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Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 27 May 1904, p. 8

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: Born in the parish of Borriaoliagh, (10., Tipperary, Ireland. he Spent the (first seventeen years of in; life 'in that .vicmity. in the Hammad of .1856 he came to Canada and immed- iately cngagcxl with the film ofClune 6': Ken edy. d Wartwurth,wmtl_1_ when he remained for five year; fl-u than wait into has um f-‘2rh m- aul! at 8m towndfip of Innsb- hmo. Co. Iva-(Wm but in 1865001!» to Hastings, and here remained con- tinuously in Induces anti! May 1900. In June of the same year he visited hid satin lend {tuning in Novem- will nus-ix the trip he“3 took arias“- iyil and on his warn hewent to St. W" m Tax-anti). lot lust-ear. B58 illnes- vm at molt ! (10th Du: mat um bellow cull-um \sould have chem-{ally plucéd himin the highest position in: thei: gi.ft In concussion it may be well 8“said that in the death of 30". Kepnedy. Hast' 1.39 10005 one. of her pioneer business men, whose honest and -o!id methods were highly appreciatad by the community at large. mm tum] was held on Monday morning and was attended by a Large 11W. Among niece {com a distmme more Mum-s. John A. Clone, and John A Kennedy. of Chicago, Ill. andm. J. P. Clan of Ottawa. 111., pcphewfl of the. deceased- 1118 remains were 1300' tu Campbellrord on Saturday audio St. Mary's ohm-3h. Emotionallmrhy. morning. ‘A amen high mass was. “may, 4 time. pad his death was not wholly mve; parted. a wave of egrrow swept met the village when ii: was learnéd that he had passed away. Wuflsfloslmlolnanqu nearly four years. Although? Mr. Keumdy has been sluwly sinking for M'eLennan . 00. PRISM BRAND PURE MIXED PAINT flu Late Phlllp Konaody. of Hastings. - .It in our sad duty to record tbs dem- ifla 01 one of Hastirgs’ most esteemed ar-d houcmbie cit-Jana in the person at Mr. Jbili-p Kennedy, who died at St. Michael‘s Hospital. Toronto. on; Friday, May 131:), altar an illness of Inc (anada Paint (a. It": doses every week. for I find that it tones up the sysu-m anu seeps mt: fccl‘auz strong. and I never have that tired o'ut feeling any more. “I certainly think that every woman ought to try this grand medicine. for it would prove its worth. Your: very truly, Miss Em: DAxrom, 203 De Soto St... Memphis, Tenn." FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. Don’t hultate to write to Mrs. Plnkham. She will understand our case rfectly. and will mm: with kindness. Her advice free. an the address is Lynn, No woman ever regretted having written her, and she has helped thousands. .- ... 7 , , Ad- -JJ‘A‘ I....â€" n.‘ ulna-Damn! mural: “tummy vwnu .uv “Vaâ€"oâ€"o ---_- _V-, , , , to bed. but before I had used two bottles oFLydhn. Pinkham’s Vegco table Compound,1 began tofeel the buoyencyofmfé'ounger dn unturn- ing, became legals-mould domore work and not fee red dun hedever beennhletodobefore.aolcontinuedtaonseituntil Iwesreetored toperlect health. It is indeed a. boon to do]: women and I hemily recommend it. Your: my truly. Mas. Roe; Anna. 819 12th St... Louisville. Ky.” Any women who are troubled with ir- regular or painful menstruation, week- neu, leueorrhwe, displacement or ulcer- atlon of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, Inflammation of the ovaries, back- ache, general debillty, and nervous pree- tration, should know there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound. No other medicine for women has received such wide-spread and unqualified indorsement. No other medicine has such arecord of female cures. “ DEAR Mas. meuzâ€"I am very leased 8 ego- ' r ble Compoun for womb and ovarian dimcul- ties from which I have been a. sufiener for years. It was the only medicine which was at all beneficial. and within a week after I started to n§e_it.‘there “Dun Man. W:â€"Icannot teil youwith pound inkwh“ Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound did tow me, suflering the ills peculiar to the sex, extreme Essitude and the: all gone feeling. I would rise (ran my_b_ed_in the morning feeling more tired thnn when I went ‘ ,--1__ -1 .Aa. I! DO-Irknm’n Vm- E )3 ' ' . -. ":-,." ‘,l Mrs. Rosa Adams, mece of the late General Roger Hanson, C. S. A., wants every woman to know of the wonders accomplished by Hardware, Coal or Iron. in": I ; “GREG“? roan-cu awe-w“ I'm m"â€" Edr ME“ '32an -_4--- - n._|.n__ “-4! I“ OBITUABY. used it for a little over three months. and at the end of that time I suffered no pain 1t the menstrual period. nor was I troubled with those distressing pains which compelled me to go to bed, and I hu'e not had a headache since. This is nearly I. ear ago. I always kerp a. lottle cn hand. and ta 1 a 'or I find that it tones up the system and keeps me ver have that tired o'ut feeling any more. that every woman ought to try this grand medicine. worth. Your: very truly, Miss Em: DANl-‘OB‘I'H, 203 ’ 32 E'RZE ehvanxi’nâ€"xnyifeelings and looks. I mi; of a waiting (imposition ht: never Fought municipal or. political honors, [but had he done So we have. no doubt but that his fellow citizens \sould have cheerfully pluca'd Marin the highest position in: their gift. In concussion it may be well aid that in .1119 death of M'. Kennedy. Hastings loses one. of her pioneer businosc men, lwbose‘honost and °olid mE-Ihod? were highly appreciatad by this community at Luge. as is elidcuccd by the high esteem in which he was bald by hiemun- owns Protestant blends; He was a mum possessed of most. czammonabio aualitiqs. was social in his dispnsi- lion, genial in his) manner. gum-it- ab2y disposed. benevolent and kind. euâ€"r ready to lend a helping hand, {and obligingapd accomqlgdating. Bo»- § IAN a business mm" ho was vary sno- oeseful and he accumulated a large amount of means. This did not, how- ":er. make him forget those who wrote less fortunate in this world. Three-fourths of his estate he d:- vidad amongst his relatives. giving the remaining fourth or them!» its to Imigicus and cluntabl: purposes. .Tothe poor at Bailing». to banish-ib- uted to Catholics and Protestants share and share alike, he left $1,000; to Re". Mother De Paw. t9 beexpend- Ed. by nu for such religious, charitâ€" able or educational purpoa'cs as she may deem prop‘ , $4,000; t) the Home cf Providazwu. Pcturhoro. 2.- 000; to the San“! Heart Orphan- age. Toronto, 82.000; to tha Sixtam o! the Good shepherd, $1,000; tothc House of Providence. Pentium-0,8 3.- 00!.- to St. Joseph’s Hospital. Port Arthur. 81,000, and about $3.1!)0 in smaller sums to various charitable. institutions. We may aln addthat in tho summer of 190:! th: deceased presented $500 to St. Mary's dmrch, Hastings, with which, at hie mil-nest. was built the beautiful wire that adoma the cdificc. and $500 to the .buiidirg fund 01 the Warhworth R. C. church. 7 , __ rzH' was a staunch Eoman Cathalic, but. free from all religious bima‘try. Mr. Kennedy, never married. He lune- an out; brother. Mr. John Kenna”. of Lmdaay. Ont.. and {our sisters. viz, one in Ireland. Mrs. Louahliu, 01 (hmpbglllord. yrs: Clue}, gvâ€"Wéâ€"rk'wurth; ind Roi mother Du Paui‘ at St. Joseph’s Conn-at, Tat-on- a cabal-arm that he had to rcnnain‘ permanently at the hon-i331. mow munnddwvud Led .Lo such an extent that a whole extra train is used in’ addition to the {our train}! 01 [est season. Tm show is now transported 1mm place to ,piaoe tin eighty-live seventy-toot oars, constructed especially for the Ringling BrdLInrs. In connection with the circus pndpar; inM'-hich.the arenio performance is marvelous, lhe Ringling Brothers are this aeason preoemms the beautilul and sublime spectacular pardon/tint: of Jerusalem and {he Crusades. This pantomimic play necessitate: the use or 1,200 am tors and. m and of almost three hundred horses. It is presented on the largest stage ever used torex-q hibitiaual purposes. Special ,oxcuh don rates have been arranged. for on all lines a! tram] by Ringling Broth. on, and those who desire '10 so to! Toronto, whims (this amt circus ex-u hibits an ,Honday and Tuesday. Jm‘ Band 7. can demo“ I cannot-mm: shall cost. This will be the only Mat in His vicinity where the circus win exhibit this scam. sud no out W miss no opportunity to see it. Watettbu paint Jar addition! Wm LL; , .1“ .._._J tho II: Olms coal". The announcement that Ringling Brothm's' :Wmfdd'a 6MB“ Shows will exhibit in Toronto will hereâ€" oaiv'ed with man than. ulna! interest by the people of this neighborhood. The Ringling Brdh‘hen home a name that stands 101' all that, is new, novel and entertaining in the circus line. and the ~mmmmenm that “his man the show has been enlarg. 5. .The sanitary sewer and collar drain on Melbourne-cat from a point 301Least of Oombtidaffim to wu- Ila-.m-bt Mama by Md. O'Rieny.naoonded by Aid. Newman-s. that 'the assessment. frontage and Wumments of (be above several works be confirmed, that-e being no appeals against game. $13“. . ‘ I ‘ The Court then adjourned. . w4.1“»: mtary sewer and collar main an Cambridge-pt. tram apoint 65 met south of Exams-Qt. to Bood- _ 3:771:50 meaty sew and can“ drain on- Fairâ€"am" tram Albert to Adelaideats. 2. The sanitary sewer and cellar drain on Durham-at, ind Sussex-st" from Albert to Glanelzgat. rlsvslle Illllsg Ge. Sslsr s Less st lesion. 0:: Thursday, his} 19th lest the root of Brown’s grsin wnrehonse st Reshoro col- lapsed nnd fell innrd, nnd the jsr sprung pnrt of the side sheeting. The building contsined shout 15.000 bushels of wheat, oats nnd bsrley, the property of Flsvelle Milling 00., snd when Mr. Flnvelle was not- ified he gsve orders thst the mills her» be closed down Fridsy and thnt the dsy stnfl' be sent down on the morning tnin to bag the loose grsin snd load it in the sore. This was accomplished, but some loss Will he ocessioned owing to the partial wetting of s. qusntity. The operstions were con- “51M under the superintendence of Mr. M' er. Dull With a lumber of Local Improve- ment Works l’hursdu um. Mayor Sootbcran and Aldermen MnWatters. O‘RielLy. MoOraue and Cinnamon. composing the "Court‘d Envision, met yesbgrday at 10 o'clock in the Council chamber. The follow. ing Local Improvements work: were considemd and (bolt with : 1. The Emmiithic walk’ on the south side at may" from .Wil- [ism to Lindsay‘s“. ‘ K ; Mechanla. Farmers. Sputum! To heel and soften the skin and remove ire-semi] endrustmins. paint and when; use The "Met Mechanic‘s" Tu Soap. Albert Toilet Sou) Damn. done. the finish being in sch, which is stunned and Varnifllfl}. But one can- not help wondering why an mucn .money has been sunk so far below the sci. in the hemy clay land. where in Hummer time more must be a be; u". (bump air. making it unhealthy to: people to ail. there long. The whole buildinc, while 1L prvndos am- ple accommodation fur tuc present. does not. adegmely provide {or the future. I! “c owr band a library m Pctexboro we should see that we 1:5 and p on: boner. 813.000 would provide a library more above ground. and mwh more suitable for the :muirunenm." Fatlnu' mum“. Mvcclboram. new. assisted by Rav's. Fathom anlun and J. O‘minm. as deacon and «uh- deacon respectively. Alto! the neg-- tine the reanama Wore latex-red m rthia R. C. camctary. In seem-(knee with his wish the mar was borne to its resung place by Maura. Henry Johnston. John Welsh, l“. Convoy. F. W. Fowlds. '1‘. R. Loanmonth and M. me: that m" Fa tlnu Win [Hi {Hastings faint. TIIE STOREIIOIISE COLLAPSE. THE 000!" OF REVISION llIISAY‘S I“ “MY Scott’s Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing Strength; WEatever the cause of weak- ness and failure to grow- Scott's Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right. can . figéfim cub. Null”: Scott's Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. Chxld weakness often means starvation, not because of lack of food. but because the food does not feed. And thath the Way with children, They are like oung plants. Same food. same ome. same care but some w big and strong while 0 ers stay small and weak. Eve farmer knows that some p ants grow better than others. Soil may be the same and seed may seem the same but some plants are weak and others strong. - L‘â€" _ L... A ._ J LL-L -_ _._3A.L stand. which is awning 1|!!hW menu! so that cumin-tabla uncann- modation for a number of @016 will be profiting~ Xx.v.DZchson will rent. mas, promo mums said was. supply :ce to the cclmaus. and kocp I a good ham and buggy for than: , of them who wish to drive. Eu. Name wnfi an a tag alt-chad 'o 3 MW Vehicle from Sinclslt‘s which xmched the wharf lately. .width of 12 to.” test. ma paruco The Japanesev have retired ‘0 in. front Gingham outwardbtefiiittlnnc: ' Rngwangcheng. though divisions are offlgwttfh; ' 11110.11"? bo t 8800 moving northward. their apparent p110. " cont ““1 a u ' destination being Mukden. â€"Mr. Women Wereley has purchased The excitement among the Chinese Mrs. Koyl'e lot 01: Third-0L, near the cot- has been increasing during the last tagerontod byhim lo Mn. Wm. Stoop. few days. The Chineee bandits are and will at one. pmeed With the OM01! causing considerable trouble and are on nest residence- belng energetically hunted by Coe- llre. Walkey, of the grocery and lacks. reetamut,haldee edtoincreaeeherfae The Eastern Chinese Railroed has ilitieeforeervln the public bwd‘igfil increased ite carrying capacity, and. anotherwlngto er premieu. for some days past troope have been enableherto provide a greater number of - arriving quickly and in splendid con- lnealsfor visitore. . ldition. â€"Wm.H.Henlcyhumlde ulckwork Who-Inland!“ and wood lob elk"- G- Wâ€" mi, 'I‘okio. lay 21.-The lose at lilo l.- mmmvofldlr-A-B-Tom’! curred by the elnkln; o! the crulaer mum. Tho lot va- .Yoehlno included cepuld Sayeki. hum-mud lie-auto! W3 Commander Hirowatcrl. three em nuteottageon W's?- . lieutenants. five eecond lleutenaata, â€"Jolm Dickhflon. of Lindsay. fish. ave midahiplnen. a paymaater. our. 9m 8M6. weather PW .‘M ; .eon, three engineere' cadets and til-STOW 800d N10". will ‘8“!‘2‘ . eight botuwain mates. 0! the crew at the germ or collagen: find veal-v the dumm- of tho» lost is unknown. tore 'UIS nee-son. He 3111 188140 With. Those who went down with the 11" (341m?! 95“” 0“ PP?“ home-1 bttlcship Hatsuee when she louder. Hrs. Wulkey, Lmrrofthogrocmf mum-mt, hu dooi ed to inerouo her he union for urvin the public another wing to or promueu. b’hah dvir‘i‘fi cable her to prov-mop : grater number of mods for viliwn. _ V â€"'l‘h-o Impala: Reeve of hhgyillnge. Mr. J. D. Fhvelle. In: lot a contract to Mr. 6250. Lack. at My. for the addition of a magnificent two-mercy veranda]: our the south and east sides of his roomy and We summer cottage. The .work is already in program three or tour asunder: be. ins engagnd pu'Lting together the strapsd material sent dovrn tram Mr. Iuslc‘: (actor: in Liz-hay. The verq andah is Colonial in design. ha:- a .wjdth of 12 to 14 feet. ants portico in from extending outward adflhnoe of 20 toet.- {mm cdmpwted and pajnwd «he cat will be about $800. â€"Mr. Wotan Wot-day bu pnnhaud Mn. Koyl's lot or: Third-sh, am the cot- tngorentod byhim to Mr. Wm. Stool-i. and will st one. pmeed with the auction or u new residence. Young Plants “In”. Pol“ Iota. «Mr. E. E. Uncanny is contam- plating the erection of a neat boat and hath house. -l)r. Neclands is improving the cottage loaned tram him for the su- son' by Rm'. J. W. Macmillan o! Winnipeg. V 'uv v. v u---‘ v- '--_ Minions of women use Cnticun Seep. assisted by Cuticnn Ointment. for pre- serving. purifying Ind besutltying the skin, for ciesnsirnlg the scdp of crusts. sales and dead . sad the o! tailing heir. for softening, w tening end soothing red, rough sod sore bonds. for mom irritations sad nioerstive wane-see. sad (or my native. sn- tiseptie purposes which radii suggest themselves, as well ss for the pur- poeesotthetoflegbsthsnd nursery. Too much stress esnnot be plsced on themtvslne oi' Cutlcurs 8059. 01m». meat sud Resolvent in the lltlseptle cleaning of the mucous sumo“. sud o! the blood and cixcnlstin‘ fluids. thus “brain; pure. sweet end economicsl loos! sud constitutions! trestment {or weakening ulcerstlons, W101“. itchings, irritstlons. relsxstions. dis- PW‘I. pslns snd irregulsrltles pe- culiar to temsles. Hence the Cntlcnrs remedies hsve s wonderful influence in restoring hcslth. strength snd besuty towesry women, who hsve been pre- msturcly used sud invslldcd by these distressing sllments, us well ss such sympsthetic smlctions us snamis, chlo- rosls, hysteris sn_d nervousness. ( A L _.___ ‘_II_ -vw-u' â€"J â€""â€"-â€" _ _-_ V Women from the very first hove fully epprecleted the purity end sweetness, the power to word immediate relief, the eertdnty ot speedy and pemnent cure. the absolute “fety end greet economy which hove made the Cotton; remedies the stenderd humour remedies of the clvulzed world. lbout Sanative Antisapi tic Cleansing Ind about the Care of tho Skin, Scalp. Hair and Hands ' Inch That Every Wow llaslros to Km A “1'. Vâ€"Q-J' mu w. __ m Jugâ€"n lay M Chicago. In 21.â€"A Oped.) to The My News “5'1: “Portmhurbtobom w mmmnomt prom tlouluvebecncompbtod. guuhvoyutobophadhpod- tiommzhehndtorounppohm torthocuudthvotobo M coed. leo-uuo a... 2:4. M gnu-(a- tn the “an?" W!“ 3nd reported :1! quot than. The report 0! the grounding at tho cruiser ‘Bogntyr am: Thundny night from the St. PM correspon- dent of The Echo do Pu'il. nnd was announced by the Rustin: admit-thy yesterday. Toklo, my 21.-A trustworthy re- port has been received et Imperial Headquarter: that. the Russian aub- er Boguyr ran ashore outside Vladi- vostock Inn benvy legend we: do- strayed. This in the first nhip of the Vledivostock squadron to be do- strayed. The report that the bettleship Shlkishlmn wns deranged and the battleship Fuji sunk is denied here. Port Arthur I"... St. Petersburg. thy 21.â€"Nnvnl omeers any thnt the channel to Port Arthur to free. despite the annneee chime to the contrary. nnd tht the Russian fleet my 30 out min with- in a fortnight. Second thongs“ hnve cooled the ndmirnlty oflcinle to dil- eredit the report that the annneee battleship sunshine and Fuji hue been destroyed. It in not known yet in this can how mum of the men perished. The Butane wu surely sunk by coming in contact with a. tub mine and not by, the attack 0 a. sub- mfine boat. ed were Commader Tsukunoto. Commander Viscount. Nire, Commen- der Arimorl. five second “emu. ave sub-engineers. two surgeons, six midahipmen. (our adet engineers end ten non-commissioned once“. Llaoyulg. Mny 21 .â€"Fortyâ€".five bub- tallona 0! Japanese troops have been landed on the Unotung Peninsula" In order to cmbsrrm their ad- vmoo thd Russians have destroyed the nut-out bridges. The inhuman have evacuated Kni- pin (or Kuichou) ubout. thirtyâ€"five miles south of Newchwang without a fight. St. Petersburg. May 21.â€"An om- cul report. ha been received to the eflect ant Gen. Remnkempfl's Cos- uclu fell on the ananeee column financing on Fengvnngchcng on Wednesdty. and that the Jew were compelled to retro“ for a. dis- tance of twelve milos. ”m enemy's force- purticipating in the fight mt Kinehou (Human; Penimh). Kay 16. counted 0! the Filth. Fourteenth uni Sixteenth Shrpchoocen (iniuvv). with eight quick-tiring guns. They left. on the field thirty deed once" end well. According to the prisoners. the ene' my’o maniacs were over three hun- dred." _.7 fixing of troopl 131394!“er command. and was moo-pushed very gnu-11y." Toklo London. by 21.â€"The Jennie-o much hero gave out. yummy the following deepen-h. received tron and {orty to any men killed. The landing of JW troope at Toku- ohon begun yeotendoy. MAW». M. “Adminl Honoyn. commanding the third squadron. reports tho: with the third nqundron. consisting of tho Fuse. Hei Yen, Mina-hi. Sci Yea cud other vessels. he protected‘ the landing of troops nt u: untamed place. probably Tatum. yesterday. bombarded the coat and loaded . pony o! bluejuzketn, who occupied n point of land and mined the anon- ecu do; nt 8 o'clock in the morning. London. In»! 31”!" ‘ leption ”nerd” rewind lowing 0M8! mulch {re "A portion of one “my 00 loading at Mutton. '9“ mouth oitho You: River. Tokio. my 21.450 {allowing of- ads! mung-n was “and he" I!" tot-day: "A section of Matt! of mu»- tang force. vent in tho direction of Smdnntn to noonuolm at} P" two noctlone 0! Rush- hunts-y. The Rue-lune were repulsed In thirty minutes. Our annuities were one o!- neer and {our men killed and one other and eight men wounded. The Russian undue. were one afloat SEVERAL BRISK ENCOUNTERS At Takushan and On fl tuna Peninsula- A able trouj'lgdivoctogk new» Jap- chd For Ind... Jay-mull)“. tuck-owns. 31,411.. .1.me ”170‘ “I. 10}. mesh from Tokio: tbo Lico- "It in realized that the storming o! the ion-trees will inevitably cost mnny lives. but it is said thnt the wnurl where the Japanese ships are torn“ to manoeuvre are becoming so dangerous beause of floating mine. that heroic mensures nre imperntive. Under theoe circumstnnm it is thought that life will be economized by storming the stronghold nnd elimiuting it and the ndinccnt wnt- eutromthenrenoinctudconflict. "A m1. 0! Banach en- '?3 WtoftheJM Mainlsnon) o! Andi-chm St. Petenbur‘. lay 21.â€"'l'he fol-- lowing (lap-wk from Gen. Kuro- patkin to the Emperor. dated 3: ' yang, Kay 19, has been mocivegl SY LVESTER M’P’G Ourpractiealman,ilr. 1. Dennis, looks afteralordas repairs, and we can guarantee satisfaction. ' Mail orders receive prompt attention. be ulna: that. would encourage Rus- Iit to tend out the Buluc fleet count- " on finding a htrbor of retuge in Port Arthur. We are making a large bore bras cylinder and steel rod! which will outwear and throw more water than any pump a market. nae vessel- Eisiemfimmea me In- mflty of not power and the nu- thorities feel that no chances must. Theday of iron pipaandcast imacylioders 15:13:.” public knowyfiomexpuicnoewhatyoumtvhcny ou buVMll gugflmizcd iron pipe, bras cylindet and steel rods, whicth rotor tthe water. GOOD PUMPia‘a Ado to all these advantages the vety material one that the u orshanes tn the surplus earnings of this leading Company, an“ have an opportunity for safe and profitable investment rarely equa‘ A handsome booklet, giving a full explanation. will be sent on :qu THE GANADA LIFE ASSURANCE A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. nwmamwmw Ion. Better {at three reasons. lst.â€"Canada Life 5 per cent. Gold Bonds yield a much fl rate of interest than Govemment Bonds. andâ€"They are paid for by instalmcntsâ€"thm placed within reach of men without capital. 3rd.â€"They are insured. That is, should the investor die a paying only one instalment on his bonds, all his future paymem the Company would be immediately cancelled and the benefits of investment would at once become available. gfluu have lin- nrondy cured big-fir“. Method Tun-I "cam Mummmam Hal Lcwdm: “tourmali- lavodonc me momr‘ofi‘ flan-30‘8“ 3.4.11 the m and ”acme: I had PD vioulytfld. Thu no: felt any of thou pawn or m an! swath-adu- formmmnndtheomward symptw ollh baboon. a” in. unduly (In red. X! mmnuwuumudu-m vim" ”JAY. “I. m a mm ”870'" ~~ mm. “Mama“. at run II “TROY- [traumas-W any Mood «he... you an nae: safe unless the mo: m has been "adieu-d 12o- mlym law you any of the tullotin‘ urn 80:0:th umpoamlo-Inofln the month, hair {axing out. um ‘ um. “chine-o o! the 3km. some: blame: the body eye. red and mum 4. mm; and moan-Indian... of the necondary stage. Don‘t nu:1 munc- with than to” ailment-Hwy sud pushâ€"which on}! “W ”thavmomhrgum only to bank on again whea happy in donating lite. Don‘t kt quack: expat-Inc” on you. Our M laid find-mum“ many“. Our-1mm are back-f;1 ”junk pounds, that :11ch rill-eva- return. Thuwndl o: BLOOD DISEASE!) MEN! rtadoumrmnnct Maud dine-m van-r- u. my arm. ‘ mot-r. mca W. R. WIDDESS. AGENT. LINDSAY. LINDSAY W ' May 21-" regarding the Boss Fun“ ’uly was carried by ‘ ‘ “Mince“.- ocun. x. 21.â€"Samu¢1 0" y M died at the Protestant My morning from 11' It: t'o W attacks 0! d m. which caused the M blood value! and hemorrm' Tm mu 9": J 4 1 Th3 Kind Y_on IE, ALWAYS CL'RES And in Pleasant and Chamberlain’s Cough Remedl It . 1] Bdrm l1 Taro: .0. t! RAY \K

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