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Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 8 Apr 1904, p. 1

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E STOCK )tll h's n-‘ m 073 L: MARI“ LADIES' 250. LEATHER BELTS 100 EACH umumaad Amount of Cash 0 L0“ I mortgage. st lowest rates. Nona haunted. Assn: for the Union Assurance So- laty of London, England, and the Scot- bh Union and National Insurance M Durham Bulls aged one and anus old, both animals have “ken w. Pedigrees furnishedthe bu!“- y to " An April Shower carries away the winter’s snowâ€" this April Shower wxll cause the laying away of the winter garments you've been wearing so long. _ Particularly fortunate were we in securing these ofi‘erâ€" ings in Ladies‘ Wearables at this time of the year.‘ Of course, some one had to loose on themfiand in this case it was the manufacturer, for m sa_me cases he made too may ’we got the surplusâ€"then .again one lot was made in good faith for a firm whose credit became doubtful. Therefore the maker had them on his hands. These we also secured, and the)"1’e all here for your inspection. W Belts‘of Soft Silk, Gained Luther, Black Patent Leather, Red mum». finished with Mess bile. They are a leading mu- Mmr’s overmake and are unsorted qualities of which the regular nlue is fit 03211. Your choice...... . . . . .. ..10c Ladies’ Costumes at Half Price 'horouo D hbred Shorthorn “Remnants at Sacnfiqe flaws are always Good Bug/mg. ’ LREADY many of our New Spring Dress Goods are cut down to short lengths spltable for separate skirts or Children’s Wes: These together with ma . 111163 of Staple Dress Materials, such as Cuhmeres,Alpses,‘ Wain ' an film Cloths have been measured and “MARKED AT REMNANT PEI ,” so W tlmt a. few days’ selling will clear them out. Each and will lave a. ticket “9°31 It, BhOWing theguality it contains, and the price will be about “One third of the former paces.” LADIES’ SAMPLE 98 REGULAR VALUE RAIN COATS . . . $7.50 AND $6.50 . . T'eflty only Ll-liw‘Sa-nple; RainCoete (no two alike) in a. large variety of Grey Colorings, Tweed and Worsted Shower Proof Cloths, cape and cellulose axles, three quarter and full length -a.ll well made and regular $7 .50 and $6.50 vazuefor......_, . .. . .. .. .........$4.98 megoméggaaass"mm Whose goods such as Stock Food, 25c, 50c, and in pails. Heave Cure, Poultry FOOd, etc, are sold at The fastest living hameZS horse is owned by the great- ¢St Stock Food Company. This is the MflW J. SUTCLIFFE ' SON S, WNWN'S DRUG STORE. YnIimited man: of Cu]. Dan PathIStm International Stock Food Co. my and lusmanue JOHN KENNEDY, Elm-Ninth Year-No. 161. By so doing YA“. can save from $1.52 to $2.52 vie“! is j“ BASH Store Open Until 10 O'cloEk Saturdgy Evenings. 10 PAGES fl. FOLLIO’I‘T. Balsover, Ont. Adam Block. Kent-8t Ladies’ Gument Section -mond floor‘ BUY A RAIN COAT NOW ONE PRICE l . E . Iiowmfi good double, fiw , STER, 0:1 I OBSA I 1W6; At this partionlsr time of the you this comes in as a very benofleinl olefin; of which no doubt many will profit by. All know whut good byying mill 9nd: uâ€"v .._..~°,, are. These are Americanixill ends of Organdie, Muslin: and Voet‘ings, snit- :blo for Wsists,or Children’s wear, md our regular 186 yard for ............... 10° REHNANTS OF WASH GOODS 10¢ YARD m» for m the nan- 62.51% W don dong and nude than I low on» for M; mum out: than n; power. (in you tho “may 02 Nimrmmd. um I tnd'o. TE.) a. lid! of _ mw-Mwnm spun Kn' ulxtunoot «film: than boo op “Brown. 5 ,Gny, Ground Mada-rt adapâ€" dlophlnxuysndmmoflu. All ”wallet-cant! pom am. 11nd.d1kplpodndbutton Mn- uod,5,7ndOgond|kh-tlwlth the nowpluudgorodaounoo,roudsnd mum Notstullnmo! 31m in my one line. butull duo Iron 32 ”Wintholot. leyltdkoyouultnngo that we can 3911 km new 8 Common st “ mfg There-mil thin-g lap mm abutment but boat”: $0 an. of booking odorud the There's A big variety and the style. m_s!1 pay, beg. Ind. tor tug 0N SALE SATUBMY 9.95 avvâ€" , 1 3031,», five years old. sum, Oakwcod.