C 121185Tpr. Hardy, John H.Enlisted in the Canadian Armoured Corps in Kingston in May 1943, to train for a wireless operator.Took Basic Training at Peterborough and proceeded to Camp Borden in August
C 121185Tpr. Hardy, John H.Enlisted in the Canadian Armoured Corps in Kingston …
Lindsay boy pins wings on Lindsay boy Tom Everson Winged by FO. Jack McQuarrie Truly an item of interest to Lindsay citizens was the graduating of Tom Everson, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Everson, Rivers,
Lindsay boy pins wings on Lindsay boy Tom Everson Winged by FO. …
C 121185Tpr. Hardy, John H.Enlisted in the Canadian Armoured Corps in Kingston in May 1943, to train for a wireless operator.Took Basic Training at Peterborough and proceeded to Camp Borden in August
C 121185Tpr. Hardy, John H.Enlisted in the Canadian Armoured Corps in Kingston …
C 121185Tpr. Hardy, John H.Enlisted in the Canadian Armoured Corps in Kingston in May 1943, to train for a wireless operator.Took Basic Training at Peterborough and proceeded to Camp Borden in August
C 121185Tpr. Hardy, John H.Enlisted in the Canadian Armoured Corps in Kingston …
C 121185Tpr. Hardy, John H.Enlisted in the Canadian Armoured Corps in Kingston in May 1943, to train for a wireless operator.Took Basic Training at Peterborough and proceeded to Camp Borden in August
C 121185Tpr. Hardy, John H.Enlisted in the Canadian Armoured Corps in Kingston …
Pte. L. Barnsley Reported Killed Pte. Leonard Barnsley, 19, was killed in 'France, Aug. 5, his mother Mrs. Lavinia Barnsley, Cambridge St., Lindsay has been informed. The young soldier enlisted in To
Pte. L. Barnsley Reported Killed Pte. Leonard Barnsley, 19, was killed in …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …