1i) 13.1 ‘ lighters are going from bad to wrse with Col. Hughes. and. it there is a decent man in the constituency not thoroughly disgusted. it is ex... ending strange. His mouth is perpetually open and his tongue is 'perpetually wagging in the manna hetumd themost deliberate. dis. gusting sanders against respec. able misma- mother purpose than if possible to try to bolster up some. thing in the shape of a reputation to: himself. Ea does not h'sitata to slander and injure his own town and _county. if by so doing he can hélng Ebro rnViotoria (Jo-momma great “use to be Jhanklul and to enter withjowous hearts info thehatiï¬tiea‘ of Christmas. But while we do so let us not forget that this world is int the amahamber to the Great Be.‘ good. whither our friends are pass-i ins daily‘ and we. too. must £011 low, sooner or later. Let our rejoic. fags. then. be in accord. with the sp'r. it at the seawn, and in ministering to the lnppiness of others we shall perhaps find our greatest delight. A Merry Christmas to All! ed. men are living more soberly. the spirit of narrow. intolerance is dying out all over the land. As a people we have become broader and better during the year about to close, and. are time quadflied to *ake rank ‘33 citizens o! the great nation Can. 1113 is ca: tain to become in :the near ï¬xture, and better fitted to lay so. surely the stable foundation of civil and reï¬gious liberty. deprived of vhich no country can make true pro. .gress. If gratitude and thankfulness have any mince in the human heart. then Lam all citizens of Canada Spend a Mappy Christmas. because this grand country of ours has been especially tum-ed. by Providence of late years. Prosperity .to a degree hitherto un. known or undreamd of has reigned within its borders, crime has 19mm We have the name of turning out ï¬rst-class work; this is be- cause we have practicalmechanics .and we give careful attention to it. and can assure you perfect satisfaction. Ion w a. litfle bit of personal crgdit. During the last few weeks all through H):- count; be 1213 been en- drawring, with all his might, to put up some explanation for the ï¬rst statement was that they were fact that a normal majority of about 300 wascut down t0300 in a 17 days campaign. while he had been devot- ing his whole time for years to can. missing the constituency. His pet “pulsation has been that bogus ballot taxes were used. ,Thus the good name at the county, has to act. of our sins. and. the duty of alLis ex; pressed in Christ's command. “Love your neighbor as yourself." SPECIAL LINES â€" Galvanized and Black Pipe, Malleable and C. Iron Fittings, Jenkins Bros;Valves, Rainbow Packing, Brass Fittings and Stitson Wrenches. Once more the joyous season of Christmas is with us. In a few days the people of Canada and all civil. ï¬ned. land's the world over will unite in celebrating the birth of a Saviour in a stable in Bethlehem over nine. teen hundred years ago, and the an. gelic salutation. “Peace on earth to men at good will." then uttered for the first Linn to man, will be repeat. ed in all quarters of the globe,â€"lef us hope ,not with the lips merely, but in tm heart. There are many religious. many beliefs, but the Mndationoteach rests on the Cross of Calvary, the hope of 911 is in the redeï¬ning grace of the Divine Vic. tim who offered. himself in expiation ,__.4 â€"_ Iv I: ter. and a me feflection of this kind is thrown upon the Deputy of Victoria and Haliburt‘on'. His used near Bancroft. This would be in the township at Cardiff. Since. he has been circulating that they were used elsewhere. - i ' See us about your supplies or Hardware, Paper, Glass, Paints, Oils, Metal Shingles and Ceiling? v...’ "v"- '_-,, Don’t forget that we are head quaners for all kinds of Tin and Galvanized Iron Work, ï¬rst-class Sanitary Plumbing, Hot Water, Steam and Hot Air Furnace Hating. BDXALL MATTHIE LINDSAY. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23 QBilders and Contractors Agents for floppy Thought :nd the Souvenir Stoves. ihé Weekly Post. I IERIY GHIIS‘I’IIS. I IORAL co Niko. PAGE SIX suppliegs of Montreal Herald: Mr. Chamber- lain was greeted. with groans in the East End 0' London last night. Mr. Chamberlain is not so popular among the London workman as he was (our years ago. There 'is “considerable distress in East' London this winter and. the unemployed apparently think. with John Burns, that “they are paying the price of their maf... licking mood fuur years ago.†More. over, Mr. Will Crooks. the labor member, who lives and. rules in the Hamilton Times; Rev. Mr. Hos. sack seems to think that by saying he was brought up as a Liberal he gives a keener point to the poisoned dagger than he plies against. Ross. But ‘hero have been other men who were well brought up, and who be~ trayed. «heir leader with a kiss. He should. not become too heady over what he has done. ' Tory boasts of defeating Ross do not scare the Liberals. We’ve heard. “Mowat must 30;" and. "The Grits are on the run l" and. all that sort of rot before. There are Liberal votes enough .to give Ross a rousing majority. and our friends sho‘ld see that they are polled. That‘s the secret of success. The need of pure, cold drinking; wa- ter is' felt most keenly in manner, when there is also the rented: «12m- ger of the river sunply becoming con- taminated. Why cannon. private en- terprise engage in the sinking of a well or two and furnish put.- drink- ing Water to our citizens at somuch per gallon. as is done by by we Laurentian Spring Water Co. in Mon-I Ireal‘.‘ Indeed. why should not the‘ corporation en "a e in me work, sink wells, build a. small reservoir bot-‘ tie the water and deli“: it to our citizens at a price that win cover‘ the out‘ ay and x-unninr eXpenses, which would be moderate indeed. In LhiL was we would retain oufl In thiz. way we would retain our†river Water {or household use. save 520.000 xequired for the new filter- mg process. and secure fir-t-class dunking water at a cost price and for a small initial outiay. . Thoughtful citizens “,who read carefully the letter published In :this issue by our Water Commiaioners must have coma to the conclusion that their ground is We“. taken when they say that one of the best experts in the United States has declared against the artesian well source of supply. and also that local capital could not be secured for invceatmem in a plant of that d?scription. Mr. R. Kï¬ie hit the nail squirely on [m- head when he pointed out. in a recent interview, tnat sort wa- ter is a public necessity No citiz.n will deny that. .Many rcople do not drink as much as one glass of either river or well water in a day. but for washing, and bathing purposes many quarts per head of me population are required. lenge him. and ‘ demand, in' â€It name of the Deput; Returning Officers for the constituency, an up- jology-p ublic and open.y-fcrthely-. ing slanders he has circulat- ed throughout the Dominica, or to name the Deputy Re- turning (Mfrcer, who he says used thebogus box. If he had the smal- lest semblancc of honesty, and had ‘such suspicions. he would lay an in- formation at once. Things hmre gone so l’nr in this constituency that they cannot be allowed to go further; It is up to him now to be man encughi to name the offender or apologize tc‘ the Deputies of the constituency. If he names the extender he will be giv- en a chance in court to prove his statement. It would be toc much to expect him to take any court pro- ceedings himsclt. Cardiff writes as follows; “0! Col. Hughes or supine else has been cir. enlisting that bogus ballot boxes were and at tha last Minion 6L. ectionn in the township of Cardiff he or they. are in my opinion guilty of. deiberaybe and unbacked falsehood. 