A meeting 0: the Women’s Institute was held on Friday. December lst, at the home of Mrs. A. Jewell. There was a. good attendance. The meeting was opened in the usual manner. att- er which the minutes 0! last meeting were read and other business disposed 0!. Mrs. Dr. Gould. who presidea. gun a. brie! but interesting account of the w. 1. Convention heldin Tor- onto onNOV. 15th and 16th, which in attenéed in her omcinl capacity as District Representative. A piano e E i 3’ Kiss Grace McFaï¬and. spent last reek in Toronto. Hr. C. C. Forsythe. of Lindsay, 9 spent Monday at the Fall 'J‘he Misses Ella. Pearce and Lulu 3011‘s spent Monday at Burnt River. Miss Jennie Duggan is Visiting with Lindsay irienda. Mr. Geo. A. Jordan. of Lindsay, on returned on Saturday from a visit to Buflalo friends. Alias Bellingham, of Burnt River. M I SANTA solo was nicely rendered by Miss Sa- bina Martin, toflowved by a. discussion 1341 by Miss Margaret Jordan on the subo'ect of Holiday Dinners, the dis- ctaaion being heartily entered into by the members. A paper by Miss the members. Miss Cums being an. able to attend. An invitation to at- tend the next meeting at Pleasant Valley on Thursday was accepted. A my pleasant and proï¬table meeting was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. Mrs. John Welsh and her sister, A Bisscll Carpet Sweeper (Innis entitled, “Pennywise and Pound Foolish†was read by one of Jottings From Penelon Falls J. G. Edwards 6: Cu A L': iversal Food Cbogper with 4 cutters, 2 sizes at $2.35. $1.63 $3 25 puichases A Grand Rapids Ball Bearing Smeper Nickle Finish. These are many Other suggestions, inexpensive and useful. â€"â€" makesâ€" 0. very suitable Xmas Gift. Does away with the man inconveniences of sweeping, dust, etc. 8 3.75 purchases A Grand Rapids Ball Bearing Sweeper J apanned Finish. 'AGE 4. We are sole agents in Lindsay for Perrin‘s French Guaranteed Gloves. These make handsome gifts. Ladies’ dressed Kid Gloves with fan- cy stitched banks. 2domes, 8,1181% in tan, brown. black, white and grey. Knitted fabric gloves, in cashmere cashmerette and wool, in shades of black, white. brown, grey. cardinal, myrtle, garnet and yellow. Sizes 6 to 8. Per pair, 25c. 403‘ and ........ 50c With every purchase of $1.00 or more Per pair Fancy Pin Cushions, Work Bags, Beedle Cases, Powder Bags, Handker- chiefs. Kimonos, Bed Slippers, Cro- chet Kimonos. Prices 35¢ each up to ................. $2.25 Fancy Baskets from Japan, in War}: Baskets, Handkerchief Baskets, Waste Paper Baskets. These make Handsome Gifm. Prices. eaCh 10c to Brass Goods from Holland, Germa- ny. Japan, India and Egypt, in Smoking Setts, Trays, J ardineres, Ash Trays, Vases, Candle Sticks, Cram Trays. Fern Pots, Finger Bowls Tobacco J ars, Table Bells, Rose Jars Jewell Boxes. etc. 'A drag'niï¬cent range to choose from. Prices from U 1 ANC Y GOODS QDS AS REPRESENTED 0R YOUR MONEY REFUNDED seeds I 1b raisins 1n 5 minutes. A Universal Raisin Seeder from 90c up ........... $7.00 00-h.» .. no Burnt River. ’ class. .............. $1.00 Miss Lulu Jones spent Saturday in Lindsay. £ Dr. R. M. Mason. ‘0! Fenelon Fans. was reâ€"elected on Monday to the Leg islature by acclamation. winter with her son, Mr Thee Rednor. Mr. A. McKendry. Lindsay. spent Sunday at Fenclon Falls. Mr. H. C. Hamilton, organist of St Andrew's Church, Lindsay, was in town on Thursday organizing a music Mr. Harold Suggitt, of L.C.I. pas- sed through town on Saturday to spend the week-end at his home in Baddow. Mrs. Rednor left on Saturday for Peterboro, where she will spend the spent the week end at Burnt RiVer. Rev. C. 8. Lord spent. atew days last: week in Toronto. Mr. Jas. Lord returned to Detroit on Thursday. Mr. Boa-dway, of Jan-att’s Corners is visiting Mr and Mrs R E Wager this week. Mr. S. J. McKendry left Thursday to visit friends in Gary, Indiana. Mr. R. M. Hamilton, spent the week. end in