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Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 23 Aug 1907, p. 7

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Gearboro Examiner, fl‘hursday) me beautiful CW of MounfSt. Joesph. was the scene of! 9. ant-- l'une and impressive ceremony this mum-5, when nflour. young ladies be. who novicegs, renoumiq; the “odd, m entering a new Egg, which they 33% entirely to Azlvmightt God he imporzmt was the cerefilmw .in Which {our novices. ..'who hive be?” 011 pro'Jatio.1 {for about tWo ””3 made their «flimggvgws, and are ”W Ssters at St. Joseph, in every {"35 This is the 131135: nmael'. ‘1’“ M5 ever entered'the éarvice of 5" flare at one time, and the chow-$1 "’33 thomged with melativcs and “huts of the young latfies who were new. to outer their coqgrafiula- “‘8 that they hm been: «found ,wor- thlmhcaflledto WWW 0.: 5140861311. this in Hm ‘Fraac' - " Is mm. ‘ h Max-y Kan-W ' -. n.1,"MM..- I 8-star. Mm Fmiws , 7 â€"_..__.' Minam‘ 5-“ seemed the we”; 03 m mg} ‘W King, a: mum. Sis- ,dSt-John Fe ’WdShiP. Bishop O’Connor, dur- mg 11 low mass. Which be summed. V“. AIChdeaâ€"co'x Casey, (Jull Limy; ‘3‘“ Rev. Father Mam, rweredu- m9 at honor to His Landshim and “Wed in the maritice of the mass. 3911):». O’Brien as MW of. Cere- %, hadmany duties 1.0 pm. My ‘0“?- Poetnlantn. ml!) hsva M 0". Nobatian «or. some months. in.“ become m m: I» £35?!)me an 0mm. “M hysteria, amie Dalton, Ndmmtne, N U810 Tlelve Novices lads Final Vows, Four Postulants ”ado Novices SISIERHGOD 0f SI. JOSEPH 3 fimwmwmmmmu-Woommwomomowwz z WWWMOQ” WOW W WWW 2 In: CW1 was very pretty im‘its “’3. white and. gold datecis' “fr-‘1 9'31 decoratiozzs, nxtiaiioa‘fly 3"" “9.1.91 by some out. the Sisters. The 7° talcum Les? were peniOUnOd_ ‘Ly -.Y__» ._ .0. VO§ of $0 0000. '0000 O§§§§§§§§§QQQQV >OQQQQQ§QOQQQQQO MASS BY THE BISHOP. Eoliennes Another lot of new colors and fancy spots, including garnet, browns, fawns, Alice blue, navy myrtles and greys. Clear- ing at .......... 89c Hosiery Ladies’ black cotton Hose, all sizes, in ribbed or plain. Regular 25c a pair, clearing at . . 19¢ Lace Curtains Four dozen pairs $1 25 Lace Curtains, handsome patterns and well-finished Clearing at. . . . . . 98c Skirts Of natural linen, trim- med with tucks, seven gores. Clearing $1.50 Chambrys In plain greys and fancy stripes in pink, blue, grey and greens, fast colors. Clearing at .............. 11¢ Print Blouses Worth 75c each, assorted colors all sizes. Clearing .at ............ 65c 09090900099040.9900... Half an hour of your time in this store will let you into the secret of most substantial money-saving on things for the house and to wear. Read this listâ€"then come early. [EARN THE SEGRET LINDSAY, wsstY posr. uxnsu. rm“. wens: WAKELY’ (One Door East ”of Dominion Bank.) .WAKELY, HOW TO SAVE. AUGUST BARGAINS Miss Bridget Marceau, at Vin‘oa, (21.9., Sister M'au'y- Laurentm. Miss M Gannon, otf Ennismorc, Sustain Maw. w the Rosary. MES Lucy Q’Suflifiwa'n. dist. Ohm-5.5- ustom, Ont. Samwr M3117. Fra'lnzelacm who maids o! (manor were Mm @131; Wanington. Mary Gavim Emma." 0001:, Marie McCall-thy; mor- MisitM; W m; Van: Amh- Eeam Casey“, afi .Lmaaay; Rev. Fath-z ctr Heenan, Id! 38:11am!“ Swings; N- ”; ; Rev. «Eartha?! Frank O’Sullivan, dff Part B ;. {Rem Father. Brennan, of St.‘ '5: R? - 11'“;er «Me-Don'- .r.e!i!, DC 15.1mm; Rev. '~Father fitmflink, Ennmm'e. , ‘ f 0813' (sublime, but at is pathetic. fl‘hm young 11m appeared in fluid uuptml attire, «com-gamut! lby‘ maids out no.1- 01. During the service they wen: i'questionui (by His Lordship, and ex- plessed the desire to cute; the, Ss- iterhood. 18000 am they Left the. I(Shaped amt retumaed in the humble dress at 9. Sister of Sn: Jomph, and g were acwptdi on prdbntion; of several iyeaxs, when, if they are em”. affine-d ‘mith the holy déeu’tp, that take their | man 'W‘ ... ‘ _v_ _._..", Miss mm 'mlen cnorwley. of Pet; etbom, Sister VM_a_Iry Amg'dtiaga;_ ‘ Wm ”may Lam, . '02-; .ka- Nth, Sister Mary Mercedes. Mass Andie McCa‘bewuf ‘ gimme", Sfistar Mary Mildred. Miss Brfi'dget mm. 0: Mount St. Pafirfilck. WW, Sister Mary ”Miss Mary Casey, IoIf Patenboro, Sister Mary Mumefl'a‘. {M588 Gertrude Markle, a! T111359.- S’Istem Manâ€"y Naberta. ‘ (' Miss Elizabeth Maine. of rho”.- dan. Sisté; Mag-y Constance. ‘ TO‘RIA. ‘ OAS WWW” The Kind ' tan 3‘6”; . . We. Wm Ella. Tea‘lnm, of: London; Sis- ter Mm Delptgyna. Mfiss LBnidget Ryan} “it Bent-raw. Sis-tar Mm mama g SPIRETUAL BRIDES. .The W ceremony. was ‘~ tan in (which twelve novices wok their dx'uuafi wywts of Malice, chastity. and movaty. tFodxlowin; is given toe names thy which they are, known w the would. and that: [by whuah they me known in the 0mm- L White Lawn Waists, worth $1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and 1.85; broken lots, odd sizes, clearing at. . 98¢ Our millinery depart- ment is always up-to-date Better see our new trim- med Hats at 1-2 price. 100 Toilet Pins ...... 5c Fine Combs ........ 5c Crochet Hooks ...... 5c 24 Safety Pins ...... 5c 12 Hat Pins ........ 5c 12 Shoe Laces ...... 5c 3 Corset Laces ...... 5c Neck Frills, each. . . . 5c Whisks at 10c, 150, 25c Clothes Brushes, 11c, 20c and 25c. Save on Notions Hair Pins, per bunch lc Beauty Pins, each . . 2c Pins, per paper . . . . 2c Thimbles, each ...... 2c Tape Measures ...... 4c Hem-stitched H’dk’fs‘ 4c 100 Toilet Pins ...... 5c Fine Combs ........ 5c Crochet Hooks ...... 5c 24 Safety Pins ...... 5c 12 Hat Pins ........ 5c 12 Shoe Laces. . . . . . 50 5 1-2c Prints assorted colors and pat- terns, worth up to So a yard. Clearing at 550 Millinery Special that was driving round the head an Che~ imam; Lake, neat Hoates church he 'saw Mocks at black dicks thntmust . have numbered huhdgreds. it n): tuexr thousands. where mas e ghemry sea and “mm; on the lake. caused by the m w slit! mm allowing {This compel!