Putin wins 108' ‘° till dawn to consult“ mm, mm It dry, also Log: «3'0er 3: our 916! We are now prepared and are booking order; for the coming season for the growing of Fancy and other Peas, add we would that have not already left their order and rquife seed peas to A AL-2.. A- n, andthat It was caused by the elements of bad wuther. exces- sive cold. but and wotâ€" vutf. Jul. I. 830133 8 30“. {ESE Weekly Dost .We an: wonder what our. tore- “the" would think were. the; to eemtollhmdeee the oeumhaoee the; thin Wet- ueeelec end whbh up no new to the we!- t». d the human use end yet Edi- son tell. no tht the invention: and convenience- at the future will lu- oelipee those at the peat. Propebly the most.- inhreeting a well a. themoet useful inventign o! the.19th century was the telephone It is eloeely related to the telegraph, but enterim t's: huge: and ofï¬ces of ‘the masses as the telegraph never did or could, it appeals to tin great mu: 0! the people, both rich and poor, where the other would not. Both of these conveniences am'of a monopolistic natureâ€"in which there can be no real competition. Both also have tease the public highway: and are dependent on the use of the public property, for their very ex- istence. I; has loqg been our View that all franchises o! a monopolistic mum should he owned and operated bythepnhlicjnstthesuneu the poet ottiee 1:. Some of our socialiltic triend: :een: to think that every- thing should he owned and operated by the public. Our socialisttc edueun (non ha: not advanced that tar. yet, but thereto nodoubt that all the†public convenience: are better! when owned end operated by the pub- lic. The lens opportunity we can give the :chemer: for becoming multi- millionaire: the better for the coun- try. Had the railroad: of the U. S. belonged to the public and run in the interelt: ot the public, the cameos the poet omen. there would to- day be no Rockefeller-s, Goulds. Carneg- iee. or Vanderbilts. The wealth that these people have would still he in the country. ' : instead oi being in the hands 0! the few it would be dir tributed around amongst the may. In Brits-in the telegraph‘i: owned and operated by the government, and in :pite of the met that they paid (or an immense amount 0! water they are giving : very cheap service - much cheaper than the companies did and yet an max-{y making both ends meet. ' ‘ flash on Dollvory. my. rm“. JAN. M The telephone service em Into the heads at theaovernment in abut years, and no doubt the people will benefit echimly. There has been the government ought to own the trunk linee end the municipalitsee the local linen and thet the whole thing should be under government control. ï¬'hen this happy event occurs we will only have to pay [or the actual out at service and en: surplus will then "so either into the extension of the â€Vb. or it: betterment, not? loud I lot of even hungry mullooeiree. In linden, we would heve e ehenee to‘ net en ep-to-dete eerviee end not heve to take the eeet-ofle and luck when 0! ‘tb “the. my will pet in e better ‘pheoeâ€"oh. "goal but an azitttioo in Gannds {or govern- ment ownonhip at both hlqgrwh and telephone lines. especially the latter. We are heartily in accord with it and amoral: hope Hr. Aneu- vorth will follow up 811' Wm. fla- look‘o Hot and buy out this telephom service in mm. Our 1603 [9 tbs: Notice to farmers YARD m LINDSAY. was no": .a;.3.‘ um“ oppirotu aqua no»: it will to “out: .5 to put; it in, ugd won it will so Intll mun W n†c0“. AM truth)“ now would ho put in on!!! paid for. but: o! the surplus whloh now goo. Into the poo- koto ot the ohmholdoxn.‘ . . . -. . -_A hots ol the ehmhoidogn‘ ‘ . , . The telecnph linol ought to In token overflow-it only to love n lot * of useless expense. The G. '1“ Per. oitio. ere coins to Wild a. telegraph lino. end will be seeking for busineu in competition with the present eom-' ponies. This will mom thet' the people at Canada will eventually hove to pay a dividendm a few mrgnii-i lions ot useless and wanted dollm. whereas with government ownership there would only be one line toesoh :town the suns euthani- ono poet ofï¬ce. and instead of haying to sup- port two telegraph crimes. as we do here, we would only heye to support one. True someoae would be oizt of s job, but it is not. the part of the Ipublic to supporu people in idleness or loven in unneoeaeary Wmtition. Some time ago rrox. nanny. flu: 01 Toronto Uninrmty. but now of Birmingham University. oddmud tin Bowl of Trade or tint city on ‘ the subject at whot constituted ‘Oom- ‘ mania minutiae." This subject has been to the (one for. some, tum not on account at tho ‘atrideo undo in the condonioi worid w tho oom- ptin‘ notions of Germany nod tho Units-t Baton. Then in: soon lbw-II the flu that anoduotion hon bun [won in German: tint: npooioiiy iiito tho youth o! Gamay for con- mnioi like. and thut tho «no out or thing in whetâ€"d in Britain. It wu on this «count that Prot. Ach- ioy m invited to maroon tho Bir- minian Baud at Trade. mi it in audio» to my tint ho bandied his .“hm dank! mi with tho um ;{iimoc deftly. m with m acumen of. an export. Blane his address moat cl the trade papers have taken up the question "What is commercial cd~ ocatlcu l" and numerous letters have bccn written on the subject ahowluz the greatest diversity of opinion. The oonccasna cl opinion usual to!» that in a general way thcra are two important thin! to aim at. vis.. ac- tivity and accuracy. By activity is unaut eagernesa to learn. interest in everything thatia coins on. and a determination to see how one‘s own special piece ct work is “looted. By accuracy, 0‘ course. is meant all that the word implies. We rave no hesi- tation in saying that every one of1 'our readers could count on the tin- gere 06 one haul! the boys or young 1 men at his acquaintance who are eith- ier active or accurate, as deï¬ned above; In giving oun boys an educa- tion. below drawing up a curriculum, we ought to decide at what age the boys who take it will leave school. and then decide what subjects are to be taught. 112:: will largely depend on what subjects can be taught in the time nit oun disposalâ€"not on. what subjects ought to be taught. Let it be possible for the average boy to reach a goal standard in the enzjeot he takesâ€"let it be possible for him to get some idea of what real know- "’v To our: mind the subjects best suit- ed 10m coming, educntion at gas- thematics, languages (German and French). not overlooking English. hin- tory and geography, and science. These he cannot carry on very far altogether. and. it is not necessary. one of these subjects places the youth at a great disadmtago it he tries to do business outside of his own country. Them in apparently no room in the curriculum of gloat at ym think, is the teacher's fault, in encouraging the pupils to go on. Thom is nothing more nest-tutu; tonbuslmmmmthanto hum tomo- One boy will want foreign languages and another science carried to a high- er standard. The real difficulty in to decide when the branching of! in to 'begin. In any case he should have time {on commercial geography, and history and politicm economy. It is needless to say that ignorance on any one handling his books who does not understand the first principles alsoâ€" ooontsppy. or to have s Itenographer who can neither spelt, punctuate nor do anything with a letter empt spot: it. It items to us that a good careful stenogrspher would he s treasure to any man who needs one -one who knows the language, the geography and history of the situa- tion he is writing snout, snd shove all. one who our put on paper. exsetly what thedictstor wants there. and in good choice English. This csnnot he done without- s_good grounding in these subjeets. the writers for either bookkeeping or shorthand. It does scam to us that. this is a mistake. Wedo think that a man: many tabs up these subjects who we as {it for than as they at. to carry a load to the moon, That. The German- do not ascribe their Inooeee in business to technical ed- ucation. but. rather to generel edu- cation. We feel thmt way onraelvee Aha; it our young folks were well grounded in general education, and put in the way. as Dr. Fletcher very well tut: it on the night a! the lee- tum. 0! going on with their own edu- cation by: using their eyes and their ours, we wouldbetrainingï¬p a rues which. with our handy climate to build. up their bodies, would he very hu'd tor. the German! or' any- oue else to equal, Marlon: excel. . WIIIIIOML EMIOATIOI. Prat. Ashley. I!“ nonwhites: Ottaw- utotto "communism- at. m Nuloogl swan-mum Comm mains the Improved Mime- mum! to! the North-men min undo ua‘ at much local .- mil 1: manual in. tend. The work at the Communion burn the impru- d: thq practical and hr-uepinc mind d {In M: John Bertram. ,who wu intim'tou. no. qmlnwd with .mny. d tho um questions involved in the can pro- blem. The reports show. that the great railway: concornad in the trade and the Dominion Gomnmmt are keenly alive to the urgent necessity of making prepum‘tiona at once. and on a very large scale. our um rapidly growing gralin trade at our own Northwest. as wall as tor the great volume that names tron: the other nida ' x l t The uplonï¬d 1::th n! lat rear and the larger area sown resulted: in such an unexpected mm in the volume a 3min tnnqportation In the omlr 10.11, that the nilvmyaw‘rc unable :9 meet the (launch {or transportation utter the pain had resound Georgian my. or Laku Huron ports. Th: C.P.R. and Otnadinn Northern spoon: to hug been ahlo to arm the "North-wast oreditabl: under thu circumntancw. and an im- mense portion at the tmnt hut-1 Wilt was mhod 'to Fort William and Port 'Atthn‘r with romantic energy. But that: m n Immutabld break- down in the amply. at cm uni Inui- ing power when Georgina Bum port: mm reached; and. tho mm at tho ;ml‘un to provide: tumution humped vary garland! the lam min-carrying now My big 3mm wank 'hulng to wait aural Mn alt 'I‘idcnd or Pun-n Sound “on thmnould cam on livid; to no - -n. l..â€" tram one port ‘0 mother to loot tor we. The Grand {trunk “a flu wont Malignant. in m. mt. «ml to lthMcm was the Incl-mm that l: was “cue to apply: loo-I flour snub m the mum Mansion hd'tobonlhdupm'tom I mp‘t Ind mum. randy. This kind (I pull With or on “who in not 11m! to occur. min. 18 one an“: loan not puma t‘hq mun- ed .moilltiea :uat'hm will. in tho tour-c at ordnuy compilation. The management d an Gum! .ka _.â€"v._._â€" v , would read, cannula and not up to 'tha ‘ndminbh‘ «likens 0A 111'. c. 11. Hay: herons thq DIM): Club in’ To- ronto the other day. It ban many excellent and [sciatica Nana which can“ be put into east in dealing with this minimum (mention. It appears that the Dominion Gov- ernment. ,3 to makq extensive Em- !pIevemen'ta in the harbors at Fort William, Pant Arthu'r. Midland. Vio- toria. Harbor, Parry. Sound and other paces an the lakes that am‘to be (lee-1w "national: ports." as‘wel'. as at. our principal salt water ports. The wv vâ€"â€" {V {aiiuays rrre.to provide elevator and Dthea' militias on the, largest scale. The (might carria-a on the: lakes will udemd' tar next spring. It is wally interesting to read that in connection with these plans the. C.'P.R. is to Wish snag. Geoc- gian Bay pant at Victoria Harbor for the Qatar pan (1 in grain and W truth [with Port Arthur. Hint-Ital tint the WW be- ing 1003M nun PWLind- any. Orilli: to Geprm'an Bay. will be pushed m to cornme with tho granted possible energy; this yard: 'poasibla; And that the dunno: and other accommodntion 3t tho'Georzian Buy port will be pmw on : very exhena‘ve scale... m compared with Owen: Sound the Ljntay route is much shorterâ€"by: ave: a. hundrec miles â€" mi will amour! a. very. easy grade. no that the. “bulk on the. grain going east. under the. control 01 the C. 'P. R. Co. will undoubtedly cane by the new line. The: new 0. P, R. line is ‘to be mdn uplto-data in new re- spent, and as the GER. passenger acumen: will start flrom the new port, it in quite likely tint a ï¬rst- clns main ling W. service iron: the east to thq Georgian Bsy will be .mta'tutod. on this section. This will in many. wnys bean import- ant advance to may. The mushy. wot luring mt’h'out turtbe; delay the moat ample provi- n'on bur gho ‘enormouabn increased volume of the lake min truly will no donut comp: than Grand Trunk to prep lawn-d to completion the (aunt-We lmprovemeutq d the Mid.- hnd line that have M ma mu been planned and promised. There in mm again or a double track from Midhnd :0 Part ‘Hapa in 67mm rea- pact up to main line which in now ad- mitted to be one of. thq bout. it not the boat. on the oonrtinmt. A 2,500.- 000 “bushel elevator, is. we. undat- It‘and. to he built at once at Mid? land by the Grand: Trunk. The plan: also comprise a. mph on his caï¬fï¬r- 17 vessels to ply from Port. Hope to Rochester. though will not ha a. leading into: in the» trade as the railway wil'l Mom to spare» the longest possible haul â€" to Manual. at. John. Putnam! or Baton. The yen-19064 gram howit- uu m haw ounce. and im- woveanentp in the railway. line: and Minna affecting this tough and county, and it warm be wdl In: our W man. Bonn! pt: Inch md A GUARANTEED CUBE FOB Pm Itching, Blind. Bleeding, Protrud- inz Piles. Draggists am authorized to retund money it PAZO om. MENT tail: to onto In 6 to 14 W. m We» to (in tin quauon one“! study And. caudal-scion. Some M m- at oircmntnnou any um um promptly tum udnnm at. won†3M ulna-1mm ‘to the. we!- M “a growth ot the: town. This ya! or next you will. Mn Imam. «Mum- tb con-truth: o: um link to scam! the Ma 8111 «an» of m mum-nun “in with we mm melon mums tron awh- am to Mantra! no em. Tm. flak . I. to run tron â€carton. thumb or an: XII-m we owe. cook to “amount 0nd. than. out- Mrdly to on"... It will be m nun “I. m {In Tortilla-Ottawa Mum at an â€um. and no «but will be 3 natal“: md. with ‘tw but Pollux“ trun- qw’h my duly. Hum mm :5 any other. flat-oh“ though lino. Thin my none-dune the Wt“ d the mt Coboconk we Hc-llbu'eton train: Into “than" a “hustlers" that will make things Mm on the my: home. any- any and tint will In I; welcome in- puowlnen’t. - Some 0! the license holders choose to regard the Whitney policy of em- ploying “whiskey intormers" an “sneak business.†But even "sneak business" mean as it: may be, will not hurt the may who stands by the law. hot-t the man who stands by_ the law. Hon. Mr. "Henna, the Provincial Secretary, is after the hotel men who bnesk the law. He says the Governâ€" ment will support the inspectors in appointing special detectives to catch the lawbmskers. Speeisl men have been acting in London. Prescott and Stratford. with the result that six convictions have been obtsined in London. (on: or live in Strsuotd. and eight in Prescott. As it is not known when such momma: he put to work in this town the hotelmen should see that the! keep within the lay. The Gloye says results at s. seriOns 'ohs‘rs'cter for some of. the immkn- ‘tion olfloinls in England are likely to follow the visit, 0! Hr. W. '1'. E. Preston to Ottawa. and his center- ‘enee with the Ministers. It in aid \that he has submitted documents [showing that certain otticials on the other side have been collecting trav- elling expenses improperly, and that the praetioe hes been going on [or some time. ‘Mr‘ Preston’s friends ssy that the dieoord and lack 01 ot co-operetion with him which may exist is the result of the discovery and exposure 0! necennts (or expen- ses which should never haye been pre- sented. There has never been on: triotion between. ‘Lord Btrstheona. and Mr. Preston. we will show You H Mantras! Witncs; Visitors to the Gluten: In Runway will hnvo no- ticed n utter on the walls from Ben- Junin I-‘nnklin 'to his hostels. Mrs. Walker. 3 lettar which recalls the hot tint Min once upon A time lived in locum! nnd get up the ï¬rst printing area here. the cbject cl which n. to gain over the people at this province to consent to being an- nexnd to the United. Stanton. Need- ieu to. an. be badly hilt-n. Two hundred â€In 180 Vestal-day. u was utnted in tha Witnens’ nqwa columns on Tuesday Mann ‘anklin was born. He was born at Boston. in what was then known a Ila-nonna- dtu Sty. He was in hit time one at the moat eminent at Mia-tn. dip- m‘tistn. ltuteunen and pulmona- gn but a» world at £041". ontdde the uni: at «Shaina. chiefly. remem- ban him m he compact! “Poor Richarcl.†A collection at proverbs. watch 'he won!!! pu‘htpn 11:16 W cï¬uï¬s‘chlnhn'ton pawn) in ’t’hdmid’n Ritalin. " ammwmum bod-w. w IM- Nra. niche] Hurt, wits at the on- perinunvben't at Curt Service at Kingston. Jmiu. West India I.- landquu't'hctlhehutormo yam and Gumbel-Ida's Cough Remedy Dar coughs. group and W wash 3nd inn found it very benefloin. BhohIIimplicit coo- names in it mvmid not be with. outshobtloptit hhmhmgï¬old wwam» EDITORIAL NOTES. No Ono Can Buy a Better overcoat or Even If Ono Goes to the Best Custom e the above cut and you will see the interior construction of all Examin red to keep their shape. and up. These Coats are stayed and tailo If you are not already one of our regular customers you should be; if yc you the difl'erence between well tailored and ' i-me-down Clothing that is put on the market , There is a big diï¬erenoe yield, and some to sustain who sell them. are of the latter clas sâ€"thcy are the pride of the trade. thm P081 1mm 80X. 00ch†GIALIEBS' SHEER. (To the Editor 0! The Post.) Dear Sinâ€"1 ace in your report of Tuesday‘s meeting of Comcil that the Council voted to pay Mr. Chal- mn tho grater portion of the money due him on sewers. in the two at the Engineer‘s report that the work wan not according to specifica- tions. Aid. O‘Biolly would like to plant tho mponlibility on the En- gineer. who was not present during A'Aâ€" -8 LL. -nhl gnu-r. Iu-wav wâ€"v uh , _ tb construction of tin aid newer. but bad e certificate eerutying to the oormotneu o! the measurement- nnd the unlit: oi wont done on the advice at the Innocetoi'. Why. I ink. helnotthe [upectorbeenuked to apnea: helm the Council and to exâ€" plnin why he allowed the contnctor to do his work in such a. manner! in the men who was employed by Council to see that the contractor lived up to his contract. This he ha 1: otéongnndAltO‘Wnanmy (use to releeae hie luretiee. Ilthoth I question it the town can hold tho nineties. an the anreties' obligation cnde wéth’ the contractor-'5 talents. The own is lacing an action [or damages on account 01 this defective action mint tho tow-numeral oth- er: who are also ï¬ltering from the 74â€"-_A-J , 36th Century and Progress Brands In" wuv a“; .0“ ..__..__ -w same will also tnke similar prqcoodâ€" inn. and there is no telling where it will land- the municipality. What I think tho Council ought to do in to have tln newer uncovered in dilute“ plural nnd exuninod. not no to the manner in which tho pipein kid. but also unto the pro- per lcvcll. This out I): don. bynrl‘: umtothspmfllu. This“... it any anon. u to loan th 3115 hold bank by tho Council. and I venture to u: that tho Connoll will regret thn nation they hue “ken in puy'mx tbs oonr tumor without hula; the nutter cloud np.â€"Bupocuully you“. ENQUIRER. MUM“! “at.†The following We to Mr. G. L. Main. 3 hammer maids-n at this 1mm. in tho Gait War. mu be read with incur-mt 'horo; Another oxidants a! «but clean application to business man to the young man 0! 10-day ha been (Eva: in 6119 pro- motion at Mr. Gin-tone, Main trout the pdtkn at ulnar in tho Paterno- ro branch cl than But a Menu-cal to tho accountancy. 00 I. nembuuch not the bunk {Ix-t 0;:qu at Fonolon ' n he in familiar]: I'vr- vâ€"â€"â€"- v" v him nun turt‘hoé mm Lindsay. Jun. 19th. tendency townrd pneumonia. It contains no opium or other harmful sum nod maybe given to n baby as conï¬dently u to n adult. iflereuce in difl'erent makes of Clothing-acme sustain and enhance the good name of the 06000000090. The W of the Farmers amo- cate 0! Jun. 10th given publicity to the actions (1 a clever taxi:- who is travelling to purchase stock. etc.. and incidmtally burrowing sums at many tom the Lumen. Under the name of R. B. Reid he went through Elï¬n County. saying he waan breed- 8 (iron Bruce County, wanting to inbyoktndmouutiflht and puma wolf overcoat. Bespoke with a foreign â€gent: â€0‘93th French. W11 rruucu. hanatfâ€"Chatham Plan- m Tm his. Little tongues that cannot talk ‘tcll mothers ins: aaplainly that their men we not well. When Baby‘s tongue is white. or coated. or yellow. (specially toward ‘t‘ha root. it is a. sign of atomic}: trouble. indigestion. cold (I rover-W ea. Baby's Own Meta tot iih maxicin curing these and the other minor ill: at bnby'hood and childhood. They. m a good (Or the new born baby as not the wen- pm child. Absolutely. mm and unolutdy harmless. In. C. F. 9031'. Elï¬n. om. ‘15: Baby‘s Own Tibial: m the best medicine I hve over mad for Much and bowel troubles and “mix worms. 1 could hardly teal ate without the Tablet: in the house.“ Sold by all nedcim mm or by. Inn. at 25 cent 3 box by writing an Dr. M’iumna' ledicino 00.. Brockuue. Ont, lot W M (St. (hunting Jon-raw) M ml 1-- Jun: been mada *9 the pnhh‘n in Each“ 5! ‘ mun. †0! Iain: 3:3:th men n R. Dough: m1. 910° 13“" CncMon-Bmma. and: '1‘. Cliflord All- buttâ€"urging {ht cream care be given the matter at sleep florachoo! children. and calling attention tothe en+ phyn'olocical ham resulting ram u gamma: must at um. Dubjmt. “The turn done by giving too httle deep to boys is." they any. "not 091; an it lawns them pow- er at hung their nttontion on won: Ind 0cm sham-I And uranium in a. but. it is a We hour it} be when at mam-1 inc;- Mime: which my be m-mchmzm itl that.“ That at: tint an av- ww.¢tm18 tons-«lair; notle-thnunobm' £099 in gnaw and aim um t in!!! m mn- sum as me FAKIR. Better Overcoat or Suitâ€"Not to the Best Custom Tailor. the trade. No other Rudy40-wcar Clothing equals these 000000000009 «hing-none are made wetly for the proï¬t they name of the ï¬rm that makes them and of those rs you should be; if you will '0‘. s'r. AIMS AllllAl. “mac. ’Iho annual Indium nesting at St. And-car‘s Pradbylterian chuck was held last met, when a vorx. large number 0! member: ulna 3.th we!" present. miter devotional ex- ere-isle Meter). by Rev. Mr. W11- 1m the chair was take: by Ir. Duc- om W11. and m. John Smith rhe’ dthamm mdhywmlthanmauioon- mm The total a?†on 03-m- mmtmss. 1.12.1emnngn small deï¬cit d $22.08. Tin float- ingdebtotmlrly Wmdwgid ofl.,lenvin¢ only the mortgage a of 814x110. wï¬ch is to be tackled in earned from this out. the m be. in to pathos it to $10,000 as quickly as pm‘ble. The total money tuned by the congregation for :11 13mm on was $8,518.83, the principtl item: being; Ordinary revenue. 83.895.30- Guru‘s-l Missions. $887.04; Dan fun-d, 8278.30; W. F. M. 8.. " .26; Sun- day @1100}: $31_8.81; 'l‘glewt ‘yv'orkâ€" all coats from suits at $10.00 ere, 8251.06‘ Amen paying all ma:- ‘ban in (>th “Lb the different munitions theme will be let. the butane sun at $1750 for mission- u': and benevolent objmts or uncut 83 pa wombat. Three mmgeu Wm elected [or a period at three Finâ€"Imam. J. W. Antietam. Ju. . Donald and John A. Williamson. it. I. 'P. Dode «a darted treas- urer um Mm mm mm,- 1“. MM' Io W “um- a...†(New York Sun.) The moat 31-well; with Cores: but in very close to that at the tune a 'l‘exu. But. while the Gov- anor 01 Tons wot: u popula- tion at about 8, .000. the mindo hard: away over uome 60.0m.000. In alkal- m A pmntrv d which We ‘fhEâ€"ui-angvamenh tor the mum: tuna-e m in the Nathana- other want, a country at which we are accustomed to think as “little Japtn" macwthinumud zquus in popnhtion the German Empirv. It also exceeds Await-Hungary in both mu. In popuiation ex- am by natty 50 per cent, the en- tire papal-tic: at South America. This I! the “little Input" which has renal: than 1 at among the world pom “Baton we qymptthixe wifb when. we must utter ourselves." No one can realise the ufleï¬nt 3" Wm mutate: chagrin. an!“ be in: ind the can: upen- moo. M in M51! no ducts‘ that am so much physical «n mean! any. at which so mouss- tally an. India! :id. All danger tron its ‘fi’ymm, ma banâ€" :1"! " “m ".mflt. :2; mo ..' 0 e 0‘ mt wbo hm and this M.-aot no one has ever been mud tint him-deal in {W‘u‘ Mcwh'u mug-ed. F0! :- l E g . Lindsay. drop in and see us