Outbreak at Bobcaygeon nursing home expected to get worse before it gets better Despite the negatives, Snarr points out there are lessons to be learned that might give hospitals and long-term care home a fighting chance when it comes to preparing the onslaught. "Yesterday I attended a virtual meeting with others in our LHIN who were sharing ideas on getting their hospitals ready for the onslaught, which is predicted in one to two weeks. We are hoping to spare ourselves from going the way of Italy or Spain," said Snarr. "The problem is the speed at which this monstrous thing (COVID) is moving." Outbreak at Bobcaygeon nursing home expected to get worse before it ge... https://www.mykawartha.com/news-story/9921139-outbreak-at-bobcayg... 2 of 2 4/24/2020, 9:51 AM