iti" “Manama!“ H.8imncolohrato. MYERS MM!†Rf-UNIUN Optâ€"ii \‘TRAYED -Four red and one grey win- ‘J-‘tï¬rgealves sex-eyed from the farm of the “mined, just wesr. of Lindsay, on the flhoed row on Sunday Inst. Any in- Aormaon as to their whereabouts will be :Emkfaigy received. THOS. HICKEY; FRANK FORBERT ,‘uly and August Glazing Sale of all kinds of Men’s, Ladies’ and Child 793‘s Footww. ‘-~~We are leaders of the best quality in 3006 and Shoes whenbtest prices. '-'Repairing neatly and pmptly done. W'ANTEDâ€"A mart Dining Room Girl; beet wages pdd. Apply at the RmY_Ho:e1, Lindsay, T. MCCONNELL, Pmmetor.â€"eodwl. "3" Howey. August ,12th. the how. â€its. I-iichael Sm, neat Bethany. n 5111'“! .Lovmship. was the ans-33¢ " treat Imivities and rejoicing- ?†h?! sons and daughters. ¢hx£4 "Q grandcluldrzn and great grand male“ gath‘i'edr to Add a. family Ofï¬ce MNWWW MO 000- H Price OQO‘ O THE ARC LIGHT SHOE STORE â€â€˜~ Shaun’s sons and daughtzrs G-.W.. .5. w. and John B. Sisson. “0596mm; {armzrs of Manse-:3. ~ Sisaon .the wall known slgoe ‘0‘ town ; and Win, residing wnth maher on {11: old homestead. ' Wm. Hannah, Mrs. Fitch and Flack“ the win: of Man-vars Ian. and Annie, with her nwtner. 5°98}: of advanced 333, Mrs. Sus- ".18 remarkably good health and my 3ni0Â¥ed the day's prose»!!- 'H°1’ huaband has haul decan- u'†lime. She was one of w/ms 3" and twins are numerous in d3"-‘cendams' uniï¬es. “9 day W33 «pent very pleasangly â€5’10†will remain 10!: With i?“ took part in the picamnt ‘ Directly Opposite the Post Ofï¬ce. sent WOOQWMOLOHW W Choice of‘ any 5°C or 60c Dress Material in stock 'this week at 43c. ‘:3 dozen Women’s $1.00 long Silk Gloves at 75c. 5 dozen Women’s 50c Tape Girdle: atx39c. ‘ IO dozen soé‘Belts of Silk. Leather or Cotton. at 19:. 6 dozen zoc' Lace Collars at 2 for 250. Women’s and Misses’ 34.00. 5.00 and’6.50 Trimmed Hats at $2.50; $1.00 to 3.00 straw shapes at aye. 5 dozen Women’s $1.25 and I. 50 Print wrappers at 980. 25 Women’s $4.00 and 5.00 Dress Skirts at $2.50. I7 dozenï¬xzs and 1.50 White Law-n Waists at 85c. 4 dozen $1.25 to $2.00 Children's Dresses at 75c. - IO dozen Women's $1.00 White COtton Gowns, or' Corset Covers at 50c. ma PRAc'rIcAI. SHOE MAN Directly opposite Post Ofï¬ce. 104 I Darn was an auspicious one. >h; birthday of Hrs. Sissod’i randchild. Thirty-saven in 311 nting the four generations. rmnt. A group photo'graP-l n35 different. "for you will have *months of wearing time yet. Come to Ford’s for m1 bargains and you will not be 'rdisappolntcd. Here are some of them. VERY department joins in this whole- souPed effort to clear out all the sum- mer goods to mike room for early ‘fall sell- ing- We have put all thought of proï¬t be- hind us and our every energy is how best to effect an immediate and thorough clear» mg no matter What the loss. But, with you_ Clearing «at Ford’s It’s Clearing, 8 dozen I8c all-linen Hand Towels at 2 for 25¢. 300 yards 12 LR to 20¢ Muslins, white or colored, atIBé-c 25 Wash Suits, regular up to $5.09; at $2.50. 