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Lindsay Post (1907), 16 Dec 1910, p. 5

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FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1910, .g. s :«Wm, ,clo. WALKER’S 1.16111 SENTENCE mum suown “momma â€"â€" ”M4...” 3 l At a session of the County Police 1 Co, and his job was being held open. llf asevere penalty was imposed, lb Court this morning before F. D. ‘ meant the House of Refuge for his ! O o 0 O ' O l O l a . I a - . l .. I c Hoore, lx.C., County Police Magis‘ S I : trate, Mr. Geo. Walker came up for l - . . l .S i l 1: 2.. w; :3". iz’ld the 3 'trial on the charge of the theft of {influenced by the petition presented l d ’ :5 5*“ {Uncut 0? Q {jewelry in August, 1908., and also tol by the citizens, asking that Walker l ’ I. 3' ""Ci‘ - . . . ) ’ g .. .. . 5.. 3 tr) : answer for his escape from the cus- lbe remanded until called for. Stillé l ' i n 0 1 . : tody of the law. The prisoner‘s wife‘. there mUSt be some recognito . I . .ziornzxc that we ‘ the law. The prisoner, if adVised, ' j;;s 111‘; :illcl an ln‘ ' ' '5 acck alone will i ' O 0 0 0 i g 0 0 i O 0 f i O 0 I O 0 0 l I 0 g l and children were in court. lwas very badly advised to ‘jump Mr. G. H. Hopkins, K.C., appeared; through the window and make his on behalf of the prisoner and stated} escape. People with a wife and child- that though the accused was guilty .iren ShOUld think Of these things. In . considering the matter he would have ‘ made the sentence two weeks -in jail . "ic'..i>;‘.‘r- evidence ' . _..l'55 L: “ - ,s' ‘v" . , ' . . ‘v r “ Y . i ,.. . 3y 3... ‘ ,".1~i‘.;5 ill jooods l ~ 2" ’ 4.3-. 1‘. _- say: you the : . 1',‘ T" ii. You buy l , ’ " - , . - ~17 .- 1:1}: a dealer pays J of theft, it was the outcome of a common brawl, and he should not :stealing the watch. However, Walker ; a": assurtmcn: have tried to escape. He was ill-ad. fescaped and judgment was delayed, vised in taking such acourse. as hejThe prisoner was sentenced to two weeks for theft. The Magistrate did took his life in his hands in escaping. 373535. Nail Brushes , . The prisoner was ayoung man and, . pended sentence, because it was not‘ I severe punishment would fall heavily lalways good He would also impose, on his family. Since he left Lindsay ' a sentence of two weeks in jail for 2..:.‘~~s. having Brushes, . -. ‘ from the police. the two he has done well and had provided escaping .;_:f.-;5E_;3'B,1t Brushes. “‘1‘ his family. 311* Hopkins further sentences to run concurrently. The stated that Walker had been 9mD10y-, Magistrate honed Walker would lead 1 ed as a laborer by the Hydro-Electric.‘ a better life in the future. JUDGE REFERS TO ClVlC MATTERS. ters, during which he stated in effect that the defalcations of the late “The head of the Council shall be ‘ _’ Clerk and Treasurer was largely due chief executive officer of the Corpora- '- 7“ "1‘39 prace. _ ‘ to the fact that the town's represeut- tion, and it shall be his duty to be .- T 333's 3510 the P0“ was m- atives had dispensedwith the services vigilant and active at all times in *1 13‘ 0119- W110 i5 CODSidered an of a tax collector and treasurer. This causing the law for the government of the Municipality to be duly exe- S ., b C ,‘h::.‘.;-‘ on municipal matters, that enabled the Clerk to do as he wished not take with the town's finances. .cuted and put inforce; to inspect the Monda."- 096- 25‘“ but _OD The Council, he further said, put a conduct of all subordinate officers in F7; :11? 390. 33rd. Monday, he claim- very liberal interpretation on the the government thereof, and as far as 21. we... 3 holiday. law, enabling the Clerk to retainlmay be in his power to cause all it»; authority has since claimâ€" these rolls in his hands, as well as l negligence, carelessness and positive f a: ire: Sunday, being Christmas allowing the bonds of the Treasurer violation of duty to be duly prosecutâ€" jay ._~ the holiday recognized by tt be kept in the Treasurer's omce. ed and punished, and to communicate not Monday. and also that This should not have been allowed. lirom time to time to the Council all u..