â€"w3. l" V33 one HQ (33:15 Bull Call, 3136 one Yearling Colt. JAMES CORLEY, west end Kent-st" Lindsay.â€"w4. ' $15, $18 and 820 Costumes for ed the buyer. Oakwood.â€"4W- ‘VANTED-Men who ml: a fortune andare willing to workto get it. Only ambitions men need apply. No room for drones. Write G. MARSHALL 00.. Tens, London, Ont.â€"-w3. FARM FOR SALE -â€"360 acres in the Township of Emily, two miles east of Downeyville and one mile from cheese factory and school. Fall plowing done. First-class buildings. Apply to WM. O’BRIEN, on the premises, or Downey- ville P.0.-wtf. EXECUTOR’S NOTICEâ€"Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Gag, 129, the creditors or GEORGE STRON , late of the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, laborer, deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-third day of Jaun- ['1‘]. .r-- v.â€" ~â€" â€"_â€". to send by post prepaid to Alexander Skinner, the executor of the last will and testament ol the said George Strong, st Lindsay P. 0., their christian end-sur- nsmes, addresses and occupations, full particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, it any, held by them. The said Executor shell, after the said Fifth day of April next, be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, among the parties entitled there- to, hsving only to the claims of which he s then here notice, and shall notbe liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose eleim such executor hes not notice at the time of the distribution thereof. Detedthithh dsy of lurch, A: D. 1904. STEWART 6's O’CONNOR, Lmdssy, Solicitors for the 'Executor.â€"w3. Vu. v. uvv -â€" v-v -. -_-J ary.,1904 are required on or betom the FIFTH DAY 0? APR!!!“ 1904. Regal” 815, {13 3d §20 Suit. OBSE'FOR SALE «Bay Roadster, in good form, you broken, ' lo gr an" . n 03 SALE -_-_Qn_e §hogth1tx£ Bull THE WEEKLY POST. LINDSAY. o'n L €133. omanm 31mm, wuss. sums, m. J. I}. EDWARDS 00. VII" cloths um. cotton cloths: Um, ° clothes Vlrlngors. SadJms. Having gone out of the Bicycle Livery business, we have a number of good second-hand wheels for sale at moderate prices. Rabat-0.4". U NTIL further notice Binder Twine will be hold at the Kingston Penitentiary to tumors, in such quantities u m dulled, forcuh on delivery, st the to ow- w- - Mannie" - -(600 feet to the lb) 10k: Pope'ri inurting' ' this notice without authority from the King‘s Printorwill not be 'd thorotor. w J. M. PLATT. Worden. Kingston, Munch 14th, [Muâ€"'3 Horse suppers, ' Hum Brushes. curry combs. OSITION WANTEDâ€"By young lady as Stenographer and Typewriter, for all or part of time. Apply stating particu- lars of work, to “Typewriter,” care of The “Mixed Manila" «(550 “ “ “ “PurgNoEZeslsnd' (450 “ “ “ rum:- pound loss on ton lots. 1. o. 1). Kingston. Adan-u :11 communication with remit- tances, to J. 1!. Flatt. Wsrden Peni- tegtinm fins-t9!» QnfitriO- _ “Pain mum." . -(ooo foot to the lb; Egg Bastâ€"whiz GGS FOR SETTINGS-«Pure Bred White and Barred Plymouth Rocks, also White Leghorns. 50¢ per settr ing. Apply to JAS. CO LEY, west end of Kent-st.â€"2w. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS for saleâ€"close to Ross Memorial Hos. gm]. Large or mull, to suit nrchuer. ownship tendon. Apply to AS. COR- LEY, west and Kent st.â€"2d2w. F R SAW-Nice White Frame House and acre of land, No. _140, Queen- m’an woodehed ettmhed. Good well. Very cheerful locality. Apply to T. J. MEAGHER, East Wad, Lindsay-473. list of improved 3nd prairie (arms for sale, also city prope . Men are picking up farms every day and are making big money. Chances are still good end now is the time, it you would like to invest and do businesa in this great country. uWe crop, splendid buildings, $4200. $800 cash, balance easy terms; immediste pos- session. Nesr school, church and town. Also other forms meg-:3 tons distn' 'cts. Address CHAS. n , Box 113, Wop EITANT E Dâ€"Position as Housekeeper, Peril, April 6.â€"-Forcign Minister Delcaase had a. long conference yes- terday with M. Paul Cambon, French Ambassador at London, rela- tive to the Anglo-French colonial treaty, settling several long-stand- ing issues, principally in regard to Morocco, Egypt and Newfoundland. MI. Cambon will return to London to-day. and it is said the treaty will be signed tOWard the end of the resent week. The main points are settled, but there are some detail! capable of causing delay. In“ for President. Indianapolis, Ind., April 5. â€"The signs point to the endorsement of Gen. Nelson A. Miles for President, by the Indiana Prohibitionist. cou- vention .wmch begins to-duy‘ _ ..... London, April 6.-The secretary of the National Rifle Association, re- ferring to the improvements in .the Ross rifle, whereby the magazine will be handled with greater ease, and the alteration in the bore to render the bullet less susceptible to see that the Canadian team for Bis- lcy will be provided with a weapon possessing these improvements. Found Dead. Owen Sound, April 5.-The body of Miss May Beatty Was found Sun. day within a mile and a hall of her home. She was frozen to death while wandering about, temporarily insane. ' BINDER TWINE. ANTED-Good farm hand wages. Apply to DAVID b_y elderly woman, town or country; , ~L “4â€"51-- “Signiofgthe AnviL" inscnmxous in. rom- Settled. mg. for 81-101. LINDSAY, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, APRIL 8. 1904- Ionden, April 8.â€"'l‘he Timee to- dey hee the following; deepetch: "At nee, April 5, by wireless telegrephy vie Wel-Hei-Wei.-â€"I heve been cruie- in; in the vicinity oi‘ Port Arthur for fifty hem. The eltuntion in ex- treordlnery, ineenmcb ee there hee been no evidence 'ei hoetiiitiee be- yond the eenrcbllght on the Golden Hill fort et night. I heve eeen neth- ing of the veeeele oi either at the belligerente, end there bee been no sign, night or dey. einee Bentley, or even the ecout boete. I regerd tbie ee e meet unueuel etete oi thinge. quite diaerent to former experieneee oi cruleln‘ in theee wetere. I heve eeen lerge flotillee o! junk: eteering northweet. their deetinetion pneum- ebly being Lieutiehen. end their ob- iect the victuelling oi Port Arthur. leee ween Jop- Perie. April 6.-The St. Petereburg correspondent of The Echo de Perle eeye thet the Rueeien genes-e1 etefl ie convinced thet the Rueeiene will ewelt e Jepeneeo etteclt on the right beak of the Yelu, which they ere bueily iertilying et ite mouth. A romerkeble bridge hee been cen- etructed on the prolong'etien oi the Wiju line connecting It with Plnhnâ€" Jen. The correspondent eeye the Rue- eiene are looking to drew the Jepen- Jun though. to I. Vishnu!" Port Arthurâ€"lush.- Ifln Aw.“ lupu- ou Atmk on no It.” Ink of the run 31102â€"8. In:chuflo lulu-fly l’nll of Active L120. TH]. BIYAL FLEETS UNUSUAL STATE OF THINGS St. Petersburg. April 6.â€"A corro- upondent of tho Associated Press at Port Arthur, who returned to the fortress Monday from a trip through Southern Manchuria, telegraph: that the country is strikingly full 0! mo- tive life. that the troops are vigor- ous and healthy and animated by a desire for active operations. and that the entire native population. including that of the commercial world, is friendly to Russia and full of faith in the Russian arms. The correspondent says: one on by Iozidlug small groups across the river. The correspondent says the rail- road works regular-h. He gonginuea: No Sign of Them, Night or Day, Since Sunday'Last. "The Chinese volunteer militia. wear a. special uniform with epau- lettes bearing the Russian national flag. The natives provide provisions freely and are 501“qu ! .nMs brought from the 'momvdi'n; tsufl'u‘y The mandarins are an exception to this general rule, as they are trying to carry water on both shoulders. As their conduct is passive, it does the Russians no harm." “Sentrics are posted at the bound- ary and are doing duty in the neut- ral zone dividing China and Man- churia. The weather is warm and the rivers are open. In Port Arthur a! is quiet and the inhabitants luv. becomc accustomed to a state C Toronto, April 6.â€"The Ontario Librarian! Association concluded their convention at noon yesterday. The following officers were elected: President, W. Taylor, Guelph; first. viwpmidwt, W. J. Robertson, St. Catharines; second vice-president, N. Gurd, Samia; secretary, E. A. Hardy, Lindsay; treasurer. A. R. Macallum, Toronto; councillors, DI; Fire at Tempo. Tampa, Fla... April 5.-â€"A are swept West Cuban, Tampa. yester- day. and before it was under con- trol had caused a loss which will exceed $300,000. The only death loss to far as known is that of a. baby, which was burned in one o! the dye: factories. ”won â€"â€" v - James Bain. D.C.L., Toronto; W. F. Moore, Dundas: A. Sheldrick. Chat.- ham; H. H. Larigton, Toronto; A. Steele, Orangevillc. A number 0! papers were read . Chicoutimi, Quc., April 6.â€"On Monday a. murder was committed at St. Fulgence parish, nine miles from here, by Jos. Maltais, who quarrel- led with Jos. Laforest, a. farmer of the same parish, about the propriet- orship of a small piece 0: land. Maltais seized a shovel and struck Laforcst on the head, causing such injuries that he succumbed in three hours. Maltais surrendered himsel! to the authorities. He claims that Laforcst took a pitchtork to attack St. Petersburg, April 6.â€"Rumor| have reached here, Which, howover, are unconfirmed, to the eficct that a small anti-Jewish disturbance he! taken place at Gomel, in which about 100 Jews were attacked. ' A free fight resulted, and. according to the reports, some Jewish butch- ers drew their knives and wounded {our Christians. Several Jewish stores were destroyed, but there were no fatalities. him. Cut Brother's I'm 08. Camber, April 6.â€"Whilo cutting kindling wood. J as. Massey cut two fingers of! the left hand: of his younger brother. The little fellow placed his hand on the block just, the axe was degcending. . . Dmidaa, April 6.â€"-‘By the explosion of a, shot gun Cliflord Burton, tho 18-year-old son of John Burton, 0! this town, w” so seriously wounded that he m1?“ 111! “@va .., . Ann-Juulh Disturbance. “. Ont-r10 “truth-l- lax-dorm! With lhovol. I” Lou at. light. 'Illod “'ltll LIIO. Defying the London rolloo. "Tenn" III“- doll, Bnr‘lnr nod Compulol 0C . luv. Doyle. Agnlu of. “bony. London. April 6.-â€"Thc desperado, Hurry Burdcll. alias “Texas," the companion of Steve Doyle. the burg- lnr killed by the local police nevernl Weeks ago. made ; daring escape from 10.11 yestnr'fay morning. In spite of the frantic search conduct- od by the nuthoritivs the burglar is otiil nt liberty. As he is known to hovo friends in this section feor in ex- proooed thnt his upturn will not be eflectod oxcept at the cost oi the lilo oi some oi the omcers. Bordon is s "land" non. n "gun tighter." like his "pol," who {need tho police with two molvers end propsrod to do bottlo before he woe shot. Tho oocopo oi the prisonor is on- other oi the may sstonishin‘ ovi- done. of the resouroeiuiness oi the young crooks who mensce this ooc- tion of Oonsds, which hove been oxhlbitod lntoly to the Min of tho outhorities. lie was to hove been tried ot the Asuims now opening for hurglory. end was suspected of having, together with Doyle. shot end murdered the ihnilton police- man. who met death o0 mutations- by rocently. Therefore the incentive for tho desperate escape woo Itrong u n long sentche woo inovitnble. Once before, since his intent in~ cnrcention, the daring burglnr come within an oco of making hio eocnpe. Ho got out by snatching tho keys from Turnkey Poole, and. notwith- standing n long chase by tho police, he in still ot liberty. Chicago Votes l‘er the City to On “to“ Beau-ye. Chicago. April 6.