Peterboro. Mrs. Cameron, '0! Bobcaygeon, is visiting Mr and Mrs Albert English. Mrs. J ohnstone, of Colborne, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs Johnstone. Messrs. â€A. Rose and P. J. Breen of Lindsay motored to Fenelon Falls on Monday. Mrs. John Robertson anddaughter are visiting Mrs Jas Cook.of Cam- eron. Asbestos Sad Iron‘ at $2 per set. Mrs. Potts Irons from 31 up, Electric Irons $5 5 rendered. Rev. C. 8. Lord, the pastor gave a short address on the basis of Church Union. Mr. D. Robertson spent Saturday in A song service was held in St An- drew,s Church on Sunday evening last A ï¬ne programme of sacred music was spent the week end at the Falls. we will give a fancy Perrin's Guaranteed Dressed K16: Gloves wnth two domes, fancy stitch- ed backs, in blacE, white. naw. tan. brown, myrtle, mode grey, champagne and red shades. All sizes. Per pair English Leather Gloves, in browns and tans, corded backs. 2 large domes Soft and- pliable. Sizes 6 to 7;. Reg. $1.25 value. Price per pair ...... $1.00 Perrin's Cape skin Gloves. wool lin- ed, fancy corded backs. one Large dome. Sizes 6; to 75. Per pair $1.00 Perrin’s Cape skin Gloves. in tan and brown shades, one large dome; pique stitched. soft, pliable. durable leather, made in their English factory Every pad} warranted to give satis- faction. Sizes 5 to 11}. Per pr $1.75 Midget‘s Cape Skin Gloves for children from two years up to 18. at l I Bread Knives many styles from 20c ud Bread Boards 15c up, Table Knives y; doz 7 5c up. .uc-ooc-conuo..ooco anguguoo- can 1860--â€"DUNDAS FLAVELLES LIMITED-m1911 To the Editor: Dear Sinâ€"May I have the pleasure of placing before the electors of West Victoria a few items 01 intetest, givâ€" en by Mr. Boxall at the school house of Balsover on Dec. 5th. I might say. before doing so, that it was not my intention to take this method of spea- king in behalf of my friend Mr Weeks, but in view of the unfair treatment ,shown him by Mr. Boxall at the mee- ting in question, I would feel the most miserable of all men to allow a ipersonal attack upon a man whom I [know, and other know to be a thor- : oughly Christian gentleman. Mr. Box- lall, in what I call a two-faced way, :tried to impress upon the electors of 1 this subdivision that he was not al- iways a Tory, and yet he failed to lshow in his address where he had ev- er voc-d diï¬erent than Tory. He then ireferred to the Liberal party, but in iparticular to our friend Mr. Weeks, by saying, “I believe they must -be all Methodists.†If ya: want to know what Mr. Weeks is by his company, you will know him. The impression he tried to convey, as far as I could see, was that there was nothing clean about a. Methodist. I might say, if this is the way that Mr. 80:31). and , The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew’s Church were entertained by Mrs H B Johnston's at her home, Colborne-st. one evening last week. Mr. A. S. Campbell, of the Bank of Montreal, Hamilton is spending a months' vacation at the Falls. Messrs. Northey and Lee supported union ; Dr Sims and Mr Hetherin-gton opposed it. The judges were Dr. Ma- son M.P.P., Mr F W Warren andDr J ohnstone, who decided in favor of the negative. vâ€"v_ -â€" â€"-_‘.â€"-â€"'_â€" .1. -vu vv-oowv served from 5 to 8 for 15¢. The Debate in St. Andrew 3 Church Rev. Mr. Walsh, of Dallyryxnple, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Methodist , Church on Sunday night and Rev. Mr. on Tuesday evemg was well attended. Hie took Mr. Walsh's work. Next Sun gge Baht: was: “Resoleed, That day it is expected that Mr, G. W. “Ch on between the Presbyter- Staples, 0! Lindsay will take the ser- ian, Methedist 'and Congregational vice in the interest of Missionary Churches 18 demrable and practicable’ work. Don’t forget the St. James: Church annual bazaar on Friday afternoon. Dec. 8th in the shop one door north of McFarland’e store The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Chnrdh