SW - A hurried impaction of the in- terior of the ï¬ns building was than made, sfter which s11 repaired to the Inï¬nite to host tho sddrssses. Magniï¬cent bouquet: of fragrant roses were then presented to Mus, Ross and Mrs. Peterson,and a. third boquet was reserved to be sent to M: a. J. 0. Grace, a sister of Mr. James Ross, who has taken a deep interest in the Hospitd from its inception, and whose ndvice and assistance were high I] ulned by the Hospitnl Committee. Her_nnsvoidsble absence we: regretted The chnirmnn, Mr. J, D. Flsvelle, presented Mrs. Ross with a gold latch key, bearing a suitable inscription, and nude 3 few remarks of e felicitous na. tare, which the smiling and gracious recipient suitably acknowledged and then, unlocking the doors, in clear tones she declared the hospital “open†to the public. This ceremony was followed by the formal presentation of the deed of gift by Mr. Boss to the Warden of the County, Mr. John Austin, to be administered by the fol- lowing Boerd of Governors: The Warden of the County, the Mayor of Lindsay, Mr. J. D. Flavelle, Mr. J. R. McNeillie, Mr. T. Stewart, Mr. R, Brynns, Mrs. J. C, Grace. chnirmn; J. R. McNeille, secretary; Judge Dean, Thee: Stewart, John Kennedy, J. B. Knowleon, Thee. Bndy, Geo. Matthews, G. H. Hopkins, Sherifl' McLennen, R. Kylie, J. M. McLenm, F. C. Taylor, H. J. Lytle. J an. Gnhem, Thou. Sadler, Alex. Ross. Richer-d Sylvester, J . A. Peddon, Robt. Ross, Wm. Flevelle, R. Bryans, Mayor Ingle, W. F. Sutclifl‘e, A. Cempbell, W. Dundee, W. T. C. Boyd, Wm'Chnnnon, J. G. Edwards, “fer-den Austin, M. M. Boyd, A. E. Gregory, S. Britton and S. J. Fox, M.P.P. OPENED WITH A GOLD KEY. At 1.30 Mr. and Mrs, Ross drove (a the Hospital. The driveway into the grounds was lined by the Collegiate Institute Cadets, who constituted a guard of honor for the occasion and looked smart and soldier-like. Mr. and Mrs. Ross were received and welcomed by the members of the Hospital Committee, including the following gentlemen: J. D. Flavelle, treal, and several other guests, arrived from the east about noon in a private car, whilea number of Toronto’s lead- ing medicxl men and hospital (xperts reached town at 10.30 in a palatial chair car attached to the east bound express. BOSS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL It seemed as if Providence smiled upon the ceremony, The rooming broke with the may flush, clear sky end rsdiant promise of n J une day, end hundreds of the leading people of the district flocked into town to be present at the opening and to hear the eddreeses at the Collegiate Institute. Flog: were flying everywhere, and the premises of many of our merchants were prettily decorated with Union Jacks and hunting in honor of the 0013881011. Ihe Opening Ceremonyâ€"â€" An Address from the People of Victoria Re- plied to by Mr. Rossâ€" A Number of Congratu- latory Speeches-A Des- cription of the Building. Thursday last wee the day of days in the history of Victoria Couniy, being the one set epart for the Opening of Ross Memorial Hospital and the presentation of the magniï¬cently equip- pod institution to the people of the County by Mr. J amen Rees, of Mon- treal, as n memorial to the memory of his father end mother, who spent many years of their life as citizens of Lind- Mr. and Mrs. James Rosa and son, Mr. J ack Ross, Mrs. Peterson, of Mon- A 61H 10 (WNW Noble Monument Erected by Mr. James Ross, Montreal, in Memory of His Parents. rrhe example and Inspiring influ- ence 0! Mr. James. Roan have over. bean potent {actors in fling the young man and mm a! rm to Toronto, 19th Nov.. 190:1; Dear Mr. McNeill_ie,â€",Will you kind- ly convey to my friend, Mr. and the COmmit‘toe of the mom tau my ext'romo m at. being unable to Join in We opening ceremony toy Dear Mfr. Fl ml]o,.â€"I have received your kind fnv mtion to be present at the opening or the Ross MiamirriaJ Hospital. I regret exceeding? that a. coming trip to New York wi 5 pre- vent my having an pleasurq of be- in; mm: on aojptggesting am cc. "a.“ mion. Will you kindl'y express my ‘regmts to' your coimmittoe. and be- lieve me, yours faithfully. J. ROSS ROBERI‘SON. Gentlpmen.â€"Acoept my thanks for your invitation to be pmsent at the qpening of thp Ross Mam-aria! H.03- pltn_L {though premntqd by dioces. St. Petal-'8 C'athulzrtu, Patarboro; Nov. 18. 1902'. Tile qucital Committee, Lindsay; an business from particdpwtin-g in 11115 rrm‘eedings, Idesn'e to express my reclinga of gratitude to the gene;- o'us and benevolent donor or this in- stitution that is destiny), to' reliegvn and comfort the sick and afflicted. a! remain. yours truly, R; A. O’CONNOR; Hump of Petcrb'oro. Dear Sin-Absence from home pre vented me {mm receiving the kind invitatiou of the Hospital Committee to attend the opening†or the Road Memorial HospitaJ on the 20th inst. -nt lena't prevented me from re- ce'u'ing it in due course. I regrofb this very much, as I should have; esteemed it apriviloge to attgnxi. Thin. however, is now impossublo. aw- in: to other nngagmenm and I can only repeat my regret and express the hope that the occasion may be 08 sucnceslul as th'o object certain- ly «warmsâ€"Yours truly. Toronto, 12th November, 1902. My Dear Mr. Flavelle,--I am very sorry I cannot accept your kind in- vitation to the cpening o! the Ross Memorial Hospital. You can under- stand just new that my time is very much occupiegl‘ an}! my dutips some- what urgent; Besides, I have many other engagements which take up‘ my time. I congratulate the town ‘ and yourself, as chairman o! theJ‘ Hospital Committee, on the splendid gift from my namesake. and Iain- cerely trust that he will have many imithtons 8.11 over the Province. r- Yourg truly. G. W. ROSS. LETTERS 01" REGRET. Mr. J, R. Mo-N’eillie read the fol- lowing messages of regret from in vita] guests who were unable to at- (EDd‘: Thb entrance 0! Mr. and Mrs. Ross and friends was a usual for applause. which was continued whilst they were being escorted to We! seatv ro- served for their use. 'A’monxg those on the platform wpro HE. J. D. Fin.- velhe, chairman, m. J. R. McNeilliae, Dre. O'Rielly, Chamberlain. Ross, 1 'Dample. Bingham. Ryeraon. Hon. F. R. Latchlord. 'Dommo Judge and Mrs. Dean, Mayor Ingle, Warden A'us- ï¬n and members of the County Court:- oil. Senator Dobson, Mr. '1‘. Stewart. Rev. Rural Dean Wren. Ven. Arch- deacon Cassy, Dr. Burrows. Dr. Co!- lison, Dr. White, Mr.\C. D. BarrnMr. Robt. Rosa. Dr. Blanchard, Rev. Fr. O’J’Jeary. Galway. Rev. Fr. Phelznn, Young’s Point, Dr. and Mrs. MoAlpiue, Mr. J. B. Knowlson, Dr. Shier, Mr. .Wm. Ross, ALP» Port Perry. Mr. D. A. Fashion, (‘01. Deacon: The proceedings were. opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Marsh; who in the invocation made an imprcsive re- Ierencc to the hospital and its donor, cJosing.wi1h the Lord‘s Prayer. All IIIEISE GATHERING 0F GIT!- ZENS AND VISITORS. M "if (OllEGIAIE INSHIU'IE Ir. and Ir: Ross Given a Hurt, Roâ€" coptionâ€"Addrossos and Letters of Regret from Invited cunts. When those who witnwflad the op- ening of the Hospital Md rota-need their steps to the Cbllegiato Insti- tute building they found the spacious Assembly Hall all-puny comfortabty filled by dawns who had oom'q may in order to more the best seats. All managed to crowd in. htwaver. being; provided with chairs in t‘lo aisles, in front or the stage. and at memoxmwmina. Flavour} bunting wens evetywhbre displayed and immated upright and joyous ï¬pâ€" peat-anon in keeping with the ocean. 81011» Monisburg. 