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Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 15 Aug 1902, p. 4

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KAWAB’IHA LAKES And will :tmd promptly to .11 order- inn-W mun. ' Tianéfi," m} 1» to Oct 1». . .. mum " mm “13199-1 ft 290‘ iomnonfim 2‘» P1!!!” “U '06.“! Julyhduwomu all-auto. BohaypolLv.1MLu.Ar.1flp.n m " 9‘0 “ Lv. sflpuu. A - .4 \| ‘K n M am a. ~"College Graduates" Smusm is one titie of an (uncle appearing m this issue, and it should be} read by mm the establishment of one of these lnqfitut‘es means a permanent bus:- npas college. {the new" college In Dudes-5 will' open Srptembzr an. munsg, Bums, warm: 151 Ah'm in being an. .o in. aid, in . ' ‘llld 4150 United Satan, over the uodu of-htge, manufacturing i'numu thick as now doing business in Cumin. The Daring human; Ca, the McCormick, '3."qu MuhinoOo. and u my a! Mothers. Many of the-e concern: no member- of the Nttionnl Reciprocity 140331104 whose'orgsn point; to thc significant fut 30m,_ om. mun. thet- one 3 on: indutry the: another in wingite plant, ornlnrge port. of ig‘into tbejnrindictionot none other Month ground tho: it in no longer possible to con- tinne-ib foreign tnde under the condition- thnt now chain st hone. ' {Rae quar’s Sun, in View. or the fact. that th'ereA are combines of 311 some in existence who are wax-3mg (or. "themselves and against every- body else. log suggested through Its columns a c afivtsgbility o! farmers forming acumblno to protect their intereets. In its columns are a num‘ hero! communications which! approve ol the idpa: but all seem at a. loss to know how.“ may he. brought about It)" (2. Troll, of Darilngt’on‘, ms dur- ing u»: 'l'p‘r'onto Exhlbxtion would b3 9: good‘t'una-(or the. meetxng. ;;Bnt 1 meta)!!!” at the present tune [know 917m john of farmer! 01mm district could he‘orgapzsfi under. We have had pow (5W and Patron or- pnfization-s down hare, a'nd they both W a-Taihme m a. short queen-01 tgnc.~;!b‘giva you Q very personal; mm or-nfinb, 'I*~do not bell3ve if King Solomon, mm all Ins gun-y mum, were here, that he, could aaw up any tom or schedule or rules whereby he could commas thorn-m- m of this didriot for two years time.” , . . : ”)1"; all”; The Weekly P051? YOUR TRADE. w Imam-via. EDSAV’S new cousca Kenm, Lindsay. EDITORIAL NOTES. for Gm“, “K W. tunâ€"uâ€"n, the uh»! bolov, I (“flame of thlrgy foes, fighting on his head Death m unkn- Iupotdnion of nuns" msnwrzs mayo-n. useful "and look of Spoof-on Prol (an: In Wane-'3 “Mugs. ' ; What the Balm? Institutes have done [or the fume". on thy; Wows. lnatltntal hope- to do ‘for. the “fin- oxn‘ wlvea and daughters :1qu you." ago the Superintmlpnt ot ”um-n' Institutes made .armgm. 981‘ when and daughters. u” years ago the Superlnmhnt ol l-unau‘ Inductee made arms.» mom: and caller} meetings of mm. ' ‘4‘â€" A. 6k- mun-us ...“- _____ on‘ wives in diiiennit parts ol'the province. and no u remit than new row 42 owning-i Waugh hum tum. with a tow momentum 'oi 3.048. A Hm Book of Woman“: iii-Mu tines ii“ in“ been imicd by tho Om women wwrmmea tut won-m muir-riugw; it Wr-iupiu ui. um ; ii contain mu or good bouts human and «in publication- um mould be Win! M "ii! Imam m Malina io this than: are lending Mu‘ iiolua by CW and American authors on‘ subject! whims to the W9. on”. and tarnishing oi’ the home. one or children, treatment or 3mm“, housekeeping an a proton. aion. housekeeping in it's country. 41$. Mm. mm Van Ri‘msoiur. of Cornell University. contributes an action: on “Saving St'ps." wine]! in' like home. "How1 to Build the ‘ Farm Harm,” is di=c_u*ssed at length, ‘am Illuminations of couvgnicnt farm' l houses ame‘given, together With me _n _,‘._‘ IAVWW '7' v ‘v plap of conduction. cost of mate- rial, .e‘tc.~ “A Simple stethod 0! Dis- posing: of House Sewage on the Farm,“ has been writ-ton by an 011:. cer in the Department 0! Public Works, Ontar‘o. This most unportmt rtopié is given the scope it (heaven. and plants 111'? shown for cheap mm convenient methoju of disposmg 0! all house wastes. The pamphlet conch: 193 thh ace, m‘ptbns and illdstrzitioué and met“. ode of home apdornmwt thb' How. are. .J‘dxotogrpphs- are shown ' 61 porn}: and yard decorationa, and the book generally wit. tag appreciate] by all who me: have the pleasure 01 reading it. London, .Aug. 13.-'A despatch .to The Daily Mail-from St. Petersburg reports the discovery at Warsaw 0! a. wholesale manufactory of, forged bank notes and postage 'stamps,. which had been flourishing 'for' theJast {our years. Enormous numberk or £50 notes haw been put in circulation, and the national banks; according to the correspondent, have cashed 32,-- 000,000 yiorth of {org'ed paper. The private lossea as‘a re'sult o! 'the forâ€" geries amount to 8415;000. The lead. crs of the forgers hav‘efiecn arrested! Gun: Singers loath“. Waterloo, Ont., Aug. =13.â€"The grtat, combined‘Saengex-fest of the -l.a.k‘e Erie‘ and Canadlah' SangerQUild'gs was: opened hefe yesterday morni'ng._‘ The weather 'whs all that could. be ‘ckzs'irg ed ahd tfi'ewEoQSA Swohé mass of “figs: burning and arches. ‘ Last owmng the reqeption cpnqert: gt the skating ;E'ka'Qié “die chief atfii‘actionai The attendance Was estir'aned ‘alt 2,5002 To-day the Saengcriest propezf_ be- gins. Kingston, Aug. 13. -â€" A writ“ has been servod on William Carey of this city, at the instanCe 01‘ George Smith. Portland. _qp behalf 0’! J. _S.4 Gallagher, candidate-fleeting Fronte- nac“ --The plaintiff’ ,bhag‘geS-jhaQ. "the defendant. voged pt, Nb. 5 sub-diva)- XOn, Kingston .onmship, without having the: nomsar'y ‘ Qualifications, 1nd being fully aware of it. The full penny ot'SVOO is asked.,.. ‘ - vflai tarp-tics 8. Funny. Aftermath of in new”. I.“ l:. - ~ In the territories he thinks there will be fully one third increase over last year in the output. In the Manitoba wheat field, the wheat is growing much thicker thin year than last and the number 0! strAWB to~ the square foot is almost double that of last year. The plants hove headed out well end eVery head is Ml to the tip. The increese acre-1 age under cultivation will eleo tend to increase the total output. Mr. Golden looks for an increase in the other grains also and thinks yield of oats, rye and barley will average iully half as much more again than last year. __nll __:â€"A g- A.“ w-u- .â€"â€"v v -V, , .651" The Free Press will print. toâ€"day its am'nual crop edition for the cur- rent season. lte statistical table gives the probable crap of wheat in A m__-:e-â€":u ‘a ‘5- BIVW luv r-vwâ€"u-v --- Manitob; ad the Terri 615. 925 bushels an increase 01 3,- 000.000 bushels met the figures 0! last. year. not mun-muo- can-tau. Toronto, Aug. 8.â€"A depuution from the Prisoncu' Aid ’Aasocittion Waited upon the Provinéial Govern- ment Thursdny Murnoou with the View of urging upon them the udvia- ability or the greatest cure being token in the classification of boys tn connection with the new reformtory to be erected to tophce the one ot Penetang. The member- ot the Gov- ernment In sttendu‘nce Were: Hon. Richard Hut-court, acting Premier; . .134‘ Prlloun' Aid luwlllu ‘- -.â€". ‘ v _. non. J. n. Stutton. Provinchl Sou teary. and Hon. John Dryden. mu. Inter of Agriculture. Th Io on tho depumnon included: Dr. nbrou‘h. teen-2mm at the_ “meg-Hon; Runn- CD.._L mlu;u-J v {on Cunt-Ila. Jam Inn-0y. Hugh lemma. Warden Gflmom. Rev. no- bofl Hull and Hutu Spencer. With the exception 0! Jam; Inn- ny. the deputation “proud thou «ppm-chum o! the «nun plw In the mum at the acwmnodtuon tor 1h. boy willow»; amend a! an doh muory W33“) 9! warm. in vo‘uo. ,_-_. I-.. nun-I; Nunâ€"- "- . VVVVVV , 0n MM" 0! u}! Gowmmmt. “on. Nr. Harcourt thanked the depututtou tor the tutor-nation gh‘on. uaurim them that. it would be aortoufly con- aldorvd In complain; the plum for the wopouod institution. . It in not decided yet when the luv Itttution II to be located. Ottawa, Aug. 8.-â€"W. L. Grimm. Canadian-Government agent in Wales, has just returned from a visit to the Welsh Patagonian settlement at Salt- conts, N.W.'l‘. When he arrived here he lound a letter awaiting him from the Argentine Republic showing a sad state of aflairs existing in the Welsh colony in Patagonia. The Chubit Valley is agnin flooded. The melting snows in the Andes, together with {m’ unusually heavy rainfall, have created an o\‘erflow in the river. which has caused the capital of the colony, Rnwson, to be‘ flooded, and the towns of Trelew and Gsimnn are under water, and the p00:- pcople are flying to the hills for shelter and safety. There is a. scarcity of the first necessaries of life and altogeth- er the condition of the people is de- plorable. The disposition of those remaining in the colony will no doubt be to follow their iriends' to Canada, but it is fem-ed they'will be, on ac- count'of the floods. in n more or less destitute condition and will require assistance. 1! Canada cannot assist __-II ‘Ao ohm wan Souk}. An tutu. to II. um. Hoe-nu at "coda. no doubt Squth peOple Judges of Livd Stock. Toronto, Aug. 13.â€"-The idea. of the Department of Agriculture to fin-nigh judges for the live stock at the dif- feront' agricultural fairs 1hroughout the province promises to be z-roduc- MW 0'! good raults, inaamuch as fli- ty-eight agricultural societies have taken advantage of the offer. The fairs have been arranged in circuits of from two to three weeks and than ju'dgos will visit each fair. Before Vatarting out on their circuits the judges will take a. course of training at the Toronto Exhibition. In mak- ing their awards they will be suppoo- . AL‘3- -uann- in order fit [HIE Av- vu-v .â€" ing their awards they will be suppos- cd to give their reasons, in order that the exhibitor may be thorough- ly satisfied with the decisions. r finite In no'nenvllk. Bowmunville, Aug. lac-One hund- red and 35 members of the local un- ibn of amalgamated wood workers deci‘da‘d las_t night to go one strike. They are employed by the Dominion Pieno Company. The men demand recognition of the union and a. twen- ty per cent. increase in wages. The company is willing to meet the men individually, but not as a, Union. 0r- ganiaer ‘llo'ofe has been here for two Oitgwa, Aug. 13.â€"â€"A private letter recu'vod in the city states that Sir Frederick Borden. Minister of Militia, wiq visit. Switzerland and other plmes on ..-the Continent. before re- tuan'ng to Canada. He will, not likely reach here We the and of September. '31P; Bord-uh Flam, Ottawa, Aug. 13.â€"â€"A_ pri1 Til! COTTAGE DYITIM. '03 IN PATAGONIA. [3 m n more or less m and will require .na'da. cannot. assist. Mxica. will get these 8.â€"-W. L. Griflitho Wuu Youth- I mm: of “fins: to Von: In and The Fart! W College- at Ottawa. K‘emptvme and Perth are doing tone strong arm-rtmn‘ than my»; T9” 03¢ a liberal rent: “any one whom Wewnom admits Iron their advamoi vip- ru'tmcnt «lo un- , “wan, sought a urination. The Mun oi the work done by the» caller. u mnmfiy \‘ij practtul m1 shop“ a. 0'3.“th more fully! through. out mamohuy. be! It can bs am:- ly tonal-d upon to n magma uuch. foé you n m“ not be vmlsulwl W39? Malena [manta «w 94: account whlh thou 0. our: Ina-mm in. Mule-Mn 0! our. wue 'un-‘blo to tun employmm ; but u um prop'o Law no. you, w hm u \M promo MN m. you. w ”M human more locum! mu. the ram-Neat uncut m1 ”than no- optud by tutu moo... mo tug-awry m bun gum": cloud am. Thu am.” prom mum; in random .«N at. Nu m on um! dawn the put you um Pun-:39»! nuns-ton Mu plans“ and urauuwl u houa mm: mun-o. oom- rfldu Nun“ dull“ to "was laugh! "a. the Coll ‘0. Thu Mun» uno- beyunuud «annually by tn- !omuvut «whom. and la «pom-l.)- 36 pt.“ to now who (.1an JNOM Foliage.” “Le-u mo mun. u ,cuux- pistol a- Ceamflulkhpwu; ‘Ii “vim- ad. The 03-" Is reasonable an! ll nu-cplofi in monthly punch:- "IRENE” ‘)ufl”fl urnuuw‘ “ “0W "mu cabin" lush! "n. lira C or the man) goo! and Humour.“ team” why 1110 Federal Colleges flock] continue . to 03305 the mt. tome and contumce or the cans- um people; we know of nous more lmf-orlant than { the tam that the best in a. prgmuqm bdsfnma educa. tion to supplisd. and a. dam presonag mm In the time's“ success 01 sweats after graduation ls taken students after 81 by a resourceful every member of teen“!- lwvâ€"V' - The Paw College Journal. a twenty page p‘pu‘. has many mt‘r- acting articles of a. genera: char- “â€"wa .â€" actor. It also contain. college' tn- formation. Prep eopzes _a_.re sent. to (my adkcas upon request. All coma mnlcatlona should be Wrasse.) to I‘xlnclpu Houston. Ottwt, Oat. Armchem Prou- . I ozxd‘un. ‘AUg Ham 9:11 d {r0 for ( aiddl. ' Anon Whit. buimn, Toronto, Aug. 13:â€"Krnott . White, the last man who saw Whitney alive in the Evans Warehouse, and $119 was a close friend of Edgar (ken. has mysteriously disappean-d.‘ The last. man to see him foun'd :spoko with him Mondny night. His friends {our {0‘11 9133' St. Penn-burg. Aug 13. â€"â€"‘ Prim Obulensly, Governor of Kharkov, was fired at {our I'M Monday night. while he was injhe main-five- nue at the Trivoli gag-dens. at Khu- kow. one bullet struck the prince in the ~neck, producing .a Slight wound. Another bullet wounded Baonnet. dim a! police. if the toot. Th; an. Tho \luuulnnunu’ Conn-non Halifax,N.S., Aug. 13.â€"-Tbe mam. hers _or the anagii'nn flanufactuvers’, Association, accompanied ‘by ladies; arrix'ed by special train of 11 coal-hes 1m evening. They number neafly, 200. The‘ first; regular mgctjng,‘ which wan take Match: the Ingma- tive Council Chamber, will be” In“ this {org-noon. . p'riC W g. LII-33$ w, [Lu-5. v-uv 1m. 8 MSW“!- maJEâ€"M or}! Julyâ€" 20th. 190 Wynn. o! n. '0‘ rv, I g; {fiesta nouns at no“; - PI-lnoc. Mailed Fur c nn-u‘ .. Aug. 13â€"11» British rifle d from Livapool yesterday M mum. on Scan-din ML 1902.. “It vita of 1.; 1., Illflls M It: ly 'qaa l1 flog} if»? 3373.68, w lb .. om Tolit‘t-i [51" .100“. Rectum-o! live moot at the Caulo I» m were lam-1w but. col-prod of mo m. Export Panicâ€"Mm load: of MY, nh)mn.wld at M to “.50; medium «'8- ponm 3.5.00 toll”: per art. upon: Bubâ€"rum- umy upon unn- Nd at 85 to ‘13:; “gm emu bu'n. {4.7.3 to 35 [mt owl.‘ Export Cows-78:90" co" tom I! 30.5 ’0 $4.50)" {1th ‘,l,- 4...;11 lnI- fl "unscie'n‘ cutle- butt-Orrl‘ «mo. “ WJ‘E‘: Q $10 .to £51); mom w. ..... ..- "uh-Ira: belhn InJ nmrk to 15 “)1 «on; .014 Ct 01$ to 38.391," cut: h n- u!» N tum-arr. mm m “.73 to 5; M 0! Mann hutch“ “3.! \o “:0; common bulk-but con, pt “.78 I. “.70; com unnum- cum. .3 ....- .. n 11.. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"i - 33935.;- ud "Orion. mm~um of SMART . WNHOL. ARI FOR SAULâ€"Mon“ ‘ um wooded. “id-h m II‘H‘I'HQ‘ rye-1:: upon- coll I __ ‘ . o l. f (' » ‘ c ‘ ’ roam-4‘93". “no u non u. .m. Banners. Notaries. Etc. awn-”y-vdflu 2;; m: Mania-w: mm ...., .. ...... ............. - °"'....°*"....-' :3: m3.»â€" ‘ am to gun Ibo. men. d “a". - 0.5...1.’ ' 0‘ 0"“ twin". I" WM. '31:” 5“ ”mt“ klmotlj ' ‘ ~â€" --I m. m, j u Mâ€" e“ KBW YORK LIV! “when. Kev You. An. 12â€"30fleoâ€"Re-rel u 112. Dread but steady. Expom 20421;: no «we. Calvesâ€"Mp“. an. and nahâ€"Receipts. 9082. sum. adude coder; mob! dour. 10c to 15¢ Dow " A‘ “m n u M. 1m". G. '1‘, B- Itadon ever: chicken ”11' h” ruined. Plan was birds of- gny breed will ho‘aoupted. We will} W for good chlcheu lustrous“: price- ‘ t “3103. and at outside points tron ‘ taotentappr pmd. 0 at! to tmn “Nougat pair. (”daup- 3 new tree and pcy express up to entrant In panda of chicken. 1 hi: bull: or {quell aynolutely 39-. again- San Your cam»: for Export. Gammon. In 80mm you. can can: in m” it you nearest G. '1‘, B- Itatbn ever: ohic_k9n_ you! FIR-IRS, ATTEIYIOI. m“ "1'13 giant! to \VOOL ...... ”(m1 ..... 008 W 0W“ ~s~ the donor of the 810.000 for Lind- say Public Lib- F'dulu-firN-F' out. I p... '- ‘F‘ ”at; out udfimt-Wufl- ‘ ..â€".â€"-.â€"â€"â€".â€" DTLI. POPHAM McCULLOUGH In. In. nos; um “[39" _ Young Men and Women NOW 10 no t... to equip to: noun 1. I‘m. WHERE! to! ”II. 0 NIIIISOI Bull»: and Shel-mid callus. Our. 1001:“ can.“ M h .0- [MI “rt, qut all II. “a... “NH-l Indiana I“. h u- “in '. 1‘ not" “CM! I.- m as“ In“ to: Mail cm in“ In Wu. mm C UMQOI. It“ s CAI. and. fauna. mflK‘ OUT F03 BARGAINS AT B. B, . ALLAN BITS DURING AUGUST. Womumlu'lon's undBo ’s c) mummmmontmmmguygfmg u ““3 lu’u and Boys' Straw and Felt Hus. Homo Furnishings Luce Curtains, Cupeu, Some Bloom In Med Read -t low the out price. y owe" Sum... “use! MGoods asweu asau goatCost. line of Oceania. R. B. ALLAN CO. 1””. ma. Go “In Prion- fibuhtn‘. hub", in to. prion 5:11; M to b. .bzhwaf. No hold up here in an“, ad tho-alt Aw via: u will be made .82: month h culling. All Innnery Goods to go at Less than Cost pm WINDOW. Th 5; 37-h FF“; “mama-uranium I“... LINDSAY. 20,006 HABVESII WANTEDmZM TAKE NOTICE In“ ' “gun cf the Sancho” mummy.“ WNW l I.“ Goon-Moot fl. Uh iiimm an InbuM.-h* WI. PRINGLE. 8 LBS sccoSn 01M".l THE PETE!“ GILLES?!” m an n Opposite Put ‘ 50â€"bit i. M131 w Him w- I Uni sow um ICE It.

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