w Elevate Bros '3 9M }W Ladzés’. mm†Comte. ’ZIWW/[WWWW 250 Ladies’ and C/zz'la’rm’s Cam‘s are on sale (22‘ reduce/2’ prices. T/zeI/e’s [/75 [67/5, C apes, facéez‘s, Reef/(67$, 2'72 black med colored. Ever/y garment has been cm“ 2'72 price. Chas. Jones. GE NEBA BLACKSMITH and HORSE-SHOER. The under igned begs to inform the people of fluency and the s rrouuaing country, that he lx-s taken ov.-r the General B‘acksmilh business at Mr. R. Buldwin, Cambridge-3!" south. Yul-ties requiring nnything in the above line-i will I 3nd 2. to their in'erest to nail on me. Horse- ahoeinz u pecialty. Prices reasonable. I CHARLIE JONES, Cm’nwriige-zi. south. I "“ i RB- 0. .NEW_ TERM Our ut'erxduncc up to the present time this year is fully 100 per cent in advance of any previous years. I: ycu would like u thorough ecu-2e in either Biol-keeping or Shorthand and Typewriung attend The Peterbamngh Business College WM. PRINGLE, Poterborough, Out. Principal down? AND COUNTY â€"°â€"- DASHES HERE AND THERE. /â€"_\4‘ 55:â€773‘14 / lLindsay Bicyclefllranléis General Repair 1 or . TORONTO ' Bicycles overhauled and stored for ' - . the winter, insured agaans' t loss b fire The largest and best school , ,y in l or otherwise. Canada. Our Calendar tells yoal why. \Vrite for it â€"_..â€" W. H. SHAW, Principal. C. B. C. â€"â€"â€"“‘â€â€œâ€"_â€"l NEW TERM FROM JANUARY 211d, IN EACH DEPARTMENT OF THE l Marriage Licenses 1 a: Porter Bookstore. 1 Kent-st. Lindsay. \Veek of Prayer. tuion services during the Week of- Prayer have been arranged by the Lindsay Ministerial Amociation as follows: Each of the services to begin at 8 p.m., during the week beginning Monday, 8th January, 1900. Mon- day, Queen-st. Church, “Sabbath . Observance," Rev. C. H. Marsh. Tues l day, Baptist Church, "Temperance and Social Purity,†Rev. '1‘. Manning, EA. Wednesday, Presbyterian Church,.. "Imperialism,†Rev. L. S. HughsonB. D. Thursday, Cambridge-st, “The x l Power {)f the Spirit for Service," Rev. 3 I J. Macfarlane. Friday, Church of lEngland. “Good Citizenship,†Rev. J. \V. Macmillan, B. A. T. Manning, Pres, J. Macfarlane, Sec. : -â€"oâ€"â€" . The Course of True Love. ! 01) Sunday evening a young man named Davis, from out Reeboro way, drove up to a residence in “English- town," south ward, and went in. M’hether he was persuading the young lady to take a drive, or discussmg the recent improvements made in the Sal- vation Army barrach, is not known. At any rate the horse became. resuve i 0 l McLenaan it Go Sig: of mu Saw, South Side of Kent-st. Melanie l Us. Special low Price-s, First Quality Goods. Large Sleek Carvers. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery. . Scissors. Carpet Sweepers. Fruit and Meat ChopperS, Table Matts. Thermometers. Spring Balances, Lanterns. Bird Cages. l Trays. owing to the cold and ran ,away, port- ing with the buggy at the first turn ; then he headed down Kent and Ridout- ate. south to the railway, and. event. no†disappeared over _Ops swung: br'd’ge, at which point Chief Boll gave up the chase. The young man wall:- ' ed home. 7 -‘ â€"â€".â€"â€" - Chapter of Accidents. 