ms THE WEEKLY P051: the question of where you bank ybur money. We feel sure your ï¬nal judg- ment will ‘be :in favor of the Victoria Loan 8: Savings Co., where you will always receive the most courteous treatment, where your aï¬â€˜airs will be handled in the most thoroughly busi- nesslike manner, and where you can have implicit conï¬dence in the trust- worthiness of the institution. ,_ “L... ._ wx lumyw v- --- - Sums of $! and upwards take“ °‘ deposit 99in 3 1-2 per cent. interest. L -1: “.1“ Came (I? hank-yard?- no. lurly Opposito tn Post 9.... “Imamâ€"To exchange II!"I ‘01 Drivers (both mm) young Ind «land. 19' he“)? tom °t 1101125 A ' -.___..___.._... , - ' Aim FUR SALEâ€"Tenders wilbe received by the undersigned until Vila“, 20¢ FEIRIHRY. for the pun- ehnee of the Frnncie Brady term, But Eel! Lot Six, Concession Five, Ope. Poeeeeeion let Much, 1007. Hivheet or any render not nece-enrily ecceptm. Ad- dreu tender to ~TEWART O'CONNOR, Solicitors '0' Routeâ€"1'3. _________.â€"â€" ARM FOB SALE-The tnnn complie- ing'heBnetHnltofhot 1. Con. 2, Ops, within one mile of wheel and cheese hem, consisting of 100 notes, more or lees. 0n the premises ere e eonforuhie residenee, basement born 33x52, driving M82222, poult'y house and gig pen. There ere are never 1 we' and n thrifty young orohnrd. e tnrln in in 3 good etete of enltivntion end within 2} miles of elevntor nnd stock ynrd. For Waning apply on the premises, or to BERE'ABGU-E, Jnnetville P. 0. â€"w4. ‘IRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE -- The Son 11 Half of Lot Seventeen. in the Firs: Comoeuion of the Township of bps, conteiainr one hundred acres, snore or less; ninety-tour acres cleared and if. a good state .of cultivation- the rem zinder pasture and hsrdwood’. A atone dwellmg home, .a {rune summer kitchvn. weed shed. end-orchard; t frame hem 60x36, a trace table for horree and ““19. 60 feet lone, and 3 driving shed. kéainagood locality a. half mie from Ops railroad station end school; conveni- ent to Glmdine post nice and church; about four milee‘tro- m. Plough leave aft~r harvest. Poses-ion the ï¬rst of Isa-h. 1907. Apply to MISS CATH- ERINE N AYJDR, 23 Elgin street, north and. Lindsay, om. No letters maver- . wtf. - FAB! FOR SALE OR TO RENTâ€"Tho nnderszgnod m to sell or to rat, the novth at One, in the Eleventh Can., of‘tho Townghip‘of Emily; â€OTICE TO CREDITORS.â€" In the $ ’ matter of the estate of JOHN THOMAS GOODHAND, late of the Town- ‘bIP of Fenelon, in the County of Vic- toria, Farmer, deemed. Notice in here- by gweu pursuant to “The Bavised su- tures of Ontario†1897, chspter 129, that all creditors and other having claims against thf‘ estaue of 'he said John 'lhomu W- hfind. who died on or about the Twenty- elghth day at Deeember,.1905. are re- mum! on or before the â€RS? DAY 0F Incâ€, “06, so send by post prepaid or del vet to Mesa-a. McLaughlin £7 P991, of the Town of undsay, Solicitors for the Adxpinistrator, an full particulars of fheuzelaims, udm maths secur- It)’, If my, hold by then. And further me n u ice, tho: otter am]: last mentioned duo the aid adminiuntor will meet! NOVEL“. vuu., vs any -vw-wâ€"r -_ i, , The soil is a. rich clay loam; log house end heme stwble, small orchard, good well, and a never failinz spring. Fortyacr e floughed, twelve me seeded with clover; no waste land. This is considered one o: the best 12m: in theConnty and is shout ï¬ve miles east of Lindsay, on s leading road. Terms of sale very reasonable. Address GPO. O’NEILL, Downeyville, to distribute the assets of the doeaged mag â€19 parties entitlea thereto havr â€and only to the claim at who}: he Vivi then hue notice, and that the sad “Finish“: will not be â€39 for the and mummyputtheradto my pet- mdrhosoehimnoï¬oe Mao: have 1‘9““; and by them :4: the anchors; M' m Dtted theEIgh' m: £93m A-D. moo. human; 9 hm AD. 1906.â€): imam Pm?m for 6:â€.W: W91 â€inbound. Weigh carefully nifroeus, nmmsg, {Mi 1:5. .1905 â€"w3nn. mscnmnous D.D.S., LDgfl. FHou. PRESIDENT, Rt. Hon.‘ ‘ Lord Strathcona. Mount Royal, mond, K. C. ~H. G. - Vice-President and General Man- ager. E. S. Clouston. â€"_._,__ ._.__..- GOOD PROPERTY for Soleâ€"In the thriving Vina-go o! Wilberforce, situ- eted at Wilberforce Station, 15‘: 0.8 B. I A lorge bonding home, enitsble for hotel . purposes, eonneoted'with a. General Store; one underground stable nnd drive shod-I. Terms given to intending purehneer on egp_lienti_on on Aprelnieee. Address J. “72“. .4.â€".. 66-“... President, Sir Gag. A- Drum- Is now open for a general Banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPABTHENT. FENELON FALLS BRANGH Deposits taken of $1.00 and up- wards, interest at current rates added half yearly. ll. IRES HAMILTON, â€"v6m. Aorel'um for sale or to rent. ZOO beingmpoud orLot No. 19, Con. 1, Muipou. neu- ‘Vslenï¬a; that Imam-elated, fume house And two (rune buns. _ Clogs to pagan: gnu“. Pnrmnt to the Revival 83th of Ontario, Cop. 129,-the onditon o! Diem Brown, late at the Town of Lindsey, in the County of Victor-is. Widow, deceased, who died on or Mont the thirtyuï¬nt d3; of October, 1904, are required on or before the Twelfth my 0! February. 1996. to end by post prepaid ‘to the under- aigned. Solicitors for the Adminimtrix of the property a! :the mid donned, a Lindsay P.O. , their christian and sur- names, addreeees md oecupstions, fut] icnlars of their claims and £116 nature of the security, _it any, held by them. i n ,‘A,_ LL- The said Adminismnix shell After the said twelfth «m of February next, be at Iibe ty to distribute the assets of the sa-d deceased, or am part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the chins of which they aha . then have notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so dis- tributed to any person or persons of. whose claim such admmisï¬trix has not notice at the time of the distribution thereof. Wifed .t Lindsay this 28rd day of J anu- ary, A4). L906. # A _-_..-“-An Twang-six h a Bed. Orillia News-Letter; Hr. Em): C. Thompatm returned Sgturchy tram a trip to New Ontario. gains abODl titty miles north of New Liskeard. The country seems to be mining and, M1. Thompson t'hinb, and it is al- most impossible to get accommoda- tion near Cobalt. In a hotel there he was one at 26 slgapingj‘n one room _-.4l A.- UU'VIJU vars v. nâ€"v .- The beds wexe close mariner. and to get into one’s bad it was necessary to climb over the foot of it. Past New Limd theirs is no timber to speak at, excepting pulp-wood. pap- ‘l‘n'. birch. etc... which grows somose that a rabbit cannot run through. Mr. Thompson was looking {qr rau- Iwas itie Amber, but found 1t was march in that country. Spurnws have: been responsible for many quear complications, but none stranger â€than those daescribett by 3. Vancouver genthmah, Who was in Montreal recently. A new at these imiustï¬ous birds put the whale light- ing and W service; ofl Vancouver out of business. {Away up among the high patentm vmres they, madathexr nests, and. tmby establish a short ,circuit m: the B Q. Electgic Railway Commny‘s transmzasujn hues. The birds had made the natal-wing dig. gova that the «urea and .insula'tors Capital - $14,400,000. Bast - - $10,000,000. NOTICE TO CREDITOIIS Soï¬eiwm'fgï¬zevAdminismtï¬t. Annw Wilson. râ€"vâ€"â€"â€"*" $5.0†Wilbertom smion Sparrows fled up Wm- STEWART 0003131012,. tub-u -- i._ _ mellow will hustle mind and get the mom," Men â€fume." Evio -. death this manâ€! is meant to up- ' ply to bill'boam and circular mlvor- thing. The mu who pays. hr and man his Mlzdm as I. bolt; A W W (Em-onto Globe.) ‘ The «Electrification o! t‘ha Grand Trunk Railway. through the Sarnia. tunnel, at 3 coat oz quarter 01 a million (blur! in an mine! as cre'itabla to the coupling: as it. is gmï¬iyinï¬eto the public. Thedangqr- to trawl 'rs will ba lessened. while their comfort. will)» increased!» A professor in said to have discov- ered among some ancient ruins what is supposed to be the eleventh com- mnndment. The text is :3 (allows: “Ema: rot yitpmorp teeyap noht ssolnu .repapswen n dacr ton tleha uoht.’ The commandment is easily translated by beginning at the end .1! the sentence and reading back- Dav-u- Ilvrâ€"rw .. -7 uolrt.’ The commandment translated by beginning a' of the sentence and readi am the W Y'mdetising 'ho a. tuna who hasn't any money is as toolidh an shaking a telegraph pole mr raj apples. “cam. ‘t’ba't it you udvqntin properly the mallow will hustle around and get "the money." Men â€fume." Evi- dently @1113 mm is meant to up ' ‘4’ --â€"LA -innnlln-I' 111’?â€- raids. The my}; Balm in 9. New. Eng. n’tion was rend. t-bo (allowing, hand- adinby : chdtenyegu, was de- clared thy gï¬se-awinnor; " “ A- __Am. Marshall mas: ' . New: given II m Never buy a sham It's a lay Tiny Ian. I saw a woman in a streot car-op. en a. ntchrrl uni take at a. purse. clone the b..:s‘.hCl and. open tho purse. take out a. dime and: close the purse, open the ratchet! out put in the Rue. clue the mtchal and lock it. she gave the dime to the con- ductor and took a. niche! inexohangc. Then she opened the satchel and took out the um. clued the latches! and opeund t e. puma. put in the nickel and closed the pane, opened the sat- xhd! and put in the pun. closed the ntchel and locked. it. That she tel: to new if her hair was all right. an! it .was all right, and aha wu all _;-‘.. “.4 {not as mm“. That was If tho can ms You loan. An exchange says; For every sol!- mado man theme are ten nail-ruined men. O! the ten salt-mined. halt a: least belong to that numexous 019.38 who in spite of ï¬ne mtuml abxlizics. never get beyond interior podtions. simply because they newer think or act independently never take the m- i’tintive in anything, never rely up- on. and so dermep. that own judg- ment and led: oppontum'ty after 0p- portnnity pass by them because they Mani 'to get advice from someone ease as to what course than had. bet- ter pursue. Favorablq winds do not wait but :he oaytain who is always .vmbblingâ€"“ygwmns†as anilans say. Hé-Et, and Just ’ woman. In Support of a Worthy emu. 'A mqeting of. friends of the Na- tiona'l mmim at Gravemmrst was hdld last Prim. It will be re- membered that a year ago a local launch was {armed and 83(1) raised to endow: a Liminy bed in the in- stitution. As a (ï¬rect msu’lt out this threw patients were sent aromLind- any for treatment. and intirectly two other patients wam'ass'xsted in muting admision in advance at the usual time» All these have been greatly baneï¬ttai by the treatment mocked. At the recent meeting the collection at this year's contribution in the course at a few days, and we trust 'no one will send: them away A 7 credit Where It him (Hunilton Times.) The silver discoveries at Cobalt are due. to Hon. Mr. Rom’ policy of; de- vedOpmem't of Nathan: Ontario. which those not in pawem Opposed and: 0mm in mummy ‘ble. The railway building M to min- erudsgrospec‘ting. Not onb- that, but in 1 9 at Mr. Ross’ requeabyhe Diâ€" xec‘tor ct Sumatra: Omtano sent ‘out ten 3‘17“in wies to report on â€the had. m. 111th declarad to be uncleanâ€"â€mat am} .111quâ€" -v 'v v.-â€" aud which 1?ny pugs Joined in de. pteciating'. Now. ‘1: Director .says they found a clay_bol't ooutaming 16.000.000 acres: _m which» many .‘townships Wm. not one acre of. use‘less land-hum been opened up. In are: it is and ‘Uq‘ thd twenty- two conufieh in Outta-w. wed: at T0- rontq. Tune Justine. Rop’ course, It hmmm'! Habit Animal-lull“ odvisitm‘m! n... :ng oï¬ stock on mar- Globe-J "HWY, ONTARIO. FIIBM', JANUARY 26. 1906. A “BIKE DISASTER 500r60‘ '9. Lost Off West Coast of ouver Island. THOSE IN PERIL \BOUT 'niï¬o Linu- anoncin a WM.“ Point Nul- Cam-nah. Victoria. B. 0.. Jan. 24.â€"-A great. sun-rims dimmr bu occurred m Victoria. B. 0., Jan. 24.â€"-A W5 mmne disaster has occurred near Caz-mun, on the west coast of Van- renched Guam. Meeker o Wrecks, has â€and†maroon upon the nrrlvd d the survivor! 1n Woman Takes Cal-hello Add. Toronto, Jan. 83.â€"nra. Goo Footo, whooe husband nu. gt Madura. pace. committed suicide at u lodging house, 62 Pearl st 1.: curly hour this morning by our- bolic add. Church Struck by Lightning. Ottm Jan. 28.â€"At Port Coloum co miles north of Ottawa, than was 3 ton-Ina lxgttnlnl “0m and†night. :26 the 3m Catholic Church in ma been here about I. yen. nokeymthetummvutumed. Shel-bacon, Que. Jan. 21â€"19. unwa- in; accident oocurmd here yestem flux-noon. Two young children. Chu- an manure. 14 years old. and Jeannette Elia: sown: 10°- yearsottsa Montcalm FURNACE GAS PROV ES FATAL. Didn't Know Child-u sue. to Death. I; mun nexlect “‘1 spondence, It was not un- :0 that. his natives rea- wu musing. He wu ‘15 1 Ho Wu Mluinfl- l.â€"-'1'he quy 0! John left his home in DIJ- to visit his brother in miles any. 1n: found ZLâ€"A dron' This statement was nude omcmly Ely Hal. J. P. Whitney. anler of On- «do. tut evening. and the proclama~ tion was prepared last night. ‘Notlcel will be sent out today to all parties Immediately concerned. â€"â€" - .L-. IA ._-_ Legislature wm Be Opened Thureday, Feb. 16â€"8hort But Brlek Benton le Aimed For By Prenfler. Toronto, Jen. 24.â€"Ble Honor Lieu- tennnt-Govemor Mortimer Clerk will WI! Open the Onudo Legislature on Thursday. Feb. 15. at 3Ao'clgclg. .. Wâ€"v‘ -17, The Premier emiouneed that it was I the expectation of the Government to diepoeeotellthepubiic Melamine t weeks. attempt will be nude 1 with the delay: which hue t chemterixed dealing- in with private iegieletion. extension of bills will be pen-e unmet eeeh other between trim on 10 o'clock loudly morning. when each side out he reedy with their witnesses to eppeer before him e! the Petite- “buildings. HOUSE DATE ANNOUNCED. I m .w.--â€". _f , v the sensstionnl announcement thnt s blight hes struck the greet pine forests d the Temunmln: district. They say that great patches of the grand white pines are losing their toll- su through some unknown cause. The needle-like leaves of the aflected trees were turned in some cases to a. yellow color, and in others to a deep red brownish. In some canes the entire foliage of gigantic forest. monsters was so nirect- ed. in others the enemy hsd only at- tached in patches. but in nil eases ap- penrsnoes pointed to the early death A ohgm yww 'vâ€"vvâ€" vâ€" ~ , of the trees. which would expose them In; .nrtvotothonmgthe “borer,†on insect that pen-rotates do“ timber in a manner that makes it ab- solutely worthless. except for ï¬rewood. The Wen-er: of this condition were Dr. Bulow and W. J. Wilson of the (selected survey, both of 'hom were onwd during lut summer In aileron port.- of mo Tommi coun- is). Dr. Bulow communicsted his obser- vations upon his return to Hon. Mr. Cochnne, Provincisl Minister of Lends and lines. who expressed his inun- Honk-ed, Que. Jan. zaâ€"Mu A. Roth, manager of the Canndlan Fin- ance 00., who was arrested some weeks agoonnchnrgeoteonsplracylncon- nectlon with alleged seizures on de- faulting creditors. was to have come up on the second charge Sntnrdny, but he has lied and is now beyond the Jur- Wu: 0! the Canadian courts. The amount of ball forfeited by Both 1: 8800. Lain Carï¬m' Association Did Not Op- poo. Tunnel Schema. Detroit. Jan. ZLâ€"At the meeting yes- terday ot the baud of United sates engineers appointed to he†tho unpu- cation of the Michigan Central Railway to build a tunnel. the opposition 01 01° van-a interests. :- rents-cum by President Livingstone. or the W Carla-3' mum. was entirely withdrawn. Putor'e Diomonde Found. Toronto. Jan. z4.â€"Rev. D. M. Martin. Cmnlnxton. Ont. on the 1m: Dec. placed hm value on n sent in the Union Stetion. It contained three stick pine, gold watch. act with dimondl; din- mond mom-fl. wedding ring. (unmond ï¬ns. stun; of pearls. Its-Ins of eolle bend: from South America. and other ornaments. The mm W Yesterday Hun-ice Horden. who said he worked (or the C. P. 3. nt one time. was seen In Hamilton trying to dispose otthewatchtorntewdolm De- The tunnel company agreed to no‘t' obstruct more than six hundred feet of the channel et one time. which will I lesve one thousand feet elect tor novi- ntlon. while'eoch section II beingl 111 e week end contracts wlll be let for some of the work withln ninety den. 1 (or. BLIGHTED TREEQ. NO OPPOSITION. 3,, Jan. 24.â€"'rbree vessel; uner Exeter CRY. from m British steam-r Tre- mo desh mum- . in a. lunch “3 the River uy aux-1n: x den-0 “‘- tut. but. an in no “3‘ n. r. mun us}: a. m thoMotnoowwu,-IMI‘ mm nonstruuhutl both Matures. This an: com- London. Jan. z4.â€"'rwo more Cm. dun uplnnts for the Home of Com- nom tell yesterday. The! were C895 1). 1". Campbell um E M Wynn both Onset-vulva. This W of a. m; or new Cundhnm 1“ an: Int. The not result 4. the add!- uon at two to the nooseâ€"Hann- Gmwood and Bonnet. both Liberals. Former Chancellor of tho Exchoqoor loom†His. Majorityâ€"Of New Canadian. In the British Poliï¬al Fiold, Two Obtain cub-Lord Dnlmmy Flea lrioh Problem â€"Tho Labs: Rm Mon. Jun. 24.â€"-(C. A. P.)-â€"The tol- lowln; was the “and!“ or the parties st hat midnight: mum. ......... ...... 28! AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN WINS Capt. Campbell and H. Fraser Wyatt Beaten 8y Libems. CANADA MEN BROWN Count-vulva Nwonws‘u . Eben! Guns ..... hbor Gun. ....... Gunman Guns swam Gum . Saul unï¬lled ..... two Llhem will w. lumen noun-on. Cw- e, uncured the In! by ‘ “"4th 6 In Northwest Luau-k over C. ll._ 63:38 7.33 05 uni ,3 38.89 9â€"3805 I. can {30> roan-Dun 333:8 .33 GAB «.8 .5 :2. 3k .733 .3 Labor guinea the Newton divisi Mn. .1. Beddon aerating W Pilkinxton. Conservative. “1. the former Cer undo being 1.504. Labor also scored in Haywood division at Lula-hire. H. Holden wasted Coot. H. F. Bulls:- by 1.112. and in the Tot division of Kiddie": Aldon ‘ curing 3.947 over Horace W. Clutter- ton. who stated with 3 load of 2.712. The Liberals “so hold the Muslim division 0! Wire. Itnrioo Ive! ISEE being elected by 1.7". Irish Question Bobs Up. Other riding: were decided yester- dey. but are not yet unnouneed. The non! interesting tight oecurnd in lid- lothien. where Lord Delmeny. elder son 0! Lord Roscbery. wns ï¬ghting for the sent once held by Mr. Gladstone. The Irish question caused trouble. though Lord Delmcny'e utterances were sympathetic to the Irish cause. and in line with Sir Henry Campbell- Bannerlnsn'e pronouncement. He is held responsible for his father‘s strong- ly entsaonistic views and the omeisl Irish leaders issued a manifesto W him. The lest Liberal majority m 814. and the Irish vote numbers over 1. thousand. It in no} thought the meni- teeto will do more thsn rpm the Irish vote at the moat. - - â€"-‘ ovâ€"u-v Gains ulz'mbenu 15:. mar 31. Conservative! 10. Nationalists :. Austin Chamberlain. In. vv“ Donna EDI-cluster. K. 6.. the deb-3' ammwonuithduï¬me" Canadian. “droning the meeunx after us defeat. said they had been beaten um tune by tau crie- uul the land- lllda. _ ‘- .h-r-v" __-,, was not gentlemanly to_ ice:- at a. deâ€" feated candidate. as the crowd had done at him. Conservatives were bound to winumemtwlnxot thepen- dulum. ., Admy Extmditod. Toronto, Jan: zLâ€"U. 8." Commission- or Easting has granted on order {or the extradition from Buffalo of Albion Adamy. a. Syrun. who is wanted In Toronto for the :11qu theft or $700 worth of Jewelry. Object to Whit. mu. m Alt; Jan. 24.-â€"Over 100 students left TIJW Collect (color- .a) Honda We a. southern white mLO.PIrB.W¢m91°Y°d‘-'3“p’ erlntendent o: the collect am The students demanded his discharge. and thatwurem-ed. myotthosewho left the college Juno male WW' 8t. Petersbm. Jun. 24.â€"m M me: am, comma: of Vb. cruisers Gromobol. m and Rol- da. "rived 1: com» 06:108. 333' Squadron Going Hm Tamâ€"81.00 par your In mm. 159 10 144 A. R. Wuhan on Trial on Four cw of Pub. Pm Toronto,JuL uâ€"mwu for over tour houmthojurydoddd Alex. Cute:- vu ad cum: 0: ch. chsmotklmï¬â€˜l’redcmmxn- 101'. Theverdlctuoemodgmu thoounandlun-oqnenm'honxh- tar.advludhlmulnnmmuvl overhutemperlnthotum “Then mkhthsvobougmnmm “myouwhlchmlghthancoum you-lite. madman...†_wfllln:toߢhtwhanyoumhh .mthlsbosleuenbm' The mot-noon “out. one at 11113qu objectlons. AB.“ mama-emu" Someonoh :1:me m the «w and: “Don'tnv- Mlmtmttodnkintom hearthToronm.†mmm wmmmw Mum T: .1. _ mm“ m mm Savingaoubthewmb Ministerial ammoâ€"m Min! If Miniature Got 83“ Mata, Jen. uâ€"m 'rcrrey mud.- teflel contemce Opened 7% at the letropouun Church. Nearly 500 minister. end theological me- were present. Dr. Tone, and that the great responsibility of winning coul- dwelt on themselves My. '11 the min-- isten get right, the churches and ab- here will an be converted endlho greeted revival ever hob-4.0! would begin right in Toronto," he add. ’mm nape-uneven!» human 0! tin Holy Spirit in on}. to undertake any“ of Christian DR. TORREY T0 MINIS'IERS. upntontfluonflourm otobtdnlncmwmbo mace-Mm ntcLBIflOBMo-M‘h" ACQUHTAL OF ALEX. CARTER. London. Jan. 2 W “mm- u‘y of the acces 0‘ m Edi-3'5 m celebnted t bout the Unit“ Kingdom with Ill w W ‘3‘ bell ringing. honor or the Isle Qnoe mm, which was held In the From “unclean and. In memory of the reign. the Daughters at placed a. wreath of violet: the 5m- tue in Queen’s Park .wlth “neg-i9â€" t!on. “Victoria. beloved by, people. A Film-Flam Gama. Toronto. Jan. 23.â€"â€"-In the Poll Cour! yesterday the Menuhin-11 in“ 0! the loan agents for conspiracy do- trmd came to a. sudden stop. unto Dem thought tho ovi showed tint s. A Andmon Lou practically aim-W their We: mmmnudintwct- tion “about preï¬x-realty the we. wmtmvmnamuu-Mp magnum. mdmeonnecflon within: mmmumuonmmm any for machinery for humans: a mun-damnâ€- 12 PAGES King’s AW~D‘Y W