0 dozen Women’s 40c long lace Gloves at 25c. Post isfor laIe cad! a1: 00 Carroll's tobacco in: C. Burke'- mg. #1 voovwwo §§§V¢§ 3 idflfP081(IORRESPONDHHS' lHIERS IMINEKS‘ “BAY ~ LUTTERWORTH. (Special to fl‘he Past.) the ItoMawinog touriasts are enjoy- J'mg a stay at this doliflntutpll spoil: an than! Lstaying at dike hospitmole home a! Mr. David Gal-lawn; , Mr. H4 S. [512101. Ma's. Tracy am their two daughters; Ham! and May; Mrs. Stephen Otto. Miss Jennie own, an, Alvin Qtto, «Mr. Ail-aid: 01:30. 0! Moose- ‘jatw; MI. A. "Earn, 31nd wï¬m'. ottLi‘d- say; Mr. Jars. Cabling, ozf Gdanst. Mr. and Hans. MnLeznmn. 0K L‘mdfly; Dr. White and 'famiIY. (it Kinmolmt; Miss B. Clarke. at ' Feudal! Fins; Ma's Manda Clarke. rout Little Bonk, Arm Mu. Mum, at Little: ‘ Back. Antwan ; Mr- Jim» Ayreq 1km Hm Sparks. Mr. Mmm'n Ann- ; strong, Mr. Arthur Barley, at 1" Into; Ben Mr. ï¬nance and tamer. "Mrs. J. w Wallace, om‘unmay, rupenvt a tfaw. days with Mr.“ MKay recently. LINDEN VALLEY. . (Spam! to trim Post.) Misses Janette Oath-to, Baobab; , N. Y. Cara. Wail-lace. Ffadérioton, N . Val. cathm, Lindsay; nae "r. Fink Sealer. an Indianapolu.1nd were the guests at Mr. and Mn. £611 fl‘yrebt,‘ Maple Grove Lynn, [or a. law days last weak. Mr. and. Mrs. E. Eyre.†and: Etta Mia Marguerite. WWI by M r Irrank 6am“, Win; and My (roan «White. Toronto; took in 1th» r-e gatta at Stumgm Point last Thurs- in No.12. after spending a. pleasant vecauon thh triendsin Chicago, uhd \isiting Sax-onto. Lewiston an! .F-iagara Falls. Migs -Gertie O’Brien has returnel home. to resume her work as teacher Our schools reopen on Monday next. and we all hope that next sea-‘3 work will prove as successful .13 that of the past. DOWNEYVILLE ' 1898an m fl‘hae Post.) Mr. Jack Sullivan, 1)! Peterburo. Vihilcd Downeyville on Sunday l-Isc. 104 Kent-st. THE WEEKLY “POST. and One Mr. Ryan Switzer attended the ex- cursion ‘from Lindsay to Coilingwnod on Monday. . ‘ Miss Jessie McCorvie. of Maripon, ï¬sited Iriends in Wbodville on Tuesday. Miss Ena 'Patt‘exson. or 'Toronts. was the guest of her uncle. Mr. Nell Pittfergon. this week. " ‘me Mr. John McInnis. of Manllta.~visni- cd [lien-is in town this week. Miss McMurchy. of fbronto. is visiting Mrs. R. Thomas. East “1001- ,mi Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robertson. of Little Britain. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ha'rry Robertson. town. Miss Mary Muir. Of Beaverton, was the guest or Mrs. .J. \V. Smith this ,‘VGC Mr Chas. 31003111 and Mr. Hector McCri'mmon spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCrimmon. in LII“: Glen. . Miss Mattie McEachcrn. who has been the guest 0‘! Mrs. Wm. Mel/.311). nturnad to Toronto on Monday morning Miss Mabel McArthnr returned to Toronto on Monday morning. when: sh:3_ ha: secured 'a.» position. Mr. Cecil‘Smith speï¬'t Sunday‘ with friends in the Glen. Miss Mabel McArthur returncj tn Miss Edna Ferguson left. on Mon- day {or Chicago. when: she Intends training for a nurse. She was accom- pamed‘ as far as Toronto by, her nia- ter. Missj‘iinnig Ferguson. Mr. Russell McLeod atï¬ended the cel'brntion in Fenclop Falls on Aug 9th. Miss Margaret Pzrguson spent Sun- day with Miss Alice H1“. in the Giro. Miss Anme Campbell and Mr. J. McMillan \‘isite-J‘Fcnelon Falls 0') Fliday.- Cur ban-1 attended Lhc celebmtmn in; Fen-zlon Falls on Aug. 9th. Dr. McKay has returned home. at- tér visiting the M’est. Mr. and“ Mrs. Harris. of Detroit. visited Mrs. Harris‘s mother. rs. Raymond, last. week. Mr. Jim McMillan. of Cobnit. is \isitzng friends in town. Mr Sam Fox. M. P. P.. 0! Lin!- sr.y. Visited Oar towp _on Friday last. Mrs. Wilson. who has been visiting lzcr sist:r. Mrs Guss Pro'ues. ieft new last. week to visnt her moth-2:. Mrs. Walters. in Oakwood. Miss Alma Smith is visiting friends in Penicl. Mr. Dan Smith has purchased the house own_=.-1 by Mr. John P. Ego. Miss Flossie Vsnstone of Oshawa. i'sitcd her father. Mr Jag. Vanstoag. 0. tawn. last week Mr. Wilfred M. Pepper. Lindsay's furous photographer. is in town awry Thursday. Up-to-date photos may be had by calling at. his photo gallery. above Mr. V. D. McPherson‘s hardware store. Miss’Ethel Mooré. of Beaver-ton. visited Miss Lela Oliver last week. 3118. Henry Davis visited friend: 5 Lil: bay 0v 3Sunday. Mr._‘ 1?qu Gibbs hats returned _ to‘ iwmk. after being Iaid‘.oft""sé? 51:1 days through illlness. Ml" Geo. Cavcrly, of Evansvitlc. ln-J.. U. 5.. was the guest. of his bro. Lher. Mr. C. H. Canny. last week Miss'Sadie McKay visited [rL-nd‘, in Gl-gnarm last» week The Minus Kennedy, who have been the guusts of Miss Anna McLacMan. rcturmd to their home in Toronto on \Vc-ln-xsday morning last. Mr. Percy and Miss Maud Fald en.- ccxtaine-J a few young people last Tuesday evening. Wilfred M. Pepper is spending his vacation in New. .i‘ork city. and win not. ‘sisit. Woodvillc on Aug 15th. Miss Templcman. of Toronto. is the guest of Miss Dorothy McKay. Mr. C. E. Weeks and family. ham xcturng '1 home. after 3p nding sonn- “a: ks at their couagc on Ldk‘u Mrs. wm Bybveuwopd ha! [retina- en home utter. a month’s vacuum i9 Toronto. She was mode ,3», her sister. Miss 313.. {me .anens Imam meeting will balls“ on Wednesday rafter- ooon, the fllst, instead 02 the 1th as announced. at. the hum of Mn. 3. G. nWahstel’ A mm attendance I: :1un WOODN‘LLLE (From Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Hector Ferguson returnc'l to Toxonto. after spending Civic holiday with friends in town. Miss Monroe. 0! Bufaflo. is tin gmst of Miss Lilly Gilchrist. and. Mm. G.†8., Beam. and N3. and. Mara Bert C:ahz_n,m_andos‘ - MW. at: attendql the m; as: Stan-- 1360!; Paint last week. . Mm. (Din) Dale is at pungent visa- in; Mrs Dale. or. Ma‘s. England, at. Little ~-Britazl:,. was the, guest 1:" Mrs. newsman Quite a, number of. friends and ro- Jativas at the Slate Mrs. C. Spunk. of Little Britain amended her, funeral 0 Sunday 133st. Herr rgmaina wen: mtel’réd. in the Zion cemetery. RM. Moore Waited. Much sympathy is commitment liar the bereaved Inn: I! am other relauvu. OAaE-QREZ. Wham. . a. 91mm“. 93. mg w Saw-1d; CannflpIâ€"What Monght it > OAKWOOD. ‘ ~ (Fxom Uur Own Corresponuunu} Mr. and. MRI. MsCulJy arq visitm,‘ at Mr. A. Cameron’s Mr. and, 18L: 3: C. Gun-mugs and dang mgr Berna: a. Mr. J. F. Cunniiygsfl; and M L-s. boa-rd at Petcnboro' at Mr. Goad-d s ‘ans Hughson. an, and Mia Lou «at. ham-c aetumod home attcr spend-Wu; :omc weeks at. Kingston and from.» o. Miss Hazel Bond is wanting 11m t'rvas tin I'I‘aranto for a. aouplq of .“eoks. "If P931 ERRESPOIDENIS†1mm: VALENTIA - (From Our Own Ownspondant) The church was ï¬lled on Sunday last to hear Rev. Mr. Moore's semen to the Omngcmen. Mr. M. preached a. stroné‘sermon from the text, "Ye shall know the truth. and the zruth shall make you free." «Cxopa are good. and we hear the hum of the clover thresher. Mr. Joseph Mark‘s new. house is m I". x; 7 ll : -‘ I â€Kraut Dannignlâ€"Ee ate a :g'ma'sui- “HWY. "I'll". “MY. ANSI 16, 1901. 1Tb}, Council the!) adjourned tin oh.- «man! Monday it; September. J.' B. WELDON. Clerk aThe Clerkvwms authorized to lav; the. sum a! 833.60 rateably on in. {braces interested in *he Hm drain also the sum at 334225 rate'abt)‘ ova: ibe persons interested In the Lawn:- {Mrough drain. also the sum 015065 ’mgaiaflst the s. hf. of lot 14. zoo. 10, and the sum “at $2.40 against- the a. ha of lot 13. con. 10. and the sum 0‘ $19.24'aogainst the n. M. of lot 1-1. con. 8. with interest at, 7 per ceu’. added do: the last three madam- otmts; also the sum ot 82501 mgpibt the s. m of. lot 13.003 3‘, ' 0:: ant- manta due on the Lownebroun’ (1min, 3150 the sum of $10.31 against the e. If. of lot 5.~ con. 13. re the 1 WM. â€â€œ77 ( 3,4.» 615 1an 'a'iav'y o: 8100 an the polka villa-go of Oghvoo-l do: cmjz'qnt expenses. and one-hut mill on thc dollar (or library . pmâ€" oasel. Mac n (on a! two mills on the do!†to: the patina village a! “we amen» for “W expenses they m m. mm Gandhi-Our uhiej has the The Council then took up (he ny- lnm‘a tar flowing th‘. rates far the. year 1907. (the requisition (or pubâ€: school purposes are some $1400 high- of (aha!) last year: 7 The We gen Commissioners' account's agar.â€" Ratinzz Home 3585 Write ordered pn’d. including payments (or abutmentsiat 18. Icon. 10; and (bridge a; lot 13. can. 5. Midas various jobs 0! ugravoluling. putting in culverts. dI-bchimz. c-‘fc. Axon counts tutor some $75 w-am order an to.†-o pend. includa; 121. 1-2 dz}! . 825.00; toG .Mazrtiadale and iOduya $32. 50. £08. Slow“ (for war: on 31am fr-huna; Tamlip ummhrizol 1') look altar and km in good; repair the Hamlin Numb m‘ the timeout dxain. and Wm. Fowler the norib Ranches of said dnya‘n. including: me silt basins ‘in cash case. (tires. but Mr. Hardy tinddy conclud- ed to do this him-all . frho Reeve was authorized to re- mw 'fho immune (in the town-Np hall property in the Earner! Mu- ‘tul Fin [mun-an»: Co. {591' the sun; at. $3000. Mr. P. S. Mark was authoring! to see the put d the Duodas dnu'n. 30 not: 0.1 n h: 10“ 20L con. 7. was completed as soon as 13mm. Mr. Ha?!†thought the 00qu should no- tify each person dawn; this ditch that the: would be â€mom-27!!- for Mr. Ya-rnofld‘u ("hard repmt r-:~ the. Brooks drain- MS Exam“ «but the, Council, imdim; the estimates for rwoirk $"’78. 