2 -’1'h.e Rev. M. Bourno, Church of England clergyman at Esconville, Haliburton county, met with a. serious and painful accident one day last ' kicked by chores on the week, beI'h'n.g(§iles, of Halibut-ton. lent. Cross Cut Saws. Axes. MBLEMMAN 00. Scranton l‘teal, Putiand Cement, DECEMBER WEDDINGS. Shiells-Mclntoeh. A number of friends residing in Lindsay and other mrts of_ the vicinity will be interested in the following, tak- en from. Thursday’s l’eterboro Ex- aminer: An‘ interesting event took place yesterday afternoon at half-past two o‘clock, at the residence of Mrs. Geo. Shiells, Aylmer-st., when her youngest daughter, Elizabeth, was wedded to Angus McIntosh, son‘ of the late \Villiam McIntosh, esq., of Warsaw. Rev. S. J. Shorey, of George-st. Methodist church officiat- ed. The bride, who was given away by Mr. D. Spence, town, was becoming- ly dressed in plush brocade. trimmed with white satin. The bridesmaids were Miss Susie Chandler, of Toronto, ' and Miss Gertrude McC/ube, niece of bride, both of- whom made a pretty appearance, attired in white organdie over blue, carrying boquets of white roses. Among the guests from adie- tance were Miss Dora. Smith and Miss Edith Brooks of Fenelon, Mr. and. Mrs. Cough and Master “Tillie, of Has- tings, Mr. and Mrs. F. Chandler and ' Miss Susie and Floss‘e, of Toronto;, M:r. Kidd, of Warsaw; Mrs. E. Mc. .. Cube, sister of the bride, Miss Agnes gand Master . The ' Mr. . Mendelssohn's Wedding of Lindsay. supported by of Port Hope, March was .‘Valden. A Sidney, groom was I. Kmsman, played by Mr. F. \V. sumptuous wedding dejeuner was served, after which Mr. and MruMc. Intosh left on a visit to Toronto and other places in the west. On their return they will reside in Orillia. Among the many costly and useful presents the bride received was a sil- ver butter cooler, a silver desert ‘dish, and a silver fruit basket, from Hon. .7. R" Stratton, and the employees of the Examiner, where Mrs. McIntosh has been employed for some time. Itching, Bleeding Piles Mr. XV. G. Phyall, proprietor of the Bodega. hotel, 36 Wellington-st. ; east, Toronto, says:â€"-“Wh.ile living in Chicago I was in a terrible shape with itching and bleeding piles, I tried sev- . eral of the beat physicians and was burnt and tortured in various ways by their treatments to no avail, besides spending a mint of money to no pur- pose. Since coming to Toronto I learn- ed of Dr. Chase’s Ointment. I used but one box and. have not been troubl- ed with piles in any shape or, form pmce.’ i .â€"_.â€"._. One of Woodville'e Great Men. .Woodville AdVOcatc: It may not be generally moon" that Mr. Bennett Burleigh, the talented war correspon- dent and artist attire London, Eng., Standard, is a former resident of M'oodville. Mr Burleigh is a nephew. of the late'John and Andrew. Morrison of Woodville. In his adventurous ca- reer he participated in: the American civil war and for exploits performed in behalf of the Confederacy, with which his sympathies wont, he became a. refugee from northern wrath. flee- ing from the bordez‘tom-J to -Wood:, vile, wherehc spent com months .â€" LINDSAY PU BLIO SCHOOLS. December Promotions The promotions have been mude mainly, and in some grade: entirely, on the work done during the term no reported by the teachers. The promotion is not ï¬nal, but. conditioned upon regulur attendance and utiefuctory work in classes to which pupils are promoted. . Junior Fourth to Shnior Fourth. Leo. Hoduluy. Frank Clerk, Victor Glad- mun. Violet. Siddle, Muriel Koyle, Nellie Geoch. Anion Bain, Della. Magill, Leslie Silver (on trnl) Senior Third to Iunior Fourth. Mm Thomu‘ Clue: Joeophine Mugwood, Alice McNeillio, Florenoe Puttereon, Herb crt William, Wesley Thurston, Iohn Von stone, Tommy Bell, Willie Crundell, Katie Milne, Meggic Cethro, Tom Hollow. M in Irwin's clue: Roger Meander, Hazel Siddle, Hazel Yarnold. Ken's Hum- phreyr. Allister Gillespie, Charlie Promp- eou, Clarence Thompson, Nellie Bol', Scdio Walker. quior‘ Third to Senior Third. Mie- Hueboud’q Clue: Bruce Willon, Bells McKibhon, Fred Hunter,}cun Wilson, Elle Lee. Frank Curcw, Boolrice Bell- Hottie Scott, Met. Johnson, Percy Stitch. Alice McKibbon, Roy Benders, Louie Stephenson, Florence Clemente, Funny Clcndcnm, Au Puleu. ' Min Vidu K. Scott’s Clea: Amy Work- mun, Leone Conquergood, Meggio Robert- oon, Willie Meander, Ronald F ortt, Gerald Puddou. Mine Cemelon'e Clues: Stanley McLean, Herbie Newton, Dore Matthic, Mend Now some, Phyllis Workman, Lillie Bolling. worth, Hollies Workmun, Irene Lytle, Loin Workman, Geo. Preston. Cher-lie Crozier, Ruby hidluw, Mary Gilel. Green K202. “ The Dominion Presbyterian .C. Blackett Robinson, founder of the Cananda. Presbyterian, but now~ manager and editor of the Dominion Presbyterian, is out with a. special Christmas and New. Year’s edition. The Dominion Presbyterian, which is published in Montreal, Bolleville and lI‘oronto, lie improving with each num- ber, and is a bright, newny. homq pa- per, paying particular attontiou to Prediyterinn Church news. ‘» The Do- minion Presbyterian is the only .1 weekly published in Canada, and has already gained a large circulation in all parts of the Dominion. We wish Mr. Robinson every success in his venture. ‘ I I â€"_.__ Newspaper: and Mansion. â€"-Therc is no gloom in the winter season ‘for the readers of Outing. Ite' pagessparklc withthejewel-bcdeoked bruneheeof thcforcst and the tlukllng ailvury-iooâ€"hella of the underhrueh. Anomyoueretrunsportcdto . ' my: l a l I son houseâ€"WM. ‘ 300d P110! 0. isles of cuchantmeut‘ in THE MUNIOIPAL “TUITION. I A m Out at Candid-sou. Since Saturday's issue of The Even- ing'Poet there has been a great thin- log out in the crop of candidates for the Mayorulty and the council. Of the 28 men nomina ted Friday evening, only ten now remain in the field. . “For the position of Mn or the run- nmg will be between Mr. an and Air. Baht. Smyth. For the council eight candidates are offering for the six meanderâ€"Messrs. Touch- burn. Burrows, Gillogly, Crandell A. D. Mnllon, Jackson, Bore and J. D. Graham. “ MODEL SCHOOL EXAMS- lumou or Sacco-rut Pupils. The following candidates have [1858. ed Ithe Model School examination and _ have been granted certificates by the Board of Exeminern: 1 Buck, Geo. Stanislaus; fflmey. William Ernest ; 3 Jamieson, Dongald; 4 Jordan, Wes- ‘ ley, shunning, Fred; lihlorow, Wil- fred; 7 McCallum, John; 8 Mcafan.‘ lane, James A.; 9 McQunrrie, James; 1 10 Pedlar, George, L.; ll Badman, . Cephas 'I'.: 12 Wilson, John W2; 13 Bartley, Hattie; 14 Cameron, Lottie: E; 15 )lhcfarlune. Annie 8.; 16 Mc- Ceough, Lillie; l7 McLaughlin. .‘l'lfâ€" ion , 18 McQuade, Nellie 0.; 19 O'Boylc. Lottie, J.; 2:) O'Connor, Loretto; ‘.’l . Prior, Annie L.: 22 Scott, [do A.: :3 1 Scott. )I‘lgglel 24 Shiloh, Carrie; ‘5 Smith, Bella N..; 26 Spence. Ileila: i 27 Thornhill, Jennie; 28 \VIlSOll.R€-‘ beeca. .' l Certificates renewed for three years i -â€"Agnew, William E; M1cl~2innon,l \R’illiam. Certificates renewed for two yen-5i â€"-Rich, Wesley Thomts; Bellinglmm. : Martha; Campbell, Annie D.;Grcerz-§ an. Nellie: Ingram, Minn'e. i (fortificntes extended for one your1 â€"C:vmp‘,wll, Mary Josephine; Cripple-f stone. Edna 8.: Coagan, Nellie; .‘ Eyres. Lila: O’Le'iry, Mary. l LOCAL BREVITIES. Town and County Items or [oer-ea: i â€"Best Screened Scranton Coal,8ll.25f a ton, delivered, at. Melennan . Co‘s. â€"Bear Muffs look better and last i longer. See Mullett'a for 58. Repairâ€l mg a sptcinlty.â€"w. ! â€"Don‘i forgo: M. E. Tungney i.-; in ii:- ing a. special reduction in sideboiz'ds, ; bedroom suits. springs and mutt V â€"ldlw. l â€".\f. E. Tangnnyï¬ greet bargain sale of fancy rockers. and odd parlor , pieces will be continued till about the 1’ 10th of Januaryâ€"Idlw. l . â€"A party of young men drove in. 1mm Oinemw last .‘lond-iy :iml ~p~nt l a couple of hours {it the skating rink. ' They too: supper at the. Simpsm ’ l'esies. ’ house. â€"Dr. Aeelands has great success in a crowning broken teeth. Extracts. teeth twitliout pain, by gas and vital- . ized air. Office. nearly opposite Simp- ' l â€"_.\‘o present is appreciated at ‘ Christm'zs by absent friends like a. . Now is the time to order 1 at Oliver‘s gallery. “’0 guarantee ‘ good work.â€"wtf. l â€"A special line of extens‘on l'llllPS. dining-'room and kitchen chairs. also cots, cradles, high chiirs and small I rockers at reduced M. E. J Tangncy.â€"ld1w. . â€"Fh1.‘ Nypllunlluu u! (1.2 [Inside-n Co. . for fire protection, wh‘ch has been lic- for:- council all summer was dealt with on Tuesday evening by our city fathers. It was ordered to be fyled â€"in other words thrown out. â€".\Ir. McIllhargey took a load of cattle and lamb; to the Toronto mar- ket on Friday. but found prices’ very lowâ€"so poor indeed. tint he refused to part with some of the catfle. and chased .1 ion! of stochers for winter feeding in the vicinity. prices. Village of Sturgeon Point. The following gentlemen have been elected by acclamation: Reeve, J. D. Flavelle ; councillors, Thomas Stewart. Robert Kennedy, George A. Milne and 0. Bigelow. This is the same coun- cil as lust year except that Mr. Bige- low takes Mr. Graham's place. There was no dearth. of good material for the council, Mr. Wm. Needlcr, F. C. Taylor, J. M. Knowlson, Mr. Hopkins. and other good men, having signified their willingness to act if necessary, but they retired so as to save the cost of on election. How is it that some of these men could not be induced to ; run for the Lindsay council? Stur-‘ geon Point is certainly to be congrutu- ; lated On its council. ’â€" . H.Soother-' th'Ylt‘lOU Falls, were guests ' of money. : also cheerfully help to bear the 'pense of HOLIDAY REUNIONS â€"*â€"_ FINAL If!†OF INTEREST. â€" l Whore Your I'rlondn and Other People‘- We Om: om. â€"-Dr. Day, dentist, spent Christmas with relatives at Guelph. â€"Mr. J. J. Windrim, of Burnt River. wee in town Tuesday. -County Councillor Switzer, Omrmee. was in town Saturday. â€"Miss A. Lumsden, of Keene, spent Christmas with friends in town. â€"Mise ‘Addie Oliver, of Toronto, was in town Christmas visiting her par- enta. -Mi:s .‘tlnrthi Hunter, of Millbrook. spent Christmas with friends tmvn. -â€"Mr. Gordon O'Lcary, of Tozonto, is spending the Christmas holidays at home. -Mr Fred Skitch, G. S. tor, I‘vteiboro, spent of in Sunday and -('hri.~.lru.ie in town. â€Miss Mabel l’alen, of Spragge’s (‘oiltcting Agency, Toronto, was in town for Christmas. - -.\lr. J. J. Nevison. and wife. of .. at the mmpson Imus.- Tuesday. _f51¢‘:ssrs. Charlie and \‘l'illie Read, oi Toronto, spun Christmas with their uncle. Mr. 1‘. Curtin, Russell-st. f-Mr. John Cathro. of Xapuneennd Bliss CJthro. of the High School staff, News -â€"Mr. and Mrs. E. Martin and Miss Alexander. of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mr; J. B. Knowlson for Christmas. â€".\l.rs. D. Browne and the Misses B’erit'? :in.l Gertrude onwne spent Sunday and Chri.-,tm'is with l’cterboro friends â€".\Ir. Gm, Goodwin returned Friday .venmg l~~t from New York City. H" intends to return to that cilv'in the spring. ' â€".\fr. and Mrs. R. Chambers. of the . north wnrl. returned Tuesday» veninz. ..fx~-z' enjoying L'li:i~tm:s w.ib Tor- nnin friends. â€".\li~:-‘ M. B. l’rioi‘. l0.â€l(h“r, Oil:- wuml, enjoyed her Christmas vacation thli her mother, Mrs. E. Prior, Sus.e‘:- :l., north. â€"_\lr. and Mrs. Jae. Maunder. of To- mmo. wow. the guests of Mr. .705. l Miundcr. Victoria avenue, on Christ- m-xs (lay. â€".\liss Dividsnn, of Messrs. Du:- l dris 6'; Flawllc Bros.’ staff, spent Fun- d'iy :mtl Christmas with her mother ll: Toronto. â€".\!i~:1~: .‘S. Chrisyler. of J. Sutcliffe Suzlf' rnillins-ry looms. spent the (‘hrmimés holidays with her mrents at l l'xl'rulgv. ' â€" \lr. (: m. F. Blackwell. of Toronto, l .‘prnt Kindly and Christmas with h.s ’ {fill‘lï¬ Mr. John Blackwell, at the Simpson Lube. i _â€".‘liss Elixir, bookkeeper for the ].l;.'lll, Kent at Power Co., spent Fun- .l'nj.‘ unzi Christmas with her mother at. Bobcnygcon. â€".\Ir. Geo. \Viison. sr., editor of The Guide, Port Hope. and Mrs. Wilson. spent Christmas» with. Mr. modulus. . G. H. “'ilson, Cambridge-st. â€".\lr. Herb. “'illiams and Mr. C. Suth‘rInn-l left last Tuesday for Kirk- field t o spend a few days. and will be the gu«.-ts of Mr. S. Staples. A WORTHY OBJECT. In response to a general desire from all over the country, the Pro. vincial Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association have felt com- pelled to undertake work among the thorn-m1 of Canadian soldiers who have gone to the Transvaal to repre- sent this land. After due considera- tion the committee have sent Dr. H‘. ' G. Birric to act as Secretary among the men. . The committee have been again asked to send another Secretary with the Second Contingent. .To do this wzll necessitate the raising of a large sum Each Y. M. C. A. in On- tario Ilnd Quebec is asked to help bear this t-xpense. The Lindsay Assocmtion have been asked to contribute liberal- ly towards this work We feel sure (hot the patriotism which resulted in ec-miing off our Canadian boys will ex- supporting a Y.)LC. A. Secretary in South Africa. A subscription list will be opened in The Evening Post for two weeks, and will contain the names of those who subscribe to this fund. All sub- 3 scriptions lmould be sent to the Lindâ€" say Y. M. C. A. marked “Contingent ' Fund." . O’Lo ughlm a: McIn tyre. w. open- - tannins in some lieu _+â€"~â€" H‘LHNO A GOOD GAME onâ€"â€". The following contributions have been received tow-nil the cool. of sending a Y. M.C.A. Secretary to South Africa with the second Canadian Contingent : H. J. Lylle ............ $2 00 A Friend ............... 1 00 W. T. Robson ......... 1 03 Geo. Matthew- . . . . 5 00 Other Contributions will be cheerfully :1 Me! in this column. § OMEMEE. (Correspondence to The Post.) . The .‘ww i eat": enteztaiinment prom- uxes to be quite an attracton; “nth Miss M. ,‘xirhols, vocalnt, of Torom» and er. White humorist, supported bythe best local talent, it cannot hem but meet the (axles of all who WI] attend. Geo. .‘J'Hugh, M.l’., met the tow;- 6hip counm' here last week; in the .n- tercets of the navigation of ï¬gs-on River. for which he DU: received 'l :."9 grant from th government. ll .5 such a surprise that the county! scarcely knows how to apprecmiv" .2. â€"â€"_.__ , BL'RY'S GREEN. (Correspondence to Th: that.) Our post office is abut it) iw nos-d from ll“ pit-.Séinl plziu- u,- th.» of ’.