BT55 3.00; ï¬sh Cam ' h fronts Ior detachuh “mes, 1m :tons, ringsw I: for dvn.‘ Ins. also M rcc ms, I’d 0 O O 1 6 Grey ad 1 with raw ; cloths a: and front! ups of tuck! 1f strappi'fl’ r pan k fauziï¬a‘is ‘f‘f’. 1.00 APR". ;;;;; au Black ad with séf CYS Wlt dark 2M 6 13.“. . ’ 10.00 1000 vet led mu m Hats, Bargain 37.3 “3193 Soft I"! on 35.4 styles Men‘s dab! 39â€"10 per cent of! a! We Blinds. 40 -White Bleached 'I 41.10 per cent 0:! all c-3luk, White and 3-1.13.5“ Walking: 5}: you Y'ad.u .v w- 5 ster: ne nows it’s a femininggr -â€".. c, _ ,, ctloghOf nature as well. as havifggEggter‘s the idsâ€"- ere are mangnagrgcles of app areï¬ï¬f Signiï¬â€" xs to your toilet as wglrllggg: canon. . stock that W111 give a - n nur Easter sale. Three days of special selli n8. LU v-â€" March 3_1$t and April 2nd and 4th ..... mnnc mt: mm: QDRCIAI. PRICES AXES MsLennan Co. ' LEATHER rams wnsumc “mamas moms WBINBEBS MS! CLIPPEBS SINGERS worn or the trial, also taken‘ 1mm TWWYE Examiner: The Police Court ,wap again crowd- ed to own-flown; thï¬morning “Vb?“ “Tm Airries appeamd Wm M15 We Bumble on a. second charge. that of aï¬sulting and robbing lpss Mellville ‘ on {ruesdaw emm. March 8th. The priï¬omr pleaded not guilty to the abuse. Four witnesses ~"'e"° called and their evidence mgï¬ â€˜1: WI! 3 nature as to Jesuit :m {Al-Fries being committed for trial at the next swing um court of Com-, m Jurisdiction: _ Mm Mellvillem the ï¬rst; â€M. M stated that on the evenmg otthe ault she left her home about 8.15 Clock and mutt northwards on MISS [HA MflVlllf ROBBED “00k and mmt northwards on .Aylmerost. When naming the cross- at Edinburg-d" she heard foot~ £va behiyd her and withpug _the EXCITING EXPERIENCE OF A FOR- MER llNDSAY lADY. Knocked Down, Struck and Robbed on Miner-st, Peterbaro. Some time ago The Post re- Published tram the columns of the Peterboro Examiner a‘n item stating that Miss Etta Melville, a tormer “iii-dent of Lindsay, had been hOCk'. 8d down and rbobed while walking We one evening, and that a. young “â€11 named Jesse Airries 'had been MsLennan 8:00. "rested on. suspicion of being he: assailant. Our readers will :10de be interested in the followinc 1-9.. 9°“ 0f the trial. also takexh tram -xgn s 1' 10"!!! .5mg. Dfl‘bl' :831011'3 Bitch € .zmyles 805' -4 styles Men L40 per 06!“ 0 We Blind! -White BIN-ch 1.10 per cent 01 gm White ;_W' \\ all: lâ€"IO per cent 01 Mn named "rested on brown to W8. He ‘8‘ warning. she was 'aeixed, 1m- {Ida held to her side: and the was Hardware, Iron and Coal Lindsay‘s Leader. SAWS id Gloves in Urey ran r3, _ fl , ghite Cashmere Gloves: closed wrut, reg 40¢ ....... Fun-v Sill: Coléag, rengOï¬ E 8:40:25? 53045:: ........ . f ‘ t' an i ue 0 us, an ....... him" 58 111 q Silk combination Collars, x “ - l"'ue and Louisine . bill» “I “1‘ 0" thte, E S 3 for ..... lation Collars in Bl . gg‘oxgkbace Belts in Black or Bluk and thte. reg 2 l: *k Satin Belts, reg 306 E S 230, reg 55o ,,,,,,,,,,,, \E’h‘ilc Silk Belts with Gold or Steel Buckles, reg 45¢ 'hifl’on Veilings and Blagk with White Spou, reg 35c Var X'pilimrs with Chemlle_$_z_>ot: ‘geggm. . 11.3.“? ud I‘mys‘ Colored Handkerchiefs, 2 for Se, 8 for 10° 3 1 ‘hm-iug End Ties, light und dark colors, reg £50 . . .. Dz-rby. and l-‘our-in-Hmd Ties, reg 28¢ flack Cashmere Sox, ribbed with dunner, reg 35cm... . Soft l-‘xont Regatta Shirts. reg 600 ................. 50°. )lvn‘s dark or light. 00 «mt off all Lace Carmina. Chenille Cnrtdns, to the ground, than day; Her W‘ um m .