1 Zoe] confident that not even ongot his supporters in Oaxditf. Would inter such an idpa to the beautiful Colonol. Surely this man must be a manufac- turer. I ham been long and intiu. atoly acquainted. with the other two Daputy “main: ottieers in Car-o diff, and both are above any such suspicions,†f L _ and never heard of such a thing un- till after the election was over I deny anyone .to say truthfullp that I used a bogus ballot box.†. Col. Hughes has always been busy in slandering. He has new er ynt. been man enough. eizher. to apolcg'ze cx’- cept when made. or. to put up any proof for any slandcrs he Ins cir- culated. We do now 1‘ chal- lenge him. and ‘ demand, in' Another Deputy writes as tollowa; "In Dlï¬sion No. 1, where I was a Deputy, I can say pooitimly thatno barre: except :the one supplied by tho‘ R..,turning Officer was used, 11nd the Deputy from No. 2. Division I know to be a very conscientious ma. I would venture to say that all the machines combined could not Put up money enough to induce him to do a wrong act. if he knew it; whiloas for No. 3, if one of the bogus boxes. was used there the Deputy must have got the switch reversed. as the Col. got all the ballots but two." The Deputy for No. 2‘ writes: “Cardiff has no bogus ballot boxes, THE WAIERVORKS amuw. EDITORIAL NOTES â€"Mr. J. A. Shiner, licensed auction. cor and. issaer at marriage licenses. of Orillia, has been in town for the past few, days. auting in conjunction with Mr. J. H. Lennon as mlnators of tin Grand Union hotel furniture and furnishing-b. Mr. Slater is an old. Bobcnygeon boy, and is well knowntomnyintown. {-il â€"M.r. Fulton. of Toronto. formerly a student in the attics at Dr: Nee-g lands a; Irvine, is in town for the Christmas vacation. â€"Mr. Walter Sunth lett recently tor Sewn Bridges. where he will join his father. who 15 a surveyâ€" or on the James Bay Railroad. ~}Ir. J. G. Edward». hardware." n‘orchant. Kent-sf“ was m Peter- boro Tuesday aiternoon attending the funeral of the late Robt. B. Mc- Kee. for many years a prominent business man or that place. auras ' MANNINGâ€"At the Methodist par- sonage. St. Mary’s. on Saturday. 17th. 190! Mm wife at the Rev. '1‘. Manning. b! a daughter. ‘ CUNNINGMâ€"On Dec. 20th. 1904. to Mr. and. Mrs. P. Cunningham, Reaboro, a. daughter. ‘ MILLAlLâ€"On Tuesday. Dec. 20th. to .Mr and Mrs. R. A. Kilian ninjas. a (lawman - . County Court Criminal case: If. not Socn'. There is said. to be some misnpprc.‘ hension in the public mind. as to the stains 01 trials by the County Judge. of persons charged. with offences against up criminai law; the im. pression in some quarters beingthat such trials are not public courts. These éourts are u: all respects as accessible to the public as u'e any other court: In the MW, and. in this regard. and in the azpication of the laws of evidence. they do not differ fromï¬he other courts of criminal jurisdiction. . , . â€"Mr. and Mrs. Grills, and dang!» ter Eliza. 01 Argyle, visited. town friends Tuesday. Incl-0'88 collogo lotion. The term for the Sew Year at the Federal Business Ccvlkge, Lindsay. opens on Monday. January 2. 19%. when new students may begin any of our practical courses 0! study and receivu that special individual; instruction which. to a great extent, accounts for the fact that students of the Federal Colleges are fully qualifiod for responsibie situationsin an almost incredibly short timeâ€"we. Pmonls -Mr. J. W. Mitchell, of Littord, was in town Tuesday“ u _ | . I Case a! Clan). The bigamy case of Km; \‘s. R07- ers. which was on thc docket or the County Court inst week. but was taken from the jury m. the defend- ant's request. win come before In: Honor Judge Dean on Tuesd'ty next at 11 o‘clock am" at the Court' House. inalienable right .to pay double [or the necessaries at life. Some day some people in the L'nitod States will wake up to the tact that they are overworking themselves into early graves for the benefit of the privil. used. at home and the much despised foreigners. Sumo-cry .Wnen in need of anything in the line 0! commercuu stationery. vint- ing cards, etc" leave your order at No Post job (japan-uncut. Workmm dun unexcellnd. 7" Uncle Sam is verymuch enercised over the problem of providing John Bull and other people with cheap flour. In the past year United States exports of flour have fallen off fully one-bait. so Secretary Shaw is appealing .to the Uni-ted. States farmers to sell their wheat cheap enmsh to permit the miller to hold his own in the foreign mar-v ket. It is possible that special laws and orders will be made to enable the American miller to supply the British Germsn and French arti, sans with cheap bread; but the Am. erican citizen will be protected in his The Toronto News describes Rev. Mr. Banach: abuuive latter to Hon. Mr. Ros as “a destructive doom meat." It is. It will destroyxnany an honest man‘s respect to! its writ. er. It .will tend. to destroy the in. fluenoe or the pulpit. Smack should seek a good place with the Tory machme which he sorrel Io well. The masses of people love tairnest even in a minister. - . ; . . G.ol.e' The mnnicipalityo! Iroquois has just defeated, by a majority of five, a local option proposed to abol. isti licenses. In the relerendumvote tin:~ majority in favor of the Mani.- toba. law in [the same place was 147 to 22. Perhaps temperance enthnh iasts can explain [this turn-over, and incidentaly‘shc-w’ how muchrelianoe is to be placed on the referendum vote as an indication of the real state of public opinion on the question of prohibition. - ’ East End. has been walling the peo- ple that Mr. Chamberlain's 'agitg- tion has unsatfled Mains: am! «used the hard times prevailing mt present. Rev. D. C. Hossack. erstwhile a law- yer. then a preacher, then In editor, then again a lawyer, then once more a lreaclner. would now rain shine as a politician. and addreues an unpert- inent letter to Hon. 6. W. Ross, who tower: tar nbon Mr. Hoseack n: a scholar. at man at brilliant ability, and as a. christian gentleman. ' or course it the Ross Government must be held responsxble for every clfeuce ever committed by, or char;- ed to, any Liberal for th'rty years past. the rule must appbf to Tories also. Moved by Messrs. 's'aytor and Mc- Leod. that me follow-in? accounts!» paid: 5. J. Fox. tile. 823.68: A. at. Gleuny. $5.“): F-llawox-th Jewell, $8.00; Anson Walton. $3.75; William Worm. $4.40; Charles Eonnd. $5.00; Hush McMillan. 8220; Henry Four. er. 812.00; Andrew ll. “hall. $2633; Henry Britmll. $6.00;' Janos ï¬c- Dougnn. 86.00: C. J. Goad. 85.00; W. Summing†32.00; John Clark. 82.00; bur-can MoNabb. 82.00;. John Mc- )3;an $800: Gobi-ï¬e 77“â€. $13.53: George lhrtindal'e. 81.50; Edward Tavlor. 85 cents. ‘ Movedby Messrs. Kichae] and Mc- Leod. that By-lmv. No. 571. being a b.\‘-iaw to appoint dnputy returning oftirers and to provide pcllinz vhcen [or the municipal elections to be held on Monday. Jan. 2nd. 1905. be re- ceived and read .1 (its! timo.-C\r- ried. Py-Iaw 7-71 was rmd the an. ml number of limos. signed and seal- ed. ' son. that the follow-n: acccunti he paid - D Mackin. $62.30; John Whut- tar. $37.50; Wm. C. n-Fe. 86.57; G7 Hicks. $3.00; Edward Slozgatt. 85; Pascoe Bros. $6.35: W"chman-Wu-- der. 317.30: P. J. Aude;ggq._ $1§Jllz _..y -â€" Treasnrer of Reach. 4:00 J. P. I-‘go. 3).;00 McLennnn (30.. 98c; J. B. Weldon 8280; B. B. Weldon. 84090: M. .Morriaou. $6.00; Geo. Hicks. $7.50:I Me. That â€I“ followint'. itv‘nunt- be rharged againï¬t the 1.0.1:: John' .Pnrinald. 81.57: Chas-1“ Camnbnll. Q2911 W. E. Park. 85.08; laugh; Mend by Items. Taylor and Wat- son. that the following Pbuunents be made to the south roll; Jchn Jackson. met Little Britain. 3!. 2. Chin. Argue. one day statute labor. 81 and that the following amounts be charged against t-‘ia lands; Jos. Jordan. 83.93. That tho south to' be accepted and completed. and that his salary of fifty dollars be paid to John Martin. collectopâ€"parriul. Mowd bv Messrs. Mchoi and Michael. that the roilo'vinx abate- ments be made to' the worth to“; Laura Coulter. 8189: “on McPhad. don mama. 82.01: 7-3. ’1'. Reader. Oakwood. 92.50: Minnie Jammyon. wood. $3.95: Grace (amen. quwocd, 1:3" 'iicll'a'a‘n.‘ ’ 31.91 : Paar mm. 31.01. m we collector's roll by 2 at Orange Hall. \‘alcntia :E. Z. Yexex. Div. No. 3. at the hall. Little Britain; John F. Brut. Div. No. 4. at the town hall. Oabrood: 8. J. Clarke. Div. No. 5, at the old BC. church. Manilla: Peter Brown. Div. No. 6. at the schoolhouse. Secticn Ne. 13 Geo. Hurdv. Div. No. 7. at the schoolhouse. Sect on he 3; Band 8. Beatham. Dimflo. 8,-1c. whoolbcuqe. Sort ion No. 16.â€"-Carric¢;. .Xoved by Messrs. Michael and Mc- Leod. that the now an! clerk beau- thorized to reign an azreomendwim Mr. Thomas Tamlin in regard :0 a drain and silt basin being due across the south-east quagter of lot 22.1mm .13. !or the purpose of conveying the surface water from the public high- way on can. 13. to a d-tch been: as branch 5. of the Hanuock drain, for a. propel: outletâ€"Carried. Maxed by hears. Watso n and Michael. that the new: and Clerk be authorized to sign a lease {or a gnu- e1 pit with John A. ncLean. being composed of 3-4 ct an acre cf land for a term of twenty years. for three hundred dollars. and wanted on__zot 6 con. 3.â€"Curied. Mm ed by Mesers. Wdt‘on and my- 10: that the following pu'scnq be appointed deputy returnmz officers to hold the municipal elecxions cn Monday. at the tollwmx named pol- ling: places; C. H. Shaver. Pollng Div. No. 1. at the schoolhouse. Sex-- tion No.15; Argon» Hungary Div. N9. Mr, John McLean was prcaent to sign a lease of a gravel pit. being part of lot 6. con. 3.. and Mr. Thee. Tamlin to sign an agreement re silt basin and ditch across the â€litmus! quarter of lot 22. con. 13, with'n view to take the surface wsucr from the public highway“ Mr. Mark Wickott and George Lane waited on the Council to prctcat against the Opening. at 1 culnrt on the. Smith dram on the side row. [as 1-5 and 16. con. 6. "it; William Code was prclent to molest mum the 0109i†of am!!- "an across the concewon read. line 8 at lot 20. I): Mr. “jg-2. Hal-Ely. ‘ flhe Treasurer, M: handed in a stator)! ceipts and exyenditm cock drain. am: also The clerk presented the report of the commissioners appointed gs: adjust the amount» 0! money upended and statute labor done on the boundary 0! Brock and Mtriposa Ice 1991. ‘ 'lhe Treasurer. Mr. c. B. Rennie, handed in a statemem of the re- ceipts and exyenditures of the Han. cock drain. and also his statunent of the finances of the township from December 16th. 1903. to Degember .151‘1. 190‘. _ A i, From 0. H. II. Baker, re the Bath- bon Company. iin regard to e stick of timber euppoeed to hue been got- ten by the Imahip ot Isripon From John We“ â€ï¬‚atware tile and miznment the Hamock drain. From R. J. McLaughlin. barrister. Lindsay. re culvert on the aide reed. lets 15 end 16. con. 8. Prom Mt. George thtter. stating that Mr. John Clark had done two days’ statute labor. shotellin; mow. in his beat last wintez, The pcttion presented by Mr. Brooks and w. Limer'p at the last mectmg of the Council and signed by {in other resident land-owners [‘l'ly. in: the Council to take action to have a municipal drain conr‘truCted across lots 2 and 3 in con. 16. W13 taken into consideration. From Mr. George Dane. stating that he would be agreeable to hue the contemplated ditch. reterrad to by Mr. McNabb in his petitions pass along the north side of the read an Brook's harm. The clerk read a pegxtion signed by W. I]. rogue and three other cit'z. on: of Little Britain. :hruten‘n‘ damages by cam of the creek at Little Britain. . l laur- 0! no Ionsâ€"lucim 0t lop-t1 Iqbal-g Mun, do. The mripou Council met at; Oak .wood onionday. Dec. 15th. tho mum hora being all present. The minutes of the Inc meeting woxe road and conï¬rmed. _. "III“. If III YEA! mallow AT IA“ m. . Eliaâ€"1mm (01mm. MEHING no clerk read the Jouowia; oom- uniï¬cation: Item J M. Stun. .endering his resignation as â€ex-seer of boat 77. ï¬lmed by Mew-rs Mi ’ 1e! and _W.:‘r- 'ngu hue-u ram. loot sou- MI- In...†‘ Illnncapolis, Minn†Dec. 21â€"1110.- side wall of the 0. ll. Peck Building on south Filth street. which wu left standing by the grout are of last Tuesday night. toppled over in a high gole only yesterday on to the Crochet Hotel. 1; three-storey struc- ture adjoining. The ton: of brick cad mortar crashed completely down through the flimily constructed building. corn-lag floors um all into a mm o! debris in the basement. There-tn: no warning of the dlsus- tor, and the fourteen persons who were sleeping in the various apart- ments were caught in the crushed Itmctun. Eight of them were kill- ed. haw Wm†0‘: You. Winnipec. Inn. Dec. 21.â€"'1‘ho loose Jot 1m! vu wracked by a defective mil. at. Pox-tag. la. Prniric yesterday morning. 'l‘ho- engine and one our lam: the rails and the casino toppled over into the ditch. Napcr- son was. Wed. He bed outlier ordered the demoli- tion of the other perto ot the well: that eeezned likely to tell. The totel loeo in 816,000. loo-o he. Queue but. Chloego. Dec. 21.â€"‘I‘brilun¢ ree- cuoo or nine nuns. olotere of tho Outer of the Hotel Dlou, oi the men Boopiteller Sisters, marked the procrea- oi n. are that evept through the convent end destroy“ it yeaterdny. Two at the nuns were injured. and wen curled Iron: the building elmoet overcome by emote. The etdre tell before the listen could reed: them. he women were rescued by the timely urivel o! are- men. who carried than down laddero thorn the burning building. The oto~ ten cum tron: Quebec. Connie, o short timoe‘o. 'l‘bolonoonthe building was 85,000. Icon-ee- 900‘ 'l- lejuleo. Toronto, Dec. 2Lâ€"Devid George Stevenson. who woo struck by e lo- tropolitnn cu- nt Lnnein‘ on Honda “ternoon, and token to the Genet-n1 Hospital, died at that institution at 4.30 yesterdny afternoon. The un- lortunnte nun never resumed con- ociouoneeo. MC.†Apia. Toronto. Doc. 21.-Hich.el Hues ol I'm-non. N.Y.. who has been wetting 1n the city as n stone- nuon. was uphyxuud in a» room nt the Power Hon. during loam night. He Ind bot- drhking. Ht. son, who 1nd been saying with him. "tuned homo lat. sum-w. Owen Holland. aged 60 was found dead in bed nt. 87 Jmic strut. Mellord; Doc. 21.-An accident oc- cum-d yesterday on the Ccudinn Nor-thorn Runny, tour miles west of made. An m. a» «boots and I tad: were dim W Smith wot My Injured but will recover. a. was left at Stu- Otty. The com- (Doctor: at once. bu other casualties. w m ‘ Responsibility for the accident will be the subject 0! thorough invent- 3-90! J. C. Houghton. city building in- moctor. had undo an inspection 0! the standing Inns Monday. but had #70:: no order: count“; them. T. H. Watson. $83.57; Mex .ucLeod. 82289; J. J. ‘U‘chaol. 32:0 92. Jane. Taylor. 825488: Thomas Jaws“ 812.20; Mrs. Bureau. 8411); J. F. ualxudex. $1.00: Fred Dames. ’50); P. 8. Mark and T. 8. Watson. 84.4.00; Expren. 75c. "i'h'e Council then adjourned. .r. a Weldon. Clerk. Home by Means. \IcL'eoi and Michael. that the tollowinz accounts bepa 'd; 0. Kick. 821.06: Wu?hke his? n. 8.36. 10; W. H. MoCriunnon. 822110; Wm.1mphre;.. 821.:00 Wm. Glenny. 2.;(X) P. 8. Mark. 822.89: behalf of unripe“. to meet at some convenient time and leCo: in the hem- luture an arb'trutor Iron: Brock township. with a View .to establish some equitable plan for the future â€glancing of (hf-c mattersâ€"Car- n . lowed by Means. Method and Michael. that the treasurer: lim- c‘al statement be reeeiceJ. showing total receipts of 887881.56. and to. tal expenditures of 619928.28. nna that the clerk be authorised to he: two hundred copies prmtcd for dis- tribution.â€"-Cutied. -Moved by xenon. flicked and Mc- Leod. “at the resignation 01- J. I. Swfln u overseer for but Na 77. be accepted. and (but Joan E. Brice be appomted oversee: {or the bal- ance of the tomâ€"Cn'flsd. ' ' noted by lean-s. quor and Wat. eon. that it is the amnion cf Cem- cil thatthe county road system should be submitted to r. vote cube- ratepayers or the town-hip before taking effectâ€"garrich - - . _ loved by Mauro. loLeod and! lichuel. that tho pctitioo ot Archi-A hold â€chum. and a}: othen [or a municipu drain be necked. out! that W. E. l'unold. OLE. ho roquostsd to make an examination and report to the Council maroon. pursuant to said on:ctment.â€"-Car3iod. AA, loved by Mean. Taylor npd Wat- son. that the report of tbe ‘1â€!le- ment of statute labor and of money upended on the boundary of Hart- pom and Brock. be not adopted. and that the waiter be further referred to on arbitration. ma the: Mr. Fred Shaver be appointed arbitrator on‘ 1â€"1-3501: died in the 'd'wbSou coon by tho collector. and mm the ular of the collector, J. J. 5185‘, be pa 1.â€" ccnlod. . “and by Heavywuaon and thy- lor. that In View a! she deputation, coadat?!‘ of flours. Wick“ and Lang. puts-gm again: the Com- on taxing when in refeum to plus.- inx 1.9qu on the side Ha. I» sent and the rec-6'3 be inï¬rm look into the mutter at coca-c fled. ___ A ‘ _ _ '- vâ€"v"- ID. . â€" tween lots 15 ad 16. con. 6. and in Ihe'nboence of Mr. June. Rogers. who was duly notiï¬ed to ho pro-eat. :th Council deem it “visible to dc. to: «than 91: the gaps; forum pre- ,-A -_ wanted or chance 13m. WALL TOPPLED om 01.00 mm†labor nst Jog Cannon. which in the divbiou court by and that the uln- o! ,J. J. 5135‘, be 9‘11.â€" I 519938.: In! barbed “lbw. Sham. Qua-.1101; 15.411» Putz-lo nut-dot a. '- concluded yesterday. when tho jury :3th : verdict. of "guns" gum an ac- eusod. ngoloon Enact. Poqu: v.3 churgsd with Win: ammo Duboil. his Stemw. aged 23 months. on Oct. 11. 1903. It- m shown in the evidence tint tilt man had given tho and brandy to drink. and ant. he had also bumheruad thnown he: to the ground. It Was also shown that ho had. “mined mutuallmdtho amt!) gun. 3. cm to In“ Jul. 27‘ amt Bldclo 'leuea in guilty. Judah Pr“. Jim tho am- an next June. to»: than atom coma-cl. 3‘ crew in . 15pm. tho county thmdtho convict. M guilty 4 m Kingston. Doc court â€unity. who neatly alum Vineyard 81'... ï¬lm In. In.» St. John's. 11“.. Due. 20.â€"Sever- d ‘oom Wain,“ this island nah-Nd: wan driv- ofl by a» 3-10 or fluid-y, Doc_. 18. am still an» 7 -___J-‘ - AAAAJ which {out uhorq'on Gm 3‘- uuy'. Sunny,nutoul wreck. Lot night for tho lino-fl. moo tho storm. book. £01ng com- munlcotion obotwoon am and â€on was "mm-had. lb“ on! south of be tho when wuw still dew-Jam ï¬ght. Tho m. of known chipping Gnome" tollow: Toully Moons: News. Loan. to; o! “vino. ILL. on Long Stool. Nan-choc Sound; Goon. I. a: 01 Both-St. I... on Non- tuck“ m4; bun Am of New York, on: Hunt'- hlnd. Moro o: Vineyud‘ Honeâ€"Schoouas Loin-k- a Moon. Flynn, and Roche- ny (Brit'nh). 0W by collision at Vinoyud novaâ€"“Mm John J. Prry. D. J. Isl-Ion, Eva. Iâ€. Rhoda Holman. Hortensio, Ax. Keaton. Frank and In (British). an... El- lo, I. Kimball. Anchors lootâ€"Schooner: Otis nu- lor. M Lee Newton,- Kolon, Frank W and Ev: 13. Hall. JAt Ionomoyrolnt. W, Ella one. Wri. King Arthur took su] m. She hod an] avid oflcers. vital. to join the Russian squadron. The King) ‘1“.y on . 1003.1 09““ byh" 'm â€mmwflflww- Tarot-I mmmm‘“ IO Inc'- Iulï¬ty. Int m or. flour- MTMCNCMCIOO VO- Jor- ooy M â€M I. Inn-00‘ I." 0.. Dn- Iul “not: Vocab-mu at 1.50 “mm. W104. Wooshgu. has, Dec. zitâ€"sun- day's 3:10 at! tho southoum New Mind Coat left III in wake, acâ€" cording to reports received in Int. last night, three vane!» canny 'rocked, Icahn-god and ï¬ve with lost uchom~ No known India has been reports-I. but It is new that tho entlro crew at the Kev Jersey whom Ridtrd S. Leann-g which was wracked on Long Shout. linâ€" On d a. only won.“'. 0! m I m In the “no", 00.9w pro-muons of tow ad tele- wlm on Cape C06 an In- plum. aw. vw. ONE CREWF l0 MAY BE LOST Sixtoon'omor Vessels Damaged in’tthalo of Sunday. 3 T01 ALLY WREGKED No prices mentioned ato-dty. just a: invitation you to help you â€but ywr Christmas ~Gifb. well-assorted stock. Christmas Greetings to £11011: Friends. Honsefumishings Ladies“ Miami‘s Smallwam ' Linen and Bedding Gents’ Furnishings Fancy Goods “via M â€a. Lucknwuuu . diablod st Plenty 01'qu trucks at very smul [flees in this lolily Good: to DO hurt. rook. Inch deput- tau. smut Emu, ascent; 23, 1 smn m an cmsm IONDAY, Dawn 26:; pout. bound for vainâ€"Lou. L M wï¬ed val-ï¬lo chum .u “cu-nu. â€mm C‘- Nio, Doc. 21.â€"'12n-mcuh sun-- gr 1†Arthur www WM". am to lama Pun. Arthur M by the Jana-v turd-hi? M. It is and“ that “1' King Arthur took w to 1’0"â€" m. She 1nd outward Rum and guests. whosm ntbwmtlll to join the Russian second Paciï¬c _-..-A-._ In..- In..- Arth‘r I.“ £3.19 = “i I 72/} "J ’AA I ,_ GROZOVOI'S CHIEF!!! BOARD RUNNING BLOCKNDE. For Trying It British Steamers Won Soizod h Jags. Incth '3! . wt A Vol! A. m mum-none.“ ad M'h'mAme'dI It." MIR-rkwmlig- toâ€. and In; w Tokio. Dee. 21. -Tho Japan: pro- m cruiser Tsusln'mo sand the Btitilh um His-feta. bound for Vladivostock from Una, Cores, loam. An minimum at an N: man’s urge .110de but. she had SIM. bont destroyers who u- “ tron inurnmant- a. W1. and were “tempting so. "(an m noun“ in, seven Influx-y dmrxots “is ia.tbe third am most uterus!“ mobiliaction of the wu- un'; mm at“ " .â€". ___._.- at Grok-wot; Ho 'm- in. when“ land-co MI val-elm". um tho but“ Int-con the Ran-lg- .“ JO!- pro-um}, dgflp 7th ’It.ur.porud club'lgrauahud 0. board amour: cad nae-.01 thymus:- m about 300.000 men» co the army the Bar Eat. D is thought 11‘.- whob 10m: out M-pimd in the ï¬eld by sprung. when a:- problem of food uni.- mel flu bo-ouioc mm. and ; lug. quantity of mm o! in cn board. She vamm to Sue- bo (at an! More the pct. court. Chin- Gem-nut. and 1-“ PM Linens Bud‘y-tb-Wears Furs~ Clothing†Dress Gods Leather Goods Bargain Table Li mwmmamï¬ï¬‚mk HM .wmmmmmwmm 3:2“ m, V“.- Frnit Set: Gloves MW TABuz-J six dines-em m Jul-duller“: 0p! Tnâ€. Shaving 30113.8“; 10c In: BARGAIN DD us for ....... Pin pic-eon V icton “(I “an, $50 Boy! guy and :- UM Wh u 103.... ... .. Inn’- loch G11 2.40 hr ............. lo" I loch: Mi! Wagl’ Inlet-3,: My (cabin-bu has, brown 3nd Shawls, I Wrapper MEL Dem ,‘ anc f. w