- they ed the lhdauck ducks to seek safety in {he bay near that church meat-lone . new. alumni the rice fields. A man. a:- lthough 10h]; the-tore the legitimate ass.- season um duck shooting. .was bid- ~tnaL ONTARIO. of his migfl 'He added that 2i»! the sperm was may kind at a: good shot he must have filled Ilia boat or canoe. It is now 1.19 in u»: game warden" to ma out the man who .was mm; the dumb. and was simply 313.111;th the game by scares. Our ismfiormant could not see the man, but judged that he was using a singilo Examined mm, as only: one shot could. the head each limo be murdered .the ducks. (rho lgetnrhlamaln amid be new: saw Mild ducks in such numbers or so tame We. Hundreds of them MW 9. shot was tin-ed, cimlo about .the edge afi the Jake and some- tings; (my withing thipgyy a; My Icet A Band Toummn’t W. The Port Hope Guide states that Bandmhster ‘chwick. of the Part Hope bancL sent a communicatiozr to Mr‘ Geo. McGuire, the judge at the recent Midland tournament. askinrz {or crntxcism on his band. and that the judge. in reply. says that he didn’t; want the Oxillia. band to ap- post so inferior. so be marked down the Port lHOpe band. If this it so; McGuire belongs to a. class of ban-r judges who are extremely undesir- able. He also advised. the addition‘ or several instruments. . s den among the Mild mine and} we .05. lsthednwkamldmfiaeinpodeat clouds and. minim; round and round. alight in the {little m. this. sport‘- man would not drive with 1173 gun Local Citizens Saw Hundreds of Wild Ducks Shot in cunning Lake. Pete‘rihoro Daily Times : Yesterdu a prominent citizen (was loud in his de- nunciation ovgr the slaughter at wild ducks he witnessed last .Mnnday at Chemang Lake. As cumimfonmaut Boys’ Tweed Pants, all sizes.‘ lined through- out. Clearing at per pair ............ 48c Men's Overalls a n d Cottonade Pants, all sizes. good wearers. in 500, 75c and $1.00 qualities. 3 dozen Shirts, includ- ing many different pat- terns and colors. all good washers, cufi‘s attached. Regular 750 and $100, clearing at. . . . . . 69c Early showing of Autumn Dress Goods, in- cluding fine Venetians in browns, green, dark garn- et and navy, 56 inches wide. Special. . $1.00 News For the Men Whlte Lawns in lengths from one to ten yards, 40 inches wide Worth up to 15¢, clear- ingat.. .. 81-2c Skirts Of White Lawn, seven gored, eac_h seam hem stitched. Clearing at ................ 1.98 DUCKS SHOT OIIT 0F SEASON White Lawn Waists all sizes, trimmed with tucks andl ace insertion. at. . 39c WAKELY’S v9.9.2 9:06 xusido in fixture. . ‘ . \ _ ‘ â€"Mr. J. h. L. Keys. an! old L131 Nggifi‘qagsfifizfi"o%€;§:;'-;fir:9.;;.- [wanna now. mm: momma mental store. Saskatoon. nns arrlvul ’ “$17111; o‘y‘i fiwfit‘m ‘9’ re- in the cuty to act as tram-lung ash-n: " 1‘ . ' . . , for Cameron and 11-331). wholcsulc . ‘5 I." John Gnevetol (‘.u°"§“b'v'5' grocexs. ttea hm uncle. Mr. ‘W. Ga‘lomnth, on â€".\lx. Ben Miller. of the Red R330 €333“; - Itaéywllc ""u to Tea Co.. Toronto, has been in town ‘ m' e ° 0' _ for a few days, enjoying a rest 31- “MI- JOhP Vealc. 