- 1,.minations would ll .‘i T. #5 It is the duty of a Mayor to look such information and recommend such "*9 :ngminations should be held on but _measures within the powers of the 3,1»:“5. Dec. 25th. after this important matter, -- - leath occurred -in Dunsford sometimes that omcial is too township informed the Certainly, said His Honor, the Mayor ment of the finances, health, security, .. u‘r "" l .1 .- .1..‘Z .>L_ 3: 2-": -1 advice on the matter, but duty, the municipality." w“ could not enligheen him WW , ill-Si BEAUTY AIDS CHURCH UNION ENDORSED BY busy,l Council as may tend to the im-prove- «111d LINDSAY PRESEYTERY ON TUESDAY .;;;l";.'.r..; 75, 1.00. 1.25 and .................. ...... 1.50 THE LINDSAY POST u JJ .3; Wu. £3”; ‘ ‘2‘: “ : . ,l _ . MM ll? m, ‘ a.‘. Gifts for Men not want to allow him out an sus- . . . Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Mufflers, Half Hose, Suspenders, Under- wear, Cuff Buttons, Sweater Coats, Fur Caps, Fur Mitts and Fur Collars. Handkerchiefs for for .............................................. 350 Embroidered liandkerchirfs 25. 40, 75, 1.00 :lnd................ .. 2.00 Gentlemen s Linen Initial Hilndker. hiefs, half dozen in box. sale ......... 1.50 In lawn half dozen in box, sale ...... 75c Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs, hem- titched edge withinitial. half dozen in box, price,..,......... .. . 90c Gentlemen’s Silk Initial Handkerchiefs 25 and ................ . .............................. 50c. Men’s Excelda Handkerchiefs in colors ull size 10c each or 3 for I ................ 25 Other styles 2 for.... an 25c Gloves Ladies' Kid Gloves in colors 75c, $1 00 Ladies” Knitted Ringwood Gloves in - » - he had endeavored to se- of Lindsay never pretended to do his cleanliness, comfort and ornament of l navy. red, blue. green and black 20‘" 7 L‘ldies’ Swede Cashmere Gloves in Chamois. grey, brown, navy and black ‘25, 35 and ........................ . ................ 50c Fancy Hair Ribbons in white, cardinal blue. brown. green and black, 4 in, per 100 . . .. . .. _. Wynn” ; {n ..‘.>.;‘.~.~_;,~. _, "‘"i’iw'iw _ . . l”. , 1 . . «m .> ,. “"‘...:~vi::u....«.<' ..l'-.r»L»......i6T‘i-r_..u.:‘ =2..‘.'..'...mu..l“ 2- 'l‘li‘“ “fiat"mwk" we“! ‘4’." l .‘ b" ”‘ l 9 Lace Curtains For the. home $1.35, sale............ 98c 81,00 sale $1.25; $2.35 sale...... ."2.00 Silk Piano Drapes $1.35 and. $2 Gifts of Small Ware Hand Bags 50c, 75c. :md........ $1 Rel tl-r goods $1.75 32, $2.50 and $3 lluir Pin and Trinket Boxes ...... ‘..5c Ladies’ Belts In fancy colored elastic. woven tin- svl :llid mohair. 25c. 350 50c and... me Done up in fancy holly box ...... 25c Dress Goods Arc very suitable as Xmas (lifts, splendid assortment in all the leading makes, 3 prices 50c, we and ............ $1 Muffs for Gifts Empire style German mink Bluffs, special .................................... . a 6.2.5 Same style with beads and tails, 4 heads ard claws, specull ............... $9 Sable Muff, empire style $15.50. sale . $13.50 price. .. W'estern Sable Muff, regular $7.50 sale ............................................. $6 75 Sable Scarfs 815, $18 and ......... 820 Ladies’ Coney Scarfs In brown and black $3. $4 and... $5 \Vhite Thibett Sets of muff and stole. $5., $8, and 310 German Mink Stoles $10, $12. $15 Children's Grey Lamb Collars $5, $8 and ............................................. $9 Grey Lamb Gauntlets $4 and ...... 85 Black Concy Muffs $3.50 and ...... $5 Children’s odd colors in fur and imi. tation $1 and ............................. $1.50 Rugs, Carpets and Oil Cloths Tapestry Rugs 3 x 4 yards $11.50. sale.......... . $9.50 Canadian Floor Oil Cloth... ‘25. 2.8, 35 Black Perm de Sale 81. sale. .. . 75c 31 35 sale $1 : $1 50 sale ........ $1.25 Furs for Gifts Ladies Fur-lined Coats. real sable collar. muskrat lining. broad cloth MAS SAL . , MCGAFFEY’S STORE . a _, .,_,__ PAGE 35‘ Gifts for Women Emblem Brooches, Purses, Hand Bags, F urâ€"lined Coats, Kid Gloves, Mantles, Hand- kerchiefs, Silk and Lace Blouses, Hosiery, Fur Muffs, Fur Collars and Lace Collars Silk Skirts Ladies Black Silk (Hillel-skirt 4.50. sale price . . $3.31 Black Sateen Under-skirts 9W. sale 756 $1.25 sale 1.00 : $22.00 sale ............... 1'69 Taifeteen Skirt $3 50 sale 3.00 : 3.00 sals- price ............................................ 2 50 \Vliite L'ndersklrts trimmed with em- broidery 75c, 1.00 and .................... 1.2.5 Black Peau de Sole silk $1. for 75¢ : 1.35 for $1. ; 1 50 sale ...................... 1.2.5 36 inch Taffeta $1 50 sale 1.25 : 1.75 sale price ................................................ 1.50 Brown. navy and black Moire Silk for trimming special............ 1.00 Gifts for the on. Ribbons, Gloves, Mittens. Handker- chiefs, Fancy Pins, Fur Ties and Muffs, ribbed and plain Stockings, Handker- chiefs and Glove Boxes. Needle Cases, Pin Cushions, Combs, Barrels, Dress Goods, Fancy Belts, Fancy Collars, Hat Pins, Veilings and Brooches. Dolls 3 leaders in (10115 ......... 15c, 20c and "Ix: 1»- 2 specials at ....................... 50c rum ‘0‘; flow for little Dolls in fan. cream, sky blue, and cardinal. Infants White ‘Vool Overalls 40, 50, 75v: Sateen, Taffeteen and Van-{M t ' H l : A u :3:, T:e(isrir(|:s°r\':::x::ek C P At the Lindsay Presbytery Tuesday lthe axe and gc in with this idea. . 51,911560 sale ........ $50 Knee Caters . 25cand35c a communication was received from} Premier Roblin, when asked why he Glfts for Boys Ladies” Flirlined Coats. rat lined. Ladies' Fine Llama Cashmere Hose 501: A 3. ‘. g thing to girls who aci the widow of the late Rev. Mr. Dun- lwould grant requests to the Catholic ‘ -. ‘ . Xe“??? tablfifgiparh‘g. Tl‘gst grilen. 75C and .................................. 311:1} as um: "beauty" specialists is can. formerly of Beaverton, re Situa- lChurch, and then turn down the SChmlHOSO’ Ind Gloves and Mlts‘ CU“ lizkdtslgzli '35 and l lea ‘ 5 rar. 553 B dGirl‘" S‘cho 111‘s“ fine and :er:: :xi. 1:. a case from Birkenhead ticn her family was placed by the lProtestant churches, 551d that when Buttons. Neck Ties. Mufflers, Sweaters. I i ' , ................... W'dzyrfban 5. U (I t. ’3: L432;- i352: “Lloufzziligelgd 31:10:53: death of her husband. Thelmatter will Ea Roman Catholic delegate came to knee.Emma-Shirts. Braces. Underwear, Gentlemen S NeCkwear lL-ldizs‘ VestlndDraneis’Ei'J 3} r: 1 1.510% her complexion. be cons1dered by the Presbytery. :him with a petition or request he Flanelettebight Gowns, Sweater Coats, Four ill-band Hook-on and Puff Ties _, ‘ .L 5 5‘ ‘ J' ' L1,): L-r. S ables. who has practised in Mr. Walker, of the Haliburton cirâ€" lgranted it becauee he knew that the and Windsor T195 in light and dark patterns. 2 specials “’C’ 1'00 and 3 "‘9 35““d~--------° 500 Children's Knitted Underwear. baby vests 18c to............ . 506 New Bradley mll/lufflers . Children" Ye 'ts Ill. ‘25. 30. 50 and,. 75: [n sky. white, brown, black. navv S b if." 1“: 303d if” lavaarglsato£tfig CUit is TECEiVing $750, and asked to be lwhole Roman Catholic church was , . years 5a.; the 0: er ay ' . - - ° ~..,~:. kings. working girls, more smell a permanent charge. 88 the ibehind him (the delegate) supporting Chlldren 3 Bear 5km stipend was insufficient for him to ltht‘ petition or request, but when the Children‘s Drawers IS, 20. 25. 35, 49 par; , Lari; :actoiry hands},1 W381 morie sc:*p.. 't..an sgeneraay e ieve . live on. i ~ ' B d C i _ - ................. 