ucc . nwuc clearâ€"me tawayera are not in favor of {unmaaing a site, and as the max-key park is the beaaitje available, and the one that has been Innatantly Wen or by our citizens since 1113 discussion rrcnm. we innerâ€" pret the defeat of the by-laws aaan imimiation that. the yccpl: wish to «no $3.000 by eractmg the library mare. Rpmembering that The Phat advocated toa- muny Jon.†the re~ alammmn and impruvcman'ï¬ or that lit‘tlo plot. an an object lesson calpu~ mm: to diqzcoo our qiticonn to pun cm†Marge pal-l; bx- a park in each ward. and haying in’ mind also that‘ we “tenuoualy opposed the placing a! the fire hall there, we {waxed- mit that we Would prele’r another lite for the library. Still. wo are willing to concede something for tho I ate a! the prize in View. and we hope the example nae.)- prc-ye con- l’ugicn‘s. It must be Admitted tnat the argument- advanced against the omtfon ct tacking hall on ‘the plot ' - Now. as tn the Int-31 It is useless to “ch.1 unanimity of opinion on such a matter, because men's minds are perhaps unconsciously influenced and disnosed tr differ. One thing has been made elemâ€"the tugs-yew are ing. as the half mill levied under the statute for. library rut-poses now yieldu about that’ Suméand the 8m- cnm {will increase as the town grows. . ’ The offer is abusiness one. and Mum be discussed {min that point 1:! View. True, Mr. carncgie )8 under no: obligation to benefit Lindsay by giving as amedel l1bra.ry building, and consequentlyythere is room for the feeling 9! gratitude anyone of as might deem it incumbent to express it left aftidy lega'p‘y’ by a person on whose generosity me had no claim, 1 yet the often having been madecnn- a'rtionally. we may. dismiss sentiment I and congratulate ourselves on our ’ ability to mare so much‘ for so 11t- tle. ‘ , I Sacral hundred towns and cities: in the United States, Chanda; and : ï¬ritain have already acccrted aunt; Lbnts tor libraries, and many moi-‘5 will do so Why not Lindsay? We hayc no Iatie‘nce with the lactirxuas 1 (rpomï¬on that has developed in con- nection with this (-1101- ol alibrary. “i313,- slxoulâ€"d these agitatars be 111:- xlauded for muck-heroic utterances about independence when we know that the workingmen oi Homestead and Puttsburg are in grateful 211-1 lyment oi huge amusqment halls and wellqstocked libraries, the gut of the 1 man whose (Hex-l to Lindsay is now: under wasideration.1‘ e orposition! is selfish, because to gratify a whiini mn- children are to be shut out from ‘ the xich stores 0! information such' a library would offer It is some!) ‘ alsc because the caraeity o! thep e ‘- ’ em admittedly unsuitable library )rcms is so restricted that alarge lortic-n of our citizenq are of necee- 911x degri'rcd or at least some ofthe beneï¬ts they would have at their- ccamand in more coinmodioua quar- ters. The Workingman; or. woman of the future must be intelligent and‘ possess special training alcâ€"‘ng par- tieulzn li.nes A new library would beneï¬t 1:1 err adult and anteriailh aid as rn grving cur ohildrcn the! l I 8126.le instruction they will require' 1 i l s l E l C v to battle with future conditions. J ie: at 810,000 {or aI-‘rce Library, building.