more or less, and all that part of ssid Lot - umber 2i BL male on the south oido of Burmi iiiver containing 63 ond 1-10 ocreo waste 0 1e53, and oil thuc port of Lot Num- Ger :2, in the said lot. Coneeooion, situto on she oomh side of Burn; Rwanexcep tï¬vo acres at the southowaot corner, acid to \Vil- 113m L. I stimer, the bshnc containing 20."; lures more or less, on the whole farm containing 241 acres more or loan. ILL REMâ€"10"; of tho purchooo monoy at the tin e of me u.‘ e um! tho pmbo'hnoe in 000 month “hereof: er without inhereot. At tho Option of the purchozor one-bolt of tho pur- c'nflle money moy be oocured by ï¬rst mort- glgo on the roperty with interoot st 57 tor a. term ’33:; Further paucnlam and condition of oolo can be. bod on upplicotion to the MW‘ edoudwill bommncodottmod oolo. madman: Fobrnry. 1.1). ms. DENNISTOUN, PM STEVENâ€, Potorborough, Out. Vollc’o Wood; We ue inntruckd m ofl'or for ulo by public auction at the Simpson Houto in the Iowa of Lindsay, County of Victorin, on Saturday, the 22nd day of March, v.2 p. m., tho following town Ind firm pzoperty, namely : PARCEL l.â€"-In the Town of Lindny. being composed of Town lot Number 24, on file South Side of King SR“: Ind Kilt of <:. David Street. The" in a. stool! dwell. ing house on this property. PARCEL '2 â€"In the Townohip of Vern- lnm, being composed of the North-Wat Qnofter of Lot. humer 4. in the 9th Con- ceeslon, nnd all of Lot Numb! 5, ill the 9m Concession, and conuining 250 m moreor Iesn. Upon this pmperty in n anh- ntnnzznl dwelling hour, barnl, etc. Tl†mud is in a good state of cultivation. PA'RCEL :;.â€"1n the Township of Golâ€" wgy._ogmg composed of Lot Number 30, in the 1.1:: Concession, containing 1C0 act“ more or less. This is an improved fnnn. Tnere are about 40 acre: clenred and the av 33 ‘nereon a good frame dwelling house sad I dairying purpoees. Termsâ€"10 per cent. 31: time of ale, Info Scion: theremth to meke up 30 per cent. wizh'n 30 days, and balance. if desired, may rennin on mort It 6 per ant. Property will be sold an ject to a reserved bid. For further pmiculu'e upply to A. M. CAVERLEY. Woodville. U.- to C. E. WEEKS, Vendors’ Solicitor, Wood ville. â€"w4. Under sad by virtue of the power of snle contained in n certain mortgego which will be produced at time of sale, there will he ofl'ered for sale by Public Auction at Me- Kinnon’s Hote'. Lorneville. on 81'!“- DAY. men 891]. 19.3. 3029-13. the following propenty, namely : PmofLotSin the“ Con. oi Eldon, «.‘ouhty of Victoris, containing shoot one- ï¬fth of on note, on which is litunted the foe! ry known on “The Lorneville Cheeee and Butter Futory.†The fectory innewl built. of lu‘ge size. end in furnished wi coli storage computments end other neceso 3_ry appointments and neoommodntiun for me mmufmtum of cheese end butter. The whole building stands on stone ionndntion. I: is x'uiiy equipped with oil :eceseery plant end machinery therefor, neerly new end in goon order. There is also on the premise- 3 good engine and boiler, 8min for crush- lug grain and a good well. The {notary is situated at Lornoville Junction in 3 good sec.ion of country and well ndeptet‘ tor It in fully equi Ind mtchinery good order. I] a gcod 'engine ing grain and is Iitunled at. I seen: on of cm wul v1.1: Liam Inn m and 3rd Wed-u m. n WSW!â€- 30"- g.m9 p... â€59.3. Min-I. no. on. no. and amtâ€"willâ€- _og... GHEESE AND BURKE 1'16le In the Township «31¢.an the County at Victoria. ELIAS BOWES, mi“ T. POPHAM McGULj._0_U_(jH DR. 6. S. RYIRSOI. oo cowl-n» mm 5... Ear. lo}. and fluent Wm _. A A__ LAMâ€"‘-_ ms 1-03 SAL Con-h M1. s numb: bro! “up we poy ml. c to: cum to n... quo urinl muted. pom Wriufor prior. 1 _ Jï¬ï¬ï¬DPEY. nul- A Brick hot-no outcome: Ridout sud Mill-sta. Brick home on Victoris Avenue. A!» areal other building: sud firms for ale. Apply to ARM FOR SALE OR RENT-Boil. Eu: half Lot. 24, Con. 9. Buck. m mlo north of Mail!» 4 mile. from Cu:- uingtoo. 100 new. 90 was durod, coil luk clty loun. On um km in 3 good :ono bums, {sir outbuilding. orchu'd. two road went. sad 3 no": {tiling upring crook. 9311 plan bin well udnnood. Apply to :EU. .10 INS X, Box 53. Cmingun, or 21 Lot 2. Con. 13, MuipooLâ€"wtf. AUBTIUH SALE OF rm All] .rm PROPERTY. in m nos: m mom HOUSES FOR SALE OR SALEâ€"A 150 um tum for a]. three mile. from Linduy. on the OM lee food. The building- on the m re hirly good. Tom mab'o. Ap- ‘lv to Dovid Wdhr. Linda-y P. 0.â€"wt.!. dwtf petty of Mrs. Kempt. lug. Brick Honu on Ridouc-It. for ale or to tent, lstoly oczupied by Dr. Blunchnd. Hit LL 4. â€"1n the Township of Somer- : being composed of all thst gut of the h Half of Iot. \umber 2), in the at “31011. sinuute on the noxth tide of 5 Réver, and containing 69‘9-l(‘)_ggep go'Blo'Sim'l-M' ___‘ 7 1’- 0-"! :5 manna cam... uwlmplomnt Nara-come, C'l’lï¬â€˜S SALE OCR FIFTY-SEVENTH YEAR-NO. 56. J- J- IUNDY, Vodu.â€"'4. wm‘.n.Ss., Next Prubyhriï¬n Church. J. P. RYLEY, Age1 R SALEâ€"~A good young thorough. bred Durham Bull C :1! for n19. Ap. .o J. N. TAYLOR, Lot 10, Con. 3, law, Bobcsygoon P.O.â€"-w4. LINDSAY. ONT. Real Estate Agent. Agent. GREGOBY'S EMULSIGN in being used 1n preference to 3.11 0 than. nppot :e réturnn, patient dig‘su 3nd mim- ihfu food more perfectly and gtinl in in the cream of Cod Liver Oil combined with Hypophoephiteemhich is the very best medicine to take at this time of yeer to help eheke oï¬' the: cough which he eteyed vith you 311 winter. It my be and for children an! thou having delicate Itomwhn. This con gh,if not. gotten rid of st once, it will avenmlly lad to Coxsuurnox. weight. GREGORY’S SUPERIOR EMULSION OF GOD LIVER OII. ...00LLEGE... V Y.M.C.A. Building, Toronto, Ontario DAVID HOS KI N S. c. A. Principal BRITISH AIEBIGAN BUSINESS Is needed if the young man or woman would succeed in the business world today. Such an education is received in this most up-todate and best equipped college, Colorado Springs, Denver, 3 Helena, Butte, Pueblo, >$40.25 Ogden and Salt Lake City Spokane, Wash ........... $40.75 North Paciï¬c Coast and Kootenay Points $43.75 Proportionnte rates to nnd from other points, limited to continuous name. nnd wiil boon «In daily from Marc 1-: to Ap- ril 30th 1002. Full puticnlnrl nnd informs tion from Agent: Grand Trunk Rnilwny System. ll. 0. DICKSON, District Panenger A331: Excursion Fares Special Colonist Separator -LINDSAY TO- Billings, Mcntms .......... $35.25 P. J. Wilkinson, Gen. Hunter, Cream Sharples 1% ha a. msrked _ofl'eo§_ upon nguritipr, J. H. SOOTHERAN The norm! 1'. mm ï¬lm fummm-lulOYul-I It Loin-t Cut-nut Rm of Inter-t with prim... of rep-moat in haul. All bulim- of this memo kept Itriohb print. uni oonï¬dontisl. Come and no me it you want money and got my terms. not when required. promu kept down to the lowest l SALEâ€"Ono Thoroughbred Barium Bull Calf. i old. she on. Thorough. bud Hem: I. 5 month- old. n. then m vary flu mind: 0! milking stain. Haldane-viii)- Nolan bu- nin. BBNI. BURC HELL. Commâ€"'4 BOROUGHBRRD CATTLE SALEâ€"Ono Thoroughbnd I Bul! 9*". l :09! dd. -l_-° 99- 11h! FARM LOANS OR SALEâ€"50 5cm. putly clan-ed. Sou .h-mt qua-tor Lot. 8, Con 6, Op! C1. loam. No bmldingn. For rticulrn npp y to WM. HOGAN, Lmduy .0.â€"3m. Land Aunt. 91 Kent-It. 1.1an . 'GREGORY’S, \ young mu: shout 20 yam of age would like to work on a fem with 3 View of atting experience. Will work cheep. .pply m Box 176, Lindsey P.0.-â€"wtf. Comer Drug Store, Linda). A Business °‘†Edueation... Cambray. WW AG ENTS : Absolutely Safe Simple and Easy to Clean It Skims Clean Suspendeg N 0 Discs Low Supply Lindsay. Bowl, FOR POWLL‘S‘ CORNERS. The Fex‘elon Council and other township councils should offer great- er inducements to farmers to build more wire fences._ Before it is all over this Fenelon Counml will be cullâ€" ed upon to pay for snow gruelling an amount that would build a great many rods of wire fence. Aoot‘uer green: edmntage in wire fences to that if the fence posts are put 30 feet apart there will be no plwh holes; We would suggest that every township Council pay 25 cents a. rod of a bonus to the Lennard who build wlre fences in tile future. The roads are impamlgle just now_ uni} have been for some time. - The office depattment has not- iflad a l the pottmters to welsh all Now is the time to consider the question of buying or building a house of your own. If you are able to pay down a portion of the purchase price we will advance the balance and allow you to repay in monthly payments, which is equivalent to rent with this difl'erence, that in time the property is your own. H18 Yifllflflfl Loan and Sflflflfls ï¬nmnanu 12“,“??- 21130133â€:ng mg; . Ladies Extn Fine Cumbric Cornet Cov- Valerwein‘gslue yoke of pique with in tern, yoke end arm holes trimmed with garden end embrouiery trimmixiga. reflu- ithree Inch deep Inca. feather Ititch Ebrnid, trimmingnn seems. regular price In priee $1.15, SATURDAY end MONDAY .................. 85clg91~iï¬ATURDAY md MON 4-88 0‘ â€â€W“MWMM““ mu“ Sea Bills for more complete list .of Spoolal offerings. ........................ Children'o White stn Dragon, (119 81.71;) iodmu. 'r'ognm price 75: each, 550 SATURDAY .nd MONDAY... Flt men 1 to 4 yours. trimmed with an- broidory, ingortinq minutiae}- stitched Exceptional Happeningâ€"tho offering of Choice New Vlhltewear at such low prices-jun in thdr wearing season. Gflllnllil's: IIII‘I’E I “NW COINS. 790. I ' ‘ . hm names. :Eï¬â€˜t‘ifl: 3222‘331535‘1121 : OOOOCWOOOOWOMNOOO: 66.0.000000000000000â€OO“ 5 doz. only, Lndiu’ AlloWool Ribbed 6"" and IAINâ€. Buck Worsted 1nd Cuhmero Hon. some ' ' . with double knee. ulnr ‘7an 35a to 3323;133:1533}? ï¬rms:- 50.: pair: SATUR AY 3nd price 10° emu SATUR- MONDAX ................. 25c] DAY :nd MONDAY.. 4 for 250 â€0‘ “Wâ€â€œâ€œâ€œâ€â€œâ€œâ€œâ€œâ€œâ€â€œâ€œ (5le M00101.- dm or None. not- :2 smurmmgrragsw a I . and M NDAY .................. 8c GAIN"!!! I“)!!! Whitewear Bargains 11m emu-1mm Ml! be new: for m all-dun In low Spring lam â€"_â€"' 'I Buy nowâ€"a good Trunk is a credit to I WHEN To Buy you whether you travel or stay at home. Buy hereâ€"we sail Trunks in eight I “HERE To Buy cities and towns in Canada-4xoeptional buying facilities ensures low prices to every bcdy. MARCH f. FLAVBLLE. President. “DANS also made on farm property at lowest currcnt rates. HEAD OFFICE will surprise you. TRON KS, VALISES, TELESOOPES and alltnvolllng moos- sltles, BOOTS and SHOES. Our variety will pleasa'you, our low prices Sole A gent for The Slater Shoe. amee every Trunk we sell. Going West ? PRINTS-~90:- yml co. '3: Hi» Mug. 2 5 c 8th If you are, your ï¬rst Requisite is a Truuk. SUTCLIFFE SON S, 10th. ZR. NEILL, SUTCLIFFE’S Oï¬eo Hoursâ€"9 mm. to 4.30 pm. duly. LINDSAY, ONT.. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1902. lINDSAY. Buy the Trunk that will stand the wear and tear of a. long journey. We guar- SATURDAY and for Saturday and Monday. Mr. D. F. Mllloy. station agent at Urn-me, was'reueved for one-month and he spent about three weeks visit- ing lfl‘i lather-m-law. Ir. John Brown. He W rammed to his post. Hrs. Milloy. wh'o baa been hqre near three abut», mm rqturn’ In a few was Martha- Cullis is visiting mend: and DEL'LflVpB in m: vicinity of Little Britain. coigramuuons to Mr. s. J. Sixiï¬a. dentist. We wish this young couple many Happy yous. ,Fenelon Fullu people lune much mason to be proud oft hem as itlwem. ‘ the mail received and despntchsd for 80 days. What is the next. thilngon the prom-m " Ladies Gowns nude of ï¬ne English can. brie, trimmed with ï¬ne umbdc insertion and embroidery. some with tuckod yoken. regular mice 81 00 and 81 25, 79 SATURDAY .na MONDAY.. 6 WRSET 00'5“. , no- mu NINA. tho Yd. W 97 Inch Ginghun in rod sad white, uloo buck 3nd Whiu coloringl. lpochl 50 per ynrd ........................ 01,8“A'ronnu'hhd MONT ï¬démï¬ï¬ 7.411335? 79c CANADA’S 8H0! Kllc OIIPI and SMIGIIS. UR MAY.’ on. 5‘2...“ 48c â€on: PRICE. JAMES LOW. {Hi-'- Trub‘wos’ (ozn'ention. On motion of Mr. Anderson. second- ed by Ur. John KennoxLy. Rev. J'. W. Macmillan and Col. Deacon were up. [)0th to represent the board at the annual meeting of the Ontario Edu- cational Assoclation, to be h‘ 1:! In Toronto about the end _of the month . Publk‘. School Libra-lee. Principal Brbï¬eriok addressed the Whuppurto! hilaehcmeto mum: a mall “bury in each of Hit» wan.) chock. He had weanin- ad flint wound in ever: ï¬n rend. mesow.monly one In evecy nine or m tglkou book- on‘t Mr. Anderson. ch'linuun. press-Mud u report from the Finance cnmmlttcu which recommended pmnuent of .n. number of accounts and dealt with several applications for a refund or fees. Secretary Spier was instruct- ed to inform tho Town Council that th‘o Boas-J would 'submlt nu estimates for the you: at the wheat pouible moment. TU: report was «Japan. Mr. Staples. dull-mun o! the Man- aging committoc. reported verbally. Tho [blleglute Instltutc repairs should be arranged for. and he Would llke th: full board to make an enm- lnntlon.â€"-Agreod to. VIE-3 Trunca' Convention. ‘ Prlncipal Ear-tune explaUneJ that in asking for a deputaï¬lon um Loc- ture committee were.ncting In no. cord with the wishes of the County repriaelrtatives at Oltlwn. but after some farm 3: discussion the board do- cldcd agalnst tn? sending of a re- promntntive on the mlnaion mvntirm- -7“ From the Deputy Minister of Edu- mtiou, referring to the inspection or the Collegiate Codm. Corps in June 1901. as being very favorable, and adding tint the government gram would be forwarded shortly. Over-worked Caretakers. Mrs. Thompson. caretaker of the east wax-J. athooi. and Mr. Hall. south ward school, applied for increases of salary. Th0 former is paid $10.â€- and 1h.) latter 8150 for looking after four rooms. â€"Rerorred to managing com- mittee. Inspector Knight nah-d than. the windows of the Collegiate Assembly ball be fitted with weights and pro- that] with blindo 111 time (or. the Entrance exnmmationaâ€"Reterral to managing cgmmlttee. Dr. Jottersâ€"“We h'u'c two Senat- orsand two members of parliament at Ottawaâ€"wrely thxv can attend to the matter." , , ' er. R. Kennezb thought the speak. ere were incline! to be too brunt on tho Lecture committeeâ€"they were justified in endeavorlng to secure a .rioit from Sir \Hltr'ul and. it would be a line thing if the; suocccdml. (barman Stewart, while recogniz- ing the great value of the Lecture (curse. and sympathizing with the dcsrc of th‘: committee to secure em- inent speakers. thought It would be a mistake to urge the Premier too stronglyâ€"it was almost too much to expect th-tt he could spare a. couple or days to visit Lindsay for. the pur- pgqe gefggred to. .. ,u‘ 4L- A,A,_|- Rev. J. W. Macmillan thought the 812 or 315 required to send a. depu- tation 0! one to Ottawa. could be expended to better advantage. 'l'ni‘re was no on an would rather hear. or whose powers of speechjmpress. «Hahn no and), but he thought. the Lecture committee should have some consideration for a. busy man like Sir Wilfrid: 7 A , .- Mr. Anderson pointed out that if the Immier cement“ to lecture 1n Lindsay he wouid be pester-ed with invitations from othzr plame._ Mr. Jt-hn Kennedy thought it. Would bonnwlae and natal: to ask the Preâ€" mier of Canada to waste twu or three (hays 0! his very valuable time In coming to Lindsay upon such an cr- rqnqd. ‘A 14 Principal Broderick.. of thy Public Schools. reported 875 pupils on the rolls, and an average attendance of 755. He asked authority to purchase ton British Bmpirc maps and charts 0! un- m Commammenta for the various schools â€"(:rn.ntod. They Want the Premier. A communication was read from the Lecture Course committee of tho: Collegiate Institute asking the board's coâ€"opcra‘tlon m an endeavor to secure Sir Wilfrid Laurier as one o! the lecturers on next year's course. Principal flax-atone “as heard in support'ot the request. Thu minutes of nut meeting warn road by Secretary Spin and on mn. tlon were conï¬rmed. A Couple 0! Roportq. Principal Bnrhtone'u "port of tha- nttondamo at lb.) Coltuglntu was an tollmn; 0n roll. 10:; from town 127. count)~ {8. out-Ade points 7. Ava-age titanium;- 1.: Feb; n 111 163. A grant of 810 mm asked for th: purdmsc of lantern olldes to Ifluatmte Greek and Roma H Iton, and 89" to Main in machining ~12 caps [or ï¬ne cadet corps-Referred t9 _comx_nltteen. 50m In the ducal-Ion 01 may" 0! public sum-c. 1h numb". pn- unt was Chairman suns-t. Rev. J. W. Macmillan and “I. J. D. Plumb. 3. Room. Dr. Bum-lined. J. Damon. D. R. Amn. P. G. Pllkic. J. KenneJy. Jon. Staples. Dr. Jeflexl. and W. Mc‘fluttorl; mm R. Sylvester. Ir. Anton» and Other: Hunt the luv. Should be In“ at 0.00 â€"â€"Prlnolpal Broderick um. Intro- «00 sum Ion Vim In tho touting 0! may†â€6 In the loam» mu VIII: Other “tools at tho Town’s I: um-uumu In the will. 80 â€In no In! bananaâ€"8|! mum to to In- vltod to Inn-n. The men who dine; our education- .1 mm turned out 13' great force TIMI 'ay evenLn; Md loom acouphy u! The Council May Have to Provide 815000. NORTH IMO “I! FRAIGIIJ‘I" mu MIMI“. H W 361100! Bllllfllflï¬. Reports of (ommitlccu Two Cummuumtiuus. mun. We extend an imam-ties; eon- g‘mluuuoms. 'nhe young Indy will be sadly aroused in Pneiel church. where «he always exhibited a keen interest, but mm particularly. her absence will be fett in the Sunday School. “ten drum 1'. mt matting water. A: number at the choï¬'_ she her n-“ncum as; ch!- evening main {or m week's Manama. They will reside m uh: ltlh can. at M where Mr. \Vebnster recently punched .- nnit. The wedding took place at the home ,ut the bride's rather. Mr. W. J. Wright. and about one hundred cue-Le \n-n- present. The bride was attired inpmm lustre. ind lacked charming. indeed. She was misted by Miss Flam Osborne and Miss Ayers. The bridegmom's Militiafieï¬ were his two baothe‘rs. The yohng_conplc _Iett_ an- We are sorry to lose from owl com- munity Mr. Right!!! Firma. who. move-s to his new.ka mum! new Pint-duh, about the mth inst..- mr. Minna: win be. greatly mined in ! ~, Al) ri-vlca and \w tender him and ‘ Eugenia "bettar hail" our sincerest ans (or their prosperity. I 31:. W Squires. q! '1‘. Eaton - Go‘s gulf. Toronto. is spending a few I dawn with his parents. i Mine Maggie Smith called on friends ; in Lindsay recently. i A: at nth minister. are a much unwed claws qt men. but when n 1 young man #131103 a real-1y important 3 [flow a! war]: done he conclmieb the l minister is “all right." So lhmmht i Mvr. Md)- Wehster. at Oakwood. (or on Um 19w ult. be persuaded Rev. Muvén. «11.90111 ypool. to perform mm ‘ ceremony by which. he and Miss Edith ; Wright. of this plane, were made a I the people in this vicinity are going to vote [at Mr. Smale and burst. gov- ernment. No bedter man in an the ridin could have been selected to cen- tut. esthtaï¬xthiaa mu (ts/rent “My he will'nuh: a metal member. and. win be a- credit Lb this mun ts passed any. :12: commneu age on. these valuable animals at the time of death Wm! 61 years. and no better homes were tq be found in this section ct the country. .Mr. Handcock is a heal preacher and a great politician and: m: when]! at the temper- ance one. and consequentw the team hue done him yeomqnpervice. ï¬at trdundio‘ up the Boers u h hp can do. e an ï¬MerVeki'ton Smle win he at ch: top of the Ladder after nextrdecï¬on. _A11 .Mr. M. Tannin, .0! Eden, has dis» posed at his blood mare. which will be shipped to South Africa. Col. Sun. will have. to get a hustle on Lt he intends tome this nimble hone ' LINDEN VALLEY. Mr. Ben. Hancock. 3 respecced reed- dent at this vicinity. was once the {mud possessor of a. team of horses. Int on account old age they have passed away. combined age at? "DWI. PlnnlLv tho resolution was modified in tone. and Messrs. Flavelle. Pllkle. Anderson and Chnrmw Stewart wrre appointed a committee to gap that iulormaxion to be submitted to up Councn and ratepayers. . - The ham-d adjourned at 1230‘ mu- cld Union- School. Chairman Stowart said an eightqoom school would call for SIZAIJO or $15,000, and 111-. peopte would not vote the money no†comlncod “ht the ex- pcmktnre was absolutely mu and unavoidable. Mr. sum supâ€" ported Mr. Anderson. and would like to we work begin at tie earliest mo- ment. ' - A - .IDQ , Q The revolution provoked much dia- cusaion. some of the members being of the opinion that the schools re- ferred to could be repaired no as to anew-3r for some-years to come. Mr. l-‘lox'elh‘ {knight that it a. new whool um to be erected}; dgonl‘d replace wet-e unfit tor moo! purposes. H at: town can build a. new tire hall for 1h? accommodation of the tire- mcn ani teams. and a large amount in ï¬xing up this hall. surely we can anon! to mend some money [or tlie gcgd of on; _¢h':\drcn. N (aw. School Wanted. Mr. Auden-on. anaconda-l by Col. Deacon, Intruduocd a, resolution 119- proving of the erection o! a new nights-com whom on the nite of the prPu-nt north‘ ward animal. and cu!!- ing on we Council to furnish the mammary funds. In support of the motion Mr. Anderson pointed out that the present Public School debenture indebtedness was only 314.76. If an board didn't build a large sum would have to he spent In patching up the north ward tux! Francis-ht. schools to no good pnrpoac. mg those» building: 7 The suggestions" were dbcuuod to:- due time. Rev. Manta W that W the director- 01 the Public mm m mum:- to auto tb'o Janus tenant more "mtg. but It. roan-bot an an En ch- d book! not be» qua-u: and to: by Library rud- au. was not the tuna denimâ€"oven 010 book. In some 0! the Sabbath rhool mam-lea more unnluble. Ono undia- bad expended about .90 during tho Ian: than or (our yen-u In emulating a, small library. and the chum-an were eager to get the book-.1302» wu an amount of 870 on hand tram the last Empire Day concert. and this would cameo for V Thé {we propositions were endors- ed and on motlon Mr. Broderick was granted two weeku’ leave of chance. hm exposing to be erayod by the bound. II. Curtâ€"Mel- on. 1! tin “bra-lea veto well putt-om “is board would be naked for a. guilty: buy new book: nominate tepid but an m of 1M proceed. of an Emplre Day en- umlnuieot. He duo dealt-ed tho boaN‘l penal-don to mood aoouple of wash ï¬tting the mhool- mother (2qu with: view to the introduc- ugn o! om‘lnprovenggto. . of tha- Public Library. Experience Had taught him that it would be de- arable to have a number of books in 180 chooll. no that the teachers might be able to recommend the book belt united to this child. Dir. Brod- erick aid he would and like to get tho band'- endorutlon of nndlcal (tango in the method of teaching geographyâ€"he promised to introduce 'Itcreoptlcon views. and lie “shed the hoard to m'ldo tbs gue- or views, I’ENIEL TERMS:$LOO PER YEAR AJ! our !nlchincu are upmâ€" M of the but Intuit, by Cam workmenâ€"exactly suiuble bx- Cm- “Irv -u â€"....7. _ rnoenuy. while in company with two lady friends sleigh riding on How- din‘s mu in‘ the village. Wye M (-1130 will have a speedy recovery. ‘ Mr. Joseph Lee. one of out no.- perous farmers is ccntomphï¬ï¬‚ffl mention»! a dome tau“! 3*! uppBr pin. and lire stock: um- neawlh‘. Since Mr. Vance has tire: Q life h’: has devoted his ‘1:- municipal tcntion to (he {arm and no doubt will cox-lua- great!!!- benefits tum-erred. - Miss Shannan. teacher In the pui- Iéc wt'ool. Bethany. had the union'- mm: to hm); her leg below tbs km u-vu u.--.. _ . _ Mr. John Vance is about to erect one of up largest gain and M harm in this tomlity this caning summer. Th3? dimensions. we under- stand. will be 45 ft. by 85 ft.. cw of Molding the kg: _and grain 13th: A A.‘ “â€"4.â€" Mr. Wm. Burk who has leased the [am Iormerly occupied by Mr. Joli: Fowler. is at present m‘oving his in- plements and stock and will aoonbe um 33' from amongst us. We widr' hilt nhcndanco of moms in hfls new. home. Mr. Robt. Bell. formerly of Gavan township. has purchase-.1 the ï¬fty acre farm {oruwrly owned by Ir. Robt. Arnott. and took Waco March the lat. and by all mom will soon be mkim: unto himself a. h'elnmate. which ‘wm make Bob’fl lib one of sunshine and happiness. '0 wish him mucosa in; 111:3 ungeymkug Wutendent White; at the Grand hunk Railway 0a. at Canaan. In. wrinten Mews. Ghrmidmeb Bros" In] and grain WIS. at this tow-.01 oongmtuhtary letter expressing h'n appmcntion at the latte vdnme u! Mesa his company received at their hands during the past couple of yeuu The gentlemen this. week are receiving at this station. _ ...f. v (From Our Own Col-remnant.) ‘ Mr. David Flack had the midortone to lose a wry h-mdsome young hora last week. Mr. Flack in company with two lad; friends drove to Lind- saw about four weeks ago and dur- has his absence the horse got in- jurod. \ veterinary was summoned andandwcu' m mmttoh'ul been over come. but one]! was not the case, the injuries being Intel-ad. and despite th’e elforta at Dr. Ian)!!! thn beast died. _ 7 Miss Eva Hack. who had been visit- ing relatives in Cavuu township and Peter-bore for some time, returned to her home last week. and, )udglng by hcr appearance she certainly enm- od her visit. Messrs. Batty Thompson slipped on May Last a. couple at car leak of hogs to the Toggto markets: M. O‘Brien, the great phenobâ€" gistud Toronto .is at fluent amt at the Bennett house. ‘Those who have called on the learned pm! speaE very lighty at him. ‘ Messrs. N. D. McKinnon and J. H. Humphrey are able to be around af- ter their short illness. / CANNINGTON. .- ' (Special L! The Post.) d Mr. C. H. Ameyhasopened upbusâ€" ineadaere on Laulhwat. He mil! keep in stock pines. organs and sewing mes of the best manufacture. at numb]: prices and envy tgrxns. 93mm E-PERHHPS. 13p tc th’a hour of going to men no trod: intormuuon could he cup- pued by the police. Wednesday u- flex-noon Chief Neviaon enlarged th'e opening in the Ice and spent some time grappilng for the body. but without mucosa. that th’: «Mortua- ntwo man committed suicide I‘d not fully bellevod ‘7 .aus ‘ Chino! Nevison and other poked around in the water for a time with long poles, but without result. Many are or the opinion that. Paddy‘s body is under thy be. while others he- ueve um he has (one to the couch-J (or a few days. fearing tint he would be sent to 5.101 for his Kong- day crapade. All‘vwfll be pleased“ 3 turns up in the course of afem 5-8. ing to the much No dgouicqoce was attached to the fmd until it w {sax-nod ting; Paddy was missing â€"1 than the head and [out coves-mg- wcre identiï¬ed by Mrs. PadJy in having been worn by he: erring mouse when he left the house lion- M31. A {cw minutes later Mr. Lew Win. ten~ found a hat and one oven-awe 9n ugc rife: bank nan}; theï¬tggs lead. m an m m mu «mum PAYABLI m mvulon In Last Soon Yuan†Ionic. at (.80 Int Lindsay-st. It“... Paddw Donom laborer. font-in from his hone nnd mum hunts. and than to none moon to [utmtheemodantqthuw luv )0:- aad mm Ion-om by plant- ln; Into We river yummy morning as u ml: hour. but «us unable to gun, «1mm. When: he spent the night to not “own-probably In coma stable. Next morning a. young man mined O'Brien. who works at Sylvester. foundry. met him aboat 0.30 no“: backwater Curtln's office, at the norm and of the Lmdmy-at. budge. Since um hour he has not been seen ofnen. ' " PM†undated 1n tmuent drink. Mom. haying heard that roam- Uou I’M on the w, sad “as: om- tng Chief chl-on mm but can; In. um Iogk up for o, (ow. honnjo {In L._ A ,, bun a chance to conu- u Hem "bended about 10 o'cloc. and:- canned to his chuck in the east mud. AS‘OIE "10W Mysterious Disappearance of Paddy Donoghue. 36833:.» vantages" .3000 38 a any 383 Sag-ogfl 053‘! 4:99:05 he alum-r Ila No Truce of Missing Han l-‘LEETWOOD William Stud; speedy recovery- ‘ . one of our ms- ; ccntemphfllefll re mum: nab: m to tho use. at headed ‘1 n In 1171!!! he u