will hold a bazaar on Friday Dec. 16th in Miss ‘Washburn’s store. The Ladies' ‘Aid of the Baptist Church intend holding a. sale of Home Made Cooking in the store two doors north of McFarland’s. Tea willbe served from 5 to 8 for 15¢. $1.25 Mr. Wm. Swanvton, of the Soo. spent a tew days in town visiting re- latives and friends. At a meeting of the Fenelon Falls Curling Club hem last week the fol- lowing gentlemen were elected skips: Messrs. J. H. Staunton. '1‘. Graham, Thos. Cashore, R. M. Hamilton. C. Deyman. W. Aldous. A. J Gould, J R Hand, R. A. Frost anti E Nevison. AN UNFAIR ATTACK om 1N UNFAIR ATTACK. avoid the rush. It will be a true delight toiyou to walk through our store Santa Claus is making this store his Headquarters for the next three weeks This Stage is now one gorgeousApalace of Chriglmas Gifts. Shop earlngnd Q Mr. Sargeant, of Toronto, is one {new proprietor of the drug store. We Ewelcome Mr. aners. Sergeant to ’our village. and see ougimagnificent display. We understand Mr. R Lytle has bought the house at pyqsent occupied i by Mrs. Bethune. . On Monday evening, Dec. 4th., a number of Mr. Magwc-od’s and Miss Bert’s friends took a surprise party to their home to spend a. pleasant Rev. Mr. Hie went to Glenarm .0! Monday to give an 316363: at the supper there. Mrs. Rev. Davey, of Haliburton has returned to her home after a week's visit with Rev. Mr. Hie. Sllilollés Gm We are sorry to hear of the intend- ed removal of Mrs. H. S. Magwood and her daughter to Victoria B. C. Mr. am: Mrs. J. Lowes, of Omemee, have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lytle. Steps mamas £3154": News From Victoria '“Road Over Gregory’s Drug Store Moderate Charges IN OMEMEE ON MONDAYS Dr. v. E. Hart, __ I might say. in conclusion, that the Methodists may not be living up to their opportunity. but the Methodist people of this section and other sec- tions have much to be thankful for in the Christian service and helpful- ness Mr. Weeks has given them during his stay at Woodville these eighteen years. ~ Thanking you in advance for this kindness, I am. Depends upon 1he care of his party are trying to bring about the election of their man, 'Dr Vroom- an, it is a. great credit to them and their party. If Mr. Boxall and his friends are anxious to know the company that Mr. Wekks keeps, tht-y could easily ï¬nd it out. R. H. BISHOP. Balsorver, December 6th. YOUR HEALTH THE LINDSAY YOUR TEETH Yours very truly, HERr 9 THE LUNGS We therefore ask you to accept these gifts, not for their intruisic val us, 'but as a slight token of our es- teem and good will towards you. I We shall follow your future careers With prayerful interest, and as you take your departure for the land of the setting sun. we pray that our Heav- enly Father may ever have the guid- ance of your lives. that His richest blessings may rest upon you where eVer you may serve Him and that the portion of your lives spent amongst us may ever remain a'green spot in your memories. Signed onsheh‘alf of your friends,â€" A. Hie, pastor, C.F. Draden, TF. Myers; W. J. Neal. The members of the Methodist or- ganizations of Victoria Road and other of your friends of the commun- ity with whom you both have been 1 so closely connected, for a mun-bet of 5years, having learned of your pur- ipoee to move ‘to Victoria B.C., feel it’hat they cannot allow you t0.depart from our midst without giving . ex- pression in some manner, to our ap- preciaxtion of your lives amongst us. Miss Magwood, you, asa trusted member of our Church and communi- ty. have cheerfully responded to the demands of the work placed upon you. not odfy as organist and choir member. rbut also as an active work- er in the Epworth League, ' and ‘a de- voted teacher in the» Sabbath school. And now, as the time draws near when we shall miss your cheerful smiles and cordial hand shakes. a feeling of sadness comes OVel‘ us, yet we are consoled in the measure at least, by remem’oering that where we lose, others will gain. an umw' ' ' ‘ Miss Mary Rogers and Miss Hanna As a. member or the: Church you Rogers called on. Lindsay friends last have faithfully conformed to the rules week. connected therewith. You have, with Mr. 'Jag. Emmerson attended Mrs. credit to yourself. and profit to The ‘ Metheral'a sale at Little Britain on Master’s work, grade-red nobfle ser- lTuesday. vice in the various omces Which you I Mr. J. G. Cums received word on have held. Monday of the death of her eldest Mr. Magwood. you, asa member of our community have‘ served its in- terests to the beat‘f your ability at all times. . ‘ in; address was read‘and‘Mr. Mag- wood was presented with a. lesther suitcase and Miss Bert with a beauti- In! bound bible. . Mr 1-1.8. Magwood and Miss E B. Mag- Wood: ‘ Dear FriendsZâ€"As in the, ceurse of human events you have resolved to remove from our midst, in the . con- sequence of which the pleasant asso- ciatioms, which have existed between us must come to a close. evening aud bid them goodbye before leaVing for their future home in Vic- toria. 8.0. The evening was spent in games and music. A dainty. lunch Was served. after which the follow- Ladies’ Fine Chiffon and Silk Scarts in headed and fringed eflects, shades of white, sky pink, peach, helio and black. Prices each $1.50 to. ...$3.50 Ladiee' Elastic, Velvet, Tinsel and Gold Belts, in black, navy. brown, green, helio, white and numerous Per- sian effects. Prices each 25c up to Ladies’ Ingrain Svilk Hose of super- ior quality, in black only. Theseare the swellest hose ever show in Lind- say and certainly make handsome Christmas gifts put up in individual pairs in dainty Christias boxes. Per pair .............. .................. $1. 75 Price per pair ........... . ............... .‘ Ladies’ Black Cashmere Hose with heavy silk embroidered feet and ank- les. A large assortment to select from ; embroidering's of pink, sky car- dinal, helio, white and gold. All sizes. Pricm per pair 40c, 50c and ..... $l.00 C OLLARS BELTS Boys’ Girls' and Women's Emmy Ribbed Wool Hose, made from soft yarns. Seamless heels and toes, well shaped, fast colors. 812685; 13010. Ladies' Imported Blank Casinnere Hose, made with seamless feet, shap- ed legs. Guaranteed fast, black. Sizes 8; to 10. Price per pair.. ..... ~ 35c 3 Pair for $1.00. n; The projected- line leaves the present C.P.R. line at Glen Bay, just west of Perth, about ï¬fteen miles from Smith's Falls. This part of the main line of the C.P.R. has just been re- cently double-tracked which would give the new line double track from there to Montreal, 3. distance of 144 miles, leaving Glen Bay by the pro- posed line travels south westerly to been ï¬led with the railway commis- sioners and it only waits for their approval before work is started. C.P. R. omcials stated yesterday that the route that has been surveyed in a very advantageous one companed to the grade on the present line ; the new route is particularly good as the grade is only a 4-10 one. It is also a trifle shorter than the present route. (Special to The Post) Montreal, Nov. 5.â€"-It now begins to look asthough the C.P.R. Would shortly begin work on its proposed new line from Montreal to "oronto, via the lake shore routel The route of the new line, which has been under consideration for many years hast Mr. J. G. Cullis received word on Monday of the death other eldest sister, Mrs. Lang-aford, who was on a'visit to her son, Dr. Lang-stord, of Oklohoma and. intended staying the winter with him. Friends of our neigh borhood wish to extend their sympa- thy to the relatives. OPERAHONS ON NEW C. P. R. LINE Mr. and Mrs. N.E. Weldon, and Miss Zena. spent Tuesday at Mr. C. Nether'bon's. Valentin. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Weldon, Mrs. Mary Gillie, Miss Floris and Mr Wil- frid Gillie, Mr. and. Mrs. ‘Schwardbg- er, all of Lindsay, visited at Miss Mary Rogers on Sunday. Miss Barbara, Dale is spending this week the guest of her brother, Dr. Dale. Oakwood. Miss Stella Hancock was the guest of Miss Annie McPherson, Oakwooc‘. over Sunday. Mr. Dean Goad, who has been on the sick-list, we are glad to hegr, is recovering. panied by Mrs. T. Treveleven. of Bea- verton. called on Oakwood friends on Sunday. Miss Leta. Hill of Oakwood was the guest of her cousin. Miss Flo. Giles over Sunday. Linden Valley News Items Mr. and Mrs J. T. Birchard and 138 Gertrude visifed at Oakwood. HOSIERY RELIABLE cooos AT REASONABLE PRICES OUR CONSTANT AIM Ladies ï¬ne lawn) ‘hanï¬kercmas, hmtitched borders, assorted embroi- dered patterns. Put in dainty boxes, 4 in box. Price per box ............ 50c Ladiea' Initialed Handkerchiefs with 5 and inch hemetitched borders, made oi purest of ï¬ne linen. every in- itial from A to Z. Shamrock Brand. Price each ............................... 25c. Ladies' and Misses' purelinen hand- kerohiets. t in. hem. Put up 6 in fancy box. Price per box ..................... 50c Ladies' Collars and Jabots in all the latest eï¬ects. Those are Very handsome. Boxed individually in dam- ty Xmas boxes. Prices each 50c to rnw eacn. ............................... 23c, Ladies' Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, with ï¬che Irish lace borders. These are real beauties. Price each 50c, 75c, 31, $1.25 and ........ $l.50 . I... 4 coco. col . u... . HANDKERCHIEFS LINDSAY, FRIDAY Dated this 5th ‘ it day of December, 1911. 191:2. the_Polls to continue mwn‘fh 9 0 910d: m the morning until 5 0 dc m the afternoon and nu longer. JESSE. B. \VELDON. Monday, January If a greater number nf Candiu ’ nominated than are requirw elected, Polk will he «perm! Qollinc places fox ea-Jl of the bub-Divisions wixhiu said '1“ on 1911. between the haurs of One TWO O’clock in the :tftn'nn m. fur purpose of nominating Candidates the oflice of Reeve, Deputy Reevr : Councillors for the Townan of M posa for the year 1912. Friday, December 22nd Notice 1s hereby given th: nt .1 meeting of the electors w ill be held at Nomination Meetin'g We are very sorry to barn that Grenfeu Henry had his arm badly bit' ten by 8 dog on Saturday night and hope it will soon be better. ’We are pleased to ace Capt. Warren back around these parts again. Mrs Wm Bell spent a. few days last week visiting friends in the village. Mrs C Parkin has returned to her borne here after spending the last few months visiting friends in the W est. Miss M Newsom was vrsiting at her auntie’e Mrs Win Winterburn's. Head balm, for a, few days. It is with regret we learn the death of Mrs Mole, which came as a shock to all. It it stated that her son, Wr T Mole, had -ust left her for a little while to get something she wanted. and on his return found that the An- gel of Death had come and that lu mother had passed away. As Mrs. Mole was not a sickly lady her death was a surprise to all, the funeral taking place Friday Dec. let to Pine Grove cemetery. Captain Beck conducted the funeral service. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved oses We are glad to see Mr Warren Ellis home again from the West where he spent the winter months. The young people of the village are en‘oying themelves fme these days. as skating is the order of the day. Belleville. there it strikes almost due west for a. few miles, and then follows the shore of Lake Ontario to Toronto. It is about 200 miles from Glen Bay to Tomato by the route sur- veyed and it is expected that i! the new line is constructed it will enable the C.PR. to considerably reduce the time for its Toronto to Montreal aer- OAKWOOD IN THE TOWN HALL MARIPOSA TOWNSHI P 01’ .................. $1.00 NORLAN D Returning said '10“ ushiP iates at? Oï¬icer lst. and the tor arl- “fictions m even if did IiVe hen “ 5° Well. t himalndi! hemdhe SHE}; oxfOft lot so aerti obtai f0