5' (3.9%.“Tfi:e::Ef3111?::uii:yoéa§ it: 31.13:: Some of the delegates maintained uplift-85:21:: fiftiesifilzgve came he onnets an oats "33:15:81.1: Scarfs for the (“333 and ............. .- 50-: W321 nice pale ,white. complexions, and that with the grant of $9100 coat 000. we and .......................... $1 Ladies' 5 o clock tea Aprons, lace and an“::Egtst63;:§gfiie::a§:e is un~ 2283585512“ iofifiittefirg: Quiz-lgul: lgchurch. is divided into a number. of 1 only 5.25 $3.19 ...... . ................. . ..... embroidered trimmed lawn, also in spot fig; Snakes them pale by upsetting might yet :9 in a Ignition tOi p I: idencmmatwnsâ€"Anglican, Baptist, 1 only 6.25 sale .............................. 5.00 Cloth Coats and fancy musllns, extra special 256 a... .gestlon and stomach general- y ‘Presbyterian, MethOdlst. etc., SO he Bear Skin Bonnets 50. 75,1.00 and 1.95 Children's Coats in navy, brown “'001 Shawls for baby 50, 75, 1.00. 1.25 and in white and colored. .. $1.50 and green $3.75, sale $3.00 ; $4 75 sale price ............................................. $4 Misses" Coats from 10 to 14 years. $6.75 S:|.l£'.......---.... $575 Long Coats for Young Ladies of 16 and 18 years in navy, garnet and brown $725sale 86 Black. brown and green loose back Coats were $10 and $12, Holiday Sale . . $5 Specmls 15. 18 an 1.. the promised balance. lwas doubtful about his answer. take. Some of them systematically YCIFfolCH ENION ENDORSED i I .believe that when the time comes drink pints of vinegar to obtain the es er ay a ternoon the Presbytery the Anglicans will be the first ‘3‘? same ‘beautiful’ result, and others met in session in the church at2 p.m. come forward and offer to join the Sili'K lemons. eat pickles. or take raw and the important question of Church Union. 1"am-age with the same object and the Union was taken up and thoroughly same result upon their digestion and , . com-919x10“. discussed, after the motion of Rev. “"11763' will go into provision shops Mr. Lord, of Fenelon Falls, to thel a“" ”"3" pennyworths 0‘ pickles just effect that the resolution stating that as srr. El ‘ , 5‘..::-_.-.a" be” buy pennyworths 0! the subject of Church Union should REV' MR- WALLACE- ”I practice, Dr. Stokes declared, be debated on, had been accepted, Rev. Mr. Wallace, of the local 1'." 740‘ means Of recent origin. This was carried, and during Mr. :Presbyterian church, was then called .~ may be added that starch-eating Lord’s L> Ember form of this morbid habit. a..’. 'Cal girls even eat whiting and 13', and giving them anaemia. ” "Raw rice is not the only thing they (‘hildrens’ Clouds %' 35 and """"" 50c \Vool Bootees 15, 2') and................ 250 Cotton Underwear, Ladies’ Drawers. ‘orser. Covers of fine. cotton lace and em- broidery trimmed covers 25, 35 and... 50c Toques in hockey and long styles 25c. 35c and..... 50c Plain W'hite Lawns....... 10, 15 and 23¢ Apron Lawns. embroidery insertion trimmed 18. 25 and ........................... 40c White Vestings. beautiful patterns, 3 OC..”OOCC-co--.,.. 23C I hope to see that time when all the Protestant churches cf Canada will be united in one religious body. Drawers open and closed 2.5, 50 and 750 Ladies‘ Night Gowns. 3 specials 1.00, 1.25 and .................................... . ..... $1.50 a I I i I I o I o a I I I I I I y . I - ’ I I I ll iiii"'lllBOTllA"”l ' :3, a. no 1‘ l ‘ : ””ggm’ ”may l AT THE COUNTY COURT TUESDAY E ryb d i f. ‘ r)‘ ‘$“~“~““"‘- 9;. h ‘ ve O y , fire, ,, #:A ,,__ Fancy Lawn Handkerchiefs 'l, 5, 7. 10c We '34 D t ' liis Honor Judge Harding. in his I His Honor Judge Harding then {Linen OVH'CM‘Ck “”11 fancy edge)? -, r or .. Lac ‘_ slut a e ‘8 address to the Grand Jury at the ' read the following clause from the I), 1' ti f tt' 1 9“ . ' .. - , tr) " \' :W' n‘ c s- ' '3' ' ' D ‘P County Court and Session of the 311111101981 ACTâ€" 01 the Still-“U5 0f 011‘ ., L lllLll H 1 [DO mg on (gt C. l Nom‘nat‘au 3y I Peace Tuesday, referred to civic matâ€" tario 11903.1 respecting the duties 0i i the head of Council : price........ . fl g U. short address, he expressed (upon. He stated that if Church Un- lion came about there would be no Those Economically Inclined Should himself in favor of Church Union. {Psotestant from lchurch was not behind him, as the ZonlyBear Skin COat $5 50 sale. 4.50 _ 0 9 e ’ 4.2a Ladies and Childrens ldoubt about the saving of funds, ii: -' ’?‘C?‘~’- i 1 I diam ts n UXBRIDGE DELEGATE aural men n m' c a . . . . O :‘ ..cndcn have sgatlhaeli'ed the same Mr. Fraser. of Uxbridge. then intrO- l the Pomt 0‘ adrmnlstratlon. In the nefit B Th] 8 sale . . they have 6 . "is and experiences. duced the subject of Church Union, lbaSiS 0f Church Union I practically given us nothing to go by. .,‘ {he VVCSL'EHd, it. is said, these and SFOke very strong frOm both ‘ It isn’ttsatisfactory to me, but it e s'rcr 1e “beauty aids" are in common . . . Sides of the question, speaking on 1 ’.s’~: amongst domestic servants, who _ . . . arr» pining for the admiration of the the SlleGCt of doctrine, the addresses ,would be more satisfactory 1f ‘ it. w “a." the policfman, thei1 soldier, having been divided up into parts as knew more about U. takers or utc er‘s yout . . ‘ - ’ l . - - many of my cases in which the all were based on the one sublect of ! We should conSider it before going a ChurCh Lnion. on. We really haven't anything to yo . W . MoGaffey patients are girls. I can generally tr m :l . ~. vfimavfi-ialggublgatg Iglxle Sraozeé'lceagé REX. 31R. BEST. lpass on. I would like to, if u __ _ __ A Hbl _ o7)" 1,-“ . l - t . _ . -~ . . . h . l - - - . m ,_.W_W__..- ~â€"-- ‘M‘ ‘ - - 1 hur, co er, mar 6, (BIG. . 1 7.1",” use warning them. They WILL Re“ “m Beg“ 0f Bea‘e‘t"“' was :Wlu ,pemlt me, to gue “'37 general St, rt stating THE DEAD SEA $161“ as su tp have dleglared that there other power but Turkey. probably '4: oeautifai ' " . .. - l . - - from Mr. ThOS. 8W3 , en BXDGT S _ D ~ - the next speaker and introduced the lopinion on the questlcn. I believe - r evidences of coal and 011 in the northern shore of the lake would be , ' that owing to the 595510115 Of the a e ipopuiar bathing station. No doubt region. 'I be Entertaining Facts Ab°ut the Remark- ‘. The Dead Sea is some forty-seven {chloride of magnesia which enters ’largely into the composition of able Sheet Of Water miles long and about ten miles wide ““ at its greatest breadth. Curiously gwater, would befound to have m ‘ icinal and curative properties. ’1‘ . ' h Dead Sea, in Palâ€" enough. it lies 1,300 feet below the . In many ways t e level of the Mediterranean. Many ridi- water is certainly very dense, co ' v e. He then asked l , , , , , _ ‘ . hon be Put to at estlne, can Clam} the distinction 0f be culous stories are told about this sheet 'taining twenty-three per cent. of so those' present the question, uwill it ping the most remarkable sheet of wa- of water, even in Palestine itself. For ‘ matter, and, is. b ulk‘ for bulk, hea people will tell you in Jeru-l than the human bony. - hurch ?” . ter on the face of the globe. Although instance, bring more people to ourc possible to swim in How dense if is may be re - ' - - ' nown b name to everyone, only salem that ii is im .- . There. was a oivermty of opinion. He 'f‘wice in iyiiodern times has anyone at. its waters. and that no animal or vege- i from the follovung table. In a ton o ded by stating th bores. While 1 ,water from the Caspian Sea there en . .w 3» , e did not want m k an . s stematic study table can exiSI near its 5 7 _ 2 cs “my You have in ms proposed church a . _ at h tempted t° a e 3 y = t live in the} .311 lbs. of salt; in the Baltic, 18 lbs. cracy. It is like the woman who mar- .to vote against Ch - - ' ' ‘ ' . it is true that fish canno great deal of freedom The t “Rh Damn It the at this historic region in the Black Sea, 26 lbs; in the A ‘ ' W0 r'ies a man to reform him, and who .presbytery thought it the best decls- and many of the ravines and moun- l certain plac Isthat the question should be submit- ;ted to the congregations and if they ‘are in favor of it, I am perfectly â€"â€"- subject of polity. GOMEZ WILL RETIRE This is a question, he said, that ”gaff? Cuba. Dec. 6.â€"l?resident has come before us. and we must l “we“; 'Ose Bilguel Gomez “'1lln0tb9 agreeable to fall in with the idea. a «affiliate for president of Cuba at make up our minds to it new, and ~ .1,” :fi‘nga,‘ elections in 1912. He it has to be dealt with. I tell you :but not as it .at present stands. Bre- :thren, I would protest against a un- County Court, he was unable to present. (.7 Mr. Frazer movad, that the ques- _-:,~s as (ii-eason hist felar that Cuban frankly that I don't like the idea of l.:s‘orv ml. repeat ise and he wi“ . ~ - ' in Church Lnion. I love my own church 'ion of the churches, which would be forced to abdicate by revolutiont ists. Wee-President Seayas will soon’ lmean the sacrifice 0f freedom and furâ€" announce his candidature for the lamb aunited front like the Roman .Church at the expense of free demo- ‘I but I don't see that this is areason to vcte against it. THE LARGEST CRAB The largest crab in the world, a specimen of the giant spider crab from Japan, is at the Museum of Natural History, New York. The spread of the two largest legs. or arms, having sawlike teeth. called “pincers.” is nearly twelve feet. and the body portion is over one foot in diameter and about the size of a large dinner. plate. The monster crab inhabits the sea and islands of Japan, and is known to occur at depths of over two thou- Mm,_w Mr. Manning, of Woodville, then Smke for some time on the duties 0f tions should first hear of it the Presbytery. He said this question + hwy hen turn ' f v has come down from the Assembly to see 111;, In a or f)Iliumolnlill‘iflil'l . visited. ‘ lake, birds may frequently be seen, in l. Chumhes th t th f Indeed. its banks are seldom es. flying over its surface. tic, 31 lbs.; in the1 English Chaéinei, a are e cremost in . . . h are said to " As for swimming. the 310835“ “’3'; in the Me iterranean. 5 1h" the religious work in Canada are the is not able to place perfect confidence 10‘1- y . $2811.33; Iffiggfiloiegréirlmry. This lbuoyancy 0f the water merely renders in the Red Sea, 93 lbs.; m in. ones that are the freer ones the in him; instead of reforming him first ' The (1085mm was then .put “3 vote account, therefore, of a week spent 'it difficult to make much headway. Dead Sea. 187 “’9- Methodists and Pre b . ’ and then putting her whole confidence and the result was a malarity 111 fav- ilpon the waters of this little-known lbut swimming is both feasible and re- : It has generally been believed . . s yterians. But I in him. ' of Union lake is of more than passing interest. Inching. Among the Party on the this famous inland 38‘ h do not like the idea or union. 0" . ' i. The subject acquires an added val- ,cxpioring vessel. which numbered in size. but the fever” 3 “‘0 M The ladles of the W. H. M.~s. took as from the fact that the Turkish Gov- eleven, there were several who could - 0 LD N0 FOLL W cently granted a. concession bot swim. yet in the evening they 01- w U T 0 H1. oitation of the minerals l ten vatured intoi mammal“. and Mt. , Chedomlr llilkovitch. a , g a ton ther Whatono - nceman. committed m dinner for “190““ 0‘1”“ we“ °t ”ooo,ltis balancing paidfortherlzhts-M :8 to be careful about in not to set {is sweetheart had informed his water into the eyes. not leave her am h .2” W- aids: . .. MW 354:; . vmarm ,

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