“Not a nerd out of you Purse; 1-2 5 specials be, 10c, 20c 3nd .................................... Lace Yoking, reg 35¢ .. , _ _ . . . . . . .. . . .s 3 inle Embroideries, reg 8c............ 5 :2 inch Embroideries reg 15c and l?............ .. (‘ushmere Hose, ribbeé, ms 1 to 6 yous, “530180 md 20c ........ . ibbml (‘ushmom Hose. reg 28.- 88 20c. reg 5 ....................... ('olorml Handkerchiefs, speck] 2 for So, for 51: 3nd 3 for ...... mum! and tanc y Lawn Handkerchiefs, apecisls 3 for 10¢, md 3 for re Ilexnstitched Pure Linen Handkerchieh, reg 20¢..." .. . . A _- u-_-_ n--|..._-â€"On- :- -....n-.u- . n 5‘... 36K {on V Cluusa m... '-..-7~ Veilings with Chenilte Spot, 1'83 200 . . . Black eï¬ects in Net and Mesh Veilings, reg 28c ....... A Black Spotted Veilings, reg 230 ... . 3083‘, 4 specia‘s 150, 200, 25°, 300, 45c and ............ n Pearl Blouse Sets, 13c 18c, 206 and................... nuol Belt Buckle Sets, Black Steel md Gilt, reg 30¢ IFancy Headed Hat. Pins. reg 10¢. .. . Black or White 113: Pins ton. . . . . . - - ,,g_-l.l-_l-- and Blue Taffetta Ribbon, reg 1 :13 Ribbons, all shades, reg 10c Ribbons. all shades, reg 11c ...... .1 Bags, reg 35cE S_23c. reg 450 0A- War Easter Sale, 1904.? ed Table Linen, 62 inch, reg 50c ............. r! all White We“ Easter Solo and Colored ailk Blouses, reg $535 ......... ing Skirts. $2.00, $2 73, $3.50, 8.75. Spec r? all Carpets, Oileloths 811d Rugs Easter ' d Colored Kid Gloves reg 75c and 800 Easter Sale 2:235:31â€, Fawn, Champagn’e and Black, reg $1.10 ......... 7“_-J _:.5 m ‘nn New Shirts, New Collars, WHEELBABROWS Purses, Hosiery andiimbroldorlos Easter Sale Shades In SITORS WE GIVE SPECIAL PRICES FOR THREE DAYS. _,..â€"â€"â€"â€" wanmibe prqpprlg grogmgd for Low Gash Prices. cloves, Neokwoar and Volllngs Easter Sale NDBAY. th: Several wumw “a-.." me seep Airries at a later hour the same eveninfl. and when attention was called to his bleeding hand he ex... plaimd that he had injured it by falling on the ice. E. Kimble, with two of his friends. met Airries about ten o’clock. Ajrxiea asked 7 witness if he had heard of m Mellville bc-, Wednesday, Aptil 61h, By Geo. M9Hu4gh, auctioneer, c’rodit sale of Farm Stock and Implements, J uhn M‘oArthur, the east hair! lost 16, con. ‘6, Ops. Sale at prnsonlel' GASS]EN’.--In Lindsay, on â€My? 2811!. 1903, the wifv of Con. Felix (Jamieâ€"v1. of a sou. Gl‘xEENBURY.â€"Iu Limis: y. on ELI-oh 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. I‘Com.) Rue.- bcn Greenbury, twin girls“ IARRIABES KELSOâ€"FRAMPTON.â€"On the 23rd. at the Presbyterian Manse, Bthny' geon. by the: Rev. W. G. Smith, Millium K3130. and Bertha .Fcump- inn- both of leall". I l LACK-~13 Winnipee. Wu, GRIE\ Eâ€"G AGE. - \t tn}: rcaidenm, at the bride’s parents SL Paul-pf... Lindsay. on Wednasday, March 23 bv the Rs} .Jas. Wa‘laoc, 3.0., Am- 1mm GricVe. of South River, to Sarah Gage, oI ILindsoy. DEATHS 'séeeral yum†.,-L w- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . 6 o‘clock shat p.--w1'. c, 3 for We 3 for re: 45¢W ‘pecitl E ter Sale FRIDAY. APRIL. 1. 1901. liookmar for tutor. Easter Sale - lï¬n R for .............. l5 Dry Goods Boga; BIRTHS 1eg_35c Lindsay, on Much I». “'1‘? 0‘ Con. ‘Fï¬â€˜lix Easter Sule- prices ms, on' Wednesday. l. Gentrude ABUSE 8 manhhs. beloved and HIS. Minhael Covers uni m1 March 26th ï¬grry Daniel aster Sale for trial. 34 43 o.) \) Ills Remarkable Change of Base As- tonlshod the house. Some of the ofï¬cers 0! our local Militia colmpaniaa have an intereitinc Subjzer tor conversation these days in the remarkmble stand taken ' by their former commander. 001. Sam Hughes, in connection with the eli. gibility 01 Canadian officers for the high position of Commander 01 tm Canadian Forces. or G.O.C. There was a. time when his sturdy championship of the claim: of Ginnidinn officers, and his denunciation of the practise of toiating upon us pompous Britiahq ens who underatood not the peculiar- ities of the Canadian volunteer, won for him great renown, but he uwne 'in-. sincere, “patently. in all he said and wrote upon the ’subject. Since being admitted to the good graces of Lord Minto and General Dundonald he rc'- alizes how wrong it was of him to speak disparaiginsly of those occupy- ms the seats 01 the mighty, and when Sir Frederick Borden, Minister of Militia, last week introduced to give Canadian ofï¬cers 3 chance, 00!. Sam did not manifest a tithe of his old enthusiasm and in tact offered oppo- sition which must have been Vcl‘y grateful to General Dundonuld. .. Tm‘ Ottawa i'.-.;.rcscxtt.iiivc of. the Toronto Star rciurul to the mei- (lcnl as follows. "Fox-gotten were all luv conspira- cus to thwart hie fume and his valor; forgotten all those luznclnnntuonq to prev ut him Mriktng showd blows For {no E-mpircâ€"l’urgouln. yea. and loxgnzcr" and an active nonunion supplants the old grudgr that was no wd- udvcrtircd. Tue hon-Id bvcncll l'awbwn britlgul. \olom‘l Sam and tho \icc-xoy are friends again. 4nd this cure of omrxrc breather: again. The ï¬rst fruits 0! this “reconcili- nlion really compriw what may be called 00. Sum: second voltc-lgcc. I: (OIOND SAM “(RAWI‘ISHEW ié'ï¬ï¬n'laiii}; thâ€"o memory of man that Colonel Sam hated Major-Genet- al Hutton. and had togw goodufw‘ordf in [Ill\svu. unan- mu -v" 3--- ..- 7 in any event to any about British 0!- tioers commanding in Gmadn. Last week Sir Frodk. Bordon introduced perhaps the most Canadian measure that has been soon tor a long while in the Green Chamberâ€"the Militia bill to wit. which muku n anndhn eligible to command the militia of this country, and romovus 'tho rc- striction which tiad us to British oolomla of the regular army. “is was obviously Colonel Sam‘s chance to oxult and any. "I told you so.“ and acuity British military .supcrcilious. ness generally. But a thorough re- pontanoo does away with resentment. just :w perfect faith castelh out (011‘. _ . HE. N0 [NIGER INSISTB ON A GANADIAN FOR G. 0. c. run.-_.-vw _- -.V just an perfect faith casteth out tear. . Much to the surprise ofthc House, 003mm! Sm bo'gglod at the provision which struck everybody else as the most satisfactoryâ€"the eligibility of Ozmadadinn officers for the highest position in their own little army. He admitted that British G.0.C’s. had bzsen blunderers or incompetents, that they had gone cantrary to mt. , . ... h, “A“; ‘ ' Lindsay's Summer «own. I Promts scpm to be good for a gay iseaeon at Sturgeon Point, Lind-Jay's popular summer resort, this summer, as a number of outsider-3 have ad- rcady written to scan-c cottage-1. Semxa! of our onn citizens have de- cided to as the ice the ground. Wu undorst [Rev G. W. abndcrson, Mr. B», J. Gough, Mr. Woran Won-day, Mt. Fre- mont Craudel}. and others. have de- cidcd to erect handsome ammun- hmnas. while others will enlarge or beautify their cottacefl. Mr. J. D. FJsVelle. we hear, haglet apoatnct for hnpro‘emente whxph W111 coac' ,a.bout «no, and Win [Include a. wide j two-storey â€yawn on two pdeg 9t .mmtm i J. L. 'y .1.;.i-.LLU.J :§§§â€Â§NW§§§ON00§OW o GIVING UP BUSINESS 3 . ngZU ccn Uh: 45.5.1. «33333333333333 h stock CARD 0F THANKS "'5 Summer Rosort. s scpm to be good for a gay Sturgeon Point, Lind-say‘s miner resort, this summer, bar of outsider-3 havo ml- tten to Wire cottage-z. our onn citiums have 42- u as ï¬gs Ice --'Ihc r’ar portion of the roof of Ham Bios.‘ Woollnn Mills. which has been mined one-half storey. is 'to be cowl-ed with asbaston ï¬re-proof rm- terinl. , "‘â€"-Strcngth und vigor come of good oodJollydigostod. "Force." a ready oacnowha-u and barley food. ‘addl no burden. but sustains, nourishes, im Igora toe. >-Mr. Cullen. Lindsay-M... lmsmw got. a new 10 horn power electric motor to run his machine shop and foundry. lt arrivmi {ram Monircau this Week. -Mond.\.\~ m-xl. April 4th. being n statutory and bank holiday. (halo- ml banks, will In closed. Oar road- ors should plan mm lmuinn‘num- actions with this in \icw. GATHERED BY POST BEPORTEIIS ' ON THEIR DAILY ROUHDS -- Mr. P. B. lelllu-rgvg.’ cmlmd of how. and Mr. ‘ load of how! and Nuln horn and Toronto Inn-Ix. paid [or 110.2% w.“ 34.50 p -.‘uu- (‘nmpb-‘Nford [1 which Mr. J. T. \npor ha publismr; Ins bwn numm -â€"~ AMI Q â€"Co\mtul’cn tux-com puns. .mcx- ca-llcnt imitation of tlu- latest ammo ol um coim are in circulation around Kingston. '1‘le coin in mud? of lvad coxcrxl with a lhiu lml of silv'n. Lock out for than. â€"0u .chncodny. April 6. by Goo. MpHugb. auctionoor. credit saloon! Farm Stock and Implementt‘. ~um proputy d Mr. John McArthur. (gust hall. lot 10. con. 6, Opfl. SW: at one o'clock aharp.â€"wl. â€"Thc muékrat hunters are. begin- ning to fem- lhal Chair catch will b3 *meli this sxiaoxz. Th: (pm sea- son ands May Int. and at meant; it 1003931- 31 the river ice “illhold fium till 1h»- middlc of April. Lai your the trappcrs were at work on March 12th. .1 LL- A‘A no. rv-M- --_ _, .. --'llu~ (‘umpbmllfonl Il-mld. o! “Mich Mr. J. T. \JWI has 1mm the mum». nu bwn acqmmd by us. “so A. Kim: tow. rc‘ ml twat-hit. of that town. who kill um tho mpcr in future. . ,IBI-Ju â€"A large majority o! the old gas posts in (inherent parts at the town are receiving very tough wage at the hands a! the boys of the town. Some are bent into all kind‘5 of shape: and others are [.ulted out of the ground. while nearly all at them but been deprived on! their lampS. L»- :- â€"1.|'~ a; “Yaâ€"“pr . -. sued a report for year ending June 30th. 1903. It might interest people who do their Shopping in To- ronto to know that 118 batten ad- dxessed to the '1‘. Barton 00.. contain- ing $389.79, won‘t astray and no traoc was our found of the money. BREEZY 10(Al BRIEVIIIES - Road iik d trims down Pctcrboro way are deep. as John Heatherly, an Otowace towwxw farmer. found out to his low the other day. While driving into Patmboro his horse r139- ped on the road mto thedueh and water at the side. and before the owner could tu'curc help to exit-Lute it. the you boast perished by drown- ing. . ,A ,n-:n.. 'agw must necessarily at: even lug."- or than last season. but as {annex-s lune chn reaping the benefit of the growing times for the past few year-l. they can afford to be more generous with the working man ,len in the past. --- “ ‘,,__ â€4" \lu- -â€"l‘$Ilu¢‘r5 In“; W ‘4'-.. 1 7‘ the bonus 0! late Rocking up help for the coming summer. Very few lazm hands ocean to be available md mgw must neccswily be even high- .. n...“ ma small. but as {annex-s «aha. â€".\ir. Max CL-mlcnnnn. son of Mr. Ed Chandemn. of tnu Pym house staff is hams: from Vancouvzr for a few wuâ€"ks‘ holidays owing to an sand-mt met mu; ilvh'w capacity as mastication. by winch he lad: lbs in- lna right hand. Juan dex Iingtr of he .nmhap he passed nis .pmvious to t- _ conductors grade. examination for and he honcb' to be promoted on' his IV ...... ~According to tho Pctorbox-o pa- pers, Stony Lake will be navigated this coming season by the fastest omit on the ‘Kowartha. lakos. Mr. Frank Young. of Young's Point. who has built several fast voï¬scls. will have a new one ready {or the open- ing of navigation. It is dmcribed as being 23 feet Jongcr‘xand 4 {cenwider than the largest hoot on the lakes, and will haw: a speed of 16milcs per hour. .pxcviowi to L' examination 1 and no 1104,09 return. iIWl. -']‘.he mason is: at hand when the cleanly housewife arms herself with a broom. a feather duster, various bxusnes and cloths. and procznds to stir up the winterYs crop of microbes and hacxlli in the time-honored pro- cess called spring house-cleaning. And Uxenaml passages. bronchi undlungs of UM’.‘ family furnish cxcelfent breed- ing [:1 onnds for myriads of the micâ€" rwcopical miec‘niuf-makexs. And the doc! ore smiiae. ’ ‘ nu _ I. - .‘M â€"Bob Independent that this ï¬ling-9 us making the hendso swim. .Hpre is the ; suxpd tact gust. wc ck opened. and this wee] uciwlly. a Chinese Lau: mcncrd Winesfl under mom. of Mr. Chang Lee All that in wanted I: lam-.h counter, and eve: win be sitting on thy-e .. Mr. J. J. I 8 Eldon. hats" able enterprise snonhorn aim Stool: Iota. -Mr. J. J. McKinnon. lot 9. con. 8 Eldon. .ms‘ maniftstï¬ commend- able enterprise in purchasing the ï¬ne Shorlhorn sixc. “King William," rag- island No. 50589 in the Dominion Short Horn Herd nook The farmers 01 the noighborhood oculwnl no aoqbt tin!) of hi: cflort to im- mow b at task 0! the tqwnglnp “more may Independent: The boom vidlaga is experiencingfls a heads of the old sculcra we is the :ailvmy an :12}. . Just. wank a real bank was Id this week. positively. , Chinese Laundry has com- winess under the manage- h'. Chang Lee, and partner. id wanted now is a tree war. and everyAhoft in town :it ton-com puma .m ox- »tion 0! 1hr hum-1 :me are in circulauon JI'OlI'II 'Jn coin in made of load In a thin ha! of Silvm. :1; thy-a; hairs. harm-5' :h’pa‘d n “1 312-. J. Moot-ea (utlln to Pen}:â€" huh: Tin prir" $4. 50 p): 1001!)! null-rs are begin- cueir catch will 1:. Th; (pén sort- and at meant; it r ice “illhold finm Aprii. Laï¬t year 1L work on March men daily 1“}qu 1!- Aï¬RAvers (OME ANDGO transacted bualueu- m ‘ â€"Mr. A. 0. Hogs. win tor. of (hhvood, war;- it Ja‘ ., Ozm-mce (annex-y. WIIH m wwu 'l'nmday on business. ~Mr. J. L. Arnold. merchant, of Faxelon Falls. paid Lindsay a busi- ness visit Tuesday. ‘ ~Kr. John R. Bade, of Buddow. spent last night atthe 53mm hook and left next warning {or Vancou- â€" 15.3311. J. B. 141?th Rubens. of Port Hope, w â€"â€"M‘r. Wm. Fin-Mill istru'c. ol’ Hindi-n, n tordny. M. B. C. â€" . Ab. Kennedy. of South Ops. is hour for the Easter hoï¬days. af- ter a a» term at the Bellevillo Easiness College. “‘0‘ â€"Muï¬â‚¬tï¬. J. ‘1‘. Robinson. \\'. Robin- son, Gardiner Hunter and llarwy Thompson. all of Bobcaygoon. ware in town Monday. ‘ , '77 -111... â€"Mr. Fred l’errin. formerly 0: un- Foderal Business College, but now of (he Pascoe Bros‘. ï¬rm of Oakmod, was in town loudly. â€"Mr. OMS. Dayman. who hm! been attending the Collegiate Insth tutc here for a m time returned to his home at Fenclon Falls last week. m C9. WaE spent the PM“ a large camp rqporu? a very -. Conductor Frxd Bram! 3- F933" Lusaand Free ‘5 Miss Ella Gross. 01 tha concert 3137011 â€IS um uuurw. y. --__, _ tha concert given in the Presbytoâ€" xian church 1:12-31. Monday cvcning.a simply captiVnted the audience with her strong. clear, excccdmgly wen rendered selections. ‘ I J -- “nul‘ in ruuuc-a w n‘ww-__ 7 ~Mr. Arthur Purkiu returned to town last Honda) {mm Guelph Ag- ricultural College. having Compleiul his three ‘monihb' course in the dairy, cold storage and poultry dwarfs menu 11': will again emu-r the em- ! the l-‘laVelle Produce 00. -Mr. R. Kylie received a letter last. Monday from his son. Edward, two 3wrs. and is now touring ltaly. His intention at time of writing was to qmnd Easter in the Holy City. after which he will return to Oxford for a brie! term and later Visit'hia â€"----m¢a horn me time during the noq'uamtamas «mm: them t° their now how’- t9 qud W3? after which he W far a brie! term parents here son MIDI!“- -Mr‘ Wm. goon. fcr'nnuu PIT!" PERSONAL POINTEIS. Everything in Toggery to go with the 51 it. In th: Spring the gentle landlord Is not feeling very strong; Eardly ten houn’ heavy lilting amid he work at right dong. Though h'u labors may be may, And his but with trouble bent. One Price. UL IV â€"--'â€"1" 3’ " In tbs «ting to mhe the inn. Crown“. of Bobcay- unuu for the Turner Lum- Was in town Monday. H3 past winter in clmrgc of amp north of Sudbury. and very successful season. )6 Free Press. Mnrch J4th: Gross. of Lindsay; sagg at r. r. Karl. wry Mr“ H, ___..J 3r Frul Rams“. and R. Henley have hit the left town io: Winnipq: to seek employmonti on or Canadian Northzra Fielding. police mug- lions. Inâ€. gentle landlord and Stung»! m :an TIM"- proprimor 01 m and J “"“rc ll ' in town . J. CARTER, P.O. Box 217 nut cannon All) we sALoou. low the Sale of Liquor is Conduotu‘ In .orth Caronâ€. One of the most' remarkable outq growth of the temperance movement in the United States is the estab- lishment and emcee-fol operation of a " Christian Liquor Shop" at Rn- leiah. North Carolina. The legal name at the institution is the “ Din. peasary," but unregenerate scatters refer to it 1.5 the "Tabernacle B'Ipâ€" «'ist Saloon." as the founders and manngcu d the enterpnise are largr. ly connected with the leadhg Bap. tist church of the city. A! its name indicates, the institution is one in which alcoholic liquors are sold under the Supervision of the “dis- pensary board" to which is deputed the regulation at the liquor traffic in that pnrt of Carolina. that under the diapensary law liquor would be sold. Frankly ac. on; Ling th'p. it decided that it would be Mtter for it to be Sold undo! church control. It decided that the saloon should be a defncto church tmtitution. 1t secured a roomy building in the bout of Ru. leigh. {urohaaod a 315,000 stock of liquorS. formulated a long list of rules and regulations. and onNcw Year‘s Day last atanted busimss. The rules more iromladand rigorous- 1y observed. Whenclosing limecnpne the doors were ciosed with a bang. No inducement was made to make the " dispensary " a lounge or club. No plane to sit was provided. and drunkards knew it was useless to apply to the bar-tendersâ€"all church membem of high standingâ€" tor liquor. ‘ - Ak-.--L6 A] ‘1,“ I lwuv- . 1U Whatever may he thought of the moral aspects of this new phrase of church work, its ï¬nancial results are most encouraging. When the licenï¬c System was in vogue in Raleigh, the annual receipts therctrom mounted to $8,000. The profits of the diSpcnp, guy, for the tiri‘,month in which it carried on business, amounted to 85,000, orat the rate of 860,000 a year. T.wo per cent. of the dispen- guy's gross profits go to the state. One-{half p! the balance 30 to the county. and acne-half to the city. t! is stated that since its inaugura- ation there has been a heavy decrease in arrests for drunRGnnm. though uncut will be "remind 'wiuh great interest by all interested in the dim- inution of the evils arising from the liquor trim “Mn fll'nune †have been advocated end dahmhed in some European town. but the one at Raleigh is epparently the firstin America. Our Young People (hmdian young man a: who desire-to reap the gm sink beneï¬t from the unp: procpz-rily now prevailing country. should not nsyglcct ticulzu-ly helpful training on: um (handinn bushes: and in this connection. w (hmdian young man and woman who desirc'to reap the greatest pos- sible beneï¬t (ran the unprecedented procpz-rity now prevailing in this country. would not neglect that par- ticularly helpful training offeredby out (awn (handful!) business collzges; and in this connection. we know of 6.6 613m 111‘ We charge no more for our “Suit excellence †than other Clothiers charge for “ordinary-made clothes.†Our Spring Suits are now ready, and we trust you won’t mind if we nudge you gently and say to you that it’s high time you were thinking about yours. We shall be pleased to assist you in making your selec- tim and we shall be looking for you every day now. Our Spring Toppers and Rain Coats appeal strongly to thefman who discriminates. A Good Dresser wants “life†in his clothes. Lots of men wear “dead" clothes and don’t know It. The life of .1 Suit is that dash in the cut, curves and kinks of its make- up that at once stamps its weareras a well-dressed man. A GOOD DRESSER Spring Toppers! Our Suits are Full of Life. Dependable Suits $5 to $19. Ofï¬ce ani Residence Lindsay-st, next to Dr. Shier’s. $5102". Pianos Organs Of Best American and Canadian Makers. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. Sewing Machines Raincoats$8 to There are wonderful thing! we are goirc to do Some other day; And harbors we hope to drift into Some other day; With folded M. the ours that trail, “(2 watch and wai-t for the favoring gale To ï¬ll the tons of anidle ail. Some other day, “an, Duh! Lack, Win-090‘. Rust-ms in town on Mmday rc- (‘cj‘cd the sad news that Harry Dan- ia Lack. eldcat son of Mr. Herbert Lurk. and grandam of Ir. Dania! Luck, of th: south ward, had dial it! “'innipag on Satuvdmy 26th, of tgp'xwid fever. ‘ Deceasm attended the Cantu-Mg:- st. Methodist church and Sunday School for 17 or 18 yeara before lent- mg for the WM. and was popular‘ with a large ‘circla of friends who will luarn of his demise with deep regret and will tender their Gym- pzuzy lo the bereaved relatives. IIIGIIBS!‘ GRADES. 11} strength “an. We know we must toil And when mmold,undour raceil Some othar day: We trace the 12cm that loath u! The-“33m hand at an 4 ur Leads ms youth: out d‘tfhe 119:2: Some other day. â€"lh Sanguine Journal. I world’s Record. At the mufï¬n: University of Ann Arbor. m.. a: Saturday [at Ralph Rose “*0 the .wa‘ld‘s recond tor the 12-41).“. by m th baliï¬ï¬teettum Nahuatl the term world! word on}. a Graybylwlhflm anâ€. only 21 you'd-co. ,.::; . WARREN, A Great [any Things You Will be Needing from . . Now on . . Sulphur Sublimed, 7 lbs for2. (; huber Sslts,’ l lbs. for 25¢. Internst’al Stmk Food, 25c" 50c. Kenny Coadition Powders, 25c. Insect Powder, 40c. lb. Vermin Killers' 111 pm, 25c. Hess Lone Killer, 25c. Little’s Cattle Wash, 650. Tick Destroyers, Liniments, Ointâ€" ments em, a BUNMIS’S DRUG STORE. STOCKMEN run; Some other day. PAGE FIVE Lindsay. SOIE OTHER DAY OIITIIMW. ct aï¬hofe we leaned that misï¬t