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Lindsay Post (1907), 26 Dec 1913, p. 9

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w ..--..... â€"w .z w}. Nairwrff“ {12' x . aiicgnt " ‘ 11:9. W Rae, O‘cnabce; Miss ' f"r:ment s Pages 9 to 12 ._..- ‘,. \- ,,.5 ”fl""' ’1; Sixty Eghth Year », .:~'t‘.ng and pleasing 2.1;.» on Friday after-E : 1 321ml school beinga Belle S‘vnith, Bondâ€" v 6‘": 3’3 “523 cm- ri- - â€" m 6") 31:3 CD 6.5 - w. ““5: , “,9; -, lids . II .fl. 3.235.072. of her marriage I " I;;§Ij;nfit, reztzr‘ral from town. (is: 932,15. has 129911 a faithful and [97... 32.1.2" :if the Central staff ' :37: . 393.15, and her pli-I “‘3 :..~‘. Instill with . E ‘= 522.17. veni‘oin‘d to. show Y. . afar. of li:r excellent .35 = "-1113? and friend. E . (gr-3 , 21'... .it the signal of 3 1 2 :19. 1119.1511er strains of2 ~, 1E.- (”.1555 marched to‘ "II-,0 plexus in the audit- 2 res“? 3.- {3572 _2 tort programme‘of, Inge, 53:1:5 and recitations was 422‘: 4n; (Noyed by all pres-j ,s_ :h: conclusion of the pro-I to come forward, whileE erbert Braund read the £012 dress: Miss Smith,â€"-As you are, your c0n~neCtion with ‘ srhcol Lindsay the pu-. ,2; 3:11 teachers desire to expressE 2.2.- preci at ion of your faithful in the wel- -_';3 Genus and 336p interest .33 the work. .‘23 little folk you have ever Considerate and helpful, ' us look back with pleaâ€" spent in your , ‘. .,n.l teachers you "3:1. obligin; and friend- deâ€" *"‘.::.-ol 3111 town st'istaiu ”hing you the best of E ‘3. happiness and prosperity in . and would like you :2: as a token of re- 0 view a Very handsome - 4 ng lamp, which they pre- ,. , Bliss Smith, who in a few ‘1 chosen words expressed her graâ€" 2..ch 311d appretiation of this mag- F‘r. ncipal MacDougall in a short .‘iircs; expressed the Very kindly re-I all felt towards Miss Smith, sincere regret at her de- . . after which “0 Canada” v.13 sane and the school dispersed. . 3 Eight Sisters Meet for Ye T’et-:';c:2o Review: Last euening firs. Jackson entertained her seven *‘rters to .23 at hzr home, at 435 Zorro sir’cet .I‘Afte wards a pleasant Was spent, a number of their be :1: present. Jacksons seven sisters are: Mann, -drs. Blewett, Lindsay; Mrs. :, city; Mrs. R. Rae, Court: , .tf’i Mrs. D. H. Kerneghanfi :l Ilts. ll. G. Dunlord, city. ' Null DEARLY FOR NEAT AND FOOD 9:7..-11'n, Lee. lSâ€"According to the of living statistics of the the average price BOW ' Department. for meats and poultry is one .. _. it are raged during the ads from 1900 to 1910. The die- index numbei representâ€" 1_*.:' the :TEfsgc Wholesale price for I 11;: and h of is now 200.3 as com- '27 (I with 192. 6 for October and 17 ‘ \o 'rembe of 1:2 st year. For poul- anti mutton th‘ cinder number is 443,4 as comrarcd with 178.4 a y ., 33:2. _. u.- . .1, products thg index num- ‘ 50‘ .‘(o ember is 178.9 as T' 0 ember of last year. forged With N PLENTY OF MONEY E Ottawa Dcc. teresting items in the public accounts uncertain ,report, out today, is the issue IDominlon notes. The total issue for Eorganize the concern while they desire terms and expressions 0? 