B 167817Pte. H.R. Stephens enlisted in the Canadian Army at Toronto on 30 November 1944. He was stationed there until 28 January 1945 when he was moved to Camp Borden Ontario. Pte. Stephens is at pre
B 167817Pte. H.R. Stephens enlisted in the Canadian Army at Toronto on …
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II personnel clippings. The project began in 1944 at the Lindsay Library. The intent was to gather together as much information as possible on th
This card is part of a larger collection of World War II …
Clifford J. Staples of Lindsay enlisted for service with the Canadian Army on 8 August 1942. He entered the Royal Canadian Artillery with the rank of Lieutenant. Lieut. Staples received his training
Clifford J. Staples of Lindsay enlisted for service with the Canadian Army …
Rifleman Jack Martin, Victoria Road, enlisted in the Midland Regiment in Lindsay in August 1940. He trained in Lindsay, Ottawa, St. Johns (NS), Niagara Falls, Edmonton, and Prince Rupert. He married
Rifleman Jack Martin, Victoria Road, enlisted in the Midland Regiment in Lindsay …
Lindsay Casualty The news has just been received here by Mrs. R. Lyte, 130 Elgin St., that her husband, Pte. Reginald Lyte, has been wounded in action and defining his wounds as being a bullet wound
Lindsay Casualty The news has just been received here by Mrs. R. …
Reginald Lyte Army Casualty The news has just been received here by Mrs. R. Lyte, 130 Elgin St., that her husband, Pte. Reginald Lyte, has been wounded in action and defining his wounds as being a bu
Reginald Lyte Army Casualty The news has just been received here by …
Pte. Lambert of 'Caygeon is wounded Pte. S. Maxwell Lambert, aged 23, has been wounded in action while fighting in Italy, according to word received in Bobcaygeon by his mother, Mrs. William Shouldic
Pte. Lambert of 'Caygeon is wounded Pte. S. Maxwell Lambert, aged 23, …
Pte. S.M. Lambert is casualty in Italy Lindsay, Oct. 17 (Special) - Pte. S. Maxwell Lambert, aged 23, has been wounded in action while fighting in Italy, according to word received in Bobcaygeon by h
Pte. S.M. Lambert is casualty in Italy Lindsay, Oct. 17 (Special) - …