in attraCtive patterns of Canadian tweeds, single or double breasted “ :, :vizh convertible collar, extra W811 lined- and ï¬nished. Big values Prices from some tempting ments that wil 1n zancy pattern tweeds, made up with cmvertible or college collars. ï¬tting close up around the neck, well tailored and lined. We are offering Wine temnï¬no hay-oak“. ;. 0)...- M- Extra Quality Overcoats pants Piece st AOtDlng more sensible. and certain- ly nothing that wilt give you greater 501'8 $211533 FRIDAY DECEMBER 13. I ‘- Made up in either two piece or three Nothin price Buy the Bay 3 Suit or Overcoat worst Men and Boys Clothing of the highest quality, priced quick selling. Furnishings in a magnificent display of everything that a man or boy appreciates No need of you worrying over what to get “ him †for Xmas. Come to this Great Men’s Store and let us help you to select something that he will be sure to appreciate. Here you will find a most complete stock brimful of tempting values in everything that will appeal most to a man or boy. Mens’ Overcoars Datt Christmas Boys’ Overcoazs mpting bargains in these gar bat Will mean quick selling ‘hristmas. hand V, -8, ~ ‘ted Scotch and EninSh alto-us and cheviots, in exâ€" terns and coloringsâ€"gar- One Price. Satisfaction Guar- ranteed. Money Refunded . ..................... $10.00 with plain or blame: some patterns. intweeds, is, and exceptional values - 83.00 to $10.00 2.50 to $10.00 J: CARTER Clothier and Furnisher Suggestions For High-class garments in ï¬ne Cambric and Madras cloths, also extra quali- ty garments in ï¬ne French and En- glish woollens, every garment perfect- 1y fast in color, and extra well made. Prices $1, $12", $1.50to $3.00 There is nothing a man will more appreciate than one of these ~hand- some vests. We are showing a. grand range of these garments in ï¬ne knit- ted wool and fancy vestings at prices from ............. .......-$l.50 to 84.00 and combinations. Extra. quality wool in fancy and plain weaves, in assorted shapes and trimmings. Com- bination collars or V shaped necks. PriCes from ............ 50c up to $4.00 ............ 25c Mans†Neckwear EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS PUT UP IN DAINTY GIFT BOXES. Beauti- ful and artistic eflects in French, Err glish and American silks. A perfect avalanche of beautiful patterns and colorings await you, Diagonal and cross bar stripes. ï¬gured, floral and conventional designs, in harmonious coloringa and combinations; every shape you desire is here, four-in- hands, bows. bat wings, slings, pufls, and made up knots, at prices ............ In a magniï¬cent display of colors Sweaters and Sweater Goats Black Beaver Overcoats Mens’ Shirts Fancy Vests $1.50 to $4.00 ". 75c and $1.00 All the best makes represented in our splendid display. Plain shades, and neat patterns, best quality of webbing. Colors that will not stain the shirt. oPrices .............................. ...... ‘ 2.....5c, 50c, '75ch $1.00 Such ï¬ne lines as Stanï¬el-d’s, Pen- man’s, Hewson, Wolsleyl are here re- presented in an assortment whicn as- sures you getting the eract size and weight you require. Price per garment, 000.00.01 ......l In any weight you require, from the ï¬nest silk and unlined Suede, to the heaviest fur-lined mitts or gloves. Prices‘$l, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 SILK NECKWEAR AND TIE PIN TO MATCH. Extra, quality silk neck- wear in a magniï¬cent range of color- ings, in four-inâ€"hands, with plain or flowing ends. Scraf pin to match Price per set“ ......... $1.00 Combination Sets A TA'STY AND ARTISTIC GIFT FOR YOUNG MEN. Pure silk Hosel with Tie to match. io a beautiful range of col- orings in plain shades put ’up in ar- tistic.g-ift boxes. Price per set $1.00 In a beautiful range of plain and fancy silks, also the new knitted motor scarf with fringe ends in all the newest shades and colorings in mercerizod and ï¬ne silks. at DriOes. Coat Scarfs and Mufflers Gloves and Mitts on. .n-oa-uo os- ’, priced for THE LINDSAY POST. Ono-II. unonauoou and Good Value 50c to $3.00 This Store for 50c to $3.00 at prices, $1.00 Mr. Abraham Gofl leaves this even ing en route he take passage to Liver- pool, Eng. ~ . Smyrna. Dec. 11.â€"â€"The police auth- orities have issued orders for the de- parture of all Ituiiaus from this dis- trict within ï¬ve days. Italians Are Expelled. Constantinople, Dec. ll.â€"The Con- stantinople papers announce that the Turkish Government has decided to expel most of the Italians from the Gallipoli Peninsula. the territory around the Dardanelles and Smyrna. t is understood that the expulsion will become operative ï¬rst in all for- tiï¬ed places. I have slight acquaintance with, ‘ would show a little more tolerance to something which they in turn seem to know very little about. Fight Ga- pitalism and Boasism if you like, but if you wish to gain the sympathy of the working class, whose Cause you are so anxious to promote, I think it would be better for the cause it they eliminated the abuse from- their literature. Finally, my dear friend, lest you should mistake me for a Ca.