RAWHAM’S That’s gospel truthâ€"Business IS on the clean jump at GRAHAM’S Clothing Store. Our MARVELLOUS MARK-DO W.\' SALE has the inside track, and it’s oing to keep there The enthusiasm at this store is running high. Aside from the marvellous LOWNESS of the PRICES g of OVERCOATS, ULSTERS, REEFERS, SUITS and GEN TLEM EN ’8 FURNISHINGS, the next most important feature of our Mark Down Sale is their ATTRACTIVE EXCELLENCE, We deal largely with the best makers of Clothing, and such remarkable values as we can offer is the best possible proof of this store’s supremacy. That’s what has made us grow and get to the top of the heap so quickly. 74 and Boys ,2; ~ ' ' . want to say much but talk little, for “in the multitude of words there is confusion.†Much might be Written, but what the )ublic want are FIXCTS. Other Clothiers can supply one wholeIcounty, and if we can’t get you to buy at this store by STRAIGHT FACTS and PONDERO S GOOD VALUES we’ll go out of the business, We intend to completely outdo ourselves this week. The savings you can make here from the 3rd to the 8th day of December will make the week worth remembering. MORE GRAND BARGAINS ! Our combined Stocks we shall swiftly sell at similar astounding concessions. We will give the most Remarkable Bargains ever announced before Christmas. and that selling will be extraordinary brisk this week is but natural. Just go over this abridged liq carefullyâ€"the values deserve your undivided attentionâ€"and if you need any Clothing, Hats, Caps or Furnishings take advantage of this chance. Take our adviceâ€"BU Y NOW, ' V ---~_-_-.___.___ A AMAZING VALUE FOR BOYS; Beyond all (nitration the maxi astoniihing Kâ€. values ever seen at anything twin our l’l'ltf'r. Snap them up instantly : 32 Boys' Blouse Suite {or .......... $2.50 Boya' Veatee Suits for ........ , 82.75 Boya' Double Bu sated Suite for. . . . . . . .. 83.50 B n’a' Three piece Suits for. . . . 84,00 doys’ Fine Dress Suits for ...... AMAZING VALUES FOR BOYS An immense assortment of Boys' Reefers. Overeeats and Suitsâ€"brand new and fresh from the wholesale warehouse : 82 Boys' Storm Reefs-rs for .................... ’1 45 33 50 Boys’ Storm Reuters for . . .. .............. 2 70 83,95 Boys' Tweed Overcoats for ........... 2 90 03 Bora' L'lsters for ...... . .................. 2 35 $2 50 Boyv' Ulstelu lur ......... . .............. 1 90 AMAZING VALUES FOR MEN $4 50 Strong 'l‘wllled Suite for. . . . . . . . . AMAZING VALUES FOR MEN. 2 8 $5.50 Canadian Tweed Suits for ...... 2 33 6 co $5,8eaver ()verccats for ‘3 7 Frieze ()vereoate for. .. d .9 Oxford Grey Overcoats lor................ .5 .10 Beaver Overcosts for 6 7 2 3 7 Scotch 'l‘wred Suits for .. 810 Worsted Suits for 812 Imported Scotch Tweed Suits for ........ .. 7 50 350 Underwearfor........... .. 22c 450 Underwear for†500 Underwear for. .. 5c 750 Underwear tor. . . . Cl? Whipcord (lverccstsl‘or.................... 04 Erlese Ulsteralor............. 88 Special Frieze Ulstera for .8 Extra Henry Frieze Ulsters for.........'..... $10 Finest Frieze Ulsters for. ............ evsvo vs .â€".â€".â€". â€...... __.__.â€"_ â€"-â€" .â€".__ .â€". ..HH. d GR A AM’ The One-Price King Clothier st h l' l' s 'i k . R b l ‘ stem.trustee‘s;V". A. . l I Lindsay and Fenelon Falls “““Mâ€~““WM“MM uumumuuwusomumuwwuuwl I - W.â€" WATCH GRAHAM GROW Bright, keen edged snaps like these will make business at the King Clothier's "mui'OlIlH‘Oï¬t‘cgl A~ l . -~- %_â€"â€"*‘w‘ *- -:â€"»â€"» T A7 7 7 ‘public sohtnl staff for the your 1901 It was sfsct that four or five stu-I WAPKFl . "’ 1 T " "F Enncfllln" at their present salaries except Missf dents were going. elsewhere to l _ R" 02 S l LOCAL MARKCTS' I Weldon; who I! entitled 10 receive 181111 trpewriting who would remain I “h..‘ Markets Higher __ C‘hl“ (‘nmo ; (Com-red ever)» Tag’lllf' Inn; here if the Collegiate had a machine, mud r u o I m r I §Goose “beat ...... . . .; 0’1 1 and the. board would thus retain their ’ "’m “' l "r ’5 ’ ° ‘ "â€â€˜ E‘priug Wheat . . . " ‘ 810 yearly fee. While the department ‘11 Whefl- ............. U 63 dove not call for the teaching of type- Barley. .\'o. l .......... ’ ' ins. students taking a curtain num- Barley. No 2.. her of subjects desired to include type- Barley, No. 3 ........ writing in the number. having ample Oats .............. . time for it. Inme‘tor Knight thbught it im- portant that typewriting should be .1 ;.:' . . acquired under a cut teacher. . Follo‘ving x- .41. MT. Mclnnghlin‘ admitted that his ' ' “9“,“, â€.an argument with. reference to the new ' ' cceeily of a machine for the prep'irs- um, tion of the examination papers had New York ....s... been furnidsed by a. teacher. hillwsukw H 7-H; hem. Flav‘ulloâ€"“l (ADO! I 'fot it (Mn $51.53†0 El": :’ :6 0 7134 0 74:4: - t muse. tehra' -’ Ii '. 079» .1le. at’ an Collegiate is somewhat. suite t...“ e ’ ad I Ch; law the Alf-trollmrml .. EN: 0 791-; 0 56": 1113371013411â€. WW0“ d recommend that. On motion of Mr. Flavelle, seconded “1233.3. l\‘ '1‘ U N." by Mr. R- Kennedy. the typewriter clam-e was referred back. the balance _ __» 0f the report bolas adopted- Mlliiiie-npolls .\'.. The Eyeeore Rumored . 2 Northern. .. (Mir. Rt chau-man‘ of the ’iiv-r 1 inn. .3 ' ' ' sites and buildings.ccannittee. report- (lust-t '33,. “ilk-... sh-“mtestgrdai iz ed. vetrbally that: the fence. between gunman; ('.-l.. (:5 -_i:,_,, h, m. 32,: {ML strainers-9t. school (made end I!“- l.i. 55 no in .2. null. x... 2 ml Gregg-Lye property hadbeen repaired, Winter, 5" â€1..“ t†M I..d~ V0 1 the -,rd to W half the 0m». 315° Northern spring. (~25 Pd 1...“; “Lipâ€- ...â€"..â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€" 80; and the following rebates of fees ' ' re end d M' v l t 00 l 1 . we ores - use '10 , Full Meeting for the First} was Sylvester 75c..Mr. rfed 3235... . $1.50. Time In Months. : The report was adopted. + I i Repdrt of Naming Committee LADY MODERN LANGUAGE SPEC- l Mr- Staplec chairman. presented .the IALIST ENGAGED AT a ' 1, report. which was as follows: SALARY OF ".000. chapeof a typewriter for the Collegiate Lnl New Yokk Stole lost your 910 persons were killed and about! «to,- Blfll 01' “1.1th MW. 000 injured in factories. In tho Cuban lwar the United States lost 208 killed ' 6 ennan 0. lend 1,557 wounded. Already eight applicants have eig- nified their deSire' to take advanttge “BUSH CARVER IN GASES ‘of the Ontario government's offer: of IwORs’ POMS! MES - -60 acres Of land to returned BOldle “s. No don-"n when the leg'slaturo apâ€" TOILET CLIPPERS proves the government's offer, and rhe. l bema l'cat' . . l . ' - BREAD mm .... KNIVES, a†“W m locum s... ...; .. .. mm. ...: mf‘ars.wmtmii.zrar:£ A t lasnl Icâ€"Quolnt ions. Lchrpuol. llv'c .i. â€" \cslertla) “heat futures Flt-St‘tl unchanged from Manda) 's litml Squirt-K. Chicago. Inc --- “lit-alt yesterday .Hqulil‘c-li 53C [vi-r futures R e ............ L ‘ ‘ bushel. ’ ‘ 157’. Peas. Canadian Beauties U .c Peas, Prior Albert ........ t.“ 57 Peas, B'ack Eye. .. ...L‘ 3'5 ' Buckwheat ............. t" 43 Red (‘lorer Seed. .5 .‘w . .' dayâ€"my Alsike Clover Seed .. .. . 5 . I think Ducks .............. . 'l 4" " inetru Turkeys .................. O (19 -' ~ Chickens ................ U 30 Eggs,fresh, perdoz. ......) 16 ' Butler, per 1b., for rcll....3 l? Buckwheat Flour, 100 lbs. .1 90 Flour. new process, tks., F lOOlbs...... .“ lour, new 100 lbs pr“ '\ il \7 ‘i\11l£2.l~. We would recommend the pur- tlw closing prices test-3r- ; Institute. at iinpurlum day lh--- \lur. \l‘lj. so TT’K. $0 $01.; so 797‘. .' s T. g i .2 4.). I â€i 9 l Northt‘rn . .. u 0 75“ Duluth. So, 71“; 0 conditions are announced, there will Rm worms Shortly before the late elections we l with a Typewn. 15,. and a Teacher: t9 the Collegiate Institute and Pub- published a paragraph that Mr. s. J, Hints at Reprints it the Request is, he Schools. we find the measurements ’. BAKE BOARDS Fox, M.I-‘.P., at Dr. Vrooman‘s meeting not Granted-The Motion Given a E m: m'tli‘t’ ":0? at. a†Pub!†... ROLLING PINS at Jackson‘s mm had called Six Mouths’ Hoist-Committee Rea “ -" ‘e u†“‘99" 4° - MINCING KNIVES lon the farmers to condemn the ex- ports and Other Business. 135 J ; penditune on this river between Bob- .3116 members of the board of eduoe- 3 . 53’5- - 0- 1.1803110 and 3- Kennedy COFFEE MILLS g caygeon and Lindsay, and the matter. i , , _ g HIM the semesnd report, and that , BIRD CAGES l was commented on editoriall 0n ‘ “n m “ â€a" m“ 1‘“ m“ “u but 35" b° PM *0 Mr- W noon! SKATES 3 learning that thfll statement 3;†dis- day in the council chamber, the full Theedoption. of tin report was mov- _. , _ Puted we ceased further publication 1’05“! being present. For the infor- gdï¬i â€-35.9106. seconded by Mr. R. 0 ""9†° ‘5 . .t. m. . , , . - v s s -â€" mm arms a... ...... 52: saves: ht... ’3‘: “19°" 2" .2“...‘“.‘“‘.°“‘;°“9 “ 55;" .... 3- «mm-“um ...... .... CLOTHES WRIN ERS Jackson’s 56mm or at any other a .mt' 0 L. “.h" aYe out n. with†of ‘ â€MIRA! would be 3 G lmeeting. We have made enquiries rational “IN! to their charge; proper thing; we can't afford the Chiirumn Thou Stewart, and Messrs. m just' “0'": and I would “in t0 4 it 1. s . s r i ’7» , u ‘ . ,3 ., . l .: ‘x . y I . . . . . ' immandthemwlnotwind I . ms In mums : nus-cur 8m Helium e 00. o‘- ' and are satisfied that Mr. Ea: never WASHING MACHINES i made any such statements, and we “1P3! SWEEPERS SAD IRONS, KING AIR RIFLES TEERM'OMETERS can». A 001nplaint. is being made that the‘ Labor Gazette, imued by the Depart- ment of Labor at Ottawa. mam dull lending. Ponibly the journals which urge this, look so see the Gazette take part in the political controvmsies. It is all the very nature of the publication. ilf it is to fulfil its destined end. ‘th‘at ‘ it dhould be arecord of facts, and not a. Vehicle of opinion. 'lhe Gazette is what: it was intended to do,2 that is, to give. the workmgmen of Can- ada relia ble information regarding con- ditions of .la bor, rates of wages, prices of commodities, and other statistical gimmtion bearing upon their inter- “ Wâ€â€œW Spatial Low Prints a â€M“““~ These people who are disposed to grumble that theirg eyeryt movement, their-“weddings. parties, etc., are not chronicled in their local paper- often l l-ro, when they fail to lei: the news- gnlherers know of such events- ought to give n thowhit to the cost of such work Most of the Canadian papers do a great deal of work gratis forl Wlllt‘l. paying figures are charged. by the British and United States papers. '11» London Tel’tgr:ph, for example, contains this notice: SCRANTON COAL. Maul. into M. Smithinglloal Daflvsrud at Lowest. Prices. m _b __._.. The Weekly Post. av LDFIBAY. IBIDAY. DEC. 7th. ‘90. EDITORIAL NOTES. Elle Nipiflilk Kiosk is apparently graphs . . . . . ce-pt those relating to official lnCl-l dents. will becharg‘ed at a minimum. rate of one guinea for two lines, each wounding line 105. Ed. additional. â€"__. 1 Similar pbrugrlaltphl; inhaphgd body 1?! Emmy, mm t paper wi c g .1 t e u u, been made 1 robe of four line's for one‘guinea. mmmwwseum. f' t up. 4, Job. Staples, W. MoWattors, D. R. Anderson. John Kennedy. R. J.D (B “y regret: having published â€1° 3F-lavelle. Richard Sylvester, R. Ken- lne-dy. RJ Mclnuuhlin. P. G. Pilkie, Kylie, Jug. Mon and Dr. Julieta. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read by Secretary Spier, and. on motion were confirmed. Reports of the Principals. The number of students on the rolls of lhu Collegiate at the present time ' is 174. Average attendance for 0ct.. - Principal Harâ€"‘ alone called attention in his report to the coining visit cl Hon G. W. m Premier of Ontario, who will deliver the first lopture of the collegiate In- stitute Course on the evening of Dec. 151; Novembu; 14?. “UL The number of pupils on the rolls of the public schools for November. ac- cording to Principal Brodetick's re- port, was an ; average attendance, 767. In [V ".Book, 120:; 111. M 221; II. Book, 201:1. Book. 307. The secretary was inst: notedâ€"to (5 lo both rewrta. Would Like More Salary. Miss Alena. A. Ward. and' flies Alien l - . - .... All Society and. rashum-mie gara-‘ fépï¬ï¬nggf'giï¬nï¬glgfm; am; mrwd m . â€â€˜3' "~" ““3 ‘3“; their requests were referred to thofin- iuoe committee for consideration. Report of Finance Committee. â€Mr. D. canted the repos- paynu-nt of the following Collegiate Instituteâ€" W. A. Jewett, hue}: ............ 8 \V. \Vebst'er, repairs ......... R. Anderson, chairman. t, which recommended ‘ accounts: 2.00 85 pro- ae'o the clause referred back for fur- ther consideration." Mr. Staples said he felt convinced that the! Collegiate was losing pupils incense no chance was afforded to learn typewriting, the board could ILVO the money: by reducing the salary of the teacher-about to be ensgtiged from 8] 000 to 8900." . Anderson said that typewriting was purely mohanical, and he fail- ed. to see our necessity for its intro- trodur-tion into the Collegiate, as it .wns mt mentioned in the curreclum. ents‘ consent in order to earn monqy Pcnlotnlnll , if in need of utypewriter he would’tathor one who knew nothing about the machine. Ability to punctuate and mall correctly was the upm‘coneidorationâ€"the use of the inmhme could be learned in half a day. Speed was important in a oteno- grapher, but‘ not in a typewriter. Mr. Mchiughlin said that for game 3 theteachers had' been writ- mg examination, paper. with a Cycloatyle, thus snvmg a considerable mm because t1! papers were for- merlyprinted. The band might ex- pmt .to hnvu to arrange for the printing at the papers again, because [don the. work fellon two of three teachem} disbmlined to g of their time to this preparation of the papers The purchase of a typewriter wpuldpernutofthoworlcbeingdone with rapidity and legibility. 