Bob Moore enlisted in the RCAF at Toronto in April 1943. He has been serving at #1 “M” Depot, Lakeside#1 “M” Depot, Central Tech, at No. 2 S.F. & S. Uplands, Carp Bombing and Gunnery, and is now at N
Bob Moore enlisted in the RCAF at Toronto in April 1943. He …
R. 217382LAC Lawrence, John M. AEM, RCAFLAC Jack Lawrence has served in the RCAF at Central Technical School, Toronto, at St. Thomas, Ont., Dorval Que., Patricia Bay, B.C., and Comox, B.C.
R. 217382LAC Lawrence, John M. AEM, RCAFLAC Jack Lawrence has served in …
Friendly Bomb thisFlt. Lt. J. Johnson, D.F.C., of Omemee, Ont., packs a bomb canister with magazines, “smokes” and candy, to be delivered via bomber to a lighthouse keeper on a lonely island in the B
Friendly Bomb thisFlt. Lt. J. Johnson, D.F.C., of Omemee, Ont., packs a …
FO. A. Menaul is awarded the DFC Several months ago Flying Officer Art. Menaul, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Menaul, 38 Victoria Ave., was mentioned in despatches and headlined in several newspapers
FO. A. Menaul is awarded the DFC Several months ago Flying Officer …
Omemee boy fre[…] Stationed at Debert following completion of operational tours Recently pictured packing Goodwill Bomb Cannister OMEMEE, November 14 - PNS. - Of much interest locally is the recent m
Omemee boy fre[…] Stationed at Debert following completion of operational tours Recently …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
Lowe, Miss Ethel – (Nursing Sister, Lieut.)Graduate of the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. She enlisted in April 1942 and was posted to Rideau Military Hospital, Ottawa in June 1942, promoted to Ass
Lowe, Miss Ethel – (Nursing Sister, Lieut.)Graduate of the Ross Memorial Hospital, …
Flight Sergeant Graham Murdock (Thomas Graham Murdoch) enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in April 1942. He trained at Toronto, Pendleton, Belleville, and Winnipeg, and went to England in June
Flight Sergeant Graham Murdock (Thomas Graham Murdoch) enlisted in the Royal Canadian …
Local Airman laid to rest on Wednesday A military funeral was held in Toronto yesterday for Sgt. Pilot Edwin D. Hawkins, 19-year-old son of Mrs. Edwin Hawkins of town, who was killed in an airplane c
Local Airman laid to rest on Wednesday A military funeral was held …
L|Bdr Brock J. Harley, 56th Battery, 6th Canadian Anti-tank Regiment, Canadian Army OverseasL|Bdr Brock Haley enlisted in the Canadian Army in April 1942. He received his training at Petawawa Militar
L|Bdr Brock J. Harley, 56th Battery, 6th Canadian Anti-tank Regiment, Canadian Army …
Dr. George Edward HallFaculty of MedicineTenure 1945-1947Dr. George Edward Hall was born in Lindsay, Ontario in 1907. He completed a B.S.A. degree in 1929 from the Ontario Agricultural College, now a
Dr. George Edward HallFaculty of MedicineTenure 1945-1947Dr. George Edward Hall was born …
Flt. Sgt. Don McEvoy enlisted 29 December 1941. After training at Trenton and MacDonald (Man) he went overseas arriving in England on 3 September 1943. He was killed in action on 15 June 1944.
Flt. Sgt. Don McEvoy enlisted 29 December 1941. After training at Trenton …
The following article contains the official citation for Flying Officer Art Menaul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Menaul, 38 Victoria Ave. N., in connection with the award to him of recent date of the D.
The following article contains the official citation for Flying Officer Art Menaul, …
Lindsay boy pins wings on Lindsay boy Tom Everson Winged by FO. Jack McQuarrie Truly an item of interest to Lindsay citizens was the graduating of Tom Everson, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Everson, Rivers,
Lindsay boy pins wings on Lindsay boy Tom Everson Winged by FO. …
C 121185Tpr. Hardy, John H.Enlisted in the Canadian Armoured Corps in Kingston in May 1943, to train for a wireless operator.Took Basic Training at Peterborough and proceeded to Camp Borden in August
C 121185Tpr. Hardy, John H.Enlisted in the Canadian Armoured Corps in Kingston …