- pitalist in disguise, or a disgrunted grouch, I beg to remain, Respectfully yours, Mr. Johnson is the ï¬rst one to re- pudiate him, and his' wild, erratic statements. I Would point out also to Mr. Johnson that as he and sever- al others have repeatedly stated that Socialism has nothing to do with re- ligion, it would perhaps be better if Socialists, in their literature. which , _- ol-V" would like to thank Mr. Johnson for the explanation he made in last night's issue. I do not wish. your correspondent to think I am attack- ing Socialism as a whole (that’s too large an undertaking or me) but when a man posing, asM‘r. Baritz did. as the only organizer of the Soâ€" cialist party in Ontario, makes such ‘ statements in a public paper, it is time, I say, that some one, in the l interests of “Churchanity,†11 I may, be permitted to borrow a phrase? from your correspondentâ€"and, by the} Way, Socialists are adepts at coining} new phraseologyâ€"it is time ‘- for some one to combat such wild propaganda, I am glad that Mr. Baritz is not in- cluded in the ranks of the Socialist party. I must say, howeVer, that al- though I have made enquiries re- garding that letter in the .Wardver. To the Editor : Will you, send a span son, the I Hospital, or W111 you, the Ego-:- of this letter. think of what your donut will do? It helps to restore health and strength, and gives sound limb: and straight feet to gripplgd boys_ and girls. Every ciafli bizâ€"Mia" 'to th.e child whose little life is saved, or whose crippled limb is straightened with the mlght of moneyâ€"your moneyâ€"and the mercy of the AHocpitnl. v..- - -_ râ€"gu Surely we have a. m: claim for help from the people (1! this Province. Why, in the Orthopedic department :n 20 years, nearly 700 children, boys and girls, have been treated for club feet. and about 000 were corrected. TWYO'third‘ d m m from NflflAfl Provincial institution. The Corporation of Toronto grunt. 818,000, not only for city children, but towards the mainten- ance of every patient in the Hospital. and the citizens of Toronto donate an average of 810.000 to the maintenance fund of the Hospital. It would take more space than you can spare to tell of the good work done for the sick and deformed children of that. Dâ€"Aâ€"l- ~ SLRâ€"If RE SOCIALISM ERNEST REE‘DER you Will permit - N. a...“ 4.;44. m. u; “LL: LLVC5 “VFâ€"3 $1113 evenâ€" make ousnewman. Pricetz'a ohtwofor Toronto . ailedtoanyadd ress. mica assage to L1ver-‘5' 0...“. mm» m, \ .a.;.. mammwm'nmm mmsnmmmsr W! golden ! Hospital's the restores every nerve in the body Phosphonol to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weekness avertegiat ogce. Alrhqsphonol will The trouble arose from the publica- tion of a book relating her experience of court life, which the King forbade her to publish. Electric Restorer for Men lnfan‘ta ls Contrite. Madrid, Dec. 9.â€"King Alfonso has received a letter from the Infants Eu- lalia. asking him to pardon her, and saying that she had acted in a mo- ment of forgetfulness.‘ “She had," she said, “no intention of woundin the royal family not from a politica. motive. She begs to have an oppor- tunity of showing that she is an aï¬ec- tionate aunt and a. true and loyal Spaniard.†“We are ready for an immediate start and hope to get permission to make one from the Government,†he stated. Another Canadian project with which Mr. Grifï¬ths is connected is the scheme of the Duke of Suth- erland to establish English people on Canadian farms while he has also an eye to and an interest in Canadian progress in general. While here he {viiiâ€"1V 'i‘nterview the Government in regard to the construc- tion of the St. John harbor, for which his ï¬rm tendered. So spoke J. Norton Grifï¬ths, M.P., of the British House of Commons. and a celebrated British contractor and capitalist, who is in the capital on route from Vancouver. own prosperity, help to maintain the supremaCy of the British fleet, which aï¬ects her commercial well-being just as much as that of England or any otger part of the Empire." crooks. Only one citizen, wno was up with a. sick child, heard the explosion. Chief Thompson, of this city was notified and has the matter in hand. The opinion is held that the burg- ary was committed by professional Ottawa, Dec. 11.