'er. F yells. nidhe was opposed to the teaching at ty'pqwritin at the Collegiate. If the rmuesst or a ms- 01“.“! had been made by the staff on their dwn behalf it' would have come With a batten grace. He might favor the propels! next year. but not now. Hudid notsgs-ee with! the viewofa cerium teacher who took the ground that hel had no duties to port ter four o'clockâ€"h has! been greatly surprised to hear that view enunciat- ed. he differed with it. While' he ' intention to have Francisrst. school Addison, late (1 mutton-d Cong-n staff, more superior to the others.“ W was ratified on motion of Mr. Kon- nedy. Staples adding that be deemed a salary of .900 sulï¬de-m. Mb Whiteside. who has been filling- thevnnanlti nttherateoft‘IEOper that the h' h fence skirting! the street , . ,_ - ll.†or U†ml school â€wads M flirt 9 qme., l'vc as l l'ui. March (is beau removed and cold for em. The ‘-"- chairing; also reported that. it was hi: “â€m-V‘" ""- (Er-l.â€" \\‘heat. will 0. bush ...... 30 "7V, to 8. . . . “ red, bus-h. 0 on me, l.l:.~ll. e 67 ' grunt; liusll. . . . . 0 61 flats. Lush ............. 0 mm, Barley. bush. 0 40 Rye. hush. .r ............ 0 5115 Bonus. lou~h ............. l 15 1 25 l'eas. hush u 60 Unvkwllt-ul. bush ........ 0 47 TID!§'D\ T0 1.! VP: STUCK. l.‘ '-"l‘l’.“Cl-J “ARKE'. undone roomiu Lb northward-shod kelocsuined during tin Christmas holi- . Pudonable Whey. . Mr. Staples referred to the fact that a number of boy: had absented them- oslves from the-chock with their par- Rein. U “i at tnlrlney picking, and ha undorfltood that the truant. officer was about to take action. It, we; pointed out that picking was nearly finished. and that no the boys would hmfres ins dayor wihere'wsanoneed totakusctiou. 'Ihe Collegintq Vacancy. (In motion the board went into com- mittee of this whole to corridor the application for the vacant position of acacialist in Umbra. Languages. Mr. R. Kylie was voted to this chair . We understand thut between 40 and 50 applications 1nd been received. for the position. snd‘tln bourd' found great difficulty: in making asleetion. The lot had beeudfted down toethree or founendthemsnbul decided that the Qualification and record of 'hfiss a II Loads mu! butt: Toronto. “cc. 3.-â€"â€"Tlie run of live Mock .ii Ihn ('ail e Marker yesterday was lllutll'l'.ill,‘â€"-.d'.' curloads, Coni- [uscil of llN' c.1tllc‘. 2.000 hogs. l,- 078 slim-p and lambs. with 1:2 calves. 'lhe quality of {at cattle was not good. m-m-rully speaking. Trude fair. (-mnidi-ring the mild weather. and umlhing good in the huiclii-rs' (‘luss \\ as readily picked up at quoutlilms given ll'l()\\'. Prices for sheep and lambs were easier while those for hugs Were 25 cents; per cut. higher. Export cattle. rnolee ...... “ cattle, light ...... $: £ to ‘1 g liull~. 4 )0 built. ht ....... 3 12% ers' and - lupin: exporters. mixed ......... 3 Bulvhvrs' rattle. pirkml lulu 4 itâ€? “ zmd . 3m lut‘dlillll. 4 3 no at a salary of 81,000 a 4 .4 («stallion . '3 . ., 3 3 3 3 2 he: s noonded by Mr. Plsvelle. Mr. ' inferior ENG", hoary . ' . lfmders. light herding bulls Sit (‘h’ers 'nbe treasurer was instructed to puy tion since midsummer, .V lk‘h cow.- . ‘7 11! MM then adjourned (‘alroa == .22.»... ..."... I," M". :- 3, GU: HI. suit â€'31: tilt-ll: P0? th .. . 2 . I. it“ “I. 0' I'll mt Lamina. ps-r 4-“1. ...... 3 23 i O 0 311,43 . - n.-â€"At . McFADDEx - moons W. 5th Boga, live weight, per curt... Dre-nod Hogs, Per cwt ..... h I Apples, per bag ......... .0750 Potatoes, per bush ....... O 15 to So 8888888 OOOMOGJOrâ€"‘loso DEATHS. STIBSOV. - Ln Lindsay on Saturday, Dr. lot, 1900, Mrs. Stinscm. 0! lb south ward. # WAGES. EMAR â€" CLEMENTS. â€" On the??- in Bobcaygeon, by the Rev. ll. - G‘eighton, Thomas 1ng '0 W Clematis, both of Bdmym' (WALKER â€" .wrxx. â€" at 55am†chard], on Saturday. ‘0- l . . ‘ by Mgr. Laurent. Mr. BRIBFQ W“: (K Mmyviiie, to Mia Minnlew her. of an south ward. . . McKELVi‘JY â€" HOBDEN. â€": In Grill: the Rev. Canon 0:095“ . - . ' :13. 1900, Herb.“ miy. 50V. 15 la [0 m, “CK lvey. of Seguin Fit Anni: Hobden, ot’ thf itmvndllp d Minoan. w- - N on Wainesdny, ' autfl-an. Mr. Srough. 0f Â¥lflm' Mia May M'Ditnsid, of Haltbflt‘md t0 Mr. D. McFadden. mend!†JOHVSIOX _ Airman tb 27th. I'll. Yatm'sllolnti Elev Father Fitzpztiric Johnston, of the Sir. Lillian MrFarlune. el { (if Mr. Wm. Mifsrlane, 0 Point. , - V5 .5 ‘Dâ€"SlL _ mxitirlisel‘of Mr. Blurry i113. £01: dhip of beridge, unt‘lev H , . . 0!: lhc- 15th inst, by 13?th [townCH'mslflI' g 53ҠJam. 1.; Mansfit‘ld. arm; of Somerville, 0‘ If Emma Lillian. " ‘ - 5“ Tm ‘ i‘ °“ ‘1‘“ “it“? 'nnn's an nnrlcniu OFFER: m the row of Amelnca. as it is , - l W to be in Great; Britain. It: “0 “"3“" “’5“ mun“ cl nth a m pleasant; thing. to find Mt.“ Supple-eat. ll Mil . We! m d opium ferns. «Mn-asyshertsterJ .. .. “emote! h. am the vice testy best authors. and bounti- 8.88 6.19 w 37.“ 938-. wouldbs tblastmutoesektoim- â€WMMupon teach.- .ers, the people were entitled to their ‘Qrviceswinnevorandfou'ulongo than thowol'k of thoschools do- h'incipsl Haratoue said. that all the Light, Hunt at Power Co ...... ‘ J. McCren, repairs......... A. flaws“, snppiiee......... - John row,“ wood...... Paine School. s- there Ippears the Int fatal 8""‘9- bumu-rs' ........... 2m 3 heat efeuvnewstery. “no taco Hidf'aiilil’iï¬." .f'."{...lf’.Ԥ,f"“ 6 m loll-Illa last.†“count; .2 9.831 "Met :00 it}: 5 75 10th century reduce told I- a 3 sow.".“.'_'.'j'j ----- 5 75 nannies-easing and rm .. :‘ffl ------- .'.'.'I.'.'.' 33 madman-«am» " “‘m""â€*“'â€"""‘° Daniel Silver, of F /I---- . If you miss the Posts M has Supplement â€3'" be ' . look form. fill “dim ‘ a umwm in a... mumumnsouvumo‘ - ma..- “m ago-e than umfuallmmvhs‘juiaaaim â€" †sue-i my. «miss» new venue .Hkâ€"sea't .m-m ' thelate.‘ tendon-n5.“ “ ' r â€" ' --'~ 43 WW -' t -‘ . . le,: repair-...... ...... ~-~‘- ‘ 1,15“ - touchdown able‘to’uoatlie Cyclo- utyleiuthepsepantiorg‘oo theirâ€:- porhhenoeutymi wan urinal-urea by even... .a . .-- . 7.-.".-am... “we... ".... ~..,...... . .- . .---.7 ....-- ...v...v~._.,.... mam-W... .. ...... â€...â€"no ...-... ... m L’.’.‘ o ...n...(..~~y._â€"w.- ...- .“ m Chg. my, profusely mums“ 8 3"“ “a mutu- te PIC-â€Nu saibera -â€"vtf-