0* Ca'rtWrughl. one 01 the veteran mdens of The. ter attending the annual convenllon of Red Rose Tea salesmen. uel-l at. Glace and Weekly Post. was intown St. John. N. B. )estel'dny and «usual at our sanctum. -m, my Mrs. Dr. Simpson and M Allan mugs and child. at little daughter Auldeen. 11mm ,w“, Slrnttofli. who have been visitL-g; mipeg, who have been visitin; Mt. Mr. and Mrs. .W. Galbraith tor; the am Mrs. C. -D. Brent-lit. Sussex-a . ‘past six weeks. have returned home” left. 10!: Cobmonk the norm; Lo ~Mi-Is Joyce Paguc entertained :1 ‘mt trends them-e. number a: but friends at he: llO'Z'Oi -â€"Mnss Allan and M15: Armand. of at. (Hemline on Tuesday eveningmztp New York. who haw: been the guests and a very; plepmnt timg .wu anhy- 01 Miss A. E. Finley at Sting-10¢: «Livy all. Point for. the past fortmghl. left .â€"Miss M. Cunningham lelt Mania: “”3 mqrmng {0" Stony Lake. Wh‘m’ moxning to attend the (all openings they_w11| spend a week before W in New Yox'k. “Philndclphia and Bal- turmng to New .York- ’_ tixrore before resuming he! positing an» man! than!!! at Judas and in Lynchbnrg‘, V... Mans- Bum: chart-flow. mil ,lurn â€"Mr. B. H. Isl-mum. at Peter):- ‘Vf-‘th deep regret I! the 19.0": --- to. has «turn! to Stunzoon Point. Km films, m W m 19" He spent the past Duo weeks camp- mm. Mm 6m. who a} In; at am Lake. He reports a: mamas. town. and Mn and lira; W- ' Quint tau-u manic on «abuse wafmts. 'r 0- ‘an 3‘ WM?“ "9‘ man: Kandy. c. s. 3.. AI- ' ‘ W College. Sundm'olx. human â€"Capt. Wmslow. of Port Rom. anil .3” W gal-f the M week or. “a son. Arthur. are 8110943083 few days him. the guest of ma tuber. Mr. in. town. guests of his brother-imam. Mr. J. H. Soothcran. The Captain hm; heard about. a 21 lb. lunge bcim; caught at Sturgeon Point. and being inpatient to try his pink. will spur! ,I.___,__ no. I a (Raynor two at that chuckle: resort g â€"Mnss Allan and M155 Arman-'1. of New York. who have been the guests of Miss A. E. Finley at Stungâ€"am Point for the past fortnight. left this morning for Stony Lake. when: they will spend a. week belore re- turning to New York. -M.r. and. Mrs. Dr. Simpson and little daughter Auldeen. (mom Wu:- mipeg, who have been visiting MI. sun $133.0. -D..Breault. Sussex-st. 1am for Coboconk this morning LO visit («mantis there. â€"Mx. Ben Miller. of the Red Rum Tea Co.. Toronto. his been in town {or a few days. enjoying a rest af- ter attending the annual convenuou of Red Rose Tea salesmen. nel-l at. St. John. N. B. -Regina. (Sash) Lzadcr. Aug. £3 Norman McSweyn. of Cairn's dcput mental storm Saskatoon. has arriv: in the cxty to act as travelling agen: for Cameron and Heap, wholcsulu grace: s. Canadian .Wast. -vM.r. and Mm; C. I; Gilbert, at town. accompanied by Mrs. Gilbert a sister, Miss Genevieve Walsh lefitycs- tendw tor Peterboro. where choy v.31! «aside an :tutulre. â€"Mr. and. Mm. Harry Brimmcil have returned. tram their journey to Montreal and other Man cut- ius. and a delughtfu 1:35p down‘ the Hudson rivpr. â€"-Mr. ”R. Robertsqn. d Shersgy, NeM'quay. England, is visiting 5n. A. Rutgertson. Kent-at, tor a fox days. .Mr. R. intends settling in L'm â€"Mrs. A. Murray, of Toronto. wlm ' tsunany. has been “siting at J. Gotchell's‘ has â€"Police Magistrate Jukson rv- KW w the fly lately. oocom- tuned mhundny‘z tax-om a two watts panied byvncr cousin. En. Gauche". hoilday among the charming Mul- â€"Mi§ Brand and the Mines Lena kfikn lake!- and Violet Broad. at My.:knum-_.t., -Mim E. E. Arm“ and Mn. A. .‘roronto. are visiting at Mrs. D. Cm- m u: this main; to and mmon's "Am " Cottage. Sturgeon 1 We (1 (weeks in meanvilk Point. and Wu â€"Miss Martha Gibbs hu retain-.1 â€"-Mr. apd Maid. E. Sharpe. 1’ Tot- to her home Ln Bellenlle. tffc: unto, are spoofing a. tow holidays in apcnding a few weeks with be: m mam-.5131“ 5,;mwth‘hmgs cougin, 55:25 Ethyl Boga-y. of Ugglgw Wolf- - K“ - . "f (as? w“ l' o. "5‘" ‘ 4m- em I A 'v- â€"4Mfl.bhrook Repodpr: Mr. .T. H. :M 0N W'WM‘; 1 HQ; Richaldgun and Miss Riclna'dfim. a! ' “’5‘” to (>ch Sound. North Br: Limbay. old Camn residuum. bzve'am other MU ’ 1 ' fgwdémgf M" “Am“mm ‘°"- -Mr. c. I. Beard left Monday ' ' ‘ ‘ , ' a. m. for Atlanta. Ga.. after spgniiog â€"Mr. and Mm. Harry Bnmmcil a. plenum visit at the home or Mr. have I'M from their journey A_ F. Cunninghgm. â€"Miss Beale Rahinson. bookkqu- a (or the Victoria Flour Mills. in M11; her vacation with blends in mutanto. Montreal and Valleylielii. â€"Mis Ethel Paasumn and Mr. B M! auson Clarke. (roman; art mt- ifin‘.’ Mr. and. Ma; R. A. 1"aylfpir, Lakeviaw Cottage. Pleasant Point. â€"-Mr. Jack McLean. at moronic; is in town attemfiuz the {plural of is nephew. the Late Alexander Seamus. which takes place to-mol‘ros'. â€"Mr. Wdl Bogus, St. Bnail' s novi- tiate. Bear Lake. Toronto, is spout- ing ha uvmtian Mith hp wean. ffillipal and M13. J. Razors. â€"Miss Kellie Reidn stenccraphc: for the Sy luster MIz.Co..1ett toâ€" day to went! a holiday with Duns- [old friends. 4m. Ant, Roberta. of New York. who is winning his palm intowo. 5mm: in the music with St. An. daew‘a choir to-morrow. â€"Mr. Joe Cain. of. B. J. unzh'a M. has resumud work tcr atwo mech’ vacation at. Pete to am! elsewhere. â€"Mta. Ell-100191119011. HMO. who has been tho guest 1% her unit. Mm. Bean. south ward; .m returnad ~Mr. and Mrs. 11. Deboia. of :3." (own. ldt Thursday cvcmng to u- m-nd um funeral of the hue vamp ladle“. of Midland. â€"Mr. Newton Wood, Toronto, Is spending the week with Mr. D; A. Hooper. Cowmanâ€"st. -Miss Me Don. «I: the south rward. is .1; mat the glues! «in; her male. Mx. O'Gmdy. at Cabounz. -]‘et31boro Enmincr: ’41-. .8. C. Smyxh. of Lindsay. was in the city: ytttarday. â€"Mra. A. A. Gangster. of Kzrk- (field, we}: in town 8mm mum IE5. 0. Viva 2!. u. 15...? 7 up!» .8 Oaksaofi said 5 notâ€"r v.9. 55- . l â€".