K may... _. â€"-V-., -v- - --_- _ Large Fancy Tortoise snéï¬â€˜ï¬ii? Fins; reg 25c h'd 20c; reg 18c. ......................... 13c Slack Silk Cord Girdles, very new, reg $1 35 b d 1 15; Oxidized Girdles, regSSc. . .656 Uxblood Belts, reg 28c b d 22c; Fancy Belts, Oxidized Buckles, reg 55c. ............... 45c liemstitched Embroidery Corner Handkerchief, reg 15c bd 11c; 12§c bd 10c; 10c 70 Fancy Insertion and Lace trimmed 28c bd 20c; 250 b d 180; 30c .................. 220 Fancy Silk, Battenbnrg trimmed Handkerchiefs, reg $1 50 bd 1 25; 1 10 . ............90(: White Silk Handkerchiefs, colored borders, reg 50c b d 40c. White Initial Silk Hand- kerchiefs reg 28c .............................................................................. 24c Little Children’s Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs 8c, 10c 13c; Linen Hdkf Centres, 5c, To, Be , 10c. Little Children’s Hdkfs ......................................................... -4 for 5c Gentlemen’s Pure Linen, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs reg 55c ............................ 45c (‘dored Hdkfs, 2.1.9, 3;c, 4e, 5e, 6e, 7e, 8e, 10c and 13c, extra special Cushion and Chenille Cords, reg 12c b (1 9c; 50 Shades Silko, reg 5c........ r M. 45 Cushion Forms 18in reg 250 b d 21c: 14 in. reg 20c b (1 17¢, 9 in. reg l5c...... 121. ' 1 inch Silk Ribbons, reg 7c bd 5c. All Shades Pom Poms ......................... 11c doz. I and 1.“. inch Fancy Dresden Ribbon, reg 120 b d 9c. Plaid Ribbons, reg 280 b d 220 ends of Fancy Ribbon 1 and 1 yards bd 5c. Fancy Hat Pins, reg 10¢ . .. 7c Fancy Bead Chains in White, Blue, lack and Blue and White, reg 30c ................ 25c Wrist Bags, very special Christmas Presents, reg $3.00 b d 2.50; 2.00 b d 1.70; 1.2541156. 95c: 53c .............................................................................................. c Ladies’ Cashmere Hose, full fashioned, spliced ankles and feet, reg 55e...............47c Ladies’ Plain Blk Cashmere Hose, spliced seamless feet, reg 55c b d 45c; reg 45c bd 38c; reg 35c ......................................................................................... 25c Ladies' Heavy Union Hose, reg 25c BD 15c, Ladies’ Card. Drawers, reg $1.13 ...... 99c Ladies‘ Heavy Vests, reg 17c BD 13c; reg 20c BD 17; reg 22c .............................. 18c Ladies’ Heavy Vests and Drawers, reg 28cBD 22c; 37c BD 32c; 75c BD 65c; $1.00 BD 880 Ladies’ Blk Drawers, reg $1.10 BD 950, Children’s, reg 80c .......... .. .................... 7 De Babies’ White Wool Mitts, reg 18c BD 15c; reg ï¬e ............................................. 18c Children’s Blk and White Wool Mitts, reg 18c BD 15c, reg 15o ........................... 12c Misses Black and White \Vool Mitts, reg 27c BD22c, reg 22c 18c Babies White Wool Bootees, reg 18c BD 15c; silk trimmed, rcg 25c ...................... 21c Pale Blue and White Bootees, silk tassels, reg 35c ............................................. 310 Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers, reg 80c .......................................... 70c each Men‘s Heavy Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers, reg 85c .............................. 73¢ each men's Fleece Lined Underwear, reg 50c............... . . 40c Boys’ Wool Shirts and Drawers, reg 45c BD 35c; reg 75c60c Men's Heavy Ton Shirts, reg $1.00 BD 80c; reg 75c ......................... . ............... 65c Men’s White Shirts, Laundered, reg 60c BD 45c; reg 90c .................................... we Ladies’ and Misses‘ White Blk, Red and Navy Wool Gloves, reg 28c Ladies’ Elk and White Kid Gloves, also Col’d Undressed Kids, reg 75c and Sec... Colored Elk and White Kid Gloves, also Undressed in blk and colored, reg $1.10 ladies’ Lined Mocha Gloves, reg $1.35 BD $1.20, reg $1.15. ........................ Ladies’ Silk Lined Gloves, reg $1.25 BD $1.05, Misses’, reg 75c ........................ Misses’ Silk Lined Mocha Gloves, reg81.25 Men’s Kid Gloves, lined, Monarch Brand, re $1.10 ....................................... Men’s and Boys Lined Kid Gloves, reg 65c B 50c, reg 80c ........... , ................... Ladies’ Lined Kid Gloves and Mitts, fur topped, reg $1.25 ................................ Men’s Mocha and Kid Mitts, reg $1.25 BD 98c, Buck Faced Gloves reg $1.50 ..... Little Boys‘ American Collars, embroidery trimmed, reg 28c........... . Ladies’ Silk Collars, reg 280 BD 22c, reg 37c BD 32c, reg 55c Fancy Sill: Ties, little boys, in spots, plains, colors and plaids reg 28c BD 22c, reg 37 White Linen Collars, sizes 123; to 179, reg 13c .............................................. Men’s Silk Bows, reg 20c BD 10c, reg 300 BD 20c, reg 25c ...... i Men’s Scarfs, navy, white, spotted and blk, samples, reg 25c ............................ 300 Boxes New Derby and Four-in Hand Ties, reg 35c -mâ€" ___‘ -w ~ -_° ï¬ggistrachan Mantl‘es’, tag '24 00 b d 20 60: Fag 30 00 .. Ladiea’ Persian Lamb Coats, reg $120 b 6. $100 reg $140 Ladies Seal Coney Seeds, reg 1 50b bd 1 00, reg 3 50.. Ladies Electric Seal Surfs, reg$57 75 bd 75: reg 7 00 . Ladies Alaska Sable Scarfs reg 23 00. . . . . . . Grey “oat Robes, reg $9 50 bd 8 .5; g 8 75 bd 7 50; reg 11 00 ............ re Seal and Bocharan Caperines, reg $7. 00 b d 6 Ladies Seal Gauntlets, reg $5 50 b d 4 50; G ’Lamb Gauntlets re_g' 5 '00†Men 5 and Women’s Moscow Beaver Caps, reg $3 50 b d- 0 50; reg 3 75.. Men'sPersianImbCaps,reg$_950bd800; reg700... ... .--- -AAAA AAAA Ladies' Flette Night Gowns, reg 55c b d 450; reg 653 .................. bd 67c; reg 90c... Ladies’ Flette Night Gowns, reg 80c 85¢ . Ladies’ Flette Drawers, reg 38c bd 32c; reg 556 b (1 45¢ reg 60c†Ladies? Flette Blouses, reg 800 90c .......................................... Ladies~ Blk Sateen Blouses, reg 80c 90c ................................... Ladiee’ White and Vesting Blouses, reg $2.25 b d 1.90; reg 3.50.... White and Colored Silk Blouses, reg $3.35 ............................... 2.25 ........... Ladies’ Blk, Cream, Navy and Spotted Blouses, reg $ Ladies’ Elk and Colored Silk Blouses, reg $4.50 b d 3.75; reg 5.25 Ladies‘ Blk Sateen Skirts, reg $1.00 b d 75c; reg 2.00 ............... Ladies; Flette Wrappers, reg $2.00 b d 1.50; reg 1.35 .................. W‘nite’Spreade, fringed, 1i, reg $1.35 bd 90¢; Colored Spreads, reg 1.60...............1.25 "olored Bed Spreads, Gold and Crimson, with fringe, reg $1.75 ........................ 1.25 Lane Curtains 3; yards long, reg $1.10 I) d 85c; reg 1.75125 4 )dd Shade Blinds, from We to 90¢ b (1 50¢; reg $1.00 .................................... 75c :mde Blinds, reg 35c b d 246; reg 650 ................................................................ 52 Mu: cerized Table Covers, Green and Brown, Blue and Brown, Green and Grey, Card. and Grey, reg $225 . name Table Covers, full size, reg $2.85 .......................................... 5mg Size Mercerized Table Covers, fancy colors, reg 65c .................................. 40c up .3; scrim, reg 6c bd 5c; reg 10c b d8éc, reg 12c .......................................... 10c For Fifteen and Twenty. Five Cents :â€" Cups and 8““:ng Ops! Piste. Vases, Salid Dishes, Opal Cons: sud Cnï¬ Boxes, Opal Canal? Stacks, Fancy flags, China Porridge Setts, Opd Syrup Jugs Glove Boxes, Sham; Mugs, Munche Cups, Fancy Shell Boxes and Photo Frames. Edgewfood W“ :-Pin Tron, Bing Trays, Pickle Trays, Jewel Boxes, Opal Boxes, 3‘th Creun Jugs, Bread indBntter Phteo, Fancy Cups, and Smears, Pictures, Photo } rames, T033, T381118, Caches, Horses, Picture Books and Work Ba‘skets. Tcn Cent Articles :â€" Match-holders, China Statutes, Mugs, "" pitchers Pepper and Salt F Cups and $0009â€: Souvenir Opal Plates. nminat- ed Trays, Salt Stands, Tea Pot Stands, P111319 Mirrors 2 for5c and 56 each, Linen‘ hp.“- Pictuge Books, Toys, Booking .3." Horses, Engme and Gus, Horse-Cots ' Jwanese Dolls, Jack-in-the -Box, Baby Battles, all for FIVE CENTS. Shetland [loss and Berlin Wools, all shades 1 oz skeins, reg 7c ...... Black azz-I Pom-ed Scotch Fingering, reg 75c lb(16 skeins)...... 1......“ Baldwir. Tums, Go for 5e; So for 70; 10c ........................................ Angora Wools, white, grey and black. reg 18c bd 15c; Saxony W00 1 W001 Hoods, reg 50c bd 40c; Children’s Clouds, reg 53c......... . Winder Shawls, reg 55c bd 40:; reg 1 15 ..................................... Nyes’ Wrappers, reg 1 oo, 1 10 b d 90c; reg 2 oo, 1 75 ................... es‘ Cloth Mantles reg 7 50... 10 per cent off all Mantles not mentioned 10 per cent otf all Ladies’ Skirts bargain days i0 p!!! cent ori all Clothing and Men’s Oval-coats 10 P9? cent 011' all Carpets and Oil Cloths bargain days 00 pxeees o! Tapestry and Brussels Carpets. 15 yards in length for a inunAY mum ; Few Articles for Five Cents}â€" bHBISTMAS SALE We are more than prepared for Santa Claus. Quilts, L506 Curtains, Blinds and Table Covers. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Towelling. Lindsay's Leader. Low Gash Prim. on Good: How. 5 Black Dress Goods, reg 60c and 65o bd 47c, reg 90¢ ,'_ ......................... 70c 'olored Dress Goods and Fleck and Nubbed Effects, reg 60c .................... 48c LT‘1lIlal, Navy, Cream, Black and Pale Blue Lustre, reg 55c . .450 3:15. $1 10bd90c; reg 1 00 bd 85c; reg 60c45c e Silks for Blouses, reg 50c b d 37b; reg60c42c wan Silk for Blouses, 36 in reg 550 b d 43c; reg 750 .............................. 62c '~~'iug for Blouses, reg 40c bd 30c. White Lawn reg 110 b (1 8c; reg 15c...10c Hosiery, Underwear Yarns; Wools and Woolen Goods (LY rosrr. met. m1. Furs, Fur Mantles and Coats. Dress, Gbods and Blouse Goods}. Smallwares and Fancy Goods Neckwear and Gloves Wool Mitts 35cto $1 00 each ;, reg 13c BA BOA m DAYS 45c iégéé'c' 32c .......... 10c . .180 . .90 ....4.50 ...1.50 120 00 18 00 $1.10 ...95c 600 950 .21c .33c 39c .85c .15c 150 1.00 0c 67c 67c 60c 8.;c llc 450 220 [ BRHZY' [0(Al BREVIIIES D‘ â€" Our rmerchants’ windows are tak- ing on '1 Christmas appearance. Their artistic anangomz‘ms bears out the opinion of a y'all-known commcrcihl man, who declares that no town in Canada at its size has neaterstores, :1 liner mam 51:031. or prettier girls GATHERED BY PQS'I' REPORTERS ON THEIR DAILY ROUNDS -,Mr. J. Cal-um, who has acqunrcu the Gihnour Co’s old limits in‘ Hhrvay and Cavendish townships. will make a large cut this season, and it all. goes well his mill will I): kept run- ning day and night watt mmmor. POULTRY FOR EXPORT.â€"Wantod all classes; Goose and Duck: particularly should be pcnnqd up for two or three weeks and fed wlth ï¬ne ground grdn moistened with milk or water. The English market demands very fat blrds. â€"Jngo Barton. 01' btrattord, has lulcd that :1 County Court 5.! udge can- L'ot try nmnslaughtm'. In Lindsay .\mv pcopl: are now conï¬rmed that a Magistrate cannot try a case of ordinlry assault unless some poor fellow without. infllucnce in the dc- fendant. l“cJ|ll.‘l| 1‘15: w -v.---._ the Sod'xlity room in L119: Parish hall. -.\ preacher who can match to pie-me every nearer, the school teach- er, who can instruct to please every parent, the dreammkcr who can please Ivory patron, the merchant who can please every buyer, and the editor who can pleas: all his subs scrim-rs. are» all dead and carrying lagcunem of A. :Laidlam'. jr.. and he also broke the World‘s record in 1901, hitting 84 thousand bath in 10 1-2 hrs. at Goo. Chew 8-. Son’s sawmill there. .- Mr. Tuck, proprietor of the Coâ€" 0 native grocery store in Peter- to. announces that he intends to liw- up to the title, and that alter $2.50 profits have bam made for the day he wxll sell the balance of the day at exactly the cost of thagoqdï¬. plus their portion- or the expense. Looks as if there would b: no trou- ble m avoiding the early morning -â€"Pricnds in town received word last Saturday of tha daath of Miss Sada (Tm-yam:- at Uxbridge. The young 1905' was at one time a. mean- bvr of Sutclifle 8-. Son‘s staff, and was deservedly popular with alarge Ciro]; of acquaintances who will re- grot her demise. :1 ï¬ner mm sweat or pretucr gxnu and women, than Lindsay. â€"FlTi.c Cluistanas tree and sale of {uncy articles in the market room the. 10th, congiuqtfq by the ladies ._.-II 1" ll\-.' (It \CW\~â€"v . the. 10th, conducted by the ladies of St. Mary's Smhhty, was a we]! attended and moccssful affair. 'Rxe net proceeds will be about $150, which will be 'devoted to fitting up the Sod'xlity room in the Parish hall. -.~\ preacher who can pratch TO I 4.-..5-3‘ I$40. The membership in this society has more than doubled in the last six months. They have forwarded more money the first quarter otrthis year than they did altogether last year. The workens feel greatly pleas- ed and encouraged. â€"Strength and vigor come of good food. Sully digested. “Force.†a ready to sarvc wheat and barley Iood add- no burden. but sustains. nourishes, invigorates. â€"l-'n'c hundred names were added to the Collingwood voters‘ list at tbs recent sitting of Judge 'Ardagh’s court. the largest number in any single year. â€"Collingwood citizens are expect- ing a real old-fashioned Christmas, The weathm- report for Novqm .2 states than 48 inches of snow {all there during Novmnbcr. "nine ladies of the W.M.AS.01 Queen-st. Methodist church have: forâ€" warded a bale of goodd to All Peo- plq’s Mission, ‘Winnipcg, valued at ,_ ALE- ~_-2-L_ â€Large variety of Christmas_0an- dy Toys at Bailey’s.â€"w1d11. ‘ â€"Thi.s is the season of_ the year when unblankeled horses may be 8: en shivering on the street while their cruel drivers are toasting their shins in some store or perhaps imbibing “something Lot.†at a. hotel bar. Chief Nevison should make an example of one of these [allows â€" then he’ll be entitled to a "tablet in tue Hall of Fame,†as friend Fullerton put; it Monday at the Minstre} Show. n , --Sume days ago we made note or 1310 improvements being carried out by Mr. R. M. 3an in the Robson ltannery. which has been fitted up for office, warehouse had manufac- turing purposes. The offices were ï¬tted up by Mr. Gen. J. Ewan-wall, and am entiraly to the satisfaction 0! the finm's energetic bookkeeper. Mr J. P. Donald mm .125 h. h. Gol- die McCullough engine may used in the ’tannea-y has been removal to the man’s eagto vzu'd plant, wines-3 it (118913006 3 ~P- ammo. 8 .wmll gin new power tor the grow- ingbucinmdone. ‘ What Is Happening In Town and the Country About Us. â€"Port Perry winter races will be held Jm. 13th and 14th. - Mr. W. J. Moore. stock buyer. will hereafter ship to Toronto on Wed- nmdays instead of Thursday, the city market being less crowded on that day. -â€"Anama.s held the: liau’ champion- mip belt until the light mete: was {invented- â€"Osha.wa firemen will hold their gamma“. ball and supper, on Dec. 3lst. Lindsay {Are-ï¬ghters should have an annual rally of some kind. rush â€"Gct your Christmas CakesLCandy, Nuts and Oranges at Bailey's.