‘.'. Prim's. our viilzigv merchin’. .Ths :stie. client Chrislm'xs at home. I Wl“ bi " Ema? Clmi'ellltntt W the ‘3?- rounding neighborhood. _Mr. C. â€W. Akistcr, our teacher. lze'rl hlE annual school concert in the sch-of- house on Friday evening, the 15m. The Singing and dfologues by the clixtrir-‘n Were good. The proceeds wen: to tine Children's hospital. Toronto. Mr. DJVe Green and wife are hire on a visit to 11‘s father here for the Chi'himzis holidays. He has been 11;.“ mug a .store for the Hudson‘ Btv (n at Q'Appelle, and looks. as if the ll'nst agreed with him. Mr. Green, at. who his lle-(Xi ..i.'ing for .‘LUDJ'I time i“: lull. getting any betler. Mrs. Gambtll, of this place, has re- turned home from the We it. whr'h-er she went last winger to vist 1.. r daughter. Mrs. John Dunstatlz. “to :3 living in :11: Gilbert l’lzzins dtltr‘im, Mnnitulxi. She brings: home a 'x-uod report of that country and like.» it so Well that she thinks she will go lvick again. ' "The Sacrament of the Lord's supper “'1†i? dispensed in. the Presbytcrnn churr: here on the first Sabbncth of the Nov Year. The church has been sur- roundtd by a new Page wire fence. and new sheds put up, and presents a mom tidy appearance. 5â€"â€" Sale Registr r. \l'EDXlâ€"jSIJAY, JAN. ll'uh, 1900 â€" Ev Elia-z Pours. auctioneer, on 11. 1-2 .wt 4. can. 5. Mariposa, the valuable farm stock and implements, the property of‘Mr. John H. Noble. Sale at one oesock, sharp, and without reserve. TI’ESDAY, Jan. 9th., 1900â€"By Geo. Mc- Hngh, auctioneer, on lot 21, con. 11, Township of Ops, unreserved credit. sale d my.“ high grade cattle. and farm implements, property of the MeGinnis Bros. at one o'clock sharp. TUESDAY. Jan 2nd. 1910 â€"By Geo. )1»- Hugh, auctioneer, on lot 18, con. ti. Touriship of Ops, unreserved credlt sale of farm stock and implements. ' including two thoroughbred Jersey rmrx. the ptnpony a! 21mg. \L'- n Hodges. Sale at one o'clock sharp. *â€" EIRTHS. GRABAM.â€"In the township of Vern- lam, on Monday, hovember 6th, 1599, the wife of Mr. Wm. Graham of a son. l- WAGES. MO"RtEâ€"M'.\'EILâ€"At the Methodist parsonage, Fencion Falls, by the Rev. B. H; Leitch. on Dee. 6th, 1899, Moses McNeil, of Ops. to Elizabeth Moore, daughter of John Macro, of Fencinn township. PATTERSON â€"KZELSO. â€" At the Methodist parsonage, Echelon Falls, by Rev. B. H. Leitch, on Dec. 20th, 1999, James A. Kelso, to Sarah Ann Patterson. daughter of Jae. Patter- son, (ill of Verularn. DEATHS. VANS'I‘ONE. â€" In Bowmanville, on Tuesday. Dec. 19th, 1899, Samuel Vanstone. father-in-law of School Inspector Tilley, aged 78 years. HI’SSEY.â€"â€"In Ops, on Tumday, Dec. 26:11. 1899, James Humey, aged 71 years The funeral will leave his late residence, lot. 20, con. 9, Ops, Thursday, Dec. 28th, 1899, at 1 o’clock, p.m., and proceed to the Riverside cemetery, Lindsay, for interment. O’LUUGHLIN M’lNTYR-E Wish everybody in town and county a Prosperous and Happy New Year, and the way to be prosperous and happy is to pay cash as you go, and deal in a cash store. You will find us in Kennedy’s old stand, Where CASH AND ONE PRICE. we sell for Glued Sewer Plpa' r‘ ’ Broke u Rib. Capt. Crandell’s many friends practicallyinghiding. Mir. Burl ‘ it will be remember-«I by, the older lhubitenteosa mun'of very remorhhle personality and. a brilliant conversa- ‘tiodhliot. He had participated with . . . the ,whomubepn- Yetalliodriotlrï¬ï¬‚lhmwd .. meme-aw at m, mam . ‘ While wulkiw ‘mm “‘4 M H @044