deathmmlhewflhdtomm nonanumbcotvumbbmâ€"W Imaotthanm-nryotmm mndbookgaconecflonotflmpamtp Manama-dentin: apparatus. mainsflmmtbc poet Longfellow taught tor the mi haéun-esemawaslazgturtmuum;tun-z~ them _ __ , _____ First Thing I. Order. Teacherâ€"Johnny, it I gave you 5 cents and your brother 10 cent, what would that make? JW Denver News. . 30"“) Cone“ ' B°WG°m 0011988 (pronounced Bod'n) mfoundedathlmin 179-1. Itwasnamedlnhmot JWRWManAma-mm anmchlmnCW-ch- -’ cdbysCofl-dm ;"1'he ï¬rst automobile." said the chanflenr,‘wumadebyJohannHm-_ sack of Numberglnlflz 1131110- ï¬vepowerwasndtherommnor www.macofledm “meant-Mmaummobnembunt mFrancehyCmotlnlm Itustm mbeeeen. 11:13oneotthestat-exhib-~ its of the ConserntolreduArtIot ,MedersmPu-u. Barnard-nomad eled after it were built by William Murdoch. James Watt. Nathan Bead and Richard mama. These arc. mutdmemmmnsemmlm' mch-mingham. 5 “Several steam earrings plied for hireonthestreetsotnandonatfln‘ heginningof the nineteen!) «nun-y, huttheymaoslowmolsyand heavy- thatthepeopledidnottnketothem. ‘ “rho ï¬rst modern automobile wu‘ bmnbyAmadeeBouecmlm Boned exhibited his car in Vienna and in. Mandomermenasmalwmthe case, devised improvements on It. An- .tomohiles, by about 1890, begantoar pearlnthejokesofthedny.'flleyhad taken their place. Butltwas not until fheannualcnpracesbeganlnB‘rancej In 1894 that the automoille became a really popular lnst!tuflon.â€-â€"New 0!- leans Times-Democrat. He was defeated for a seat In the senateâ€"byahalr,bntwhenthenen vacancy occurred he was elected.â€" “IJvesofTwelvomustrlomMen.†to reason or explanation, he left the speaker’sdesknnd returnedtohlaleat When Mr. Hamlin became a candi- date for the United States senate this genflemanwasazm-berottheupper house or the mine legislature. Al- though a member of the same party and only one more vote was needed to secure Mr. Hamlin’s election, he posi- tivelyretusedtovoeetorthemanby whom he believed he hadbeenlnsutted. “Blank, old renownljutwantedto ten you thatyou’veBOtone‘otth‘ hairsotyourhaadcroaedovctho other.†“You insult me, sir! You insult me!" replied the member, with unexpected and altogether mm M838- flon, andthemretnsmgtonsundther. pamcularhaxrmmplace. Onedar whnemthechalruspeakerm.“ un,1nthe1nnooenceotasoodand joke loving nature. sent ft! fl!!! 8911' fleman and. 1001:1118 M ‘t h†-oomandpomheamnflm8 To Cure a Cold 111 One Day mum: Ma’s Pint Try For a. United sane- Sonata. When Hannibal Hamlin m We: of the Maine house of representatives. aw†back in the towel or the M century. there was in that body 3 cc:- min gentleman of faultless attire. pleasing manners. good cam and some reputation, but he had one foibic. His hair was very thin. “(I he was highly sensitive in mud to it. THE FIRST AUTOMOBILE. m WEEKLY POST. LINDSAY.» “*1." JAN.‘ 11. 1m The View of Experience. QWW BEATEN BY A HAIR. The conductor passing from the heated inside: of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platformâ€"the canvauer spending an hour or so in a. heated building and then walking against a biting wind-know the difï¬culty of avoiding cold. Scott' J‘ Emula’on “lengthen: the body sothatitcanbetterwithshndthe danger of cold from changes of temperature. Rapid changes of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. It will help you to avoid taking cold. ALL DRUOOISTSI 500. AND CLOC- 5 ' “Well, ma’am, it will last quite lat awhile I: you don't have.any ï¬les." ‘ â€than there isn‘t much left?" '1"? [3 “Theejm’t an; MLma'mvv. 'enoughtoroneortorhnltadozen,» cording to the number of mush-eta sharing the work. At least two open- ordives lead tromthebedinto water at the foot ot the tussock. ( And this water never freezes. When ‘iee forms outside, the warmthot the -muskrsts’ bodies is snflcient to keep 3 the doors free, through which the ,dweliers shoot at instant alarm, for i these passages lead into winding bur- : rows and waterways‘that run tar out through the rich. rooty meadowâ€"Coun- try Life In America. ‘35 Mac It Gently. “How much coal is there, Susan? How long will it last?†. “Oh, dean husband." The lawyer was interested areyour grounds?†he asked. The “he†mi. ToraisetheChinesesacredlilyin water remove the brown dried skin andallthehardeallous atthebaseot the bulbs. Do not separate thebulbs, buttakeasharpknifeandscorethe main bulb as though to quarter it. but do not cut more than a quarter of an inch deep. Cut the oflshoot also. This wastes the bulb. but develops the foliage growth. Arrange the bulbs in a glass bowl, steadylng them with pebbles, bits of marble and shells; also put in broken charcoal to keep the wa- ter sweet. The water may be changed once or twice before they bloom. Place in a dark cupboard or closet for ten daysuntiltherootsarewellstarted. 'noBo-onthlecdowmlw I khan-traded. I have always been told that musk- rathousesmeanaaeverewinter. In~ ateadotaslgnofcold weather,the mush-at house means simply that one ormore mush-ate have chooentouve in the low meadow or at the shallow head or the pond, where there Is no chance to burrow underground and haveabedroomflxatcannotbeflooded bythehlghtidesotwinter. Thesenmemmmmalongthesteep banknotariver,wouk1tunnelintothe earthandtheredlgabedroomoutot reachotthehigheetflood. Theydonot always succeeed. however, as they are attenwaahedoutotthelrwinterbedl byspringtresheta. nehonselnmemeadowisusuany bufltoveratanmmtmaochwhoae mtoptwmsthebdhlahdomâ€" “Was he crazy at the a year in the season “would mean some crabs.†At least so one of the crab dealers put ltâ€"Phlladelphla Bec- them. selling ï¬lem. He who would knowthecrabcanbestiearnithyvls- iting this wholly and solely crab town on the Chesapeake. Men in boats quick- ly till barrels with crabs and bring them ashore to the “factories.†Here they are counted, sorted, steamed. packed in barrels and shipped until one wonders who can possibly eat all these mountains and myriads ot crabs. Therearemanypeopleinthiscoun- try. A crab apiece for them all once ï¬eld, Md, is the bottom of the Chesa- peake bay. and between the bottom of Cidsneld and the bottom of the bay are oyster shells to the number of millions. probably hundreds of millions. On this great stratum of oyster shells stand houses, wharf- and business places. A railroad runs along on it, bridges cross its dividing places, men walk and tall: and do business, steambosts and sail~ boatsâ€"yes, hundreds of sailboatsâ€"have their landings alongside it: merry boat- ing parties put on from the shore by moonlight and fish and crab and re- turn in the early mornâ€"all to this great bank of oyster shells sunk in the blue water. Ci-lsfleld lives by oysters and crabsâ€" uot by eating than, for Crlsflelders rarelyeateitber. butbyestehingtbem, boiling them. packing them, shipping immutonulnnuum otOr-tcrlhena. The secondary foundation of Cris- want to get a divorce tron: ’ ODD FOUNDATION. MUSKRAT BUILDERS. Reputation 13 what men and women “thefthlnkofnl. ChancterlnwhatGod Call to Dublin Men. Montreal, Jan. 3.â€"'1‘he vestry of St. George’s Church met last evening and offered the rectorship vacated by the appointment of Bishop Carmichael to the Rev. Dr. Patterson Smythe. rec» tor of St. Ann‘s, Dublin. canon of the cathedral and protector of postural theology at the annuity. know. There was no effort to confuse. no attempt to place before the Jury thefactsotherthanflieywere. Inthe argument. after calling attention to the fact that there was no direct ultimo- ny, Lincoln reviewed the circum- stances and. after conceding that this and that seemed to point to defend- ‘ant’s guilt. closed by saying that he had reflected much on the case. and. while it seemed probable that defend- lantwasgullty,hewasnotsureand. looking the jury straight in the face, said, “Are you?" The defendant was acquitted, and afterward the real crim- inal was detected and punished. How diflerent would have been the conduct of many lawyers! Some would have striventoleadthejndge intotechnical errorswlthaviewtoanappealtoa higher court. Others would have be- come hoarse in denunciation of wit- nesses. decrying the lack of positive testimony and the marvelous virtue of a reasonable doubt. The simple. straightforward way of Lincoln. back- edbytheconndenceotthem-wen.‘ â€"D. J. Brewer in Atlantic. , ‘ Missed Three Centuries by a Day. Mineral Wells. Texas, I an 2.â€"One hundred and twenty-nine years is said to have been the age of “yAunt†Dor- cas Harris, a negress, who died last week, and had she lived until yester- (glyiwouldhavoseenpertofthreeoen- es. . London, Jan. 8.â€"(C.A.P.)â€"-The AL Ian Line carried 77,942 passengers to Canada in 1906. as against 70.045 in jury. AstoryotAbrahalencolnll mmustraflon. He was appointed" defend one charged with murder. 111' almomabmtalommmnc' enflreb circumstantial. unlicensed ! strangenreenngmmmm mommies-defendant. Outhotrhl meolnarew mmmwtmeuamn statement: of what they «W and Saved â€We“. Tublawyerwhouhonestyhpmed hutheconfldenceotthojndgeand Aflmmmmmu’u :How LINCOLN WON; As soon as they had tasted the suc- culent tubers the purer-era were only tooanxlouetoplantaemany â€they could possibly purchase, the wily Par- mentler’s scheme thus succeeding be- yond the most extravagant anticipa- dons. Such delicacies. continued the notice, wete too good for ignorant peasants. who would touch them at their peril. Of course watch was only kept during the (17, and at night the ï¬elds were robbed right and left by the peasants. who were curious to taste the strange vegetable and jealous that it should be reserved for their betters. Pnrmentler therefore dedded to get the better of their prejudice by artiï¬ce and with this object leased as much land as he could round Pariesnd plent- edit with potatoes. Just before the ripeningotthecrophepostedwatch- ere round the ï¬elds and issued notices that all persons stealing potatoes would be severely punished. the crop being intended for the tables of the klngandnobles. its virtue. nor accept seed potatoes tree of cost for planting. rum-am Wily Pin to Kill the Prejudice Ania-t Then. The way in whlch Parmenfler cre- ated a demand for potatoes in France would have done credit to the willest of wily tradesmen. Nothing would at ï¬rst induce 'the simple minded pean- ant: to cultivate the popular tuber. They would not listen to lectures on Frontier“... It is limits safety devices and the provision made to meet every possible accident that the ocean liner is perhaps most remarkable. All the machine! whichmaybesetinmotionlneaseo! danger is centered'on the bridge and so perfectly has it been arranged that the entire vessel could be controlled it the necessity should arise by means of a series of levers and push bums. About the walls or the wheelhouse are arranged curious looking indicators. much the same as one sees behind the desk of a great hotel. About them are hung a surprising variety of barome- ters. thermometers. thermostats, wind and rain gauges and other less familiar looking instruments. There are rows upon rows or buttons and levers on every hand, all highly polished and in the most pertect'working order. The danger of lire at sea. for instance. is anticipated by a thermostat connected with the frame ï¬lled with little squares like the hotel indicator. There are thermometers in every part or the ship electrically connected with this box which are constantly on guard. It a are should start in any part of the great ship the temperature would of course rise. and the tact would instant- ly be announced in the wheelhouse by the ringing of a bell. while a red light would'dash at the same time in one of the squares or the indicator. The man at the wheel could tell at a glance the exact point of dangers-hands Arnold Collins in St. Nicholas. 1mmmrmm WMZSE. POTATOES IN FRANCE. Allan Lino Trafï¬c. THE OCEAN LINER. Malina WM! Heel". Montreal, In. aâ€"Ptinoo 0! Wales 10011030, 011mm and mm. m to ho m Winnipeg. Jan. 3.â€"The west is in the throes of another big snowstorm. and treflic is almost completely tied guponalllines. Theetormisolthe i eastern variety, the snow being vet andpackshard. Notatraingotin from the south esterday. C.P.R. omcials state the t storm coat them morethan:200,000,andthisvineost them more, while B. A. Jamea. man- ager of the Canadian Northern, atatea fthat it is costing than $1,110 a day 2 to ï¬ght the weather. covered- by insurance. n Geologic-J Curb-fly. In excavating for the new reservoir on Auburn Heights. Me, the workmen came upon a singular geological forma- tion the other day. In a crevice in the rock was some toliated sandstone that was twisted and rolled in the most fan- tastic forms. At some time in the cool- ing process of the earth's surface this had been molten and had run into lthesetormsasacandleisrunintoa mold. The diflerent layers lap and ova-lap each other in a manner that makes them a geological curiosiw. When disintegrated these coils became sand.andthishasbeenusedtortamp- ing in the dynamite charges. Some particularly ï¬ne specimens wee pre- served. Rivér. Minnakmduï¬clutom on the Nepesn Rim. Mach 8. to: ‘ho mulling championship at the world and $2,500 a side. Towns July last recaptured the world‘s sunning Towns 1nd Durant! Sydney. N. 8. W. In. 8.â€"Georgo Towns. the Australian souller,m Eddie Hmlan Durgnn yo! Tomas. Aacwinuum-uy. BythewlflotuooeILDmpuoa motmoneyhuheenletwdetor thepurpoooottoundlnzahwuhunlv vanity. Atameeflngheldatthe homeotJudge MayerSnlxbergu'ln Phlhdelphlgatwhlchhdgesuhhw get,WunamB.mckenha¢er,Dr.Cy- mAdlerandOacarï¬su-auwero multmdeddedmapplytothe commonwealthotPenmmmrora chartertcmlnlfltuflonmhoknown u‘ThoJewhhunlverliU.toundedby Moses A. Drop-lo." The university will he established in Phlltdolphn. tndltlsexpectedthatltwflleoâ€"opuâ€" ate vim other Institutions which have beenestahnshedtorthepromouonot Jewish learning. and Trade Reports. m the M of n... m Hungarian chemist Brunn claim to have discovered a liquid chemical compound which renders certain kinds of matter proof against the enects of time. He asserts that 3 doubles the density of nearly every kind of stone and renders it waterproof. It imparts to all metals qualities which defy oxy- gen and rust. The professor says that while traveling in Greece some twen- ty-flve years ago he noticed that the mortar in stones of ruins which were knowntobeZOOOyeat-soldwasas hardfreehmdtenaciousasifithad beenmadeonlyayear. Hesecureda piece of the mortar and has been work- ing on it ever since, and) now, when. he says, he has discovered the secret. His discovery, he claims. will at the least double the life of metal exposed totheair,snchasinbridau,rail- ‘ Formica-newsmaï¬w eon ForpeopieotecuMNto‘IQMpc cent. Forpeopieotueetromutom‘lper cent. Forpeopiootueetromfltouuper cent. Forpeopieotuitromfltonnper cent. ForpeopieotecugromwtouIJMpet cent. Forpeopieotuutnm'endup.“ per cent. These figures tell the story more clearly than the most eloquent dio- couree 0n the subject. They show that, notwithstanding improved medie- el knowledge and the benefits of mod- ern sanitation. we are dying eerlier than our grandpuentl did. The nee- eon why otters a topic for a considere- bie discussion and is not to be lummed up in a word. But one may discover it without much dinicuiiy in the‘ more complex and luxuriou- lite that we lead. The lives of our forbear- were comparatively simple. and their consti- tutions. unweakened by the iuxuryend intense nervous strain of an existence likethntottodey,werelu'ongerthnn our: and better ehle to withstand the i approache- ot diseaseâ€"W man- 1 Formlootunltmmmu‘lw cunt. Are We lean? 071-8 w n.- 0-: Wt- nut Innertoneotthethinivoinmeorthe United States census for 1900 will he found a tabular statement which show: in a very striking way the riae in the death rate during the decade nomiseomlsootoranlsoetromeix- ty up. The ï¬gures given are now six years old. and lo I have brought them up to date with the help or fresh infor- mation from Washington. a matter of no little importance, inasmuch as the increase has been marked ever since 1900. Thus corrected for accuracy the reckoning ehowe that lince 1890 there hubeenthieilereaeeinthedeath rate for the entire United States: Trains Snowbouna m ’m LIFE GROWING SHORTER. ELECT IQ Carter? Little Liver Pills. ABSOLU'II < SECURITY. Toronto. Jun. 3.-â€"The oldest voter in the municipq 6109602131139“!!! ago for on increase in wages and on eighbhonr dny were mode yuterdny by 57,000 locomotive engineers. The railroad managers will reply today. Babo's‘ Body. Pour-u. Mm. Jun. 3.â€"-Yestcrdny me.- noon nomo boys Iound 3.110 naked be m m by its mother. Domands of 81,“ Engineers. Chicago. Jun. 8.-Dcmands on d] the railroodl openï¬ng frost of 911!- maid Mn. number at Park-- lanthanum-Corbhumttm 3301“ John Redmond. demanding ‘ 0‘7 or on beam putty .toppod 2;: allowances, whiCh .ction he attributes to the influence of m. Redmond. and mm M M WWDWW- ‘ moon menu. 6 Albanian but Redmond Faction May :3: Up a Scandal. Iondon. In. a.â€"m Mon: a! 11mm on the? at tho Ramondito mm of high udnmation for the Town 0! Pawn- un for 1907: Ma . Juno. Mom-that; councillors, 1. 0cm. 1- G her, 3. A. has, A. H. Porter. . I. Brown. T. . Mouth. Thorold Aldermen. Thorold. Jan. 8.-â€"-Tho following - dorm an elected â€chm: on: John Broderick. “who Walter Grenville. June. McDonald. Williun linden. Edwin! Foloy. Mayor of Patrol“. Patrol“. Jan. 8.â€"Edwu'd E. Grunt ha been doclu'od elected 31:10! at this town tor 190] by sealant on. - I’m-n Council. Pawn-“n. hn. 3.â€"Tho following mo:- md councillor: were oloctod by Manor-flown. Jun. 8.â€"Tbo Township 0! Yonco olectod in council by to- clunntion. at 1011m: Reeve. John Percival; councillor-n. D. 8. Claw Jon. Minor, Sheldon Have md f. E. Dicky. Uany mm In anlnclnl “unl- clpul Hold Rain and mm and flavor. Got In 8m Voting. N, ha. 8.4m. council tor 1907 will be connfltubd :3 follows. all ahead by ncdmuom Mum Thomas H. Spry; mâ€. P. C. Tn cock; ooundllon. L. Comma, D. 6.x. Gdbnith, B. J. Huolwood, In! A. Tole. W. W. Tunblyn. ILA. 0'96! mm?- Woman Votor m Yam Old. WEEDING OUT PROCESS. THE IRISH FUNDS. up My“ and mad. Owed-null,“ mum ands-tn“ J. ESOOTHEBAN nu â€HM“ W ‘m’m mï¬ï¬‚r Lbdny Ind Victor“ Gout) vi! ,DhouuotWonon'md Due-m NOW LOCATED AT JANETVILLE (8am to Dr. Numith.) J. "BOWâ€, I. 3., 0. I. The Rider Kflehnacr 00., 1500 cords Basswood Excelsior Wood wanted. Highest prices paid for Base. wood, Elm, Birch, Ash Logs, etc. logs and Wood Wanted z and surrounding country. : We wish to inform you that : we carry a full line of Pub- . lie and High School Books : a nd Supplies. We give 0 special attention to this line : of our business, and we :respectfully solicit a share 9 of your patronage. Soooooooooooooooooo ‘38 LWEBPOOLm LONDON no GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Eta the Students 0.0090096000009090. §peeil_l_Mflog 311 be ï¬vgnjg lid- Formerly o: Buckshot, om. emu u m: m. In cousin und hosmuuodbybrm- and. um um! Inn: am excegt con- In in danced m the“ olden W“ 1: I most eflclem nem- 041.coednllyln Inthooe obstinate. hmn WWW“ done! the accountants“ e'Dls" mus nooodtorncnoeoowbstflr Intim- coldsnormutltbeex- Ducted momma: in Its udvmced stunt-no“ downâ€"hut for m the mmnm “nec- lactate: Mundupwconsumv‘ “.81: rummmumuw inmvméllont rial“ curated. Ind lesson in busine- ‘l'. I. WATSON, Winter Tom has JANUARY 2. 