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Lindsay Post (1907), 8 Dec 1911, p. 2

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' THE LINDSAY POST ECZEMA CAN BE CURED It is directly charged against the Whitney Gonernment saysthe Wood- stock R-eview, that it. is -p1aying a double game, seeking to secure the There is no need for you to suffer good will and the votes of both ex- another day With the awful itch from tremes. A little plain speaking on the Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum or part of Premier Whitney on this mat- any ‘other skin disease. D.D.D. Pre- ter would be appreciated . What does scription for Eczema stops the itch he propose to do, or does he proposelinStant 3'! Yes, the instant the firm: to do anything? few drops are applied to the burning skin the itch is stoppedâ€"not in half an hour, or in 10 minutes, but in 10 seconds. You can haVe no idea. of the won- There is little ground for surprise d'erful efiect of D.D.D. anti1 your suf- that Sir Ilames Whitney is npposed to fering is instantly relieved by this or, at the best, indifferent to the wonderful remedy, and when used claims of labor upon him and his with« D.D.D. Soap .it keeps the skin in government. It's in the blood. He perfect condition. sideâ€"tracked the urgent demand of the We are confident that D.D.D. will labor organization representing the cure any case of skin trouble of any working men and the working men’s kind. Get a trial bott‘e from the 13.1) \mterests 0f the province. lD. Laboratories, Dept. P.L., 49 001- I WHITNEY AND LABORINC MEN ~ Foryears the WorkmensCo-m-pensa- borne-st, Torontomor call and see us tion Act has been amockery as far about it. E. Gregory, Lindsay. as it is permitted, of justice to the; _ working man and his family. Sir { vote against, been permitted to re- James Whitney, premier, had the ad'lmain Open. vanced British act as a model upon If which to form improvements of the: Act. But instead of acting, he refer- i SIR JAMES B BLIND red the matter to a Commissioner; _ Sir James Meredith, who, no mat-l The followmg from the 6T0ronto ter how great a jurist he is, is still ;Telegram (Conservative) is a sample TORONTO. April 16. 1909. “it gives me great pleasure to tell you again how much your New Scale Williams Plano pleaed me. it has exceeded all my expectations in quality of tone. as well as lightness of action. and it will always give me great pleasure when i can again play your Instrument." Sincerely yours, GERMAINE SCI-INITZER. .â€" We Will Send You A NEW SGALE WILLIE 0n Approval V o l’- ‘1}. doubt by his training and habit of ,Premier by those of his political political thought. He, remarks theéfaith : Peterboro Examiner, is a “Tory” i “Sir James Whitney, like an an- by training and instinct, and is by na- f cient ostrich, plunges his head in the bit, opposed to new departures and is l sand and says there are no bilingual ‘insensibly perhaps, partial to the pri- fschools. “I see no such thing, I hear vileged 6185985- lof no such thing; let us have peace." Apart from this, the expedient 0f 11A rebellion within the ranks of the referring to a commission a pressing f Conservative party in Ontario alone matter. which needs no deep 1egalican enable Sir James Whitney to lift RDOWICdg‘ei but 8 Simple desire to do i his head and clean the sand out of his the fair thing, is mere-1y delaying shelâ€" ._ eyes. Ontario needs a phalanx of new ving the matter for a long time as it :members in the new House who be- has been shelved the past seven years. :lieve that the preservation of the When we have this attitude of Sir; English languabe in Ontario is worth James Whitney and his government. ithe destruction of one of the many towards labor and labor interests, it {Governmentsfl' is “0‘: surprising that the word has I And still Sir James says there are 'gone out from the ConservatiVes head- ino bilingual schools in the Province. lquarters that Mr. Allan Studholme,i the labor candidate in East Hamil-i ton is to he crushei The Hamilton EDUCATIONAL POLICY OF LIBERALS Spectator, of November, gives locall Leading dealers throughout Canada carry the New Scale Williams as their leading pianos. In some places, however, we have no representative. If you have been unable to examine the New Scale Williams in your borne town, we will select a piano and ship it direct from our factory an approval. if the piano. which we select and send you, does not please you in every respect, you may return it at our expense. We make this generous offer because we feel confident that the New Scale Williams stands without a superior in the musical world. Tone, touch, materials. workmanship. finish and design of the Nchcalc Williams have called forth the admiration of the greatest pianists, composers and artists of the concert stage. We would be pleased to send you handsome catalogues showing the many distinctive designs we make. and also explaining our plan of buying a New Scale Williams on easy payments. Write today. 107 The WILLIAMS PIANO C0. limited, OSHAWA, OIL ‘ DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE The .I. M. Greene Music Co. “Ltd voice to this appeal. It says: If the youth of this province are to ‘MRen-‘emter’ eVery Conservative receive an education to fit them. for vote is needed to overthrow the con icitizenship. a more progressive and spiracy of the Liberals and Stud- ladeiquate educational policy is netded. 45 William-sh, ' - LINDSAY holmes in East Hamilton, to over- 5W8 propose:â€" throw the government candidate. To promote a more co-operative re- ” M .. Register at once. lation between the primary schools F I UP To SIR JAMUS What is Mr. Studholme’s crime that :the high- schools and the universities; l he is to be made the object of a direct lmore liberal grants in aid of primary Sir Jas. Whitney in his addresses at and deadly attack from the party of 'educa’tion; the promotion of industri- ' the Academy of Music on Friday night i the Whitney Government? With a ‘31 training and technical instruction .blamed Sir Wilfrid Laurier for the straight party majority Of 70 in a sin urban and rural communities: the failure of Ontario to secure a port on house of less than a hundred members Erestoration 0' model SChOOlS. With 9- iroprietors. , Hudson Bay. Sir Wilfrid, it is true, certainly there is no great danger to iview to increase the supply and effi- 'Office. - - William St turned down the request for Port Nel- the gOVernment from having in the 5clency 0f teachers. ________..___â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"v , son, but he left office with the matter Legislature one solitary representa- To provide thorough ade'u'lte train- LINDSAY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8. still unsettled. Mr. Borden and Mr. tive of the Labor interests. ling pchools, a sufficient supply of com- Roblin must now 89511019 {1111 respon- Mr. Studholme is guilty, in the eyes petent teachers, and thus insure under ,sibility for the final division of terri- of the Whitney Government on three [proper regulations that the pupils in itor)’. They 081180t hide behind Sir counts. He is independent; he will levery school in the province receives- not fall down and worship and slav- ;a thorough English education. Wilfrid Laurier. I ishly follow the head or the autocracyi: VOTE FOR MR. C. E. WEEKS AND THE LINDSAY POST; ' $1.25 per year; 31.00 If paid in salaries ; Great to mom We have ' no subscription agents. WILSON é" WILSON, QUESTIONABLE LIBERTY under his own 13w. Thrre was a ma- ? Sir J33 Whitney is an adept at the ,must be kept down. Labor must be 5 jority 0f some 60.000 c.2135“t retipro‘ hold-bad: gameâ€"holding bad! advance ; kept in its place. It shall have no-3 city, but it would have required 40, legislation and administrative reform. 