\|iss Mary Tangney has returned atter a pleasant Visit with Petorboro fl ic-uds. Falls. lia. are Mall; in Mn. 4n: Stella Hunky. of Rochester. is visiting warn «rm -â€"m. L. C. Steaks. 0; Wrap“; Wu in! town Sammy. â€"Mr. Min. Pan. 0‘ Blackstoat‘, MM .wwn : v'm‘t Wag. Jr. Jack Pawens. at St. Mich- and“: Odlqgo. is visiting town friend; â€"Mr. I. H. McGee. at Fmou‘ Fans. and on: town A mini: satin-l m of m ~' m â€"Judgc McMillan. of town, is 5' Glelph at present. ‘ «Mia Lulu Bum. at Junta-db, was in town today. A} “mmâ€"tits (0m AND W! Plfll' PERIOIAL E "'75"- J. Hutton. of town. has ar- nome from visiting friends; VVu'te. of? On!- Mr. .Gmgm‘y’ a gasoline hunch (or Stony Lute. Wham they will .90; anwbwoweeh. Dr. W.G. Gabon my“ them on the «Mr. Alex. Ross. otthe Pu‘o’w Works stafl. mturncd from Port W. Mm on Tuesday to spank! a. law by- with hi; (mi?- Naw what-vol. Blanca pious. etc. a. Mzmatwmmoutbe Mmhoht water; “:01: «My. ml: usu- morning ser- »Cambridzvst. Methodat owns. All: Roberts. of N-4w York. can; {no colon. "50m! and W Janka-Minx.” and 'Trhem Jabber Kennedy. C. s. B. AI W Coljegc. Sandwich; hubs”! in 11mm (or the past week or .ton days. Ibo mt at nm father. Mr. John Kennedy. He will mturn to Sandwuub tic-momma ~MJB. Allan Student. :who Mr. and Mrs. . past six weeks -Mrs. Elbert Brooke and son Clarence. d Pbtetlnrm are visiting her pom. Mr. and Ms. Jolm Hooper. east ward. â€"-'Mm. Henry Bell and Mrs. J43. Belt! and chrldzein. of the WFireHall took in the excursion to Can-{bell- iord on Wednasdxsy. Jigs Blur Shockley and M": Ethel Gage Mt this mornmg 19".) wait. friend-1 in OshaM'n. fro'rontoand other points wfit. â€"Mr. apt. Mrs. E. Sharpe. 0' Totâ€" Into. are M 8. (cu holidaysin town. Mr. SW at an enthusmg"... .5 DWW_ 1' . . ~â€"nl‘.’f.mafl'tamIMr.A. Ht:- -Mu E. E. Arm“ and Mn. A. m Mt this warning to mud sample at tweaks in Bowmanvil'o :91 We. â€"Mm. Jas. Boxhey and Mn. wan Henley wt Wednesday in Camp- bclflord. the guts of ' Mu. Join Resting. â€"Police Mazistnte Jackson ro- w mhnndxy'z from a two wars’ hoilday among the charming Mun- kahn lakes. Jigs J. Mdhtt sod Hits A. 0‘- Neifl. at froroutd. who gm visitiu; in 00mm. «Sent. a. few days at. Port Peggy recently. â€"Mrs. n13. Magill nnd daughter Dtll. have “turned (tom 3 visit wi 1: friends in Peterboro. Millbrook and Bahia}. â€"lias 0133 Fee has returnad. after d ten months‘ visit within: mun. Mrs. Walter Bews. Renluote. B. C. â€"+Mr. M. H. Shaun and varied nnr Mr. and Mm. A. G. Hooper. hit {or Chem; regatta this morning. â€"Miss Margaret Mgchnn and cons- ins. Uu 1e and Aging bunons. return- ed last Hailing from Peter-boro- â€".\Ir. ind Mrs. E. W. Rand Tor- ono. are visiting his mother. In. Bea and Dr. Olive Rea. town. â€"Mr. Ernest Riley left randy!“ Rochester. U. 6:, where In bu mu:- ed a amnion. -Miss Quigg. of Toronto Juactian. is engaged u operator in the '3. 