15, and the mhedulc 91' mamehts tolbe 'be 32609.86. also [as tota.’ exqulses being charged up to the municipality at Maripxsu. all: Cievk :wnB asked. to return all his reâ€" ports and ham then: corrected and condensed into one complete mport. tan. The Clan: was ukgd to «tease Mum. ‘Wseks and Fowler chat it the outlet 16! My was not wro- pal, nttsnded to» they, {an Judi pow- er to w! on the £11;an and have the «~qu donp. MI. Hancock Wu‘ too Inlein Millard: Court of Ra- riasiou. as at least in!!! oil the per- sons had paid in ï¬heir rupecuve‘ ares. ’1‘!» assessments were conï¬rmed and the Con“ clued. COURT OF REVISION. {the Council went into Court or Ec- vision re tha Dunn. drain. am; an m- enqmenr. was made to the resolut‘on ul'July whereby the Corporation as- smne the assessmznt assiagnfl to the 6.1.3. Co. save and! except the actml cost oi bui‘mn; mum ‘of the drain warms the G..T.R Janus. 5,154 “or; to bedmebythoGE.R.Co. r Mr. Stacey praontat a rep).t showing the total cost a; the con- crete brisk“ at“ 13,000: 5";qu $385.70. and the concrete “anaemia at lot 18, non. ML cast; $210.10. frbn Council (.008 no aytioa mt reâ€" sent to the â€qualiï¬cation of Mums. Mzbangbh'n. Peel and Ful- ‘ From 1%. M. Roy. manager mun [- ton Bridge 00.. agueimg to build the bridge at lot 18. con. 16; inst-41d or at Little Britain. From Mess“, C. E. .chks and h Fawm. m cleaning out unet 10: dummy.- 913 n 11 lot 15. con. 14. Mr. Remn'e granted a otatmmt Shawna; amounts due the Carpen- tion {or payment. on several dam: in the tuwndip. From J. W. W. desiring Court a! Revision on w» Han-u dmain amount. 'From A. Donald. oi the G..T.R in relation to the aggmemeni Dunn drain across their lands. From Men's «1. Mamghlin. P.3d 5L Fulton. relative t9. repairing (the and aJlowauqc and the We a}. lot 19, con. 5. 5m 8. J. 1'01“!de to makil 12 inch tile. . I W m Malinda W1 not till Aug. 12th 1907. 03110 mm were all present an til mm It the last? nudism; "zero mm and unfit-med. Com- muni-oatims more vmad a; (allows: MARIPOSA WM“ 00!!“ mum um manta ‘I'IIE or «can. 0f mm 7“ LTHERI'P -â€" On Monday. August, ; mm. to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. W241:- elun. a daughter. ‘ MACMILLAN.â€"At “Nani-pal. W r-xi my. A182 7t-h!. to Rev. and Mrs. o 'J. ,W. Man. a dpgghter. . DEATHS. MATHERâ€"At New Lowell. Oath-m Saturday. Aug. 10th; Mrs. J. W. Mnthqr. (sitar (1 Mrs. G. H. M. Baker. townJl ' THCRSTON â€" Oni'July 29th. in Ari- zona. Samuel Touohburn Thurst‘ba. youngest. son of Mr. um urn. “Jab“ Eur-ton. Oregon. U. S. A. Evening Post of Aug. 9 My one hundred Linda-vita: took “vantage d the cheap rates on th-s hum-d- to mad the day in Peter- buro. mhmuday adieu-noun k .1 mn- boh'day among the mutants all that do. and a was contingent name up than Column; on an enuna'on. 1.1. bgdranflc lit-bk man an new! I. W attractor). and tho jun- †baaeoall mat-3h. Petenhoro u Lira“, It t1! 0"]. attracted; :1 an: to that pretty spleaaure ugrounda. while the remainder of the crowd matured aver the city. Dmpitn the extreme heat. the day's outing w is enjoyed. the temperature being hp: dmm by Malawi“ in ice cream. "Who‘s paying tor this. my pretty maid!" . P. 8.â€"It m than than: a guy réu pie stole over but has. “.01: " the aid. ‘1'qu has hen persuaded to work ovurtime at the Mary. and mother ha mead. out (to mead flour to summer boarder». That is the reason. Rind ï¬r,†aha laid. A. light bay more colt. 3 wars 9â€. with one white hind foot and a “hit..- suipe on face. mac and tail ark. was stolen on July 34th tron the r--- nidence 0! Fred Mark. Onkwood. T .12 animal is a splendid drivgr and a valuable horse. A reward is offrmed for information leading to the dis. covery at its whereabouts. .lnv in- fonration should be forwarded to Chief of Palm: Vincent. M'iu Abe g1: (truism. It «should be Kept in mind (tut these Mobs :u'c honors! in tourist sleeping cars. which are attached to east. czcumian 1mm. and in whizh baths can be swam at low. mteu On all the ex. ummn this summer spabehasbeaa at a premium and» make sure all a mean at is :1de to rm at least, W0 weeks bdom an int†5am. :‘Bhe imam; C. J‘HB. m again is we“ Md. and Mil he [ï¬nd to give nun (‘8';her iu- Tho I“ I.†Where are you going, m3 my“; mail!" To a summer resort. kind sir," she .3 m say.t he «well. known llama-scab ons’ excursion mu “cave Taro-3.0 fruudays. Aug. 27,8Qt.10 W :4 as advertisxl, m 0490 aways, (stamt‘lz. Webstick: Milli be on 14:11: to Widnipqq and :in important .wmwrn teams a: remark- ably flow ates. with a return; h-nut of zixty days. an: Ill It. w ms Elm 'fl‘be Wat provinces are at- ‘trooting a li; mm! at people: this summer". aid 3 whiting C. P. R. n!- tiiaial, min; on to my thugi in V‘tw a: the volume at tram]: ha manage- ment has «landed to run chcap loundâ€"tvnip cmursiom along in Date: (her. a KMuI’ded-J new. detzur-turc. Tint mhe condition at the roadway or- }:qu ms. ‘Walkdy‘a martin on that“: day no doubt tome-t itself on the mum at none at the mem- benn! tab. «flags Coma. an; itdtd m the ur-ï¬jitiu (1 mod. oi tbn 2500 with†mmt. rrno wage. motaflm the pump Mmldorm- “the m mo a. mud-puma al- as“!!! [it to 39"; as a hog wuzmv :nJ skirt: and shoes 0! all nuts: rs- yy suffered. A similar state 0! suing a. is new ovary time a crowd gathers at the Point. and is not at all ordn- able to th: village fathers. flea an outlay of $5 or ‘lcu would. carry us: wane water all?! ma roadwaj. Rev. L. 8. Huzhs‘nn. at. wand»: Baptist Wok. formerly of Lindaâ€. who 51 media; a vacation A News Pdnt Point, condpcted flm norm; 2n the. Union church hare yesten in} most noceptafly. (There .wa-s .1 W6: 00:1;ng including. a num-u_r 1mm Flaunt Point and Irhurston-u. .l'be «sermon rwas abort. beï¬tting ,Lhc .wumth at the nitarnoon, but it :94- tainod a murmur at good ODO‘Xlta. mm. of lot. at Unclear. Numb-art. Evening Post of Aug. 12 The ainiuur: English garden at Mu. .Walkey's restaurant attracts the admiting gas :0! every visitor. moron POI!†JOHIHGS. Acmnutumm I“? PEOPLE Mlle VEST Berlin, Aug. litâ€"Joseph Joachim, the celebrated violinist. is dying at hhhominthhci.ï¬isumily has saluted n his ' expo» in. the and a my mount. Fluent Challenge Cup. London. Aug. l3.â€"-(C. A. P.)â€"Cootes, Son 00., stockbrokera, of which J. G. Colmer,‘formerly actuary to Minneapolis. Aug. 13.â€"-'l'he nism (one. numbe ' ubont 16 apex-wars. employed by e North America: 33193111311 00.. here, went out yester- yl W, N...C Aug 13â€"mw» on: Union wanton here, shout so in number, walked outst6o'dock yam-thy. -. . -A .l _ A:_LA duty "ï¬ndâ€"111%, Vitus. ls.â€"‘!‘ho union openm 1n the oï¬ce ol the Western Union hem vent out My dur- noon. Washington. Aug. 13.â€"â€"'l'be Posh! opontpn struck here at 5.15 yester- IO dcy .â€"'l'ho Pout-l Union and .m. mdtflpJn. m. 13 W. Aug. lâ€"m employed by the Western Postal Companies has tuck yester- human“; PW ' A Wu‘m mm againstthisdass manwithn . 13.-â€"-As setting forth ooh! pols side in Chicago Au vary cloudy the P and linking podhons’ hills. Itis thulmttommy of mole PmidcntAhumdmeloctlnnion. inmrbtqmï¬onutovhcthéu the strike would Mom otherwima,'.u"1t almfl 12$th to- mmmuï¬mma the Pats! TdagnphCo. MM: kqsqswo’clockwiwm. 1-: ' autoimmune mmwho refusedto‘wtkm In’thn‘rih-hukmandwhohldre- turnedfortheirm Bewdtbe mionmldshndbythestï¬km Athaouhddsnhmk-Novnin opal-um room 1p m WAhdqunhW’ut- IMMPr-«Mï¬h‘w iâ€"UWWMQKW.‘ ‘ummrkâ€"Muwi: To- Day Declares Pmidomum-n' Hontreel, Aug. 13.â€"The telegraph operators' strike hit this town yester- day afternoon shortly after 3 o'clock. consequently 30 of the Great North- western Telegraph Co. went out. It appears that one of the operators re- ‘MM““ ““3 he“ ‘ m 3 er, on was momndanlforzsofh'nieuo' operator; to wdk out. They are most- lynnnnmenwhomereongandxhe mne mm; m oases are non- union. 80hrtheC. P. R. menhnve ohown no sign of infection. There was s rumor, however, ofloet. that me C. P. B. opentore would leave a 7.â€. nghymutheirm. gm * UP 'm‘mnï¬sg’smcme‘iiém Celebratod Violinist Doad. mumps smxa spasms WMMWW WSuthnmm. moths oltheloalnnim e'néï¬ni‘fm'l N". I lie .3 In. Union oï¬oe ml". pf the main dedh mhadbeen M u for refun- m- A.- Tmâ€"m.uwmblm 0th A Iiiâ€"George [M‘- lin susn’Lgr duet MM oometothesm‘fua. W Rm Aid. ‘ 11mm. Aw nâ€"W Val-Ii thew beanseatoneendoftbem was thedynaxm teandattheod'ler 1m;(soulmonfreiShV'm‘dHr M "It looks to me pretty aw]? 1â€â€œ '4 one of criminal negligence. The 3““ mumproperlypacked “WM intspeddetr,andflï¬m°'°d‘°t ramdnforahonrsnwtthé WWI}. SnytheaL-i IN the bus to open yestemdsxll “Whether the Michigan Central 09 {idols may he proceeded ageinst crim- inally for yloci; pot life depe nde on the evidence produced new peand later " said County Crown Attorney Rodd yes- terdty. “There is no prohibition against carrying explosives, but a spe- ciél cu must be used, and the coo-u mon law says the utmost premium must be used in handling them. "I; doubt very much that the proper It; be]â€"â€"' explosives, dangeroue’ -v_ns en: White's Widow to Hun Pm. Dnnhraï¬dsmhmdmw of Winbor, M mm, villhuc theprocccdinga. Otherwitneaccwh uwthecathlovnnpmtECodâ€" flu“ mum mmmmmmm â€mg“. m: mmmwamm mmmummmmm. “vibe.oatuovnnpmt :1.quâ€" tor, C. E. Naylor, Bert W' grehie Rang; mung! (hejim 0a Crown Attorney RobB, but. the Dam- inion Railzay Communion will also enquire ding on 3 W mad. bythemayor, _E.,C. Inlonde. chic! inspector of accidents, for the M has been def-tiled to come hen. “W Central Railway May 8‘ W For the Loss of Lifeâ€" ern Aunt-my Has Taken Up the Investigation â€" Expert on Ex- piosivcs Summonod to Give Evidoncoâ€"Jury Empamlled. . Essex, Aug. 13.â€"Besponsibility for the cause of Saturday’s explosmn in to be placed, if it possibly can be done. Not only will a coroner’s jury Luke 8 xvchinssraqnity. mined by SEEK TO DETERMINE CAUSE Fun Dot-its of tho Essex Exuo'. sion to 80 Made Public. 12 PAGES