‘ Ibqt acceptance gagrried with it apwmisa to provide asitc and $1,000 a year. {or 1' maintenance. .Tbc miter proviso means noth- cmwion has been wide c! the mark and calculated to @551:in and yraja- dine those of our citizens who are Raking Ion- Iight {the fact aecms to have been {orgo't‘ben by many that the harm- of the town is pledged as a nesnLt of the accenance by, last year; Council of m. Carnegic’s of- ’ "A good deal has bepn said and writ~ [them r:1a;tiv,e* td the above questions, and in our crinion mncfl of the dis- LINDSAY; FRIDAY, FEB. 27, 1908 Machine Oils Sink; SCOOP Shovels Iron Pipe and Manure Forks Fittings Horse Brushes Brass Fittings 01]] and see our Store Display. TINSIITHING AND PLUMBING We Lead in these Linea. BOXALL MATTHIE Coal Oil THE LIBRARY BRIIT AID SITE. Macmnes Step Ladders Wringers Washivg Hardware Graniteware Tinwarc Window Glass Mixed Paints Clothes The Weekly Post. 112 Kentrnt, Lindsay. Elbows Stove Boards Stove Blacking Pipe Vamish Stove Repairs Stove Mica F vetrough , Conductor Pipe Pumps 1 Sinks ' Iron Pipe and Fittings Brass Fittings C in; Coinbs Stove PipesIand (lo-r an age to the temptations of stage lite. The fact that the :Willd did not appear her? two weeks ago with the Marks 'Bron. waq taken by thenochriatian pcopln. as a proof that they ware in durancu vile. It may be weil to explain that there are three Marks Companies‘ on the road. that than-hm. MarknfCo. wad. tho 1 ias’t to wait Lindsay. and that the Pepper, twins havopeon, .with the Joe Marks Co. coutmuouoly. since [eating Lindsay. an mentioned 12‘! a letter forwarded by their manager; also, that tho Pepper twins mention- ed as having got into trouble are adults, their ages being given; as 22 years. Mr. Marks writes that since joining No. 1 Co. at Cobqu-‘rg on No- vember 24th the! Pepper boys ham‘ nevgr missed apertormanoe. and are making ahit with‘ their specialties: Our citizens may rest assured that our Popper twinl will not go wrong â€"thqy have been given aaound moral .- . training b’rjthclr 'pa'i-on'ta. ‘ False Report Coiroctod. History some-times repeats itSelf, and it is not so very remarkable that in this great province there should. be two pairs 0! twin; belong- ing to differwt families of ‘thc same mama. .That sue)?" is tho case no.3 been brought lioznq in most un- pleasant fashion to- Mr: and Mrs Wm. Pepper, or this town. the parents of the clever twins, Alvin and Orvin. who ham been' tram-ï¬ling with the Joe Marks Co. all ‘Season. Some time ago, me believe, ‘a. paragraph appeal-pd in the daily press in refer- ence to the arrest of twins named. Pepper for some offence, and singular to relate, one of the pair bore the name or Alvin. This circumstance 1 has led to the circulation: of a mass 1 of {also reports reflecting upon“ the I ch'argcter of the Lindsayitwina, and some of our best people. have been heard 'to express regret that they ghould have boon _e“poaed atpo ten- ; Under tne circumstances the Couu-, , cii will be justified in ignoring last 11 gh’gt‘h ntpting as a protest against placing the library on the market park.'1‘o attach an) ~ importance to aéch a gathering would be an innit to the green.t body of citizens who " ! reniiu'hg‘ mp pbject of the meeting? { remained at home as gdjgnified pro- ; test against ’l’urther waste of time 211 is gunran'tcerl clean and pure land-picked stock. Peas. with or- dxnaly success, should "be the most proï¬table crop' that can be ‘raieéd in t‘n’s district. in“: {acid has ,. In conversation with Mr. Samar, of Squicr 8: Son the fancy pea grow- ers, that gentleman remqued that the ï¬lm’s busing-gs in Lindsay had proved. very satisfactory, and not- withstanding the poo}- crop last yeir the» were abie to ship ~ to the Bur-cp- ean markets as the result 0! inst season's work about 75000 bushels The demand for seed this: year has been' very satisfactory. Ythey having put out so far this season about 12,000 bushels. but they have. still a quantity of first-class szed. which thgzx wish to rpigce in goal hundi I (the public meeting held Monday proved afiule. It was called in or- br that the 'opponeuts of the mar~ met park site for the Free Lilli-er.) but lling might have opportunity to register their objections, and it was thought the kickers were so numer- one that they would fill the Council chamber and perhaps raise the‘ roof with their clamor. Instead of a gieat crowd, the audienee “as so slim that Mayor Sootheran felt! likei apologizing for his mistake in incar- ring expense for the printers' ink wasted on the posters. Out of‘ over [:00 qualified property owners on the list only 61 put in an appqmapoe, and 779 tenants (were represented by a littheband of 25. Tell): one-hair of those present (were in favor of placing“’me library on the market 3 park, and oi the remainder it is safe V to say, that. while the): were unde- ï¬ned as tot the best" location, very few or thin: wmil-d be willing (ï¬at Council should impose an extrqi mill: this year and purehase a sitei wï¬iie me have town property lying idle Thelaet is, near-Ln everyozm‘wanu the library, and the grey: majority -" of our Citizens realize will that the towu is not in aposition tomnde? $2, 00L- needlessly on asite V5; 0 need that amount, and almost a thousand i more for- awn roller to make our streets passable ' ‘ [We trmlt that) at tho ruplio mach '.-ng to be bold wondcy "min: in tin Council chamber tha abuo matters will be discussed in prgxional man- ner, and that the chairman to be up. pointed wilt qcntina the speaker: to Petcrbol‘a market to'day is not What {am 108-. “and to take ‘ha logo 0" m was years ago, an!) ugh the town where the defendantn wanted to ha,‘q increased largely in ropulmï¬an clear the next summer. Lager in the and wealth'. This is established by “mfg“ Ann'MeDon. aid, In whom the title was, conveyed the land to the (m that the amount. dorl'a‘ ha 501“, the arendnuta AndrewAand iron: 3130 38.10 of the toll? has «bl Daniel. John A. lie-Donald also con- weaned in Mandy raï¬u yam-1y. vowed to Dank! lot 83. in the 3nd. may any that the" erroricnca (.t oth- er 'ttmnu is that markets and de- creasing rather than increasing 0193’- 103‘ to the growing army 0! buyer- abrcapi in the ‘country. Farmer-scan ic-day dispose of nearly all they pro- June to men who call at the fame. min only zlausible argument: tuba advanced against the :lacing of the library on the parkis that in time Wt: tray regain the‘ spend for mar- ket rurposos. It is a. cuntentiou that will bear looking intm but we I. [re-ttjr park on the west aide n'! tho track. This fact should bu takan i‘ouo arehmt by curt citizens. do um apply with equal rum again: who libraryx -'1‘he former buildng would progtioolly unopwu tho mimic of the plot; th-n mum'- n. barman struqturo a: wide Ironi- sm: but not docx- wouldrbo created well 1b the basic 6! the khan! the green expanse m from wuuU still be available for rnblio ‘ cathet- ingu. band concerts. etc. .Th‘cn.axaiu. Um agitation sct ru foot yearsago has lxnixis fruit. and we now. have THE LIBRARY SITE. .Mr. '1‘. W. Mth‘an. who bar been visiting at tho parental handbag, left. on the; 5.30 (MIR. train {or T‘o'r- onfo on the 18th inst. ' ' Farmers selling out in the order of, the day. They have; umlerl the good govomment of Ontario. nuns:- cd sufficient coin to enable them‘ to retire and live in amuence in our cities. towns and villages during the remainder of their lives. Unless the ' prophecy or J. J. ram should. fall on Canada we expect continued pros- perity. The wave new passing over ‘ ou’r Dominion has had the eifect of ‘briuging our Provincial fathers to- gether in solemn conclave, asking for a larger share. of the mill: given by the Dominion cow than they have: been receiving hitherto. The Mont- real Witness says that the supply given has been quite sullicient for than. - The gasoline machines coming into use in Ontario will lei-pen the burn- ing at .wnod and- wiu be the meme of supplying farmers 'with spewed- cheaper than any used by them hith- erto. an it is always randy at :1 mt» ment’s notioe--no waiting [on wind or (in“ to burn. This. with the great: quantity of cordwood taken out: thil winter. and tho prowpectof abundâ€" ance or peat. will place no in a better position than w¢ teen-l our-woken in this winter. The North-westerners am nm' getting ready to return to their homes and prepare for auctl: er goldr en harvest. " MOUNT PLEASANT. (From Our Own‘Gorx-espcudcnt.) W9 crpzct a. visit from the Rrv. Mr. I Potter. Nerf. Sunday he will (D. V.) I oxapy the pulpit of the Prodbyter- ian church at 6.30 pm. ' 03!, Those Perfectly Well no Good lat-rod and Nappy. I When a baby is cross, peovish or ‘Ciecpiess. the mother may be certain â€that it is not well.- There are little ailments coming from some derange- ment of the stomach cr bowels which the mother's watchful eye may not detect which never-themes make themselves manifest in irritability or i sleep lessness A dose of Baby 3 Own Txbletu gisen at such atime wil‘ Hpeedily put the littie 0an right and will gixe it: health}. natural sleep, and you hnve apositiic guarantee that there is not a partivi: of opiate or harmful drug in the medicine. Thousands of mothers give their children no other nudicinq and- all | mothers who have used. tho Tablets ‘ .piaise them Mrs. .1. .‘thonal 1.319(- ton, Ont, 583' s: “Ham ’sOwn Tablets are the beat:y medicine {or littla ones I have me: used, and I flaws limp them" in the house in case of emerg- encies." Good for children of all : ages from birth‘ upward. Sold at 25 cents abox bv medicine dealer or sent post paid by ' writinxr din-w to the Dr. Wildams Medicine '30., BIOQ'Hille, Ont. Judgment was delivered on 16th! inst. {or the plaintifl' against all the; defendants to: $144 and costs. .Stewart- O‘Connor for plaintiff; Them Was much evidence showing that the sale was made m-th the: knowledge and consent of Mra. Mc- Donald, and that tnforo she convey 2d the land to her two sons they knew of the plaintiff's title and that all the delemdunts knew! of the plain- 'ti‘t’ n having out and removed some or the timber. are. McDonald and her fcwo sons contradicted themselves and each other; the husband, thoagh pmsent at the trial. gave 210 evi- Genoa . the was to the plaintiff or at the piaiutifl's having cut. and removed timber the two seasons until after in? was all done; and that until then the twu sons knew nothing of the 98.118 by the father at o! the. cutting b): 1.110 plaintiff. , The theory of the defence was that the defendant, John A. McDonald. had sold the timber, which was not his own but his wife‘s, lo the plain- UH without her knowledge or au- thority_; that she’ï¬pewunnthing o! frhe plaintiff brought this action againstp all the dafcndanta to recov :i' the “due of the mining timvrr on 34 whim the plaintim had pur- chased. The plaintiff claimed at the trial that he purchaaod the timber from the defendant. John A. McDon- abd, believing him to ha the owner, that the husband and father made the sale to him. with: the knowledge and authority of his wife. the defend- nnt Ann; that what he Ind cut WM done with the knowledge and consent of all the Aefcndantq that: the son.) tool: the deed from the mother with full knowledge of the plaintiff's title to the timber; and. that the family had comined otgethcr b0 deprhu 1 the plaintiff of bid tiinbor. voyed to Dank-.1 lot 83, in the 3nd. "Which was all the land John owuml. In December, 1901. Ibo defendants. Andrew and Daninl, commenced cut- ting the plaintiff‘s timber on‘ lot 34. and when notiled by the plaintiff not to do so tha two noun claim) the timber as their own and prevented thg plniptjfl'pAngen from gqtting._ Flo-mm music “Vain“ Burt. This nation was tried at the Coun- t.“ Court iii Decombor. lost; the triad occupying lire daym Judgment :wnu manned. .The pinintm, John D. Flemming, owns a min on [loan Riv- er, in Digby. The defendant. John .x. muonaivi, is this husband; of tho defendant. Ann McDonald. and tho (Houdini/8. Andrew and Daniel Mt:- Bonn“. are their gone. In Deoambw. 1599. the plaintiff purchased from tho (intendunt, John A. McDonald. certain timber upon lot 34. in tho 2nd concession o! Digby. Tho «Se-i fondant; lived on lot 81:, in the 3rd concession of Dig-by. about one! hun- dred rods from iot 34.1‘ho plaintiff I entered under his agreement or pur- chase and out and. removed, some of the timber in March. 19(1). and again in Nosembor of the mm yen he cut .morq timber. which was lemme-d in tho winter following without hindrance on the part or the defendants. or any of them. In N» runry, 1901. the plaintiff cut {our condo of firewood. to which the de- Iendant, Ann McDonald. objected. and oon‘od the plaintitt with} anotica to ,cnt nothing lean than anino inch face log. and to take tho logs of! where the defendants wanted to clear the next summer. Later in the AI INTERESTING Tlllll 0A“. BRIGHT BABIES. ,_ . "_,___ “‘ wow -‘â€"u 2230 sheep. 4600 gamers ot beet. cum, recon)“. 283: about smd . You: oold at $5 to 89.50: one bunch It .75. Blue And 18mlâ€. rec-MPH. 2864: sheep “‘1an unba about trendy: common old In an lambs wnk: shag. $4 to $5.25: lambs, “.25 '0 87.12%. on, recelpu, 4315: “1:11th easier: State bozo. $7.55: common, nix western, $6.75: State pigs, $7.40. ‘ 88:'ew€s' 35‘ ti!» 83:25? 3150:7101) mixed: $5.25 to £5.50; culls to good, .75 to $5.15. saw 103: u": mos. New York, Feb. 24.â€"Beem-Recdml, 420 head, mainly conï¬ned direct: no sale! mrtg. nporu beetrstlnpged.‘ 811! land. _ --_ Am- ! Huck Con-Inch cow: ad springer! m worth no to 85‘ each. ‘ Cnlvuâ€"Calvu sold at 83 to 810 no). or from 84.60 to 86 pct cwt. “Yarn“ hubsâ€"Luau sold at 84.50 to Sheepâ€"Prices 83,73 to 34.25 cwt. for cw... ad bucks H 82.50 to .25. Boutâ€"But select Neon I no! le- than I†lb; nor more than lbs. each. or can, cold It 86 at at: lights and {an at 85.75: sows. .50 to $6 per um. um sup, 83 per art. “81‘ BUFIALO CASTLE IABKE‘I'. But But-lo. NJ“ Feb. 24.-CItthâ€"Be- celpts. 215 hold; an" at an to strong prices: veal- 25c lower: tom. 39 to $9.60: common to . 85.50 to $0, Hog. re- ceipts. 3500 end: slow, 20c to me warm may on light den: 1:2an {1:9, 55° 0 . : 87: roam 37.65: t few. 81’. : mixed 8?. “w to woo: sup, 85.50 to 86. She! ‘ yorkem $7.†to 87.3): 918'. and hubs. receiptx 11,!†held: ex owe. and mind sheep, 26‘: higher: limb- IOc lower: top lamb. $6.00 to $7: culls. 12 good. “ggo‘to £313; puns“, $5190 {a Export" Bulbâ€"Gale: heivy export bum told at :4: 113m export built. 8850. Butcheu' Cantoâ€"Clue. picked m- o! butchen' cattle. canal l- qynm u but ox rte 1075 (o 1130 Ibo. each are won! . to Wicca- of medium butchen‘. 83.65 to 83.â€; to“. of butchun’ gold at M to 84.;85 common latched. “26 to â€ï¬gural!“ $3: mum at $2.!!! Feederuâ€"rcoderl._ _1900 to 1106 lbs _ea_c‘l‘, London. Feb. 24. -I In cir- ue steady at 12%: to 13!“ per lb. to: American um: dream! we! :(‘Inudlun steers. 12c to 13¢ per 15.; re! act-nor bed. 100 per lb Sheep. Me to 15¢. per 1b., dressed wolght. mum “Y8 STOCK. Receipt: of live stack amounted to 61 onion“. cell of 1100 cutie, 200 hop 400 deep u: nabs Ind 29 {cal cum Export cutieâ€"cum In“ or he"! lhlppota are worth $4.40 to 34,,» common lint («poster-s, 84. 1;) to )4â€. Cable- Steldyâ€"JIulnlo Price. Stondy to sum-t. New York. ..... 7.1. Eli 73“ 7W Chicago 1. 7:36, 7m Toledo .......... 731'; 79 ~ 7: um»: rm. 7» ms 77 3... 10mm ar. LA'nILVCI â€All". (nullâ€" ' Wheat r . hush. ......80 72loM.-' Wheat. ‘ e, bud». ..... 72 - 0 we“. aprlug. boa: ..... . 7.“th ell, M has '. . . 80 150 an. bulb. .. Bari! . bush. om.’l~m. own 051 TORONTO FAR! PQOHUUI- "bomb. l Ray. baled. eat lots. too...†00 to u on Straw. baled. car Iota. too. 5 no 5 73 (roams cat 1m.......... 1 oo 1 10 Butler. dairy. lb. rolls...... 0 18 0 20 5 Butler tuba. per lb†...... 0 18 n 19 l Butter. marry. lb. rolla. 0 22 o 24 [Button wary “809.... 0 22 o 23 {Batu-r. bakerl' lub........ 0 15 0 10 Eggs. new-hld. 603.. .... 020 Turkeys. pot lb... 0 13 0 l4 (imam lb. . .. 0 0815 0 my; Ducka, per palr. . 0 7."- l 23 Fluekenmpor palr†. .043 07?; Honey. per lh ............. 0 m 0 (:0 Honey (muons). each 012% 0 u TORONTO HIDE! AND wont. Hides. No.1 alooranaped «1‘0 0* lo 30 08“ Hides. N02 latMmInape end 0 07 0 07% Bidet. Nahum-"1L... 00716 008 Kidâ€. No. 2 kappa-ted†.. 0 mm, 0 07 ( ‘alfaklnl. No.1. aeleclod. . 010 .... l 'alhklns. No. 2. ark-fled†0 08 . ... Doacmu (dalrlesj. each. . . . . 0 63 . .. . Sheepakju ..... . .. .. ...... 0 so 1 oo “'00 am ................016 017 Woo. unwashed ......, ... om non Tallow, rendcred .......... 0 0 Following are the Mods: 1'0““03' “ Important when: centres may: Can. May. July. 809t- Xew York Fl 78“ E95 Fob. 24:03. Feb. 1 '00 Pm, 22:02 What. bu. .,4s,1m.mo 48.99.0000 54.3%.«m Porn. bu. .. 10,431,000 10.49041» 10.780000 0m. bu. 5.074.000 5.140000 4,004,000 To recapitulate, tha- visible nupply of when: In Canada and the l‘nltod sun-s, Io- lrther with flu: Mon: 10 Enron". ’3 77.754300 hush-ll. against 76.170.000 but etc a week ago, and 90.377300 bushels a year ago. Liverpool when {mint-Jaw Rd 1:; $4 hlxhor ‘le (him on Monday and com o rum": *1! “Id lower.‘ At (‘Mclgo In! wlwnt cloud 14“ ‘M‘lï¬' Saturday, May corn he lower and Ally out: 93c lower. THE VISIBLE SUPPLY. A: mum! with a mi no. the visible “WI“! 01' “that in Canada and the l'nked States has darn-nun] 16,000 bashful: corn drowned 9000 but-hols: can "It‘fl‘lllfd 831.!!!) bushels. Following is a «Impart- uve III-tomcat for til.» we“ andlng to-dn‘. the preceding week and the corresponding week of Ian yon-r: Grain upon. MIKE'S. III Price. For an F LEADING WHEAT MARKET“. CATTLE MARKETS. MARKET REPORTS. goon. bush. In . ...........n 0 0 0 1 uh. ..............0 bush. 0 0 â€I. ............. ‘09 coo An I Week- 'rlu Lu O... u... x mmm. noaooocooo ammumummw ulâ€"Uvo Stock It Lam! Quiet-unlu- Tue-day Evening 1 on {murm- rlmmi ‘ Easier-â€" \‘hlblo bl. Supply lurk.“ Wei @W%W@ . Ladies’ and Misses' Plain \Vhite Cotton Corset Covers, sizes 32 to4o inches, cach.....9 Ladies' White Cambric Muslin Corset Covers. trimmed with lace cmbtoidcry, hcmstitching and tuckings, high and low necks. each...... . ..25 Ladies' Fine White Cambric Muslin Corset Covers, with straight and full fronts, high and low necks, trimmed with lace and embroidery, tucking: and hematitchings each ,A Fine white lace {Curtains with all-over lace patterns, single borders, 3} yards long; as- sosted patterns; per n n.1, WHITE CURTAINS. TWO SPECIALS. White Lace Curtains, 321’ yards long, single borders, Notting- ham make, lockstitchcd edges, 5 difl’grcnt patterns, ‘ an g1};‘“..‘1‘2..“.?i 2 25 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. American White Counterpznes, ready for use, ends hemmed, soft laundry ï¬nish, 10-4 size, at .. .. 1 12% English White Counterpanes, satin ï¬nish, embossed patterns, 10-4 size, at 225 50 only White Counterpancs, :04 size. soft ï¬nish, honey- combc make, special . . ï¬n 36 inch Canadian Steam Looms, all soft ï¬nish, no dressing ..8c, 9c. 10:: .12é‘ 36â€"inch Lonsdale Cambrics, American and Canadian makes, at .... 10c, Izéc .15 33 to 45 inch unbleached factory Canons, all Canadian makes, in ï¬ne and heavy qualities, at 5c. 6:. 7C. 8:. 9C. we .12% WHITE BEDDING. per pair ...... 000.0‘ 35-in. White Cottons, all English made, Cambtic ï¬nish. 1 n 72-in. if ’8 x-in. Face Cloths, bleached Turkish wash cloths, 9x9 inches, 5c each or 6for .... . . .25 631 Exf’ji-‘ii. ’8 1 -in. 90-in. Bleached English Wigan Sheet- ings, plain only, resembles incn ‘00... 0.0... 0.00.00. 3490:» 41c 32c to 415 Bleached Sheetings. all Cana- dian maku, in plain and twill 19c 22;: 27c, 3w: 4o-in. 42-h). 44-in. 46-h. 50-13. Unbleached Sheetings, Cana- dian make: only, plain and '4o-in. 42-in. 44-in. 46-in. 50-in. Circular Pillow Cottons, Eaglish and Canadian makes.... .... 714k [sic 18c 18c 2le m: at 00.000 chic/"C. 8tC, 9C .1“ L-inch half- bleached Cottons, dull ï¬nish, strong make, made in Eng‘and, It I Zéc I o o 15 000. 000... .00... no.0 . Plain White Pillow Cottons, English and Canadian makes ï¬g: 712%.: 13§c x4lc 18c PILLOW COTTONS AND SHEETIN GS. dolhn, which eneblee u to give lerge â€den and locate- for as price- thet ere much below the mm] W??? 19 Inge m in Ontuio end Quebec with vho- to buy continue"): Our nice good- order m â€0000‘ The size of it wee enough to keep the menaetnm busy for come weeksâ€"it eh) m lea-go enough t) 960111.30 In specie) prices in midi every cue. We alas; the e eductiou with you. Reed ebout them 'eicw Our Annutl Sale of White Goods beginl on the 2nd of March Md rill continue until the Min, baht; tint. time to will ofer our entire stocktot' White Malia Undervw, Cotton, Shootings, P5510, (‘ Muslim, 1"". Lace Curbing Embroiderin, Men’n White Shirts. Ties, poll": .nnd Cufl’a, Tame Linn. N3pkiu, Tom!» and Towollinga, unpaid prices. The map of goods yo 1n]! show n th? Ingest in the hm ofthobuineu. l9 Rat-i1 Stormâ€"tho pyndioato to wbizh we bologg. :- the 0131] one m Cwuda Kim mi appmoll the munhctnmn nd Inks tap: wit!) thou-two havg ’01,“, a bnyuggAcgpuity of ovex 8 milk. twillcd . . . . COTTONS. SALE OF WHITE GOODS 7.1.89 '7'; 83232 .10 72-in. 81-in. 15c 20!: good from the bid; already we have the latest of 1933 pro- ductions, and they are to go in this GREATEST or WHITE GOODS’ SALES. We carry {our maken' linesâ€" French P.D., Ametican P.N., Canadian ET. and Crompbo 13. Every one of these makes are most reliable. Drawers from 25cto$2.50 pr. ; Pillow Shams, 32 x 3: inches ' all embroidered and with CORSETS. ? scalloped and hertwtfrchc. cdgcs,at 22 z-zc, 45:. 54:68: The changes . . ' in shapes and wass lelow Shams, embrozdej s t y l c s o f ed and hcmstitched, made .0- Corsets are so sheer white lawns, 3: .' 3: is many these at 90c, $x.xz;,. Ladics’ White Cam bric Dtawers, um- brella style, trim- med with 6 rows of tucks, 2 Of hemstitching, and {till of cmbroidcry, per pair. . .45 Ladies' White Cam- bric Drawers in open and closed makes, trill edged with good lace, r in... .Ff's .p-‘onoou.25 Ladics’ White 3"“ Cambric Muslin Undflskitts' with wide embroidery flounce ï¬nished with Cording and tucking, each†1 00 Ladies’ Plain White Cotton C a m b t i c Underski r t s, with ï¬ne lawn (rill. c d g c d with h e a v y' lace, each an Ladics’ Plain White Cotton Undmkirts, made with 2 rows of wide tucks and plain hcmstitched edge, each v Skirts from 39c to $4.50 Ladies’ Fine White Cambric Gowns, made empire and parisian styles, trimmed with lace and embroidery and ï¬ne tuckings, each .... .95 Ladies' White C a m b r i c - Gowns, with embroidery and tucked yoke, frilled neck, front and cuffs, each.. . Ladies' Fine White Camhric Muslin Gowns, made with lace and cluster tuck yoke, high and low necks "An Ladies‘ White Conan Night Gowns. made Gowns from 39c to $4.00 Corset Covers from 90 to 82; I LINEN TAhâ€"EE The changes in shapes and s t y l e s o f Corsets are so many t h e s e days that it’s hard to know what is the proper make to choose or buy. We have been a long time at t h e business and know the bad ; already Swiss Made Runners, madec sheer white lawns, with fancy embroidery and hemstitchec edges, size, 18x 54,at 6%" /7~ Five o’Clocks. Plain WW. Linen Cloths with {ringt‘ edgadamask patterns, 36’ 36 inches, at 35c,45c Bleached Damask Cloths, Wm“ hemstitched edges. 36 x 3c inches, at 45c, 68c 99c. Runners for Dressing C355 :96 Sideboards, made 01 white lawns with fancy cmbroiddy and SCOIIOped edges sizes 1‘ x 54, 20 x68, at 32:,4: c, 63 Bleached tablings at 72-inch table linens, all put: Irish black, made in ml damask pattern,warrantcd :7! pure flax, per yard . . .. M (00 yards of halï¬blcachcc‘ damask, floral and spot pa:- terns, 72 inches wide, ï¬ne make, per yard. . .‘5 Half‘bleached tablings at 225C to 00.00.0000. .. .m EMBROIDERED WHITE GOODS. Heavy make of all linen dam as}; pattern, half-bleached ubiing 60 inches wide" 311/. BOught from the makers in Scotland and Ireland, pure flax goods, all reliable :â€" Half-bleached 58 inch tab}: linens. diced check patterns. _ all flax, per yard m“ LOT III. B:st pure liner bladed Cloths, damask pa:- tcrns,2x2§and 2x3yatds regular ptice $4.00. damage pace Ion... 3m LOT II. All linen bleached table cloths. 2 x 29.2x: LOT I. Pure linen table cloth; all bleached, 2 yds wide 2n: 3 yards long ; regular price $3 to $3.50, on account d the damage for 2; x 2:1: yards ; regular priéc $3. 50, damage yricc for...... 2.“ ‘5 v*. W, mag: 9:30: for†â€3m TABLE LINEN S. 68: to 1.3 have flaws i: 12'. 2.25