[tutu mac .7 l! I114 {ll 18 l7 It is mting here to feetï¬y to your (Hicieut work in your department of science, and to record our appre- ciation of your deep interest ini‘tho Literal) Suciety, the Lecture Course and the Athietic Asaociaï¬â€˜on. For years you have periormed the dunes of treasurer of our school organirt- tions. wnh great advantige to the School. Your personal interest in the students and general interest in educational affairs, we remember gratefully. ~ ' 1 A- -‘-,-_'A 44.4 In: Presented With an Address and Cheque by L. c. I. Students Thurs. do) Afternoon. 31-, W. 8'. Stevens. who. has of- miatod as science master at the Col- lggiate institute [or the past four- teen yearfl, and who has severed his connection with the staff on account or his appointment to the inspector? ntc o! the Schools for West Victoria. to mccced the late Mr. Reacin,waa presented on Thursday. Apr. 9. with a nicely “fouled address and cheque br :35. as a slight token of the high esteem in which he ‘is held by the pupils and start. The pleasant l’uuc-' tiou took place in the Assembly Hall at 3.30. those present being the etu- dents, Ht. '1‘. Stewart. chairman or the Board of Education, Dr. White. yr, 1. 1-; Weldon and the new.) of the staff. Mr. Baritone occupied the chair and outed with him on the platform were Mr. Stewart and Mr. Steven. m following uldrese was read by Mr. Chan. .Burns, who also presented the cheque; I. H. Steven“. can. BA... The aile- giate Institute, Lindsay; Dear Mr. sarong-0n the occasion ol’ your reï¬nement tron the eta“; of the Lindsay Collegmae Instituto,‘ after fourteen years’ service as Sci- ence Master, we. the staff, the etu- ; dents and the ex-stndent-e, desire to‘ convey to you the assurance of your high esteem and our regret at your ‘ departure. - , -_ . . A..- 1.- L‘Melhy tnvnnl'l i POPUlAR sum: MASIER E-“-~-\--~-»r In leaving the School to aesa'm'e the duties of your new otlice.‘~you car- ry with you our best‘wisheo {or your highest success, and we trust that the years to come may befruzt- In} of prugress and blessing. X Signed on behalf of; . Staff. J. C. HARSTONE. Alumni. L. V. ’. O'CONNOR. Studt‘ms. (7. l). H. McALPIN'I-I. Lindsay. .1 pm 9th. 1903. TM mMX'cno‘ is to be illuminated, and wan acoumpnnied by ‘a ch‘eqna f0! $35 to buy an oltice dcfl secretary. Mr. Stwnrt, on behalf of the Bogrd 0! Education, spoke briefly. â€-5an that the Bonn] rem-cued very_mn6h 1hr Iosv or Mr. Stevenl, buy It '9 the only only human nature to make chanson, uni Mr. Stcwns had made thy! one for reason better known to himseif- flt. Stowuri then spoke of My. Stev- Pnfl a.‘ an cducntionalzst. mm: â€1‘“ to was considered one of the heat science masters in Ontario. (AD- Dlnuse.) Sowadaya c'ianges are made mph‘ly. and Mthougn Mr. Steven. «book: In' ('ungl'ntulated ou.hio ap- mlumem as inspector, Btlll the Board and School wcrov- sorry to lose *2}!!!- Howevcr. there is one consolso tnonâ€"tbc gentlmml who succeeds Mr. Steven. “ill have hm assist-moo, andflxe school will no doubt prosper ‘13 m the past. Mr. Stewart was pleased to see such alargo number °t Pupils and ext-pupils present to do honor to agentlegnan who load Ipent 90 many years in endeavor-mg ‘0 umm education. He did not an- “m presentations unless well de- mm, but in this case Mr. Stovenls The Shoe I)" _..--â€"..__ r uv wuulu Alva IUUE UV “-"J‘ ’J "‘ Mr. Otonnqr was to have been preacnt to say a few word. on behalf 0' the \lumni but was unavoidably bunt. Dr White, on beth cf the tx-du‘ Ofntn, congratulated air. atevenu. an w-.. v v..- 'â€" “A. uu. u Luna 0 '88 fully entitled to all the kind was said or him. In. conclusion, Mr. Stewart wished 1:181:39†ever! “00088 m his new position, and hop- "th Would live long to enjoy it I THROUGHOUT the Boot and Shoe world 4 “Neill the Shoe Man†is known as the largest retailer of Boots and Shoes in Canada. gï¬ight modern, well equipped Shoe Stores in the foremost†towns of Canada is the result 4 of twenty years’ progressive business methods. 3 One large distributing point supplies these 8 stores with Boots and Shoes weekly,‘ thus 4 ensuring well assorted stocks. Buying in 4 immense quantities from the manufacturers only, secures best discounts and saves for the 4 4 consumer the middleman’s proï¬ts. 'Phat’sï¬â€˜why 1 it pays to buy at Neill’s. y‘- MM-‘LW: gFAUTS WORTH KNflWINGE «Q Goods Bought Right The Shoc Kilt ‘. STEVENS, B. A. HONORED r. stereos-«0n tb: occasion retirement from the stat! indny Collegmae Instimto, rtcen years’ service as Sci- mer, we. the staff, the stu- 1 the ex-student-s, desire to : you the assurance of your em and our regret at your s Smaâ€"Ltnduy. Petérbao. London, Woodutock, Burk, Brockville, Guelph, Bnntiord. Can be Sold Right TEE WEEKLY P031, Lumsu. .mmx.-- um EEILL High Pressure nus. Men and women alike have to work incessantly with brain and hand to hold their. gym nowadays. Never were the demand: or business, the wants of the homily, the require- ments of society. more numerous. The first elfeet of the praiscworthy effort to keep up with all these things is commonly seen in a weakened m- debilitated condition 01 the nervous system, which results in dyspepsia, defective nutrition of both body and brain. and in extreme cased in com- .plete nervous prostration. It is clearly seen that what is‘ needed is what will sustain the system, giVe vigor and tone to the nerves. and keep the digestive and assimilative ï¬nne- tions healthy and active. From pe'r- sonal knowledge, we con recommend Hood's Sareeparilla (or this†put-pone. It acts on all the vital argaus, builds up the whole eyetem. and (its men and women vfor these high-pregnye days Saturday's lull“. "’ There was al‘arge~attendance :i' the market last Saturday. .and me offerings,“ {which yrcre chiefly butter an? 123.31, yen .qnickk bought up, B‘utter .9616 at {rm 20c. to 22c.,pér 1b., eggs lie. to 12c. per doz.,tnr- kpys 13¢. per 1b., §ndcteam 2004 per quart. â€â€˜ - ; . ' 1:. . ‘ flow to Ward'- 01! an Attack .0! a n . ‘ ..“.“"M. “'1 "F†3“" "he" IPfiflciï¬me came ‘on ‘and I weht {up gardeg'mg, I wan nuts to hug 341"th o! rheuma- tism and every attack! $11 more no- ‘mc than the pre‘cgding‘gno." can Jolie McDonald. o_t lino. â€M Dunn- _, ..__.AL!_- "I.“ \ thanks for the honor and kind “words said or him. {He then dwelt on the ’wock of the hool,. and spoke of 1 the time when the high school was converted into the Collegiate, and thc rejoicing of the students in get- ting into the new building. Mr. Stevens said that of his 24 years spent in teaching, 14 years had been spent in Lindsay. Before coming here he taught in Colliugwood and other places. He then gave ashort account of his earlier days when he met With many difficulties in ob- taining an education. He. was glad of 17 years of age when hepsssed the entrance. because, he was unable to attend school regularly. He had to work on the farm in summer and go to school in winter. flowener. he had a liking tor education and deter- mined to get all the knowledge pos- sibte. Be used to work at his lessons over 15 hours aday and finally his father, recognising that he woman- xious to learn, sent him to school regularly. It was not long before he had passed the entrance and a year later got his third clensoer- tilicnte and went teaching. H‘o ll’Id, however. decided to advance higher, . and studied till he secured ihiseecw and and then eutened theUniveroe ity. He then dwelt on educational matters. saying all people should get a. thorough knowledge of the Englidi language. as that counted for egood deal. If people have litenture down pretty‘ fine they my bet-cou- sidered to have atair Education. In conclusion Hr. Stevens said he could not expreu hisfeeliugs on leaving tho School. It gave him a. great deal of sorrow and regret. However, he would not forget the Collegiate. and would be glad to assist the students at any time. _ -- o ,7 , L-__n_|.1 ' ,When you feel duh alter eating. [When you have no appetite. When you have a‘bud taste in the month. (When your liver is torpid. .Wuen your bowflz'areeonetipamd. ,When you have aheadache. \ (When you feel bliieut. They (will improve your appetite. cleanse and invigorate your stom- ach, and regulate your liver and bow- els. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all drugzistfl- : .3 L “'Tiguplï¬nt affair was brought to a close by the singing of the na- ‘Inarmu‘n when 00' I" A‘AV Wuuau, v- ty “Xe-st v.-*1 tried over; In: with no true! whatever, until procured a bottle of Ohnmborlain’n Pain Dam, and ‘tho Hut .ppflontion‘ gave mo. MIG. ind (“More the um bottle“ way u u “and «um! He has but pom! “gig m: that I»: and mm:“ nbo mettle fmwmn‘i mm 11qu gnrfl'afaptru woltth' :9qu two!†.% um: and this "at e t Torn Eu» :3 $5.; .4 Chamberlain's Stomach and Uni Tablets. ,Wlien you feel (1013 after eating. Minn )0“ have no appetite. When you haw abud taste in the ‘JUST WHAT YOU‘ ICED. LINDSAY 17. 1903. ~Mossrs. Rod and A. ‘W. McKenzie, sons of the president or the Toronto Street Railway, have not up a racing establishment.- to be called the Kirk- (ield Stables, after the family‘s country residence in North Victoria. The young gentlemen have three promising horses in charge of a com- petent trainer, tmd hope to do some- thing at the Jockey Club's May meet- ing. It is expected that the new! stable will in time rival. the institu- tions of Hendry and Segrem. â€"The new buildings which the (h- nadian General Electric Co arc about to ado to their works at Pater-hora will include one 450 It. by 80 ft ,two stories high. with a. large crane 25 ft. wide for shipping purposes, that work now done by each department being centralised in “the new bui: ~ ing; one, 285x80 It. with anew 40- foot. gallery and a 40-foot crane. (or the. menulucmre of heavy machin- cry; one, 14mm feet. being an addi- tion to the new building erected last fall. and pouï¬hly. enot-hor.200x50 it. The extensions will necessitate the employment of about mice as many hands neat present. . \ ~â€"Every town has plenty at ex- unplug m how and] datum in all kinds 1!! merchandiz‘e have mane their busineu a success by, wise and judicial! advertising. Take what space you can aï¬drd, contract bxthe your. watch it, change the matter very (requentty, and you will scan need more room for your store and more space in the Input â€"'l‘ho Post Office Department is- sues a notice tho: the rate of postage on third clam matter. except seeds. cuttings. bulbs. roota. bedding plants, acions and grafts will be one cent for each two ounces or rfoction thereof and on fourth clues matter one cent for each ounce or fraction “greet. Jcnclon Fal's Gu'ttez‘ilr. John Brooks. of Lindsay, Internal: 0! Pub- lio Works, am: the ot his man. went Tuesday night at tho Falls,"urd left next morning for Rosedale, where they will be busy until. probably, the end of next week. doing some. necessary repairs to the slide and â€"Coui.ng wood has laid no plank walks since 1894,1mfl tho town has about 15 miles of granolithio on which no money has had to be spent for repairs. The town paid two- thirds of the cost, and property- omnors one-third. 000. The promoters 1mm in coni- mnnication with Lindmy Council be- fore deciding on Oriliiu. as the poim of ioc‘atiou. . â€"lPot€rboro'I rate has been fixed at 19 mills {or Protestant. rat spay- eu and 208- 10 for Catholic nu:- ‘payers. trma' 1 sbhe mill highes- than last you â€"Thc Fadcr Screwleca Door Knob (‘0.. Orillia's new. industry. has bow incorpgrated with acnpital of 8100, - -Thu stock, machinery and plant of the Stanley Piano (10., Peterboro. has been purchased by a Toronto gcn’tlcmanp (or 86, 500. and it is likely the factory will be operated in Pe- texboro on amuch larger scare. ‘-â€"Om: conception at a robust mem- ory is a. woman's chllity to come home tron: church and accurately describe the but. worn by at. least Norther Women I ~Cupt.Joc.1kawn‘e yacht was the first to make the Inn to Sturgeon Point this mm He made the trip Saturday evening. and epent Sunday there. - -Railway shippers over thia divi- sion say that it it impossible to se- cure men and teams to load forest produce, notwithstanding the offer of exceptionally high wages. -â€"A couple or south ward boys went in for their first swim Saturday. Both are now ill, but if they mrvive they will cgjoy the proud dptjnction of ha vi season: ' Linn: Edward Will pelted wnh mm It. Lisbon. This is a distinct improvegnont over the human of throwing bombn. ' It» In Nippon!" In Tan and no country thou! Ila. Monkey Brand Soap removes All mm, mt, dirt or tarnish-what. won‘t want cloth... - ‘ â€"80 man ever‘ think.) he will marry a. widowâ€"and In: doeun‘t. She manic- him. ‘ â€"JuIt M the average man in about to int untangle hold on land In. pim to" out. EITHER!!! BY‘ PORT REPORTER BREEZY [0(Al BREVIIIES. It him Now Vol Netti '“' nu Does it not seem. more cffccuve t blenxhe in a. remedy, to cure disease of thebrwhingorgansdnntomkethe rcmedyintothestomadt?‘ - Embattled 1679. Cumwnmvoasoep It cures beam the Ifrtendaed my mtinepxip is ended oven the , ,7 A _4‘I-_.$ â€"--mr-.- â€" vâ€"--_-‘ - , {ncewim‘tmyv 7, bmth, " fault-11d And constant treatments“?! I inv- «- nblé w modicumâ€; null when. Is a boa: to â€mantles. Eng tiéaften this record for the um It you I! "OWN" “swam I- 'v-v‘ -nu. Fred. Fisher and son 3e1- ville. ol Cook-town. are the guests of the formcr‘s brother, Mr. F. A. Robinson. , -â€"Mr. Fulton Vrenmau and Mr. Newton Magwaod.oi Toronto Uni- versity. are home In: the Easter holidays" - I.,_ _‘ ":3â€.- Arthur Payne. 1 drug. store. P0" through to bill home labâ€; on (,ood Fri â€"Miss Xena. Harrison, Elgin-st.. ngxth ward, accompanied by her m- tle sister may, lei: for the city Good Friday morning. ' , of Peter-bore. was in town Thursday lag: making arrangements to resume mo grano- 1itbic pm'exnent work, .1 Inn--1“- city on Satursmy w qruuu “3""- with his son. â€"Mies Della Emerson. of Port Per- ry, is spending a few days with friend!- in town. . â€".\lise Howie Kyle, of Port Per- ry, is visxtlng friends m town fora, couple. at woe)". â€"Mr. Walter Killingbcck, of the Edison .Wclrkl. Peterboro, spent Sunday with friends in town. - â€"-Ihle Workman. whu is attending St. Andrew‘s Ladle: College. Tomato, is home for the Easter vqcation- -Miss Myrtle Carter, Gle t.. has returned home. after spec lug. Easter with Peter-bore (ï¬ends. a: acondncgor D. lemma, ,9! the Belleville-ï¬Ã©terboro mail tram, was In town Good Friday virltlng friends. â€")r: Fred. Fisher and son Mel- ..m- A: Cook-town. â€are the ï¬nest; School stall, and Mrs. Armour. spent Good Friday and Easter Snmhy in Toronto. guests 0! their daughter, Mn. npecrqlt- . â€"er. Mimms and daughter. Miss Ruby, Wellington-st" Mi. recently tor a visit to her an. Bert in‘PJfla- delphia. Before returning they will Jinit New? York snd_ather points. â€"-Mr. Fred Lovell. hut-benvnhnlnti been in the employ at Mr. Artie Rob- m, loft lat Honda: torhis blue in Cleveland..0hio. where 0 sister '3 angerougly :11. He may uqt‘ My") to town. Teaéherl' Conveunon now an mm. at Toronto. _Dr. Burrows and Miss Burrows spent Good Friday with friend: in Port Hope. The Doctor any: tint the Lake Ontario tony!) in one to! the pret- tieat places in Canada. .. -.â€". .Ir_ .v ._ n _v -â€"Mr. and Mn. H. W. Spottom and little daughter who have hecn spend- ing the winter in Perth. returned recently. The: will “to up their midunoe at Smitten Point uni. thin nu. ‘ ‘ . 7.9,-.- -Dr. Iiobt. 8.. Brand, of Barrie. spent £8.5th With his rather. in Jan. Hood, north ward. and B. J. Menzies" of Feneksn l-‘alli. were in town suurday. . â€"â€"Mri. J. Carroll and children ictt vtor Bobcaygeon last Monday to spend sweet with friends. .. n n Ain‘t". â€"â€"Mr. Frank Lame, o! Caverly a; Coâ€: store Woodt'ille. was in tovm Thursday at last week. . ~Mr. Fred Stitch. oi Peterbou-o. spent Good inday, and Sunday with his parent! in to‘vm. 5355 at home. -m. J. H Delano“ bu retired hum the mm bum.- man-aco- man: at" the M31mm“: Echo. Ml om Dom: new tullf mm “by cation. 80 ml ooml no. to 3“?» th- bullnoulm our ï¬ght. â€"Mr. John Ronny. reprint» of the Rooklnnd Noun. Mu Kenny. murmd ondartmn Toronto. when â€my at 11 mm†and Sunday. on: a to than: about: will be an.» onc- moons m rum 9! tourm- om- â€"Mr. J; A. Skinner, 5.9.x. agent at Owen Sound, is spending afgw I»;- If; £31".ng M .' . '“Itï¬lu thrift. viii." â€"M]sa BylVelto“. 0' 3062.151“); 1m. home (or Eater. f â€"Mi.u Sadie S’aciuir is visiting friend: in Wocdviiie. ‘ ‘ â€"Mi.u 01“." it willing her ulster. In. G. H. H. Baker. ' _M.r. Ed. â€nitrous spent {ï¬end hid†in Potubon . ' ' -m. 1' Mini: Evan. or Yolmton. was in tgm Mm, on buaiucu. _Mr. Sinclair. a! Barrie. upem, Sunday Vilma: (ï¬ends in to“. -m. Oh“. Hammer. 01 mph-to Lake. mu in town Saturday. ' â€"Miu Meta Middleton is u in: a tow day. u: Potuboro with ma. â€"Mr. W. Thomson. 0! Toronto. .pem Eater with Irm- in town. â€"Mr. Donald (hln‘pbeil. at Wood- ville, was in town hieiy an Engine“. â€",Mr. J. Bradley. 0! Halibu'tm. wag in town lately tot a Jew bar. .3“. Alex. Kennqdy. of tho north .ward, in visiting friends 10 Toronto. â€"nr. 8- Morripou spent the East: holiday with friends u. Collingwood. â€"Mr. Archie Trudell. of i-‘melon Falls, is spending a few days in town. ‘ ..Mr. W. G. Ellis. of Fcneiou Falls, waanguést at the Simpson home Monday. , . â€"Mr. '1‘. Mitchell, 0! Bowma'nvillc. paid Lindbay (ricotta a visit Satur- day. - - A. . _ «Mon. “TRAVELERS (ME A†60 PITIIY PERIOIIl MIT“. . Armour, of the WPublic LIX, and Mrs. Armour. spent lay and Banter 8nn<hy in gugpts of their danghlet, "â€"1! or three reasons stand out promi- neatly. First, continmty of manage- ment. .‘rhu'e have been few chame- iu management. Second the pay- ment of solutes large enough to .-\t tract good men. Third. been†the hunineumn ot the town on willing tn spend some of their timoinoeh- ing the public. Lnotly. the moat:- cu m h.atg‘ï¬om'muzu ot emu-ohm tor 1m two [atom to- «other. Boothe-o non who. tn. valuable. out! who how but» oh- oosh to on. tho wtth od- untu do not our. to moan thou- am... or“ WI n wu In or «and ‘50:.“ $0600! . Not- tho: do than Mttoululfl an rulo. to not!" tho tndlgn ht. onto who howltt by not on can» coon... not“ a tow. Moo. mouth monolithic.“ coo thto wotlot. the: wound to out» ttoo. moo- od to noun. and yot won doctod. lrmbfldn's 000d Ell-pk. (Renfretw Mercury.) Municipal ownership has been a carcass in Bracebridgc. M‘ny? Two â€" .m MECHANiC'S Hm}: TAR 30A? Thus-El W the .31.. um.- mpdyr It _.._. A- I-..|..-nh f.â€" “h.- No other Soto is in“ u m VOILE? $0†30.. If". '9 L‘: BABY’S OWN SOAP St... “to m GIOVOI. 75c. 50 pm Pawnu'u Danu- Gloves of flu quell white dueaedkld. with two dome fasteners. has wit tuncy cumulus 0! white or Neck. .1! wom’e due. ,Fddoy. .75c 500 yum new Dress Multan. n his run of «km and "quit!“ "WI. sir-tabla for men and cm! rec'- dmm, mm or mun; one: â€Id 3: 18: nd '33:, Fulilgv .................................... a: The.) two wad-mu. Ityholmhudnndvnflodoolmotomulauw . Weoerhinly how on“ neck (to. vhlohyou on “emulation. Ind v. done our host tohovo w o! e oxtuvsguca token out o! the pdoe. Prion ennui he but; 1.... emu with guilty. and held... 3 oobndid tenure about our mu thle “columnar, Bate-rio- with It on halvldno'uy. Our expert Hal-en hon mu:- enough to any: style- plan. IO am we never an! on: Icon on: [Moon Dunn-um say two not. due. Cone tc-doy end '0' do m but to plenum. , Some Exceptionally Good Bargains Some Money Saving Chances in From the Staple Department. House Furnishings. one cum a 38:. 7 _ â€49¢. myâ€: specs. soc lï¬h'c. Oxford m. 86- 500 321mb 021cm! surï¬ng. good ï¬rm club. a:- gï¬ghu Hulda! Moms; min-121‘: quilts, y .................................................. ,q OWQMNN4 A Tohphono, lo. 119, ha bun Whom storofor the W ofowfrhndsudpntrom. mummmunMMwfl-lly 'mmmmprompuyc.o.q. “no "your Wan-om «Maury, Mull! nonuniform mouynfuminfull, but In mlnmmwmany mod. I). loft unpaid for. «wwmwo ON o«¢m«¢m««m« mo «wmow $ ,3 i 3 1 Women's B!eek Under-tutti. made of fine quality the newest e‘ylcs. finished with ticking on 'tront a «Bette. flanked with under!!! and row- ot cardiac. heck; ehedee cl white, pink or blue. Rag-uln- Nave: told le- thea 8.50, Pride, .................... $5.75 V hi eds. Friday ........................................ A WWONHONO MOWWWO OWNï¬ï¬‚MNOMOQO i spasm NOTICE. clothe, S 0!. Cuhmeeee. Metres. Ewe-une- um Cane Clothe, bright new end dependeble anode, 40 w 46 Inche- widc. choice or ell the new end desirable ehadee lnc‘ndloa Neck. suitable la glfle'. nM' or womm’e weer. Results-60.3 endï¬ï¬cmelepdae ................. so: A Wealth of Women’s Wear all “cad“c’reummulk This II on. kahuna ct how soul-dolls: buy: more Ohm one hundnd cents wort): ban. The lot haul-dos d] the mm It. dram nuts rul- mob u Begun Chevlou. mw li'rqgoh_ Clergy. Sunï¬sh Salimâ€. poplin. proud- 150 yudl English Chum Sultlall. 40 lube. wide; I n17 animus sad It um numb! tor Sam or statute _k_x_’u; had mm: a that proof. Benin 01 25mg. 8!: month of such a M 3nd nth! all was nova blown limbo“ Hon. What I- the timber, in (MI Wald] Ford no? th'I t h in .11 their modom wand“? Bil-p†thin : This «3mm h broadly planed. It'o o llbonl Wuhlp old: thot. oonprhoo oll tho non out! women of Linda, oval in vicinity ond Wokoly ,ocd. Wo oook tho nowoot. oho worthloot. tho moot mum good- of oll undo, ond thou oo buy them that on on “so. our lo you n lo- tion you out tho oono good- {or oloowhoro. Thor’s tho not» of tho populority thin booin- nd 0! tho um. olwoyo. Bron ! coll It to, it you ploooo. But tho pm! of our, cuto- mnt undo ovor or undo: our oignotuo lo hon. Nowhoro oloo in thin uotlon w-doy will ho lonnd o wholly now stock 0! oll doolnblo goodo. Nowhon on you: dolly or coco-load nood- to bo onppllod oz ouch sub-tonal! ammo. Bennie, night will eleee our menu-month bun-heel le Lind-ey. We intend to eloee the month in e blue of glory ee let en exee ally belch: ell-deg man- we concerned. Come Frldey. cone Setudey. end come expecting to be egreee y emptied et the eeononlee here, there end everywhere ebont the Store preeented. Some Splendid Dress Goods Values 3!.“ sum Cheviot Sum-g. 98c DAYS WHEN DflLLABS D0 DOUBLE DUTY. 100 mm 0:631!» Qaflv. has: Ml up. goal was». "r pun-no: mill 81.10. I" .................... so. Underpriccd. 38.50 Black Talc“. Undenklm, 85 75. WAKELY FORD, LINDSAY. Wakely 85 Ford. New Dress IIIIIII. 15c. TWO BARGAINS IN GLOVES AND STOCKINGS. SECRETS UE A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS. The Safe Satisfactory Store. COME WITH THE CROWDS. INDIVIDUAL MILLINERY 031 0353:1322‘53113: mzkzmmmmggo a Do Your Eyes Trouble You? 5 A-o noon n um um. 3“an that IW †__ m. w u... could no «mm m- Comma-6111mm] lamina. . 9 an: own-um. {but in. that «dul- ' u: want not no proï¬table attu- ull. Hr.“ W. 1!. Put, um On. in n M m Cal-tum ï¬nd. a; nun cuvnulnc pantie-1‘: can). 5. And from what we could no and M‘°M“W“N‘Nflm lmn. Bram» Oounclllon are m ’08 Inu- M Ion... among m but Mum m. Tap â€mm Into npnurntatlw m we Common. the nu “Tm Hound. did not think “I W. B. PMS! Promoâ€? m‘ cww’ °::° ’ ‘ mum ........ n e on. m a canon u M‘ouoolmor up tho an: Maw“ use. ‘. M m... .nblslmtfl mm hauling-ulna».- at“ EPPS"'S 6000A EPPS’S 8360A An admirable food. with 311 its natural qualities intact. ï¬tted to build up and maintain robust health. and†to resist winter's extreme' cold. Sold In lb. tins. labelled JAMES EP a: 00.. Ld.. Romeo “hie Chemists. London, wand. 35min smcucm a. moons. BRITTON BROS., Optician s , I Mr. MOST NUTRITIOUS. If You are Abuszhg T Itemâ€"5 TOP 1T. '(my Reasonable Use of Ike»: Causes lu- conwm'euee or Distressâ€"CONSULT U5. Examination and Advice Free. Foot of Kent Street, Lindsay. lean Cotton Stockings. 2 pd: for 25¢. 50 do: pm- Women's Canon Sanctum. fat black. phln or_ mpg 511_ sizes, excellent vents, Frldsy'a span!!! avoid neiv sud etaeuvo déilgn, regular $1.21!?!- y .................................................. 0:“ (Ila-[Ila Ill Tapestry Canal-s. 2 89 :8:- 10 pair Chonllie or 1': pehwycm null“ .183.“ My hardc- ond hasty know trim I! each end. as- oql-ud new coloring; result: 8150 3 pair, My“ â€use 12100.29“!!!me Some Money Saving Chances in House Furnishings. ‘Oc Willow SI“... 83c 15 Get. 011 Opsqae Window 8nd“, 3 :6 n. mounted when; calm m, we end dark green: render ulna, F113†..... e ....................... 29. 25 Flu. Noam Lace Cancun, 33 yards 54 :.:._‘1'. wide. mung: gym: 19ct_-sfltohod «39.3: a! Womu'l Flue Silk '1‘.ch WM. dummy mud. In the new.» styles, finished with noun; on front mad beck; shale. cl white, pink or him. Raglan- :50 hi Ms. Friday ........................................ so hhmmmndï¬mmmunlflzï¬ utyle. over 26 distinct design to uleéo tron 11mm the but and meet We end colon. The $12.50 kinda 311-un the 810 Hudson 8750, $7.50 Madam 85,.ndtï¬klnde'ue3350. Save Dollars on Your New Slit. A big lot of Staple Sum, at over twenty “’1an new. ell stylish sud heat of d]. ell udanrhe mess nu; 81850, the 81850 kind: 81350 the .15 kinda Ind 310 than ........................................ .50 06.80 In!- Com. 34-98. 2131“â€. Women'u Bil. Cau- at m vool imageuo, or an: utter mlu- colon no I gran “d mg. don 3 mild. tweed. Anabel- so: as: h of huvy abhor mad. with flame. and Ian â€no: collar. 3.1qu $6.50 mama†............ 3198 m- or '31th sun- at Ma reduction. The Belt â€50 Silk Wahts. $4.â€. 81.25 Nottingha- Cumlu, 98c Wakely 85 Ford. new 1'. LOAN “Home. â€cuter-ml!“ "You: :1: Lowelt Olmnt Bste of Interest, with privilege of ropuymgntjn m mkwhenrequirod. Expense- kept don $0th lt.‘W.B.Pnl. IMO". but. I“ m Conn-ml In“. a h MIOMumnnumpuur.‘ Minimum Fumble... but Axe-t. OI lent-u. My FARM LOANS. J. H. SOOTHERAN PAGE NINE.