.4 j 4..) p. . .L.._a:..‘.y.¢.v.a-,._â€" .. .. .; ‘f’ ' an...“ .. .. ~.._. - P AGE FOL" Ba Oils, Metal Shingles and Ceilings. Don't forget that we are head quarters for all kinds of Tin and Galvanized Iron Work. ï¬rst-class Hot Water, Sanitary Plumbing, Air Furnace Steam and Hot Heating. \Ve have the name of turning out first-class worlt; this 15 be- cause we have practicalmechantcs and we give careful attention to it, and can ass-.e you perfect satisfaction. SPECIAL LINES â€"- Galvanized and Black Pipe, Malleable and C. Iron Fittings, Jenkins Bros.Valves. Rainbow Packing. Brass Fittings and Stitson \Vrenches. See us about your supplies of Hardware, Paper. Glass, Paints, BBXALL MATTHIE. Agents for Happy Thought and the Souvenir Stoves. . ...â€"-â€"â€"â€"_-_-_-â€"â€""='â€""’ The Weekly Post. .._____________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"r-â€"- ‘l 11'.‘ ll 10. '03 Li .‘. DSAY. FllllS-l 1'. .Slfl HUGHES,IIS¢IHEF MAKER. 1‘ , u . .. . .‘ l‘ct t 2‘8‘e.‘ (Witn‘pe; l‘liut terrible mm. of w:-r. Col. Sam Hughes. .\l.P.. tsrins of gory lnyontts ; nl cszki in terms of rifle Volley: ptlzitttt:a"d with mn- non. shots. finds 2*, and to settle do-vn tr.- tiit- piping :lznes of peace which prevail in (":t‘l'tda. Ever sime his achievements in Sou'h Africa. when by his own tit-court he drove tht- loe‘s before him :kt- chaff. his mind has run glartingiy uyon war- fare with its Slfluzlllit‘f's and «lLV'IlS- Here is the “'5 ll“ [flllic'l the 'ilrcnm alto thighs in ..mions. to a representative of Rows or: Saturday last' "Mark my words. there will be :i rebellion in the Scrthwtst if the Do- minion l‘nrltamen: forc:a_ stparnte schools on the new Provinces." 5‘: spoke (:01 Sam. Hughes. 311)., to a repc-r er of The News at the Kim.r Edward this :noru nz. “What form of a rebellion, colonel.“ “Rifle: if necessary. The bill ISSil,‘ most tyrannical p:ec:- of ltgshtmn ever introduced in Luv-.111. lt re- bombleb nets of the dark agr-s.‘ “Will Roman (‘atiiopvs fght?’ “Yes, if they are :tilowe'l. Protes- tants will fight to a man. Galatians will light. 2111.; tame ‘o C::n1da£cr liberty. they say. Th3) do not “inn: ï¬eparutc school. Within the limits of our owncoun- these ferocious vaporiags merely smile Z‘Etl the rtmurk. “It's s talking agiin." But such nttrn‘nc 3cm- harm. Com- tr)‘ provoke a uni) Sum Eugne (misï¬t: Canada no: but do this county inc as they do from a membir of tho- Dominion Parlittm u , how can they be regarded by ptOin unatqu'tinte-l with Canada in any O‘ilzl‘ light than as going to show ljlla‘. '-~'.v anl ardent do not exbt in this ('ounzry‘.’ People Ctttvine ‘tllc Dominion cannot l)“ :r.\- :0 under-slant that. Sam oectet‘. 1.8;. figure (f ridi- Ilnzhe: is a f.rt-t: culc. 'i'he sort of people who nuke the mest desirabie do not wart tc mak: their homes :nztcoun- try which they has-v: an; r-ison to believe has no; ye: emerge-.1 from the stage of lilWlto‘Vlll‘rs. Hence if. !:i -t pity that such a l,:r;.j.‘;~r .ts l’U-ï¬â€˜Y'll- crous Samuel shoal-i he in a [as LILJI to cause the noises he makes to be regnrdcd serious'y beytnd lh’: torn-ls (if Canada. I EBITORIAI. HOTES ‘- Bill Autonomy Tints Billy Mack-an in drawing attention from the war sci tit-rs in the east. . Rejestvensky‘s blunder in firing on ch;- trawlers will cost Russia S325.~ 000. But that will not restore the murdered fishermen. , Father Gc-pon. who led the Russian workmen to petition the Czar has sought refuge. in London. There? he may sniff the pur: air of freedom. Met-lily Sun: \. battli- is being wagtd iin Kansas wit'ctl A'.V.,ll$ in im- portance the s:rug:1t llL‘T.\V-;(’n the fret: soil and sliv. 1": parties of fifty years ago. 'lhe iftrinl "(43111101 is oclJVeCl) t'h? State Lag 'slature en the one side and the Standard Oil mon- opoly on the other. 'iiansts is a large oil producinz State. and the Standard Oil Company succeeded in crushing out competition. To give the oil producers relief the Legisla- ture has passed a law providing for establishment of an oil refinery own- ed and operated by the State. ‘ Standard Oil Company has retaliated ’by closing up its rcffnary in Kansas. but its action appears to haVe stim- ‘ulated the Kansas legislature to more aggressive action. On the one side is a corporationwhose Wealth is «equalto thatt of three-fourths of all the farmers in Ontario; on the other is an ‘ r( 3150 Tho independent common- Wca‘lth. The struggle will be. watch- I: OIPAIATIVE 8111!!!!“ ed with interest by a. whole contin- ' 9-â€" ent. and the outcome may have the Ioloulg to Iron. Populatlu and Pro- most {wrenching consequences. ducts of Canada and United States. --â€" (W cckly Sun.) The election of a Liberal in West.‘ Here are some Suï¬sm†relating morcland, England. “'35 a diStinct to (‘anada and the. L'n‘ted States. triumph for the l.lt)‘.'!‘lll party. The which may prove interest}: to our former member had rattcd on the readers. f-Thcy lune been compiled fiscal policy. and the electors took from the latest available official rc- tbe first opportunity to get rid of ports: him. The, area of the [.nitcd St tics in 1800 was 837.000 square malt-.3; to- day it was 3.000.000. ’ The population of the same time has incr 808.000 to over 80.111).an It was not until .1820 that lha Un- ited States began producing coal. In that year production was limited to The clearing c-ut‘of Gri‘t license 365 tons. In “1900 production run ‘ 2 1-2 billion tons. '. commissioners has begun. The beyont. . . . names of boards appointed in 27 of Gold production began in 1810 With .0 so a the 101 districts are announced. Lib. an ("1:qu of 5"43‘ luv 19%; 3h: erals should not grumble at that; the to at amountet '0 0 er -. let Mr. Whitney carry out his own lnnllions. . _. . _ 1110 United States did not begin policy: i‘ith h]? 0“" mainland the re. making steel until 1810. and in that SPOUSlbllllty Will be all his own. your production reached less than 69.000 tons. For 1900 the figure was over 10.000.000 tons. It: 1836 the railways of the l'n'ted States had a mileage of 23; even in some-what surprises ‘19 ‘0 19â€" “Ht 1M?“ the total was less than 31.00!) there are now “thirty new cotton up: t;t.dl.\' it is goojm. mills being hunt in UlnCflShil‘C. lhc Exports of cotton have grown fram investment being over £3,000,000. The i less than 30(l.0(‘0,otxt pounds in .1830 evidence of the facts is hard on Mr. to own 3 1-2 billion pounds in 1903. Chamberlain‘s theory. 'l‘nt: number of telegrams sentlt'tve _ in( reused from 9.000.0le in 1870 to nearly “2.000.000 last year. Immigration has increased front 8.33:. in 182.0 to 637,000 in 19o :. Yl‘lie \aluc of farm animals has i jumped from souxxxmoo in 187- l :0 upwards of three billion dollars :0- ’ day. . The death of Mr. E. F. Clarke, M. R. Toronto. will be widely regretted. He occupied a large space as act’ti- zen and as a public man. and Toron- 'to awed much to his ability andde. votion to her interests. ...â€".- thc country in eased from 5.- “‘e have heard so much Chamber- lainite tall»: abOut the ruin of the cotton trade in Grcrtt Britain that it s-tys ‘l statistician, - “never commit suicide. Practically never, I mean. Thu: is to Sflï¬',\\‘bt‘rc You will hear of ninety suicides of Germans. Russians. Italians. French- men and Yankees. you won‘t hear of than one IriSh suicide. and nix-he . I Fcu won‘t hear even of th:tt."‘z;h‘ero , “1" value °f all (“"1“ an! firm is a tr'bute to Erins sons of which : property hasgrpvvn â€0m less _flâ€n the! may well be proud. A bran: .k‘" blllIOfls.lu “THU to twenty and hrpeful. plucky man does not in his one-half bluzonim 1940' - senses seek't coward. [001.3 “Jug? _ inc tutal Wealth chine nation 51.13 _ ‘ ' l" ; grown from seven billions in lqu 5"1‘-d*‘5"“°“m ‘ to $94.3(XJ,000.0;Xl in 1900. The. area of Canada is 3,619,000 sq. milesgof land and 123,755 of water. The population is five and one.half "Th: Irish." The people ‘f the various mnnici. p1]i'.l(‘$ cumming our neighboring Crrun1y of Hliburton will on Monday- KPXE. 13tl. inst. vote on a by-Jam t1 Our (“pans of ham hare increased prohibit the sale of retail of spirit-q from 7,235,000 mg. to 138,000,000 in nous. fermented or Other manufac- ‘ l3 years, In 1890 we expcrmd less than 32.4 Qured liquors in the said municipalâ€" i f , . 17;,- except in bulk. The townships 1 (32230225291030 333"“ in 190.1 the - I. o - interested. are Dys1rt. Dudley. Ham In the sum..- time exports of cheese ccurt. Gutlford. Harburn. Bruton. i have increased from 39,372,000 to H'lï¬'lcck. Eyre and Clyde. Sorthi$2li712voou . . r .. .. . - ,. - country people tinnk the halluwwill “not“; git‘lllmt-_ m {fig-l lias “Erased . . . 1' 1“ ‘ true T .111 95 ' DP carry by a grad m:iJ:-rixy. l s t “I c l to nearly 319000.000. l Our iron or: output has increased Tu< from less then 69.000 to 368.000 tonal the?! “'e produced 88,000 lbs. of lead in l l l l millions. “A s:rvnn.t Girl“ n rites to a . ‘ papa-r, suggesting that churches shculd "begin service on Sunday evening a; 8 o‘clock. in- smart of 7. She srrys that with the evening meal at Ii. i: is impossible for her and others l‘lce h r to get ready for church by 7 o‘clock. Ccmn to think. the writer is not far astray, but why not change the C ,1 production has grown from suppcr hour? It would Seem "that 1,000,000 tons in 1871 to 8.000.000 {h'k‘ master or mistress who permits .tons in 1903. a servant to miss hearing the word -' Tbâ€: output of cement has increased ‘from 385.000 cwts. in 1b9l). to 2.316... of God. rather than alter the Sunday . . . 000 cwts. in 1903. 9:11 ho r . . It...“ “-1 ...... t, . ~ ‘ . “0rd“ 0‘ 1L5 have increased from $22M b‘-riplure carry any weight Whatever. 000 in 1890 to $HI§7£08 . - glergymen . everywhere _ eye†in l The floposits in chartered bank: ‘znd‘T‘l?â€"m'ght effect mucn M '- have grown from 866000000 in 1878 baffllg the above complaint. their to 3359000000 in 190‘; ' o a n ion. I The freight carried on Canadian -. railways has increased from 6.330.000 stance“ Pom “motion. i tons a. me to 42,316,000 to...†in -â€" 190.2. lot too Early to Draft a Scheme for the ; Approaching Season. 1891‘. in 1903, the total was 18,000,- 000 lbs. ' ' ‘ In melt-91. production has inerensed in the thirteen years from 4.626.000 to 12.305.000 lbs. Th- first discovery :of nickel was when the (J.l’.R. was making a. cutting naar Sudbury i - 1883. ‘creased from “5.000 barrels in I890 . . . . . . . 1.‘ .000 ‘n ". Stony Laie Cologe‘s Assocutnm t00u§87expolrlswzli wheat have. in mtt Lll fete-“born Monday Honing creased in the sum? time frcrn 422.4 and arranged for a reg ular program I 000 bushels to 33.000.000. In 1890 our exports of cattle were of sports during the season of 1905. valued at less than 87,000.000. For Th.- ammo} rigutta will 1».- h-ld on , ('Lvic holiday cff ..‘uan-r lsl::nl,:tnd ' 1903 the figures “or" 31134100“ thit‘~ other small reg-tr.†Will be'i RENTAL AT 81’. “BENT. lit-id during the summtr. as well as ‘ :1 number of dances and other grub- A pamphlet lllï¬illf; the :alcs lust: Lovers Enjoyed a Rare Treat Wednesday Night. Those who were present at the Re- our own _cital on “'ednesday owning. March rillllnlcl' l‘uSOX‘t. Sturgst-n Point. ‘15:. at St. .105,»th Convent. enjoyed should copy the {lbL-VL' (:(imple .in.l ‘ , . . 51H together early to arrangoSpm-ts 11* rare treat m the “"15“" render» and t;lllUS€’n.llD’.S for the summer. .ling of [00d classical music. The. hurl} planning ill this Ctrtcttou wul ifollowing program “.311 soul: for it- hau- :. tendency to induct- people to 5 f _ ) . , . . ' tnakc Lhclr horn-.- at the You: for the 1561 ' all†letters interpretation of season and lead to. the. coming of lher selections was an inspiration to many Hummer tourists. .“ hm 11“!" iall music lovers, and. an incentive to nmfe' 9* \aCauon people, 111;: to have “m . _ some idea of the pleasures uwatng _ numerouspup‘tls. “ho are prepnr- them. ing for examination work along the I Q - _=fl same lines. Mrs. Armstrong» sing- Tho Toronto Schools. ing was very much appreciaitcd. Her sweet and powerful vm‘ce indicated excellent training. and her delicate (From >112 Kingston Whig) Typewriting in “the Public schools shading of many of the difficult selections showed. the real artist and of Toronto. has disappeared. Quite musician. Cl‘lll‘Ia'. and rvgulations. dates 3nd othrr in . 1. ' _ , . be issued. formation, will The leading ('c-ttagt-c: at right. It‘ is a fall which the true. tees should permptorily supprtas. . Left the youngsters learn to write p with a. pen. There. is time enough to B 0‘ 3:“. l. - learn the typewriting when pchool 1 ea loven- . â€1:80p. 5' days are W. . -l 2 ‘ mydon-Rocl'. ___..__.. l the Earth; Oldest Newspaporman in Canada. dure le‘d' , _ " Stoufhille Pilor: Dir. George th- b ahnbertâ€"-EW130 ‘3 Sylvu ~ I Port none aut- his 3 â€nu-8 «"1 ° â€" yon. J. J» 0 “ l- . - b‘alsoOp.o2 brother Henry \\ 11503. J: P.. of Mari:- e Impromptu Fantasia ham. ,uttend‘cd the fun‘ral .of their 4 3 Woberâ€" “Concerts uck" sbli'rfih-lasv‘, Mrs. John Wilson. which tools place’on Wednesdaysand M't'rlr also callers at the Pilot office. Mr. George Wilson has the, un'que distinction of being. we believe, the oldest newspaper man- in Canada lSte-day; lie is at present proprie- ltor ol the. Port Hope Evening Guide. and. still takes an active part in the busmess. A; nearly 80 years of age. , )ir. Wilson 413: cutstrips many-bf the younger men of the present day in vigor and activity. Be belongs to the stutdyetock of pioneer days who hav helped to make Canada. Whlt 1: she is to-day. Here's to many years yet or activity in wielding. the quill. . Bret. Wilson. _in moulding public Yd“ opinion. in the right channels and in the building uptof‘ this zlorions Can- ada 'of ours._m truth and righteous- nee: -that.rtghteougr:33 that-Leta}. 11 teltha nation. . ‘ ‘ ‘; " c Britainâ€"Nocturne d Wieniowakiâ€"Val-e 5 s Godardâ€"Angelo Guard Thee b Huxleyâ€"“I wait for Theo†Par 2. b lbcDowollâ€"Witohco’ Dance 0 Wâ€"W’ a a. i’hhcrâ€"‘Wndm’tbonw†b M 9‘» Moudoaoohnâ€"udlnwfl Rondo b ,V ' Aquccoto Caprice o m roommate-48o. 2 Canada's experts of flour have in-‘ and God said “Let Airâ€"“With \‘er- 1) Schubert Lisztâ€"Hark, Hark the Lurk "(KIM ..__-.---- II. II- flA'flLI MY. â€XII "Ell WT VIII III! FAIL" . Ann! locus; .- Wednesdayâ€"OM clean Ion lo-tlootu. .\ meeting of Victoria County Cheese Board was held yesterday in the. Council chamber for the purpooe of electing officers and lie-aria; the dim-rent reports. Among: those pro- sent were. Thus. Robinson. Star he- tor: ' buyout. Once; Rea. Rarity-om; Staples. Red Rock; henm-dy. Dunn- ford: L. Shine. Maple but. Bill. Maripooa: Tiers. North Vcralam; Olicer. north Harvey Clancy. PL“ Grove. and Monro. Lylle. l-‘lrtvellc. .Beavis. Ketchen and. on so: two others. read and adopted. Treasurer ltea rend report. wnich showed Club on hand from last year, $14.15; Collct‘tr‘l Board fees from 1:» tictorits. 31 t'lu‘ll. $150k); COHtCLt'd instructor's fees from 15 lattortra. each. >225“). .theipts. $254.15. The accounts were. .lo~. “than. hinting building. 5:; \\'-ttch.tn.u;- “'ardcr. printing. :12; discount or. North rlatvcy chi-tau. L0:.: :{ui-s for T9- Dilll'_\n|t'llԤ Arsmnatiun. 5.32.3. c xm-ntliturcs :lm tremor er‘s :15 1:11 HC‘lltH. $215415. SL'R'JfJU‘ ('lnl. ulz mild $141.5. After a lelKlll) dircmsion it inovw and stranded llltll lllL' ~t-rr.-- tary into-an .‘.lr. l'ublow that tho- loarl \Vantt- a good instructor. and that the names ul Messrs. BCJ‘WS'ID‘l lull-hen be flcomml'lldt‘d for the position Packager “'antctl in l-Zuzltnd. .\lr. Staples said he l‘.|lt'd to pay nor an iu.-1uctor. when they got no h‘llt'lll from them. He belt-\el an Gnslyectora. but would l.ke to see them earn their pa). Mr. “in. l-lavelleâ€"‘l have 90mm. thing to any :11 reference to boxes. .\a you all know. I have Just return. ed lrom a trip to the other side of ocean. and I was surprisul to find so many of the boxes broken. Th.- Auslralin butter is put up in oct- ter packages, and we can greatly im- prove ours. I think the cheese box- co have been too large. We do a big cheese business in the West. but they use chiefly the cheese done up in twins. Iher care thirtypoundo of cheese tn each box. The “kt g for uncolorcd or white cheese :5 grow- ing; some prefer white cheese and some colored. One malttr which cf- :fectml the prices in»: year to En,- land. was that a large number of norms. such as Lip;ons ant others. who have a great number of branch es all our. huv: Dough: lamp-quan- tities of cheese early to the ~eason and 8016 it at the same price all :he year. and this tfftcts the markets and ltinltru competitors from buy- ing. The bore: need to be pared down so that “bin :1 number are pilet‘. on top of each other. :hc weigh- “culd come on the top. In» chi-cue we ship to the other ï¬le are sat- t'sfttt-tory in l.unl.l)." .. Mr. Glllenpieâ€"“Mr. l'ublow :a-l at the Peit-rboro .mutinz lhtl'. the cheese shipped to Engzano lust your were the most unifoi m of any [rc- w’ioris year."' . Mr. Rea -‘ 2dr. Kiltbth'. of Rider 5; Kitchener. would Lin-t both here Lo-day. but he in going on .1 trip to tht- ul~l country. H“ ark-«l ll)" to tell the Board tint ht- was de irons uf fut-Lidia); th" boxes this gear, at†would guarantee a luavier boa :.n1 as good a box as (he l't-ttrbor) fac- tories. if DOl. better. an! at th.-s.ime vrlcvf" . Mr. Gillespie (’Spllllntd that reason there were two prres. auu 15c" on l‘ett-rboro boxes year. was on account of the two dit- i‘erent makers slicing to their own mice: . Mr. Reaâ€"“Mr. Kitchener agreen to keep theuuune price as l‘eterlnro." Mr. Fluvellcâ€"‘Were boxes salt at Peterboro last year for 130'." Mr. Gillespieâ€"“Yes." . Mr. Bu], llyltlcâ€"“l saw the Pet- erbcro but: out they did not tom- porn with Mr. Kitchener‘s" Mr. llmvisâ€""l gut hon-Al frcm l'ct- crbcro and they we‘re the List l shall ever buy at 13c.“ Mr. Gillesp'oâ€""I said lha! general price all over was 13c." Mr. k'lavelleâ€""I think i: is only fair that ‘wc shculil patronize cur errata-n: . "a!" I, Mr. Lytlo said. it was not 912113-131: tion of whozher the pric.- was 130. or 15c.. but wh.-r¢- the factories could. get the supply required. 'I‘woyears ago boxes were. scarc- and Burk... Brts‘. supplied neirly all th: Cheese-â€" makers in this district. There were none to be had in Pctorboro then. Mr. anplesâ€"-"S<unelimeo the box- es have been too small. but last year they were all right. It was folly to compare Poterb ro boxzo with. Buttesâ€"{hay were not in it at all. I don‘t know what Mr. Kitchener‘s are like. but if his one as good. as. Ru“ 1 “$114503 got themâ€"they are all right." Mr. H. I. Lyftleâ€"“thqt year the Co. b ught Burke Br s.‘ boldness and boxes of .ltho-l trr. port of In season were better ban the first. They have. a )orge shed full of homes ready for thisyear'o. use." - Mr. Fiannaâ€"“It seems Ito me if monugettagoodboxnlt tiresome price u.t home we should get it." The Board's Officers. After further discussion the el. cotton bf officers followed and on motion last year‘s officers were reâ€" elected as follows- President. Mr. Secretary. Mr. E. \V l." t he I t hers for their con will. after which the meeting a . . - l 6 a Rmhmninofl-Prolude C. ohupminor “Itch-t ToiQuo J’AlzuoP 0‘ no hauntâ€"Lo Rove D’Arlol, Salaam to a Godardâ€"More, Root. in nu Low bW mmtmm .. (0. (HHS! WARD ‘ The Opening ment commences to-day. lines in LADIES’ CLOTH SKIRTS. will. be shown elsewhere in the town. skirts are highâ€"class garments. and are ‘priced so low were old styles or truck. might imagine they case. They are 190 Skirts. made with trimmed with 5: button: a stylish an garment. Till-hm m5 .5»... STYILE 7077.â€"â€"ladics’ black Box Cloth Skirts, made with ï¬ve gorcs, ï¬nished with twelve tucked seams and fl ring pleats at bottom. inverted plant 38 to 44 inches. at the back, lengths cache... can... ...-on o--' mus-lean â€0065.. __________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"_ Dress Goods Specials. Fancy all wool French Voilcs. l iterials;suitablc for Misscs' drcs inavy, cardinal and brown, with white 'flakcs. width 4.; inches. per yard ‘_- m M19350: be All wool F rcoch Voilcs and Crepe dc Chcncs- ; with embroidered silk spots and ï¬_ ing. materials for afternoon and evening in delicate shading: of astor, pea also 44 inchc1,.per yard. M .0!“ b. 91 .“ Ibo- English Btu-9'15 Carpets in new coloviogs of l 60:41 and con- encional patterns. Wldth :7 inches, j g , M. borders 2:! inches. in shades of broyn. green, ' â€d 3" His†long. made. 0‘ good mad!“ "3†and woods: carpets made by john Crosslcy 8: Sons, , ‘1’‘ Halifax. £08111“; “1"â€th 9““ quality. 9‘" i single bordered Curtains withvfancy ccno terns suitable for any room in yOur home, â€YYIld-oow.-.o on... .0... NEW“... Scotch Linoleum: made in “1de of 2 small blocks and.- tile pntms tor floral patterns tor rooms. “Naim.†f) EIBEITATIOI AID AUDIESQ. icoular lent-r of the than .rocory Stor- sun the Incipient. 0n Mae-ch .Ist the member-1 of st.»- rtaff of Mr. D. D. .‘ulunns. grocer. int-t at the home of Mr. Herb. Morrison. ;.K.cnt-st. ‘.\1r. ,1. C. Shannon. a ‘popular fellow employc. Was the un- cosoiour cause of the ï¬nt‘thn'l. be having some days ago announced his regret at. having to sever the plea- sant) ties and assoï¬atlons formed during the last seven yours in order to join his father and mother .n lid- monton. district. where they will-sn- guze in. cattle ranching on '| large scale. \thn all had assembled Mr. Jog. Brown. store manager. Ml‘pped fox- “Mtand read the (enduring addr. sg, number of the staff [insulting Mr. Shannon. on behalf of his fellow um- 010565. with a pair of-haudoome gold clecvo buttons bearing the l.0.0.l-‘. emblem. Mr. 8. being a member of undnv Lad . No. 100. Mr. W . Shannon; ‘ Upon your departure for the for Want. me. your to you our goodwill and best wishes for your prosperity. During seven you: that you he been met ~ ill our word “Vining-diam connotation and; friend. who-0.361;“! m. _ uncut and ability will win new! WWMCRr-yougo. .4 .Wo shouldbe glad to ho Lengths 33t044 inches. each in brown. navy and black. width 85c This cloth is made by 1’ 3/ See that the name is stamped on ' the back. Per square yard .. mar Sir,â€". ' Inflow employ“. to. - ESTABLISH ED 1‘ Thu vie»! I . to choc-e from the Professor . f quality Hui? ‘mo. and amine â€now u ‘t ..d \rf" 'h‘ku .. .. ll ur hair? Locum- . head, camrrt. Ll spot and tho- .. LADIES, in; men: of Fan 7. . Sale in our Ladies’ Ready-to-wear Dcpan. \Ve have secured some very special Nothing 111:»: them that? these FM“ you The Ellen . rend can-«'W.‘ We may say 5-...u , .l: «2 Such i 5 styles and high grade qualities. ed Skirts. STYLE ,1 75.â€"Ladics' black Chet-.2: Cindi . Skirts. made With seven goats. trimmed with wide straps on seams. ï¬nished with wide :;o~ and buttons, bottom has wide stitched tare -' . lengths 38 touiochcsmach ...... 4'“ mausmmustoo- STYLE 7090.â€"Ladics' grey mixed Tweed '7 Skirts. ï¬nishedlwith'ide self straps, tab. and bottom. style itseven gore, bottom has a wide flare with rows- of stitchin", back with inverted pleat lengths 37 to 4.1. in., each 54003 i" l t Peflar’s OI O... 5.00 i nun-ammonia Stu. , pf! 1"._,,‘e _. l tbsolu: l ‘7‘“; .:.l' Bandit 2’, ,' - . WPJ ‘ - h 3.0815,“); ‘ Fine Scotch Chambrays. with polka dot: Lace stripes. small checks and plain: shades. some arr; PEDLA . English Tau-05m: Silks, the leading 32bit for gates. 90ft cltng- l Ladics‘ and llizsm' skirt waist- suits, good to i ' wear, rich in flash. They ares-in small checks and stripes of rcscda. brown. new, myrtle, and i ., black with white width is at inches. â€45¢ ight weight ma. scs; colors are 35o navy. reseda. brown. sky, pink... .grcy. old blue and black width is 32 inches, per yd: dresses, rl. rcscda cream. i soul) 0 2‘ “m: emu w, ‘l' â€w loot rabid mu t~ 9d 308†(-.' Tr c. 31km? '3!" arm: .. . anbe its“. blue, , ’. w‘y- ,Mucxp‘ I yarn, edges are all lock sithedandfasteaod: . *Dï¬l Ibo 3‘«‘_m retary J. l’__,' -. , $lm ‘“ co... ......‘Oahp .yard...... ...... ...... lattes .-. Ade . kn u. ,izg m m-rrnic....o;. . 1"er a won’t-r - dry CO. A’: rep ~. most for .t.to::i . . in order 1.. I... fore DOROI‘uu' 14; had rented .. t-.. for one )(." c Linens: it: uhln JrrC‘m 1TH .5 2.9:. , {Obtaddrt'r-wx Noting: 1‘...' COO. OI. 'trcs. per pair.... ...... ...... .....- 1.253 6 of4yd3'. H ~_ _ - -‘. 3".» ’ . halls and oï¬icos,; cat, Tapsterurtaxns in. niche.) mot ..nc '3 yards tong,ï¬nxshcd mtbbordcrs at top and l bottoms. The upper end. has a very 2 large and heavy merccoizcd 5mg; pair. . i « ‘ 50: :rvae l‘rizr. '5" would d( N, . -. ea) .Latl horn}. of iar'n‘t 19‘ L Would in g...-'. Lu!‘ 9.". :12†Mr John (.3‘ artpolhIt/ntm' I \lei- With It are to {man He 100‘ (hi .~‘ . Wmitxu- .«m . the. who,» la...- 'lUllll'l b) rutm “ ‘1 lb‘.‘ Mull; fleas. His Slutloth Your. ' (Chimigo Cl.r0:x.'r "Bing on tln‘ chloroform Emlaim'fl LU: hour} >31" “.313“?in 1"23‘â€? “1’0: this. mus tr; my tin _. ' i118. bdrm: .92; mi I I‘m sixty year: of :8" not than vrwï¬ul‘ ‘1' ‘0 the question l; . '38 1pc!) {speed 'ï¬mmlltec ‘o o. m1. es of this 1‘;Cu..'.' u, H J. l-_ll1\â€" ; $138“; for d : l" l " em “â€1†ha‘r i'et‘oneider." Hattie um “President lily... u (a reason {uc-rt- I. f 3-“ for ransom... . 50“.†mtmlxru o.’ ill. tn Movement (#031,)... ine dd} “1300 nilll: ( 1 which to pro, 5' «Sgt-he memb : ..V m r.â€- promogars f.» main “.‘l. 31-. aid s.nc.rro:l_v Ingrid ‘ your gain); but our knowl'lgc. that your gain; will Fault in your own udvancum-nt, 3‘0“: far to rmoncrle up to your departure. It may in of ink-rout to you to be s-isured of our friendabip and good will. and we 036W regret that our words on this occasion w more udequa‘tely exp-fleas these sentiments. To supplement in a feeblo» way those words no Mk you to amp: this lit- tle gift as some tangible. reminder of , _ what we have endeavored'to any. I ï¬rms 0“ Lb" (Mowing. 4“ (Wishing you all prosperity. were. 1:935? ,nm hf)?“ 1‘. if min your friends and well-«winners. ~ '50 kgsfj’f’u: ‘5; ‘wk‘h‘fl 1f Signed on behalf of the D, Adam i ‘ ' ‘ W 3° ""’ u l “Iring on the chlorokzru- a; And do not stop to. ma... N85. do not own drag. 4. n. Bu: put you pa to sh. are? 0‘5 utafï¬. , J‘B. BRO‘VN'. mum: want). “00' UP- Lanny. March Int. 1903. Th. rpriut: i~ coxï¬n'. . .ud'v Cheer up. _ Mr. Shannon .nadc r. short but feel- mK-rï¬-pls. in the course of which he. 1v..- Jhg. about mm s'ntm the: he would rtgret leav'nz‘ l (‘l'(-- _ Lindsay for many reasons, bvtchit-f “ ‘1 u.». of (all was tlu‘. fact 1133! the, step would mean separation from his Pisnds in the Adaun‘ store. A plet- strut hour was t‘ten spent In such! intercourse. after 3mm. retreatâ€" ‘ueuts were served. , l u... o . No use .tr move an‘ .: T" {tool is almost on -lL Th‘ main will soon. tn- Chfl!‘ up. Th“ robin redbmst soar. wit Cheer no . â€" Th’ bees will soon bt-gn tr hm Cheer up. 'lh‘ cap is main from .th‘ trees There’s aouethiu‘springy m ‘5 ‘ Ibel. tired feelin‘o in my knees. Cheer up. . .. .... . t}. - . h I†“tetra-kw a. ‘r _ '~ ‘- Ilse“ . ‘ w. 3:01 lD Ln.- t" 1“. qhtrc ‘dtï¬ "0W _ eS‘an: mbjmls . ‘ x 5'0â€, Wave,“ :‘.‘U_ ant-«c .. . .2. I been vanilla: ice: “Fe-U0" 0: 1h. Kent-It. Way. to, bid farewell whack Shanna-ind spends We bid tmn'io. Au’ gladly on th‘ rumor gov . "m“. u,“ lmat cm. ' so let “1' chilly rut-cu a: Cheer up- â€"4