PublicBuildings_Panels COBOURG'S NEWER PUBLIC BUILDINGS TRADITION CONTINUING THE NORTHUMBERLAND HILLS HOSPITAL In the mid-nineteenth century there was still no place in Cobourg to take an "unclaimed" accident victim. Eventually a room with four beds was set aside in the House of Refuge for such emergencies. By 1907 a new purpose-built hospital was opened but only su�ced until 1914 when a new "Cottage Hospital" opened. With various additions over the years, this building remained in service until 2003 when the Northumberland Hills Hospital opened. Over the years, two other buildings have been used as hospitals. One, wonderfully preserved, is the old Victoria College. The other, now shamefully deteriorating, is the Sidbrook mansion. The NHH is designed to be a welcoming building. Its two stories have wide corridors which enclose a courtyard. The contrasting and alternating red and bu� brick exterior emphasizes its low profile and gives it character. Cottage Hospital Ontario Military Hospital Sidbrook Private Hospital The site of the old Cottage Hospital is now occupied by Palisade Gardens Retirement Residence.