Thorald Williams of 36 Glenelg Street W. Lindsay enlisted in the Canadian Army on 13 July 1944. He entered the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment of the army with the rank of Pte. (C 124774). He rec
Thorald Williams of 36 Glenelg Street W. Lindsay enlisted in the Canadian …
B 167817Pte. H.R. Stephens enlisted in the Canadian Army at Toronto on 30 November 1944. He was stationed there until 28 January 1945 when he was moved to Camp Borden Ontario. Pte. Stephens is at pre
B 167817Pte. H.R. Stephens enlisted in the Canadian Army at Toronto on …
C 123532Sgmn. Pritchard, D.M.D.M. Pritchard born in Minden in October 1925 received his education at Minden Public and Continuation School. He enlisted in the Signaling Corps of the Canadian Army in
C 123532Sgmn. Pritchard, D.M.D.M. Pritchard born in Minden in October 1925 received …
Seriously ill The other young Lindsay soldier to be reported "seriously ill" is Gunner Aleck McLaren Kingsborough, a son of Mr. James Kingsborough, 51 Melbourne St. The first telegram received Saturd
Seriously ill The other young Lindsay soldier to be reported "seriously ill" …
C 65061 Sgt. Johnston Bert L. enlisted August 1940 in the first Midland Regt. Trained in Lindsay, Ottawa, St. Johns, Niagara, Edmonton, and Prince Rupert. Transferred to the American Special Service
C 65061 Sgt. Johnston Bert L. enlisted August 1940 in the first …
Pte. Hobbs is wounded August 28th Pte. Kenneth Hobbs, Oliver's Lane, town, is reported wounded in action on August 28, relatives have been advised here. Further details are not available, and the afo
Pte. Hobbs is wounded August 28th Pte. Kenneth Hobbs, Oliver's Lane, town, …
Flying Officer M.A. Henry brings riddled plane home The following citation on the exploits of Flying Officer M.A. Henry, 64 St. Paul St., town, will be of great interest to all his friends in Lindsay
Flying Officer M.A. Henry brings riddled plane home The following citation on …
Pte. Clifton J. Hall R.R. 2, Little Britain, enlisted in the R.C.A.S.C. at Toronto, 7 January 1943. He trained at Peterborough and Camp Borden. Pte. Hall arrived in Italy on 5 March 1944.
Pte. Clifton J. Hall R.R. 2, Little Britain, enlisted in the R.C.A.S.C. …
Col. T.H. Eberlee enlisted with the 45th Battery 7th Field Reg. and trained at Petawawa and Sussex (NB), proceeding overseas on 11 November 1941. He was transferred to Educational Branch in England,
Col. T.H. Eberlee enlisted with the 45th Battery 7th Field Reg. and …
Pte. J. Eggleton Wounded in Italy Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eggleton, 175 King St., have received word that their son, Pte. John Eggleton, has been wounded in action in Italy on September 19. Pte. Eggleton is
Pte. J. Eggleton Wounded in Italy Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eggleton, 175 …