17th Nov., 1brontd, Nov. 12, 1903 THE '" ‘ WEEKLY POST J. P WHITNEY} of any other hospital of alike ca. pacity. Then. too. thou of us who Knew.) the good and genuine man and womanâ€"rho father and mother or the man who dell all armâ€"delight bol‘know that their Danna: will here- after he humanely associated mm. the history of the county. and this use we know that no one memor- -lal could he,†been? given theltz.muhl have more pleased and manned conrernal and by which so much benpï¬tted. to the generous bendab- tor. who, in his. prosperity, thu- ro- memuew his former â€mentions. all are indebtcgl bequl the pomxbilit'y of meaé‘um. The Hospital n-uthorLtirou hiero speak of your equipment throughout as aomqthing extramâ€" gontly peyfoc.t._nnd_fax: expellipg Mint Strmtfotrd, 1711) Nova, 190:3. Dear Mr. McNeillie,â€"It i? (Ln-eat disthtmnt to ouch one of my rmmxly thht official work. new: me here on Tlmredw next. and prevents my being with you: Id! at out o! the most important and auspicious 9520mm in the histury. r! my old county, and of the town of Lincbny. The word "congratulations" is tho weak n war-1 to apply to the great event in which humanity is samuch Confinm! to house Witt}~ scvero 001;]: very sorry impossible to' be with you at opening of Rosa Memorial Howital Thursday. Should have liked to join people of Lindsay in expressions of gratitude to donor [or princely gift. s : F. G. RODDKCLK. J. R. MoNeillic. Linda“: I trust that you may have axes-y pleasant altermbn. and .tb'at tho function inao’ b as yucca-Kn? as it deswrves to be.-â€"Fa.i‘thfull.vv your-9. ' m R. MEREDIH‘H. My Dear Binâ€"I am sorry to say that it in lmpo'cdble for me tone- cept your kind Invitation to be pres- ent wt the Rosa Housignl opening. press onward and guard in noble paths in life. Th0 up tal- will M- fond an adamant] 01)}th lo-on for future gnaw-Mica: of how true worth and nobility of character may attain to the highs" petition.â€" FtLitthILv. - A -- -nvnï¬ï¬ï¬‚ J. D. Fianna, 03].. Liam. Montreal. Nov. 18th. Mutt}. Nov. 18. mm. IR. JAMES R055, MONTREAL, THE DOIOR. LISIDSAY. oxmmo. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER THE ROSS MEHORIIL HOSPITAL. 8AM. HUGHES. 1902?. The occasion and cinnamon un- der which you shall gamu- to thq owning ammonia ol’ the Ron “an. aria] Hospital and to convince us tpo enthusiapm o! the ntroog for the rights or the monk: and unmrtumto. it is not deadâ€"It. tom only hm nhammd. III-stud of knights and awmiara devoted m- lmdy or lord. tlnu actor: am such; mu at Howard, Wilberforcp. Hominy. Shaftoabary. Sta-amount. Carnegie. Rhodes and Ross. champion. of the owl-cloud. un- fortunate and m. wh'o hand hoo- pitaJu. endow collagen and eutablhm mgmlmhlpg all! 321001.. _ chivalry m dead It is now over one hubdred years since Burke was mismkm If, an _I chm}. glihalry- 1n its best am'nouuc Mamas}. My Dear Judge. â€" 1‘ .write you to express my appreciation or the in- vitation to be present on the mu sion of the opening ceremonies of the Revs Wrinl 8053121.! on the 20th inst. an! my very sincrre regret that I cannot attend. «8' my (hurts are ï¬xed for that week. I (hairs you on convey to Mr. Ross in some way my congrawlumns {on his pub- Iio mundioenee and filial devotion to hi9 father and mother. for ham 0! Wham I hud the greatest. esteem and 4m“: art‘s possible to 30mm the mamaâ€"Yuan. eta. GEO. WADRILL. Soc. ' Norman" 15. 190:1. HE? Hgnm Jug?» Day). L_i_misn.y:_ muoh he regrets that he link it im- The mutual Board of Trade. Mbn‘treal. Nov. 19. 1902. To Rosa B'cspltal Committee. Ling)- » my. Geyldpnmnpl bag. on behalf or the Pmmf 0‘ this Board. fl. Alcx' under Mel-Tee. to acknowledge with flhnhkn your invitation to him to he {resent at 1110 opening of the Ross memorial Hospxml, and to say how a 'think it was Burk-3 who mid'thalt Roslyn! m: inability to «COM ’0“ mad nnvltaflom to attend the OI‘W' mg amino. fruiting the hono- licseut future it: pmmr- “7"" Very sorry I overlooked kind in- vitation of Hospital Committee {or opening or Hupital My. and re- gret being unable to agend- will be “albumâ€"Jon“. M. um any and to in n. m: thin. mt upland“ wan-71w" 1H .‘ ‘ trm‘uv some A.WO.. â€"-â€"â€"â€"- MIN- "0" m ’9“: 3.1:. IloNolllh. ruw= ,- ,A._,.__ 'l‘o'ronta NOY- 3“ 1902‘ J. R. mNeillio. Lind-aw: Judge's Chamber. Whitby. A. E. AMES. 'A. REEVES It was hero that your [Manta spent the 5mm of their cld Ingmar! many pleasant memories at their kindly and {exam permmality stiil linger with: us. It was hate that you Janna-1y dwelt. wollJuved of your friemrs and roafectod by all. It was here that you 1‘ '3me planted. the loot of the indie? upon‘ which you have risen to a “and“ miuencc reach- ed by but (me: of our countryman. hauling: could ha mom ï¬tting and macaw! than taut. In this place. you 1:th cfntgcat‘ Into lite. and forever cam is . rut-moo and alarm which below to than ecu-lie:- no. mention. You may rent "and that thwart or your: will snot a monument more endofl than bflck and stone. nu. {ammo a Mr than ltl ma. toria. arm-onion: and tho mil-it which dedicate! thin hulldin: an n. memorial at the put. guitarist-lag tor th'e futon. will outlive own It. and walla. Your deal 0! bounc- luna will outlaw tn am «an :1. tot It. but: .00 M’ In". I. It in now more than wquartur n! a cvnlury since you came mung us in the "33m- 0! 5mm: manhood. and carried to a. succcuful eoncluuiou the building on! the Victoria. Rail‘wny.‘ It was not ditficult then to [redid your aubuequant. career. Your skill and energy. the aptncss of your hu'fl'. new methods. vour courage! and on. terpriso revoaioJ tln': ohnrm'lrr out or whim: has come: the soccer: you 4 haw: siuca achieved. Sinâ€"As the rqruuentutive of the- ;ooplo or the (Lunty 0! Victoria. I haw zmt plea-are to accepting the pineal: gift which you are (u. day beatmvinx awn us. We are pleased and gran-ml to know that you remamhm- Hc kindly ynur runner mend; and neighbors. and. than you wow and: cpnfldrnce in us as to commit into our handy this moot complete and omen-at and truly mmilicent Hurital. a member of the Board of Governor\ In closing Mr. Havens neared Mr. and Mrs. Ron that the people of tlw county and town would pray mat the wumbrtnl promerity with which they were now bus-ed. and which they ware (hvotlnz to such noblq pol-pm. wpnld our remain witty them. (Loud applause.) The Cbnntw'n Tribute. Martha Austin. on banal! of the County Donnell and ctihenn o! Vic twin. new the following tau-cum presented a. bun-homely nllumnmt- ed and bound copy ta 1k. Rosa; 1% JAMES ROSS. Erquiro. minedâ€"he felt that the [come of! the town and county would take a; pride in the work. Those who hm}; already contributed to the eudb-w-‘ moat fund were deserving: of praise.‘ and particularly the outsiders who, had given wary “box-ax amount»; “(5‘ «gutted the absence of Mrs. J. C.‘ Grace. who had not srarcd herself m ; any way in aidtng the Hospital Conny mitten. liar m and :1de had bean invaluable, (applause). and he was glad that she was now 'v-ev divâ€"l-.." vvw<.;.'. end mortar end mete you epreoe’nt‘ L†N ‘ of it cum you can guarantee a. Indaay, . member 20th. 1903. maintenance fund.†We came back 3mm 3’18 Heart. and eat to work. with the reenlt that It. Ros. on ricing. said the feelings nmremehletoeuuum. no" tbat had ma arouse: bv the m. tun: we could My with his con. marks of Ir. Plevelle. end the words anion. .311. endpmnt luud now 0‘ the amne- inst read. elm-rt pre- amounts 0) about 818x00. and will vented bun "'00 Saying anything. grow. When we realise the vastness! Without Mr. FleVelle'e active assist- ol Mr. Rose' “maul concernqanc-i 01“? and “Mt be woukl have the mutant“ cells upon iii- time and: 1m his task of “rewiring the at- memioe. it emu.