'body to speak officially and directly. The’present SYStem under Wh’iCh I333- 000 more to giVe the three-fifths ma- He has held back, says the Peterboro for it in the Legislature. Mr. Studâ€" fation is levied. for municipal purposâ€" jority required for prohibition._ Lib- Examiner, tax reform,; held b3“ by ‘holme’s presence in the House, with ‘88. has caused profound discontent in erty to buy and sell whiskey is evi- his apathy, tuberculosis treatment re- ihis sturdy independence, with his fear- ltwo well defined quartersâ€"in the dently more precious than liberty to , form; he has held him" improvement 3;less advocacy of the rights of labor, Egreat cities and in New Ontario. buy and 8611 food- lo: the A“ for compensating workmen 5 makes the battle in favor of the priv-i In and about growing cities a large . . n ‘eng‘aged In factories. A3 a hold-up he ‘iileged classes so much harder. Allan ,‘numiber of vacant lots are being held Though Sir James Whitney had 3 ~â€" big ”1310“” in Ontario, he had mt- HOLD BACK ARTlSI‘ ‘in Queen’s Park- Then he is a labor BRING ABOUT THESE CONDITIONS remarks the Toronto Star. a majoriâ€" . man, the representative of labor, the l ‘ __,_ . ty big enough to carry local option . only direct one too, in the House. Hei REFORM IN TAXATION ; I ADV-WISE IN THE POST , . . Dam-Chant on bllmgual “110018, by must be destroyed. Therefore, “regis- ithe growth of population t=â€"â€"'_â€"“,_______==== withholding it up until giter the elec- ter at once"â€"kill him. iprovements, made by others, add 20, . tion; and, it is safe betting. that the VOTE FOR C. E. WEEKS AND 30, 50, or 100 per cent, to the value of ~ 1 afgiezaeét ”@371th the “finndari‘es iHELP STRENGTHEN MR. STUD- Etheir holdings. Meantime these hold- .; CHIN A 0 n arlo 811° anitoba ““11 not see i HOLME’S HANDS IN THE LEGIS- era are paying taxes only on the bars ' ,7. ..s ‘3 1 and im- daylight until after the elections, on .LATURE. value of their land. On the other hand December 11th. It is a beautiful thing : . . . . holders of 'd oinlng O ert , w:h to be bold, but it is beeter to be con- 3 1 pr p y o PERMANENCE THEORY DISPROV’ED have erected valuable buildings, and ‘ JSIStQL‘t. lthus added to the possibly selling l ' ‘ 1y of their own improved ' . The theo th t - price D“ on ‘ ; TAKE WHITNEY AT [“8 WORD ry a the three fifths' re- Iproperty but of vacant lands along uirement is l - q needed to give perman- slde, are comp8118d to pay taxes on once to local option by-laws is dis- . ' ' “The public man who hesitates to proved by the efiective test of experu!the Value or their lalno plus the value + . . . ,~ . . , lof the buildin s erected thereon. The i 5415' definitely: his opinion ona ques- ; ience. On January Zlast there were 'facts need cult; to be stated to show / ‘ ‘v 4, L101). 15 a pubic fox-1, sairl Sir James 13leunjcipalities in this Province _ . . . ? "‘"‘"""" ““‘ + Whitney's lvitest ele ant c t ‘b ti , a the manifest injustice of the system. s; z? to the literature fih r2“ :1 u .0“ l where local option had been in force i The Liberal platform provides that 0 ' e ca Pa gn 81"- for three years or more no ‘ - + . . h 1 . .- a where, each municipality shall be given the 2? Our Window 15 en at t 6 Academy °f Mon“ °n Fm thermrev “1° question of repeal could right to so adjust its system of tax- : day. The Premier was referring to the attitude of the Liberal party to the bi-lingual school problem. hedvoted on. I.“ 76 0‘ these the by-law iation as to remove grievances such 8. been earned on the 01d majority 'as these. It does not propose to say plan, and therefore could not be re- . . - - ,. 1 Premier Whitney will have no cause pealed by a ma-ority vote. it; all munic galltles shall col set all for complaint if thg people take him at his own word. What is The atti- tude of the- Government of which he is the head towards bilingual schools? Leader Rowell has been vainly endeav full of handsome taxes on land values. It: In these 134 places lOcal option wasldoes does propose that each 30 Permanently established that only Emunicipalitp shall adopt the has- three repeal contests were brought on is of taxation it deems, best suited to i and none of the three was among the iits own needs. 3 76 that carried on 9- majority Plan. Premier Whitney denounces what heI ' reduced p r1 (2 es. ;:::Ihfie:0thi:cn:;€ him::l:l::;sa theft: In the three places voting the poll calls this checker-board “Stem 0‘ tax ._ aimed, for loca, option 1.043. 8.3811181? Cation shall be levied, for local pur- a .II and are no bilingual schools, and he says 529 - china which we are ,sei.ing at greatly n M «H C+W€> wen W W :system in other matters. Some town- ; The three-fifths refluiremont was ships and towns have prohibited the . Pot neefled in any of the places where liquor traffic while others haVe not. E 1‘3 aprlled. It was not needed in any Why not allow equal freedom of en +e+++s+ New wwwe; - l bilingUaI schools are illegal and must to prevent the bringing or repeal [poses, as well? .. , ‘ this in the face of the fact that in HE OUR WINDOW secres of primary schools in the pro- be abolished. Hon. Mr. Reaume, an- V01“- It is not needed to PreVent re-Il VOTE FOR MR. c. E WEEKS AND} peal when a contest is brought on. TAX REFORM. vince both‘ French,and English are If the popular vote ruled, 913 bars taught and in many of them, more French than English. Hon. Mr. Foy of the 76 that had been Carried from choice as to the manner in which tax- a member of the Whitney cabinet says its alleged benefits. It is not needed ation shall be levied, fos local pur- + that those who are talking most about , IQWP Store «is bilingual schools know least about Would have been closed in the last . . . . A... ,-._' o v . five ears I 3- them, and that Hon. Mr. Foy speaks y ' I § . for himself only and not for the Gov- Because Of the three-fiftha’ handicap. . eminent. ‘ l i 1.1. 421 bars have, despite the popular other member of the cabinet, Says ‘ WMMMA l I QWCKLV STOPS caucus. CUBIC 001.03, I mu THE THROAT sun WHO‘- 25 GEN" the man 'of judicial mind, afiected, no l of the many roasts handed out to the\ - prejudices to warp his judgment, or ‘ the question. Hepoints to the inju6- and Kent-st. to hold the same. “admit “that in cities and towns the i Geo. Jordan and Allan Gillies ap- grocers would pay the farmers .Winnipeg Free Press, that the Ontar- chants profited greatly as a nesult ed to dictate to 5911075 shat ' i~o Premier should be so hostile to 10- , voted the sum of $50.00. LINDSAY. FRIDAY, DECEimpp r COMPENSATION FOR WORKMEN {learn English." How Is it then, that gin Northern Ontario teachers are :found actively engaged in teaching, I s. I Em loyers' liability insurance com- _ , who nclther speak,inor understand the i panics in the United States received nearly $100,000,000 in premiums in 12 1311311811 language? . years, and there was paid of this in Here is a translation Of a. bit Of compensation to injured employees conversation carried on betweenare- only $30,000,000. A good deal of the porter and a school teacher in the val difierence went in law costs in fight- lay of the Sturgeon RiVerâ€"the conver- ing claims. sation Was carried an in French for In Britain in 1908 only 5,338 cases the reason that the teacher could were taken into court, out of 2.28.957 speak no English. for cases in which compensation v. as laid “What do you teach: injured‘workmen. : "A little French." In Ontario compensation is too 361- ' “Any history on geographW” Com paid without litigation or the “Oh, 110- We have n0 histories and threat of it. there isn't a map in the whole school" The Liberal policy pledges the "Have the pupils any English adoption of the British plan in On- text 1’00“?" tario with an absolute assurance of “What use would they be?" compensation in every case in which “Whose French \reader have you injury is sustained in industrial“ 0111- got?" ployment. i “Rochon's.” The Rowell policy provides compenâ€" sation for every soldier in the indus- trial army who is injured at the post of duty. WORKINGMEN, vote for MR. 0. E. WEEKS, who will look after your interésts in the House. CONTEST NEARINC CLOSE Premier Whitney may repeat that this is not a bilingual school, for the reason that only one language is _..____‘,__ ,mught. But the language is the §‘_-â€" French. There is not an English text N jbook in the school. “What use would 5 it be?" It appears th-t in that part of éthe country the people depend for iwhst knowledge of English they. are gable to secure on the lumber camps, 3 rather than on the schools. Less than two weeks remain to p01- In the face of such conditions what ling day. Anything that is yet to be ;is the use of quibbling about names done to complete the work of organiza {or definitions or about whether the tion should be done at once. The situ- ' rench language is taught or simply ation is one that calls for special usedas a means for teaching Engâ€" activity on the part of the Liberals lish. of the country. The Conservative mva-é l . . . . . l 122223.53iizi’321‘22?.3553£22: STEWART’S BRIDGE 3 '1 . h C v j ' ' ' :3.:.l.":.::::;::. 