1'. ‘R. uptown ticket office. -M'- Blue Dyer in Mn; her hold-ya in, Atlantic City. the guest a an. E. Guy. Memo. â€"Mt. A. Raymond. Road. called on town ‘ -dedsday. -â€"Mr. Sam Fengaam. Wakely stall. is waiting Bowmanvflle. -â€"Mms. A. “2 Ron and C. J Balm. d Cannington. were in Mn satadn). â€"Him May Mummy. :1 the put dfioe an“. is Mn; her “canon m n‘u'onto. ~Hr. £08,011. mun: m thc Standard Bunk. ls mum; bu "at“. 4!. 0. A. Oho. d sum-um“, mutants! “thefimpsm homeon thudcy. â€"Mr. 41. H. 861mm and'wite‘ w WWI. are spending a Law days in town. 1 â€"-M5..c. mm mmu A . "N a tgwn. wt flood-y in Coils. «anv-nm M has. â€"Miu End: Andcm i; the gust: of Kr. and It. ay. - ”if“! town I visit ”1*,4 â€"«Itr. ‘5‘ IF. whom. pt Lanna. - o 'I'arkliol' , M'” . in. M 1 claim; on friends. w' A. J. ’ am, d0“:- .5..,,._. __,__ ;_ .___. ‘ My 00MB- friends. â€"Mb Bertha Huntsman. lctt to: W Honky. ‘ ‘ â€"lr. Jilin Uuwtn. Belloville’. wu in tom: Saturday. â€"-Miu Hahn]: McGill of Juctvul! ° mm hi mm m am. Guava. d Cuba-cock. called ‘v town that Monday. _‘(r. Jahn Wright, (1 Kinmouat. Icon to call on Mr. Sniff. cantor of the .Indcptmbnt. ~31}. John Staples is visiting town Ir. W. E. Smith. 1 Peteroom, in town gaunt: £3; a (rw (fiends int of Mr J W ; (Hand: in mik- [brie (in; kit. last Man- da: elm mad: at her Lamina: east Onkwoon. who Mme nuâ€" didnta at cm: what)! were very suc- warm. 1 -Hr- 3V. Jenkins. formerly. of the D. a; I". store, andnow ”of Aicdru. Aibclta. is visiting his father. Mr. Jenkins. proprietor o! the Little Bu. tnin hotel. who is very. ill. -Mw. Mutschler Hills (formsrly Mm- .Wigginx. o! Malipou) “1-1 ‘21:: daughter. of Rochester. 5. Y., are writing her node.“ an. Jno. Gunny. and other friends at Little Bnum. and also with Mr. and Mrs. Frank But-hue". 104 Fa.ir-avc.. town. â€"Mr. ‘Jim" Deacon is back «gm in Mata. having been in town to. the tundra! at Cal. Demon. his gtaiflnthar. . - Mu. Mills and daughter. Mrs. Massey. at Rochester. are vimtlng Mrs. R. Jordan. Fair-ave. They letc 1.1: II W visit to Burk“ may. Mus:- M'iggins. of Matiposa) and :12: w “Jim. daughter. of Rochester. 3. Y.. are ‘ .‘ With): her unci'eflm. Jno. Gknny. Em? Post d Aug. 20- and other friends at Little Bruun. Haiti! WW M3183 M g and Also with Mr. and Mrs. Frank "rail" My: among tin was or Btk'hht‘”. 104 Fairâ€"3vc.. LWD. mg“ m M W a W;W’ith tin W mm an: to don mama-us ‘mtmmmgaqmubwc A French-Cantata cook nam:ld fl"! d am in M500 mt m Alex. Gariisr m prettily caught by: 'm- M m: ”WW0 a must gervioo man at New: Lis- Qt “rm“; m Connol- kcexd. He took a notion to force l7. m; R. summon-mon- (“1an win It. thg ntatim and found 'l-¢- - . \lll‘l- W; Dr. a. B(¢I.‘t service mu at New Lis- keud. He took a notion to force opcne grip u the station and found a pair of handcufls in it. Wand-sung how they worked. he tried them on. and when they tun-pf“! he was un- oble to autumn 0‘ min. In thus flemwt‘ the secret mice mm and Inn and quickly errata! him. -)lu. Geo. Btbcock and daugmn'. GINC. have returmd. alter spending a three weeks' vacation wuh her rimr. )(rs. J. H. H001“. Janetvifie. -Miss Anilla Dawney. of Camsron; has Just returned. after a week’s Vihit with her cousin. Kiss Bertie Mark. north ward. “flaw. -Mr. Richard C Gray left on SH.