10"" the year be: ng nearly forty millionsEthe ‘more than the year before. A done, over thirty-three. millions being retired and destroyed or more thanE twice as mLICh as the year preVious.E , The coin factory had a blISy yearE stamping King George ironze to the 110:1 ras cunt. T21 is a good deal of money around Ca- locked up ninety- eight millions. SHORE LINE READY of Toronto states that the new lakeE shore Glen Tay, (a few 'Smith Falls), would in all probabil-E ity be in operation by t: e middle of' January. Iwork trains out and every availableEment means is in force to “131‘ the work 3' E which the inmates look forward with May it Please Your Lordship. __ long {through freight; no local will be carâ€"’ .last evening under the auspices of St- have anxiously awaited the occasion ”ed It will cater most especially to Paul‘ 5 Church Sunday School Officers the grain and other produce west OEEand teachers HIS INJURIES «0 on Thursday last of Mr. Peter-E eon, who was injured by the explosâ€"E icm of a charge of powder in an old; hundred per cent. 'i‘eh old gentlemn was once 9. Dan2 . Com- e”. i2 th 16 5. 3 for October and 173 LINDISAY, ONTARIO, FRlDAV. DECEMBER 26 19‘3; ERE0RGANIZAT10N or iersmNNE 0F .ERRING WIFN E uuui COMPANY MONSNGNEUNNNSNY. RETllIIIRNED NuNN ‘CI‘S‘ representatch meeting of l A ceremony whichâ€"i- has been lookch The Police officcr was the scene of a; forward to with pleasurable anticiâ€" rcconciliatiOn on Friday between an of St.Eerrinig wife (whose afiection for her A Etho patrons in the Country surround- Mug Lindsay, who had supplied milk pntl on by the con; “egation Eto the Canadian Lacteal CompanyEMary' 8 church and in fact the whole Ehusband had been 14111911 by twh" 435‘ was he‘. d in the Town Hall, Wednes- Ecommunity, took place last chninp.r Etardl'y influences of a local man) and Eday. Mr Peter Hawkins was elected before a congreg «lat on that filled the Eh r husband, who hails from a nor- EChairman and Mr. Joseph Hickson‘sacred ed: 'fice to the doors. It. Was thern town. he investiture of Vicar- General (302E It appears that the husband Eacted as Secretary. The whole matter It |was thoroughly discussed. It. wasE 88y, who for nearly tWEIVe Yew”, has been Working at his trade in a we“ the beloVed rector of St.’ ern town, but lad some difficulty in Ijshown that the number of patrons been who had claims outstanding number- \fat‘y’ s to the office of Domestic gettmg 9, house in order to tthhis wife and three little children to Eed about 60, with an amount due Prclatc, which carries with it Ethem of approximately $4,000.00. Mr. title,of Moaslegmurâ€"one of the high-Elite with him. During his abS "'10" W. Flavell e attended the meeting and.cst titles conferred by the CatholicEfrom his family a fiend in human explained the positionI of afiairs Edhurch. Iform entered his home. It is like A committee was appointed composE The event also was the occasion of Emma old story of a weak woman Eed of Messrs Peter Hawkins, JosephEa striking and impre -SSiVe demon- and a Villain' s tempting tongue The EMeehan, Richard Smith, Reaboro, W stration of the love, affection and Lindsay man prevailed upon the G. Cornell, and Albert Hardy to actEloyalty existing between the priest wife to leave her husband and little Ewlth Mr. I. E. Weldon, who was apâ€". and people. Monsigneur Casey Was ones. She listened. and was tempted, Epointed Solicitor for the patrons toEthrice honored last evening. Herve. asiand came to Lindsay on Thursday. try and de'v'ise some methOd by \VhiCh honored by His Holiness the Pope, {The man brazenly paraded Kent- st. Ethe claims against the property could who recognized I: s forty years of with the faithless wife, and it. is be realized and the plant could be faithful service in the church by raia- claimed, made the statement that he started next season. ing him to a high Office; honored by had married her. A number of those at the meeting His Lordship Bishop. 0' Brien, through 'UP in the northern town a heart- expressed their appreciation of the whose instrumentality. and at whoa: brown, but loyal husband tried in good the Company had done to the request this honor Was obtained; van to locate his faithless help.mate Efarmers in this locality, and in no honored by the good people of his He received informatiOn that she words voiced the opinion diocese in a beautifully worded and had departed with the Lindsay man. of that something should be done to re- dress couched 1n convratulatory Chief Chilton was notified and the andmfficcr soon located the pair. On the amounts dueEdevoticn, and accompanied by aEI‘riday she was taken to the police Epurse of $400. Estation, where she met her husband, Eaftgggfyfstiysv‘gfggEligiri‘fsggéEwho had arrived in the morning by the cross bearer and accompaniedEcma Chilton, together with a local by the Sanctuary Boys left the high. E clergyman, urged the Woman to go 'ab c" to her husband, but she obstin- VERNiE KENNEDY MEETS VEETH ACCEDENTES-Etar and met H’s Lordship Bi shopE ately refuszd. Her husband, who isa 0 Bran at the entrance to the Ehard working man with good char- few days ago while working 1nEc‘12rch A procession was th. 11 form- .ac c'ter, was willing to overlook her fthe Eed and His Lordship was accompan . Eindis: retirn and take her to has led to the high altar, rwhere he knelt . Earms, but she was im'mOVable. F1n- - ~ Efor some time in silent prayer. Inâ€" receiiin a nasty wound in the leftEside the sanctuary rail were noticed. i ally Chief Chilton no ntcd out to the Woman the duty she owed her uhich was inflicted by the axe the fouowing clergy Monsigngur was using. While chopping Murray, of Cobourg; Dean Kelly, of‘ E n l l | I AROUND CANADA‘ 18â€"Among other in- payment of Ethcm respectively. good deal of cleaning up WaSE on silycr and: value of about a mil-E A l" dollars. Gold Coin I'the bush, Mr \eznie Kennedy, abo ut the 5 339 am- line, had the misfortune of and 3 ha made to - Scotch spite of the hard times, there foot, if not much of it is WhiCh he Wm V Dada, even 2:st :Eitsmreeahtichgi 2n; m; loose. At the close of the yea r there the axe glanced, falling on his footETrout Creek; Rev. Fathers Roche. Egll‘lhgisafvfsoijz :50: gft::sa:1tu::éq .. :21: hiss H e16“ Benson, and were bills out to the value of over. Iin such a way and with sufficient; Provincial Basman Order Toronto; finally threw mer the wretch “ho . _,- . bell veiled and one hundred and twelve million dolâ€" force to cut through the boot and Galvm B- A- PfiDCiDP-l Continua. 1 amp E ' un LIPS -n 8019- Th? government had' sock and to almost sever two of the tion School, Peterboro; McFadden, .Zad fioubed Idher home and returned to er us an . l toes as well as make a long gash ov- EWOOIBI‘I; McGuire, Douro; Guify. Kin‘ E: Th- h . 'ble i th Ien the arCh o! the foot- His brother Imount. scanlon Grafton. or Connell E man W 0 18 responsx or e ,happened to be with him and helpedlBurnley; Cote, NeWCastle and Down. woman s m stake is well known in Ehim to his home about a mile 03 and maritime O’Sullivan VICtofia Road; E1 indsay summoned medical aid. Mr. Kennedy McGuire Dowueyville; O’Sullh'an, l N JANUARYEwas weakened by loss of blood, but. Port HOW J2 J O Brien ReCtor EBEAVERS ”BUSY it is learned that he is doing nicely Sacred Heart P-fil‘iflh Peterboro. E AT BOBCAYGEON C P' R superintendent W J Uren, ’and will soon be around again. E ADDRESSK,. T0 BISHOP E E Peterboro Timeszâ€"Mr. Spence, one When His LordshipBlshop O’Brien ascended the throne, Mr. L. IV. 0'- EHOUSE 0F REFUGE of the Trent Canal engineers, has re- ENTERTAINMENT turned from a business trip to Babâ€"b Connor and Senator McHugh ad2 Vanced to 8. Position inside the lsanc- following address: caygeon. In conversation with The Christmas Entertain- Right Reverend M. J. O'Brien, D. D. ,E House of Refuge, 1:0 road between Agincourt and"l miles this side of tuary rail. when the former read the at present there are 26E The annual at the trying to build a Bishop of Peterborough. led that beavers are This line is to handle onlyEa great deal of pleasure, was held Ever since your consecration we river when Eof your official visit to Lindsay, andEa now one and all join, not only in earâ€"ledge cut was Toronto but the main hull. of west‘; Rev. Canon Marsh was Chairman tending to your Lordship a mostEthrough He thought some child with em grain will come "i3 the main E and the following pleasing Pm‘ whole- hearted we elcome, but in assur-Ea blunt axe or h.-tchet had hacked line and the Port MCNEChOE' g'pam was rendered “'11 Ch the" enâ€" E ing 3/01? of our loyalty. and 0m readi Ethe trunk. A few days ago a friend joyed immensely -- Eness to 60- -operate with you in all of his in that village asked, “Spence E HGramophone SGICCtiODS» Chl'EEStmas that.- may tend towards the aims and “have you seen any trace of beavers Eobjects of Holy Mother Church, the. in the liver?" Mr. :salvation of immortal souls So! oâ€"Mr. J. I. Johnston. . Readingâ€"Ml SS Twamley E Some ten months ago a gloom v. as Soloâ€"Mrs (Judge) MCM‘ua“ Ecast over the Diocese at it was learn- Speechâ€"Mr. H. J. Reid. Eed that our Saintly Bishop the completely felled. Others in t Solo-'Mélster Henry Marsh ERight Reverend R. A. O’Connor, had ESPOt 8150 SDeCChâ€"Mr- Geo. Coombs. Ebeen called to his reWard. He hadEl mbs were Soloâ€"Miss Madge Sullivan. Ebeen amongst us for so many years, though a and his work throughout the Diocese had been busy Soloâ€"Mr E 27- JOE-“2mm“ ' Ehad been productive of so much, that â€"--â€"-'I°--â€"â€" ECATTLE DROYER PROVE D FA'I'ALEH )I nden Echo: Word was received '1: Halihurton of the death in Town- as neatly he Was repairing a coL‘Ple ofE reeks ago He “'1' 1 be much missedl Recitati ovaâ€"Master Hibbert BI‘OW11 EIwhen the call came, a fee ing akin to of the inmates, thus bringing to a close the happy evening, whic h,. inmate said, “Was the very‘x E each fish soldier, had seen active service, 2nd in many ways had seen a good. as one deal of the world. His death Will be Ebest yet mourned by many friends hem. .._._.__.:...â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ EEZEiSIIeigyagnidtifniliyrmfd: ;::rb::x;Egangway in the Montreal cattle :2 r l tives in this . “ ards, he was knc ckcd down by an <1 . Phougft hmzajog r: ahere tb s wee‘ ' Pdlflltl'i ACClde'lt proven at every opportunity, your en 11- 3; rave d bull. 1’33 '11; HEB?“ s:{§::gli. 1:29 2:1: .1. A a 3 “E, " - 2 13" o2 - . is“ 2 Mr. Eergy and your zeal in all pertaining The horn of the, infuriated beast 3:22;; blasLynch Miss N. Crough,, Little George Barkley, son of G Barkley, met with a painful EtoI the cause of Christ have been un- ptting h 5 business in order. â€"â€".____â€"â€"â€".:.â€" pierced Mr. Glddy’ s thigh, painful Montreal, meeting of the bondholders Canadian Cereal Company, which Was called for today, was further post- 0:.._.â€"â€".â€"â€"â€" la Sunny Florida Err. nday. He was out at: failing, ‘6 1 ' 2 a h be]. ing ..rear 01th sop p géaadiafi C: era 1': r to sift ashes, when he lost his these considerations before us, the 59,. d?) 392?“; in some way and slid down Ilcction of your Lordship to your 8 Electing i “.slpone 3.12 Thin; his mouth on a stone which naturally. + n's lip and- knocktxl out severalE Whilst it is unecessary to say that of the ' .-,.‘ orIeJ into the roof of his mouth, deepest affection f0r our good pastor. . Dr. G. C. Eand whilst we feel that he is wellE Er.c:;d;n: on M0 his fa- Epiety have been most marked. With embankment face downwards, Ehigh dignity and office followed. most Dec. 19. -The adjourned cat ‘ m, team the upper ones being. 'each and every one of us has the! CY? y» ragged worthy of every honor that might be, LINDSAY 5 E : ‘ . . I E. A .' , I“ "2 ,1 - I ." ,3, I . ’ E RIO): ‘ , Times yesterday, Mr. Spence remark- 'dam at the mouth of the Bobcaygeon it enters Pigeon Lake. Early last Govember he noticed that \Iiss Maude Miller Sunderland 3153 big tree standing by the river's Pearl at the base partly Spence quietly Eslipped down to the scene where he Ehad witnessed the aforementioned at- Eta“ cn’ the tree. The tree had been be same Lt. Joreph' 8 Academy returned homeE lay 1n the river. Their today. cut off as man armed with an axe Et t.ask The appointment 0f your Lord Giddy, cattle-I droyer, Ilidout SIT... met 8E1“) ’ however, caissed us no surprise, with a very serious accident yestci Elou have ever on cared yourself with day morning. While going along the inflicting and your humility and your a long gash. \Ir. Giddy also suflercd fijurics about the. back and side. The timely arrival of two men with pitchforks no doubt saved him from fatal injuries. Mr, Giddy is rest- ing quite comfortably today and his Emany friends hope for a. speedy lecov- . , Pages 9 to 12 Vol 24 ~ §‘-.‘ a .“E' luki.“ . ‘v,‘I ,m SEIGN’EUR CASEY. Monseigneur Casey was ordained or. May 24, 1872. For the first two years of his priesthood he was curate in 2Peterborough~from 1872 to 1374'. Afâ€" ter a brief curacy in Kingston he be2' came parish priest, of Gananoque. Af- terwards he was advanced to Camp-‘ bellford, where after fifteen faithful 'ninistry, he was translated to Pet crborough, becoming Rector of the Cathedral, and being elevated to the dignity of ArchdeaCOn. Mon- siegneur Casey has been 41 years in! the priesthood, and it will be remem- bered that cese presenting him gifts and an illuminated addresa. In January 19th, 1902, he became rector of St. Mary’s Church, succeeded the late la :ncnted .VIC:SClg- neur Laura :.1t His labors it: ti: “.cr- ish have been blessed and he enjoys the love and esteem of the entire songregation. He also enjoys the es-; teem and respect of all classes “ho will join “1th the 1 est in extending congratulations, coupled with the hus-. hope that he may long be spared mEthe boy ,lia and brought back by Constable band and little on: -,s who were wait- E . ear the purple. EA. McKay to answer to the charge. __________+____...-, C0 LLE {NATE PUPH. years' ' LindsayI !DOI‘982t for the higher sum. The AT COBQCONK _ .(Speclal to The “4.5!. \ ‘ , LCoboctvuk,‘ Dec. Illâ€"Thursday Willis; White, aged fourteen years and his), brother Davie, aged eleren were; dcowncd in White 5 Bay, an inlet ofE Big Mud Turtle Lake. . : 1he boys were skating, and skaters who have frequentedi he bay for days, and broke through. “2’0 on: saw. th» accid‘n? TEL-j: were- missed shortly afterward by tb-eirf thLI, Mr. J. B. White. who was turning home from work, and found their rubbtrs where they had donn.:d their skating boots, and not been: 2135 sonS, beCame anxious and on go ,ing farther down the bay discovered where they had broken through. Help It?‘ was secured and Willie was soon ,brought to the surface. Davie was {found this morning. The blow has Icast a shadow over the whole neig-h2 aborhood. Much sympathy is felt for ;the bereaved family. Two sisters and a brother survive. ARRESTED F 0R 3 ‘R_A_ISING” CHECK im 1897 his silver jubilee. was celebrated, the priests of the dio»t with valuableE‘ Minden Echo: Donald'Thcmpson, a boy under sixteen years of age, was 2brou,ght before Police Magistrate De- !amere on Friday last at Dorset, charged with raising (hLB time bill irom the lumber shanty of $13.82 tr- $23. 82, and disposing of the same in dis- covery of the crime was not mad,» zitntil the “time" had been presented to the bank by the holder thereof when steps were taken to hunt up who was arrzsted in Or.-- The boy pleaded guilty to making he alteration on the suggestiomof a RETURRENG HOMEEman WhOSe name he did not know I v 'lh: following pupils rho have been tunding E the Going ate Institu te' and staying in Li ndSav, returned to their homes today to spend tb° Christmas \acation: Miss F. Ed- wards, Miss 11'. ta Edwards, Manilla;t Edith McGill, Fraserville; Arthur Welsh, Sunderland; Alec. Scott, L. Sullivan Victoria Road; Miss Primeau, Niagara Falls, Beatrice Lao- g.an Beaverton; Miss Lizzie Hogg,i Frascrville; Mira Princes McCluney, Miss Agnes Bloc-mus? ,Kinmbuntp Susan Miss J. Connoll' , Chesley; Ross, Maud MCFa-dycn, Grass Hill; Miss M. Stamelen, Barrie; Kerr, Margaret Kerr, Miller, ”ALL- " Nata SW 1% Sitnderland; Miss Blaciz‘rater; Mics Sadie (.‘crsm's Siding. 9 .â€"..â€"-â€"__q 0 EChrislmes Vacatics At the Convent“ Southern, Clarence Grass Hill; Mary Balfour, l Ebut who said he resided in Toronto. ETh‘2 Magistrate allOWed the boy out ( n parole on suspended matches. and Emade arrangements whereby the boy was to get work in the shanty, his Ewagee going towards making restituo tion and paying the costs incurred Ein making the arrest, the boy re-- ceiving some wholesome advice from the Magistrate as to his {ctr e con- duct, and explaining the serious conâ€" sequences which woukl result If he were detected in any further- crime. E ‘ ”At-J‘â€" . mun Comm 011 cumin mun. Erroneous information respectinv lthe Custozn’ 8 treatment of Christmas E parcels has recently appeared. For {the information of the general public Iit. is stated by the Department of ECustoms that no order has been givâ€" ien authorizing the free entry of EChrfstmas parcels and that duty is tIto be collected as heretofore. E E l I I E The out of town pupils attending CANADIAR CEREAL A‘ Among them were Miss C.E Barry, Peterboro; Miss N. MESSS " MLaviolette Sunderland; HhIcDonald Brechin, g ,In the village, not only in 1113““ Recitationâ€"Miss Anna Kenny Edespair was experienced. mess, but because of 11's unfailingE speechâ€"Rev. Canon Marsh. 68 ' ' Miss K Prunty, . uc . friendliness to all and cheery out~E Gmsmas Hymn. Esomulézgne fans $2822? 03 CB‘BTIP RED BY BULL KearwI M155 A “Carey, Grafton the final ‘0‘” on all sorts 0f circumflances E Suitable gifts were distributed t0E g Ad ; 11:;- t 8 8118. CE """â€" ‘ .Jiss M. Quinlan, \fi88 , C. Quinlan,5 ties. At present it so as an m 1118 a or, was no easy Port Hope Dec 17- -â€"-Mr. William North Bay; Miss B. Lalonde, Cobourg Miss i. ornwall PcteIrboro. EM: slay Gloss Bars Toronto, 2 Dec: Quinlan,E MASSE Miss C. Ma- E lone, Bracebridge; Miss M. Lambert, EFlour K. Howard, Miss M Barry, Hastings,Edeposited Miss K BroomEbondholders B. Herald, Cobourg; Miss E. Maloney, Cornvmll; Miss F. Maloney, ; Ce Miss Lizn'e Hogg, {Frasei ervil-lc, Miss V LynCh, Campbel ford, EDE'ATHS DUE :10 on Saturday 1.9. ~10 have theE AFFAINS ENCOGRAGiNG It , is. understood that sufficient. ’bonds of the Canadian Cered and Mills Livited have been row with the committee of to authorize action in disposition of the proper- ems likely that Ethe proposed arrangement for carryâ€" Eing on this business as a going conâ€" rn w '11 be consummated. Through a letter sent. out at the :nstructions of the Attornqâ€"g eneral "_Efor Ontario the justices of the peace I ‘ Eare having their attention called to 1.32 E‘the fact that during last year lpenson‘s were killed, and 62 persons E'down by railway. trains while in the act “ ofI burs c.osc at l oclcok- on Satur 131‘ tracks Eaftornoon is the lite“ mme in threE The letter states that the need for E ands the chief ‘H 8 - .. 2 moned and d Theft 0f . GSCPGS P0399 “3t“ JanumI19- The among 1:“)? “11.32:; :détm pat cut is mak- bestowed upon him, wedesire to exâ€"EE The Post is in receipt of. a post cmnmign- against the liquor Home. {Eprdtectlicn 9f “life dam meat was 11 y m ordihthaheir: E 12:: militaristic progress. -â€"â€" Fenelonh Press to your LOTdShiP 011? most PFO'E‘Eard from Mr. rszaac Diay’ell from if. mmor around the Pmmt Bull enforcement of' the 181723., «inst railâ€"I '. (h e thl; on is on the 10050 dtfor‘ réczinr' in Whose hands 8 at t 'ffl:13 Gazette Ifound appr sciatic; of his appoint- Enema; Florréa dat‘Ed Decemmr 12-41% in qum SI Pat“; is to he bC' EWK'IY 'tmm mcfi providee' that (.5! George Steven: on a G WTR E0: the company now rests. mightg‘e -E E ‘ . E‘Imcnt as domestic prelate, with the It states that 4;. and MP9,. Deycil naval. ‘No; Official izfarmatiqn is a- E“eve‘ry person Enot W with ’ u 2 ' ---â€"'. . 2 . 4 ' .. .. - bfaieiran, for whom he hasa warâ€" things in proper shape for the 1‘ 5 ' no“ dignified t.tle 0‘ “Moneeigneur'. are both “2811' Oran-g 9‘ by th... train vaxlable ”Ewe: ““39“” but it‘ is: 1111 the railway or eleOved by the corn rznt. He is charged with the theft; tees. . v SON In Li dsa Tues do to! That Almighty God may spare your 10.3295 are “I! 9499M": on all 993‘s- (16812004 .that “85182501! ‘01" this pony who walks along the ggcgs - 02 two watches Valued at $25 andSSOE E {L ’ hf n Hy; 011W 1.8%. me- Lordship for many years to continue E The fruit “E s for ‘5 cents a 1)9x purpose W111 be introduced at theithereof shall incur a may not "3:11 lira Shea.’ s boarding house on MED . '1‘" “d m a ry E ’ Ethe work of your holy and illustrious on the trees. .‘ ‘; ', I , ' 2 next session, and: an cflort W111 beEexcaeéing no may... u 0,, “mm. C "Lin-st. The accus- d (1’. 82151398? “(llGLEN'ISTERâ€"At her son- -in-law ‘5 re- E 5t" a son ,prcdece'ssors, is the eirner-t petition " ‘ "" “H ~“""""‘ ‘ ' ' 2 made 9215? to “POP 991539”? 2’93: liquor; ,mary conviction. t2}: E.- 3;: befov-e 133:, and it is 330E 8'. wance Wm. Holtorf S. 143 Brunsâ€"l SPRAGUE_IR 80.131110, Dec.18th,Eof the parishioners OES .Idary B. “AlfiLa does best C11 manured 3:111: from Fttf‘L: Etch-ea hf“ gr 7 O \d‘o‘c‘; CD) II . . W"-.â€" . 3;:de 1‘2... 13ft behind an unpaidE wick avenue, Toronto ,El ay Glorisâ€" l to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sprugnc, 9 _ , ‘_. ____.. 50‘ 2-sheLed eggs ind-9%“ i? 130-: 0 Sd‘tur'day evenings, and 1091"? 9-18} The proper way to sow “links i ‘ "88mm ‘ ' l W on "me 1'1. ' Elime ”9' m “a“ I ' thaI'Iré 831 as fees! concern. . 2 ‘wlth some form of arm. _ .~ .. loaf! rm amounting to about $35. ‘ toninha'Myear.‘ . L“ I Ewere injured in Ontario by. being run trespassing upon railway;

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