23:33:52.3: ON THE GRAIN LINE McCarty S l ove party association, who do not ; realize in their hearts that the Whit} { The following has been handed the ney Government would be a much :Post for publication : . better government if the forces were; more evenly divided in the House. We have a fine 9.5%)" merit of Signet RI:1_3~, new designs. .1. v. damty 2le In!" Iii'l‘x Gent. Theyaru .-; .7 please. higru‘dm c. five. Neat be Ker, I' m oderate. and Gents M i l i l “3 Jewelry store “For some months that peculiar I engineering freak by which the travelâ€"' ler was to be compelled to make the i SENTIMENT’LISM AND CRIME .letter 's' in crossing the GB. asf gin front Of Wm. Stewart’s has been? ltbe subject of much comment. The Irail’road crosses the concession line at this point on a skew, and in about: ' seventeen feet of a cut, and; the Com- ‘ I W'edding R i n g 5 Marriage Licenses E New York Evening Post i We don’t bother, indeed stout the- :poor devils who are being convicted and sentenczd every d iy, without any thing in their cases to give them no- ‘ toriety; but no sooner does :3.- case ; overhead "093‘ng placing their I figure conspicuously '(n the newspapers 5 bridge square across the track, and ,than it is turned over in every conâ€" then making the approacheeto thel money to Loan .ceivaue why on its sentimental s;de «same 0n 8 his curve. on Mortgages ‘ iand the monstrousness Of the crime “It now develops, however, that :lost sight of in the human interest of the Company did not adhere to their (the criminal. The wrecker of banks is I plans as approved, but proceeded to, A” h“*““‘e“.“"i"u:" " ".1‘:"i".‘?'~l31 a staunch comrade and a dead: garne- make the approachm much more (:13, 123:2, MW' 0 I my sport: the wife murderer is not half crooked than the plans allowed. The _' bad when YOU get 120 know him; the result has been that Ops Council pre- F H KIBD debaucber of city councils and black- vailed on the 303m of Railway Com- 0 - mailer of outcast Woman and allâ€" missioners to have the thing inspect- 3.1 PIenl-<:. ‘ ~!:~ 5‘8 round corruptionist, is reallya, ster- ed; and after such inspection by the ‘ linsrfellrw who did what he did our Assistant Chief Commissioner, Mr. D plyas the agent of forces which he 1 Scott, and the Board’s engineer, Mr. B; four}: lying around loose in the comâ€" Simmons, the Board ins comi‘mnned' . ‘ _ . munity. And in reinforcement Of 311 the thing, and ordered the railway 1‘ ,. “330$ 'fT". l’lf'li’br" these particular forms of the plea for company to straighten the approach- I S‘. 711131.?l‘1:;P3FIIF:I\:XI3:331}:‘N’vaiiti ”it: ii @3th comes that universal plea in as and the bridge to such an extent . the month frmn 3 p. {ll w '2 inft‘- the Shape 0‘“ ahlu‘mentum adhom' that there will be- at feasted: feet loiisuli Lions in E». En- rose irre'm: NC WU . . . V: on, h vs donean 5,0191): su'xfe you (1 “Id in lith on 6 “1.3181115 line on the l and '1' r e‘ a any we: 1 you ha been centre 01 the r d o . -his We r h â€"- A.._ A“..- Real Estate Bought and Sul'l‘ will : many proceeded to give the public an _ F“? Insurance I‘ll eCied. i. P. dieoullcugb hm his place. will permit or only a very slight bend 0::0:~:ee:«:ee:ee:eo}o:~:«;°0:~:“:“:°':“:“:“:°‘:";:’ WHY nus HOSTILITY? i“ the ”mime Th” ‘°°' the. ? DR? Ill-FAWN? Ii - Board have promised to see that the, 0? “PKG”! “Lag“.‘f‘y‘?’ _ (f: ,3. ' lpew structure will be sufliciently 1::: LI ‘ “w" ‘m {G .. ,‘ ASIA} The question 01 tax reform is . strong to carry any tramc that shall: 03° W§L§15H(W?l\mxi: proving itselrsm-b‘emuemstant-l go over it. This latteris an importâ€" I ’3‘ London. Hull-cw ash-e9 1y increasing importance in the gener- I5“ provision, for the flimsy bridge 3 2 ’“u’mi‘?” " ’ "law," j’f'.i.‘j"“; al election campaign in Ontario. A - the Company were building at this I g."“.ffij;.’i.:.;lfl:3~fj,;-133). number Oi leading Conservative jour- point m not mm strong en- nals in that Province are declaring ougb for traction engines. themselves with no uncertain sound in' “This case has been another .ijn- “Y5 THE FARMERS shines in regard to the report of Dr. $Studholme and the Studholmeism , Eby speculators, who are waiting until favor of the Liberal policy in that re- stance of the value to the country or OBJE . ‘ ARE CTINC l carol Says the Ottawa Citizen for the Board ot RaiIWay Commissioners. ,. example i Were it not for their jurisdiction it! “Sir James shows only too clearly‘ is plain the GB. S. would have I From Tuesdav's past, each time he talks on tax reform that disregarded the public interests, justl .1 (Law. v.5: 31gb: his study onthis question has been to try and save themselves 3 counts ‘ At the comm 33,-.. b l .- . -9. 559.1 why the superficial, and he has allowed his I of hundred dollars." 1 Deputy Reexe DOE): A a A the blackboard was not plucei c- . ,A g: market for the bulletin; 7f p.lce~r03 market produce in actordunte preVl-fis :81; bfgefihesoolgiighinhtahse 231$; I COUNCIL’S GRANT ' his resolution paSSe'i at a time that Ontario’s insistence that it' meeting. T0 WINTER FAIR! be given local option in taxation has .-.- stunned his reasoning faculties, so ' Ald' Babcock said that aiming that he can find only flimsy excuses ,arners of this kind for sideâ€"stepping her de« mands.” ; to the statements made by | it Wollld be better not to pt: up a blackbOard. Some have said that if they put it up they woull 2;: s...-. From Tuesday’s Post. At the Council meeting last night a. iletter was read from Mr. D. A. Mc- Sir James Whitney will go no far- jK-enzie, secretary of the Lindsay . . “‘9 other: ther than to promise aspecial oom- ;Christmas Fair, asking fora grant market. They Claim?“ w" plug had no right to state a: what they should sell their produce. ti“ 01 taxing 8- farmer With a $1.000 A committee from the executive of Dep.-Reeve Dome“ said that“ :31: . . ‘ . ,3 l ‘ 'h-» house on a. $4,000 farm, but he has to ,9 the Winter Fair, Messrs. John Carew, idea was to get th. PRCeb v for mittee of the Legislature to look into , of $50.00 and also for the town hall case is not exactly the same." But al pointed on behalf of the Association their produce. 1: a man does no: that is Proposed to give the munici- ‘urged that the grant be made. The. not know what he will per {0? h" palities the right to decide whether different gentlemen pointed out the produce before he does it, the groceg .or not to discriminate in favor of i great advantages the Fair was to the business has change c. improvements in fixing their tax rates town. Large numbers of visitors were late. It is rather remarkable Save the lattracted to the town and the mcr- Aldf Babcock said if all?on 6. Somewhat e \‘elliur' the? . . . ' . , , should ask for their Pw‘iuce {Em 6:} option 111 regard to mumcmal tall-i of the Fair. The directors gave their would be politely asked in get W- a 1011. . iserViCCS gratuitiouSIy and each year ”f/ the Fair has grown in importance. It STILL QIIIBBLING is an occasion of public interest. Toucan "A T m . l'l‘here was no entrance fee and every (Woodstock Sentinel-Review one entered heartin into the pro- marinade-l “"“'r"'l““"" Premier Whitney repeats that there ' ject and the show created a competi- “it“ “WWW“ m... P: are-no bilingual schools, and explains tion. and tended each year- oo improve LIQUOR I'IABI l ..-\ i' .1- ‘1...” .,. . Dr. Mc'l‘agrarl's M‘H": 'Z‘ i commie desire for the weed A's-“‘5‘ ‘~ bl" Yi.‘ w what he means by the statement. the quality of the exhibits. ‘ , -- V cm. h. we“ I‘" “Th-”I8 are schools,” he says, “where On motion oi Deputy-ReeVe Dobson .t11;!Old-:12“;fish‘s-Inf}? art? i7",‘“"39 the pupils have to be taught, not the I, and Ald. Babcock, the Winter Fair zffifiegéig;h;yu;d;‘)r::%£f:1";‘1 g3... pimn French language, but the English les- 1 Directors were granted the use of ten-m“ or com" Dr‘ muggy“ 7, inure sons by means of French, till they Kent-st. and the Town Hall and also street. Tomato. Owen ... I 1/. A ’0 E l “‘5 of": ”I one fl

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