1MER8 [nix-lain andon. FD ‘98 u MPAN Y. !"J 533i"- IZE. Child 'ornlebyP,J A Wonderful Preparation "ROkco Cereal Coffee,†pure, whole- ‘0m9, nourishing, highly recommended ’3' leadin ph Sicians. Rocko is eggs] 0 ï¬le. co ee, {at only costs 5 the price and Is used at meals instead of poxson- ms teas and coffee. By constant use iOKQO CEREAL COFFEE will give 'Ou VIII), vi or, vitality. energy, health ad strengt . and is a positive cure for WWII» indigestion. etc. 10c. pock- M 150. lb. or 211:; for 25:. For I10 by ALL 8300338. l. :2:th would be on‘ a. par with that use! by the Library Board for keep- ing in its employ two citizens at an unfair a wage. We sincerely hope, for the honor of the town of Lindsav. that the Li- .rarv Board will reconsider their de- geisicn and grant the more than rea- laonab‘e request of the “Mariam.â€" - TU'JYSQ 9tâ€: Uhen They Were Leaving Rehlioroâ€" Ir Wm. Cornell Goes to Peterborough. ' TEN members of the Canadian Orâ€" :a- of Foresters at Reaboro met an ."xe';r lodge rooms recently and me- 39' illeasrs. Wm. Corpeil and Joe. 3:21:19; mt: the following addrea. which was accompanied by a: useful mu costly present to each: < Messrs. Wan. Corneil) and Joe. Brad- {$215100}: would dare make such an Malawian. 'fllen mt Is the tea. 1502? “Because we (the Public Li- §brar5 Board) cannot aflogfl it." Then we cannot attend .to have It- mariansâ€"thc town of Lindsay as a municipality cannot afford to have in .IS employ two adults drawing the miserable pittance of three hundred dollars a. year. Think of it ! about 28c. per day l I; is no argumant to say that other municipalities do not pay any more. ;.' a criminal was to stand in awit- ness box and claim that he was justi- fled in stealing because some other 2muvidual had done likewise. would that argument be enter-tanned. by a. judge or Jury? But. snob amiargar- rare. Mr. Bradley has moved onto a David Took: taxm', 90th of Ome- The Librarians’ Salary; A (To the Editor ot' The Post). Dear Sir,â€"I see by the report of “.he meeting of the Public Library Board which appeared in the issue of your paper of the 9th inst, that the request of the librarians for an acreasc of salary has been refused. and Wm, ? Is it because they already receive a reasonable amount for 4193: services? No person yho is met imbued to an extraordinary de- gree with the mil-it of a. modern NORTH WARD CITIZEN. Lindsay, March 14th, ’02. LINDSAY, FRIDAY. MAR. 2131. TCEZ 1e: The Weekly Post. WANTA M’T‘G 60.. Ltd. Ongwn. Ont. COM MU NICATION S RECEIVED AI ADDRESS is not a violent treatment, but if you are a victim to Grippe or subject to colds and coughs, it will care you as certainly as night iollows day.â€"Just one thousand testimonials to prove the truth of itâ€"and you can verify any or all of them by writing. All 6m sell Dunn Gav-‘31? -or you an «do: direct by enclosingascentsto Grippe The death-knell of Grippe is soundedâ€"medical science has given us the secret for dealing this “ grimmst †of ailments a blow that will efl'ectively and permanently expel it from the systemâ€" and prevent the dire distress that follows in its wake. Death-ï¬ne“ of Uwanta camp: Capsule In addition. however, to these pay- ments, the ï¬re alarm system, which was estimated at one thousand dol- lars. actually cost twelve hundred and tiny-one dollars and two cents, making a, total outlay of two thous- and eight hundred and thirty-six dol- laroand allot .me cents mustang levy at one In t on the dollar and-title ' 'Bhe cost of the extensions-was only fifteen hundred and eighty-rive dollars and ninety-three cents, and rot nineteen hundred dollars, as es- timated ; and the amount of mane was paid in three sums of five hundred dollars, on the fifteenth September, five hundred dollars. on’ the titth October. five hundred dollars; and five hundred and eighty-five dollars and ninety-three cents on seventh of December. 1900,â€"or four (Insat- ter the passage of the by-law‘ No. ‘ 917. ‘ None of these three Bums was paid out of the Sinking: Fund. l I On the nineteenth November. 1900. u by-law numbered 917 was Intro- duced in the Council authorizing the dimosal of the two mortgages refer- red to in the Finance Report of the fourth August. and the investing of the proceeds in the waterworks ex- tensions. Thls by-law recited that the corporation held two certain mortgages from S. P. ‘avis annd C. G. Preston. rt spectively, given in part payment of lots col-i to them pursuant to 46 Victoria, chapter 36, upon which there was respectively due two hundred and eight dollars and interest, from first January,- 1900; and eight hundred dollars and interest from' first October. 1900;: that it was desirable to dispose of them and invest the proceeds in the extension of the waterworks, and that the Town had moneys on hand for investment being moneys belong: ng to the Sinking Fund under hyâ€"‘ laws numbers 492. 52.8 and 575; and ‘ it was thereby enacted that the said mortgages he and the same-avers thereby set apart as part of the said Sinking; Fundâ€"tho same to be charg- ed up at theiriace value, with inter- est to the date oi the passing of this bylaw; and it was further enacted that the proceeds of the said mort- gages received from' said Sinking Fund be and same were thereby set apart to be invested in the extension of the waterworks system; and the frown Treasurer was thereby antho- izedtomsametotheBom-dof Water C'ommiazioners on amount of the extensions above referred to, and that the same be charged upto the waterworks acct. The by-iaw was finally passed on the third December, The two mortgages referred to in this report were held by the town as mortgagees. A by-Xaw was pass~ ed at the next meeting of the Coun- cil directing a levy of one mill on the (loner for the purposes above men- tioned ; and, on the fourth September. .1900. a resolution Was passed, on the motion of Alden-nan Jackson. direct- ing; the Waterworks Commission to proceed with the Work at once, as the Counci! had provided nineteen hun- dred dollars for extensions, and the town treasurer was thereby author- ized to furnish funds to the board from time to time- aa they required. 1900, on the motion of Alderman Jackson, authoflsing a. by-law‘ to be introduced at the next Council meet- ing to strike on additional rate of one mill on the dollar, and that the annulus reload. together with the Wander the two.mortgngelon Queen’s Square property. amounting to one thousand deluxe, be. set asxde for the necessary extenswn of the waterworks and for a. new ï¬re alarm â€stem. . _ , Inthe year 1900 the Town of Lind.- say purchamed the Waterworks Sys- tem, then in operation in that town; and it was taken over by C‘omm's- sioners on behalf of the town on the ï¬rst Juiy, 1900. Having been applled to tc put down extensions of the sys- tem the'Commtsnlonm communicat- ed with the Mayor. and Council or the town with nefenence to carrying out the work during that year,a.nd requt .3 money for the purposeâ€"i! the Council were in tumor.“ the work being done. The Council, agreeinxtu thework, passed a report of the Fin- ance commlttee on the fourth August. I This is an nppikntion by the re- L'Itor A. D. Manon for an order I'X‘t- ‘ ting aside and declaring invalid and r voul the election of tha- respondents, ‘ George Ingle as Mayor, and Alexan- ‘der Jackvon. John Horo. John 0'-‘ Rieily and Wiliiam M. Robson. as .\i- dcrmen, of the Town of Lindsay, held on the 30th of December. 1901,:1nd 6th of January. 190:. on the ground that the Council or Slit! town unlaw- fully diverted 8960.80 of the Col- iegiate Institute Sinking Fund and applied the same or the larger por- tion thereof towards paying the c-ur- rent or other expenditure-1 of the municipality in the year 1901. and that the remonden'ts voted for the illegally diverting of said moneys for such current or other expenditure-r, whcreby they rennetxvely became disqualified from holding ofï¬ce under sub-sections 2 and 3 or section 418, chapter 2‘33. 