Rflm. Jacobs is officially listed killed Rifleman Jack Jacobs, 20, who was previously reported missing has now been officially reported killed in action on June 11 1944, according to further word rec
Rflm. Jacobs is officially listed killed Rifleman Jack Jacobs, 20, who was …
Rflmn. Jacobs Woodville boy is missing Rifleman J.S. Jacobs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobs, Eden, has been reported missing June 11, while in action overseas. The advice received further states th
Rflmn. Jacobs Woodville boy is missing Rifleman J.S. Jacobs, son of Mr. …
Rfm. Jack Jacobs killed in Invasion Rifleman Jack Jacobs, 19, at first reported missing following the invasion has been officially listed as killed in action. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jaco
Rfm. Jack Jacobs killed in Invasion Rifleman Jack Jacobs, 19, at first …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …