"£6391 f! m f4 Store open every evening until after Christmasé mammsmmmm I "C (IUUV 8370 Doctb'i-é’fléilh li’Jery by mail. The young 'bgide looked more than charming in__.her smart suit of navy blue chiflon broadcloth. eaxe blue plush hat, most effectively trimmed with mink band. BOOMERâ€"HURLE‘i The wedding took place in the Church of the Immaculate Concep- tion, Windsor, recently of Mr. John Boomer, of Détroit, and Miss Mary Hurley, formerly of Lindsay. and daughter of Mrs. John Hurley. Char- lotte-3L, Peterboro. Dunsiord,-Ont., was united in the;! holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. E. W. Thornton, of Calgary, formerly of} Crime. The grand old church lookedI beautiful with its magniï¬cent style. A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized in Knox church} Regina, by the Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills granulations. Mr. and Mrs. Boomer are at pre- sent spending a part of their honey- moon in Peterboro . The bride has many friends in Lindsay, who will extend her Con- After the wedding dejeuner, Mr , vâ€"_ the accui'nntélgted. imiuritieé â€335?. mm ‘iauon. we: omphmt, Kidney Trpu _ leg. Hagaches. Rheum- Kidney TrouElcs. Hadaches.iï¬jcu; atism and simiiqr ailments vanish. Dt. Muse's laden Root Pins as cure many common ailment-.2: which are my diï¬erent, but which .23? mile from the came museâ€"4 system with impurities. The Piï¬a cause the bowels to now 1' lady. Strengthen and stimufate the 'dneys and open up the pores of the skin. Moral}: ingxediageKy throw 08 Chustmas Sale NOW 011 mg 2: TANGNEY’S FURNITURE STORE i.€.3)6‘fo‘)?(‘ 'PKGE TEN 0' mpg-ï¬rmw‘w-wm a.- on W! WOW-'0“.- ano- WWH ((5 3 M. E. TANGNEY 3 THORNTOJ- DARKER Cigarettes. Cigars and Tobaccos Wholesale All kinds of goods and the finest goods you can get. F. TAYLOR If you want a first-ciass.l inewsy, da.iy paper, with all; gToronto markets fresh each! day, try the Evening Post for 63 'months’ trial trip for $1.00, or E$2.00 for a year. You will likei 'It! T_he aboye price is for de- 'ililiiiiï¬ï¬i I On Friday (pay day) the handsome §sum at $3,046.63 _was paid out in hinges to the hands. Lindsay may inot be an important industrial cen» gtre, but it has inHox-n Bros. mills lone of the has: industries Oi its §kind on the continent. ‘ That Horn Bros. Woollen Mills is is. valuable â€asset to the «town is ,shown by the fad; that it not only !is able to keep a large staï¬ em- jployed day and night. but. distribut- TREMEERâ€"HARDING Miss Minnie Harding, daughter [of Mr. and Mrs. leuben Harding, of Sonya, was married to Mr. Wm. Tremeer, of Mariposa. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. A. Delve, at the parsonage at Wooler, Out. on Saturday, Dec. 12. We. extend con. gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Trev meer and wish chem 9. long and hap- py life.‘ Their home will been the second concession of Mariposa. - Star. ‘ ' HUTCHINSONâ€"EILIOTT fed, but :18 m A quiet but pretty wedding took import .a complt plaCe at Cavan Station on Wednes- 3matter W38 19“ day, Dec. 9, when Pearl Irene with Mr. Long. Elliott and Sidney Carlton Hutchln-i Council then son were. united in the bonds of maâ€" 3 meeting of the trimony. Rev. J. R. Butler offlciat- 3Monday the lit ed. The bride who isadaughter of: -~â€" Mt.A1bert Elliott, wore a. navy3 RE blue tailored suit On account of a! recent bereaVement the wedding was; (Special a quiet one. The happy couple lett3 The many frie for a short visit to Ottawa. lenson. who was and Mrs. Thornton left on tho 10.20 train for Points west. On their return they will be at home at 317 9th Street; Calgary, Alta. as a big sum of money in wages am- ongour merchants. An assortment of Baby Sleighs at reduced prices. Also Children‘s Toy. Setts and Rockers. \‘ WI?“ 3 ,- 8% our Oak Rockers from $2 up. Parlour Suites. Uphol- stered Rockers. Couch- es and Arm Chairs. 31.11211 liulllljliilï¬lliï¬ï¬i. I‘lllllljlzlslili 51551313 ill! of m:. u â€I“ ,ent “’1 '§ Children Cry “0“- 9| . FDR FLETCHER’S ' GASTQR'A beau; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holmes, of Lakehurst, are spending a couple of weeka' visiting friends in this vicin- ity. ' Messrs. Wm. Smith, Jno. Endi- cott and R. F. Thorne attended the shooting match at McGahey’s and brought home ~a fair share of the game. ' E G. Smith 0. L. S. ., for attenéame iat. Council meeting re Long Drain, '34. 00; J. J. Warde, for gravel $6. 25; County Treasurer. Ops share super-g Evision of work on Cross Creek Bridgen S3 44; Eph Pagne for sheep worried :by dogs, $13.33; B. Deyell for in-1 gspection of sheep worried by dogs, 171.80; John Mcmahey for gravel. 19.70; John Sloan for sheep worried Eby dogs, $8.00; Cayley Bros, for ï¬sheep worried by dogs, $7. 33; R Graâ€" iham for sheep worried by dogs, {$18. 66; G. H. Payne for inspection of. :sheep worried by dogs, $3. 60. g Mr. and Mrs. Ward Brown, of Pe- terboro, who have been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. McNevin, returned to that city a short time ago. (Special to The Pelt.) The many friends of Mrs. E. Stev- enson, who was taken to the Ross Hospital 011‘ Sunday. Dec. 13th, with blood poisoning, hope for her speedy recovery - From Provincial, Treasurer, from {Provincial Health Oflcer, from J. Deyeu from County 'l‘reas" and from Manvers, Emily and Maripcsa. ' Mr. Toevin integviewed the Conn- [(11 re a culvert ' grievance on the boundary of 0128 and Fenelon. On Qmotkm of J. Brock, ,seconded by W. ' :‘Halden, Com. Maloney was instructâ€" ed to deal with the matter. ' QQXOXOX‘ m “KOYEYO‘Y‘ Services will he held in the Union church on Friday. Dec. 25. The interested parties on the Long Drain were present, prepare to pay over to Mr. Long their respective postions as subscribed ‘by agreement, if the work was reported as complet- ed, but as the Inspector could not report .a completion of the work thr matter was left over to be ari‘anged Council then adjourned; the ï¬rst meeting of the new council to be 01: Monday the 11th of January. 1915. (off. 0 o’i ! I Cps Council met Dec 15th at .10 a m.,A11 the members present. The mi- nutes of last meeting were read and approved 1 Treasurer P. Kennedy preaented his ï¬nancial report forthe year showing a surplus of $892.86. On motion of! J. Brock, seconded by G. Maloney,‘ the Traasurer’s report was accepted and 100 copies ordered printed. iion when:- Chester Pogue was ap- Ipointed Deputy Returning Ofï¬ces and :John Curtin Poll Clerk. Moved by W Walden, seconded by G. Malpyey that the Collector’s time or returning the roll be extemdad a few days so that he might complete his work.â€"â€"Ce.rried. {law was duly passed authorizing th: molding of nominat ion meeting in the {Town Hall, Lindsay. on Monday, Dcâ€" ?cember 28th.1914,at 1 p.m. 3116. as , {action if necessary at each of the isix polling booths of the Towmï¬ip :on Monday the 4th day of January. 91915. The returning ofï¬cers and poll Eclerks to be the same as before with :the exception of No. 3 Polling divis- On motion of G. Maloney, seconded by J. Brock. the following accounts were ordered paid: On motion of W. Walden. seconded by W. Best, the following refunds 0'. taxes were authorized: W. B. ,Fee $10. 00 redUCtion in the Engineer's charges on Fee portion of Jewell drain. Lowery Kennedy, Robert De yen, John Jackson and Hugh Gunn each $1.00 because of having been 38‘ sessed in error for a. (103. iln sums of $100. 00 each as required Iotice what they were doing, as be :far aid to tile drainage in the Town- vas busily engaged in repairing a éshlp was duly passed. The debentur- :ignal bell at the G.T.R. crossing. ?ee authorized under the old By-law Shivering with tear, he made tracks were not nearly exhausted but be- for home, without stopping to inveso icause the Provincial GOVemment had ~igzmbe or go near the shack. gchanged the rate Of interest on such Earlier in the day Birmingham no- ;debentures to 5 per cent in place of} iced Provincial Inspector Greer and ifour per cent it was necessary to; Euperintendent deale of the Inves'o 313588 a new By-law in accordance ‘1gation department of the G. T. 3., With the new â€EmotiODS. Also a BS" ‘eaving the shack, after examining Slaw W88 duly P913895 authorizing th‘ ‘he clothing and belongings of the â€10131118†0‘ nomina ion meeting in an talians for revolvers. He thinks the 'ITOWD H931 Lindsay. on Monday. 30' ï¬alians living in the shack were unâ€" member 23th 1914 at 1 P- m. and an der the impression that he had been ‘Election 1‘ necessary at each of th" 3ft at the crossing to watch the gsix polling booths of the Towmï¬ip place. A By-law authorizing the raising of $10,000.00 by Municipal Debentures J. Deye'll tendered his resignation as Pathmuster of road Beat No. 59 and on motion of J. Brock, seconded by G. Maloney. Mr. Deyell’s resigna- tion was accepted and Wesley Deyel) was appointed Pathmaster of Beat 59 for the balance of the tem. On motion 01 W. Walden, seconded by G. Maloney, Com. Best was in- structed to investigate the charges on Manvera Township bill and re- ‘port. ' PROCEEDINGS OF COMMUNICATION S . REABORO OPS C(EUNCIL The Napoleon is the; newest collar beautiful. Lindsayâ€"Two companies of infan- try. Making in all eighteen compan- ies to each of the three battalions SHOW HOW- TO MANAGE EN .. ROUTE. There is good reason to believe that the let Batta’lion will make an early move for the front. Already the battalibn has been informed re- gmfling 'transportation, the price to be paid for meals on trains, accom- o-iation, provision , for. men and all other things that are necessary for a unit to knowvwhen it is about to move. If the let Battalion has been ofï¬cially notiï¬ed as to all things concerning entrainment land transpbrâ€" tation it is reasonable to believe that the whole of the second conting- ent Will soon be on its. way to the front. Kingston, Dec. 17.-â€"Distribution of the troops for the third Canadianl Overseas Contingent, as far as the‘ Third Military District is concerned,‘ has at last been decided on by the! military authorities at Ottawa, add, ion'less a change is made, the city oil Kingston will not be given any nor-g tion of the aiiotment. V V f g The two battalions of infantï¬ ,ém'dl lthe one battalion of mounted rifles ' for the Third District will be divided as follows: ‘ ’txon of the allotment. V ,' You W111 he opemng new bmks 110 q The two battalions or infanté and doubt at. the beginning of the} lthe one battalion of mounted rifles'year. Why not call and see our loose' for the Third District will be divided leaf ledgers and d_ ï¬erent account as follows: books .for‘ all, branches of business'?; OttaWa-Four companies of inlan- They have many advantages over the, try and one squad-ton of mounted old solid bound bookS, and the eye-2 rifles. ,tems we sell are so cheap that/even7 i Smith's Fallsâ€"Two companies of “he 811131188?! 1108111985 can 330111 t'0 5'3 jinfantry. ldopt it. These lines consist of ledg-g Brockvilleâ€"Jl‘wo companies of iu-lers. journals, day books, sales books,l fantry. 11-minute books. and almost any book{ Cornwall-One company of inland which is made ‘on this splendid loose: try. ileaf system f Belleville-leo companies of influx-l We also supply all kinds of counter! ti?- " books, ledger leaves, duplicated mon-E Cobourg~â€"One company of lniantry. Ithly account sheets. in fact anything} Port How†company 0f infan- ialong that line made or supplied byi try. any other‘, ï¬rm’ and at prices and Peterboro-One company of inlan'i’qualityl that will be as low. Buy at try and one Squadron of mounted ri- Emma. - 3 Pete'rboroâ€"One company of inian- try and one Squadron of mounted ri- fles. ‘ IWU BBMPANIES [If INFANIHY Will HE Mflflï¬lllffl A? [INHSAY The police an swiftly running was going e85; to flown a clue; which may lead to the {ter the train passt arrest of the man who crept into' ing he; disazpeared NERVOUSNESS IN VICINIT‘Y The news of the attempted shoot- :ng spread with great rapidity in the town, and caused much uneasiness among the people living near the railway station. Operator McMahon, the relief operator from Believille. who succeeded Stone at Whitby Function stated tonigh’; ‘that if he had to remain alone at night nuch longer he would ask the railway authorities to give him ad- iitzonal help. Chief MeGrotty stated :eniv'l that he will visit the camp tomorrow aha inveStigate the shoot- mg. CHIOTO’ 8 STORY CORROBORA’I‘ED 1 According to Birmingham, who was ‘seem by The Globe tonight, the :hot was ï¬red from ashack, accuâ€" ples by a gang of Italians. two mndred yards south of the cross- ing. He says that the bullet whizzed wast his ear. He Q‘eclares that a few minutes before the shot was ï¬red, he noticed a. couple 0! Italians standâ€" ‘ng outside the shack. He did not Iotice what they were doing, as be me busily engaged, in repairing a. :ignal bell at the G.’I‘.R. crossing. Shivering with tear, he made tracks for home, without stopping to inves-i “igate'or go near the. shack‘ 1 Earlier in the day Birmingham no- iced Provincial Inspector Greer and Whitby, Dec. 16-Harry Birmingâ€" ham tonight narrowly escaped meet;- ing‘ aï¬mfllar fare to that of this chum. William 'S~tonel,.the. G. T. R. agent and despatcher at Whitby Junctiongwho was Shot at his post of duty last Friday. Birmingham, who was the. 'man that told Irispe’c- tor Greer of Sténe's engagemeï¬t to a young woman near Port Huron, was ï¬red at shortly before '6'. o’clock near Corbett’s Crossing, on the nain line of the Grand Trunk, about :me and a half milea east of here. ANflIHEfl ‘SflflflflNB AI WHIIBY †WllUAM SIDNE’S BHUM HRH] M THE LINDSAY POST â€7.101 3n . t 5;: .1. f . A a kmi..%av§§uflv§9mwuÂ¥$n .9 V3! . £5. .Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the system. Semi for testimonials free. .P. J. CHENEY 00.. Toledo 0. Sold by all druggivzts 75c. Take Hall's Famnfy Pills for con- stipation. A State of Ohio, City or Toledo. Lucas County. 8.8. rank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner. of the ï¬rm of F. J. Cheney 0,0,, doing business in the ity of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and that said ï¬rm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day of De cember, A. D., 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Wilson Wilson. The Post, Lindâ€" say ’ 0F GREAT INIEHESI TU SHIRE KEEPEHS The police here believe it \may have been tho same individual who bought- a ticket. at. Toronto on Thursday morning for Whitby, and who is saints, have acted gomowhat mysterious after he boarded the train. According to some 01 the train crew the man boasted that he was going east, ta. seek revenge, AI- ter'the train passed through Picker- Friday night the strange man passed over the same ‘ territory. ap parently bound for Sinclair's Creek, 3 down the shore Chestnut says he 3 had no knowledge of the Stone tra- 3 gedy. He states that the footprints3 in the snow were made by a man3 wearing a No 10 shoe, and sharpâ€"3 pointed, which tallies with the 3 measurements taken by the police3 outside the McLaughlin cottage at3 the park. SEEN R0 \MING ABOUT (30’1“ TAGES. The strange man was also seen byg Morley Moore and Josh Pinder on? Thursday afternoon roaming around} the cottages. Two days later they 3 heard of the Stone tragedy, and {In-3 mediately concluded that he. may) have been the perpetrator. .. .y...........e the raiIWny‘ station at Whitby J auction at midnight Friday Last, and shot William Stone. the G.T.R. agent and. deapatcher, Inapector Greer has praétically narrowed his inquiry down to one theory; that the . deed was committed by. a man of unsound mind. ,It is regarded as .signiflcan; by the townspeople that the story told by Frank Chioto, a C.P.P.. ponetruc‘tion foreman, who claims to have been threatened with death by a' strange man near the Windsor Hotel? a few hours before .the Stone tragedy, has been corro- ihoratcd in several quarters. tYOUNG FARMERS SAW STRANGE ’ MAN 1 Arthur Chestnut told The Globe today that he saw a man tramp- ing through his ï¬eld on Thursday night, towards Sleep’s Point, _a. few* hundred yards south on his farm“: Fearing the intruder was a deeper» ate character, he invited Victor; Pinher, ‘who lives on the adjoining? farm, to bring his shotgun-along and ‘ they would trail the stranger. Whilet Chestnut was waiting for Finder-,1 the main disappeared. ' ' â€POST ADS. PAY.“ A. W. GLEASON. ' Notary Public. 8:." Jim" WWW}; _ i965 X" :A QwQexa, Wilson 8 Wilson 50 Ruled Leaves . W. D. Ba! or D. E. $2.40 Price Com plete . . . $4.50 ONE PRICE ONE RULiNG ONE 8125' This means no butter can be bought or sold in plain wrappers or in unbranded packages- No butter can be sold or bought under brand 01 Separator. The word Dairy or Great?" ery must appear on wrapper or package. ' or Creamery. All Butter m packages or w rapped in parch- ment paper must in future be labelled Dam! Bnger- Beauty-Loose- Leaf- Ledger Badger-[t Loose-Leaf Ledger 818!) CO About 160 extra leaves can be Added screws furnished with the outï¬t to give pansion for inserting more leaves. It is the BEST, CHEAPEST Loos In the market. Two extension-s Tm: Loose-Lear L‘ proposition . Canada Sugar Refining Cc:u Limi MONTREAL “A Quarter’ 3 Worth of S ugar†or “A Dollar’s Worth of Sugarâ€gua antees none of these. 106 Why take chances? Get the “REDPRTH†flattens from your Dealer! It’s Well War-ti: Why:- --a deï¬nite weight of sugaré-Z or 5 pounds net ---a deï¬nite qualityâ€"Redpath Extra Gganulated~Canada’s best mabsolute purity and cleanliness --a convenient box to hold the su :23: m5]. GET ONE NOW crews Ill} Sole Agent for Limisay. Call and see Sande are tarnished wig: an up-to-date p e-Leat Ledzer $2.25 1.25 utter OI.) LEAF SIZE 2w mu. LOTH 16 R A! >Y.‘ n1}!80)b rlnAI. V"".".' . UN Lind Is ‘1 del tai: list