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Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 18 Dec 1903, p. 7

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lha, speaker in or-mng referred to his visit to Lindsay fifteen years ago with Mr. J. L. Hughes to address tihc Imperial Federation League of this county, which, owing to the efforts of Col. Sam Hughes, was at that time one of the beat in the world. He then wc-nt on to show the great crises so far in the history of Brit- ain and the British Empire. First, the time of the Armada, when a great unification of the nation took place, foilowed by a grapd outburst of pa- triotism and a thirst for commerce and extension of the Empire. Second, the American Revolution, from which Britain emerged with a great loss. Third, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars, in which she pracâ€" tically fought the world. From this mighty struggle she emerged as the banker, the manufacturer, the {rare- house and the carrier of the world. A Thoughtful Pronouncemen: Upon an Interesting Subjectâ€"ll Large And ienee at the Collegiate Tuesday Evening. {From The Evening Post. Dec 8) The unity and preservation of the Empire. was the subject of Lt.-C‘ol. Dz-nison's lecture at the Collegiate InsYitutc on Tuesday evening. Few mm in Canada have given this sub- ject deeper study or have been so in- tiumtt-ly connected with the genesis and development of the movement to bring about preferential trade relat- ions wit bin the Em ire. The mastery of his subject enabled Col. Dcnison to prv.'S"nt it in a very clear and busi- nesslik" way, "while his, patriotic out- bursi= here and there: and his elo- qunn: pororation, warmed the aud- ience ':p to high enthusiasm.. During the period of this struggle England was the only place in Europe where manufactures could be carried on, owing to the spread of war over all the. continent. Protected by her insular position and by her fleets, She attained a supremacy which was unquestioned for years. ‘This was the situation in ISISâ€"Britain, the mistress of the seas, the capital, the market, the manufacturers, or the world; France, crippled and shatter-1d; Germany, a loose col- ;ection of petty states; United Szates, as yet a weak people, with llztle capital. In addition to all this Bri'ain had fiscal protection. “that was the result? In thirty years, i.e. in 18%5, her imports had grown; to 59,000,000, but her exports to £130.- 000.OI7|0. In other words, she was get- ling: ahead at the rate of 60 million 904mb; ($300,000,000) per year. Eng 3 silone througfi a windowâ€" on his next visit to Toronto. The introduc- tion mould be speedy and effective. Th~- audit-nee “as large and repre- sentativ: and tin: number of men pre- smt was very marked. The chair- man. Mr. Robt. Kennedy, called on miss Racnigk for the opening piano solo, and Miss Laid-aw for a vocal sofa. These. were very acceptable numbtrs. In introducing the speak- er, the chairman said that» anyone wishing further introduction to Co].- Denison could easily have it by hurl- 0N “lMPERlAl fEDERAIION” llEUT, 00L BEHNISON 0F TORONTO EXPRESSES HIS VIEWS. Th 7‘. followed the Cobden Move- mvn' 1an free trade. With .what remit? In about twenty-five years more I". r iports had grown to £172- 000,0uo out her exports to £139,000.- 000 oniy. leaving an annual balance agains: hr of some £33,000,000. That was 1hr Y‘all]: of so-called free trade. But as a matter of fact, England was (-r-jofing a "real protection in {his '»'.'.1j.'.-:hat Europe and United Nah-z, '.'.‘L~ handicapped by a series 0f Warsâ€"1851 the Grimeanzwar; 1859, Agutrian war; 1861, Civil rwar in $3.; 1854, German-Danish war; 1866. Prussian-Austrian war; 1870, Baum-Prussian war. These con- nm? and the English tranquility :9“: really a great protection for l31am!- Then came a thirty-year £311“! of real English Free Trade, so- fr ed. Flux-ape and LUnited States “gm 18_70-1900 at peace; Germany ted mto a mighty empire with g W mm “MI. 2, almanac-filo. 0'0 v "arte r’ 3 Little Liver Pills. Very smnflnldu" tomkoasm CARTERS CURE SICK HEADACHE. Must Bear Santana of 5c: Fae-Shula Wm Bin. W11 Genuine EKLY £051. LIRIEAY. FRIDAY. 13W 18. 1903., m “ANGIE. FBI BIIZIIBS. FIIII IIUIIIISIBS. POI. TOIHI lIVEl. m :BOISTIPATIOI FBI nuow SKiI. FBI TIE QOIPLEXIOI Only 35? Your (fay hair makes you look 20 years older. No need of this old age. Restore the colot. 7 Key young”. m Hair Vijér . Col. Hughes, in moving th vote of thanks, added a couple of strong rm:- aon: to support. the speaker’s arguâ€" ment. At the time of Cobden’s tri- umph the clange from sailing ves- sels to steam vessels w as being made, and Britain, taking the lead in the matter, had a. monopoly for years not only of the steam Vessels but of their manufacture: Now thisowas changing and German and American shipping was supplanting British. Again, if the British Empire were bound by trade ties. it would pave the way for an Imperial Council that .would deal with imperial questious. The Empire would be so powerful then in moral questions it could exert an in- fluence not now possessed, and nve should hear of no more Turkish: or Russian maseucros of Armenians and Jews. Advertising. {Phxlndclphiu Evening Pom.) i‘robnbly several hundred million dollars are being spent each year m this country upon udv,ertlsiug. Yet the: adverlxsmg industry is in its m- r;.-ucy. and the men of trade and com- merce at: jun beginning towukc up to the trufr. Lh it the possibiliha‘ at zdx'ertimng are the greatest'factor in mooern business. Tue. wise sell- er of to-dny asks himself two quea- lions: Where .will my sign mzet the eyes of the people of the kind I wish to weed? QW‘uat Sort of a. sign Will] attract moat eyes? Aid. Cinnamon sccondud i'ne motion and pointed cut an instance from his own busing; of how German and American cutlery were supplanting; British goods. After Col. Denison’s reply the proceedings were termin- ated with the national anthem, led by Inspector Knight. For several months our younger broiher had heen troubled with in- digestion. Be tried several remedies but got. no benefit. from them. .We purchased some of Chambarhin’a Stomach and Livm- Tablets and he commenced taking them. Inside of thirty days he had gained forty pounds in flesh. Eye is now fully r3- covemd. We. have a. good trade on the Tablets.- HOLLEY BROS, Mar- rhunts. Long Branch, us. For .5312 by all druggistS. Lav m...â€" -_ '- is not with Chamberlain? \Vc are with him, and let us give him every support. He will win, eventually, if not at present. “Above all, shun re- ciprocity with the United States as you would a plague." Reciprocity could only fit us up with the United States, and bioc-k Chamberlain‘s pro- posals. It might lead eventually to annexation. Avoid it. Support the preferential tariff and divert British emigration to Canada. United States has had a carnival of prosperity at our expense; now let Canada have her turn at prosperity. Gained Eorty Pounds in Thirty Days c. I. B. A. Officers. .T-hc election or officuu‘s for 1904 wok place December 15th, when )the’ following were chosen as omccrs for the coming year: Chancellor, J. J. MncDoneil; President, M. McGeough; lat ‘ ice, J. Rogers; 3m ice, 13.01“; Rec.