This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
Hid shrapnel in pillow, lost it when bed changed Pte. Garfield Junkin, 11 Huron St., Lindsay, has returned home, after having suffered severe shrapnel wounds while fighting with a combination of US-C
Hid shrapnel in pillow, lost it when bed changed Pte. Garfield Junkin, …
Pte. Gordon Heels enlisted with the Canadian Army on 4 February 1942, He left Toronto for St. Johns, N.B. on 1 February 1943 and arrived at Fredericton, N.B. on 8 February 1943. He went to Windsor, N
Pte. Gordon Heels enlisted with the Canadian Army on 4 February 1942, …
1944. OMEMEE WIFE GREETS INVALIDED SOLDIER HUSBAND AT KINGSTON WOUNDED OMEMEE MAN RETURNS TO CANADA Wounded on D-Day while on duty as a driver-mechanic for the Royal Canadian Electrical Mechanical En
Thorald Williams of 36 Glenelg Street W. Lindsay enlisted in the Canadian Army on 13 July 1944. He entered the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment of the army with the rank of Pte. (C 124774). He rec
Thorald Williams of 36 Glenelg Street W. Lindsay enlisted in the Canadian …
Sgt. R.L. Bob Muir badly injured Word was received this morning by his mother, Mrs. W.E. Muir, 18 Cambridge St. S., that Sgt. R.L. (Bob) Muir, is in a military hospital overseas as the result of seri
Sgt. R.L. Bob Muir badly injured Word was received this morning by …
Rifleman Jack Martin, Victoria Road, enlisted in the Midland Regiment in Lindsay in August 1940. He trained in Lindsay, Ottawa, St. Johns (NS), Niagara Falls, Edmonton, and Prince Rupert. He married
Rifleman Jack Martin, Victoria Road, enlisted in the Midland Regiment in Lindsay …
Two Lindsay soldiers on wounded list Cpl. Thos. Madill wounded twice in Sicilian campaign - Gnr. Aleck Kingsborough writes letter home two days before being a casualty. Two Lindsay boys, with the Can
Two Lindsay soldiers on wounded list Cpl. Thos. Madill wounded twice in …
Two Lindsay men wounded in Italy Cpl. Thomas Madill and Gnr. Alex. Kingsborough casualties in action Lindsay, June 1 (Special) - Relatives have received information that Cpl. Thomas Madill and Gnr. A
Two Lindsay men wounded in Italy Cpl. Thomas Madill and Gnr. Alex. …