- uldny to uk: charge 0! the Dunsfmd «1109.1. Duck will tc missed in aton- in; cm!» daughter. â€"Mrs. G. M. Benin. Ramada home who! (or this district was in tamed Moody, accompanied byv‘hr" â€"Mr. E. Hall. of London. who has been visnting in Michigan reccatiy, is usiung Mr. W. Nc‘ill. town. â€"Miss May Wallace. stcnograph- for Weldon Knight. is 5p¢nding a month's holiday; with Belhrulc friends. Mfimaqmmk same “01k (orâ€"another yéar film's. 8153.1 Mt: and Ate: EM 1‘ Shannon, were at town Guard”. â€"'Ihe Misses Mary and Ethel Grec- nsn am waiting thcir cousin. Mrs. J. C .Brady. Toronto. â€"Mr. Nr'soo Grahm. tcachgr at E mam. out W‘JMO old Hands 1 .' â€")liss I. Ramon. of Hinden; is ‘izitmg her unit. Hrs. J. Cob-1m. (alt wad. -Ilms Par! Fibber has returned. after I month’s vacation with Jana:- ‘ille triends. Jinn Irene chevin. nfl‘LTxhrid-ge, in whiting Mrs. L. Y. O'Connor, at turd. H. t.t.( e. -â€")fiu Zillah Howard. of Toronto Zia vuiting town (fiends. nib Iue m 1141 Saturdpxto visit rm M. by.” $1 Goats} uni :wm you F»- mm Within by the Audit use. (tic m tho mm. Manning by than can Md. â€"llra. J. D. Wru. 0! Toronto. was in town on Saturday. 3 Q9......§‘OQ§§O0.0000QQQQQQQQQQQ‘QQQ'Qt".”I VQOQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO9000900090090... QOQOOQOOOOOOQ000000990.090600990990690 Q W.K.m $40,000 In Special Attractions 910.000 FINEST 0' THE WORLD‘S BANDS MAGNIFICENT BATTLE SPECTACLE UNRIVALLED Wmmr FEATURES $400,000 In New Bulldlnis The Triumph of the Time! W. R. WIDDESS, Canada Llfe A urance Go. Ihnphmeinhanfingyouappfiafioo To: nyfoutd: policy in Canada Life. I am Wynfisfiedwithmymimumncein yourConpahszoooofwhichilnowfullypfid upnndpufidpafiagiothepmfiuoftthom- panyasloagasllive. Theptofitsallowedmc oathesepolicieshasbeeemymisfactoryindeed, andeould monglyadviseanyyoungmanto invutuhrgelyaspossiblealongthislinc. Yourstruly, GEOA. LITTLE. Dcu Sir,â€" '. R. WIDDESS, Agent, Lindsay. £0 " .t“ ‘r We have just received flan import order of fine .‘Window Glass. In In” uniform the Sykester bani. wirncls in the recent ' Collingwoal tournament. delivered a first-class Wino on the park dent his» The crowd present was a Large one and the weather conditions were per- tut. Mr. Saidon Humans solo. "San Antonio.” “35 much Ipprecialed. VWeamnd. M501; DIM Mat: John Gnu. Phelâ€" mu- m and 3245 when t; W Mann. simian- mm Jan. Mn In; Win ham W was. We will be glad to have you call and get quotations. the man. J. G. EDWARDS (0. 1.6.EDWARDS 8: (0. 009000 99‘36‘3199096 OOOOOOOOOOO‘OOOOOU". iAutumn Session SIGN OF THE ANVIL. Extra Heavy and film mn‘u o: the]. CENTRAL n - HESS common, Yongo ad 6.- nrd-sfis" Toronto.‘ parenting-o M W “Ct light. GLASS In Prenilmns a: H-I. Toaémo GLASS

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