3.8.0. : The facts of the case appeax to be as fouows: If it was not“ intended to carry out By-laav No. 917 in 1900. as alleg- ed by (ax-Mayor Smyhh'. lt ls surprising that, as there were three meet- ings of the Council and three meetings of the Flnanoe committee af- ter it was passed, that the by-law ‘was not repealed or some reference made to It. Alderman flora and ex- Aldermen J. D. Graham and E. P. Gillogly all make affidavits and corroborati- Aldermen Jackson; and state they intended Bar-lam No. 917 to be carded out, and never heard to the contrary. It is a. pity eat-Mayor Smytzlr did not take his col- leagues into 1118 confidence. His auction, without any authority from the. Council, in improperly directing the auditor that By-lnw 917 should not be carried out, has apparently caused the whole trouble. SUIT AGAINST THE 'UUUNCIL ter, (the auditor’s report for 1901 is not set published) and Mr. Jackson says he had no occasion to refer to it and no reason for Imagining thnt the by-lam had not been carried out in due course. : We publish in 'full the judgment of the Mister-insChuinbers upon the application to unseat the Council. It wili be seen that he adopts the View of the case taken by Town? Solicitor Hopkins in' his opinion. The Master seems to think that Mr. Jackson. from the financial statement published on 15th December, 1900, and the auditor’s report for 1900, should have known that Bylaw. No. 917, nasal on 8rd December, 1900, transferring these mortgage to the Sinking Fund, had not ,been untried out. This, in justice to Mr. Jackson, should be explain‘ed, and the ex- planation is easy. First, the financial statement to 15th Dec.. 1900, was not produced before the Master at all, and if it had been, would not show the fact; second. the auditor's report is not published for, months at. Full Text of the Judgment Delivered at Osgoode Hall on Wednesday. REX ox Bel. MALLON v. IIGLE Immediuteb thereafter. and on the seventbdnu of August, 1901. the tremb- utter drew a. cheque on the Ontario Bank, Lmdsay munch as follows: “Pay to the General Town Account nine hundred and sixty dollars and eighty cent: and ohms c to Coflsghte Institute Sinking Fund Account, mo- oeeds at Catpcuution Mex-tenures num- bgm one and two, transferred to" Bilb- these two mortgages, but I assured him that there Ind; and he said he wan-M tall the treasurer what I want- ed and see that it was attended to. He is mistaken when he was that he told me it was a commuted mat- ter and mat he had better! put it through himself, and that! I instructed him to draw. a.- mmtion. dï¬toa') did not seem to be awnr that a;_ try-haw had bqen passqd _'_ g o! In his mildawit Mr. Janbdn plus oeeds to state: “He (meaning the an.- dz'rtoa') did_ nqt_secm to b5: gmrgthn; July, 1901. Debentures were ï¬bers- upon issued, and the proceeds thered, amqunting to four thousand one hnn- dzred and forty-four dollars and nine- ty-bhree cents were paid over by Camu- cm to the Wetter Commissioners on the thirtieth September, 1901. who repaid tlnabove mentioned fifteen hundred and eighty-five dollars and ninety three cents to the Council: on the ninth ‘Octoher, 1901. 1 'Aldetrman Jackson, being the chair- man of the Finance committee in 1901, tmied to mange with the Town Treasurer on or about the seventeenth August, 1901, tome out of the man! on to be repaid by the Water Oom- méasiouesrs a. sum equivalent to the Mine of the two mantmgw abOVe rhentioned set apart as a Park Mud. ‘ 'mue treasurer being 'buey, he saw the auditor and requested him to ten the treasure!- «that he wanted. th'e eighth; of Jaw, it .wai finally passed by the Ocmncillon the fittpent‘h fairs and ninety-three cents paid tor extensions in 1900-†above set out. libs Commit immediately submitted the by-law as requested ;_.and it hav- ing been Med by the ratepayers on the position of the (unis and invest- ments of tho Collegiate Institute Sinking: Fund and that they had not I been interfered with} and further I that the town held as an asset of the town the two mortgages in ques- 'tion. ‘ It also appears that the interest on ‘these mortgages, also fifty dollars, part of the principal-on the Preston mortgage. Were received and credit- ed to the general funds of the town subsequent to the third of December. 1900. On the third June. 1901. the Secre- tary of the Board of Water Commis- sioners applied to the Mayor and Council. of the town 'to submit a by- MW to the ratepayers to raise four thousand dollars with which to extent the waterworks system. The estimat- ed expenditure included the am! of ï¬fteen limped and eighty-five, dol- It is somewhat surpris1ng that Al- derman Jacksonâ€"who took such an active interest in the matter, and who was also a. member of the Pin- anc-e committee for 1900-41: the face of these financial statements, states trat he supposed the transaction had been carried out; Water Commissioners of the fifteen hundred and eighty-five dollars and ninety-three cents from the general funds or the town, and also set forth’ It will be seen that nothing is said about the sum paid for the fire alarm system which was greater by two hundred and fifty-one dollars than the estlmute. It, however. W well be that Mr. Smyth‘s version of the matter was the one undeutood by him and the former chairman of’f‘in- ance. as the financial statement for 1900. audited by the town auditor, and also the ï¬nancial statements up to tho fifteenth December, 1900, pub. liahed under the provisions of section 804 (6, 7 and 12, cap. 223, moo, 1897;"ilowed" 7 W“ sale of the mortgages, estimated at twenty-nine hundred dollars. With reference to the payment to the Water (.ummissloners out of the general (unis. the Town Treasurer states on examination that he believ- i etl it was through“ an oversight that I the money was paid out of the gener- I all funds: instead of the Sinking Fund ;1 and Mr. Alderman Jackson state-em an allidav‘t that it was always the intention that the proceeds oi the' : two mortgages should have been paid : out of the Sinking Fund. and that he supposed it had been done. but Mr. Smyth. the Mayor for 1900, states' that the amount received from the one mill on the dollar was greater l than the nineteen hundred aoilauses- l timated. and that the expenditure on the waterworks was less than the amount estinuted. the estimated re- ceipts exceeding the estimated ex- : penditure by over five hundred and i1 eighty dollars; and that when it was : J anzertaainzd. he dismissed the matter ‘ with the chanm‘an of the Finance committee (since deceased). and with : the town auditor. and concluded it i was not necessary to resort to the mmtgages on the Sinking Fund and a that their position being no favor- * able they did not (and did not intend t to) preeeed upon __By_-laiw_ ha. 917. . c _T_§iE WEEKLY POST, LINDSAY. ONTARIO, VMARCH 21, at al. mm to the molten; at Hamilton. The treasure now being laid. and it is expected the dock will be ready for use by the opening or navigation. â€"Toronto Star: Mr. Barry Fergn- son. general roadnmsfer of the Grand Trunk. came Into town yesterday, and r rte having seen bluebird: be. tween ort Coiborne And Erie. a we sign of Int-lug. and also that lumen were plowing between Port (‘blhorne and Hen-H.100. 'lIJe frost m'oomt. PM“: 8039. and the (mundyum A. 'B Kyles worth. K.C'.; John Me. 8 wewnandllq 'J. Kennydurrehtm-z (Ix-respondents. Railway lot“. p'l‘ho Grand Trunk is constructing an ex'benqive om dock at Point Ed. ward for the handling of ore from Sault Ste. Marie and Duluth onI ate I am, than-atom. of opinion that the application to nnseat- the respondents . must tail; but. namheptmeedinpol] the W were very meg-tar. and gave room for investigation, in refus- hg the antler I do so without costs; each party will beg: his own_a_oat:_ -- Al uiom 426: but thni is different from the penalty attached to the divert- ing the fundas provided for by eco- tion 418 (3). No pnoceedkng cam be taken mder section 425, as since the commence- ment or these present proceeding an Order-I'm-Oatmcu ‘has been obtained ï¬nom the Limtenamt-Governor permit- ting the investment in the m in question. 