1907. Enter a; Bed“ curi eii the shove distressing eiinen the' olden Medics] Discovery ' is e (or sii disesses oi the mucous membranes. as esterrh, whether of the uses] pen-(es or of the stomsch. bowels or peivic 0 Even in he uleerstive stsces it w yieid to this sovere n rem- edy if its neebe in. In hronic Oetsrrhof the mi ps it is well. while taking the 'Goiden edicsi Dis- covery ' (or the neeesssry constitutions} u'eeunent. to ciesnse the mags freei; two or threetinessdsy with . Sexes Cstsn'h Remedy. This th h course of Mt genes-ell, cures e worst eels. flIJIEST, STROIGEST, BEST BBITISH “ERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE 1...â€.MLYOI‘I Ind locus- GI curiae 3n important 5135'» Medical mm the cum of 1mm. d s w stomach. “tended byysopzex; bun-burn. 5.0.11] bre‘umfcolalwd w W at: n maï¬a-ï¬nd indredg menu of the staunch. liver and t um Clan of its be!" : no“. u! ennuaeptic and gun‘s-ax nuttmvo 3nd soothing d( .mmwbnyon buy Dr. Places hilly medicinesâ€"(or all the Ingredi- ï¬u muting Into them we printed on an Mommas Ind their Ionnulu m “and undercut: as being complete and mt. You knowjust. what you my laying for and an: the ingredients are ntheud from Nuture's laboratory, being â€loam than them most. vnluable native ing in our A bandâ€! potent. to cure m h 90:0 the most deflect. l ANAQL; grep FIRE AND LIFE. FARM LOANS. 0f lindsay fllefY BROS. LIIITED. LINDSAY. lad soothing demul- important part in Media! Dimmin Ition. dyspepsit 1nd Med by sour risinn, nth, coated tongue. feeling in stom- “lndmd derange- h. liver und bowels. the than distressing n Medical Discovery" Im at the mucous int, whether of the the staunch. bow 013 men in m ulcentive othis severe rem- rnredin. In hmnic o IIIIBIIIS ’ ‘1 o ‘ . Ha _ § ’ Q OF] 9 . _ . 0 ‘ :9; a country. . ‘3 rm you that o M inc of Pub- : 3-,; 11001 Books : __f We give : to this line 9 = . . s, and we , . .- e at a share 9 Ni 'e. 9 __ 1 Lin 0 .â€" o gkoso ‘ o I ! 2%.. $ anti: HONEY TO LOAN AT m WIIEIT BATES oar. Willi-m and Kent-ch. B. J. HoLAUGELm, BC. I. A. Plan. "12"†'°"‘ “3233'.†“a @ï¬: at cm In Debentures patella-0d. Money†Miami; OFFICE OVER DOIINION BA... The only upaoo-dm Ethic and M works in the County. Lntect w lowest price. and beat work. “I mthepnemstictoohtt'ori- 9‘- prices before buying elsewhere. If You Contemplata Wilding cm at Ingle’s Planning In. McLaughlin Pool, LINDSAY MARBLE WORKS R. CHAIBERS. Prop. Mini-nod“ uppiy wary 00:. Cambridge “a WW tn. “maul-fie“ quality. WW. - LINDSAY. m oondutAncï¬onflduolmhndstbth wbghwndwith. mm JOSEPH MEEHAN, Auctioneer ton m COUNTY OF VICTORIA. 11nd“! P.0. MCDIARIID WERE Barristers. (Successor: to KcS'eyn a: 5mm. Have private funds to loan at the: possible rates. OFFICEâ€"Opposite Pym Hotel, u‘ , Lind-3y. Judge O'Lury‘lold once, our â€- phenom. Phone No. 10‘. ’ Seed lei-chant and Dealer h Agdenltupal Implemenb._ ‘ b Barrister. Solicitor. nary Public. Real Estate Agent Representing Waterioo Hutu] Bu b moo Company at Watetloo, the De.- enl Lite ham-lace Company of 3‘ ton,a.ndthe DominionotCanadsM tee and Accident Company 01 Tom 0038 JACKSON. a... m lazy» cu ITTON SHITH, O. L. Sun: 3nd Civil Engines. m Mutant!“ to. Box 35, M mammalian-UM Alb-Wad blunt-d1 nn. LA. WALTER? DB. NEELANDS 8:. mm nmmsrs I'm-gaunt “Grown -’ Bridgevutuupoa‘dty. 8m It I. Munch. Punk-mm mm llw. WOODâ€" Noam â€Bond-ct, ant don-Math- WWW, Ofleonâ€"Obllsnï¬to‘u 7‘939-3- Pb... Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. human “LIAM JAMES KEITH mg 3. mgr, .ï¬o 8!th WWI-Idi- mm (room “‘5†GEO INGIE. 12039“ng d AUCTION SALE. BLRRISTBIS. Etcâ€" WILWBOUS DENTIST. Lindsay 317811388 CARDS AUCTIGDNEERS 3311'].le PIYBICIAIC mmm Aufldi.