Some Local Grocery Stores Turning Away Those Who Canâ•Žt Shop Alone | Kawartha 411 KAWARTHA LAKES - Mary Scott says she was shocked when the Lindsay Loblaws tried to tell her that she could not shop with her child recently. According to Scott, she was told she could not enter the Loblaws store as she stood waiting at the doors, masked, with her 11-year-old child. She said the young man guarding the door seemed quite uncomfortable when he attempted to turn her away. She then told him that leaving her 11-year-old out in a cold car wasn't an option. According to Scott, he explained that the next time she needs to shop, she needs to be alone but he proceeded to bend the rules and allow entry. "Its hard to believe that they can turn moms away with kids but then you hear stories about people getting charged for leaving their kids with grandparents to shop," she said. She noted that next time she needs to shop with her children she will be choosing a different grocery store. She believes she was only given permission to enter, as the employee seemed quite uncomfortable with the situation. Multiple people have expressed concern after similar incidents happened to them. In a facebook post, single mother, Sandy Curry said she and her kids were also turned away from the Loblaws in Lindsay. "The girl at the front told me I am not allowed to shop with my children as it's only one person pixel stock photo - courtesy Anna Shvets Some Local Grocery Stores Turning Away Those Who Can't Shop Alone... 1 of 4 1/22/2021, 1:26 PM