01 course. had there been a. diversion under section ,418 (3) this ardent-Coma} would not have an; dated the xesponden’ta- _ _ What I undersmnd section 418 (3) provides against is the using of Sink- ing Fund for. other purposes so that' the tund- is not forthcoming. ’Dhe OouncéL’s duty is to invest the Sinking Fund git-om time to tinge-(section 420) Such invatment’ cannot be- called a diverting of the fund. It maybe, as in tflm present: case, an investment in' an improper security. The penalty tar doing that 53szva for by each lWang Fund on‘ the invstment of the f mortgages was obtained from the gen- l'ea'ul funds 01! the tdwn 01 Linden: in ‘1900; and in draw-ins the cheque for nine hundred and sixty dollars and eighty cents on the Sinking Fund on , the seventeenth of August, 1901, the . treasurer was rehnbmsing the general {ends far the outlay wm it we. in- tended in 1900 to have been made um- I de: Bylaw 917 but in doing so he exâ€" lptressla' states that the nine hundxed ,and g‘xty dollars and_ eighty cents offliteennh; December. 1901, so tlmt this Sinking Fund remained intact, and no diversion of it was actually was for the‘ Corporation mortgages numbers 1 and 2, transferred to Sank- ink Fund account, By-hw 917. ’ And the mortgages were entered as thb‘in- vestment belonging to the Cdleghte Institute Sinking Fund, and they so appeared in the8 financial statement vlsion: of By-lmw 917, passed in 1900. I know or! nothing to prevent the by- law being earned out in“ a year mb- sequent to M pssage provided it is a. proper one and be not rescinded. Tho money which was intended to be raised by borrofw'ugg if tom, flbe Sink- For the rehtar, it is claimed that the Council had no power to invest Um above mortgages an the Collegiate [Sinking Fund account; that the By- "lnw 917 outmm'zing such investment wns not carried. out in 1900. and we: not intended to be carried out; that the resolution of nineteenth August. 1901, was a diversion of nine hundred and sixty dollars and eighty cent: «1 the Sinking Fund.- moneys under sec- tion 418 (3) of the (‘onaotidatod Muni- canal Act. 1 It is perfectly clear that the invest- ment at the two mortgages in ques- tion in the OoJJeg'nie lmtitute Sin-k- ing hand was an improper one under tell» statuwxscctinn 420.) Had they been ï¬at mortgages on :1 Item, in- stead of a town lot, I do not think there could be any valid object's“: to the investment, on had they been de- bentures. no object-ion could be made; See Section 420 (3) However, no diversion took place in 1900; and what tog; place ï¬g 1901 Thereafter, the nine hundred and sixty dollars and eighty eem was en- tered in the books of the town with other moneys, and used in connectbn with .the Park imp‘wovement. ‘ The only change in connection with the two mortgages was that on the back 01 the Preston hortgaqge the Town Treasurer wrote in head pencil the id- lowing words: "Transferred to the Collegiate Institute Sinking Fund Ac- ioount 17th. August. 1091." ".1". K." {The other mortgage hurtng been :ut the time mletatd no memorandum wan entered upon it. As I have already ehewn. the. amount advanced by the Council. in 1900 to the- Waterworks Commission- era was not. an a matter of fact, re- paid until October. 1901. so that the statement in the above resolution of the nineteenth August that the nine hundred and sixty dollars and eighty centshnd been refunded to the Corpor- ation by the Water Commissioners. was «incorrect. ] (“Moved by Alexander Jackson, sec. mauled by J. O'Rielly. that the sum ct eleven hundred and twentyâ€"seven do 'a‘rs. and {our cents. made up as fol- lows: Cash on hand January 15¢, 1901, one hundred and sixteen dol'ars and twenty-four cents; cmm received on f Apuï¬. twelfth, 1901, on account of prin- I aipah at Oorpomt'uon Mortgage number 2,ï¬1ty donatevand proceeds 01 Our» ‘ potatton Mortgagel numbers 1 3.1142, transferred to the Ooieute Institute Sinking Fund account and the pro- ceeds advanced to the Board ()1 Water Commissioners, and by them remnded to the Cbrpormtion.-nh1e hundred and sixty damn-rs and eighty cents. be and the same is hereby set apart as a Park Improvement Fund. and that u expenditmres for Park improvement; (tuning the present year be chm-god to said hmd."-â€"Carried " Geo. logic. Mayer or Chairman, I writtten 0 “Charge C ï¬nd Acoo: icmt nine and eighty ‘Th's was Annnnb MAM“, “Iranian, hr. 1llgguiw‘is‘oix; ’Trgaamg." And the same ' town, We "depOdt cm hmg :wn'ttten on the ï¬anc- the Wonk “Charge Callus-Date Inathute Sinking ï¬umd Account and credit Genera). Ac- 'connt nine hundred and sixty (1on ! and eighty cents:"_ August. and on Monday. the nine- "V" H"- rnmu "no uwcw toent‘h August, the following resolu- bison was carried by the members at ‘ the Council-the respondents being .‘““‘ m.†30m“. 3n: the Infantry we)?!“ ; ‘ b Al nd J M I "“3 “I. 00-01%! Bold 0.: For flu-o. " ovcd y can er no , sec- - u _ ‘ onded by J. O'Rielly. that the sum at °"' “'w "" cԠ"J“ eleven hundred and twenty-seven 3 3'“ °" 30-8" sun. U-m do 'a‘rs and {our (Puts. made up a; to}- :- nrmaa cu. Won Tuned .. lows: Cash on hand-January 15¢, 1901, - n.-_m.1,.. “nun". me hundred and sateen dol'ars and ' twentyrour cents; cmm received on London. Much 17.â€"Thc Wu 03‘.“ quï¬. Lweucb, 1901, on account of prin- has received the following commum. mpalot Oorpomt'uon Mortgage number onion from ‘Lord Kitchener at 5. 513“! W7“ proceeds °1 Carv- Pretoria: “Lord Methucn has sent mmmnnn Ila-Mon- nun-liars 1 undo on Saturday, the seventh his hilario- yesterday. Coroner Reece will hold an inquest on tho body toâ€" Death to Be lava-tint“. Huntnflh. March 15.-â€"A nun named Samuel Cooper Wu brought to tho M Hospital from Sagan: Fall. . low day. ago. He was sufler- ing Iran the enema o! cuts md nov- an! gun-hot wounds. Ho died from No xuuu nun-nu... ~Rome, Much 17.â€"-In the Chamber of Deputies Saturday Signor 1 rin- etti, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, replying to a. question, said the Gov- ernment 0! Italy declined to take the initiative in proposing Exit-open; in- tervention in South Africa. lie was glad or the opportunity to any thnt the relations between Italy and Great Britain were never more cordial and intimate. than .p.t_present. Pretoria, Transvaal Colony. Fri- day, Intuitâ€"Commandant Cel- lien of the Krooutad. Orange Riv- er Oolow. commando o! Boers. was mung the prisoners captured by the British recently in the Heilbron Dio- trict. Lady Joanne“ Turns Buck. London, March 17.â€"Lady .hrzhuen uriwd at Southampton yesterday morning from Cave Town. She had been notiï¬ed of the wounding and capture of Lord Methuen at. Madeira. A message was sent to her from thl War Om“, stating that her husband was 'doing well and had been moved to Johannesburg. Sh. had her baggage transferred at gnu to the Castle liner Wnlmcr Castle, which “He'd tor Cape Town Saturday afternobn. Alcor'ding to the Klerksdorp corb respondent of The Deny Hail the bun-{there were IO angry et this that 3 party or them went out and brought General lemma: beck. Gen- eral Deluey. however, overruled the obioctions of the burghm. Lord lethueu'e Cuunltles. London, Much 1‘7.-â€"'I‘he Wu omce publishes 1 list 01 addi- tional casualties "to Gen. Lord lethuenis force in the ï¬ght with Gen. Doluey. This list gives the names. of ten other men of the In- m Yoomnry who and thirty- per three wounded. The ï¬rst list gave the names of four oflicera an'd{ thirty-eight men killed and sm-Icnty- two men wounded, in addition to e I number 0! others. I After the surrender Gen. Delaney rode up and treated Gen. Methuen with the greatest courtesy and con- sideretion. He ordered his return to Xlerksdorp under the cue o! hie own nephew end a mgdleehomeer. "It is clear the infantry vï¬mght m. sill the artillery kept up the traditions of their regiment. In addition to the 40 members of the Cape Pom-e, already mentioned, a few partiee 01 Imperial Yeomnnry and Cape Police continued to hold their groun'd alter the panic . hgd swept the bun! of the mounted troops on the ï¬eld.†From other despntches it appears that Gen. Hethuen was shot while riding to bring up the mounted troops, and thin. his horse was kill- "It is conï¬rmed amt most at the Boers won our khaki unitorme. [any use wore our badge. Ewn gt close quarters, they coul’d not be distinguished irom gut 0min“ "The partly in th‘c krml mu held out, and did not give in until two guns and n pom-pun were brought to bear upon them at about. ten o'clock, mixing their position un- unable. â€By this time Lord Madmen In woundod and the cuuutiu were u~ cecdinxly heavy unonpt his men. Their municion wu mostly ex- hunted, ad the surnndor was mad. 3% about. _9.30 in 93¢ morning. "Two guns of the 381}; Battery were thus left unprotected, but con- tinued in action. until every m. with the exception of Licut. Nee- hun, was hit. Lieut. Neehem wu called on to surrender, end. upon refusing to 'do so. wee killed. "Lord Hethuen, with two hundred of the Northumbcrlend Fusiliers end two guns of the 4th Bettery, then found himself tsoleted. but held on for three hours. During this per- iod, the remaining infantry. viz†100 of the uncuhiree, with eome 40 mounted men. .moetly Cm Police, who had occupled the krenl beer the wagons. else continued to hold out ageinst the repeated atteck of the “In the meanwhile, two hundred inmntry were being disposed by Lord-Mcthuen to resist the Ik-‘r nt- t‘ck, which was outflmking the left of the rear guu'd. The Boots preued that attack bud, and the mounted troops “tempted to Id} hock on the infantry, got completely out of hand, carrying Away with them in the route the bulk 01 the mounted troopa. wu a gap of a mile between the ox and the mule convoys. Tho moanted sapports, to the rear of the screen. with Gen. Noumea. immodidtely reinforced by all the available mounted troops and A section of the 88th bottery. main- tained themselves {or an hour, dur- in; which the convoy: were 'don- ing up without. disorder. me a stat! ofï¬cer with a dictated geopatch from which it appears that. certain particulua previously given ore inaccurate. The rear screen 01 mounted troops was rush- ed and overwhelmed at down. There Author Counted“: Caught. HOW THE PANIC WAS CAUSED Heroic Conduct of the Infantry and the Artillery. FROM LORD PilliT'HUEN.f James McLean, COMMISSIONER hunted MIAMI-Inn.“ IflwMAg-t, Io-tMt, The Post: EDDING STATIONERY in a. loan nylon primed and kept knock st Laoe Curtains, Oratonneaï¬arpeta in Wool, Union:and Tapes- tries, Window Shades, etc. SUGABSâ€"Culocd Bodpsth’s best Gmnlnted and Yellow to had. pm..- WALL PAPERS, 3km wuemdw mum to m m mï¬oent papenwithboxdcntomtch;10mt pupae vithSor 18 inch bordeuandceflingntomatchaulpednllygood value md newest enigma TAILORING and DRESS GOODS DEPABTHENT, Still Ybu willï¬nd thenewestmurhlsin atockthiavook. We have made extensive preparations for the needs of House-Cleaning, and have a full stock of : W811 Papers. Mixed Paints (Smderson' s, Peacy’a and Sher win-William; mkee)0i18, Leads, Dry Colon, Varnishee, Furniture Polish. Gold Paint, Paint Brushes, Kalsomine Brushes, Kalaomine, Paris WhiteJAlabastine in all shades. For House nylon printed and hop! hltookat Bargains °“ egflcgidgugm Saturdays > Owing to Repairing having to be done on our store, we are compelled to dispose of our entire stock before the ï¬rst of April. Parties wanting a good HARNESS, ROBES. BELLS and BLANKETS, it will pay you to call and inspect our stock. Everything Guaranteed Satisfactory. Remember we sell cheap for cash. 60 DAYS’ SALE my low by bare]. The RUDD HARNESS C0. â€"â€"OFâ€"â€" Harness and Horse Goods. H- 1- 11.1.1? LEManager, Aped’ect Remedy for Qonslipa' tion. Sour Stomgcthrrtuoea. Worms ,Convulsnons ,Fevensh- ‘ ness “Loss or Sam 1 Promotes Digesflonflheerful- nessand Rat. Contains minu- w, Morphine nor manta], NAB c one . 1-6-4pr 1‘23."- J’d' . me‘r COPY OF WRAPPER. Inc Sinilg Signature of Repairing Neatly: and Promptly Done. Little's Old Stand; Lindsay. meaning Time Seed lambs†and Dealer in Agricultural Implements. JAMES KEITH GASTBHIA FAC-SlMlLE WRAPPER THAT THE OF EVERY BOTTLE OF IS ON'I‘HE SEE / SIGNATURE