â€"w1d11 â€"-Just received another shipmentpt Webb’s and Stewart’s Chocolates and Bon-Bons, from 10¢. to $2.50 per.box, at Bailey's.â€"‘wldll. ‘ ' -;A hunsband is rarely dead three months before the women folk; of the neighborhood pick out another brand- wmnor for the widow. ‘ Man like-ï¬ver, crockery likomrbb. and window- liko crystal. u --.Tah<‘ Canadian banks ham been notified of the; arrival from the Unâ€" ited States of a gang of burglars in Out 3:10. 15.1% average man thinks he has done his duty by his wife whan he he puts her name in big letters on a monument. ‘ I. Wâ€"A i‘anmbcr of people from Fenelon Falls, were in‘ town LastBaoturdty at- tending thc cantata "Ruth." Monkey Bnnd Sup mkuieopper li_h ho has acquired â€"Mr. Norman Law, of Mr. House)“: staff, is spendmg a ten-days in To- ronto \uth friends; -â€"Mr. A. Shiloh. of Oakvillc, and Mr. and- Mrs. P. Skitch. of Pctcrboro. more an town lately attending the Henley-Stitch wedding. -Mr. Malcolm Cola, grocer. Wil- Ilium-81“ returned [may after mendâ€" ing sewn! days in the: north country in the vicinity of Kinmount. â€"a§ir. mm Pearson, win had been in town" for a for days attend- ing the Pearson-Curth wedding, returned to Woodstock Hominy. -â€"Mr. A. G. Peuchon. of Toronto, proprietor of the Fenelop Falls (mem- icnl Works, was in: town Tuwhy on his way to the Cataract village. â€"Mr. Bert Sills, o! Bellevillc. trav- eller for the Canada Cycle and Motor Co., of Toronto, was in town lately. paSsiug through to Fenclou Falls. â€"Rcv. Mr. Sinclair passed through lately from Fendon Fplis to Sonya. Mr. Sinclnr conducmd services in the .Pr’osbyteriau' church mt the, F1118 on Sunday. , o-â€" .m. R. B. Macpmnhie, of Burnt Rixer, was in town Twain. -â€"Mr. Fred Batch. of Whitby, in spending a few days in town. .4112 J-amas McAinno, of Lorneâ€" vilio, was in 'town on autumn}. am. and Ira J. Mamett are vis- iting their son in Smith‘s Fal'q. â€"Mr. Nevin JackSon, who has been I . . . . . . . . . $1.00 ‘0 2 5° Spending a (“V days "0d" the Daren- 1 Albums {10m SCC‘O $4 tal roof, returned to Gravcnhurst _. Saturday. Leather M usnc Bag; from .Mr. A. Skitch. of Oakvillc. and ...... 4.... ......75c t°'$2 . .S 't . f ‘ . Mr. and Mrs F_ _k5 ch 79 Pttcrbo‘ï¬g vmm“ {mm ...... .... $1 to 20 - Mrs. Richard Middleton. of Fon- olon Falls. passed through to-dny to Toronto to visit friends. â€"Mr. Stanley Buck. who Ls’_attcnd- tug Toronto Universityt was“ home {or a tum days last week. â€"Dr. KcILh and W119. of Onncmcc. were in town I'm-1t Mondly attend- ing in: Lmdaay Minstrel show. -â€"Mi.ss Millicent Stephens. who is attending the 0ntario_Ladizs‘_Colh go, Whitby, is: home for a few days. --Mr. and Mrs. John Vance, of BB!!!- uny. and Mr. Jae. LI. Shea. of Fleet- wood.~ were in town on Saturday. â€"Miss M. Jamicson. of Toronto, nucmul linlnutil Tuf‘bdil)’ t0 FJHCJOH #Mr. T. E. Dalian and Mr. E, A Isaac of Pctcrboro, were in town to~ day. --Mr. and Mrs. John “woe, or BONI- nny. and Mr. Jae. Ll. Shea. of Fleet- wood.