W 3861Pte. Jean ThackerNo. 5 Coy, CWAC Hut 40Longue Pointe BarracksMontreal, PQPte. Jean Thacker enlisted with the Canadian Women’s Army Corps on 28 January 1943.
W 3861Pte. Jean ThackerNo. 5 Coy, CWAC Hut 40Longue Pointe BarracksMontreal, PQPte. …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Sgt. Green was mentioned in despatches in February 1945. Sgt. L.A. Green arrived home 29 Novem
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, …
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Sgt. Green was mentioned in despatches in February 1945. Sgt. L.A. Green arrived home 29 Novem
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, …
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Sgt. Green was mentioned in despatches in February 1945. Sgt. L.A. Green arrived home 29 Novem
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, …
In what is her first letter home since arriving in England from Canada, Pte. Vivian Geach, of the C.W.A.C. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Geach, 61 Durham St. W. writes that she thoroughly enjoyed th
In what is her first letter home since arriving in England from …
Pte. Vivian Geach says she likes England fine Enjoys trip over and finds big contrast between the two countries In what is her first letter home since arriving in England from Canada, Pte. Vivian Gea
Pte. Vivian Geach says she likes England fine Enjoys trip over and …