- mm to think! Mr- 0' the boom-Ll we“ nigh im- that he could find. leisure to devote Numb â€â€˜1 h‘ "3 Very deeply in- to his new emanating. you he gave W to that autism-m. He then to every detail connected with the . ‘Wtinwj- ‘1 have to thank you an buildim, enl equipment his cloeeiuid; the rcrreeentative 0f "34‘ W918 of wr‘igunt ‘ueption, Tb Hopping] i. '14"!!!an and the Countv 0! Vict "is now â€PM â€,3 he felt an. m for the symxeathetic intcre-rt \ou have mint gm the “um hope. My. all from its first inception exhibit. W309. of Lindm malice! men ’ed in this hospital for the us. 'uable and citizens had never reached the! assistance which many of you, pinnecleotperfection repmoonted in esrccialLv my friend. Mr. Flavelle. ‘ the building. (.ipplnnm.) Mr. lioeaf 1mm accorded to the “art or it: or. had never queatloood fliecost organ:- ï¬ction. an) now on its succewrm thing (Mod my. but had Completion {or the Uni expression criticized everything that tendaito' Which you Mr. Warden, on behalf of3 unduly increase the meroneibititiee â€â€˜0 cannuuity, have â€offered to- of the Board of Governors. ï¬e would “ti-Ne“ HUNâ€.- 1! I needed an} recom- buechurl tweed m failed to am tenet fwr the part I have taken in precise the value of the mt gift. “It" “Nit-8f I have it hero- in the an! be felt that) he could mumï¬ï¬‚r. "k‘m‘tfl '6 0f the $0â€! wishes and Roles belore his departure that his‘ kind}; reclin'e 01 3011 an HM friomlgl noble institution 'ovouid be well minim. “’1 neighbor; That. I vhonlduheb‘ ‘ ME ADDIWES. Chairman Finvelle and that no dpnbt all were nwu‘o cf the ohm o( the “marina and it would be unwary for him try refer to 11. Bin was aware o! the rule that a chairman's marks should baht-id, but. at the risk! of offending ho wislu ad tn my mom than um morals. A little over two years ago it wan biota! to arm citisenc of mm that Mr. Ross mightâ€"ymviding. om- tain conditions were metâ€"ho willing to erect ahospitnl in Lindsay. The anagruim was taken hold of. but Dost Ir. mm. 3â€"0:: my to. turn [was Nd! York om moraine: I "I! m: invitation to he mount at an opulna or. tho Ro- mxw. I must very near that important when Mr. Ross was approached he said, "What have thr people of Limhmy and county don"? I'rd not going to erect a monument of brick ‘M‘ W "M u M not “‘0 W I“ 0W6 MN. and this m In can urba- v and manna. can do M‘“ ‘° J. WINTYRE t?“ “3 “him! of each mam;- mfiu-nt Mitziâ€"it m the duty and t“ d all to he mum! to the m “lot. a. had 21*" in- Wnc bra-pitu- toe â€mm o! ’9‘". lid could N with pcrfqi Hrs. Hoes, my. family and myself. 00n- cmded Mr. Ross, may I but [ermittml ‘0 38»? that the kapitn! will forever ho to no on Witï¬onnl link bindin: us up our old friends and our old home at Lindsay. The 0th.:- Speakers. Dr. Chamberlain. Intyocrmr u! Ht 5. pitalc and Prison for Comm-in. wm’ out calla! on. In his opening re‘ math I. w M. pleasure aty 56hr! able a: ho pmoent and (00-, l Nicene: it tint which he; in View the giving to its remplmts the occul- ‘ ion or the means to help tlwmuiveq. It may 1 km in this practical: form that my parents would have, strivcn to benefit others. and. it luau accord- ingly been my ambition that this gun oi mine. a» a suitable memorial to their memory, a-hcul'J to somcguuu- est extent: at least embody thieideu and. in conkncï¬on with its dirert henpl’irient purpose. be an additional incentive to the aelchllanco and civic [rogmivonoss of the County: of “Morin and M1) of Limbo»; .This. I am confident. it. will be. be-! cause 1 ave alremb' been, witness o! the energetic work accomplished by your Hoï¬pital Committee. and have now. through the ready aseununoa' given by your representative. an! earnest of your future inter-{sham}? active Wtiom On behalf or! Mrs. Rae. my; many and myself. conJ eluded Mr. Rose, may I he [er-mitt“): ‘0 “J “1“: ï¬lm Inn-â€55-! ...:u r.-..__.-_ more moan which now we slwuld be xrost loath to forget. It is perhaps a truism. to any that the beat ben- dicence it tint whip!) has in View the giving to its rompimts the occul- ion or the means to help tlwnmimq.‘ I“. "M I m in thin run-no.0 30-1. f..-...1 You have in flattering terms tofu-- ai to my advent mmng you some 25 years ago; an'}. for my path] can say. (or my mite as well as {or my- self. that than days of 25 years ago when life'- battle had just begun and everything lay yet Mae us un- nrhimod. were not. «mom; the lent “want 0! our lives. but. rattle: â€Cult: 0! Victoria bu always boo proud 0! you u on 0! nor can. but [non “I. “no on tho will Inn A m eon-hut. man; and “W at“ for you. .o--.‘ were those which now xrost loath to forget, a truism. to any that “:0qude in you 1 rescmuive gym- ga-thy so eloquent and sincere binds me with even Iuller attachment to the district unJ the people. and gives am a complete assurance of ycur active support and ready helpful- new in emu-yin: out the good work Which it is the intention of the pro W8 this hospital Should accum-j plia'h. penan- for the part I have taken in the matter I have it 1m» in the hwledg or the 30nd wiehes and kindly feelingu 01 3'01), my old friends We cannot. Ventum further upon an expression of the admiration and gratitudc we all feel toward- your- self for this magnificent gift. We can only wish for yourself; {or flu. Ron and your family. continued prosperity and every happiness which it is given: to mon to enjoy. GOBN AUSTIN. Warden; Lindsay, Naomi“: mth. 1902. Stirred His Heart. If. Rom. on tiling. said the feelings that had {bran aroused. by the re. marks a! lit. mulls. and the words ought: fitted to afford every human chancr for the relief and rcdoratirn o! tho sick. You may be (‘01)"(hmt that use remnaibility of, its proper “105mm will be gladly. nmumal, and (mum: carried out. by the Michael Councils and tho people cr this Cowty. ln 0min: tall boon tor um hurl In; and (an o! the sick you have than an anal-vim which we could not have hoped to have done for our- coho; And you hate dong it after a. 1mm which in more than liberal. You havo made this institution in We highelt degree worthy’ of it. bale-flout and holy purpom. It in uncle in me. bandsane in appear- wee. completely furnisuod ill every (hatnil. equipped with aver; madical nod surgical arpliance which the physician? art could dodre. thor- a. ]... at yum Mod "d per. nou stil helm-(- it was coqlqtd. b: “euro; to have mthet M to ca: it in Its tinidldm via"! non Wtonuly may, venture: WM sac! medias! men of t felt truly animal under lighted mth eta-511.331!“ 4m human m M N that: m lat-king. to! cm. in: and equipment had M carried out. um†a,“ Rail had lived a: gem- may of his {inucm a... now um he had no...“ u trade a very careful Emmi Ra- Ilemorial Boom! and lain-z such Mom .0...“ â€Muted all that Vbâ€. mums buincu m; o! u. m citiunn d the “we. night We“ rejoin; in than. of so grand sham “I. '42“ tqniwod. In an...“ W to â€J to the W. a the tam um um; um. (null: 01;." "INK!“ Dr the most put. (Arphwq 51. (ion one (11-01 his inapmtim 5‘ m] in l nice little bail d the town that an, alter have no cm i! tell anything daort at n man tree of in endowment fund of Its back. It [aim m tha P171111 0! they shoal! not all a: W the exp“ emnt they mngm h meat grant. (Lam er cloaod with . ¢ C†to “f. R“. ‘ Id devotion. Dr. Bingham. 0! To,†any intention of “It Mt M141 not lung. In than: thn town 0: Lin mgr aw mag-rum o! â€I. h; i.- W l in . nice little him {m (.leu., It - urgeâ€"sumac“ m t date 81ml: m.“ ï¬ner. He felt W11 would 1!? taken on the“ can!» the people Venn to a) 80. having-r“ m w, pron" Dr. J. W Mr. k‘ontinue Dr. T: 14M D‘auaar ‘00 The no“!!! «inw'd "3 ml‘ on! grateful for me : finest KM (ApplatIflJ ' PM. of T 058 Hcï¬in‘ very â€(a c of â€1'!" irnnl in in n rest roe-Me can afflict coarletd. M yr M Olly theâ€h “an: