The following boys from Little Britain and district now overseas and also in the Armed Forces in Canada have written cards and letters to the members of the W.I., expressing deep appreciate of the ci
The following boys from Little Britain and district now overseas and also …
'Caygeon Soldier Wounded Pte. S. Maxwell Lambert, aged 23, has been wounded in action while fighting in Italy, according to word received in Bobcaygeon by his mother, Mrs. William Shouldice, from the
'Caygeon Soldier Wounded Pte. S. Maxwell Lambert, aged 23, has been wounded …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
First Class Stoker William Brown who has been visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown, Sussex St. for the past few weeks left this morning to rejoin his ship...
First Class Stoker William Brown who has been visiting his parents Mr. …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
Pte. Clifton J. Hall R.R. 2, Little Britain, enlisted in the R.C.A.S.C. at Toronto, 7 January 1943. He trained at Peterborough and Camp Borden. Pte. Hall arrived in Italy on 5 March 1944.
Pte. Clifton J. Hall R.R. 2, Little Britain, enlisted in the R.C.A.S.C. …