 36% Of slant: â€â€˜2; i . N0 Renee-716?? 3.3312:fiirsmII-ffgï¬dcfw'ae:~ ‘ , d. , , . ’ ' " ' ' _ m '1 . ('1 Wu Illli'n"‘ ‘ ' vs .‘ ammncgm†gag-0’23? pmhilatiucmmrgnk celpts: 300 head; marketâ€"ca: slow and :6. noglgfllzaï¬side lg ((33:23: an)?“ 51;: landed a maskinonge. which when ins 88 and a fraction Mela. not. “her! time the baby looks into my â€(3.. 1.311 ’15.. mn- iflgmï¬wfl’fl c. 93» - . - deiï¬ed» tipped the scales at 2534, was Paid $7 a bushel to, . Bo 1'“ ‘19 wiles.†said Mr. M kins |°I “98"?‘1-‘55‘7‘1‘nnim o a and will probably be considered a; steady. Prime steers, $6.50 to â€.75; the preparation of the ship for .sea poundg, It Was a fine Specimen of the cheque which he , tho-m m “Well,†â€Wen“ his so .. . ,oumiin mini. my . 1 new: .9! 213.93.321th also . peppermint: £919.; _.._. .. _;. mice [Tl-915191199991 81-04633?» the my fish. . whee .Ioag;nn.m.‘m°°°‘-Wb the Inot be. polite 0.355me: "’“- r. J. eye“ “,2 * . ~-.. -- -_ o -_., -- . f†V’.,m ;/ ‘ o! h ’ '. o s 1 Side [IV Dmflibu- Arm," - ‘ f (if, , ““- M"“_mn._--...._,. me null-s