â€"-“Canada to-day has world-wide interests and she must, in the interest of her own trade and commerce gag! to preserve her The men escaped in a. buggy, and at the time of going to press had not been captured, although the police are busy on the case. Peterboro Timexâ€"Sate blowers at Lakefleld about 2.80 Sunday morning. blew open the safe in Charelton'e gro- cerytmd secured $179 in cash, and made 06, leaVing no clue. The part- ies. supposed to be two in number. forced an entrance through the win- dow. and atter knocking the knob of the vault door proceeded to open it by the use of nytroglycerine. When the handle was removed the explosive was put in place and the holes and cracks 'were filled with soap, the result be- ;lng a very badly smashed door. Flour, which was piled against the door to make the force go inwards, was scattered about the floor. BURGLARS USED «nu uu- “swan umole. 8- 01811! in and skill required of the hunter Who the local post ofï¬ce, is the ï¬rst to : bags the' great beast. The arrest this suï¬er. This morning he received his 'Week 0‘ Frank Morris, Of Wisdom. blue paper, notifying him that his Beaverhead county, charged with kil- services would no lenget be required†ling 3 1110080 that weiéhzd 1,100 lbs., This young man gave excellent 33b led the Gare Warden to make a, rela- isfaction as a member of the post tive â€â€œ1me“ 0‘ the cunning 0f the ofï¬ce staff, and could not be accused 5 diflerent We“ 0‘ big game in MW‘ of partizanship, because he was not :tena. iold enough to vote. The howls of the;i “My Observation and. political wolvesâ€"the heelers, must be have convinced me that it is just as satisï¬ed, however. The member for i988?“ I“1181110036 39 a. tame COW. this riding has been doggedto deathï¬nd how amen can preenhimaeuan since his election, and the ï¬rst swing 'the fact that he 319‘" 0118 is more than at the spoilsman’s axe does not reâ€" ,‘Icm Imderatand.Tbe habitatat the bound to his credit. {moose is confined to these "an... -...a SPOILSMAN’S AXE FALLS IN LINDSAY :DD'BBDDDD Mtist Help Britain. BBBBDBIDDDIIIII Furniture 25 Kent» See our assortment of Fancy Rockers, Tables, Music Cabinets and Parlor Suites. NITRO GLYCERINE Children’s Toy Sets, (Table and 2 Chairs) Rockers and High Chairs FOR EVERYONE King ston, Dec. 8.â€"Archbishop Sprattg has appointed Father Carson Merrickville, to Picton. to succeed Father Killen, who was appointed to the archbishop’ 5 old charge at Bella- ville. Father Wm. McDonagh, Mer- r: "ckvil e, has been a pointed to Fath- er Car on’ 5 place at gierrickville. The body poi Frederick Ruch, aged 45, was pulled out of the slip at the foot of Princess street yesterday. He was a deckhand on the steamer Prince Rupert and was walking along the wharf to his boat late Wednesday night. and EU. in. His wife lives 11‘ Toronto. been arrested for killing the animals. I hope itwill be many years before Montana stops protecting .them. If the Legislature makes an open season on moose. they will go the way of the antelope. For a long time the antelope were protected and they multiplied rapidly Then. the Legislature took of! the embargo and the animals were shot in thousands. The open season lasted tut six weeks each season, for two years, but in this short time. the hunters got in their work, and it will be many years before the animals are again plentiful." Moose are much more plentiful in Montana. than has been realized. In the Glacier National Pbrk in north- westem Montana there is a band con- servatively estimated at 500; and an. other district where moose abound is in the heart of the Big Hole national ‘torest in Beaverheed county, south- western Montena. Up at the head waters of the Wise River many anisll creeks arise, and the district abounds Mn swamps and: marshy meadows. "Moose have been in this region for many years," continued the Game Warden, “and a. number of men have elk are in the mountain valleys or far back in though ranges. The elk. except. of course when in a starving condition is a very timid animal. and possessed of an abnormally acute sense of smell and hearing. After the hunter has detennined the particular must possess the same qualities as the elk hunter. The tear is a very cun- ning animal, keen of scent and hear- ing, a rapid traveller and a. ferocious fighter. The man who kills either an locality in which it happens to be ranging, infinite skill to stalk the animal 18 required, and if frightened, it may quit the locality entirely and. travel titty miles into another dis- rest absolutelyaecure in the know- ledge that the mega will never strike for the high lands. “The elk hunter, however, must pos- sess craft and skill and combine leg work with head work. He must study conditions and determine whgther the 1. can understand. The habitat of the moose is confined to these swamps and marshy ground and such a locality it never leaves. 111 the hunters need to dotobaga mooseis tokeep on hunt- ing tram swamp to swamp andha can ll MOOSE ARE NOT I HARD TO KILL Montana Stateï¬ame Wat-(kn. Heu- ry Avare, disagrees With the writcrs who write romantic stories of the wil- lingness of the moose, and the craft ather Carson Appointed. the suecesstur bear hunter PAGE I!