â€"Sec.. L. A. iriuneau', Asst. -Sec., P. Shannon; Fin-Sec, .uu. J. ORLelâ€" 1y; FRI-2.1.5., P. J. Hurle) , Marshal, E. O'Brien; Guard. P. J. O'Neill; H‘rustees. J. J. MmDonell, B. J. Cough AVhat is Canada‘s duty at this crisis? After sketching the forma- tion and work of the Canadian Imâ€" perial Federation League, (‘01. Den- ison most emphatically and 010quent- ly urged Canadians to support Cham- berlain in every possible way. The Canadian Parliament from 1892, to date, the Boards of Trade all over Canadayth’: Canadian Manufactur- ers’ Association, are all on record as favoring preferential tariffs. At the recent meeting of the Chambers: of Commerce of the British Empire, held in Montreal last August, there were 200 Canadian delegates repre- senting business life from Atlantic to Pacific, and every man of the 200' was in favor of preferential trade relations. How can any English pub- lic man or journal state that Canada v‘v, ,___ To heal and soften the skin and remove g tease. oiI and rust stains. paint and earth. etc. use The “ Master Mechanic‘s " Tar Soap. Albert Toilet Soap Co.. Mfrs. marvelously wise shimmip; =Franoe. Germany and United States Spending enormous sums om oleneinu tary, secondary, university and tech:- nioal education, these same countries erecting high tasrift walls against other countries and using every ef- fort to protect their own industries and to» cripple; Britis Iindustries. What is the result lIn ten yeam 1881-1890 British exports were 2,343 millions; in 1891-1900, British ex- port§ were 2.398 millions, an apparent gain of 55 millions for the second ten year period, but this gain becomes a loss when the great increase in the export of coalâ€"an asset that cannot be replacedâ€"i9 deducted. And yet all this time Britain wag pouring out blood and treasure to gain new, mar- kets all over the world. _What will be the result of this one-sided com- mercial war in another 30 years‘? Ruin and breakâ€"up of the Empire. IAnother result of this period of free. trade had been the agricultural depression in Britain. She used to grow 17 million quarters of wheat, almost enough to feed her people, im- porting only about 3 million quart- ers. Now she grows about 6 million, quarters. American wheat teed Britain 24 weeks out of the 62 per year. Rider Haggard rha‘s. esti- mated the loss in the depreciation of agricultural property in Great Brit- ain at 1000 million pounds. This ruin of the farm has led to the rush to the cities. Bad ventilation, poor food, and other evils of overcrowding in the cities has led to a real deterior- ation in the phySiquc of the Engli<h- man. that is, of the working ohms who constitute about 30 per cent. of the population. Mechanics, Farmers. Sportsmen! The Winter Race Circuit. Mr. Gco. Powc‘l, the well known horseman, of Orillia, was in tqwn Lately. 'W-hen been by our rcpt-b. sentativc, Mr. Powell said he had made a half mile regulation icc track on Lake Couchiching and is working out sevsml of his horses in View qt getting thr- animuls in condition for the winter race circuit, which: com- mences in January. The circuit com- prises the following towns: Peta:- boro. Port Perry. Bullcvillc, Napanec, Brockvillo and Ottawa. the grounds. It has just been pom- pleted by Contractors Chalmeraaud MHZ-er. and is a. neat structure cap- able at [louSIing four teams of horses. -Sozc and swollen Joints, sharp, shooung pains, torturing musclas, no rest, no sleepâ€"that means rheuma- tinu. It is a stubborn disuse to right. but Chamberlain‘s Pain Balm has conquered it thousands of timas. One application gives relief. Try it. All druggists sell it. A flooded Improvement, .H-eretotore medical men and other Mnitore to Ross Hoapihl have had 10 leave their horses and vehicles ex- posed to the weather during the term of their stay, and this has been pro- duc tive of much inconveniencc. At a xunem meeting of the Boud of Gov- es-rnor the matter was discussed and -t was decided to lune a shelter er- u- ted or; the north-west corner of An Attack of Pneumonia Ward“ 0“ “Some time ago my doughnu- caught a severe cold. She complim- ed cf pains in bar chast and had a bad cough. I gave her Chimbzr- lain'a Cough Remedy according to di- rections, and in two days she was weli and able to go to $11001. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail." says James Prendargast, merchant. Annato y, Jamaica, West India Islands. The pains in the chest indicated an ap- proaching attack of pneumonia, which in this instance was undoubtedly welded of! by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1t counteracts any ten- dency of a cold toward pneumonia. For sale by all druggists. As; a case in point, to illustrate the unfairness of the present system, his Honor cited the assessment of the Forcslcr’s Hall in Toronto for about half a million. The land is assess- ed at $22,000. Just across the road are old buildings on land assessed ul. thc same figure. But the assesss- ment on these buildings is only a. couple of thousand dollars. Why should this be, when. on the one hand, the city is beautificd, and on the other, cheapcncd by the appear- ancc of th: rwpectivo properties? As Dangerous as a Cuban War. The Chicago Tribune says: Nine- teen lives Were lost on the football field during the season of 1903. one boy was driven insane from injuries and thirteen players were severely in- ‘ jured, some of them being disabled} for life. The number of minor but“ painful accidents goes into the hun- dreds and lb: list of the severely in- jured necessarily also is incomplete. The feature of this tabulation is that it shows the serious casualties particularly were confined to the un- trained players. No member of any of the firs‘ class elevens were killed or permanently disabled. One Yale player and one Harvard player suf- fered a broken leg. No' player in any at the teams of the “big nine”in the West was the victim of any hurt worse than a (wrenched shoulder, a bruised head, a sprained knee or 3 turned ankle. In consequence of the injuries, sustained by their players several of their minor schools have forbidden the game at lootball. Two townS. 001mb” Junction, Pa., and Greenfield. 9.. have ntoppod the gpnrt as the result of petitions circulited b; pump“. ..' t 2“ ..; . \ the whole propaganda, of the Single Tax Association. their Opinions were certainly gaining ground in the Pro- vince. To tax the land only seemed to b: the adequate remedy for the present condition of affairs, which, the Judge remarkedhmigbt net be so \\ eli known among the agricultur- 4] classes, where assessors are per- haps not allowed to increase tax- ation to any great extent when build- ings are improved. County Judge lakes Some Forclblo Re- bmerks on the Assessment System, 5.1; and Gites a :Wdl-Knovn Case In Toronto. Addressing the Grand Jury at the County Court in Stn‘ford last Mon- day. his Honor Judge Barron made forcible remarks on the assessment question. He believed, he said, that it was a strange custom which would penalize a man for making improve- ment m his pr0perfy. No wonder people were averse to ’bl‘autifying their homes when the assessor heaped on the taxes wherever it was done. While everyone could not agree with i “x mm, sAvs JUDGE cannon hull aha soften-hue skim wand promptly cleansing: It of mac. on. rust. etc. Invaluable for mccbauncu. tanner-I. sport.“ Fm Sunple on receipt of 2c {or poms: um Talk: Soup 00.. In: Mantra). THE MASTER MECHANIC'S PURE TAR SOAP No other 51:19 is just as good. as: ALBERT TOILET SOAP 00., Hf”. Iomul, ‘3 L5 BABY’S OWN SOAP has been such a rush for homes, and. sir, it would be impossible for the at- fairs to be run in a more thorough businesslik: manner than has been during the great rush up there. Why Mr. Davis travelled all over the new country himself, and became person- ally acquainted with the require-f mcnts of the country. In the 'Opinion of the people all over New Ontario, they haVe never have as good an ad- ministrator of their affairs as the present Minister of Crown Lands." 1’0” Answer to Hall Slandors. That the Ministry in Ontario is far from deserving the discredit which the. Mail tries to attach to them,is shown from time to time by the (rank avowals of their integrity and ability made even by men who are in the ranks of their Opponents politically. A man bigning himself, “A Tory Tra- veller" recently wrote in this man- ner to the Toronto News ;' “I read in my News where M. Parkinson, school trustee, had Spoken highly of Hon. E. J. Davis as Commissioner of Crown Lands. Like Mr. Parkinson, I am a]- so a Canservative of long standing. not so mortgaged to my party that I cannot see and give ‘houor to whom honor is due.‘ even though it u Iercury mu sunely deetzoy the new of excl] end completely denoge the uncle eye em when eh wing n thromh the mucous unhce . Such mic! lee ehrnld never le med except on meridian tron repufehle physician In the dump they em doiaten told some god y- u can ponihly derive tnmthun. nus. Cumh Cure, mnhctund by P. J. Cheney C -.. Toledo, 0., ennui:- no mercury, and )- taken imam-fly. mm: directly upon the blooi end mac In unucee 01 th: mum. In bum: Hell’s Cemh Cure be me you get the genuine. l. u uken 111W", and made In To.edo. Ohio, ly F. J. Cheneya Gov Teedmomieh 1m. Sold by D. mut- 75c. new. runny an: en the hen. EEKâ€"(fig. In my capacity as a trav- cllcr I have been {our timw this year in Temiskamjug disgrict, _whcre there Sir Richard Garhtight’s Speech. (Toronto Star. Friday.) Sir Richard Cartwright’s queen 13m night was full of solid meat of infommtion. Bo! means of his care- !vlly prepared figures, and the heme- fight views showing on a large: can- vas the relative state of tudc now and at the time when the Liberal Gmernment assumed power in 1896, own- person present M39 enabled to get .9 elem understanding or the great development Qmada has ex- perienced in seven years. In his logi- cal way Sir Richard took his audience mer the whole field of public ethics, exhibiting the progress that has been made. It .was such a flowing as could not haVc been nude by} Canin- et Mimeter or any other country iwhaioxm. , - During the past seven years the run: on growth in Canada's total trade has been greater than that of any other country. From 1867 to 1896 our total an- nual trade increased by $100,000,000. From 1897 to 1903 it increased by $220,000,000. The increase in our annual trade in the past seven years wna $130,000,000 greater than in the previous thirty years. .n A ,p A‘.:.- “n-_ nfi nnm- Beware of Ointment: for ‘11th that contain Icrcury. In four .months of this yum- ns corn- .parcd mu: the Emma four months of last year, there. was an increase of $22,023,653. In tho fourteen years between 1682 and 1896 the increase was but $16,851,202. In four months of this year the trade increase was more than $5,000,000 gre1tar than in the fourteen years preceding the Lauricr administration. .Tahc pcpuhtipn- of the connu-y 2n- xhnn in an entire thirty years pre- c9dins‘18f’6- ._ ‘ _,-_--|. A__.. ug- and an. 0' --r . oldfashioned remedy for crowp. known as him syrup, but some modern mothers say that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is mtter, and doesnot cost so much. It causes the patient to “throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a. shorter time. Give Uni-r remedy as econ as the ucnpy cough appear; and i wilt prexent the attack. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. ~‘â€". ._v- . Sir Richard's “med: array-3 and classitizs all such information. Ev- erymnnahouldmdit,andno(hn- adiuz can do no without anti-faction ant} profit. 11 the Gomfnmeut nu . .LA“ :c h-- 3;; 33th results it has tendon-ad natal m, cam hat taken he; rialmpj place. in the Ir:- -â€"â€"~ â€" _,, altvutiou of (M xintuit}. The Best Remedy for Group. '(Atctueon, Kan.. Daily Globr.) This is the season when the woman wno knows the best remedies for (troup is in demand in every neigh- borhcod. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awaken. ed in the middle of the night by a “:11on from one of the children. The croup remedies are always as sure u: be lost, is case of eroup, as a n-volver is sure to be low: in case of burglars: Thege _used to be an ‘A__-_ I. ..... ‘lhey have viaited the County mo] and found the premises in excellent ordzr. All the prisocc expreaaed themselveaas sotilied.’ the treat- ment they are receiving. There are five prisoners-three men and two “omen. They have had the pleasure of in- fipat‘tmg the Rom Heanorial Hospi- tal and were comteously received by the Lady Smminteudent, who gtve them an opportunity (or seeing all parts of the institution and the ,cnuipmant There are at present nine patients under treatment, the smallest number at one. time for sev- eral months. It is a revelation to the Grand Jurors to find so excellent an institution in all its appoints vine-Ms for the care and treatment of the sick bf the County. It is cause for gratification “z'o the Grand Jurors to learn that the County Council is proceeding With the Mablishment of a Houae of Re!- ugn, the farm for the purpose having already been uni-chased. __ _-.p.-\ n The Grand Jury tron-hoot. May it Plume Your Hanan-4R]: Grand Jurors of Our. Sovemign Ldrd the King. ambled at the Genenl Sessions! 01 the Peace for the County at Victoria. beg to make their pros- cntment, as follows: .T'ncy have given confider.1tiox1 to all the cm [fought below them. with tho ml: find: true bnlls have been presented against {our pox-ions charged with the various crimes ,xm-mioncd m the roepcctive indict- 'm':nts.-- __ _ . THE - 80W" 000". iii. Mold-SOD, Formmzm l hue e first-clue cub with reheblo bone- for hire, dey or night. Wedding peniee, both in town and country. will receive my boot. ettenlion. Penic- denirisg driveq to vaenide cemetery, Oek'ood er my other pant , an beecuommodeted M. a hour. I meet ell unin- end bo-u. To ephone No. 5, es, Ben-on Home. Fun: {or-do in Muripou. 100 sore. n11 clan-ed, fume house, new {nine bun with none cell-r: small orciurd, 3" under cuniution ; 2 mile- from Olkwood. 8 mile. from Lindsay. Very duinble Isms. 117 some firm, Lot. I6, Con. 2. Hope, for ale. All under cultivnion. Spt'mg uuem Boron north end and flowing well n the bone. Tuo fr Inc bum 30 x 70, one with "one found-tics 75nd entitle gable the whole tin: hone dub]. And .11 tunable out- bnildin Comfcrublo hick home. nix m‘o choiao Opp]. orchud. (the spplu Inn puio m rent. for I number of yam). Will be cold chap. Loation, two mile. from Port. Hope. FARMS FOR SALE. 100 note fern: one mile north of Mondle in Btook. Good etone house. fume have, orcherd. 9.5 ecxee cleered, ell tilleble lend. 173 one term nee: Velentin, 125 ncree cleere'. fume house end fume born with none oeller. cmvenient. to echool. church, poet ofioe, note and bleekemith ehop. 125 note fun). 2 milee loud: of Omemee, 90 ooree dented, fair building; well lenoed end muted. for eele cheep. 200 note {nun nee: Kirkfield. needy ell cloned, good keno hcnee end fume bun with etone oeller, good well end running eu‘eeln, for eele et n gnu bergain. Tenn of peynentjer] eelyzh , l_. E-_-I__ '__ vâ€"vâ€"n (“I __-_ ,, “martin Morin-Inform 'ood hick hon-o, Inge from a with one o! tho boob «mom. coll-n in the county. Situation in everything tho: could be doctr- od, orchord. 150 octo- cloned. 66min!!! inMofipooggoodbnildhp, Macro-clamsmbuduoodbum. 200 Acre Form 5th con. Eldon. Two fume boron. brick house; mostly clomdâ€" . oodfu'm. $30 Acre Fm, 0th com, Eldon. brick homo, good {mo bun wd undergroud mute. amend: my“! ‘W. ‘. "w... “'â€"__, i 60 acre fun, Anointed, 14th col. of Brock. lino-clu- buildin : 2 mile: from Woodville 3} mil.- froln nington. so me? .n cloned, fint-clu- tum on 7th con. 0 Mu'ipou. mammal]; good (rune born, ”one calla-.103 hon-o. _. . .A- l 7 ‘_- L-____ ._j A... v. râ€"lâ€"w- V _, 130 we (at; non: Zion. in Pandas, {ox ode, w we. cloned. good fun, (or ule, ch09, ”gluon?“ nib punks-or. ‘l__.l_-_- (A- “I- _--J ‘Vv- __ â€"_ . Blookumith shop, two bonu- n'nd ano- building. shout. i you load, ad in good lootlity, for solo chap. :3: are {an for sole A low miln west of Kirkfiold. 135 term under cultivozion. bol- snoo timber odd posture; lovgo new brick hon-o. 11 man. A lot-go new {tune bun with concreu floors: wind-mill on 'lbu-n. Plonzy of good wont. A lug. orchard. For we cheap. ’ Fm foPnlo, l3 milu‘from Kirkfiold, connining 178m more or [on ; 100 um clund. 7 gonor- under cultlvotion, lad-moo timber. il maul A rich cloy loom. From. hon-o, from. 55 x 70. pig 18 24; 5mof orchord udf on vnrioty of up In ad and fruit End well ul-ptad or groin. Pena-ion gim 3% once or potty would pay $325 {or no of km for goo yam- CAB FOR HIRE A number 01763520: bun- tor ale, duo some ”51! haw-e MW. "ES: wiRSoum ha: 01 I»: z, $1.0, Unzip-n. mu. guy 0 to Emanuel Wdliu. Pal-0’? out. {rumba-n 46x8), IMO will; wall (mod. good etch-rd, voll ”bud. Privim plough an: lat. unanpuudon on fill-Am (mint-do in the Township 0! Mm won-C1“ 'h-l A”, a mu I. and w All". Saturday’s lukot. There was a large attcmhnco at ”no market Satunhy; business was brisk for a few hours. The offering of {3111: products was large, especial- ly in poultry, there being am: fine large turkeys and geese. Outside there was a dozen Sleigh“. each be- ing filled with (ll-9.95am! beef and pork. Following are the quotations: (mick- tns from 50c. to 75¢. per p1ir. geese fin {o 90. pct 1b.. figs 200. to 250. per (102.. butter 180. to 20¢. per -.'b.. flurkcys 110. to 120. pm 1b., baa-J 51-222. to 61-21:. pm? 11). hamb.8':. to 90. par 1b.. dressed pork. Sc. to 9c. pu- lb., pork by the pig. 6 1-252. per 111.. hardwood $5 pr‘r cor-.1 and hay $8 to $9 per ton. ' The happy couple cht on the eight o‘clock train for Patel-bore and cast- m points to visit rthmcs. and on fluir Mum will reside in Lindsay. Xany {mod .widma will follow the happy couple in their new life. ’1 “to Ways of mm; clothes. {Philadelphia Razor-d) ‘ man gets his clothes made to [it t": slulpz‘, but a worn-Ln. who is more resourceful. gets lxu- shape made to m (her clothes Qâ€"EEQâ€" {(11}th picture hat. Mr Philip Mitchell “aim the groom through the ceremonym .- '41,; REXALL Theee 'u will dye Wot], Cot- ton, Silk, rate or Mixed “code in one huhâ€"they are the leteet end moot. improved Dye in the vorld. Try e peck-Age; All colon .tt IE“! WEDDING BELLS. In. Hanna'sâ€"w. JAS. WORKHAN. HOUSE- BOLD DYES Eff; vy. â€"Pnounou tea-0min Consul! baton mixing 3 oomnc'. Watson ins-maul Ir. I (to an mpp'y mythic: luSASH D0385 WINDOW BLIHDS. duty: on hand. in In: uwfilnfm‘ busing-o (or over nutty van the Ispu at the people. No hing but. Int-chm own! for home or barn building} W911“! inwm [ailment Direct immvur ma dole In P038103 IIM 0051381310 Gums. man It: All work guaranteed. Estimate. tu- aisbed mntlyon npp‘icouon. Wotb narfl: of'mukat was". Comm-Ida at. '4‘ II... Ill-‘1. .I «4‘ ‘Il 11III\ l1“! ‘1 ‘ compareâ€"loci .Iouou 8â€"358 .2016... nag in... O88. ‘aâ€"gt: w. U. ICON". E SPOIDOI. WHAT ABOUT A FALL SUIT ? anon-tad. Amt for the Union mm 80' clay of London England. nd the 800‘- an Unlon and National Insurance Conn-y. um. o'L-u Hem 1'0 LOAN en let-(cage or any ter- m 5 to I. You-t et Lowest Cumnt Rome of bust, with privilege of reptyment in imlc ment- vhen required. Ole. «cum-tron; Bros. ROBT. CHAMBERS If You Contemplate Building 11100811 and lflSIIIflflBB Gamma but uorknuhip, but tomb nod rubber. M mm not!» brat. X0 chum to: extraction when pm..- no order“. _ bl. DAY, Dani-n. REDUCTION m muons. ARIII-‘ICIAL TBBTI. mow per m 017105â€"0136 Anderson .2 Ma. one u Bauer- Bowl, Linuxâ€"'1}. GMmotWUnlmngoyum at Dunn! lagoon. 