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Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 30 Jan 1903, p. 3

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212.2: the in phay. and rarely equal! _, it forebodiugs. ms and drain. man. To make blood disease. . rill Drs. Ken- . iter. and tea 1; reliable and . You no no e. Beware of that our III-2W C Pam. Kidney ' ‘ e for Question 'e.Sholby 5‘- W ‘ I’ll! IOVS AT SONOOL stsbl shed “80 ELLEVILLE Blitllflss COLLEGE. BELLElVAIIIflfftieEi,’ ONT. Studoou have a larger :earning power . he take the following lines of preparation uder our system of training. aperior. It has no DEPARTMENTS. l.â€"â€"Coxnprining Book-keeping â€" Double 1 ad Single Entry in its various applicetious. i‘ usinou Papers and Customs. Coloulatioas, "- usinees W ritiug, Business History and :eogrsphy. Ilâ€"Fhorthand and Typewritingâ€"Office - nd Court Work. III. â€" Tolegrsphing -â€" Commercial and Railway Work. IY.â€"-Civil Service Qualificationsâ€" In- . exing. Precis Writing. Statistics, English ' -d French Options, German. This College is open throughout the year. Students may enter ot any time. Semi for Cstslogue. Address : . A. Tousaw or J‘. Frith Jsfiers, Secretory. President. FEM LOANS. -.. ONEY “IO LOAN on Mortgage r any term from 5 to to Year: t L0west Currant Rate of Interat,’ 'th privilege of repayment in instel- l merits when required. 3 xpenses kept down to the lowest.5 notch. ! l 7 business of this nature kept strictly private and confidential. true and see me if you want money and get my terms. . . H. SOOTHERAN Land Agent. 9! IRent-st. Lindsay The Weekly Post 190-}. JO, ‘3‘ l iii Y. FRIDAY, .T_\.\. THE DEMAND FOR CHEESE. _._. ‘i'aVie Bulletin of litiitrcul has LC say Comet-ruin; the '-'.~' of the cheese traffic 'nits u? J’lll. 16th.: re remarkable scaiscii f-. r con- imv‘ t..." .\ Xi H 3.92 steady buying at high irir- --.z 'n if ever before been <'\- in the Chl‘efic 11‘:ch than :‘2. which in last inll with luv at 9 l-‘J‘. to 10c. and steadily we! u; It? 130, and 13 1-443. for flu- . “hit-‘2: i~‘ the present range. .‘rftt'L‘Yl centr for finest grads. both tl-‘U‘I‘ll :inl \l'eatcrn, was made " neck (llul tnie. mine of the I holders refusing: to sell under There are {19‘ many chemo iii ’iiis‘ city. the great bulk ncld for Eflgll‘ll account . ~ Ln every iroxpmxt of :1 Genre- of ‘.’h"."_'t‘.~(‘ Oh this side during the four turntlis, [1‘ baby such :is Cg~ ~‘.‘l-ju -- Hun-e? hill 1'. .~: i. -\ or teen known before; and in- vol by irofitnb‘o prim-,3 factory- 2': Will no ll‘ut‘l’t commence to turn ' {tildcr goods unusually early this 'r, very likely in him-ch. Dealers 3 uporiers. had, therefore. better «z-i‘ve their brain energies. llll'l W taste then! in concreting and “1111: out circulars, nilvising file.- yincn no'. to make abut of fod ' (110050; for if Lreseht prices ":on. .32. makers will put every gallon milk they can secure into the heyâ€"making curd. L'lSt year the kc of folders commenced in April, ntrncts for which were enters-din- nt 101â€"40. tc 101-2; for th) on- e month's iro-Juction. .\ strong ~strre of the altuation is that Eng- h buyers have made their appear- or on the New York market, and ve bought about 3.030 boxes of rgc, all of which were below the .liry of finest, costing 12 3-4c. to : ~., and still lower graces and skins ‘. to 121-220. When English buy- : have to go on the New York arket to suiply their needs, where ices are higher than here, depend -‘. it they are driven hard to fill -ir requiren'ents. Finmt large ease in New York are firm; 3.1: 140. : 1-1 1-20.. or just 1c. per lb. higher r. in this market. .\ few factories Ontario are s‘till waking cheese. though in small quantities; but as 2;: sell readily at big: profits it uld not be surprising if they cen- .uezl making all winter. Of course, ere wdl be alimit to the advance prices. as they cannot go on scar- ' for ever as cf late. Still, there be little doubt that a. higher go of values will Continue into ring. probably into May. when a. col: should be in order. It should remembered. however. that they \I, enough to go around on the ~er side of the Atlantic, now. rhat iisurrxtiv: requirements have been ‘sidcrably reduced by the high -3" and S penny cuts The RUDD HARNESS 00 JANUARY l'hat offer to evfiti . ..-,- I u i- l ‘9'- ” ’1 fa“ ' i r '-.~,h I (New York (hmmcrcinl) It is maul: to b~ {caret1 Minna]: on: direct result of tli'c marked and very positive tendency union; the young: men of those times towardi business careers, slot of bunglcrs and incompetents may be found in the commercial world of the next generation. Almost crerywh’ere boys are being rushed through the ’priin- ury and intermediate grades of eclmu‘. with little thoroughness and only the smallest measure (I general inforn ntien. in order. the quicker to get them to "doing something." There is observable among them a very general ambitionâ€"most icon- mcudnblc in itselfâ€"to get into places where they may earn money. The pay-roll is the great g< al for far too many of our American liiys today, and ii. the larger cities of the coun- try especially. where all the good I thing? of life that money brings are l the more constantly in evidence ‘und l therefore the more tempting, far tco % l many parents encourage their boys to unit school and :tudics early and .s 19'!) got out “into the line. A tour of Inspection through theI counting-rooms and manufacturing . buildings of this big town 'would die- l close scores and hundreds of bright, , active boys 3cars 01:! already started on what; all of them believe, of course, tobe ”business carc,ers”.â€"-zi.n age far too young: to get out into the work-a-d‘ay world. They would much better be at their books. A real “businesses:â€" eer" cannot be laid Without solid f foundations. and in the years tocome . this lack of early education and training' will rise up. to ’plugue: them. at every turn. There : schools 1 “finish off” boysnnd girls "for business” in three. six and eight months. It can‘t: be done. That sort of "schroling" breeds )nly graduate liungles and irrceionsiblea. Tn;- Amcrican business world wants . young: men who know somethingâ€". and it always has illness for them. 1 There are instances. 'of conrae.2 where domestic. necessities force boys out onto the pay-rill at too tender an 9g). But they are exceptional. chi’ your boys at school! No “cap- tain of industry” over yet: climb-oil ur on the ladder of ignorance. (Montreal Herald.» The efficacy of an injection of for. iniiliii as acurc for blot)? {oiso'iing has been demonstrate-.1 at Bellevuc Hosrital, New York. and Some nominent physicians believe a. dis- covery has been made which tenths to rob blood poisoning: of its terrors. am" will also trove (noel Naluubie in other maladies that usually have :i fatal result. Dr. Burrcw.~'. the originator of lllc method. after :i long Search for :in iigcnt by which the bacteria. might be destroyed. thought cf formalin, fill‘l 1‘. careful study convincml “in: it inigl-l be employed efficaciously, wit no harm! to the yntieiit. if tne solution were sufficiently weak. The [list patient was a negrcss 26 mil who icemfll to be at too ioint of death. She was semi- t‘omiituw and was muttering incl:- noreutly. licr respiration was rapid und labored. her pulse ranged frcui 1:30 to 100, and her temperature was 103 degrees. It is understood that it .‘orson in such aconditicn hail ncv. or been known to recover. Dr. Katr- Iuws injected into one of the large veins of the right arm about alitrc of formalin solution. of the strength of one part: of formalin to five thou. sand parts of water. The result was such as to make the , ihysieium marvel. The tempera- tur efell almost immediately and the pulse showed an almost instantane- ous imrrovemenit. This continued. and at 0 o‘clock next morning. six- , teen hours after the injection, the . temperatuve had fallen frofm 108 to ; 104. anal the {also had fallen from , 160 to 108. Under continued treat- ' neat the. Woman convalesced and in about two weeks was perfectly well. ' Another New York physician. read- ing the reports of Dr. Burrow s' sauce cess. consulted with him abouta case 3 he had in: charge which was (misid- i erofl. practically hopelegss. The same treatment was tried and the patiemt‘ is reported to be making 'most satis- factory progress. Needless to say. the discovery has creatgd adiecided sensation in the medical world, and further experiments will be watched with interest. # _____._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-- OAIADA’S PROSPERITY. To those who are continually advo- cation radical readjustmenta of 'C-an- ada‘s trade policy. the ' "' wing fig- ycn rs of age. ~Uu; 121 cc of Canada’s enormcus trade un- der the preScnt trade policy should I be. at least. instructive: The trade returns o-' the Dominion for the sir months ending December:- 3151 last show a. marvellous growth in the trade of the country. The ag- - gregate trade of the Dominion for _l l l l l SALE OF Roses. BELLS AND BiAiiKETs. We intend to cell the above goods at prices that will clear out our entire stock. ight and Heavy Harness always in stock, to order. . . . m Doren thread length Raw Hide Whips to sell at 35c, regulsr 50¢ each. Brown Bock Livot Pads at 253 each. Give us a call and save money. Repairing neat'y and promptly done. A FULL LINE OF 'IRUSKS AND YALISES ALWAYS IN STOCK. THE RUDD HARNE CO. 3. J. LII'I‘LI, llamas. . Foreign... .................. from twelve to fifteen , I? ' tnrcc . course cf adebate on the budget. compared with 8218.231.0(II~for the same time knitwear, or. an increase of $18,110.502. The trade of the past six monthe is about. eleven: mil- hone: greater thlun for the whole of the. your 1896. This increase is prel- ty well divided between ini‘ftlltfl Md smarts. The detnl'rl for the six months in 1901 and 1902 are: 1112;] ortsâ€" 1901. Du t' 'lblt‘ goods ......... ......‘$50,036. 180 l 88,627,997 ..: 4.098.663 Free goods... Coin aul bullion... . $99.66;..819 Duty collected..." ...... $15,078,543 ' 1903. Dutiable goods... .....:$6-l,.'.82.101 l-‘rce goods”. . 38,619,513 Coin and l'ullicu... $106.04m Duty collected... EXiorlSâ€"v l1001. Domestic"... "$113,509,760 Foreign..." 10,471,863 Coin. 1111.1 bullion ............ 1.511),,272 17,814,116 I If Mr. Foster is proving a moms as manager of a trust caliper”. he should think twice about thawing up the job to enter politic; It in not to be supposed that he can at. tend to both at lime and earn the salary paid him «by the shareholder, and. devote his time. or s large por. tion of it. to the service at the Tory party. ' -â€"- l'oronto Star; Thul Chicago jury will presently Ibe ousting about :for u punishment to fit the crime otiho forty-five coal dl'illt‘l'a charged with conspiracy. Haw would it do to set each of the condemned. lightly clad in Panama but, nogligc shirt. ihlazer, 2.839.121 duck trousers. and canvas shoes, nix-- sidc a street car ston- and let him freeze to death? Scotch piper says the Scotch steel and iron firms have liwl a remarkably good year. many of an: big concerns breaking their own rc- in iruduction. Prices and $135,540.094 a general air of Confidence fur the _ 190.2. lXJfllOflllC... ......$]2.'v,-'301,466 7,396,554 in and bullion... t , 8182883741 The exports show a. decrease in the mince of the mine of about 'hrcc million dollars. and a. decrease of about one million in the fisheries. On the other'liand the forest wealth show.- an increase of over three mil- lions. animals and other produce over millions, and manufactures wages have been good and there in future. That is n. different story from those. told by the New York [:lpets. They paint Britain a..- mf- fermy: severe (leproesmn. \---â€" . j The conductor in charge of the electric car which collided with Boos-L Velt‘s carriage. at Pitisfield. Mass.. has been sentenct-d to Six ,inonths in jail and fined 8500. Does' anybody think that. had it been a common nearly one million better than for the citizen‘s carriage that was run down, sum;- time in 1901. There is an in- . crease in the duty collectm of over 82.135373. For the month of December (here was an increase in the imports over December. 1901. of about one million and :iluilf, and in the exports of aboutfive. million dollars. while the duty increased by $432 . ' Armed Peace lmpovorishing Europe. (Montreal Witness.) The armed peace of Europe was the theme of Baron d‘Estourncllcs do Constants speech in the French Chamber of Deputies Monday. in the It was this armed pence. he said. which had absorbed fifty-four per cent. of ; the resources and that was responsâ€" ible for the yearly deficits in near- ly all the European countries. Mr. Andrew Carnegie only alittle while ago warned the European powers that the United States must' inevit- nbly beat. them, in the race furor-m- morcial supremacy, because she is 004 weighted down with vast arma- ments. Baron dc Constant reinforces this. and further Shows how the big; standing armies threaten to bring about :1 state of general bankruptcy. France. With apreeout population of 38.641000. suiporls :in effective etnnz‘unc army of 589.540 during pence time. and him a national funded debt of $ or the licavi- ost_debt over yet incurred by any nation. Great Britain during the 000. and 'l04.913 marines and sea- mcn. and there is Germany. With an army on. a pmu‘o footing of 585.966: Austria. with an army of 361.693; 7 Rii-‘sin. with 860.000. and Italy. with 185.000 on npence footing. to men- of many. Italy also keeps up alarge navy. with aconsoquence that ‘ior publ'c compared with Great Britain's na- tional debt of 88.525 (”0.000. .\l| lllPQ-f debts have been more or loss incurred for wars or armaments. In .' the ease of Great Britain the assets are larzer in rroportion'tlmn tlioas. sets of mhot of the other nations. I 3‘ it is. there would have been any such re. sult? Talk about citizens of the United States being free 21nd equ-il! It's pure nonsense. Montreal Horuldl The memberaai’ the Canadian Manufacturers‘ Apo- ciation are said to be anything but unanimous ‘in their views on tariff revision. To the surprise of the men , .__..._.... whom: motto is “zidequntc protection. there are. some members iiiaensiblo enough to tho charms, of that shill)- boleth to be. content with the tariff After all. lbcthcn the multi- tude of its own councillors, Parlia- ment will probably have to revise Ulc tariff to please itself. Notice has been givun to the Ann-ri- can packers that others can play at the game of combination. John W. Springer. president of the Nutionnl Live Stock Association. says that the stockmen have more than $4,000,000,- 000 of working capital, and canibuild packing plants of their own, kill their own stock. market the product and underscll any parking lions-.- lrllsl. *"Wc have men outside this charmed lcii‘clc who have money. bruins : energy, “0“- 0nl." the. biggest examples nutf taillifl-‘biuix of :1 = some suitable. point north of Toronto. debt- is now 83m0.0(’)0.000.' . entry Bill . what a, burden this lenlousy and : « hall-oil of each other has been for - centuries. and Karon de Constant may well Slfi'h for n policy of slur-ere near-e un'l fruitfu‘ unrlerstandinc‘ . such as was outlined at The Hanna 2 Conference. "amaze Licenses. is]: Britten Bras“ Jeweller; â€"_-â€"_-_-â€"__.I-â€"-â€"â€" The Pace That Kills ' (Philadelphia Inquirer.) Rhodes, Barnato and Belt were the great diamond kings cf the wcrld and among its richest men. The two former are dead and the last is thought to be dying. and all were. well under r -. 00' There are some 1of them at a character that should kinds of strenuous life which are en- ' tirely too expensive. - .c._..-- -___.._.â€"-â€".‘ fisowu siuiiin Genuine Carter’s to take as on?!» m mount, as oiumm. m siuousiim. m maria um. m columnar. NI “HIV Sill. NI “EGO-P351!" .3 i l l i l l -of us lazy. ~vby free men 3 -view. of the matter. and and with these three they also have hearts left in tucitphys- icul anatomy. Let us pronounce ,sentunce that if this merger is con- ‘ summntcd it can operate its 8500.000,- _.000 merger without mule, without ‘shccp and without boss. for We own the raw material. and we will rcifusc Bo : wnr purported an armv of 450.- E to sell it to any packing bousecom- blnc." Sumt- limo ago it was announced in the pro-:3 that the Minister of Ecucntion was considering the es- Norniitl Sl‘lliflll :it The Ottawa. Toronto and London animals are uVOl‘LZlAc‘J and hundrtlu of students had to be refused admis- sion last: term. With customary on- and loyalty to the town. the Orilli'i Board of Trade has taken ac- . tior. and written the Minister. set- ting: forth the cvcrptiouul legition of the town anal its claims as an ,llui‘fllitmfl] centre. Lindsay is atill :better fitted. both umgriipiiuuniy - and as regards inpulatioii 111M 1 mod. mu improvements and educational requirements: to become a Norman School centre, but: ulna! we have no Board of Trade to Set forth our ‘ claims. Our business then fail to .re- alizc their duty to the town wherein ihey are prospermg' â€"â€"â€"â€" Leslie's Weekly sounds a note of alarm against paternalistic legisla- tion. which it fears is running mad. There. is not a doubt of it. The Unit- ' ed States are even worse than Canada in that respect, and we are bad enough. No matter wlnt scheme is incubated laws are sought. and many heifer have plicc in a liberty-loving land. Leslie‘s Weekly says; "Some of us are industrious, but too many " congress should sctifs hand; against any lam that proposes to" put the industrious and the lazy on' an equal footing. and it will be. strange indeed if :1 Congress elected hould take an)" other That is Very else. are We to good. But 11”“ _ tarufff It is classify the protective -a law specially designed: to handicap - neighbors are in regard to it. ‘ ‘1 some (or the advantage of others. It is the great source of pollutionaf the fountain 0d liberty. due to pay a bitter penalty for their idolatrous course â€"# ,â€"â€"â€" The Free lerary. Collingwootl will receive 812.500 from Mr. Carnegie for «Public; Li- briery building. Tho original gift was $10,000. but 9‘ l0 Li'mcy. tho tenders executed that sum. nn-l on the matter being ex- rlninotl the great plllllllltlll‘oplrl agreed to increase the amount. Wouldn't that be the earnest way out off the difficulty in which. the Lind- say Board find themselves? The class of building docired “flu. cost between $12000 and $13,000 if the original plane are_ followuk but at the [1'le of material when Mk. Car- nogic framed his scheme the building as planned could probably have :becn ru‘ up for the euuil offered. The wave of prosperity has met! Mr. Can-iiegio’s steel sham much more valuable. and be can better :11. ford on give us 812.900 now than thou. dos. why be r if we take 81 there can objection offerod‘tn our . 'or all we can eat _.3. , run in. nocumnoneronn PUSHERS! Between seasons busmess becomes a little sluggish, and, like one's liver, requires a gentle pusher now and again. Nothing pushes trade alon like a enuin fl ' bargain snaps. We find that, when offering a dollar and a galf for a fdollar,etifertlenall‘ge (all: every time. Trade has been booming at this store and we have done a e . . . ’ Jats 00d and satisfactory busmess this season, and we can afford to be liberal with our custghiers g So push along this way, and secure your share of our thanksgiving premiums. . 30 pairs Men’s Fine nongols Games, regular price 30 palrs Vernon's Flee Bongo! right a laced loo 81.75, elzes e to 11, for........ 99¢ per pair up to date at 81-25. for---------99c gr pair 30 pairs Men's Fine Bengals Laced 300“. regular so pairs lomen's Fine Felt leather Fox‘d Gaiters. 31-50! elm 6 to 11, for ...990 W pur ml” 31-?5. for ............... 990 ”r ”k 30 pairs len’s Flue Boston Calf laced Boots, worth 60 ”In Women ‘ H". “W laced °" W Bootsâ€"a lendld â€"â€" 81.50. slzee 6 to 11, for ........ 990 per pair cheap at 3.25. www.m’pm SAMPLES OF THESE LINES ARE TO BE SEEN IN OUR WINDOWS. Push along !! Get your size before they are pushed out!!! Endemic SHOE ere-an 'llNDSAT'S GREATEST SHOE PUSHERS. Come along ! TEE?“ GOOD BLOOD Is the Secret of Health, Vigor flspplness. {Soul blendâ€"rich. rcd bloodâ€"Ln the gicutchrt enemy discus» can have. it stin ulntes every organ to throw (Hf an} :i l'l'J‘Ilt that may attack. it. (loci Muul ir' but only iomtive cure i for '09}, (‘(:'n( laiuzs as anaemia. nor. 3 voumei-‘s. neuralgia, e’k‘r ornpiiom,‘ indigestion. rheumatism. etc” he- ciiusc these disogises cannot axist ‘ where the bloo'l 1'4 gotrl, The urn-t j- ul gm} l‘llOlâ€"X'lt‘li. rod. life giving lilou'Jâ€"h Dr. Williiunn' l'inl; Pills . \ll-crc lllCFC iill~I are use! it: inrinu life. health and vigor. Mr. lullcrt Lee. a well known result-fit of New , \\ estinineter, ll. 0., says: “Before i ‘ itcgnvi usmg Dr. WillLimu' l’iiik Plus my bloc". was‘ in :i very impure. (‘ull' 'li'tiun. :‘dll :1.“- a result. itchy iimplcs broke out all over my bulb. My iirpc'ite wax- ficklc an.) I was candy . , . . . of NEW YORK, ‘Il‘l"l .I tried several iiiulii-inrs, but (3193‘ did not ilclf me. Tzirn my wife - v ’I‘ O N D 0 S and urged in: 10 try Dr. “‘ulliurm' Pink PARIS STYLES than ever ofi'ered to the public before. I shall 1’" . l ' -ii.. . !.n i ,- .i , , ‘ , 1.31%.. £5021”; “gammy, :35 have LADIES and GEhTLEuLa S WIGS, roopngs, BANGS, WAV'Y and PLAIN FRONTS, SWITCHES ofall fully restored to health. and my f-‘klfl 1 ng hair in every length and shade, etc. was smooth and clear. Tue idle or:- ‘lIL' beet medicine lklll»W of for gun- LADIES. mv GOODS are morn‘zed as tle STANDARD of PEltl'Et‘TluN and their use protects the head and produces a younger expression to the face. ifymg t‘ic lflorid.” Soul by all trelli- ciili‘ i’culcrs OI' sent [(Hl plild at 50's. {01’ L173 0" (six l‘oxov fur 33.50. b} Gentlemen. ‘ro you Md? I invite you to my Shaw Rmms to demonstrate the com ‘rle u cos; I - ART COVERINGS in WIGS and TOUPEES, worn on over 5.5 ciglflesl‘l; To; :2) “'11,.ng direct to the Dr. Williumn' I)” nut. Light in weight, strong and most natural In sovesruce. and s mtzction to u: h ax‘lns'. DRAL’GHTS.COLDS, ('A'I'ARBH. NEL‘BALGIA etc? and give a 3-3....23 Mc-iicinc ('30.. Brockvillc. Ont. snh handsome expression to the face, Plegs. remember a“, “a “to :_ take a substitute. or something said Benson House, Lindsay, on Tuesday, Feb. 10th. HAIR GOODS! Prof. lllll’BIlWllllll ‘ OI" TORONTO. IS COMING. Ile will be at BENSON HOUSE. Lindsay. on Tuesday. February mu. ma wnmn weir OF 1903 I am prepared to show a larger variety THIS to be "Just as sec-.3." The “Just as "‘0 ‘." n'cdicinos never cured anyone. â€"- UNRECOGNIZABLE. Benn-Ins of Fireman Ilatthews and Bra‘koâ€" nsan Ever-1st Recovered From the 0.113. Wreck at Newtonvllle. J Port Hope. Jan. 27.-â€"â€"Whnt is left of the bodies of Fireman Thoma- llfatthews and Drakemnn Benjami; Everist, the vittiins of the Collisim. on the Grand Trunk last Wednesday night, Was found by the searching party yesterday. The charred re mains of Matthews \vcre diseovcre.t in the morning and Were absolutely unrecognizable. The top part of the body was burned ulmost to a crisp. and the left arm had been evidently tom ad. The back of the skull and the skull were found, but only on the legs was there any flesh. He was identified by the trousers and tho smouldering remnants of a woollen vest he wore. Ilis father and two brothers have been diligently search- _.'_â€". HOUSEKEEPEIlâ€"S: We are in a position to supply your wants with the best goods obtainable from foreign and domestic wholesale firms. We mention a few lines that are now selling freely. FISHâ€"Here you will find every kind -'â€"fresh. salt. smoked and canned. We guarantee the quality to be the best known to the trade. Lowest prices on small lots or quantities. PICKLES -In addition to the old standard lines we handle many new relishes that have taken a strong hold on the public fancy A taste of these acts as a fillip to a jaded appetite and they should l lng night and day for the body since be on every table. the wreck. T badl ' ‘ l Enigma §,.e,°,§:';‘;d,e 5:33; ,3; BREAKFAST roons -We handle all the popular lines and can with 1*" Wreck last evening by the tell you something about the virtues of each. Some of these lines wrecking crew, and were brought . . , here, where they are laid beside those are attaining a very large sale strictly on their merits. They are of the other vici'in. II" l-ft ~ . - ‘ ‘5 ‘ 3”“ aids to health and are economical as well. had been tom off. The wreckage is not yet all cleared away. but the line is open for regu- lar traffic. Brookvillc, Jan. 2T.â€"â€"Ju'dge Mc- , Donald yesterday imposed sentence FAMILY GROCEBS. of six months with hard labor in the Central PI‘lSun on Patrick Trans for mnltrenting libs lwife. While his trial 31,337338“;”:39,“,1; 5133‘: £303 ecu-00¢ 6-015-000-0- SCHOOL CHILDREN’S EYES and $100 iiimiiiij'. lliirl it lint lilo“ Supply Your Intellect. for this he “mild have lht‘ll Sui:â€" tenet-d fur tlr‘cn ji-xil'\ infill-ail of six months. The panic“ l‘t‘l‘ldt‘ in Span. i‘ei‘x illffl Olif . A “ms" ""0““ Detective eyes stunt the mind. Can you expect fair progress in school. Coon-cod United emu late Acceptance or success in business, if so handicapped ? of Alaskan Arbitration. New York, Jan. 27.â€"hfatthew l'. Tlghe wires The Journal from Wash- ington a. despatch that is luminous anent Venezuelan-Alaskan questions. He says: The State Department has come to an agreement with Great Britain In the German-Vwezuelun crisil by whiih Germany has been forced to abandon its fight W .â€" King't Evil “3 ‘ Private Sale (ll Farm Stock and Implements. No dlseaee is really responsible for s larger mortality. Consumption is commonly its outgrowth. There Is no excuse for neglecting it. It makes its presence known by so many signs. such as glandular tumors, cutaneous eruptions. inflamed eyelids. sore ears. rick. ets. cstnrrh. wasting and general deblllty. Children of J. W. McGlnn. Woodstock. Ont. hnd serotuln sores so bad they could not attend school for three months. When different kinds of medicines had been used to no purpose whatever. these sufferers were cured. according to fir. McGlnn‘s voluutsr! testimonial. by Hood's J'arsaparllla which has some as. most waistli- radlesl sod peruse-l no u. scotch holds-d ,m ,, 5.... _,._._._.,._'_.. Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department. THE EXAMINATION IS FREE. BRITTON BROS, Opticians, Foot of Kent Street, LINDSAY. Hiring disposed of my farm, North half of Let 1], 6th Con., Ops Township,I now ofl’er for sale the Live Stock and Chattels :â€" ' i; dist-class Milk Cows, to cairn in l 1 driving Home, 5 years old,“ Fâ€"bruery and Much, by Tyrone_ «i 2-yi ar old [Life-m, p calf. ‘ l 3-year old Filly, sired by Chane-s. 5 2 year old Sit-rem, l Stockcr 9 store Hogs. yearling Cthell, «let. 1 1 Cook Stove and Pipes, le- u Durham [lull L‘ul". : A full equipment of farm Iqb- 1 improved You kshire Hog. merits, all nearly new. 1 pure Tamworth Sow with A. quantity of Maugles and Till“. broodeof nine young p‘ s. also for sale 800 bushels Barley 1 team :1 heart draught oisu. 600 bushels Cote. - ‘ I will~ be st the Sing-.3“ Linr’s'sy, through the month of Jana-y. ‘ ’ ‘ "*' *-' ' 7? . 'llllfl- [“38“- .‘-‘.lpo' .. .. . ' " ' ’ . v' ...- ' F t‘: . "Al“ ipu' fl- ...\s." ~ .

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