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Lindsay Post (1907), 20 Dec 1912, p. 4

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Imwuoooowow 9M ””06“.” 3 v. - , 2% M311] 3 ml] E021 rm: (Spacial to the Post) On Monday evening, Dec. 16th a mac-ting in the interests of local op- tion was held in Dickson's hall. Dr. '1‘. Albert Zul-oore, general secretary of Social anl Moral Reform, of Toron- to. ddim‘d an eloquent and con- vincing arClress in favor of the meas- ure. No one who‘ listened to Dr. Moore’s r ‘lress could fail to be im- pressed with the fact as stated by him that 711:; ninety per cent. of the ills with hich humanity is afflicted 090009906060 6 ' Chur‘ OOOOOQOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘OOO of th week. Suggestive Gifts f0 _â€"â€"-â€"MWâ€" .“Q“““ s~s~“sa~‘§® “wmw5~mm~”. For Father Ties, collars, cuffs, g scarfs, hose cuff links, a scarf pins, hats, caps, gg loves mitts, handker- chiefs, underwear, shirts fancy v e s t s, trousers suits, raincoat overcoat, fur coat, fur- : lined coat, {ur collars, : fur gauntlets fur caps, g : umbrelms sweater 3 coats, lounging robes, ¢ é smoking jackets, night : robes etc 2 s~m~ mmu~ Q.“ MW“ .Just three more days to choose your Christmas Gifts. Confine your ‘chome to footwear-and you’ll be surprised how far your money will go. GIFTS FOR ALL. §3§00600000003000A 9000600§0090090000$6 \Ve’ve lots of things that will please the kiddies, cosy house slippers from 251‘ per pair up- wards, bvckskin moccasins from 45c to 900. hockey boots from $1.35 to $2.15, overshoes, rub- bers and a. host of other mce things. Our ONE PRICE SYSTEM will aid you to buy quickly and with the assurance that you are getti 35 :2 square deal. FENELON FALLS We Wish you One and All A Very Merry Christmas PLEASE SHOP EARLY For Children Canada’s Largest Shoe Retailer have their root in the legalized liâ€" quor traffic, as it stands today. The heavy handicap that is laid on a. large portion of the human race through the intemperate habits of At the Fenelon Falls Curling Club Iv meeting on Monday evening the fol- ithose who should be their shield and lowing skips were elected for the sea- gsupport, was shown by the speaker, son: Messrs. R. M. Hamilton, T. Gra- i who quoted " from the government ham, M. H. Stanton, C. Deyman, A. .blue books in many instances in sup- J. Gould, '1‘. Cashore, M. H. McCal- port of his statements. The 5efforts of lum, M. W. Reive and '1". Sadler. 'the opponents of local option to Messrs. M. H. McCallum and J. H. show how the measure, when carried, Stanton will be district cup skips. hurts the business of a town, was A discussion as to the subject of re- shown in an amusing story told by ‘V 98c Special in Suitcases m'ice $1.45. Christmas Our superb selection of Club Bags is worth seeing whether you buy or notâ€"but the nrices are so tempting, if you’ve any notion. chances are you‘ll make. a purchase. See our Special “’al- 1113 Grain Bag at $3.09 Christmas Baggage Handsome Club Bags Inparaflelfil )'_:Ll_up, regular hosiery, underwear, underskirts, knitted jackets, handkerchiefs, parasols, scarfs, fancy pins. brass goods linens comforters, blankets, coats, suits, fur sets, fur muffs, fur stoles and capes, fur coats, fur- lined coats, rugs, lace curtains, draperies, table covers, fancy col- lars, belts, hand bags, purses, millinery, dd- 3 monas, etc. ~m~ mmu‘ “v‘\r M““ Dress lengths, waist lengths, gloves, mitts, V 3 2 Fancy collars, fancy belts, chatelaines, purses, parasols, hand- kerchiefs, fancy pins, brass goods, linens, comforters. blankets, gloves, mitts, hosiery, scarfs, underskirts, ‘ un- derwear, sweater coats, aviation caps, coats, suits, raincoats, fur coats, fur lined coats, fur trimmed coats, fur setts, fur stoles and collars, fur muffs, fur gauntlets, kimonas, bead necklace, etc. “M“ W “‘ ‘Q‘mumm yum“ Su1ts, trousers fancy vests, overcoats, rain- i 1 coats, sweater coats, fur coats, fur lined coats, fur caps, fur mitts, fur collars, lounging robes, smok- 111g jackets, hats, caps, shirts, collars, ties, o handkerchiefs, scarfs, ’ ho ose. cuff links, scarf§ pins, umbrellas, under- é o o o w,ear gloves, mitts, night robes, etc. 5. size 2; inch. 98 , Sale pnee...... C For Mother Helpful Suggestions for Hurried Shoppers lmfias and Fiavefiéas, iimiiefl LINDSAY = ONTARIO arrangements for the Mason shield. It was decided to give individual prizes for women in the Brandon cup eun- test. The orchestra. was tendered a vote of thanks for their services at the curlers' concert. .Hnuse slippers from 33-1 to $1.90. nvershoes f om $1.35 up- wards. felt beats from $1.25. hockey boots 1mm $1 '25 to $2.75 House Slippers from 25c ‘0 $1.15. overgniters, leg; ’in'rs, overshoes, rubbers. See our special Christmas Trunk, Brass trimmed, two straps, good lock imn 4 50 bottom, size 32. price - Great Vaiues in Trunks For Women For Men WW“. For Sister Fancy collars, fancy belts, chatelaines, purses, parasols, hand- kerchiefs, fancy pins, brass goods, linens, comforters. blankets, gloves, mitts, hosiery, scarfs, underskirts, ' un- derwear, sweater coats, aviation caps, coats, RHli‘Q, rainonntgi fur Q ‘“‘“W -“”‘“M‘r‘r m .OOOOQf 1 (Special to The Post.) z Mr. Claude Groves, of Toronto, spent Sun-day the gueSt of.his broth- er Mr. Milton Groves. § Mrs. Jame}; Smith is on the sick . list at present and we- hope that her recovery may be a speedy on-e. the speaker. A circular letter signed by a supposed resident of the town of Campbellford was found in atrain where several had been distributed. "This letter stated among many other ‘alarming facts that business was bad at the town mentioned since local 0pâ€" ‘tion came in force. The speaker be- {ing in C'ampbellford shortly afterâ€" ‘ward, asked a friend as to the per- ;son whose name was signed to the ;letter, “Oh,” he said, “he left here ;some time ago, having twice been leonvicted and fined for keeping a. 1blind pig. Business was bad for him lwithout a‘doubt. It is as good or ibetter than ever since we got local option, with the rest of us.” Many other good anecdotes were related by Dr. Moore, hearty applause showing }the appreciation of the audience many times during the course of the even- {ing. Dr. D. Gould acted as chairman. The Ladies ‘ Aid of the Methodist Church will meet in the school room of the school on Thursday of this Miss Vera Sharpe is the guest of Lindsay friends. Miss Bessie Lucey, who has been the guest of Rev. C. S. and Mrs. Lord for several weeks, left for her home in Grafton. Miss E. Powers left on Tuesday evening for DOWneyville. Mr. A. Carleton Ferguson and Mr. E. Barnes left on Monday for Gravâ€" enhurs-t. On Friday evening a. pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. Wm. Rutherford, Verulam, when the stafi of TOWnley Bros. tailoring establish- ment met to present Miss Bella. Rutherford with a handsome case of silver cutlery, and the following ad- dress, which was read by Miss Hors- ley, the presentatioa being made by Mr. A. Trudel: To Miss Bella Rutherford: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wagar, of Mea- ford. are the guests of Mr. L. Dey- man. We, the shop friends, wish to ex- press in a tangible way the love and esteem we have for you. Your kind- ly sympathetic manner, your ladylikse Oeportment, and your high ideals of live have won for you a warm place in our hearts. As you leave us for your new home we wish yo}: to car- ry this little token of our friendship, which we hope will often serve to reâ€" mind you of the many pleasant hours we spent together. With it you have our best wishes for your suc- cess and happim Signed on behalf of the shop friends, Miss .maggie Horsley, Mr. Archie Tr'udel. A vote of thénk‘s was tendered Dr. Moore at the close of the meeting. Mr. Geo. A. Jordan, of Lindsay, Spent Friday in town. Mrs. Robertson, of Peterboro spent Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brandon. LITTLE BRITAIN THE LINDSAY POST. Miss Millie Heath'e is spending a few days with friends in Lindsay. Mr. William Dundas, of Detroit, has Ijeturned to his home after spend- ing a few days at the home of Mr. J. J. Rich. Mrs. John Glenney spent a. couple of days in Toronto last week. Mr. William Oornieh was the guest of Mr. A. Gilroy at Prospect a few days last week. Mr. H. C. Hamilton, Music Teachâ€" er, of Lindsay, spent Wednesday last in our village. The Epworth and Junior Lraegue Concert will be held in the I. O. O. F Hall on Christmas night. An excellâ€" ent programme will be given. Miss Lewis, of Toronto, one of Canada's best elccutionists will be the special feature of the programme, also dia- logues, quartetbes, both ladies and Don’t forget the basket social- to be held in the I. O. O. R Hall on Friday evening of this week. Our villagers are a11.busy no“I pre- paring for Christmas. Mrs. Dr.. Hall and master George spent a few days in Toronto this week. Our north and south roads are much improved since the gravel was put on. Messrs George Héatlie, Stanley Spark and Will W‘ickett attended the shooting match at Salem on Saturâ€" day. The latter was successful in bringing home 6 geese Who can beat that? ‘ 011: local merchants are getting 'in their supply of Christmas goods and are busy decorating their stores for the holiday trade. Mr. Dan McLean and family intend leaving for Toronto this week where they will reside in future. We are sorry to lose them from our mi‘dSt, We are pleased to learn that Mr. John Glenney who has been in the hospital at Toronto for the past two months taking a treatmenrt for his nerves return-ed to his home last Thursday evening. A stock judging convention will be held in the temperance hall on Thurs- day an-d Friday of this week. You can shop with speed and comfort in our spacious store. Mammoth display of Christmas goods and plenty of obliging help to serve you. mixed will be rendered and a short play entitled Way Down East. The concert will close with a pantomime. Mrs. G. Wall, of Toronto, spent a few _days visiting relatives here last week. Mr. T. Vincent and family of Sask, is visiting at his sisters, Mrs. John Connor this week. Miss Mabel McLean was given a surprise party at the home of Mrs. John Glenny on TueSday evening of this mek. After a short evening of games an address was read and a presentation of a Ladies Companion. and travelling set was made. She leaves for Toronto this week and carries with her the best wishes of everyone as she was held in highest esteem by all. PRESENTATION MADE ~ AT ROSEDALE Peas, large, bus, $1.25. Peas, small, bus, $1.25. Bib roast 15c. to 17¢. I Turkeys 20c. to 24c. Beef cattle $4.50 to $5.50. Beef roast 13; boiling 6c. to 10¢. Creamery butter 32c. Barley 48c. to 60¢. Buckwheat 45c. Bran $1.20 cwt. New cheeSe 18c. Cream 30c. Celery 5c. bunch. Chickens 16c. to 19¢. Ducks 16c. to. 20c. Geese 16cf to 18¢. Eggs 34c. to 35c. Flour, Manitoba, $2.85. I Honey 10c. to 15¢. Tb. § Hens 16c. 11). i Hogs, per cwt., $7.65 to $8. 1 Head cheese 12c. 11). I Hay $10 to $12. ! Clover hay $8 to $10. Â¥ Lard $18c. to 20c. I Lamb, hind quarters 15c., fore 12c.‘ Oats 35c. Oats, rolled, $2.55. Potatoes 15c, peck. A Merry Christn Merry Christmas LINDSAY, FRIDAY cember, 1912. Solicitor for the For further p: the undersigned. a. strip twelve feet end of said Lot be conveyed to F. C. ondly. being comm Lot “A” South of on the East side and the North sid‘ Ea§t in the said described as follow: a point on the Sou said lot and at a d one feet Easterly quickly saws mks. cum aids. and hat: thaws-032mm“. :: :: ”can. Mortgage Sale of Property Ont. ' Dated at Port Hope, SHILOH Rye 65c. Sirloin steak 20c. 1b. Wheat, fall 93c. Wheat, goose. 85c. Wheat. spring. 85c. Wool, washed, 20c. to 21¢. Wool. unwashed, 12c. to 13: Tomatoes 50c. basket. Peaches 60c. to 90¢. baskst. Cabbage 5c. each. IN LINDSAY the Northern bemoan“ the North East corn“ hpnna Southerh’ 8>10ngtn corner 0 f said lot Iter. an reserved Ont-1 16 N 121"th tbthe f the W thence :thDe‘ ,them

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