~ were in town on Saturday. â€"Miss M. Jamicson. of Toronto, asset! lmoug‘u Tuesday to b‘enelon 113. when: she will visit; friends. -â€"Mr. David Mulicn, of the \Vest Endstorc atnfl’J ch latclyfor Toron- to to spend a few days M‘ith friends. â€"Mr. Mahm. who is in the employ of :he Canadian Nurtlmrn Raiiway Co. at Fort William, is home on a. -7Miss Dcightman. who has been visiting Lindsay friends rctured Sat- urday to Toronto. . Ionnonu of Gltluas and Strangers wlthln Our Gates. â€"-Mr. A. J. Clark, of Peterboro, was in town Briaâ€. . ; I z â€".Mias Cnrfnlt, of Port Hope. :3 visiting Mr. 1nd Mrs. J. A. William- son. Glcnelg-st. ' â€"â€"Mr. ]. C. Ivory. general unr- cham. 01' Omnmee. Was m town yes- terday on business. â€"Mr. H. Hall. who has been Spend- ing a (cw months at Elgm, Man" has returned. â€"Mr. Hector McInnis. of Kirkï¬t-ld, was in town Friday uttcudmg L: High Court. --.\1r. J. L. Hopwood. the well known dry goods traveller. repres- enting Mam-s. Gordon, McKay 8:00.. .Toronto. was in 'thq Lately. calling on nustcmnrs: ..Mr T. J. Ovarend', 1 Iomncr resi- dent of Lindsay, but now of Bonn-- ton, was in town on Friday and Sat- urd'ly attending the non-jury sittings of the High court. -â€"Mr. Geo. Garvin, of Toronto. in- Spector (91'. the Maputanturcrs’ Life Insurance (20.. is spending a few days to town ami‘flimg the local agent, Mr. A. J. Campbell. â€"Mr. J. A. MoGilvary. of Bolaove'r, was in tawn Saturday. LDr . Kate Buck, of Rochester, spent a couple of days_'m town last week -M.l.§81'8. R. um J. J. Lumh' and J. Belcher, or Pctcrboro. were in town Monday. 41:. Geo. Perry, of Millbroohro- ptcmming the McCormick M'f’g (20.. was .n town Monday. ASIRAVfllERS (ONE ANDGO â€"Mr. J. 3. floors. of Bobciycevn'. was in town WI!!- â€"-Mr. Duncan Graham, ex-M.P. for quth Ontario. was in town Satur- day. â€"Mr. John McKay. proprietor the Kirkfield Woollen Mills. was town Friday. â€"'Mr. I. Minorc and Mr. W. H. Kennedy, of Pamela!) falls, were in loan: Monday on bazuncw. â€Mr Archie Ridden, repuscnting Um lemour Lumber 00.. of 'lrcnton. “as in town on Saturdag. - Mrs. DcCeM' and cmldren. of Pen- Uon F ans, were in town Monday. . â€".Mr. Wm. Ingram, of K-ixktield was in-t own anhy on buyinessa â€"Mr. D. McMillan, and Mr. J._Ross. of Beaver-ton. were in town- Friday. .au. «R-zv. H. H. Hunter, 0! Kit-Infield. and Rev. Mr. Brown and Mr. J. Jumiuson. of Glenarm. were in town .lntcly attending a meeting of Lhe Lindsay Presbytery in St. Andrew's church. 1 . â€"Mrs. T. Richards and daughters, Misses Susie, Mamie and Alice Rich- nxds. arrival Monday from Sault Ste. Marie to join Mr. Richards. who has the contract for putting up the wire fence' for the Linday, 3050â€- geon and Panty I nilway. The .:n mum Mu.%rk‘mnn’e house 0: .flr. Hugh Porter, of mmro. ‘wau int own Monday. .30. M. Gain. of Bobcaygeon, was .waï¬ in town Wednesday. visit. â€"-w- 0- wa-a- --â€", -,, 7 mo BurkotomNeutieton section of tho lindsay. Bobcaygaon and Panty- pool railway, is spending a tow days in town 4):. .Wm. Grant, 91 Benetton, was in town on Saturday. "MU .V-' ' " goon and Pant! ' will occupy M-r‘ % Adehldo-Ut'o - m. n. F. Richards, or Och-mm. is spending a flaw dgys in town. ,MMr Clifford Gladman. of Fulton. N. Y., is home for the Christmas holi- (h: 3'5. g s PIT!" PERSONAL POINTERS. J. Ovarend', 1 Iomncr resi- Idmy, but now of Bonn-- n town on Friday and Sat- Iding the non-jury sittings McMartin, contrapgor for Hopwood. the well 3068 travelier. repres- Gordon, McKay 3:00.. in 'tqwn Lately, calling m The Jaweller u, Suggestions for Silver Watches from Gold Filled Bracelets from .. ....31.50 to 7 Long Ch.:.ins with Slides from . . . $2 :0 8 t... to... III... Cuff Links from. ....4oc to 33 Large oval and heart shaped Lockets, some sst with stones from .OOIOCOOO..O.I...I .8! toé Mantle Clocks, oak or walnut, ..... ...$2.257 t_o_ 3_75 Black and Gold Marbelézed Clocks ...... .... .... ..$5 t08 Gold Plated Clcc'xs from .$1.50 to 7 Bread and Butter Plates from ...... $1.00 tozso Albums from . . . .sccto $4 Leather Music Bag; from ...-o. .00... ......75C to'sg Violins from ...... .... $1 1:020 Accordions from...- ..$1 50 to 8 Auto Harps fr0m.... ....$2 to 6 Beautiful Presents in Silverware ....75c to $25 Ladies’Guld Filled Watches from 00-0. cocoa-ooucos6 to 25 -- lâ€"‘my-two wooden mosaic were wracked this season on the Great Lakes. I l â€"Thc mertury dropped to 25., de- grces below zero in Haliburton_vill- ago Monthly niélt: - a. Aha ‘__‘ k. - Canada and United Stated are. be- ing “mp: by a cold wnvp. It is th: coldest weather Chncaao ever had since 1876. tend the Durham LlW-IJ Assocntnon meeting. to be -- Built†C. Silva left madly for Orillia. taking withrhim a man named Wm. HOSR'uxs, Who will be placcd_in o "A,.L-...A. ‘1‘an Gold Fiilcd Chains from .......... .3150 to 8 Brooches, Star Fleur-dc-lis and Anchor Shape set with imitation Diamonds, from......$x to 5 Necklcts from . $1 t04 Wm. nus-um mu um _, .7 _ the Orillia asylum. Hoskins comes from the vicinity of Norland and_has been confined to the County_ goal_for over two years. â€"Mr. Rob'i. Logic, east of the town. received a telegram yesterday con.- veying news of the death of hie-bro- ther. William. in Montana. He will leave this evening to be progeni;~ at the funeral it possible and iookatter his brother’s affairs. ‘ -Local railway men who were“ in Midland Mommy. 061' that in that section of the country there was _! a. heavy fall of Snow on Sunday. On the G.T.R. line between Midland and Orillia the snow in some places‘ was piled along the track six feet_high. â€"Mr. Hugh O‘Leary. K. (1. wan in Him-onto In? meek attending a sale Finger Rings from . HUGHAN C. Hughan Those who do their holidey buying euly get the creun of the holi‘ holiday stocks ere complete and at their beet. The choicest novelties the played in placing my for my eeeing and buying. Our enortnente ore Prudent and wide awake GIFT BUYERS nuke their eelectione from following list suggeou. Outcast Scuf- ........................ 150 to 82.00 Wny'l Mum .......................... 25° to 81.0.. Wool lined Glou- ud Kith. . . . . .....506 to 81.50 Fur lined Glonl sad Mitto. . . . . . "81.50 to 82 75 Men's Fancy Volt: ....... . ............ $1.50 to 3.50 803N011†. ......................... 10c toil. Bomtitohod Llnon Bnndkmhlofl.........10cto §s Homtitchod Whit. Silk thdkorchloh. .253 to 1 50 Baâ€: Fancy Wool Stator-......“ .....500t081.00 Man’- Cu'dlpn Junt- ................ 75ctoflOO Cu! Button. ........................... 25°t081.00 SoufPino ............................. 25c to 81.00 Wslklng Belch .....25cto 75a One price, Men’s House Jackets $3.00 and Up ovnnoou SPECIALS 4m 18 Com m _the lot, Black or Blown Worsted, Volvot Conan, Inlisn Linings, well nilorod, size. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 only, regula- mioo $8.00, to clou- 53 95. ' Early Buyers Make the best Selections Iraâ€"1‘1 o'clock. for the pur- xppoiming dtluzatcs to at- ]mxham beer )1 Association L0 be hold m the near future. r C. Sllwr 14.11 Momhy for king with nim a man nnmt‘d RUâ€. “‘110 will be placnd in a asylum. Heskins coxï¬cs vicinity of Norland and_hus incd to the County‘goaljor i ! \\“--‘ I I I l i I .c ! M; J. CARTER? 50: to {£1 The lontml Weekly Herald .......... The Weekly Post ....................... The two papers it bought separately .. The two paper: under our oler ...... .. Saving TWO DOLLAR PAPERS ran smo (Kora. Record pricefl were pzid berth sealing for $81.5th per (Which is $14,000 higher than was paid beforG. â€"‘Dho noonmructed and enlarged banking ofï¬ces of the Ontario Bank. Poterhoro, are completed and are now {occupird b5 the 5.1.3“. min-mt cold map has snagged some of our local weath‘ar prophets badly, but they still insist that we dmll have a green Christmas. ---Judgo mun sitting at Gulf, has inn-reused the {assessment only: no}! won; from $2,300 to 34,935.50. holding that the pole-and (when use We to nation. 5 Good until January 15th, 1904 THE WEEKLY POST Just-s. R. J. Cbowen and IV. Barney. of Peterbor'o, . have _invented a u improvement for warping: reels, which, it is believed by_ name: will By special an'angrmem, and at Imam-y (‘usLâ€"justifiabie only by {he cer- uu’my a! largely Increasing our “beer-mum. uniâ€"we are cnabled to otter our paper and The MONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD Money back for the asking. v ‘vâ€"v-v -._~, SUBSCRIPTIONS may begin at any time. If your subscription is a]- ready paid in advance. and you want The Montreal Weekly Herald at once. und in your dollar. and your subscription win be advanced a. year. THIS COMBINATION is a great one. Your home paper gives you in full the local news, the local markets and the local gossip. The Montreal Weekly Herald giw-s you the general news or the world. reports of the great markets. departments or interest to farmers. and. in particular. fea- tures of value and interest in The Home. One paper is the complement of the other. They dovetail into each other, and never overlap. a great dollar weekly. for ONE DOLLAR per year. This offer is exclusive, and can be made by no other paper. as we have purchased the exvluslve rights for this district. REMEMBER THIS FACTâ€"Every subscriber paying one dollar in ad- van'ce for out-paper will receive The Montreal Weekly Herald for one year without extra cost. The exponse to us is so great that we can make no deviation horn this ruleâ€"(he money must be paid in advance. and all arrear- ages must be paid. Address all communication to :â€" To pay in Advance and New Subscribers only get the cream of the holidsy oï¬â€˜erings This week our The choicest novelties she markets dot-d are being Ills- ing. Oursesortnents ere larger and better than ever. Ah their selection: from such useful articles I: the EXTRAORDINARY OFFER Money Orders or Registered Letter. Pate Woven??? F39.“ WILSON 8; WILSON, m"“â€â€˜o.p."';iérfl.’:fcio;r;.;:.a.mp .' . ........50etot. a; E: . a: E a E a 3% a; g a 2 8 a: t08100 30,52 mt- .......... , ........ 8L25to$600 “ 3 “ “ "â€3250 to 8800 Bay's Overcasto ....260 to $7 00 IP03 Jack“ . ...,.$1.50to§.(0 Mow-Tm†..................... 750008433 00 00 3' g “ Ovomosto............ 75c. two. 81L25. your cï¬oioo 35c. BOY’S ODD COATS.â€"35 Cosh in'thb lot, ï¬ns 25 to 34, mull} pg“ “.25, $2 ('0, god 82.50 co clan at 30"! 01k! Vesta. moody Tweed, Men’s Dressing Gowns $5.50 one mile, â€"’l‘he Sisters of St. Joseph’s Gon- venc announce a concert to take place in the Academy after New Year’s, in which convent pupils and other tal-' eat will take part. revolutionize the weaving of wool- en goods. I ‘ â€"Single (are return tickets are to be issued on the G.T.B. from points in Victoria county to those wishing to attend the Consermtive conven- tion on the 22nd visit. â€"You'll my: money by buying at W. A. Camphou’s Woodviue, whatever. vou may need in (Maintain gm- sas. See mm. on fourth page . . -rme nun-.1 mun; or the pat. tom 0! me Inigo-n Glee-c Factory, millbehgiggoï¬nce mil; ION-“I‘D“ . ‘ pm “hm it round“ Mi†tin.†in)": PAGE SEVEN The Post, Lindsay. by a Canadian pub- Lindsay ........ 8‘.†{1; 820â€