R. Hepburn is Wounded Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Hepburn, town, have received word stating their son, Pte. Ronald Hepburn, has been wounded. Full details of his injuries are not with the message and all that
R. Hepburn is Wounded Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Hepburn, town, have received …
Flying Officer M.A. Henry brings riddled plane home The following citation on the exploits of Flying Officer M.A. Henry, 64 St. Paul St., town, will be of great interest to all his friends in Lindsay
Flying Officer M.A. Henry brings riddled plane home The following citation on …
Lindsay boy seriously injured overseas Lce. Bdr. Hancock had gone through campaigns in North Africa and Italy without a scratch The sad intelligence reached Mr. P.W. Hancock, 98 Elgin St., today, tha
Lindsay boy seriously injured overseas Lce. Bdr. Hancock had gone through campaigns …
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Sgt. Green was mentioned in despatches in February 1945. Sgt. L.A. Green arrived home 29 Novem
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, …
Gordon S. Frocking whose home is at 34 William St. N. Lindsay, enlisted in the Canadian Army on 3 July 1940. He entered the S.D.G. Highlanders with the rank of Private. Private Frocking trained at Ki
Gordon S. Frocking whose home is at 34 William St. N. Lindsay, …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
Wounded in the Campaign in Sicily Mrs. John Madill, 76 Albert St., has received no further word concerning Cpl. Tom Madill, who was reported as having been twice wounded in the fighting in the Sicili
Wounded in the Campaign in Sicily Mrs. John Madill, 76 Albert St., …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
Two Lindsay soldiers on wounded list Cpl. Thos. Madill wounded twice in Sicilian campaign - Gnr. Aleck Kingsborough writes letter home two days before being a casualty. Two Lindsay boys, with the Can
Two Lindsay soldiers on wounded list Cpl. Thos. Madill wounded twice in …
Two Lindsay men wounded in Italy Cpl. Thomas Madill and Gnr. Alex. Kingsborough casualties in action Lindsay, June 1 (Special) - Relatives have received information that Cpl. Thomas Madill and Gnr. A
Two Lindsay men wounded in Italy Cpl. Thomas Madill and Gnr. Alex. …
Pte. Hobbs is wounded August 28th Pte. Kenneth Hobbs, Oliver's Lane, town, is reported wounded in action on August 28, relatives have been advised here. Further details are not available, and the afo
Pte. Hobbs is wounded August 28th Pte. Kenneth Hobbs, Oliver's Lane, town, …
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Sgt. Green was mentioned in despatches in February 1945. Sgt. L.A. Green arrived home 29 Novem
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, …
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Sgt. Green was mentioned in despatches in February 1945. Sgt. L.A. Green arrived home 29 Novem
Sgt. Green served with the Women’s Army and saw action in England, …
Albert Richard (Pete) Green of Lindsay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Green, 14 Division Street, enlisted for service with the Canadian Army in December 1939. He entered the Royal Canadian Electrical an
Albert Richard (Pete) Green of Lindsay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph …
Pte. Vivian Geach says she likes England fine Enjoys trip over and finds big contrast between the two countries In what is her first letter home since arriving in England from Canada, Pte. Vivian Gea
Pte. Vivian Geach says she likes England fine Enjoys trip over and …
Gordon S. Frocking whose home is at 34 William St. N. Lindsay, enlisted in the Canadian Army on 3 July 1940. He entered the S.D.G. Highlanders with the rank of Private. Private Frocking trained at Ki
Gordon S. Frocking whose home is at 34 William St. N. Lindsay, …