â€"In the municipal election yesterday the Republicans elected 18 aldermcn, the Democrats 16. end one independent Republican. The last Council was composed of 86 Benuhlicans, 32 Ik'inocmts, one Independent Democrat and one So- cialist. The next Council will have 36 Republicans, 31 Democrats, two Independents. one of whom is a Democrat and the other e. Republi- can. end one Socialist. The chief interest in the election centred in the vote on the proposed municipal ownership of the street rsiIWays. By a vote of 152.434 to 30,104 the city voted to accept the Mueller Act, providing that cities construct, own, operate end lease street railways. , - l .u ,3‘ uuyvv .w.. H 7 On a. proposition that the city should at once take over the street railways into its control, the vote stood 120,744 for and 50,898 agghmt: 19----1..- -l u -un-v- 5 For the .temporary licensing of street railways until such time u the city is prepared to take them over. the vote was 120.181 for, and 48,056 against. It was also voted to choose members Q! the Board 01 Education by direct vote. Ontario “loath-u Association Cel- vo-uon Opens in forests. Toronto, April 5.â€"The forty-third annual meeting of the Ontario Edu- cational Association opens at the University this morning. The gen- eral association meets in the west hall upstairs at 8 p.m., when the president's addressxwill be delivered by David Young of Guelph. The classical, the mathematical and physical, the historical, the com- mercial, the public school, the kind- ergarten (Miss Geraldine O'Grady of Columbia University, New York. speaking in this section). the train- ing, the inspectors' and the trustees' departments meet in various rooms and generally at 9.30 or 10 this morning. The University has been decorated with educational charts, and a very large attendance is ex- pected. er Cedric;w He has be'cn credited with the mission of purchasing ocveruf new boats to:- the Pacific and At- lantic fleets. Blr non“ In l’lool. Montreal, April 5,â€"Sir Thomas Shaughnessy sails from England for Canada on Wednesday on th. {tetan- L'Original, April 5.â€"Joseph Hen- u’d of Russell County. who on March 6 murdered his wiretand then tried to commit. suicide, dled Sun. day evening. On Thursday he man- L..- L--a-.... 0-,‘m “J \â€" ' vâ€"â€"â€"u‘ to remer the bandage from his head and reopen with his fingers the wounds he had inflicted with an an. exposing the brain. Paralysis followed. He was insane. Port Arthur, April 5,â€"Thc Street Railway Commissioners Sunday do- clded to inaugurate a Sunday strqct car senico on the 17th inst. Shun: Emu: to noun. Chatham, April 5.-â€"Jnck Turn-in. again“. his mother’s wishes, wcm. shooting ducks Saturday and was drowned. He held to his boat for an hour and a. half talking to people on the shore. bat gunk at last, Kazan to death BREAKâ€"FOR'FREEDOM. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. MEETING OF TEACHERS. Inn-o larder" In no“. Sunday Can. When the Opposition new the ner- x row extent of the modification uk- 5 ed tor, Sir Wilfrid remarked. emld the cheere 0! his tollowere. they were surprised et the moderetlon o! the Grand Trunk. He then explain- ed in detail the changes made, and justified the action 0! the Govern- ment in yielding to some of the re- | guests of the company. The Prem- icr was listened to with intense in- terest by both sides of the‘ House. and was frequently cheered by his followers. Ottun. April 6.â€"The ratification of the mended Grand Trunk Pacific agreement wu moved yeetaerdey by Sir mum nutter, end the Hon“ entered with spirit. once more upon a ducal-ion of the National Trun- continenul Railway. The We In. '01.! Vi bl blilolp Gogol-pl. pro 3.! o~ or. 0043.- Ion-Inn: or. 3.0!...â€" ‘3: .9 filo.â€" .. PIN on." On 2:90:03 lipâ€"Ibu- .- THE G. T. P. CHANGES Slr Wilfrid Fully Discusses the Railway Project. EXPLAINED MODIFICATIONS. apeech waa oi an hour'a duration, and was remarkable for its late.- manlih (nap and conciaa mt.- tion oi the detaila‘ei the dung-I in the amine“. Sir wmrm wan in happy tom, and though the abject waa nearly exhausted iaat union. he threw the new interest into it which ita importance warranted. Ho aaid there were many-teaturaa oi the transportation problem preuing io: solution. but another transcontin- ontal railway was of am import- ance at the pronent time. .The au- tern action, in his iudnnent. wu Juat as much needed as the western diviaion. He bantered the Opponi- tion on their attitude to the "mountain. or iniornlation." and said that if they would not com to tho mountain. the “mountains of Inlormtlon." tad laid tint it they would not com to tho mountain. tho mountoln could not go to than. H. oddod to tho Inlomtlon on the northern region. by quottn‘ from the story 0! a Jesuit explorer. u publlshod in 1671 in tho Jesuit Rolotlou. This early voxopur ro- portod very favorably on the soil 0! northern Quebec and the James Box bulb. The Opposition London Mr. R“ L. Borden replied to Sir Wilfrid in a speech of three hours and forty minutes. He attacked the Government {or having rejected the Opposition's amendment last fall, 0n the ground that the contract could not be altered, and then reopening it and not making the changes they had proposed. He gave a revised estimate of the cost to the country, placing the amount at $150,000,000. or $171,000,000 if the bonds see! at only 90. He denied that the Opposi- tion were hostile to the G.T.R., but saw no use in granting public money without security that it would not be used to develop an American port. His dissatisfaction with the amend- ed contract led him to ve an amendment. in which he arcd for a system of national transportation which would include: (1.) The immediate construction and control by the Dominion oi such lines of railway in the west to the Pacific as the enormous importance and increasing development of the great western country require. (2.) The extension of the Interâ€" colonial Railway to the Georgian Bay. and thence to Winnipeg, and the extension and improvement in the Province of Quebec and in the Maritime Provinces ol the GoVern- mental system. (3.) The development and im- provement of our canals and inland waterways, and the thorough and efficient equipment of our na- tional ports and terminals on the Atlantic and Pacific, as well as on the St. Lawrence and on the great logos. .u n ,, ,4, ---_.:nnl>inn '. Winnipeg. April 6.â€"As the result, of the verdict given by Chic! Jus- tice .Silton in the recent sale 01 00,1- gu-y lots. and revelations made at the trial, City Clerk McMillan, City 'Auditor E. R. Exham and City :Solicitor J. D. Smith have been dil- missed. °~--w__., (4.) The thorough examination. exploration and survey of the coun- try between Quebec and Winnipeg, with a, view to the future construc- tion of such lines of railway as may be found in the public interests. Mr. Sifton moved the adjourn- ment of the debate, and the House adjourned at 10 o’clock. Who; I. In trenler’e Hind Wlll tenet Public Through Rev. It. Booth. Toronto, April 6.â€"Premlcr Rose last. night drafted his reply to the deputation o! Methodist and Baptist clergymen and laymen, who appealed {or the fulfilment of the Premier's pledge to the temperance people, and it. will be in the hands of Rev. J. A. Rankin by 2 o'clock this 0.1- tomoon. What is in the Premier's mind with reference to a prohibitory bill will therefore come to the public ear from Rev. Mr. Rankin. o Collingwood. April 6.-â€"Tho first cargo o! the seasbn was unloaded hero yesterduy from the ammo: Newmrket. She had 101,000 bush- els of when. and deliVered it to tho elavator without the loss of . bound, , THAT TEMPERANCE BILL. Termsâ€"$1.00 per Year, payable In Advance. Ill-It or tho 80ml. cm Scandal. Oh. 6,â€"As the result 50° numb Amman-e “I" Annual Icon-g. Toronto, April 6.-The forty-third ennuel meeting of the Ontario Edu- cetionel Association commenced y.- tcrdey, morning in the Univu‘dna building end will continue Thursday. The railroad: ere 08" In; oped-1 totes. and there ere neerly five hundred delegetee in W tendenoe. There are tourtecn leo- tione buoy besides the section ‘1'. up (or the newspapers. The action. m u “no": General “loam cone, and high school W modern We, nature! Idem. ole-ice], mathematical. and phyl- cd, historical. commercial. Pub!“ school Wm, borne .ecienoe. n 1-- W deptrunent, taint“ W. inspector-3' depot-M, m Wt and tho pram m:- M o! the Ontario m cotton! Association 1. Ir. 9. Young. principal of tho M M Guolph; Robert W. M Calm m, Toronto, to tho 0.! on! Scam. and w. J._ Mb It u M that. fully BUD our pun wfll ha in attendant. A 90“ tton 01 ch. ”mint W“ m I. in armada work, but an 0 down loam got to work prompt- ly, and none "liable P‘P‘" 3'“ md. , _. I. n “13th. 0min: Convocation Ed! In. and to its mu outing our city. Proi. Young deiivorod u 0‘- drou dialing with several topica, Prof. Pour-on oi no omphuiud tho oucntiol unity of on oduation in his oddrou. ..__ m committee on superman-tbs (and report“ that the minister In! laced am no fund. would In [rated this union town-d- this or ”Ct. The report of the directou I“ use «hunted. The man HOG-rug, for the min- slaughter o! Kilgour, while drunkh a fight at Yalleyficld, was given at years. An addition to Metcalfo (I: Son'- elevator at Portage la Prdrio burn. scattering 10.000 bushels of on. on “Ron'vieziinâ€"oxnw' ’div’ich'im loom to the Government for a building. A movement has begun in '0'. York to and a memorial to W Allan Poe. ‘ 7 __ 774A_ It. {intimated autumn! clean-up 1n Nome Peninsula. total ‘lozsonm: v"â€"â€" '7, The game- birds seized nt Wood- stock will be sold at auction by flu polieo on Saturday. The United States battluhip .Vlv- ginla was hunched M: at Newport News. Va. S. B. Draper, a prominent resident at Ithaca. N.Y., was killed at I. level crossing Tuesday. the grognd vâ€"v â€"'__ Two San Francisco luv nnnl In” each been awarded $75,000 too. In connection with. the Faro w m They wanted $100,000. .uv; vvâ€"-vâ€" '_- V The Methodist Episcopd cud lo- thodist Protestant conferenoo in ti! United Stow are looking to l.“- gamation o! the two bodiel. Cornelius Williams, the slower _ d 551%} __ cm w comn'nt to the New Inna. Asylum for Cri_ 75o The murderer of Rev. Benji-III I‘m, in Persia, has boon db- covered, but the pow-10. «ch“ Chicago, April 6.â€"Bertha VanGd- der, aged 22, one of a number d girls empIchd as press feeders by a. local printing establishment, In place of striking members of Panic lin Union. was the victim of alleged slugging tactics employed by tb strikers. While on her We; home I 4â€";- brutally beaten by two men. she declared are striking pres: Seed- ers or their sympathizers. Indianapolis, April 6. -â€" India-o Prohibitionists assembled yesterdl-y. in convention to nominate a. Sub ticket. A bOOm for a national ticht composed 0! Gen. Nelson A. In“ for President, and Felix T. McWhIr- ter of Indiana. for Vice-President, was started by the ninth district d.- legation, and was received with u- thusiastic applause. London, April 6.â€"(C.A.P.)-â€"L produce company has been formed to buy provisions in Canada straight from the growers, thus abolishing the middleman's profits, and 1881‘ its prospectus within a. few days. The starting capital is £200,000. One shop will be opened first tad then 50 in London and the prom later. London, April 4.-(0. A. P.)â€"'lfi Fall River, Mass. April 6.â€"â€"'rwen- ty of the corporations engaged in the manufacture of print cloths, con- trolling sixty-five mills, have agree‘ to curtail production by shutting down two days a. week, due to un- settled conditions in the cottonull cloth markets. -- mm to civillutlon. Readinz. Pm, April 4,â€"Two pur- gons were killed and a dozen other- ned in I collision between an av press train and a freight train on the Pennsylvania Railroad. a." Potato“ sunny night. T!!! PloVINCE’S menus. Shut Down Two DI" a Week. mammmmewms. luc- Two Kill“ Glrl Stung By Strikers- “night. Iron Grove". for “Dry" Incident. that. mm 809 dolor ; Dono- an and. PAGES

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