07110310. -. m wallowing-n Bron. Du: am. BEN '18 ’p ”8M0 lumbar Rom 0011030 Donal Burma . Dam-lo. . . mammamuum . Anibal-MAM In Md , mm ma. 0" -Onr ery‘u Drug Ron “met [an ad wanna-mm. . 10038 8; JACKSON. Barium cu L em. 0011de !o(_the Own}, 0! M ad IV 01' run d.“ in Dating. Nana 3!“: Wed. Grown lad Bridge won. 3 splashy. splendid flu in i «Know teeth. Pninlo‘u cur-mica muted. 3 Price. motion“. i DR. F. A. WALTERS Office our 'to Sim Home may. Iy opp“! pen a DR. NEELANDS IRVINE, DENTISTS. m W. H. 68088 Unlimited mount of Cash to L“. . m » lowest rum. Now Call at Ingle's Planing Mills. '01-. Cambridge and “'e lington Its. J- RICH, a. HOPKINS. Bari-tug, on, _80 As the summer season is about over you will be requiring a nice Suit or Overcoat for fall and winter. ly stock of Fall Suitings is large and well assorted, and you will make no mis- take by seeing me. Perfect fit guaranteed. FARM LOANS. JOHN KENNEDY, Adamxalook. Kant-st G EO- ING LE. . J. L. SUTTON, DENTIST. DENTIST, Lindsay. LITTLE BRITAIN. E. A. TOTTEN. DENTIST. NJSCELLQJSEOUS. BARBXSTERS. m; Dunn-ax. nuns“ “We ore lowing money on res! mu. first mot-(me, in coma Inge 3nd mull to unit borrowers, on the best terms and At the very lowest rote: of inherent. J. Mcgwns. W. E. Sm We stomwnhla-oamudm Aug-91cm”. Mound Grunt-tutor.“ kind-oldie“ open drum. Plan, m and Dean Dru-inst undo. ad conviction saw (I bridges. school MMB‘I, on. locum duv- lrgl o! my kind (or puma nut-l] exec tad. wm humofluollr.0'30yle, Cicada Township of 0p, Kent-r" Lind-y. every My. 0min, Woodvule. Ont. Bound-tie. Mm Ion serum, defined. Phil: a! mud village- nu’e tar term-“ion u "M If" La. lgnfidpy dpnmp 3nd}: tho Dam. , ..L.. 1.. -II W I “”3588 Axum for Linda, and Victoth County Grodonu Trinity Univeni . Toronto; hte Hon-e Surgeon. Toronto floo- talk; Deena-to University Sum of New or . OFFICEâ€"Over Onutio Bonk. in room had, occupied by Moneyn Weldon. Toleqbone No: 6_6. Night onu- to 0500 Seed Herchant and Dealer In Agricultural Implements Gmt one is need to Auu_pply_ any! ertiole DR. JEFFERS, mam: 9toâ€"uc.m.; n 9.. 732; M ”WW-It. W“ (NED. SMITH, 0. L. Surveyor and J' Bnndatunm. landmark: the County of MONEY TO LOAN 2114; 10511.0. pro-pily “landed to.â€"i W L. HERBIMAN, M. 1).. mar. Sh. G. Oboe. opposite Bop“ Church. Cunhtidgem" Hadleyâ€"My. 1 man no; as A? my mwnn cums tuna ”pupa-outanu wither-row. Alto t hue mzammwmnumm G. 3 30m Barman“. In“?!- Out. T0 BORIOWIR§ Womlosnlnlmonnum melwmmrm.m. m busine- h don- ont on 060: mm. W and in“ npddtIn-withoutunyoxpmotnmm We Ibopmbmmowmdmm TO INVESTORS a [II II Woinveamtorcnonuon .sboou mankind dobuum. mm and bonds. chAUGHLm PEEL Mm. dc. m. Block. Opp. Bauer- noul, Linda, ‘Jwfinnéhunm, Engine: in: the County of news. and ‘l‘gwmlgip. o_ 0511mm mm and hi cSWEYN SMITH. Barristers. Solicitors. etc. Kent-at , opp. Pym House, Lindsay. Eye, Ear, lose and Throat Specialist AUCTIONEER, FOR COUNTY OF VICTORIA, bunk-9.6502 Engg 1:352...“ 8323.29.91; FEEE. 8338â€",338’033 ififlgaia‘gi ‘oho 99:3 §3§~g. PPR; 3??! ,flfl Iowan-non mm,m a “mutton-t. Box 14. mumâ€"won COMMISSIONER 1-on Mal-tinge Luau-mm and Ball: by». Agent, Mount Plan-at, EDWARD MOSGRCVE, Notary hbflaâ€" Conv one: o! In!!!“ * AUOflOIIIB tcr m County.“ mew-n. cam on“ ma. ANNE“: 10 ALL mu. 3: m mm: my rm. hum land, mum 6 amount. om:- db! mm4wu. PETER BROWN, A "nu-GA- ‘-D I... ;mmuwg.o. WWII.” true to nune and offload quality. William-St . - LINDSA Y, Ont James McLean, Wotâ€"WW M M. ‘ R.JAMES, â€"wlyr. TEPEEN OLIVER. ' um AUCTION- “ a. M a M R. G. S. RYERSON, eo counsel-3;. comm. Boner: MOHUGH, AUCTION EER "CLAUGHLIN PEEL ONEY T0 LOAN. JAMES KEITH CAVANA WATSON ”mm cum PH YSlCIANS. AUW . G. COLLISOI PAGE NINE . LINDBAI

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