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Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 11 May 1906, p. 12

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“To have been first, proves antiquity. To have become first, proves merit.” has BECOME first through MERIT. When You Have Company. est. Snowy linen, a few you want your table to look its pretti Cut Class will give your flowers and some of our Silverware and guests may pleasant thoughts of their visit. Odd Spoons and Forks for fruit, salad, cheese, cold meat and counties other uses; Sterling‘and Rolled Plate. CUT GLASSâ€"Fruits, celerys. boa-bans, water bottles. PITCHERSâ€"More than weann tell, but we can show you, andIare glad to. BRITTON BROS., Foot of Kent-sh. Lindsay. FROST LOCKS .- Make 0 Fence of Strength The heaviest. strongest wires made can’t make fence unless the locks are as strong as the wires. A fence. us its weakest spot. Frost Wedge Lock are the most They make the whole like a chain, is only as stron The New Frost Lock on unyielding parts of 3 Frost Fence. fence as strong as the strongest wire. We guarantee to repairâ€"tree of chargeâ€" any Frost Fence that goes wrong W. N. Pl'llLP, GEO. HUNTER. P. A. DEVINE. ELISHA MARK. kiln AND lNGlNlli FOR SA LE. One 60 h. p. Inglis Boiler, and one 40 h. p. EngineBoth as good as new. Can be had at away down price. 1. (lllllliflli SONS. Lindsay Street Bridge. llaLennan 00. Garden Tools Fence Wire Poultry Netting Builders’ Hardware Screen Doors # a strong Manllla Lindsay - Dcwncyvlllc Fonolon Folio good position an occurs the poaition for you as aoon as you ore prepared. Write to-day for Pro. mm INION BUSINESS COLLEGE. LTDn Cor. College a Brunlwick Ava.. Toronto, Opt. J. .McKAY, J. V. MITCHELL Prm' cipal. oomooooooomooooonnoooo dent. l tion pothy and friendship. two children Iurnod. Brookville. May inn-A man loot ro- MOOWNOO ”OOONOM IOVO and GIRLO would you like to earn .1000 por year. You can do so by becoming an or loch-Koon- E 90066\ “00“.“66660606606” i Thanks of Congress. Washington, May 4.â€"A special moo- aagc was sent to congress yesterday by President Roosevelt. in which he ex. o attitude of the Government ing the otter of contributions to Fm Spud Rah at 15 ”Hob an Hour In tho Country and at 10 Milan in Chloe. Towna and Villagoo. fluoottflforaflrstoflence. Sloofor a. second and a month's sentence in juiltorathlrdwith concelhdlon ct penultitltbowithlntwoycon. The MARATHON HERO. ' # How Hie Own City Propoooo to Honor blurring on His Return From Athono. Groooo. Hamilton. Hay 4.â€"Shorflng. tho Xuratnou hero. will tell into aomething pretty nice whon he reachea Hamilton. It in expected that he will arrive be- fore May 34. and all aorta 0! good thinga are being planned for him. in- cluding u Government poaitiou. and a A big maaa meeting was held in tho board of trade rooma laat evening to make arrangemcuta for tho rocoption. Kayorniggar prodded. and may all tho alderman were proocut. The mayor mailed to call a apocial mootiag ot council today. when it in probablo anotoagmntotanywhororromuoou troaa L will be made from tho civic ury. Iomo oi the apoahora but light doolarod that would be a Mo to give him loco than 510.000. A committee ol the tollowiag citi- aoaa waa mod to moot the council Mday ovoa : Cal. Davie. w. J. Ioutham. D. . Dutch. 3. it. Ilia John Iala. ll Laban. D. I. at lioa. J. I. Harrie. . J. Doualdaon. D. l. Cameron. 3. F. richer. J. 1.. Council. I ‘ n. lioboou and Paul J. or. orta will be made to got both tho Provincial and Dominion Govoramoata to loin. John 0. Gould. R. B. Harria and Aid. Wilton wore namod to wait upon the Ontario Government Friday to all! for a gram towarda the reception. and for a poaltion for Short-lug. in addition to all thia it in propoacd to place n bronao monument or him in Dundurn park. The citixona are responding heartily. and yeoterday T. M. Wright and Aid. Bentwood gathered 5350. Subscription list: have been opcncd‘ln tho newspa- per oncoa. 8t. Mary'a Club Toronto. wrote alk- ing that the reception be made a pro- vincial annir. They promised to acnd a special train up. . Toronto to Sheri-inc. Toronto. April d.â€"-lt in the intention of the Toronto Rowing Club to invite Bhorring to Toronto as - vonient after his return to Hamilton. about May 24. and make him a valu- able presentation and nddroaa. Revolution?“ Killed by Own Bomb. Par-lo. Hay t-RL bomb explosion oc- curred in tho Foroat of Viuoounoa at 8 o’clock yoatoeday afternoon. killing a Rue-Ian named Striga. and dangerously wounding a companion named Bokolofl. Tho two men were proceeding through the wood. ouch carrying a bomb. with tho ovidont purpone or hiding than for future hoe. Btrign and Sokololt both were otudonto or the School or linen and manhole of Bhutan ntudonu' The general atrlke shown runner ovi- douco ct diarupuon. Minor diecudoro ro- to tho outll’lht too- Manufacturer? Llfo m Pro- duood and Explained by Actuary Bo- toro Royal Columbia. on Incur- anooâ€"coot of New luolnooo High â€"6omrnlalaonoro Cut Into Flu-at Yoar’a Premiums. ed ouprom. yoatorday at the inauranco invaougation. Ir. moo. tho actuuy. wao in thobox dim. Ho and Mr. Bhoploy dim-god the change in tho baala o! roaorvo. and whether and dur- ing what pox-lode tbcchango in raoorvo would axoct tho promo. excluaivo or the fact that pronto havo been need to pro- vido tor the greater rooorvo. Than oounool want at length into the vaat diflorauco botwoen the estimated pronto I-nd tho reaulta actunlly obtained. Thia difference waa rathor otartling. Tho oxooaa od ootlmotoa over reoulta on come plane and u acme agel. during dlttorent periods. ranged from 50 per cent. to 800 or 100 per cent. That is. the eatimatod profits. as shown in the company’a ad- vortialng liter-unto of come years ago. wcro aometimoa double and sometimes three 01' {our tlmeo the results actual- ly realized. Tho cltimatea as given in tho ogonta’ rote books. which were re- vised from time to time. were reduced at every roviaion. Certain methods of computing and diltributing prodta wore atill in force which had been inherited from the old companion. Theoo old meâ€" thoda came in for a little condemnation. but the actuary aald hia department wao evolving a new mtem altogether. On a 31-2 For Cont. Boole. Mr. Sheploy began by asking regard- ing tho computation of the mom fund of the company. Bo asked what was Hr. Pappa' idea of tho ottoet ct tho law. ‘Aa I underutand it." tho witneu ro- pliod. “It roqniroa tho company to hold a rooorvo baaedon 81-2 per cent, rato or interest upon all policieo iaeuod ainco Jan. 1. 1900. when tho not come into torco, computing tho reserves at tho company a.t the end of the year 1909. and the rooorvoa held of tho old policies ohall bo computod. at 4 per cent. inter- est basis at tho and of the your 1911." Mr. Pappo deaeribod at length tho ciao-ad of policies carried by tho Manutnctureu’ Life. Thoro were tho wholo llto payable by annual pay- ments throughout the entire life; the aamo policy limited to a. number of your! 01 payment; and the endowment policy. To Attract lnouroro. )lr. Poppa and Mr. Shepley went in- to the liota of estimated pronto iaouod by the company at varioua intervalb. Tho witneoa aid that after the 'Dem- peranco and General and the Monume- turero‘ Lito consolidated the export- enco of the old compnny wna used to make the new estimates. He consider- ed that it was good policy to do so. Mr. Shepley had in his possession {our iuueo of advertising llteraturo used by the company. They showed that tho eotimated pronto on 51.900 policloa nod decreased greotly betwoen the icon. or 1857 and thooo or 1901. The comparioone were an tollcwo: 0n lite in tho mrmer mo. reduced to 5118: 20 payment lilo 8475. reduced to 5151: :0-yeor adowmont 5515. reduced to 8165; 55oyear life 5075. reduced to "at; :0 payment "it. reduced to 5301: to. year endowment not. reduced to 517?: 55-year lito 51.558. reduced to 5645: 30 payment lira 51.518. reduced to 1154. Mr. dheploy aahod it the liota ct pro. on aont out were not intended to in- duco people to tolto out polloloa. Mr. Poppa replied to tho aihrmativo. bin Ihaptoy enquired regarding tho tabloa ot mortality by which tho corn- pan! minted it: buaiaoaa. Tho wit. noon dooertbod at length both than 0! oaporta which were uacd end thooo drawn up by tho mmpaay tron ita own experience. The latter largely concern- ed tomporanoo wcrha. When tho court adicuruod in the morning. tho witncoa wan :uot beginning hia explanation at tho monuy'o bolanco ohoct. allowing from and luau for 1905. put in u tui- own: Monuiaoturoro' Prolto. 1. Loading. rim your premiuma. 554.- 121.“: not cxpeclod death loaooa in the year 1105. in nupect ot pollclco iaauod in that year. 832.150; loua not actual death loaooo in that your. in roopect 0! Inch poltcieo. 311.850; total. 817,510. Total margin: on iirat your premium. 1905. 582.051.“; leua exponaea (a... pn nchcdulo) iirat your. $837,709.80: lou. 8215,5173“. 2. Loading. renewal premiuma pnid during 1905. 8291515.“: loan nll other expcuaoa except tnxco. repalra and in- vestment expenses. $185,198.49; prom. $168,511.25. 3. Not expocted death loosen in 1905 other than in reopect o! polioiea leaned in that year. $851,540.00: has not actual death loaooa in that year other than in roopoct of such polictoo. 83.855.576.51; profit. 5128.051“. 4. Not expected annuity claims ma- turing in 1905. 84.90355; looa not actual annuity chime maturing in 1905. 55.- 30.07: loop. 51,858.51. 5. Intoreot. dividenda and route ro- ooivod during 1905. $897,082.18: lean taxes. repalra and inveotmont expenoea tom 1905. $28,502.77; loaa poid atocr- holders. 524.000; leao required to make good the reserve in 1905. 5231.790; to- 91.325539237; prom. 511,759.85. 5. Profit; from mice or maturity. as per aehedulo. 521.458.22: loco lonooa from union or maturity. no per ache. dulc. 55.07.71: prom. 515.510.31. 7- Increase of market vnluu. g. per oohedule; leoa decrelno or market val- ues. do per ochoduio: profit. "8.358.”. a. lbpag can.“ \ mind the wituooa in rot- or!!!“ $0 the dint-button or ourplua to policyholder-a. It was brought out that when tho aurplua was impaired tho policyholdora‘ interact would be afloct- od. The legislation in New York M in wt to tho diatribution or outplua waa disoront from tho lanutacturen' Lite. Tho wituoaa oxplainod that tho unincuounial distribution wag not bot- tar than preferred dividooda. Any im- palrmeut o! ourplua would nocooaaril! have to bo mado good by tho policy- holders. 3. admitted that the mtem 01 Ca- nadian companioo was a very general ayatom. It was apportionment couplod with deterring actual diversion. Tho coat or attaining new buoinooa during 1905 wan ahown on o. atato- meut prepared by the actuary. Hurt by Now Buaiuooo. “11 you hold chosen to dlvido among your policyholder-a all that they were entitled to. that lo all tunda on hand by way of profits?" naked Hr. Shepley. "would that not mean that tho old pol- ieyholdora were at tho expound of the new buxineu?" . Ma a. wholo they were," replied 111'. Penn. “For the year. the expenoeo attending new buoinooa exceeded the groan pre- miuma?" dex‘ro “1a thnt immediate outlay over over- taken by your company?” “In. in courao or timo." “How many yearn would it take?" ”It would bo overtaken in tho oecond year. that to when the aecond premium to paid the lone ix overtaken." “Tho nmounta provided for loading no regard: first yearl'. expenses. is entirely inadoquate, is it not?" “Y“.- . “It you could have obtained that buaiuoaa at no greater expeuae than the loading provided. you would have had handsome rooulto?" “Cortnluly.” oald the witness. Lapood Poiie'roo. ' Tho quootlon ct lapsed policioa waa then gone into. Witneox said that the percentage of lapses was an toliowa: At the ago of 85. after first premium to paid. 78.28 por cent: after second premium ia paid. 5.89 per cent; after third premium in pald. 1.28 per cent: utter {our premium is paid, 4.50 per cent; after urn: premium is paid, 7.05 per cent. It la after tho payment of the first premium that tho groatcot percentage of lapses occur. It is at this atagc that tho lapoe menu a. lose to the company. “Reserved on policies." the next point touched on in the examination brought out a lot of important detail. Mr. Hellmuth will emu-examine tho witneoo when the session opens this morning. CLIPPER‘S CAPTAIN BROWNS Dookhand Ioottlo. Who Managed to Rooch Chore. Talia oi Georgian lay Tugboat Trogody. Owen Sound. May d.â€"-‘l‘ho tug Clip- per of Midland. owned by the apaniob River Boom 00.. aprong n look and unit near the llu-tard lolnnda on Mon- day. the uptaln. l‘ctor Molntoah oi iii-ouch River; the engineer. Id. Fich- or o! Cutler. and tho dremon. ll. John- oon. whooo home to unknown. wore drowned. Tho dot‘lthand. Bonnie. auc- ooodod in muhing chore. The Gimp" war on route to tlpanlah llivor. and on Monday morning apron. a look. 'l‘ho water woo pouring into tho hold. and t‘api. Mclntuoh dwidod to bench the lug. llc ulcond fur the liuatard lulnnda. oi? liruoo l'cuin-uiu. but run tuul oi u lilddon rook. A wild apring gnlo urine und threatened to uhnilrl‘ the amall wan-cl no it luy im- palcd upon tho rock. lloattie. roudrrod dcaperuio. tore a don from the amuil cabin and declar- ed he would attempt to reach the shore. 11o endeavored to xlrl‘suldo his “no- claim t) do llkt'wlm‘. but they prefer- red to remain on the tug in the hope that a atoamur or fishing bout would puns by in a ahort time. Beanie. after n long period at desperate struggling mchod a amall island. but not the main island. on which in located the Dominion l-‘ieh Co.‘o fishing atation. For 15 houra he remained upon the inlet. and thin. together with some 17 hours apent on the tug. made a. total of 82 houra‘ expoouro. He was discover- ed by a halter-man. William Hazard. who conveyed him to the flahing stu- tion. where he is now recovering. 1n the morning the bull of tho tug atill remained on the rock. but tho cabin had been swept off. and there was no algn o! the sailors. __.___.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Small Boy’a Death. Meatord. May 3.â€"While Morris Do- herty. the 4-year-old son of Samuel Doherty. 1 farmer. living near here. was riding on a loaded wagon, he {on and the front wheel passed over him. causing his death utter 1:: home. â€"__â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"'â€". Cadota Mutiny. Roswell. N. Y.. May 4.â€"-.\'lnc cadeu were expelled from the new Mexican Aondemy Tuesday on a result 0! a mu- tiny in which to cadets Were Involved and in which violence against the a. unit: was threatened m- a time. Hunt Oboy Regulation. mmdfounovoAlwaysBought, and Which“... in use for. over 30 years. has borne the sim *4, and has been made under in. In. . m zonal supervision since its inf.“q r. , ; Allow no one to deceive you in it. . All Counterfeit. Imitation and “Just.ag.good» m 51 l 2 Experiments that We with and endanger the hum * .2 7’ Inmate and Childrenâ€"Experience against Expefi i What is‘CASTORIA Castor-h is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro- gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Plea...“L “ i contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other yam“ i l aubotuncc. Its ago is its guarantee. It (It‘stroyg W... ' and alloys Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrlmm and “in . Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constiim'm. ‘ and Flntulcucy. It assimilates the Food, numb.” “a . Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural 5% ' The Children’s panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. ' GENUINE CASTORIA Ame Bears the Signature of " b \ .. The Kind YoubHave Always Biughl h In Use For Over 30 Years. M CIIYWI ”I“. 7" ”“7 m. I" YOCI cm ” flmiilll MARBLE won Cresswell and Jordan, DILLERS 15’ 703316“ All meme cum . mu molars. nua- CTOIES, PLUIBERS' 9'. PH“, ETC. All work and material F‘rictly in class. Being A new firm our :toc'r .2 wt selected and of modern desin. Pm nee: and satisfaction our motto. ‘ Office and Shop 147 Kent-st. Nearly opposite Public Library W. W. J ORDAK. WMMW J» WV 7 «co PASCOE BROS. General Merchants, Oakwood. Ton departments alwayo kept well assorted _______â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"‘ W. H. CRESSWELL. - Boot. and Bhooo. Thia department in our atom ha been one of great "minimum ir ,. for aince our commencement it ban stoodily grown, txll now we «a.» .1» one of the boot in our atoro. Our curiomon have expmml thm m: deuce in the ooloction we mute. and with our continued GIN .na :1.- donlinga we expect to ace still better buniuooa in thin line We have teoa .ial vulne- to odor in Womou'u and \tnm in»: landloa' low Loco 5 non. reg “.50 for L25: Landioa' Loco li-mzr. m; 5‘3 r M9 (or 3 IS: Mon'a Box (‘nlf 1M0 lioota. Rluehrr rt} o, 10:55 rn‘a Doagola Luce Benin. llluohor rtylo. ior 52.7.5. 9 O O O O O O 9 O O E 9 O i O 3 Dry Goods. 2 lMlM' Fancy L‘ollai'o. L'I-x‘ but! 500 ouch. lawns, 1.5 r Irw’w Embmdorioo and lnnoriiom. lawn t‘uruum 1mm 55.- m s ‘ w u- Rullor Blind: iron 33¢ curl: lo SLOOoooh. A lull Lnr of him. n '-r .‘w brie Shirto “.00 ouch. O O O i O O O 0 g Randy-made Clothing. Thirty live now hull:- .uut to hand in l‘mu‘ '1‘“ u . ulno Brownie \‘uliu. Our Wagon is now on ill neuter trip Mum. :.:;.'. \\ Nobil‘u onions ior good: to lm doiiwrod tlm i’ullon m; w .. . l .. Highest nun-hut price paid (or limlvr. lice" : cur-h or giw goodu in oxch ugc lor the above. _________________â€"â€"â€"- PASCOE BROS..- Orâ€"‘X KVVOOD. “OOOOW”OWWQ 0000 0000” K£<KM<>Q K K¢.K m7 K :i SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH mg NERVOUS, WEAK. DISEASE!) MEI. T“: R£SULT otlgaomcoud folly in youth. omen-race of mind 19‘ i" .. _ Induced by 1not and expoauro are constantly wreckint 0“ ; nnd “gm hpplueaa °‘ “W. 0‘ PWyoung men. Borne fade old "- _‘ . M “any ogc. at the bio-om oi manhood. whtlo other: no forced to one“ weary. trainees and mdancholy existence. Cx‘uom “ , many but had no ooiaeo or contort there. Th: v .ctim If!" in all atatwna’ ot lite-tho farm. the 06cc. the workshop . ‘ul t. tho trade. and tho proieaoiona. ‘ o are guaranteed cured by our low Pay. You run no risk 15 your. in Detroit. cum um an as: rum. Iooaaoo and withoutd’itllfl" “I am33ycxraoi and married. When we“ I M ‘ ’2; life. Early indiucrouononndlater excesnco mode trquhkf" . '. lbecamoweak and nervous. My kidneyglwcar‘c 1‘~-'-. feared Bright’s Disease. Married Lite in“ L' i 3 my home outrage. I tried over-“hing ..". treatment from ra. Kennedy ken .- I“ ' v ' built me up menullr pin-giantâ€" 3.1.1 - K lllrEIman In every reaped. Trev “railed ~me nix your . olniiui and responsible financiaflr. on why patronize undo... _ can be cured by reliable dot-tore." fiW. A. Bolton. Drs. Kennedy Kergnn. N K KK Ken K5“ '5“? Ladders turned mu South lountain valueo allowed. traumaâ€"Ni. , m Washing lachincs oh mod um Curthln Stretcher: ‘ 0. Total mu. mamas: lo. ion metre": not met. gratin“. : rum 3.“... the rate ct than». aa- "r" ”3‘3“ “f "33:23“ “I. M.” N M“ mo”. * 0 0 “a on m An that on tho ‘ rights under tho runny ct 1511. Wuttmatoottbom “11me """"""'"" ’ gonad Organs Sowing Iachil‘ Highest grade lnslrtzmcfih‘ Bell, Km. Thomas, t‘lt‘. TV Which is a gumntcc o! gull!!! I r in: Nachim um... \\ h NC' Win” ' . I i m, ‘ ,7 V ' All goods Mimi ‘ . -- i ” advan ‘ . .. , . tam: right. No file , . ‘ . “ . ‘ ‘ . - . ~ , . a)“: md gn it all "mes . x. .m*m..im- , 13%.“! h‘lm.fiui4. ? mwarc Granltowaro Chum hum Gila Varniahoa “!rlem”llxod rum . ,Vfiwr \

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